RTGame Archive: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [2]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the reason the music abruptly stopped is because communications with the wii remote have been interrupted um let me just quickly get this back okay i'm almost ready now i'll be i'll be back in one sec [Music] enough okay we should be good now hello everybody how are you all doing can you hear me okay ah how is everyone doing we're just we're just chilling here right now we can hear you fine cool let's go to here i've got my glasses thank you i got a glass of water too i'm all set uh thank you mr original for the thousand bits there and thank you to everyone who just subscribed like jesus christ uh there's a lot of you that just got it in there appreciate it very kindest i hope everyone is having a good day i hope you're all excited for more galaxy uh we're going to finish the game today uh we're doing all 120 stars and it's gonna be good it's these games for some reason they just seem to take the best part two days to like 100 well to just be which is a bit mad the blimps are back too uh people were asking about that green stars nope see yesterday's stream i've answered that one too many times let's see yesterday's stream to ask about the green stars [Music] uh yeah the blimp mode is back and i have retired uh scat man uh because scat man relied on music that is now going to instigate a copyright takedown on the channel so he lost him uh so we have the blimps instead someone saying 240 stars nope see yesterday's stream you're incorrect sir oh thank you for the hype train as well folks that's very kind well we'll just intro the stream sure while that's ticking away we'll take a moment to just chill rip scat man john yeah it's kind of sad like bopping him off but the whole point of that emote was he was to be spammed when you know i play on the scat man in like darkest dungeon and stuff like that which is a long time ago um so yeah so i i just retired him i put up a blimp i think i got to change the order of all the emotes too um so i apologize if like the one you're looking for is somewhere different now uh twitch gave me like the option for it so i thought sure it like we'll put some of the more used ones at the top it's like the first ones are the mad man the lull now like you have the heart and that up the top too uh i just thought that would be a nice change i can like swap around their positions now i have to do it for the tiered emotes still but i will blip is the best though i think someone's biased credit to the artist uh how's it going later it's actually useful to see how often each are used well it doesn't actually let you do that like i just organized them manually um but like i put some of the more used ones at the top so they're a bit faster to access i might have some more uh changes on the twitch channel soon including a rather big one that i'm excited for but i can't talk about that one yet oh dear baby kill cat wait what's the baby kill count on we gotta let's let's get every like all of our staple like metrics together was it four babies dead there was two piranha babies there was a little bug baby and i think we can there was the armadillo baby i think it was four babies okay yep four babies have been killed obio thank you for the thousand bits thank you very much it's important we keep that metric i bumped the blender up in the emote list too because i feel like that might be appropriate you have the total hornet prepared i do i do i have that on like a background tab uh just if needs be i should have it like a button on my stream deck that if i just press it it blurs the siren i have like like so many empty buttons on that i need to like actually program that a bit more or like set up little commands because you can do cool stuff like that with it this thanks for 100 bits thank you very much [Music] okay we'll just see what we've got so far while we're waiting we'll give people a chance just to come on the stream uh we're 70 stars in and we'll see what we have to do next we'll probably get going in like two minutes or so marry are you posters here please god no letter from peach sent something useful five one ups oh is this like galaxy one where you lose all your lives if you log out yes it is great i'm down to nine now [Music] mr original thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much you guys been very generous with those lately you didn't warn i'm sorry okay let me let us see uh where we are progress wise like world five we still have a lot to do world four is mostly complete we have two prankster comets that we need to do we have one prankster comment that we need to do in beatblock i think like that that is everything jesus so we're really like up to date on everything we're doing pretty good [Music] um so we'll get started on that in a mo i'm just giving like i'm literally just waiting for the hype train to tickle that trickle down and then we will uh get started give people a chance to hop in the stream but we're going to 120 stars today uh we're gonna get them up we're not doing green stars because we can play a new mario game instead of doing that next week uh that's basically the decision i've already made it uh i will show you a video though of what the final galaxy was and you can just pretend it's me doing it at least with the new mario game after this uh there is like a super final challenge level and i will eventually do that because i think the unlock criteria for that is just get every like bone star in the game which is much better it's lagging you have lag on the stream no lag for me it's not like okay yeah some people were saying it i know twitch was having some issues yesterday people couldn't go live um so i'm just a bit wary zero thank you for the two gift subs thank you very much how about all the moons and odyssey i've already done that in my own time but maybe we'll do odyssey someday honestly it's a fantastic game i've just been loving playing the mario games lately but you know with galaxy 2 and in like 3d world in like a week uh we are going to be well set for a while i know there's still some stuff that i want to take a look at this year too so we'll just see what takes my fancy we will play video games okay i think i am good to get going i think people have hopped on in how's it going folks uh let's go till the end long stream today space storm galaxy we have another starter to get here this an emulator no it's a wii u okay to the top a top mine's tower i hope there's some way to cheese this i don't think there is it's not a glance we more rare than the switch light i mean at this stage it's true wii u did not sell all that well [Music] how do i get in this [Music] okay we're good we got the intense music playing i just got to be careful not to die you can slow time flick a switch and make it to the safe zones let's slow it down again i don't think you need to flick that switch you could have jumped around that door but that just would have been showing off [Music] slow time go up the tower let's just keep time forever slow wait was that like a spin ground pound i didn't know that was a move i must have hit something i think i hit the wrong input i know you could do that [Music] climb the tower [Music] climb the tower okay i mean that was surprisingly straightforward to get to the top [Music] you just slow time until you're there [Music] what just occurred oh he just beat the level like pretty quick speed run we're back gonna beat the game in the next hour no i'm not and the sole reason i'm not is because of the hungry loomis that we have to feed along the way requires so many star bits i just hope like for my sake that there's no more of them bollocks 1500 okay uh we get to take our pick of which one we wanna do next fire and ice do we wanna do the pyramid the ghosts or this funky castle [Music] which one we gonna start with the pyramid okay slips and galaxy let's go exactly answer 500 bits good luck with the final examinations hope you're doing well uh shady that one punch cow thank you all for the bits thank you very much guys and the kind words too thanks for all the entertainment right over the years here's some bits to help poor toad stop his smoking problem listen toad can't help himself all right oh there's probably a secret on this thing somewhere there's there's a pipe here i can go further down i think that's one way if i go further down so let's go in the pipe what have we got okay i hope there's a coin luma now so let's just stockpile up here we go got em up is there a story in this one not really uh compared to the first one it's a bit light on the story just more galaxy uh the plot like oddly recycles a lot of galaxy one but it's like an abridged version and it goes faster [Music] didn't like that okay uh it's just going to be slow going here let's jump across we're good excuse me mr bird there's the medal but i have to get that this one just seems to be sitting on the path like you you can't really miss that one take this come on okay get those that doesn't help me too much but i'll take it keep climbing [Music] um we're good can i run around that side of the no i'm gonna fall off i don't i don't trust it i don't like how the gravity's working here just feel like i'm gonna die oh speaking of that oh no dad is really coming for me with like a smiley face oh no okay we just gotta oh don't don't touch the direction too much it's a bit slippery it's like oddly menacing [Music] okay let me take all that pat is getting a little narrow oh thank god [Music] twitch shot smiles hey is there okay there's one of these lumas it's good enough probably have to fight a boston they get really creative with these levels no they do the galaxy 2 levels are like just really fun it's like this game is basically an expansion pack for the first galaxy this i i think is the best way to look at it and like neither of the games really functions on its own i would say because they both borrow like they have concepts from each other uh like do i just jump in the pit yeah hey aka how you doing nerd oh no this guy his mouth is closed right now just send all them in i like to think this guy had a name it's clyde there we go why it's about to that don't question it just open your mouth again clyde [Music] we just constantly get fire flowers there we go and we're good harrison triumphs once again i'm on the train so they disconnect a lot no worries nerd hope you're doing good i'll miss you clyde is dead [Music] his official name is squizzard why is it squizzard [Music] i think sometimes like miyamoto's just like yeah this guy's this guy's name is just bob [Music] let's just invent like a random ass name sounds too close to squidward for my liking i blame the localization people [Music] it's sailing in the sandy seats multiple lights for five quid so what are you getting the tote siren emoji oh god we still have one tier tree emote slot that i can add i i have to do i do have to put something to that luigi's here okay come on [Music] uh right am i so that's to send me back if i fall in so i just need to be a little careful aiming over here am i just supposed to like long jump this no i'm not making much progress i only see this pipe as the way forward oh no it's different this time oh okay [Music] i see what's going on right oh so we gotta jump up here [Music] you're okay luigi there's a orange pipe over there you just see if i can make my way around to it am i supposed to go this way i don't know there was a green pipe there too let's go across here i don't know if i'm going the right way at all uh there's like a little more ah though i'm wondering if i can get up this no i've barely made any progress okay let's go over here then danger don't fall uh so this is a new version of a very famous level in sunshine uh but instead of like the sand bird it's the sand roomba you just kind of sits on the ground this is a mistake to pick luigi for this too because he's so slippery [Music] don't fall in i shouldn't i shouldn't be luigi for this mission actually yeah i should use starbucks actually to stun the wizards that's a good idea that's a cool car hey thanks for the gamer tip hey that just makes them like teleport away again [Music] here we go see does cost precious currency but it might be worth it and save us a lot of headache there we go hey you got any more advice on the game facts i am i i'm just joking about it's actually good advice remember like that that used to be what you'd have to do back in the day get any solid advice for how to play a game and it'd be like a text file and like with some like i say like character pixel art or whatever you call it oh [Music] oh no those star bits which is not where these guys are oh oh he's coming back what do i do what do i do we're good [Music] oh that was a little stressful should not have been luigi uh that level [Music] ascii sorry i i always pronounce it wrong i need to deposit all my star bits too because i need the interest i i need to get 1500 for this next hungry luma hopefully god this one's the last one i [Music] need just take take all my star bits 319. just need like a thousand more [Music] oh god like i need so many okay uh let's do upside dizzy galaxy next [Music] sounds like a great one to play like early for people who missed the stream yesterday because it will just make them really like nauseous watching this game okay let's go come on sir okay it's a starbucks in this i need it oh well i might need the coins too i'm not sure yet [Music] i got a search everywhere for coins [Music] or for the star bits okay that's just straight up a black hole there don't go in that uh how do i okay oh please give me some starbucks well i gotta be smart with this this is a pipe no [Music] okay i did it i was smart [Music] oh no it's one of these galaxies again no icarus thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much i'm going nuts here we're getting more and more boxes of junk every day do me a favor and burn them all up oh god all right [Music] come on we got it now that's more like it thanks under star wars the clean why don't you go ahead and take it [Music] i hate those secret stars i don't want to have to do that one twice he's such a gamer [Music] didn't get too many star bits from that but that's okay he did get a prankster comment i'm doing a computer report hacking at the moment i'm considering putting you on it oh god oh we almost got every power up in here i think we're just we're just missing the one is that just even like the invincibility one or like the ice flower i don't know if ice flower is in this one we're doing pretty good we've almost got the collection [Music] i should take those every time i come back to the ship too because i i just need the currency it's the ghost one who's in this okay let's go back over here i got a prankster one all the best akia talk to you later nerd okay squizzard's daredevil run oh we just got to be open mount guy again no ice flower yeah the ice flower was a fun one in the first galaxy it's okay because we get like b and spring mario back everyone's favorite duo okay let's kill this fellow again hey clyde how you doing you're ready please please open your mouth thank you to grab every starburst we can see [Music] oh i missed it there yeah get give me another chance clyde thank you okay just one more oh you can just destroy the cannons i didn't realize that oh [Music] he just barely got me with a bomb okay hang on let's try that again sorry about that clyde get you for real this time there we go i just wanted to get some more star bits so i thought i'd do it twice that's all i didn't quite get him come on clyde i'm just not in a good position okay there we go okay we're good one more oh my god i was so busy getting the cannons i didn't see the projectile okay hang on we'll get we'll get him this isn't even that hard i just suck at it clyde will die here we go refresh that come on clyde collide come on what's what's your problem [Music] there we go okay one more just get those extra cannons down [Music] oh my god shut up i killed him but i died i went to i went too far in he's not even that hard come on this is the run just gotta get those star bits you know [Music] we're getting them kind of scared me forever clyde there we go i didn't oh this is awkward don't kill me we're good oh flight has been defeated [Music] no more will he terrorize us you defeated the final boss entire game's defeated clyde was like like bowser's like a military major commanding his armies okay bank toad give me some good news i need more interest like everything i've got [Music] i need so many more for this luma we gotta do the regular one here too [Music] how to make money with her t just die decline repeatedly needs to be a surefire way okay [Music] you know it hurt but also got the coin in the exact moment [Music] let's go this way [Music] then we want to get flat and then we hover over here hover up here onto this one and we just gotta go across fall up that changes it [Applause] [Music] i'm not missing the pipe [Music] get true here next wait starbits no not quite [Music] i can only hit that block from under here that's just more coins it doesn't even help me that much there's the comet fine okay these ones stay consistent go here cross here and get you okay mario's in a bit of pain but we got the star [Music] to god really badly electrocuted but he's okay [Music] 76. oh we finally get to go back and finish this world too [Music] thanks for the two of this okay uh zoom out let's finish up i think this is what yeah world's three get this one finished you're a good streamer thank you [Music] can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not [Music] god you're great daniel it's silver stars in double time oh god okay i remember this so basically they're going quick [Applause] so we gotta go quick too [Music] i misjudged how they were disappearing there oh i can do it [Music] it's all about maintaining rhythm which is unfortunate because i haven't [Music] go go checkpoint flag is up ahead they're giving me a yoshi too which i really appreciate okay so what happened there is the block appeared canceled my flutter jump and then because my jump was cancelled i plummeted to my desk [Music] let me try it again we're good uh tiramisu thank you for 10 quid logan thank you for a thousand bits [Music] okay all right so this this one's [Music] dangerous [Music] three it's a bad camera angle [Music] okay now please be over the double time if you could all just be solid emo so i don't just plummet to my debt immediately here thank you we're good [Music] it's so stressful yeah we did it though world 3 is clear [Music] we got more bits for bank toad wait what do you got hey you have 77 power stars how lucky oh okay i won't question it [Music] put more in there [Music] we'll only see that message once i want to get one more stars like i don't care how many you've got gotta go back to here um so upside dizzy is done the pyramid is done uh let's do boo moon next [Music] need 750 more i'm getting there we'll get enough okay oh luigi's here as well i i mean it's kind of thematically appropriate if luigi plays this one oh because he's scared of ghosts having phytosphere [Music] okay well i think it's very easily going to be a secret star in this maze somewhere ah can i jump over the wall [Music] let's see no you can't all right this is a very awkward camera angle [Music] gotta do it this way go [Music] go luigi i need all the star bits grab them that was pretty good [Music] no there's got to be something else in here it can't just be like the star to get away like there's so much path that we haven't [Music] seen it's like how there's a lot of booze chasing me too i'm kind of aware a bit wary of that right now we just not gonna explore any of that no we're not right let's just move on [Music] oh i don't like this we're good [Music] oh that entire platform just died [Music] oh please don't just fall into the abyss thank you what's up i thought they were just gonna drop [Music] like that would be it oh no no no no luigi have you seen inception get in i feel like this is supposed to involve float like making the moon bend a bit more but because we're luigi we can just jump up and get everything there we go [Music] silver stars oh god don't we don't need a second papa got him oh [Music] that's a cool level i think luigi kind of broke the balance on that one i feel like that was supposed to be harder to get everything but we won't question it 78. the ghost has appeared in the boo level who would have thought okay there's another prankster comment there what's the letter oh i got a few odds and ends i need taken care of you don't mind a little hard work come find me i'm in space storm this time oh we got another bonus one i don't like it when it's the gear people [Music] can see you later luigi let's put more in here need another 750 [Music] better spring into action no you stop that [Music] okay uh so there's one here but i think world four's castle is just right here and we have another one here to do too [Music] we'll do this one and then we'll hop on back gravity star speed run [Music] this is going to be another clock clock-based one yes it is [Music] okay oh and that it's just sitting there for some reason right yeah how much time you're gonna give me to start great let's go go let's go let's go let's go [Music] cross hair don't know how i dodged that fireball but i won't question it i need this [Music] that's fine look i don't have time factor in mario's well-being in this level was not part of the deal need at least another 30 seconds to make sure he gets through [Music] right okay gotta go just run under his legs [Music] down here i think the end's in sight [Music] i just got to get to the end of this bit here oh yeah i think we should be good there we go music on this level slapped hey world how you doing stress but we got it i think that's most of world four complete now too is that world record don't think so yeah so it's just one left on that one okay we got to do the bonus star in space storm there's a prankster comment for this one this one is like four stars actually a lot for this game follow me uh so where am i are they just gonna be along the track or do i have to like go out of my way to find like a secret exit [Music] because i i actually don't know go over here along the track there will be okay thank you let's go oh this one's a bit trippy you haven't seen this one before down here [Applause] it's fine then we just jump around and we're here where where's the gear people they here come with me bomb [Music] good this level is actually just so creative like i love it [Music] okay come on gear person where are you i'm trying to find you there's like a bunch of stuff over there oh no the little tops got me you just try this again i see them i just i just these little tops i just gotta make my way around [Music] hey you i'm here there's about a star right i found one of those things down at the tip earlier but hold on there ain't so no such thing as a free lunch or a free star what do you want he wants a red guy let me get you a red guy [Music] there's so many little tops oh my i gotta traverse all this again come on fella come on gotta get the yellow guys out of the way come on don't die the bomb i was further him but [Music] come on what [Music] just paid them away for remote the longest bomb in my life [Applause] hey where's the red guy come on don't hit the electricity [Music] come with me hey you oh thank god [Music] he's here he's here just get him in quick get him in the enclosure we're good so cute thanks jesus that one's rough [Music] my blood pressure is rising you help the guillermo with kidnapping and i'll do it again i think they join your ship afterwards we kind of kidnap them 80 stars [Music] okay they're they're just having coffee together now fatigue [Music] we'll get every npc that's available to us okay let me deposit all this please have some interest okay i'll take a single star a bit that's fine every little helps it works for tesco it works for us still needs so many more a single pit of interest still not quite enough for that uh we gotta do blue moon again toad is feeling generous today howling tower oh this is yeah we're going to finally get the boom mushroom are there any other levels in this game that use the boom mushroom or is this like the only one this is the first time we've seen it and we've got like 79 stars i know how you open this you need a fire flower or something let's just see if there's one about [Music] i think you're supposed to light those going here again there we go [Music] kill the goombas people are excited to just see dash in general what's wrong with you guys [Music] what's going on [Music] i'm gone there's a bull painting [Music] god the world has opened up somewhat don't know where i am i'm assuming this is the correct way to go boom mario got him back he rises so slowly there's definitely a secret star in that area back there i'll have to try it again who mario is so cursed he's just a ghost with a mustache [Music] come on mario [Applause] like these like snail guys seem like so suspicious like concerned of everything around them so just look at the like anxious little eyes [Music] get that picture i think so that was just the one up there here go up here well that was pretty straightforward [Music] another one down sometimes it's like i feel like the level should be longer i know definitely in the first galaxy compared to two the levels are significantly longer because here sometimes it's just like oh it's over like they're cool little levels but i feel like i've only done like like the second stage of it [Music] there are a lot of different levels though i mean it's true yeah okay so secret there has to be a secret star in that second stage i'm just going right back in until i get it like it's on the planet no it's in the first stage [Music] where was it it's in here somewhere [Music] let me see oh you can check where your footprints are as well so you can work out where you've walked that actually is kind of neat [Music] don't don't spin [Music] is it not here it's at the end of the snake block patch is it [Music] i'm amazed it's not on this planet oh okay well let's [Music] let's go forward i guess go beyond the warp star [Music] let's try it so i i need to just get further along this i mean i might be able to do it easier as mario because he actually has traction compared to luigi actually go away you just sit tight yeah that just goes into the ground so i gotta stay on this is what people are telling me okay so we just gotta do the inception part of the level again [Music] okay so don't don't jump into this in panic [Music] okay yeah oh [Music] oh we gotta move quick right there [Music] don't like that one that one moves a little too fast i'm amazed it's not on the moon bit like there was so much on that dark planet [Music] apparently it's just not there okay bank toad you gotta take everything we need more interest [Music] i put it all i'm not gonna spend any of these till the end now too so i can get more interest i'm gonna be smart with the star bits i've got okay boo moon is done [Music] shiver burn remember rightly i think this is the galaxy that has like a lot of creepy pastors inspired by it because there's like these little shadow people that look at you prince picante's peppery mood yeah let me see if i can find like um the basis for like a game theory video give me one more it's well it's it's not luigi yeah there they are you see them there's the shadow people the little spooky okay this level looks like it's gonna be tricky i'm not gonna go luigi if i just think i need the traction oh this one has so many star bits though that's that's really good we just quickly i cover these oh good i just got a leap oh i probably didn't need that one wait can cloud mario not skate can't skate well yeah he kind of just resorts back to walking [Music] let me go in here i need to lose this power up hang on oh my god uh lord pie thank you for the 100 gift subs in one go jesus thank you so much that's incredibly generous of you man [Music] that's a lot to just do in like one shot like that thank you i don't know what to say let me let me i'll injure myself to celebrate the subs seriously thank you so much man it's incredibly kind here okay let's go beat the chimp you got the time time to take on the chimp hope you like skatepal because here you're going to need to skate and bump as many gummets the is the gummy as you can okay i think this is the same as before 600 points for the star this time let's go get it first try [Music] doing it [Music] as close to flawless as we can as we need the points [Music] oh that last one okay try again i can do it i was so [Music] close [Music] do a boost to go a little faster jesus christ lord pie thank you for another 100 gift subs i don't know what to say but thank you that's a lot my man [Music] gotta get the golden one [Music] no i'm nowhere i didn't do nearly as well jesus christ though thank you for the 200 gift subs man that is a lot [Music] i don't know what to say but thank you i really hope you're enjoying the streams okay i gotta try get this [Music] if i do the spin i go slightly faster i just need to be careful not to oh he spawned one if i get them all then i can make them spawn a little faster just gotta go quick [Applause] oh that one's tough thank you for the tear tree as well man thank you very much very kindly ah you gotta focus skating in a clean line come on let's go [Music] there we go [Music] one oh my god they just spawn on me [Music] they just keep spawning on me i almost had it there too but they kept on appearing like under my feet [Music] come on [Music] three [Music] let this be the one [Music] oh so close i can do it [Music] they keep spawning on me that's the problem come on [Music] go [Music] the positions for the spiky one seem to be consistent was a bad turn get it we're good just 700 flair and i bought the mic by accident yeah that's right i'm a gamer [Music] give me a star [Music] oh i was stressful why does the name gum it sound so appetizing okay that was a tricky one that was his ultimate skating challenge too never hear of the chimp again he's been the throne okay let's get the regular star the game was rigged and you still beat it like the mega gamer you [Music] are okay slightly nice thing here we get to get some more star bits we just [Music] just waggle the wiimote and pick up as many as we can luigi is still not coming oh my god like dude seriously lord pie thank you for another 40 gift subs that's a lot of money thank you like 240 in like five minutes so many i don't know what to say but thank you very much i i really hope you enjoy the content my man it's incredibly kind here stunks this dude just saw some game stock game stock game stuff oh it's basically game stock these days isn't it not like you can go to the actual store anymore let me just lose the cloud [Music] you did it mario [Music] oh you want me to do it again oh no no no no it's like no i think i saw the metal need it [Music] don't eat the one up at the end of the planet got enough don't be greedy i'm guessing i don't want this i need the spin i don't have time for the mushroom uh excuse me sirs could you spit the coconuts at me thank you one more please [Music] we're good it's a bullet hell oh no gotta go we're quick the toads are here hang on oh no i didn't fix it [Music] hang on [Music] we finally made it deep into enemy territory prince picante is right over there i don't know if i'm shaking because i'm cold i was scared oh lord oh now go get one star for every sub i'll see you great and wonderful and breathtaking and you give me many hours of entertainment so that's the least i can do cloud flower that's a hell of a sentiment thank you for the 120 quid man i truly don't know what to say at this point it's incredibly generous of you thank you for supporting me and what i do it's incredibly kind neder thank you for 1500 bits there as well love your vids and now you also live stream keep it up keep it going rt p.s greetings from the netherlands how's it going let me buy some life cloud flower is good what do you mean it's just in some levels you just don't want it lisa's not b mario b mario is like pretty brim oh god he's got a car it's mario on ice okay so i gotta got to get the coconuts [Music] ice boss let's dodge them oh he's running me over with his vehicle which is kind of bad he's like using an aimbot or something he was locked on with that coconut there was no way i was gonna get that come on uh why is everyone spamming claim we need to pop it in sub mode i'm proud or not [Music] i don't know why people are doing that okay mods just popping up sub mode it's just to be safe is there any mods on hand i'll do it myself there we go [Music] please don't randomly spam the chat like that that was bad [Music] there we go [Music] we did it we killed the octopus tank what was that i don't know people just started spamming okay let me just check a thing or two as well okay no we're all right oh let's keep going oh we have some more post for the luma just give me more star bits please i need these to feed the hungry luma [Music] put them all in we need as much interest as possible and we can live off it [Music] you know 300 but then we still need to get more past that shiver burn comment let's go chad's so calm now how are you guys doing i can actually read what everyone's saying it's very chill all of a sudden octo army icy rainbow ramp oh good god all right get them all you have 50 seconds [Music] let's go grab more i mean this is good for the star bits kill them all try not to fall off the planet come on we're good look at mario with his hands in the air he's so happy [Music] there we go [Music] uh tang thank you for the tear tree i get everyone that's up there too i'm sorry about having to put the chat in some boat it was just getting a bit spammy [Music] everyone is dead galaxy complete did you know the guys in the sky box called the hell valley sky trees that's quite menacing hell valley in a mario game that doesn't sound right okay uh let us complete world five have we oh there's there's one galaxy missing there because the hungry luma that's right that makes sense okay i will come back for the hungry luma we just cannot afford his prices right now it's too expensive okay the boomsday machine this sounds like fun [Music] let's go just on like a war-torn battlefield and there's the toads trigger shiver i sense jay hang on wait i sense danger war war never changes ever since the bombs fallen wiped out the mushroom kingdom i sleep with a semi-automatic by my bedside you never know i will cold bump in the night jesus these toes have seen better days okay we gotta go gotta stop boom stay [Music] this have gravity no cool why was the camera turning it looked so inviting [Music] oh i need to bait you come on there we go god you want me to take the shot is there something over there nope just a random bit of space to debri go for the target otherwise i will die [Music] knock him down twice i don't see the metal at all oh no there's more of the level there i thought we were just gonna go to the end this thing is like jesus this one seems a bit short ending off to the sides okay there there's the go for the metal [Music] i don't like the look of