RTGame Archive: Mario Kart 8

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Oh folks how are you all doing but just getting everything together all right I'm a little late I was just having dinner when you clean my glasses hang out there are no secrets dreams little die Artie Val it's good to see you too Jesus we're doing an off schedule on today how y'all doing folks can you hear me okay can you hear the background audio okay important to get it right for Mario Kart because this game just has a bokken sound truck yeah you can hear it cool let me just pop out the stream alerts on that and the notices in just a moment glasses are clean I can see let's oh I have this ping that everyone loves on the discord there we go hey we're good I was it how is it not sponsored by Mercedes GLA I don't know like Mercedes never returned my calls in the end it's a it's very upsetting we live in hope Oh God chance to come on in though oh it's a go on everybody Jesus people are just already subscribing off the bat thank you very much people saying the game audio can be louder is it is it kind of quiet you want me to up it a little bit or it's the current volume good like if I do I think you guys can hear that okay it's fine yeah this is good go okay we're gonna do some online play we're gonna play with you guys if anyone has this game we're gonna try and get a lobby setup in just a moment I gotta remember how this actually works we might be a bit biased and say regional here just for lag purposes or is it friends and rivals I just create a room that's her playing privately with friends I do have some people added here but the odds of them all being here and enough to fill the room is unlikely I want to just I want to just set up a lobby where like we can all play on is this the only way to do it and I have to like add a bunch of people or what can I do like a tournament search using code this is an old tornament apparently we did back in the day I'm trying I'm trying to remember how you do this Noa hundred-and-fifty see God have a bunch girls versus boys is one let's just going on what's the best way to do it pretty sure you can have it public if this one says that it's privately for friends that's the thing I want to be able to like customize everything for it and I don't want to just be like a tournament thing but I want us just be able to keep casually playing this tournament it's gonna like end okay well what we're gonna do we're gonna try and get people in for a lobby maybe that's maybe that's the best way to do it okay let me just skier on up slightly here so we'll just get that in and I'm gonna see if I can control this room or people can join onto me ah yes someone's already here I don't even know who it is cuz it's just a waluigi skin I have some people at it it's like some of the mods that know we lost him what the is this okay and there's like someone that's like me but like with a haircut I'm using tilt controls alright let's see how many plays we can go we need 12 for a lobby don't we so I'm gonna say I'm gonna do like a creaky tag just in like the sub chat on the discord [Music] I'm gonna get some people in the filter this a bit what I'm gonna do hang on let me just block that for a moment and then I'm gonna basically copy my friend code thing and pop it on the discord and that way we can get a cheeky few requests in and we should be able to fill up a lobby quite quickly then I think I think this might be the best way to do it because I think we just controlled the lobby we can like customize a lot more of the sentence think pop that up and I'll see if I can get a couple of like kind of pings in for some more people to join here there is a way basically what I want to do if people are more familiar with this game than me because I haven't played my go-kart in a while now I want to smell set it up soda I can like customize everything in a lobby and like decide at all if I press okay can I do that yes I can okay okay so I get all that cool all right that's cool and yeah that should be the right friend code I'm gonna try in a moment to get more people in we're gonna try and get the full 12 and then we'll go from there I'll basically like because I post that in the sub cotton basically gonna add everyone and switch that like adds me now so y'all want to pop in your request if you got one there and yeah you guys can hop back to here just so you have music in the lobby will be it will be a moment or two just getting this ready hold good cut wrong with that man's face not Baldy is it like it is no it's so cursed I can turn there we go turn it up on my inch - they're just cycling this guy's got signs as well you can't escape him he's just in everything now okay I'm gonna try add a few folks give me your blam oh no one minute it cuts away the audio for some reason I do that I don't necessarily know why that's okay though I'm gonna do I'd friend receive friend requests no one sent me any is that I Co drunk oh he did I there's a typo no wonder no one could join okay sorry without that eight should have been a seven let's try that again yeah so if you look on the discord again lads you can try it again yeah well give people there's no two minutes again to get that sorta yeah sorry like that what those completely my fault okay friend requests received yeah it so it's working this time so we need that to pop up like eight times and then we got enough fat go thank you five hundred bits a RT love of the content keep up the good work thank you very much Tesla thanks for 202 bits as well staying up late let's let's me cash this stream very welcome how was it going well I am thanks for hundred bits craft thanks for hundred as well I'm like coming home from a 96 day university just to get home in time for the stream well people are spamming what a shame is what we do actually have an emot-- I was in like the heyday when we had like 20 emotes lots and we didn't know what the fella went the water shame is now here to stay it's so long since we played Mario Kart like honestly I'm trying to think when the last time was ok well we'll just gear on up the lobby and then be good to go for a while I'm gonna start adding some of the people I think we got a