this planet uh [Music] oh my god i don't like this oh my god lord pie mr haha funny irish games man can you have toads saying take on me please don't think i can do the full song but i can do like a line from it take on me take on me take me my voice is going i can't i can't maintain those notes where was the warning thank you for the 10k bits it's the best i can do [Music] don't like this don't like this don't like this i should have got the cloud should have got it again i'm scared me just ride this okay get this now let me get this metal we gotta go we're good [Music] yeah we got a cloud mario bass fight next spotify release [Music] my dad's gonna get angry if i let you get another grandstar okay he's just gonna chill up the top we gotta climb the tower real quick conveniently there's a handy platform in sequence to get to the top but i believe we can just do this unless we get electrocuted let's just uh ride one of these up okay come on come on ryder there we go that's one they don't let you spin so you can just quickly recover they seem to have worked that out [Music] come on [Music] it's two okay power just got taller this is quite a menacing structure on you can't hop on it no you you can but only for a very grief point [Music] okay back up back up i need to power up he's got a tank let's go up go over here [Music] he's trying to get away mario's in trouble i need coins oh no no no no no no [Music] no [Music] get back you need to jump down here and not ground pound like that okay go up [Music] stop off here we're good that's a really cool boss hey bowser jr it's dead again can't wait to do it on a daredevil run i don't i'm gonna die horribly [Music] oh yeah i think we can take the chat off submit to christmas miracle [Music] be good guys [Music] i can't tell if it's off did i turn it off oh there we go now it's off [Music] thanks val most of world five is clear sixth world is unlocked i believe this is the last world a big fight awaits the helm is yours captain we're almost at the end [Music] it's the last world oh have this finished soon i still think we have a bit to go then now there's just like straight up a black hole in the background you got to be careful not to get sucked in i think it's actually kind of like funny if you look at like the starship i'm fairly sure you just see it in the background yes it's mildly terrifying like that's what we're flying towards bank today you need to give me more interest [Music] need another 200 bits so that i can afford the hungry luma in the previous world uh let me just see where we're at with all this too there's a comet here let's dive back immediately and do this bangkok doesn't actually give interest oh no does he not did he just give you random bits what kind of banker is he backtrobe thank you for the six gift subs thank you very much okay boomsday machine daredevil let's go oh it's a funky battle we gotta get him three times we can't get hit we also have to make it over to him still i think oh god if i die do i have to make the entire run back oh no i gotta go through the entire thing gotta fight these guys too at least it's gonna give me a one-up every time this is actually going to be a tricky one [Music] okay let's go over here hi thank you again it's my kind of banker awesome i like to recommend games and if so can i recommend chibi rover for gamecube it could be your kind of game a chibi robo looks fun i've never been able to actually find a copy of it for sale is the main problem i've encountered with that game oh i hope i lined this up correctly fine [Applause] oh no it's like a different bit of the world oh oh this is dastardly [Music] okay they do give us a checkpoint though for the even though it's a daredevil run which i appreciate mario bumped his head do you just get like like what happens when you step in this oh god he just disintegrates [Music] oh no i meant to grab okay let's not miss the jump [Music] okay now we gotta fight at least we have the checkpoint so we don't have to redo the entire thing if we die [Music] it's probably like the longest prankster comment we've had so far captain amelia thank you for the 200 bits each now you find gigantic black hole uh uh mildly terrified do not want to see what you find very terrifying it's just existential dread that's what scares me the most staying up late and being alone with my feelings can't handle that all right let's climb hop on and one more here dear you okay i'm good don't worry just let me grab this quick before the tank turns oh do it [Music] i'm good that was a bit dicey there he goes [Music] he almost sucked me in and killed me cloud mario is triumphed [Music] oh jesus christ the controller is just sweaty right now [Music] another galaxy complete invest every penny that we've got [Music] because we still need them for the hungry loomis i'm gonna have to find like a level to grind these on i think i don't know if we'll find like as good of a spot as like a galaxy one it was like just a great level you get like 200 and just die immediately okay melty monster galaxy next let's go oh hi thank you for the 100 bits i'm loaning my copy but it's very precious to me so you have to promise to give it back when you're done no i couldn't do that man thank you very kind i meant to actually mention too because people are asking me about this uh p.o box uh i haven't forgotten it's just because ireland is in like maximum state of lockdown and for me going to the post office means going to like the busiest street in the entire country uh because like the central post office is literally like o'connell street here in ireland and so i don't want to chance that because i don't want to catch anything so in case people are wondering why i've been holding off on that uh once it's once locked and eases up and cases drop i'll be able to go but until then we'll just have to wait a bit oh hello sir [Music] oh we got some popping music again don't eat me sir [Music] sir how do i get up there i need to go back i don't have enough momentum [Music] oh come on go go go go go go go oh oh my god lord pie thank you for another 5 000 bits read your dag cheer message battle is a very important one in there i'm so sorry if i missed it i did catch the cheapy robo ones i do apologize as ever though thank you for all the bits man very kind got the checkpoint oh there's like waves of lava coming to kill me here i i meant to do that i didn't mean to do that to survive a little longer the mushroom is there climb climb climb oh the perspective is it's kind of hard to see where i'm going here come on like the heat is like blurring mario right now oh that was helpful [Music] keep going [Music] mario get off this one don't mind me sir we're good all right what's next mr original thank you for the 1100 bits thank you go here okay i'm alive jesus christ bits original netter thank you very much you guys are going a bit over i have to concentrate oh this looks horrible go go go oh oh this is horrible get on here he's eating it [Music] you take refuge the star is here oh i gotta hit it twice are you kidding me come on [Music] let's just jump for it we're good no mario stay on the planet oh jesus [Music] ben thank you very much um i'm really glad to hear a lot man hope your friends doing okay another hungry mouth to feed i hope you know what you're doing don't wait we can gamble twice as much now oh no but they don't give star bits okay well we'll just ignore them they do give star bits but they only give like one star a bit like it doesn't quite help wait how how how many is this oh my god i need so many we're going to have to find a grind and level stroll down rolling lane don't don't be a ball no it's not a ball because the stars is outside of it this is good oh it's going to be the rock no no is there anything down the pipe possibly just take me from this hill the chimp oh we can we can postpone in a while roll over the enemies off ahead so you gamer what this level is apparently the best spot in the game for star starbit fireman okay let's go i can't see oh foul you're over the line i'm sorry [Music] i just need to keep going in a straight line i think no [Laughter] [Music] go okay we're good the pins are on this side give me a moment we're not being timed for this one which is interesting i need to get a few more [Music] i did it [Music] okay well we got enough points he's giving us another star unfortunately it we still have to do another get another star's rock mario we've just delayed the inevitable yeah let's just go back in i'm just getting action with the massive black hole in the background this puts me a little on edge that's fine mario you're gonna be okay just don't don't look at it and we still have to do the prankster comment on melting a melty monster after as well i have a lot of ones here on this very dangerous planet okay so the best one the best so this is the best level in the game apparently than for star bits is it well let's get the star first and then we'll see i mean it's already given like quite a bit there which is good i'm guessing i can kill all these guys on the sides [Music] why was there a gap [Music] okay i'll just ignore those ones [Music] there's gaps everywhere it's so bouncy let's go okay i see why this one is good for star bits yeah i i see exactly why this one is good [Music] oh no [Music] just wanted to get some more star bits the sad thing is i'm gonna have to do this level a lot it seems because i i need to get as many bits as possible already missing so many let's focus focus on the big crystals that one is not that one's not worth it [Music] i wanna get up i wanna get up got it [Music] jesus [Music] oh to mr rock's wild ride uh we did pretty well in the starbit front we're gonna have to do that one a few more times so i need 3300 star bits to have enough for bolt hungry loomis [Music] so we're gonna okay i i can go back to that one and grind a little later we'll just keep banking those for now got 1600 there and you know there's 1700 so that'll be the grind level if needs be just leave them for now clockwork room and galaxy let's keep going two two thanks for a thousand bits you mean this isn't pinball okay this one looks a little funky i'm starving sweating starbucks please i need to starve it okay am i going to have like gravitational pull when i'm on this or no i've just got to try to keep on top of everything uh where is the coin there's something down here is it the coin i don't think so this takes so long look we'll be fine gotta go for a general ride okay gonna be all right good a few of them okay is the metal on the under other side the underside it has to be did you get a better spot oh i got hang on okay i need to get down there okay don't go in yet gotta be no it's just a coin loom oh no how many do you need [Music] 30. oh god okay well we'll get the regular star this time to get over there okay that box gave coins before so i can just kind of come back and get that one later it's fine there's the metal i think no that's a regular box oh okay i didn't see what that one was doing [Music] all right i need to get up there [Music] that's just the max mushroom we don't really care about that as much wait for the level to pop out oh alrighty then [Music] uh i could be very cheeky and just leap [Music] up here [Music] stop with the soup spam please mods just time out anyone who's easy spamming that i want to have to pop it in sub mode again keep kevin's memes and kevin's stream but it's inappropriate here not funny thank you [Music] hate being strict like that but it's like it doesn't make any sense [Music] have some show some etiquette you know kevin kevin will be disappointed in this if he knew that you're just spamming his stuff in other people's chats okay keep going okay there's stuff up there there's the metal i need it hang on wait wait let me let me line this up [Music] okay there we go you know dark souls and sonico 6 use the same physics engine really [Music] i guess it doesn't matter so much in dark souls because like you just have some if you rag doll like bits imagine sonic of six though that matters a lot more [Music] okay got the comet metal to get through here oh this looks friendly okay here we go that's the way i'm supposed to i don't know let's try up between back up we're good i guess this is coins if you wanna go all the way back to that coin luma i like the start of the level [Music] get this [Music] more of the the food fund for the looms i've been something on twitter on youtube forever just got twitch and followed thank you very much man very kind keep picking me up give me some more star bits please i need them [Music] oh do we gotta we gotta climb a thing yes we do i'm not waiting around we're good okay we just need to go back and get the coin [Music] is he really just begging for bits if i don't get like 3 000 more twitch bits i can't unlock the next level oh no how am i gonna get out of this predicament no the currency in this game is called star bits i'm not just like a greedy little on my channel let's make that clear i don't want to be a misunderstand oh no guys the next level in the game only unlocks if i get 10 gift subs what am i gonna do oh the chips back okay ah okay uh we gotta go visit the chip and we gotta go get the coin towed uh well the coin toad uh coin luma let's go do coin though no pie i think the music is too quiet on some of the alerts still i need to fix that dog for sake no guys that was a joke please please don't do that but thank you [Music] that's stupidly kind it's like 3 000 bits here you go you greedy little that's the donation message [Music] oh no iron lord pie thank you guys nick thank you for the thousands okay i i need to get the coins we need 30 uh to unlock coin luma let's get going [Music] oh it's just it's just it's just the ceaseless void down there i gotta be careful [Music] this is gonna be tricky to get the coins on this [Music] there is a coin block but i don't know if that's going to give me enough just let's just get the safe ones here and not risk our lives the get like the underside ones i should have grabbed that coin okay let me how many are in the block it doesn't help it's the wrong currency [Music] okay i got it oh get this one okay nine gonna jump on you because otherwise good coin okay back on let's ride this across i think the coin block is just over here yes it is okay let's get everything in this okay that takes us up to 23 and coin luma is down there 26 27 28. okay we're good there's a coin over here we're good [Music] here's your money luma doing good i need to flick on a light too it suddenly got very dark my office [Music] we're good why do they eat coins i think they can start doing coins because they realize we're like the i don't know why it's coins i think it's just like a bit of variance because in galaxy one it was just all star bits i think they figured though it's like you're going to be cutting it close with star bits as is because the lumas are very hungry in this game oh it's a slow time one again i'm not getting that one up don't mind me let me go up here i assume oh and you straight up don't have slow time for here okay oh this makes me anxious [Music] you're doing so well mario i think i can depends if i can wall jump off a hammer no you can't okay i probably need to long jump in that section so i don't just get immediately crushed accept that it's one of these extra star bits guys [Music] that's all it is [Music] let's not kill ourselves this time this pipe is like strategically here because it makes the timer tick down so that you have no help when you're here it's just way too much we're good [Music] that's a tense one mario's not getting hammered tonight [Music] 92 stars we're almost at triple digits i think we're doing pretty good yeah i don't think this guy like calcul knows how to calculate interest too he's just giving me like whatever bits he finds on the ground need another 1500 star bits have enough there this is gonna be another one the clockwork ruins too uh where was the chimp and the beehive one this one we're still missing two we haven't got the prankster comment yet a chimp score challenge this is just straight up pick the star as well from the menu oh is this going to be you have to murder everyone again oh no i sucked at this one before i was so bad at this finally are you taking the greatest game player in the galaxy also known as the chimp oh you said the greatest gamer but have you heard of me i've got the high score of 10 000 on this game [Music] okay did it all right there is coins over here let's quickly grab all these it really feels like cheating when they're already on the ground but i'm passionate there's one over there but i don't know if i have time i need that coin [Music] ow please sir i need to go faster let's go let's go let's go [Music] i need that coin i do that mario get down [Music] what does this do that's that's pretty good i can grab any of these coins before they despawn thank you i think we're in the clear look at that i went above and beyond because i'm too good don't fall off the edge don't fall off [Music] okay well we did it i might need to find some new games so i can enjoy your frustration more have you considered buying dark souls anyway i'm a player of my word here take your star you've earned it what a gamer star acquired [Music] gamer rage that monkey that monkey is what nintendo thinks gamers look like that's their audience they're gonna love the chimp he's so relatable he's a gamer too [Music] oh we can finally do the comet here too oh no i thought i thought it was the honey one never mind i'm not i'm not quite there yet it's pretty accurate to be honest no honey hop it's complete does this one just not have