lot of friend requests there yeah you've received 20 friend requests so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna try and accept all of these right now because I know that I only posted my code in one spot so I'm just gonna work my way troupe I'm gonna see if I can show this bit hang on or does this bit I think I think I'm okay to show this we've got to be careful because if I show my friend code I'm basically going to be overloaded so we're literally just gonna try and add all these what's the code I popped it in the sub chat in the discord the reason being is we have to filter the flow somehow so when we do stuff like that we tend to just give the subs like a bit of priority there we can only have we can only have so many people in so it's it's the only manageable way we can do it yeah it's in the sub chat in the discord so I'm just gonna accept all these okay Ruby okay just got my paint shirt thank you very much for getting the shirt I hope you like it I was wearing my one yesterday got it in black black for myself and then a key I got one and wife it's still kind of remarkable how well that did it's it's the most sold piece of merch we've done it beat the country roads sure in the end which is kind of astounding if you think about that cuz you know that's like a big meme on the channel but like thank trying and that meme already the audio sounds really off that's it there shouldn't be much audio right now is the audio good your voice is weird my voice should be fine yeah I think the audio is good some people were saying that it's wrong yeah how many more requests have we got to go true defriend requests oh this is the last one apparently now there's got to be more hang on okay you can receive the friend request it flash for a moment that I'm just gonna accept this lot and then we're gonna go in you I'm not gonna take any more I got to be very careful showing that because it gets my otherwise Audio is fine go anything just play in your man what a sick meme to make me how you think I have technical difficulties riveting entertainment as a local streamer fiddles with an audio sentence trying to crack the stream when nothing is wrong where's the roblox we're not playing roblox again you kidding me oh no we might down the road because there actually was some good stuff but we're not playing it in the capacity we played it last night okay there we go that's all the ads I'm gonna take for now the lobby I think is full people have just been crowding in here well we've been away hey old folks okay we're gonna we're gonna go from here this means that people like hop out at any point - we should be able to get a few more in because I've added enough people at this point how do we do in the lobby my friend code is in the sub chat on the discord like the sub notice one that you can just kind of pop an out there I'm probably gonna do another wave of ads a bit down the road but for tonight I I think we have enough requests now so we're gonna get on with it okay who do we want to play as as well I'm gonna leave it up to you guys to decide who's the best character I'm in the game RT play minecraft I better do what he says is it just a hollow e she why they even bother asking well a lot of people are saying wait people are saying Daisy okay well there's only one character worse than Daisy and that's baby Daisy okay that's we're gonna okay if I don't know if everyone here on the lobby wants to go along with this but could we get as many baby Daisy's as possible we have to do at least the GLA once because it's the meme yeah if everyone in the lobby can literally gear up as baby Daisy in a Mercedes GLA let's get the Daisy Grand Prix goin pink car I don't know if I can change it I think it's it's red okay I'm just trying to make like the worst possible Mario Kart experience let's do like 200 cc with just frantic items and it's like 48 races over here all night okay well I I didn't pick the ID we pick the map we don't pick the map yet okay start race there we go you guys are in here for like the next 7 hours 48 races we're gonna do every course in the game let's just let's all vote baby Park to make this like truly horrible make these people regret joining this lobby baby Daisy Grand Prix in baby park only say is crap okay I'm gonna bop down the front take it away the friend code for an out of two so we don't get it constant pop lips Thanks to everyone who actually did add me there yeah let's go [Music] that's not baby park is this gonna be worse because it's not like the experience we want it now somehow even worse the Rainbow Road Daisy circuit wait can we look behind us how do I look behind it's just there's one guy who's as me who's the prick who didn't picked baby Daisy everyone just gang up on that one guy yeah I know who who we killing on this racetrack there's one guy who's not the worst character where is he just just stop the car stop the car where is he there's this guy oh that was him nope the game was given out I think that's him there it's like Canadian there he is I'm just gonna follow him now oh no he's got a snare I don't think this hack is gonna work No [Music] [Applause] and the you doing mine disappeared where'd he go the bullet bills I think okay he's miles ahead now great I gotta actually try and catch oh yeah I can stowaway with Mario campus let's try that again play some Mario crap I can get not last I'll take not last this I can still do it need a good item [Music] there we go technically first if you just take away to zero [Music] yeah head the you're doing man everyone else's baby Stacey okay 47 more races to go we're gonna play literally every map in the game gotta get this one in it's impossible to like for them here that guy to even change his character like mid race I don't know we might be stuck don't worry it's golf rules last as good yeah let's go shock our it's baby park Ruby thank you for the tree thousand bits Jesus Christ that's very kind I'm so sorry you're here to witness this awful stream tonight thank you though [Music] he's got to do this 47 more times now still I think he changed its character tip it's now it's now just baby Daisy on baby car like this is literally help [Music] finally you go so fast that you don't even lose the drift you cut this corner Lusine thank you for the five give sub that's very kind [Music] don't I can't even hear the view like it's just noise I'm just baby screaming as they like around these points there's a blue shell on me but I I think I'm still very far ahead jihad which is when there we go easy first [Music] we did it now we just have to wait for all the other babies to finish the laps just turn left it is just what how it looks like amazingly I'm second in the rankings after that I don't know how signa cool thanks reward 45 bits but I love baby Daisy and Mario Kart the cynical no one's perfect everyone makes mistakes okay okay let's go cheese land which is the second-best course in the game by which I mean it's awful this track just sucks on 200cc we're trying to pick like every track that we should not be playing right now let's go people still voting for baby pack 2 don't give us baby pack again don't do this to us don't I hate you guys [Music] oh here we go again only 46 more tracks after this baby pack Brown to just love being a baby so that guys you can just drift over the grass but it doesn't matter on 200cc you move so quick you don't get slowed down basic it's literally just cheap that's for that marathon Oh [Applause] Oh No okay you need to go max speed for it just this once no I take it back this is help these are hey oh hey well how's it going [Applause] playing the baby Grand Prix I wanna die Thanks keep going we did it I hate everything about this already thanks we did it another successful race okay let's please please vote for cheese land okay the most iconic track in the game we need to play on 200 cc because this is like a track where there's like the walls just have magnets and I'm passed your votes for cheese land but don't live in a democracy here thank you you it's one guy we need to get him out of the lobby I swear to God if the oshi sanctuary there's gonna be blood oh thank god it's cheese land it's cheese laughter okay okay hope y'all like cheese wait that's okay that's a Mercedes Brian car but that's not the GLA the J up someone's in a bit because other people don't have it but just just uninstall the game if you have me unlock this Tara it's the best one two leaps up and we just need to pour that you just if you have items and you're in the GLA like you know a sensible human being I just use them exclusively on the other people who can't afford like a thirty six thousand pound or something the cost for this vehicle their fall for being poor just get them off the map [Applause] [Music] I'd install your side of me that this track is actually like properly the worst one in the game on 150 CC it's really bad and it on 200 cc like the walls just have maintenance like almost every turn you're gonna be knocking in something I have triple red shells for this with one guy in front of me - this is for man who put him out of his misery let's stop it he's already hurt [Music] nope not to worry about going off the track every 20 seconds and we just have the infinite mushrooms calm down artsy it's gonna be put him I'll get him off the track [Music] oh if I use that mushroom properly I could have got it carefully baby Daisy 1 [Music] how long thanks 300 bits just had a copy of poco of mystery dungeon for the DES at my dad's place now I know it's gonna consume the next long time of my life I mean that's an amazing way to spend it line which one others like explorers are like the rescue team 300 bits as well wouldn't be one me on baby Parker okay what other like the truly awful stages have we got trying to all we got to be quick as well if this one's just like oh yeah this one you just go around let's do the excite biker arena you just you just jump a lot on this one someone keeps voting for baby park every time don't do it don't you they're very upset right now oh god this is the fifth race tree of these races up in baby Park there we go again the trilogy it's such a bad man you just keep going around and it's just chaos I don't even know what's happening just getting items [Music] just a bunch of fire pop out everywhere [Music] great I'm just taking everything from it [Applause] someone's probably already finished the race now at this point dan but you like this one loop music okay I will start wit mushrooms some of these people have probably finished what none of them work is the song getting faster with each lap yes it is yeah well we did it for 49 points on the 48 uh race Grand Prix I'm not gonna have time for all I don't know why I said it so high III have to hike off at about 9 o'clock in like an hour and a half and we're 5 races and a dragon trip no yeah Excitebike like would you drag and drink laughter okay that Yoshi one is also brutal on 200cc I don't mind so much here if we hit one that is an exciting this Excitebike one is kind of lame while Luigi K is not for your ruthless [Music] Jesus I was going to buy this game for my brother now I'm not so sure I just having doubts after seeing the actual gameplay experience [Music] let's go Thanks [Music] what have I done [Music] what's wrong with the map oh no okay I think the game was just lying about it said they were all stop for a moment so I was like did everyone just die I shouldn't stop there the chest I can catch up - ah one place as there's one place [Applause] concentrate artsy I shouldn't be like trying to text and drive right now I try to like read at which time my I should only be on the road that really aren't oh thank God I don't pay attention we made another bullet bill oh just drop me off into a wall I guess yup [Music] I'm like half the time against a wall but it doesn't even matter cuz I'm I'm getting so many mushrooms Jesus [Music] yeah all the way why you suck I'm doing my best okay there's a lot of babies on the track you know how hard it is to hit a baby with your car okay the thing is quite small oh yeah [Applause] okay we came third that means we're better than like nine of our babies but they were doing pretty good like we're second overall all right I stopped watching like if a tiger film to watch the visual assault that is baby a world you should just go back to watching the films honestly