one [Music] i have the comment oh i won't question it okay let's make our way onward common metals don't always give comments it just doesn't sound right does it comment metals don't always do the thing they're supposed to do oh the adventure of the purple oh i don't know if i like this adventure his galaxy is sucked and like the game's been like do it three times but now also with like a five minute time limit purple coins hurry go [Music] over here is the one on the underside of this no this has ruined the pattern for the entire level now i feel because i'm supposed to be on the other side of this hop across either are there any more on this one no i'm wasting my life let's go [Music] bad level of a good song yeah at least the song is about i just really hope i don't die popping as the song is [Music] gotta go we gotta go mario mario jump over it yeah we got to stay on the middle bit i still have to get over there i have to get on that bit too let's do the middle go over here [Music] three minutes that's nice but i get them all now i think i did hope so do not tell you how many you should where no i gotta wait for him to come back this feels really bad when you're on the clock like this is terrible [Music] okay let's go [Music] time is money please make the jump i got the 73. come on spike could be so anxious come on is the one up here there there oh it's okay there's a ledge there's the last ones gotta get on the other side [Music] oh come on [Music] oh just make our way back up you okay we're good i like to do that level like four more times [Music] oh did you do the clockwork one and double time yet like mr don't know those other levels in the game [Music] 94. [Music] play of the game equals pog [Music] oh this is a cool level this is a throwback one throwback galaxy [Music] i love this one the turn of the wamp king [Music] it's the mountain level from super mario 64. [Music] complete with the music [Music] hey hey you guy with the stash you came along just in time do me a favor and get that star back from wompking at the top of this hill [Music] it's so good it's just it's the level i love it okay let's kill these guys real quick i imagine there's a secret star on this one just because it's quite open-ended [Music] i shouldn't be killing them that way i should be doing that i need the bits [Music] quickly grab them [Music] best part of this level is probably just the music it's just like a jazzy rendition of the original i see you're right later luigi it's just easier to control mario [Music] i cannot remember where the comet metal is in this one [Music] let me just trying to see if it's there have a feeling it's on one of the trumps [Music] not quite can you blast off like the corner bit of this still i can't remember have a look i just want to explore this level a bit because it takes me back i like mario 64 and ds that was one of my favorite games on that system but like this one's just always fun oh [Music] neat i'll take it there's the [Music] i metal get around to that huh what are you doing you look sort of familiar stash man how are you doing really pretty star landed here recently but the big bully at the top of this hill took it [Music] getting every secret this level has [Music] [Music] you did it that's exactly where one of the stars was oh yeah there was a star in a box under there wasn't there the one i remember is like when you blast off the corner bit of a wall and like that reveals the star i remember really struggling to work that one out don't worry i'm going back for the medal there's the bridge that falls [Music] this is one spinny bit [Music] let's go down can i get back up from here without having to climb the entire mountain again [Music] no the wall has already blasted away in this one is it ah that's sad goomba you okay he's just sliding oh okay you can clip through the wall we won't question it let's talk to another bomb it's cool that they're all here hey stash man there's a really scary guy at the top of this hill but i know i can count on you and your fantastic stash please take back that star [Music] yo the nostalgia with this one level is just it's so good i love it i remember every bit of it not so much the checkpoint flag but it's okay wait is he not does he not talk to you or no he's just he's just a regular swamp that's king trump oh here is he here yes he's here it makes me so mad we build your houses your castles we pave your roads and still you walk all over us you ever say thank you no well you're not going to wipe your feet on me that's exactly what he says in the nintendo 64 version i think i'll crush you just for fun do you have a problem with that just try to ground pound the womp king [Music] here we go oh i'm supposed to jump i'm not supposed to be here i'm not what happens now huh [Music] oh he's got bobby wumps [Music] go god love them the bobby womps are trying there we go no crushed again i'm just a stepping stone after all i won't gravel air grovel okay you win here take this with you dang it [Music] yeah that's pretty much how it was in the original version child that's 14. oh yeah that counter just went up a lot of babies just died [Music] 95 stars though fun fact the baby womps are also are known as wimps oh no that doesn't sound right hey what are you doing bringing hazardous materials aboard a bomb has joined is on the ship i mean buddy like there's a black hole like right in front of us i think that's the least of our problems [Music] how many previous streams of galaxy 2 have you done just the one we're gonna we're gonna get all 120 stars today uh thank you as ever to everyone that's here for like the stream i hope you're all enjoying it okay uh we got another throwback the silver stars in the womp fortress let's go [Music] i think this is a regular silver styro level in the ds version but i like to think it's just taken basis from that the greenhouse bit of this level seems to just be gone as far as i can see hey stash man thanks to you this place is peaceful again just got some stars around here for you go ahead and grab them [Music] you couldn't just hand them to me oh let's just set tight air [Music] there's another one over here let me just [Music] okay this is problematic because i need the one thank you i need that one to be able to get back i gotta stop doing this to myself oh no there's a pad here [Music] stash man there was a star over there on top of that cloud don't look at me like that i didn't put it there shouldn't have done that because now i've lost one of my clouds don't mind me mr goomba this feels like being five and watching your talented cousin play so relaxing i'm glad there's more cloud packs over there uh we'll just sacrifice it here some reason water like ruins a lot of the power-ups in this game like we'll be in cloud don't do water [Music] i'm not sure why grab that again uh there's another one over here bees can't fly when wet what's the clouds excuse because the clouds like just is water isn't it don't forget spring mario can spring marry or not do water as well [Music] water vapor i mean i guess don't question nintendo do not question my child mario it's like papa miyamoto probably [Music] come on mario [Music] oh no it's over there okay i can get it from here need an extra cloud [Music] i do this yes i can explode those real quick make our way down i've seen the video of a raccoon washing off cotton candy same concept no i haven't seen that [Music] oh we if you like throwback galaxy we're doing it again [Music] the only galaxy we're playing you should it's life changing very sad video why is it so sad okay womp silver star speed run let's go [Music] oh because the cotton candy will evap or like disappear that does sound sad uh i okay i gotta remember where they all are like with two minutes on the clock let's go panicking i'm panicking okay we'll go we'll go up to the top first because then i can just do some jumps to get the other ones gonna be smart go [Music] all right and let's do that okay i i just need to remember where the other ones are in a mo [Music] where were they there was one in like the corner it's down there uh where's the last one the slidey boys what where were the sliding boys sliding oh yes i remember it's the bits that go out okay thank you [Music] this might be a bit dicey for getting back i can do it go go go under here i'm under the wrong one [Music] okay i just need to spin real quick before i die i hope i don't have to grab it in the next 10 seconds oh i didn't like that you're okay cloud mario you're okay we're safe here we go another one down [Music] it's a bad time to have like a cut scene play when you're suspended midair you did it you got the star now you die [Music] okay i believe that's throwback galaxy finish yes it is and clockwork runes was finished it was there any comments [Music] no i think uh jesus we've been pretty thorough i have the one left in world five with a hungry luma i might as well start doing that because we might even get some more star bits when we're in this let's pick him up and we're going to pay him off play throw back again [Music] okay the interest rates don't seem to work they're not consistent so we're just just gonna pay him off [Music] okay he's lost his glasses now he's not smart enough anymore okay he needs 1500. fourth could you pass me a sliver more [Music] and he explodes [Music] yeah new galaxy was born he's no longer hungry yeah he's dead he died [Music] okay deposit all that okay so we just need another 1300 star bits there a fleet like galaxy this one looks cool wait no is this fluzzer oh i take it [Applause] back i take it back oh no no this means i have to get all the gates again too god he says you're okay you can glide with him while you glide with fluzzard all right [Music] let's do this [Music] so i need to get the gates where is the next gate this this feels like not a lot is happening right now [Music] off to a good start i mean there's one here please don't kill me there's two there's the next one [Music] mr gate ah damn it yeah though i think that's supposed to be the fifth one there i just didn't see it like okay we'll do this one again at least this is a short level you need to fly around completely okay we'll do that one again we gotta get that medal it's not a job well done if we don't have both [Music] try it again turn to the left when you get outside okay i'll try that in a mo thanks [Music] back out we go hard left we gotta turn mario pilot the bird we don't have time okay try it again that's good handbrake turn pull out his left leg real hard mario wow tires left i went too hard make our way back around don't touch your feet off the bottom mario it's tragically slow uh what do i do what do i what did i do [Music] did you kill stuff i lost too much speed i think hard left god you just you just have to go like blind into that that hard left is rough like the galaxy just like whips around okay tired left oh i'm going too hard put it into fort mario [Music] change gear come on mario he popped his head it's okay boy the bird is old [Music] go don't pop our heads don't pop her head i gotta grab the medal too we gotta oh jesus oh that hard left like it just whips you around like that's a hard one okay and that's the only time that okay we got a fake star in the play troop because we missed a comment medal the first time okay go get him captain so we'll have to do that one again at some point hopefully we don't have to make as hard of a left and you're the last luma as far as i can see i don't think i can get to that other galaxy unless i yeah i i can't access that one unless we have the luma [Music] as he forms the patch battle belt galaxy then let's do this mini planet mega run okay [Music] here's the star star bit grind soon yeah we're almost there okay luigi i i don't know what's ahead i'm sorry i gotta kill i gotta kill each thing on each planet to advance i think that's what it's trying to tell me the only way true is to defeat every enemy okay [Music] i can do it [Music] that one's just sitting there like here go on have a freebie [Music] oh hope the comment for this one isn't daredevil because i've taken a lot of damage already okay let's get them [Music] take this with me let's kill more craps [Music] oh you kind of made me forever it is oh no we'll deal with that when we get there [Music] maybe it might be kind and still give us like the checkpoints fight him [Music] there we go it won't spoilers lads [Music] oh i mean i don't think i can kill the booze oh no with the shell icon [Music] come on inside of the planet is clear go down here it's a hell of a gauntlet too we have a lot of planets to go through oh thanks i can't afford yours there's a coin one too [Music] oh god i have nothing okay i when i do this again i gotta get those no excuse for that one we are like a vanilla man okay [Music] kill them [Music] as far as level concepts go this one is actually quite cool i haven't really had stuff like this in the galaxy yet oh god [Music] let me let me stand a little bit away from you so i can kill you thank you [Music] this is a cool level yeah it is you have to coin the last planet it's too late for the coin luma we don't need it [Music] oh just gotta defeat the choppers there isn't like a boss or something go [Music] go and we're good give me all those not a start down that was a fun one riser is impossible i mean there wasn't a boss there seemed to be okay 39 comment medals too no spoilers in chat please thank you starship can advance i need to go back and do that one and specifically i need coins oh i also gotta go back to the fluzzard one thanks tote let's deposit what we've got i still need like 1200 more [Music] hey thanks titanic bank toad all right uh well we know where the secret one is in this so let's go do it now [Music] we just need to get 20 coins that seems actually quite doable because every enemy you kill has the chance to give you a coin you just got to jump on them and there's like even like coins just scattered on some planets like there's one it's okay because he'll give me a coin when he dies don't give me a coin if i die though [Music] see you later luigi so we just we just keep track we'll be okay here this one isn't hard i gotta stop saying that [Music] we're good someone's called me a because i got hit oh you're so stupid are people actually that upset [Music] like i'm just like hey guys we're playing mario galaxy we're having fun the idiot he's not even playing as luigi like are people actually that upset [Music] i jump on these no i can't [Music] you're a loser youtuber [Music] like if people actually mess i'm having a fun time let me get these coins 15 we're almost there [Music] these guys i can kill i just got a ground pound for the coin [Music] please sir [Music] no idiot streamer he can't get the ground pound first try let me laugh at him in chat [Music] yeah i got all the coins i need [Music] we're good [Music] we love you by the way yeah i know don't like no no don't worry i just glanced at like you know like why don't wait no that that luma takes starbucks so i can i can avail of his services the camera's having a little trouble welcome to the luma shop there's a bit of turbulence right now you better buy something quick [Music] you want some life well hang on to the ship space quake [Music] okay we have enough for coin luma [Applause] give him his money [Music] another planet that looks rather ominous [Music] hello oh god it's this guy again and he's on fire this time uh oh okay we we gotta dodge because i imagine he's gonna leave live at the deposits when he munches the planet there's one oh i missed one don't touch his body he's very hot he's getting angry that coin [Music] i need this money oh i missed the last one there's just too much on the screen oh keep running the planet is starting to turn to lava [Music] no i missed it [Music] i lost the extra life oh where am i oh [Music] we gotta [Music] i forgot to turn on my chico it's okay we're safe now not a star two two thanks for the thousand bits thank you very much i mean let me just grab all these and we're good [Music] that was actually quite a hard one i i don't wanna ever have to do him like daredevil comment because like that's gonna be rough [Music] hundred stars triple digits could a do that it's only because my iq is so unbelievably high that we progress there okay uh fleet glide gotta get another one here feathers in the galaxy oh we gotta do another race oh i very narrowly won the last time we did this but okay all the best lord pie thank you again for everything race all right it's on like why are you guys hanging out here like wouldn't the lava just cause your wings to spontaneously combust like i'm not questioning your life choices i'm just worried about your well-being i'm doing the hard left because i'm in charge of my own decisions oh i'm alive i need to get some more speed there we go don't get hit by the door and everything's okay [Music] that's pretty good like i did that one way better than the previous map world record someone call guinness [Music] okay not a star um i think now we have to start grinding for the hungry luma because i simply don't have enough [Music] there must be an extra galaxy as well when you beat the final boss because i i just don't have enough right now it's like a world seven there's one on battle belt has to be a few more galaxies yeah there is okay i couldn't remember if there was okay we'll do battle belt and then we will start grinding the 1800 we need i'm kind of sad that like we're almost at the end i i know there is the green stars that option is available to us but it's just so tedious that i don't i don't want to bother like doing the green stars in this game is