there's nothing of entertainment or like value here everyone everyone should just go home like dragon trick away just just stop watching the stream you all have families spend time with them they miss you oh baby parks on again don't do it don't do it there's always one don't do it thank God we're in the clear [Music] thank you Laurie dad don't you know your luck is terrible that looks pretty good thank you very much just today's not the day it has like a pacman huh we don't know he has a pacman hat that's David and we're gonna need to change up the rats I think do we do we change all from baby Daisy to a new character or are we just gonna be like baby Daisy the entire amount [Applause] [Music] do regular Daisy all that's Baba's baby there you go Wow using it while to easy it okay we'll do the waluigi gram free after this and we'll just try it like only pick the best tracks in the game how's that when they're gonna add baby waluigi to 35 baby characters [Music] no while the we do is like the player for I baby waah and then Eve it was properly wise ago I want to have like a deeper voice and regular waluigi doe wah his baby was with baby waluigi still fast - yes he would and he'd have the nose - so he's the exact same which is a smaller body he's pumped fully girl yeah the regular waluigi actually gives us the baby maybe that sort of this that's what I haven't had it [Music] I see all you got to kind of stop that [Music] have to be your only original character I can still come second I can still come sir take baby baby you Rosalina we don't does anyone really care about baby Rosalina that's such a worry and leader boy okay alright well I'll go and Waluigi everyone change let's do it that and gotta go gotta go a character everyone has people not everyone has the GLA we go like the waluigi Koopa clown car race with the clown Karen oh I didn't have time to select but you need the G hey [Music] there's no baby PAC this time the yoshi island one is getting more and more support bit worrying because this one also sucks why aren't you playing Mario Kart 8 deluxe this is Mario Kart 8 deluxe the category doesn't exist on Twitch for some reason it's just sounded Mario Kart they didn't bother because it's like the same game basically right some people didn't change off baby Daisy and Tony a clown car gang let's go this cars so bad we might not have them in smash bros but we have them here that's okay be incredible of like a final DLC character Felix mantilla is just straight-up waluigi it could actually happen but he's definitely up there when the character with the most amount of support behind them I don't think anyone will be upset if they actually add into the game you just give him like a tennis racket me just like lobbers people with it but he takes out a golf club two tries to break this spine that'll be a fun character and then like he just has like a side special way just takes out a gun hippo huntin it's honestly how I want to die let's go although eg but the me is that's the Meads but renamed wha it's a waluigi me that doesn't count it's tough the same bottle smashes blue Luigi a final smash is just like he reads like a Nintendo 64 or creepypasta where you got to get like a pawn to King America and I could just like comes out of your TV and strangles it with his legs I think that's better suited for waluigi and the type of person is unity rocket-boat event ed is short back it's actively like me an old costume haven't even been boxers from people love that if you did it for show it's just a naked Schultz can get one for waluigi and can happen in general or just take off like is it always purple shirt that he has so it's just as overalls and you just kind of see a bit of like his bare exposed chest no your play mario odyssey 1/2 please don't give them any ideas just get all the phone in nintendo my uncle works that i think ok alright so everyone and that wala we'd you with the clown car mute city want a lot of fast was never all while luigi don't don't try to like express yourself and be one of the Koopa Kids you know I'm pressing anyone [Music] who's the artist friend of yours it's a keloid I was a link to her Twitter in the description of the video that went up tonight it's a good beat animal crossing all right I don't have any of these cars down oh well what what what default carries either then we need to see what was vulgar have we all at the clown car is that the fault no the sorry the cat-car that's not a clown cat to bike there's still a baby Daisy this is the imposter waluigi and austere waluigi gets a pass for now but you're on thin ice buddy [Applause] [Music] we need to lose that last baby Daisy doing good all still applying that's good okay [Music] this car is just actually the worst your turn this is so slowly no sounds like waluigi doesn't keep going there's the imposter again he's not even not the clown character got like a p-wing your proper sports car we unfair because while we did I can see I can still win it oh I can definitely win it watch this no okay I might be able to come second hang on one of these get em no I'll take third I'll take it Oh God drop dragon you need to you need to hop over buddy we've all moved on from baby Daisy that was a joke like ten minutes ago it's not funny anymore clarified strategy like spread your pits I pay your body the distance the feed that is today see have cat thanks 400 as well don't get rid of baby Daisy Artie she gets rid of you yeah let's go wario stadium this is the closer we have like a waluigi map waluigi pinball ain't in this game vote for Yoshi's Island again you require GLA and hope you enjoy your trip to Poland thank you very much any ties to be able to meet you in Warsaw I don't think there will be because I'm there for special event that Square Enix is actually doing anymore so and I'm only there for like basically one day it's like I fly out tomorrow and then I'm kind of there for the evening and then it's like during the afternoon a day and I'm gone the next morning gonna be Cola and the waluigi derby [Music] maybe Daisy you gotta change I'm worried to change character again now because I feel like you look at the stay as waluigi i'm gonna get my baby off the track