how you go from love in this game to just absolutely despising this like no joke and i would rather play 3d world because that's coming out next week kind of sad though yeah we've done so much both galaxy games like we just cleared them on like a weekend we'll do more mario games what about perfect run i'll do the perfect the champions road in 3d world instead it's just because per it's so tedious to grind in this one well no it's it's so tedious just to get the green stars like it's not fun it's doing something for the sake of tedium i'm i'm not about that life [Music] it's coming from the guy who like spent like 12 hours playing hitman well nine hours on the hitman stream the other week just for a joke odyssey next i might do odyssey at some point 3d world is the one i want to do next because i actually really like that game it's like it's very different oh okay it's a daredevil as long as i don't have to fight the boss then i'm okay with this making our way i don't even give you coins when you beat them it's like you don't need them just get better at the game come on next planet happily take the star a bit still and we're quick with this one you can use it to get the crabs too you can't escape me forever three uh galaxy three it'll be cool if i happen someday i don't know if it will but i wouldn't say no oh there is a checkpoint in this level too this one's fine then we don't even lose all our progress if we die just as well i got the checkpoint there we'll never get a galaxy 3 yeah but like it could still come back with some kind of new content like you never know like galaxy 2 right because 3d world has like a new kind of set-piece big level in it it's very much like a selling point of the game on switch you never know what could happen they could just do galaxy 2 and then it's like oh there's an extra 30 stars here's like a new version of it and honestly even that would be cool [Music] just popped his head come on come back sir [Music] thankfully with the checkpoint we're gonna be all right here sunshine too would be nice i'm amazed i didn't do like a dlc or something for sunshine like odyssey oh that was the i was on like the nintendo rumor sites like everywhere for since odyssey came out turns out no one's uncle did work on nintendo terrible shame okay honestly in general like that that game just should have had like more content like dlc or something it was just a travesty it didn't [Music] i gotta kill the ice ones go [Music] another one trying to concentrate a little because i don't want to die it's quite always back to the checkpoint now give me that i'm not going to get galaxy 3 we're going to get galaxy 4. oh this is the one that's going to kill me okay just let me i need to pay attention to moe we're good [Applause] [Music] okay is it just the chain chomps left yes it appears to be we've made it to the end great [Music] if you could not do that they actually are quite generous with the checkpoints which is nice we go i got a twofer use the holmen pound like what was the is that then like that move was that hole oh it kind of does [Music] i don't know if i want to try that here scared for my safety these two because they're so close to each other that scare me there we go [Music] took one and a half galaxy games to discover that move was that in galaxy one as well like i've never seen a scenario where you're supposed to use that there it is there oh oh doesn't open it go got him mario if you could hit the balls thank you [Music] we're good [Music] we do luigi's purple coins we did that in galaxy one okay end of the gauntlet [Music] now i think we just got to grind starbucks 102. [Music] actually if there's more levels i might as well just beat the game because i'll get more star bits passively by completing the others maybe we don't have to grind just yet [Music] what do you reckon [Music] like do we do some grinding now or do we just oh but it is looking very nice if we have every single world complete yeah i think we do a spot of grinding now was it this one no it was the other one [Music] it was shiver burn wasn't it no it was that one oh i've got it very wrong hang on let me go back the bowling one [Music] a melty monster has the grind all right let's just quickly get a thousand star bits uh do i can i just pick this one to start at [Music] i mean it does just start me here i think this is no this is this is the same point i have to do this bit anyway so let's just make our way through yeah you can see the next bit of the level that we're trying to get to and here's the slingshot [Music] don't like that [Music] with the wrong one hang on let me let me just go on back am i just straight up in the wrong stair the pipe was at the beginning it's not letting me exit the level there we go return the map [Music] and we just picked the ball one you want the middle star i thought because i picked the chin point it was going to take me to the right one because the chimp one was before okay i'll just do this more oh not again okay so i don't go down the pipe i just do this section here get them all and die yeah let's go [Music] let's go [Music] but we need to get as many as possible we're going to be here until we get 999 [Music] i just need to hit as many of the balls as i can okay give me those star bits at least as far as grinds go this one's pretty quick [Music] okay perfect and we just don't jump at the end [Music] go again [Music] it seems to just be the fastest way and we just exchange a few lives [Music] there we go not a run then [Music] every hundred gets you a life as well so it this works really well hello ma'am are you in need of a helping hand would you like me to guide you to the no by shadow rosalina i guess she's just chilling there press z to stop the ball i i'm gonna see if that works let me see no that doesn't work she's saying you're bad [Music] let's just keep doing this and just try and hit as many as i can don't have to be exact we're going to be doing this a while anyway [Music] [Music] there we go i'm just doing this so i can feed the hungry luma that's it i need a thousand i believe go [Music] i mean it's definitely an efficient way of doing it this reminds there's a level in like odyssey though it's kind of like this where you have like a speed flower reminds me a little of that because you just run like a vertical track and you get like 200 coins every time i like to think they know what they're doing when they put these levels in to like grind out all the currency [Music] it's not bothering with the plants because it's very easy to die there [Music] i just jump this hey [Music] it gives me another life i can grind those too what wasn't that a little tricky to get [Music] there we go if the ground pound to stop the ball you can't do it i i tried i jumped i pressed c it didn't work this isn't gonna take long at all like we're pretty much there we get like a hundred every time we do getting the this down a little more too famous last words before i die [Music] there we go gonna cause star bit inflation i think the economy will be all right let's go [Music] now we're getting a net profit in lives really don't have to worry about anything [Music] go [Music] missed a few there but that's still fine [Music] the ball ground pounding is apparently disabled on this specific level is it right i got to know i mean i reckon this is going to be the last ball level we ever have to face i can't see it making too many returns i've had it quite a few times already [Music] only one single level for boo mario who really got the short end of the stick in this one go [Music] i think this time if i just complete it i think we have almost enough [Music] let's see [Music] same one again [Music] let's just take a moment very satisfying [Music] thinking like jeff bezos like like withdraws from an atm just using his credit card like i need cash he just he sees the numbers rise like that one million two million three million four million oh are you going to tell me about having a friend and how i'm a sad lonely bastard yes yes you are [Music] okay let's put this all in we need 1800 total we're almost there he's got his glasses back okay so i just need to do that one more time then we're so close on you is there any other level would like a comment that i could pop in i'm just trying to think no i think it's just the final level is is there anything else before the final level no it's just the end of the game there okay just leave that for now this entire galaxy we just didn't get to go in this world s i know i know i'm just thinking like like for right now just so i could do something quick let's just do melody motion one more time i need like 135 more [Music] okay sorry luigi it's not your turn yet the super luigi galaxy it's gonna happen soon you'll get your moment [Music] with those extra ones there before the checkpoint she'll be okay she's just chilling here but god you really suck at this level are you sure you don't need my help you're positive to do this right i won't have to do it [Music] again okay i might have to do it again now no i think i have enough yeah i'm good [Music] actually favorite starbucks the bad lad i mean we have to do it in galaxy one as well it just depends if there's another hungry luma after this like we're gonna need a lot more new clear time okay bank toad give me everything you've got give me your glasses too there we go and pick him up give me your lunch money oh no he's blind now [Music] okay here you go lula [Music] took a lot of time to get these bits oh i went over the edge i was trying to torture him sparky thanks for 200 bits earlier 300 bits even thank you [Music] new galaxy was born all right let's keep going [Music] it's just even if you're here still you need 1800 bits flashback galaxy oh we're gonna it's another haunted house so we're gonna have boo mario again oh flash black sorry no wait no sorry it's a yoshi level not boo mario's turn i shouldn't have taken those those are gonna help me find the pack okay well [Music] they get me taking them star bits those are guides just can't help it i just see them and i gotta have him yeah let's go limp yoshi's time to shine [Music] i do not see the metal at all [Music] where's yoshi does anyone see him there's another one up there okay just cheese it there [Music] lip yoshi can you just hang on about we just hung that guy down not quite doing it where is the metal it's got to be over here because this seems like the really like out of the way pack to take yeah there it is [Music] yeah we needed that kill him go over here come with me yoshi i i don't like this you can turn off these moves i think that was supposed to be a guide reference and i just destroyed it [Music] i just eat him it's just easier come on yoshi i'll go around here go here bright yellow platform oh see you later [Music] i think we got him oh he's still alive he survived oh there he goes again i don't like this he meteored himself he just like ground pound into the abyss but he's okay [Music] another one down 40 comet metals [Music] do we get to use the coins for anything we just kind of have those [Music] okay there's another level that's like tucked away here for us to do too you can gamble with the coins where do you gamble with the coins is that on the starship [Music] you're you're telling me that this entire time we've had this currency i could have gambled it all away it's in my ear [Music] there's one ear pipe is it the one inside is it these guys 100 coins for five spins oh but he doesn't he doesn't give you star bits it's just one-ups that's the prize [Music] i just want as many blocks as i can get [Music] i have a problem i did pretty well there oh but there's no star bits it's just more star bits and so on i want to win more currency that i can use to keep continue gamble and wit like where's the fun in it if i i'm i don't if i if i can't keep going forever need to sell to the one up market [Music] nintendo don't support that okay got an underwater level deep shell well yes is this a job for boo mario is it time [Music] how's the pipe over here gambling i'm not doing well okay that's what i wanted to win [Music] if i leave and re-enter that's disappointing no casino level yet let's go in [Music] it's been to grab a show i just want to follow the coins let's go [Music] i'm not gonna crash inside my okay no it kinda works let me just recharge my shells by colliding with another [Music] where's the coin in here in here oh oh i am drowning let me get this coin real quick okay okay if i was the guest that was a big open area i can get out of here without dying i reckon it's over here somewhere [Music] the problem is i'm very near death i'm dead okay the temperature was made [Music] am i right i'm thinking it's back there somewhere like it's in this part of the level hey you can gamble again i'm gonna leave the gambling [Music] let's try here get these coins i just kill them uh oh there it is out off the side let's go get that cheeky side passage [Music] we're good you can hear it shining that that's such a lame way to know it's there i'm gonna be oh please drop a coin i get more air when i take damage god i hope so he's a shell mario's gonna die [Music] oh my god mario like you gotta go you gotta go [Music] he like took his time to like consider getting that shot like well my oxygen supply is running low g golly i wonder what i should do let's go above here as long as we can let's go [Music] the side passage on the left in here [Music] okay we're making better time now let's get them away that they really want to test your oxygen in this level like you do not have much to make it with [Music] let's go through and down like here is a single coin right at the end just in case you're struggling [Music] i want it got every coin too did give me that [Music] oh i don't like how quickly this is propelling me [Music] just aim for the hoop [Music] don't mind me how that wouldn't turn to try and get me it's just not fair it's actually kind of cute kind of pretty oh oh the the moment is ruined now [Music] oh thank you mario i was taking a quick nap and now who am i kidding i grabbed a star but i fell and got trapped inside this chest i couldn't breathe for four days thanks for saving me why don't you take this stair just please don't tell the other toads about this [Music] such a calm peaceful moment in this game you know it's real beauty that you just stumble across in these galaxies well i'm awake now oh god okay another comet metal mario can advance oh and here's another prankster comment yeah i guess we're gonna do everything we possibly can before we fight bowser it was a bit different to like galaxy one when we streamed that because we literally just fought bowser the first chance we had whereas here we're kind of clean clearing up everything first [Music] i'm sure they tell the toads about that toad getting trapped in the chest i will don't worry dark octo army rump oh this is just like kill a bunch of them again i think oh but it's dark okay 80 seconds okay just follow where they're standing run into the deck [Music] go as fast as we can trust in their placements trust in the level this one's making me nervous leave the star bits on the ground if i can go handy markers go [Music] we're good [Music] that one as smartly as i could i have to use all my brain power [Music] it's smartly a word it is a word isn't it well i sound very stupid now could a too fast didn't think so okay uh let's deposit all our star bits [Music] uh this is it i believe like there's a prankster comment that we haven't gotten yet but it just hasn't appeared on the map uh we gotta go fight bowser for the final time until you know we get the comment medal and then we have to do like a challenge mode version just to look at the progress crown crown crown crown crown it's pretty good [Music] so wait we have to go back to slimy spring at one point at some point but we'll get there all right time for the grand finale captain somewhere in there quite a menacing castle princess is waiting oh the goofy voice sorry what a surprise it's a comment looks like the power stars weren't the only things getting eaten up around here now i was wondering why donald was missing it looks like bowser wants to get even bigger you need to stop that bowser monster before he devours everything in his path get in there and show what you got bowser's going to the gym we have to stop him he'll make us feel insecure in our [Music] appearances [Music] that was this fortified fortress here we go i imagine we're gonna get some good music for this it's gonna be a bop let's go this way [Music] let's go do it in one shot let's look real cool [Music] wow just dodged the lava [Music] we got you ever drill mario i'm gonna bring it's time to bring back your favorite power-up [Music] okay i gotta clear here dodge him [Music] i don't know if the drill was nest oh i do need the drill can't get past that bit without it hang on oh i'm supposed to run to that bit hang on there we go oh oh here there's another drill bit there there's like a breaking point there okay where does this take me that's the intended way [Music] skip another bit of the level god i hope that platform appears thank you [Music] uh i feel like the comet metal if it's gonna be hidden somewhere it's in here [Music] but i'm not seeing it right now oh oh he's okay [Music] it was looked so inviting [Music] there we go go and save your special one return to us safely wait is it up here hang on no it's just lav up there where's the medal give me the medal [Music] let me just step on you [Music] keep going come on yoshi stick with me it's just the one up donate it oh yoshi don't run in fear oh i need you oh we're good [Music] let's eat him real