but any means necessary hook order 66 baby daisy this is why she's the worst character shows up even when you don't want her there ruining your life losing like hammer against the wall thats still gonna check a shelter maybe should not be alive drive in the Mario universe [Music] I love the music it's just like Noah's have to lose just so many people everywhere it's impossible to hear anything else [Music] no I like push me alone part of the reason this one's closest thing to waluigi pinball as well it has the same music from waluigi pinball we live in hope for the full version thank was on betrayed yes mom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's the clown Kara making those weird noise I was I talked to the music actually was distorted I was trying to listen for a second mech the clown car is just going like brand like but like in we a little weird noise I was so confused I can't I thought I was hearing things okay we need we need a different Karen it's a clown it goes why okay let's change the cap everyone go cat car I think everyone has the cat car unlocked by default - cat Cruiser and we'll just go we'll just start going Rainbow Road no we don't know but what ones do we have by default then there is the default go character that one's kinda lame it's just not purple enough waluigi pinball is in Mario Kart DS original Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart tour okay be nicely made DLC for this game I think I think it's like the best-selling game on switch so it's kind of surprising that they haven't I know the DLC from Mario Kart 8 is in this one there's like I had some more content you know I think I don't think anyone would mind things really good as is you could just use some more tracks no just like keep it a bit fresh like overtime it's already enough tracks sure [Music] PACCAR may be the way to go I mean this controls so much fire in a clown car already does Wario's now infiltrating the ranks to not to wallow each even like the impostor me I think changed the Wario it looks a bit different [Music] no it don't know that one's the same it's got a purple hatch you know that one came water views just fat although Ichi who are you Wario is just not sexy waluigi basically be really handsome man Wario is yellow [Music] gosh look behind me I never realized the firepower to actually as a little meter so you can see how many charges hello all struggling with just the speed on this track obviously in the wall come on overtake him still Wario is waluigi after he pissed himself I don't think piss in your pants I thought dramatical transformation unlike your entire body though I don't know that's what works my favorite game red Luigi chatter hey Luigi when are we gonna get him in like Mario Kart they have pink old peach could actually happen is this jello Luigi character we've all been waiting for what are disappointing Mario characters that they add to this game the guys that literally no one is asking for to be represented you're all Rockets Green bronze Luigi green bronze Luigi Goomba for Goomba was a boffin character Oh No violet pilots coming to Mario carries the next character no two people are gonna love that just a table they're just a Chain Chomp like driving a car professor egad he's a cool character the thing is there's got to be worse than the Koopa Kids cause the Koopa Kids are already like like Koopa Kids and the babies are like on par for being the worst characters in this game which is a shame because they're so many babies and Koopa Kids like twelve of the characters in this game are awful like no one wants it here Hudson's just add sonic it just runs alongside yes [Music] I have to concentrate a bit here because this stage is actually quite difficult we know Maxo got a cat [Music] all the Fire Emblem characters decide Marsh like seven times people love Mary well haven't even played the game just kind of there and smash at the fire evidence table I like some of the Fire Emblem characters inspired to like it's just the point where it's it's way too many you know hopefully [Music] like Robyn's kinda cool is different they would I yell I'm Irish and that's okay but then you got Roy who's a very tomorrow Crom who's a variant of Roy who's Cena who's a very into Mark Karen who's just another sword guy and now violation is just another sword guy it sounds like TV or like someone a bit more interesting looks like a proper manner key that would be cool [Music] I like violet I the thing is I I kinda like violet to might be kind of in the treehouse at the moment but it's like this just tube has too many reps in my game too honest to god I don't mind so much like Mario and that has a drats there's like all the Mario characters very different like for if the character is in it I would sing and then like the others all play very similarly like Robins the only one that's like he's super different because we like dealing with projectiles like I eat is almost like a variant of like American sink my god I'm not now that's not really fair but it's like same kind of a static and there's just too many characters at all the name the same a lego man for smash a Honda Civic for Mario girl for iru kara I thought the smash there okay everyone some varying a rainbow road and four cars let's just go basic default we're gonna have everyone on the same level default care all waluigi grandpa come for smash finally the character we deserve miss a DS GLA for smashed out that would be very it would be good to see no Mercedes GLA actually in fact let's add it to Mario maker ages back it's like one of the costumes you can get where America it's like an 8-bit Mario in like a GLA I don't know why but it's there chunky is dead for so much about it fell to the river in like a city for smash it just yells hey yeah lime all live link please buzz like a secretary [Music] would still now what someone's Donkey Kong I think that's also not wallow he she it was it was so on point at the start we're like the baby Daisy Grand Prix it's all gone to hell since only the walls have magnets again not doing well it's crashing look [Music] fairly slim there Tetris was max I could be fun [Music] just like a pile of block that kills that are