quick oh there's the metal it's just on the pad you can't possibly miss it didn't have anything to worry about we need the blimp i'm still supposed to be on it [Applause] yeah i'm okay think we have to abandon yoshi here see you later friend god love it he waves to you good luck mario [Music] let's unlock the final door something to the left yeah it's like a mega mushroom but i don't need it i already have uh max life [Music] here we go i'm back in my chair again give it up already why don't you stop trying to mess up my awesome master plan and build my new galactic empire right here and you can't stop me i'll just run off and go find some green pipe to hide in oh peach is here she's drowning can't you see that i'm busy here oh time the chats let's cut this short shorty look still need to rub it in all right i know mario's only like four foot tall but leave the man be he's worked a hard life yep there we go oh it's vertical shock waves now that's somewhat easier the dodge okay here we go and he destroyed them let's try that [Music] again could you get some more meteors down thank you there we go [Music] a few more meteors when you're ready you can use them thanks buddy like he just keeps setting it up so you can kill him i'm convinced like bowser like doesn't really want to beat mario kane just likes their games like he'd miss him if he just killed him outright who would he play tennis with he's just got to entertain the lad it's not really evil [Music] go we did it he's dead for reals he's right guys [Music] who's shorty now let's just pick this up without any consequences hey guess what mario bree decide relief because it'll be your last know why because this is finally the end the end of you i don't know if you're supposed to eat those like i'm pretty sure they're made with asbestos let's get going gotta stave off the black hole and just keep ground pounding basically and eventually he'll die we did it it's a great song it's just a shame you don't get to hear much of it my power's gone my empire shrinking my huge cake i never got a slice it's a tragedy and we did it [Music] suddenly he comes back eats the star again with peach on it like my real like holy he just ate her she's dead there we go thank you [Music] this is it can i just jump off this planet i want to see if oh no okay thank god i was wondering it's just like you just jump up it's like too bad one life down gotta be bowser again [Music] we did it you got a grandstar do you like my face ship beach oh it's so beautiful [Music] i thought she was talking about the fascia there it is [Music] the observatory i always thought we would meet again i'm so sorry for the goofy voice we've already made this decision it's rosalina [Music] mama [Music] i am rosalina i watch over and protect the cosmos i've been waiting for all of you when that evil monster took our star power i was separated from my precious little one i knew we'd see each other again because there is a force that binds us to fine even time and space not even the laws of the universe can stop it i knew its general pull would prevail is the desire to be reunited with someone who is important to you that poll is what brought us together yes we have come true so much to meet again this is not some mere whim of the stars i am sure of that mario thank you thank you for returning this child to me [Music] i will never forget is that the luma talking i'll never forget you even when i someday become a star myself i will never forget you mario never ever i won't forget i'm taking your hat though it's just it's got there's a robs shine down on there she goes i just got mugged but the little one was reunited with his special someone oh not you youtube parliament right [Music] can finally get that cake you were promised [Music] all right you do it's time to get you back to your home we did it there we go oh watch out watch out oh it's fine it's coming right for the camera there we go it's galaxy 2. we still have some stars to go we're not quite done [Music] uh we have another world but we're almost there world s i believe is left we're close furious night fury thank you for the 10 gift subs earlier thank you very much okay yeah so we're not done yet we're going for 120 stars and then i believe you get an extra scene when you beat the game and that is what we are playing towards that is our goal so we're not done it's not over [Music] there is a little bit more oh i could can i i should probably get these star bits please give me more please no don't waste them don't wait i need those it's really hard to see what the perspective here i'm just gonna kill can i jump off i can't jump off [Music] have you seen my hat have you seen my hat a little star baby stole it [Music] have you seen my hat have you seen my [Music] hat we just hide over here [Music] oh i can zoom in with the credits wait what's going on here see my hat give me back my hat give me back my hat you think this is funny you think this is some game i will end you [Music] oh we get to keep yoshi with us let me lick the toads who's shorty now who's shorty now captain toast is like i don't see this i don't see what's going on here i want no part in it [Music] just keep licking bowser oh no oh she's having a field day here's the cake [Music] yeah actually get it you can lick peach [Music] nintendo i don't know what i don't know if you realize what you're doing with that scene [Music] it's kind of up me about thank you so much for playing my game okay you opened special world a message was sent to the wii message board oh hang on wait we got we gotta check it out hang on using the powers of like the wii u emulator what did i get [Music] oh that's just my play history dear i want congratulations you completed super mario galaxy 2. we applaud your hard work thank you for playing that is a pixelated photo if i ever saw one [Music] okay we got the picture super mario galaxy start this again my dear i won't die it's the best me there's the planet world s i want die world s here we go oh that's worrying that's really well you're back i mean hey you're back i think you're ready for more it's written all over your face onwards then there's still more power stars out there captain okay we get so we get some i think this is just extra one-ups because we quit out of the game wait no still looking for power stars you need any help from me just look for the l on starship mario you can now play as luigi there he is [Music] it's still starship mario though and just to really hammer home the point like this entire thing turns red it's not starship luigi we're keeping the ship the same ah okay uh i'm probably gonna switch back to mario for these last stairs i know come on we'll do a bit of luigi people will be upset if i switch okay there's already a prankster comment there um do i just do the final level again right now it's not going to have me fight the final boss again is it gotta go back and do it luigi's gotta clear it too i think it's just a speed run yeah that was a big bad speed run let's go i only got four lives because i exited out of the game oh this is gonna be a gauntlet one too this this is a long level okay all right let's go 30 seconds get back i don't have time for pain here we go [Music] grab the clocks let's go let's go let's go quick as you can luigi i think it's worded if we get the clock oh no luigi he's dead go again let's go there we go you killed him he'll be fine as long as we don't get a game over we haven't had one of those and this is probably the most likely scenario we could get one dangerously low on lives and we've just unlocked all the hard missions and challenges take that i don't have time to get the order wrong here i need to get to the right spots all the clocks follow the clock there's no bullets on this one that's good luigi you gotta run buddy keep moving here's another clock [Music] [Music] oh get that jump down jump up get this fly across i missed the clock could be all right [Music] go oh we do get a checkpoint even when it's like a time trial mode that doesn't seem right [Music] let's go go eat them real quick they take the pepper still doing okay on time this bit's going to be a bit unfortunate because it's slow moving platforms just follow the clocks and we're good i need to be over here give me that oh give me that we just slowly wait to come up here okay this one almost got me killed before just move with the platform and you're okay as quick as you can bridge we're running out of time if you don't have enough time left on the clock it must be agonizing to just die there like literally in view of the star [Music] you did it luigi uh you know what i'm gonna do as well it's actually in my best interest to do some gambling right now because i've so few lives [Music] i'm gonna quickly head on over oh i have a letter for you it's the chimp there's a new game over in slimy spring okay that was the extra star there [Music] yeah i'm gonna do a quick bit of gambling because i think we actually need that the one-ups we're low on supplies [Music] head into mario's ear 100 coins for five spins let's go craft uh johnson and bean thank you all for the bits thank you very much guys there we go [Music] i need to gather these wait do they fall off into the void i don't think they can let me go again real quick [Music] i like getting all of these in short succession so i'm just gonna defend these terabits aren't you there okay we should be good now okay back up here oh wait do you have are you just still telling me to play with a friend yeah you're telling me to be have a friend is there not like a special one now i could have sworn there was like at least one star that you get on the ship i think it's that guy but you gotta get them all there's the red one before on a galaxy one i had a special one for you go back here i don't think so oh sure i could have sworn there was one that you could get okay well coin challenge let's go that's a lot of booze hey gamer it's good to see you just immediately when you're here say hey you're doing okay out there it takes more than a few lucky jumps to impress the chimp like dude i beat bowser okay 10 000 points oh i'm supposed to be grabbing those i jump past a few but that's okay [Music] luigi didn't defeat bowser i guess i can't see what's in front of me i think i'm doing something right oh cool points [Applause] hey let me just keep going i feel like we picked up a lot there uh do i just keep going forward i didn't realize if you just glide into that it just breaks that's interesting it's a goddamn massacre let's go to the next point and get even more still 100 seconds left [Music] like i'd like to think we're doing pretty good i just need to kill the booze now [Music] oh god okay this is actually quite difficult to aim here [Music] come on just [Music] do your best [Music] just yeah i'll die i won't get the highest scores but i'll get enough that's good for me i'll just get 10 more than the requirement and not a single one more let's just wait for the timer to trickle down like no no no more coins for me [Music] [Music] no stomach let me let me just sit tight here make it to the very end [Music] but what did i get points for there what did i do [Music] oh i got enough jump i was gonna time it but i got distracted i got distracted at the last moment that's okay we did it [Music] okay i believe that's this entire world done it's just world s now star count 108 [Music] we might need to get some more star bits at some point there's another hungry luma we're going to be in desperate need [Music] i'll please give us more star bits [Music] i'll take them [Music] wait does he not have any star bits oh no okay he was just like telling me everything he has to do again i thought he like reset oh we're good like 336. oh my god at cathy you shay's sorry cat you chaser i apologize for pronouncing that wrong cash thank you for the 5 000 bits thank you very much oh it's incredibly kind of yeah i hope you're enjoying the stream no message but thank you here's the last one how can you believe it this must be that strange legendary world we've been hearing rumors about there are even more power stars around here oh let's go get them captain 2 000 cat thank you for another thousand of course i'm enjoying it my man oh thank you so much it's incredibly kind ok mario squared galaxy [Music] let's go make mario a star it's back it's the mario planet oh okay let's go star will appear here to give you a little heads up i probably shouldn't be luigi for this well actually no being luigi might have its advantages if this is turn the camera quick turn those back online [Music] just gotta be careful okay uh a few more i'm trying to concentrate dude can you can you ease up with the [Music] beam [Music] [Music] don't hit it after the cutscene am i good i'm good [Music] got it first try i should not have been luigi for that level we survived 109 we got to get a comet medal in all of them too i believe how this is going to work is just you clear the level here's the comment okay next one let's do it again nice guys 300 bits it's always over it's amazing the first week of tuning into it's actually one of my favorite games i'm glad thank you very much oh no it's back it's back it's time for round two grab every purple coin i don't know if there's an exception for this one let's go oh and those shadows great [Music] well at least all the shadows start to die two thanks for a thousand bits thank you leave those ones there for the end wow i can't afford to miss any okay slight problem with getting over here because the cosmic luigi's are over here oh i need to think about order [Music] come on i need to go a little faster and run out of time [Music] 25 seconds come on the last ones are back here i can do it [Music] oh [Music] we're good look at all the star bits this one gives you for completing it too it's just yeah you deserve these [Music] that's a hard one i don't have to do that one again visions thank you for the 200 bits thank you very much okay let's keep going blood pressure successfully doubled okay we can advance further rolling this the ball oh no rainbow road ball level the rainbow road roll no oh my god i hate it okay two thank you for another thousand bits here we go there's no timer at least go go go slow stay under control am i gonna need the coins for anything i don't know oh we might as well take them [Music] risky route oh [Music] i got the comet metal in there somewhere keep it steady captain [Music] oh it's still going almost there [Music] ah we're good i think we're in the clear oh thank god [Music] we're good don't like those power levels [Music] okay we just gotta do it one more time with the comet now one one one [Music] could be really anticlimactic because we're gonna finish all these worlds and then we have to grind for that hungry luma at the end okay coaster again [Music] beamer thanks for 200 bits rt time for your daily mandated spike of anxiety purple coins [Music] [Applause] am i gonna have to get every single coin can i afford to miss some [Music] how many is it gonna drive two minutes there's a coin in the ball let's get the freebies collect 100 there's only 110 great [Music] coin you do it though it's not the time [Music] i'm losing time by getting these but [Music] i should be all right [Music] we will speed up in a moat that'll be okay here we go here we go here we go [Music] 64. i missed one [Music] i can't get him [Music] i can only afford to miss ten i gotta go back [Music] come on luigi luigi don't just roll off the side he's slipping he's slipping boys luigi go luigi oh you piece of i gotta go quick i don't have time [Music] we gotta go fast [Music] nope he said why did he start slipping okay don't go back on the track lesson learned lesson learned come on chunky ass like joystick motion controls get these [Music] i can afford the time here as long as i don't stop on the actual track we're okay [Music] okay this but we gotta go quick oh missed two [Music] go [Music] give me the only just the ones i need okay we're good oh i don't think i missed too many on [Music] that i missed like two coins there's a few on that ledge before like i could have gotten but i've already hit the threshold you missed five but there was like three on that platform i could have just grabbed like on the actual track i mean okay we're good another one down what we got oh it's starting to keep track of how many stars you have too they won't let you advance unless you have them okay what's next this two ignore three take it twisty trials galaxy spinning and spinning and spinning let's go oh it's a sunshine level [Music] okay are we gonna get the music [Music] not quite not quite [Music] got like the deeper voice singing it okay well that that significantly helps i wish i had that in sunshine i shouldn't waste all the clouds [Music] go [Music] blood where are you that was my last one i just i just want the regular spin jump honestly [Music] wait a second [Music] get that oh we're good and the claire it's a hell of a background for getting the star [Music] shine get [Music] 113. gotta do it again now yeah it is it really is we're gonna complete these levels and then we have to grind star bits for the last level twisty trials too please don't be purple coins [Music] turn and turn in double time that still sounds really bad oh they're going quick [Music] speed you just gotta go faster is it not gonna give us a cloud all right see how this is come on wait a moment get over here [Music] very poorly judge that jump get over here there's no cloud but they do give you a checkpoint which is considerate [Music] good perspective leaves a lot to be desired [Music] wow come on oh there's a little bit more [Music] come