blocks could be some way to make it work it's been weird our characters I would say but which Tetris block though is like the l1 the four piece important question [Music] q4 / I'd like like you know fast food was like I know companies to the girl and the Wendy signs for smash Ronald McDonald mismatched actually that would be terrifying oh no it's like chops up his enemies and like makes burgers out of them dr. cows sheep [Music] [Applause] a roblox guy with smile scene for smash could actually happen alright I know it's a bit of a meme but I think it's on the cards the kernel from that weird dating sim with smash hey Colonel Sanders is a very popular character in Japan okay AFC is like a big thing over there it could happen we could get the colonel he's now a video game icon I'm starting to catch up I'm almost first Steve Harvey dabbe hope so Tony Hoffer smash don't be so weird like it's like I'll think it wouldn't oddly like still be up this I can add logic to it it's like okay Tony Hawk is the Tony Hawk games was just like a human being next to everyone else Ruby thank you for the five gift subs that's very kind thank you very much hope you enjoying the stream the Pope for smash you know keep going for rainbow road everyone speaking like the terrifying courses right now like all of these are like brutal gauntlets I think if there's anyone who's been waiting to get in there's like two slots at the moment if people want to join I have some people at it it we just have like one guy with no name and player the goofs for smash now it's Waluigi for smash honestly the guy the guy deserves some love at this point like even Wario's in even daisies in at this point okay literally all of his friends what the piranha plant got in before wallow easy have even players that's the piranha plant in most games if any [Music] God gotta get first [Music] brave the gala [Applause] you can get crushed somehow traveling 200 bits I'd happily going to get sent the code correct I have the code up in the sub chat a bit earlier I'll pop it again if we're like a bit short on players I think you might be okay for now just to stop the constant like friend requests receives popping up from the screen it's a bit much otherwise Lions force man she's already in signs already got a costume it's kind of like insane and woke up at now there we go you did it [Music] actually came first once the ring from ring fit adventure I'm so I so close taking the top spot come on we can get need one more good race only gonna pick new big blue this track is basically if you fall behind you loose yes so we have we have a few slots at the moment if you watch you want to join that's three I should have people at it I'm earlier in the stream baby park next please maybe not this is not more people hopping in because like we I added like 20 people at the start of the night but I think everyone's disappeared but down to way down to 9 in here yeah we are we have tree sloths I have people outta who can join only then guys you have to be friends RIT yeah I added a bunch of people that's the thing there we go people are hopping in come during the lobby guys fifteen trace of the baby Daisy circus [Music] keep going [Music] oh okay so this is the go fast track don't fall behind you will never catch up also just trying to ramen I guess that red shells right behind it took so long to hit me [Music] musics adopted it is really good yeah what come on [Music] bTW bet [Music] can outrun it [Applause] we really kind of run it [Music] what if we became friends in the Nintendo's switch I'll pop the code back up in that sub chat again soon hey didn't know you could do that oh no no it was first the entire race well we had a good run back down to seventh Walter gets five quid and says my wife's boyfriend let me watch a stream for 30 minutes if I ate all my vegetables so here I am at st. Simons healthy good to have you here well you see I think I might need to do it couldn't a quick round the code it's just cuz we're like one or two people off okay well here I can hear I can quickly filter through here a bit and request who we got here's craft we get a few more people at it oh when did we get in the tree house in stream I'm kind of just playing tree houses in my own off time at the moment like I don't know if we'd be good to stream there's a lot of games like that we're like I want to spend more time in them but I don't okay I don't know if it'll be good good for the stream because I want to do like a full plate or of them but that would probably take up like way too much time the race just started it's okay I'm just getting a few more people at it okay some people that should be able to hop in let's try that back just in time didn't miss anything poultry has the straight will take multiple screams that's the thing that's only like one plate wrote me to like when that's the kind of game when you finish it like kind of want to do a second one I think the problem with me screaming that is like I'm the kind of person who likes just strategizing everything in that game I know be very slow and painful to watch especially because it will be backseat gaming it - I come to think of it it probably hell on earth - strain fire and will on this channel because it's just it's a strategy game we're like such a heavy consequence I'm gonna try I cannot add any more people tonight that's alright - an FYI cuz it's gonna be to add people alright occasionally though people are okay with I only listen to Jay I mean you're not wrong there but it's like this you remember like we were duly streamed like Baba is you and people just lost their minds because I wouldn't find the solution to the puzzle before some of them I'm worried it would be like that again except your favorite character dies if I'm like mister like put them on the wrong on the battlefield [Music] well I can still do it [Music] what happens if Connor just slipped out of existence there that's okay with me nobody no his friend coat I'm not adding any more people than just a few too many at the mode these are the fans who watch you shiny hunt whoo-whoo I mean you're not wrong I still think it would be agonizing there's other stuff that I really do want to start to inflate trees up to I really want I want to finish sorcery and I want to start fable to those like the next to my after this week basically I'm like home for a good long while the basically based in Ireland you think until the end of the month and I'll be hopping off again I pretty much all of February though like I'm just home I'm like when I'm out of the country I think it's like only for two days [Music] I'll have what calamy Carson we did one night is back play minecraft you got her what's good fun more pain tryna think we're okay that compute can people join the lobby or cuz I added some people there but no one's coming in getting errors would attempt to join really oh okay there actually is some trouble I'm getting errors too right okay um I mean I could try cup over to battle mode or something and like we could just like end to Grand Prix early but that said though we're now 17 races in a powered me wants to just keep going to see how far we get we have the potential to like play every map in the game and like we played like baby park four times this one I think it's like the third time we're playing it one really likes the Wii dimension I get the best time trial score on this one how long may you be streaming I was gonna wrap up with about 9 o'clock I love this level so that's why we're buying it every time the character roster is being infiltrated like Mario's are now like on the scene well it's quite upset in the safe no is Nate names in the title of the game not welcome here though Mario is like the Normie character of people pick because they're too scared of Luigi why would you ever pick up you're not supposed to it's just kind of there are you a carrot except no one played Mary well you're not supposed to it's like an unwritten rule oh that's all kind of okay it didn't hurt us with some reason don't you dare lose to a Mario try announcer [Music] I just got my new bank credit t-shirt I'll sign thank you very much for buying it hope you like it [Music] God dropout there I get that mushroom I can still do it now I can't compete with that cat Lee like 300 fits would you really want to join the match but you switches saying you can't connect to swipe the here Internet's fine despite Punisher for getting a shiny so quickly oh no it's just to Mario's that joined with like no name there do I exit I have to like get more people in or do we just keep trying to brave it because I feel like we're just gonna slowly keep losing people here but the same time we're up to like 18 races people are dying off please a reboot I can I do this I don't know if that helps okay we're gonna go okay we're gonna go back then we're gonna just set up a battle mode it's shiny hutton all over again okay let's try this oh we got a new vehicle nice great room and we're gonna we're gonna be link yang this time everyone's favorite Mario character just go standard get everyone in everyone go link now me thanks 400 bits I won't die for smash anyway here we go okay I think we got a full lobby this time this is a good sign okay we off the loom bottle renegade roundup ba bomb blasts coin runners or shine thief oh wait can we should we do a one rat I just really want to show like how painful this is and I get through this once before but can we do one round which is a 50cc Grand Prix it's real quick and then we'll then we'll do battle 50cc with no items or coins that the race pure skill 50cc this could actually be worse than like the baby Daisy set up at everyone just hopeful like Mario Kart Stadium like just a really basic track where nothing happens I put the street I'd fast forward this is going to take forever [Music] can you monster bikes only no I am thanks round trip it's you go to my favorite channels thank you so much for streaming and keep being awesome thank you very much oh this okay this is gonna be doubly painful now rainbow road 50 cc who would ever subject themselves to this there's no items it's just pure skill don't get you a speed booth start you loose let's go links Oh many you got a hit you gotta hit the booth or like you're gonna fall behind the pack go for a gentle drive man I'll know you're faster but I'm never gonna catch up like forever gonna be like two paces ahead come on music is like the so intense it's like yeah it's like a grand finale track Jen gently glide around here we slow we're not even gonna go for like the cheeky speed boots as well I'm not even gonna drift gentle drive you don't need the drift from it's on 50cc give me give me the speed boots intense Mario Kart strats on display here I got the inside corner there don't need all this fancy technique maybe you do hisses pain [Music] returneth he's doing a tune out [Music] you went off the track you got the bit too much too quick now i'm ii got overexcited i'm beatable racer please stop I will study I swear that is this trash if I ever solve them I'll go and meet productive yeah I can't do three more races wait okay this way just one more we have to do hang on everyone vote baby Park 50cc baby Park how long will it take to complete 50 cc there's no items on come on don't don't okay this quite a high chance that we don't get it come on baby park baby Park this is important is the one time I want to get it there we go I'd rather watch paint tray [Music] the fun's never gonna end we go get a good start you just turn right yeah yeah up here huh like almost no benefit in drifting yeah we're on the last three let's just keep going around it's like an actual fairground ride now like it's gonna take go off mean even to catch up with him he's a very marginal distance ahead there we go give me the speed booth he's never try and get behind them as much as he can [Music] with speeding up everyone stay in their slot no overtake just getting faster and faster [Applause] dragon so sila you can do it like this I'm like with very little consequence oh no no [Applause] anxiety okay there was some slight consequence okay how's that music it did it did it did it did that's scatter no more 50cc Grand Prix quick questions that he would okata as a twitch name I need to pine him for know let's create in your room who's ever who's the best Cooper kid of the lot like they're all such disappointing