on [Music] oh that was close to a first try [Music] he just slid slopes oh there's a yoshi that makes it a lot easier i should have had that i i almost did that without the advantage the game was trying to give me luigi's slippery i i just i shouldn't be luigi for any of these challenge levels we just haven't seen him the entire game or most of it occasionally he had a level [Music] all right tricky bit here let's go long boy luigi i'm not dying here this might be a lost cause got it jesus hanging on by a thread [Music] 114 letter thank you for the 1200 bits [Music] visions thanks for 300 bits as well grommet thanks for two quid that one's done what else you got a stone cyclone galaxy i think there was a level like this um in the first mario galaxy i shouldn't be doing this luigi again it just makes it harder silver stars on the cyclone yeah this exact level is in galaxy one i remember this i think the twist is they have to just get the silver stars this time does seem to be double time as well i don't want to get that okay now what cool thanks luigi he didn't jump back [Music] let me try that again i need to see if there's another star on this section before i go across please leave me alone sir oh there is like a slow time button okay let's take that for a little bit go over here what they're not supposed to go up the steps no [Music] okay let me do this again whisk me away i need to get back over here and i need to be mindful that he comes down this step but it's like oh if there was an opening i was like halfway wedged in the open okay try it again [Music] can i time that one poorly [Music] oh we're gonna be here a while [Music] [Music] but is there even a star over there [Music] is there one over there yes there is okay let me hit the button now and what i'll do is i'll go get this star and then make my way back to the button try not to luigi you're stuck luigi what the i'm switching back to mario i'm squid [Music] sick of his [Music] [Music] it's impossible to control him on these levels [Music] he's dead i might be able to do it now [Music] okay so i need to get the two on this side and the comet metal and then i need to make it across to the other side i think that's where all the last ones are doesn't appear to be any in the middle which is good i feel like i can control my character again now oh he just didn't run fast enough come on we're good let's go over here push the button i time this very poorly [Music] okay i'm gonna have to go quick he just doesn't want to make it i think this is the most i've died in any level in the game now too like ironically it's a level that we've played before okay don't chance it just wait [Music] what am i doing wrong let me get this again remember when i got this metal and it looked so cool yeah look at me go oh god oh god oh god okay i'm gonna wait for him run run all right on we go oh oh oh oh oh when do i cross why do i cross oh oh no oh my god there's death everywhere [Music] get the button hit the button we get a nice pleasant ride back to this stair remember that button is there because we can make our way back all right let's go okay panic let's go how do i get on there okay this guy just goes all the way around the block right here it's in theory safe here now is there a silver star on that middle there totally is isn't it go right here go around oh this one is safe the problem is just get into the button in time we're good let's cover some ground he's gonna eat us that's fine okay the don't come on this block go here count the turns or just make a bad dash for here silver star there end is in sight gotta not be boxed okay we're good don't jump off the edge [Music] gamers thanks for 400 bits okay we just gotta do the comment on that galaxy now [Music] i'm tempted to just skip it but we need to get it could it just be like a different world oh what's going on luba you've been through a lot lately huh you should just take a break for a little while captain you're not my mom okay [Music] all right let's deposit these [Music] hey thank you for the bids visions thank you as well [Music] okay what's the what's the prankster comet for here you look traumatized there captain [Music] toxbox speed run oh no there's no silver stars there's no middle platform too wait no there is okay i'm doing this it's hard to tell but i think it's slightly slower go let's go let's go let's go i got away okay wait here mope i need to place trust in the additional clock go [Music] never play this planet again [Music] it's done okay it's just one more left and it's the hungry luma [Music] back on the ship the end is in sight [Music] boss blitz galaxy oh no throwback throwdown [Music] oh this is from the first galaxy oh this is from the first [Music] oh god no they're bringing in all the bosses from the first game it's the baby finally reunited and it's dead well not quite one more there we go [Applause] another child has been defeated i'm gonna take all of these star bits that i can as i go to because god only knows i'm gonna need him for the hungry luma [Music] wait i saw the comet metal under this planet hang on excuse me sir let me just grab this real quick there we go okay how you doing up here i just like walked into it there and like stop its momentum that's fine [Music] oh [Music] we're good gif thanks for 500 bits thank you very much we defeat the tennis boss let's keep going you're gonna keep hearing that dramatic chord when a boss is in here i gotta wait for him to come up like that i think and then ground pound make my way around there we go go [Music] he should be here there he is [Music] he's angry now [Music] he was just minding his own business this guy is just retired since the first game uh but we're back to murder that's another one is there any star bits down here doesn't look good okay next one don't need the luma shot oh this is the fun one i love this guy let's go [Music] stop peppering them there we go [Music] there we go give me another one you just keep smacking this lad that's how you get them down and one more time [Music] give me that one not quite the intention that's okay we'll get him next time [Music] come with me sir oh oh he's still alive nice one more and one more we got him is this really every boss in like the first galaxy oh this is a tiny planet we gotta kill the bait the fire baby now i guess it doesn't count the bowser bosses those are the ones that aren't here let's go it's time for the baby to die again go it's a massacre today he's back from hell with a vengeance i crawled out so that i could kill you again mario go oh the baby is dead [Applause] [Music] all variations of baby anything else left in this planet i don't think so here's some anxiety [Music] jump around this [Music] oh we're near the end there's three stars left and one of them we get like two of them we have to grind for this is behind the hungry luma okay looks like a green one followed you back don't see those fellas often oh yeah he's gonna i think he tells you about the green stars talk to him in a moment just to see what's going on uh where is he over here speaking the cosmic jewels has been a lifelong pursuit this is saying that they can be found when all the stars have been collected yeah so i think you have to get like a second one of them which you get for getting 120 stars and that's like the teaser for it okay three more [Music] we're just doing three more and we're done we'll be doing the green stars no no we will not i've already spoken about it many a time and i'm sick and repeating myself on that front okay hungry luma there's no comet here so i guess i gotta wait for i guess we start the grind [Music] uh how was it again melty moulton wait how so how many do i need [Music] another 1200 okay let's max out our inventory then we're gonna need a lot let's get going i stroll down rolling i just gotta do this one a while so this is gonna be the next bit of the stream this is so we can finish the game get all the stars that count another suicide mission for mario yeah she's still here too she's just chilling [Music] let's go how many can we get for a run of this if we're efficient i mean it seems pretty good so far we did it it's fine [Music] what's with the spectro rosalina it's because like i've died a lot of times on this level but specifically because i've been like grinding star bits true here she's gonna have to half concentrate but i can keep a bit of an eye on the chat it's not in certain parts [Music] there we go [Music] is someone very upset that i'm not getting the green stars because i keep seeing a lot of messages in the chat about that i did say at the very start of the play through why i'm not doing it i i getting the green stars in this game is how you go from loving this game to absolutely hating it like it's like collection milestones done badly in my opinion [Music] it's unfortunate because there is a secret level behind it if you do it that's a really cool one but i don't think it's worth it because i got it's just how you hate the game i will play a video of that though so we can see it for as far as we're concerned we're getting 120. yeah it's tedious it's completion for the sake of completion's sake i i it's not fun which is the big thing [Music] it's actually so bad [Music] uh well what i will be doing instead is i'll be playing 3d world and we'll be getting the green stars in that one because they come back and it's actually fun to do there let's go yeah we're doing good i was happy playing that's what matters thanks it's just like you could just play like do something more fun i think and get the green stars in this game that's the thing it's just it's just not that great in case people are wondering i'm firemen star bits right now because i need to unlock the hungry a hungry luna which is one of the last levels in the game [Music] that's what's going on here and why i'm just like repeatedly doing this level [Music] uh i'm deliberately not making the final jump so that i can just teleport back quickly [Music] there we go i need 1200 i can get like a thousand here and then i just gotta do it again like exit i think do it twice more you get about a hundred per gun per run and it only takes like a minute it's pretty efficient [Music] go [Music] gotten a bit better at picking up those ones [Music] oh spoke to him [Music] how are you really bad at this one god this level so hard it's just kicking my ass right now [Music] go again hydro rt i've had water here i've been taking sips of it during the stream it's very sneaky yeah i'll get it here because i gotta re-enter anyway we just need about 300 or 400 more [Music] i gotta make two trips anyway you want to see something satisfying [Music] let's just sit tight making a big swig of water [Music] there we go [Music] the tonight is oh no [Music] okay let's deposit all these see how many more we need similar sounds 1672. got his glasses back he's still telling me to like put down the game go outside yeah i need another 330. close to that [Music] let's go five and a half hours is nothing i haven't seen the sun in two weeks like i'm a gamer don't you know i don't need sunlight how you doing rosalina okay do it a few times more we're almost there end is in sight it is quite satisfying to just crash into everything i got those ones did you not know we're in a pandemic very careful careless of the purple guy it's like purple guy what else am i gonna do like i can't see anyone right now i'm like living in a box the past year [Music] i'm so excited for like when i've got a vaccine the world opens again and i'm just going traveling but uh like i just can't wait for that like pretty much uh like when i've got that into my veins and the world has settled a bit i'm probably gonna just take like a month off twitch and youtube and just just go to a bunch of places it's like i am living for those days i'm probably just going to like go to tokyo again [Music] i've been wandering because i want to do that last year until the world had uh utter plans [Music] it's going to be good i imagine like that's going to be like any like a lot of people are just going to be trying to do what they can like that probably see a lot of creators i know at least i just gonna just disappear for a few weeks [Music] i don't know if i'm talking to my friends that we've all got a spout of a cabin fever we've basically always been working uh to pass the time you know like what else is there to do [Music] but i do like taking time off and i'm going to take time off uh i like going places are like meeting up with friends but i you know i can't do either of those right now so it's like sometimes i'm just really thankful to have this uh because it it it's just something to do [Music] i know something i love too we're good i need to actually get the star let me try that again i just wanted a few more star bits now from spending money use for gambling later [Music] go here let's go here [Music] first time my life going that way we're good [Music] zen thanks for the 200 bits i just got my second dose of the vaccine and boys my arms soar can't wait for everything to go back to normal at some point soon me too man i think that's everyone [Music] it's like is there like anyone who true all this has been gee golly i sure am happy with the way things are right now i'm slowly losing my sanity big firm oh no i'm out of online classes to be honest i mean like the work from home initiative on that like is kind of cool it's like that's very much going to just be like a new thing in society for a long time like workforce has always said you can't work from home you got to be in the office this entire thing is proof that's just not true oh i need to withdraw these i reckon this is going to be a more normalized like option [Music] but i mean i i the isolation like i don't know if anyone's gonna miss that as much i think we all like wish we could just hop down to tesco without fear of dying go over here oh yeah thanks for 100 bits i hope you're doing all right [Music] okay hungry luma last one of the playthrough he's 2 000 star bits i'm in so much [Music] [Music] there he goes one more galaxy why is this like one of the last ones too it seems a bit weird like you get you're the boss rushing that and it's like yeah here's like your plank one let's deposit those okay three more stars to go let's do this we're waiting for one more here flip out galaxy [Music] [Music] wicket wall jumps that guy isn't careful he's gonna be on my 600 pound life oh no oh i see what we're doing here let's get that [Music] just be careful not to do it too soon into something over here suspicious i'm watching you oh god oh we got a blind leap of faith everything it seems off we go [Music] and watch out for the spider boys [Music] and we do get checkpoints that's nice go it's gotta be [Music] careful oh let's take it slow those seem to be little spots where you can rest [Music] you just got to pace yourself and get rid of these lots [Music] i have to concentrate quite a bit for this one i think you can tell there's the metal wait give me great i need to get those out and find a way on top if i if i extend those out i think i can just like sprint like run and sprint for it maybe you can long jump across from the right okay so i'm overthinking it [Music] okay let's just get through it then mario got impaled [Music] i spun to get to that last ledge but that knocked me off [Music] agonizing when you die okay come on come on mario [Music] let's go let's go [Music] all right [Music] uh so the blue one is currently out get the red one out we're good [Music] he's okay just really wish there was a checkpoint this is making me nervous what do i do i see oh no he why didn't he grab her [Music] why i had that [Music] why you didn't even slide ah i gotta do that again such a hard sequence too go go [Music] get the metal [Music] oh okay now mario when you get to the top [Music] there thank you that's what you need to do last time we're good my hands are so sweaty that's not the case we gotta do that again now dude like a comment in that level [Music] 118. oh no that's not that's not we gotta go back to this one first that one's gonna be the last level boss blitz comet what we got [Music] two stars left throwback throwdown speed run okay i gotta do it fast not gonna be with the clocks is it like five okay minutes get going there's a lot of bosses to clear here let's make good time on the babies [Music] [Music] there we go hope it doesn't count time when i'm in the cutscene [Music] i don't have time for all the star bits keep going 14 seconds down second boss come on just shoot the coconut thank you do that twice more [Music] one more time trying to do this as fast as i can [Music] we're doing good pretty much as fast as we can go right now [Music] okay time for the mall gotta wait for him to come up the next one it's gonna take a while because his hands okay come on chase me here we go [Music] oh where are you [Music] oh okay thanks sir please come back go no no i'm losing time get this so i don't die i don't know if i'm gonna make it now [Music] okay three minutes do i have time to get a coin i i gotta check yeah get that one get that one i'll do [Music] oh there's coins here i shouldn't have done that then [Music] go okay we gotta get a quick this guy boulder geist always forget his name deserve to help help we can because we're going to need it [Music] there we go i should have let him spot another boulder he's split the battlefield in two which is kind of bad oh you can spawn coin boulders keep going get them down okay now with the hands this is gonna be a bit trickier i just have to make sure i hit his main body i don't have much time left [Music] come on start summoning we've got two of them that's bad okay [Music] i could have greatly used that second bomb minute thirty spawn two more please [Music] there we go okay we got a minute for fire baby go let's go one minute i get that i need to get a coin as well i get the coin when he's in his like rampage stage because i can get that quick two more [Music] no get the coin now [Music] there we go 30 seconds we're good [Applause] final child of the run has been slain [Music] if inside any percent come please 119. [Music] there's just one left okay this is it [Music] the last one is cosmic clone wall jumpers oh no that sounds horrific uh okay basically don't mess it up because there's gonna be people following me i hope i get checkpoints going easy on me for this section here they are we gotta go got to be real careful going through them because they could just jump forward and still get me [Music] go as long as i don't take too long i'll have time oh i did it wrong okay that's the bit where i need it to be red i long jump and i spin it's fine [Music] stress they're following me [Music] because i was thinking if i get stuck in that box i'm going to be in a lot of trouble because they're also going to be in the box with me so i might need to just keep running [Music] but okay with me cosmic okay i gotta do the box oh no [Music] at least the cosmic marios are in pain too oh that's gonna be fun for the marios oh i tried to make that ledge i do that every time come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we're good [Music] god they almost get you there we're good [Music] this is it is the last one [Music] 120. [Music] we've done it [Music] this is where the game ends if you're kind to yourself and you like having fun but if you're not of the i like fun camp there is something else that happens here not a green one those are really rare i am just speechless nice work it's okay somebody needs to talk to you about let's make our way over where are you even if you have every power star you must still defeat that monster or never see the cosmic jewels okay no so we get to we get to do one more then one more level this is the last one after we beat this that's it [Music] the green stars were legitimately my favorite part though not everyone has good taste i'm sorry [Music] shots fired let's go be bowser one more time jesus okay whenever you're done [Music] murdering [Music] [Applause] let's make our way through well he's watching your content so of course he doesn't that's a bit harsh no like if i had infinite time right if i had infinite time and you know like there weren't like you know exciting new games coming out that i could spend time on then i would do it but as that is not the case i'm just not willing to do it because it's so tedious like it's not [Music] fun i'm just i'm just knocked down for that i would rather play a new mario game than just do that just for the sake of it and so that's what we're gonna do you don't got a justified idea all right well i mean apparently i do though some people have been very hard on me about it let me just edit your save file i don't think i can do it out on the wii u [Music] yeah i'm doing what i want to do and i said from the start that's what i'm gonna do and that's not changing and no amount of peer pressure in is gonna change my mind on that so just so you guys know go here go here [Music] oh here [Music] how many gifted subs to do the green stars 14 billion i'm pretty sure if you give me 14 billion i will consider it briefly and the answer still no chat let's do this how much does it cost for 14 billion gifts yoshi [Music] troll boomerangs [Music] at least two pounds us dollars 70 billion basically if you take all the money everyone invested in gamestop the past week and use that on my twitch channel i will briefly consider the green stairs oh we're gonna get green stars still it's just gonna be 3d worlds once because that's just more fun like we'll get them there if everyone gives two subs in the entire world oh this isn't gonna end well okay see you later yoshi made it to the end it's fine [Music] [Music] can't believe yoshi's dead you left my boy have you ever gotten them all before in a personal playthrough no i got about halfway once unlike my we save file but then i just got bored i could and even when i was doing that i just had to consult like a walkthrough guide it's just really tedious [Music] like the secret level you unlock we're doing it looks cool but it's just it's just not worth doing i'll still show the secret level though see we'll get we'll get to see what that looks like first things first let's just kill bowser one more time if you could summon some meat ears please [Music] if i could trouble you or a few meteors [Music] speed rotors fuel to pay how long does it take the speed run with like all green stars in this must be like a nightmare [Music] an eternity like green star any percent eternity is the world record [Music] people have died oh all right mario oh you just stand on that like kind of [Music] waiting please leave me alone mr bowser okay we just gotta do phase two the good music's inbound it's just a shame this fight is kind of short this isn't an emulator this is the wii u i don't have that am i late well it's the final boss and we have every star but uh still a little bit let's just keep ground pounding [Music] can't dodge them all bowser [Music] oh [Music] we got him he still doesn't get his cake [Music] [Music] we did it this has been all 120 stars mario galaxy 2 played the vast majority of the game we just missed one level that's okay [Music] thank you let's grab that again [Music] let's just speed through this i don't know if she says anything different when you meet her all looks the same it's just good to see you again rosalina luma's gonna steal a hat again [Music] it's rosalina you've heard this before [Music] thanks for reuniting us again i gotta keep better care of my children [Music] here we are [Music] thank you thanks for bringing them back again until the next one [Music] see you 20 minutes [Music] and the hat goes again [Music] star shine down [Music] no one is reunited with a special someone mario's last inside again what does this mean for me cappy is gone [Music] where's the ship go everywhere space i think the comet observatory shows up in like 3d world somewhere i think it's like an easter egg in a level which is actually kind of cool you do see it in one of them if i remember rightly he died in space there we go super mario galaxy 2. [Music] that's it this is the game there's nothing else god knows we're talking about 100 100 oh god okay so if i can skip this no i can't we'll just sit through the credits and you'll get to see what happens next [Music] it's 99 completion yep this be a video probably [Music] it shall be looked into converting it no i love this game still it's a real shame this didn't make it the switch with like the 3d mario collection it's like galaxy one on its own well it's phenomenal it doesn't feel right it is like the two parts of one whole [Music] i feel like you have to take the galaxy games together galaxy 2 basically is just an expansion for galaxy have you seen this hat you see my hat have you seen my hat [Music] i stay from friday to be this ready i said it started following oh thanks walking on air it's very kind hope you've enjoyed today i'm sorry if i'm a little negative about the green star thing too i do want to say that it's just because some some folks have just been hopping in the stream and just like hounded me about it and it kind of irked me a little because i wanted to make it very clear that that was you know that isn't even something i want to consider which is why it's the first thing i said when i started but yeah it's just a little frustrating because i did say i wasn't going to do it [Music] i do apologize with a little negative there but i've i've loved this game this game is like a masterpiece one of the best mario games ever made like it is just on power with galaxy if you like galaxy you will love this like there's just more levels more cool concepts unless it's the boom mushroom then we only use that once and then we forget about it forever [Music] uh next week we have mario 3d world i think we'll have that by the weekend uh that's actually a really solid mario game it's different to this one it's not quite the same as like 64 sunshine or anything uh but it's really good fun and that one actually does feature green stars in every level which we will try to get but the way you want to 3ds one it's the wii it's the wii u it's coming out and switch through and they have a new like big level in it that's kind of like an odyssey level with moons [Music] yeah that's going to be fun we i i'd be down for playing that one at some point thank you so much for playing my game okay here's the extra scene [Music] luma's back with the hat ah good everyone's together now [Music] next let's hear a story about the jewels of the cosmos let me tell you the story of the green stars [Music] this is a story from long long ago prankster comets have appeared game has been saved it doesn't actually tell the story it a little disappointing the green star challenge is on i want die is an appropriate name now let me show you what's happening here really done it now pranks the comments of swarming all over the universe see for yourself they're everywhere [Music] did you see that those prankster comets are green that means there are green stars around now those must be the cosmic jewels i keep hearing about those green stars are pretty hard to find so keep your eyes and ears peeled take it away captain so in every level in the game [Music] every single level there are three green stars let me show you how these work let's go into a level here is that 120 more stars to the game right they don't have names there's no level designed around any of [Music] these and basically at somewhere random in the level there is a green star hidden here [Applause] now in some of them it's a little easier than other levels and i think this is a good this will be a good example of that so if i just walk around the house some of them they don't really try [Music] but in later levels they're much better hidden than that and you have to find them all and they can be in parts of the levels you can skip they're in parts of the levels you can miss um i they can be assigned to like certain particular stages of each level i believe [Music] like if i go in here again green star two so you just start back here and you just have to kind of comb through everything in the world again uh until you can find them yeah we're in the first level here so they might not be as tricky to find but as you go along [Music] it quickly gets awful now there is a reward if you do it there is an actual tangible reward for doing it uh which is the main incentive to collect them um and i do want to show that off because i unfortunately do not have the patience to find all the green stairs i think it will take forever because you have to comb through every level and i would rather play the new mario game that's coming out but if you're someone who hates yourself um there is an incentive for doing this uh so let me get this up i'm gonna see if i can find one that's like without commentary uh ign's got a video okay yeah so this one will showcase it because the prankster comment for this level basically is you do it again but with only one help oh let me hello welcome to the void okay i won't be able to see chat for a moment so this is uh just ign's video on it [Music] wait no it's got that that is and we can't even see it like hang on uh let's see uh evolution of secret final levels yep [Music] i find it [Music] okay this should work this actually has 720p this is this is the rock galaxy 2 takes a weird turn when you collect all the stairs and it becomes a 2d side scrolling platformer [Music] okay i do recommend like looking this up online especially speed runners when they're doing it because it's a very impressive level it's gonna come up now okay grand master galaxy the perfect run can you guys hear it okay i just wanna make sure i'm gonna pause it because i'm gonna hide the chat it's good okay this is the level [Music] um and it is basically a gauntlet with the prankster comet you have to do this with only one hand there are no checkpoints you just have to get clean to the end [Music] uh it's a impressive one to do as well like if you actually are someone who's complete this level fair play just like not only completing the level but like actually getting all the green stars takes a lot of work it's not easy [Music] i kind of prefer in like other mario games where it's like if you just get everything like the bonus collectible stars in each level that's how you unlock the final level like the 3d world it's lovely you just have to get the green stars that are already in the levels to begin with it basically keeps swapping between types like 2d and 3d and you just have to keep going it looks insanely impressive to just pull this off i've never yet done it myself maybe someday i'll have locations for green stars like in my own time but today is not that day tomorrow's not looking too good either [Music] just pretend i'm holding the wemos this is all me you gotta go through the switches [Applause] [Music] and the laser beams [Music] i don't believe i give you any extra clouds you can just use them here to help you [Music] and there's now these guys like shooting stuff at you too [Music] here they're just trying to murder like are you doing the prankster comet version of this let's see if we can quickly murder you because like here you just have to get the time and spot down to traverse between these you gotta even slightly off you gotta start the level again look at me go i'm doing so good a tricky bit here guys i think i got i gotta wait a moment i gotta wait a moment only got one shot let's go now let's go now god that was tough my hands are sweating [Music] so here like this muppets in the way but you also need to slingshot yourself over it's just risky [Music] and you're still not done uh you now have the hammer bro armada he's just steering clear of us oh wait no he's got he's going back to the fight i thought it was just a boomerang guys i think he's going to kill him let's spin into a hammer there it is cool having a secret kind of final level so like in mario games i i've done the one on wii u and i have done the one in 3d land as well um i've done odysseys as well because i managed to get every game that was really fun it's like the game actually has like markers in that you can use to track things you haven't found you don't even necessarily need a guide to complete that one which is neat [Music] stage that's it mario so you're the one who collected all the scattered stars i want to thank you the deeds will live on the memory of the cosmos may the stars shine down on you [Music] there you are gg hacks whoa he did it first try he made it look easy i saw me i've recorded that video for ign that's what you don't know uh yeah there you are so if you do have the patience to get the green stars if that is your jam that is the reward and when you get that you 100 complete the game fair dues to anyone who's pulled it off because i do not have the patience myself also the only other changes it makes when you hunt for a green star all the like dialogue borders the green now that's like the other notable change it looks awful yeah yeah no it kind of does doesn't it yeah there we go let's win mario galaxy 2 everybody [Music] oh jesus yeah these credits might roll a bit fast because there's a lot of gift subs today but thank you everyone uh for coming by the stream subscribing giving bits i know just spend some time with me i hope everyone has enjoyed the galaxy streams it's kind of mad like we're finished both the galaxy games uh 3d world is on the horizon though i very much want to take a look at it because it's just a solid game and we will do that next week uh when those games come out [Music] i do hope everyone enjoyed this these streams are out of this world oh i see what you did there oh dear that was actually 14 billion names i don't think we're quite there was a lot though [Music] i'm not going to be streaming tomorrow because i'm just going to take a day off i'm going to rest a bit um i've had two days although just like back-to-back long streams uh so i'll be back instead on friday i believe on friday we are going to try and stream something with kiwo uh but it might not actually work because servers might be overloaded uh we'll see how it goes friday um i don't know when i'll even be going live friday but i'll keep people posted try do something then for now uh thank you so much everyone for coming by the stream i hope you enjoyed it let me see whose care am i going to leave you in have a look [Music] take a stretch too uh i'm gonna leave you in small and scare the guy is lovely i think he raided us at some point i can't remember he might have he's a lovely lad though go say the small end okay till friday folks have a good week [Music] you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 27,270
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: 899342614, rtgamecrowd, Let's Play All of Super Mario Galaxy 2. Going until we hit 120 Stars today, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Twitch, Gaming, Let's, Play, All, of, Super, Mario, Galaxy, 2., Going, until, we, hit, 120, Stars, today, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips
Id: IlS8dYtcIkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 392min 29sec (23549 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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