characters but if you have to pick one who we all go on us Ludwig or Lemmy people are saying I think you think it might be favored to Lemmy okay everyone be Lemmy who cares about this character I know one who's a fan of Mario says like my favorite character is Morton of the Koopa Kids that's that's just not a sentence has ever been uttered nobody wants these guys in the game and they take up seven slots yes I love him okay let's do some classic balloon battle frantic items you know justjust normal items normal items all vehicles 24-ounce now four hands just do four we can do a team battle I don't know if we can choose who's on which team yeah by between like two characters to do that [Music] let's go boss and his love abortion his life oh no you guys are just saying that for like the meme now know like half you didn't know who Morden was though I mentioned his name their motion for smash she's already in smash bros all's Lamar like Bowser jr. alts let's link Morton's in Smash Bros waluigi isn't looking mortem who cares about him Borden's of my main motion was my first kiss he's like the Lemmy Olympics let's go I stand with Morrison there's one who's Roy no we're so close to perfection [Music] and everyone just Killroy that's the goal of everyone here more than such form Lemmy's let's form a truth everyone just get this guy come over here a gang how to kill him try not to hit each other [Music] let's get radical [Music] are the chases haha where is he he's gonna try and make us like hit each other we got to be very careful that he's going to town square no there's a lot of crossfire here in the south side of town take our way down I have some fire I picked a bad day to exist Roy no stuck Oh guys too much collateral damage you have to get them I am NOT your enemy only Roy is [Music] going this way there he is do that give me anything I totally had a minute [Applause] IOT is covering fire this is Roy's last status there is a ease down here let's get up okay block the shout Roy is like Avengers like infinity war all over again got to stop him gotta stop no don't kill me like that okay [Music] should have gone for the head no I don't live this time there he is got he's gonna follow it's just I think he died there yeah he did kill him in the end he still got more points to me god damn it I was so close to wind until 30 seconds ago bad grad thanks to the six year or 90 cents hey Roose I know you love Daniel as much as romantic gesture so have the romantic number Jesus thank you very much no squeaking so electrode your bits well if you don't quit it I'm refund to my paying crowd sure I think that's when we were on the 50cc pages which is understandable I'd be very upset to [Music] where I'll just sent me like an image of a potential thumbnail for the video what it looks like it's very close to like link doing a dive but he's like an intense amount of pain Oh No [Music] he's still here you didn't change product what you madman oh well killing them again happier this time to you the objective is no longer who gets the most points who kills Roy the most careful not to get your friends the live inverses got him yeah you can't dodge em all [Music] got the crown at the moment - good Tom cross I didn't want to hit Tom Frost after him then you go [Music] Jews Rory has a lot of nerve being alive he does why isn't dead [Music] never come here slow down [Applause] got it oh did I get a balloon [Music] I don't even see where he is anymore just like you let me weapons being thrown hit for you doctor why don't you assimilate we could try to get like a cursed group photo actually maybe in the next round let's get everyone the one spot like lineup the cars like we're all sent me an image that could possibly be used as a thumbnail but we could try and like one-up it and like orchestrate something we did it for like a hat in time like way back in the day when we got like seven hack is in the road anthem like that was actually like so difficult to do to run call with the mod so close to an hour go to something I don't I'd saw my phone at the moment so I can't really we can try we can try get one together I did steal a balloon from someone that I don't die I'm gonna be doing really good [Music] sake [Music] oh he's right at the end don't die again for the love of God [Music] stay alive cat we're gonna we're gonna try to get like the group photo ever if everyone wants to go like we want to go Waluigi again or baby Daisy which one we gonna which one we think maybe it has to be waluigi oh it's quite evenly split okay we're gonna do a vote then we'll play it we'll probably one more round as this but but then we're gonna do it yeah I'm gonna get I'm gonna set this up this is important actually like an even split which for the group photo the car will be the Mercedes GLA no matter what by the way we're gonna just have everyone in that okay go Morse we're not doing Morton no one cares about more ever thought if engine at all that's a worrying question no let's see okay it's very clear that it's Waluigi dent right it's not even close it was like like double the votes okay so after this we're gonna line up the group photo [Music] how I'm trying to think like what level we even do for that I think it might be better like to do something that's not balloon bow it because there's like so many things here on the screen maybe Daisy or bust oh [Music] it's it's waluigi's one Laveau yeah we're gonna do this one and then I'm gonna find one for the group photo [Music] we'll get it with like everyone in the Mercedes GLA because I'll have to reset the lobby what I'm gonna say is if you don't have that car on lock just pop out for a moment because I'm basically gonna try get the photo and then we're gonna like reset the lobby again that makes sense [Music] [Applause] [Music] how about all while Luigi's have one baby Daisy no because because that's gonna look too much like that picture with all the men and there's the woman on the couch and that's just very upset no that's not due to action [Music] [Applause] [Music] one that we're not we're not doing that with just one baby baby it's - Curtis tellin suck [Music] Oh Alawis just the one burst stopped interested in Morton no one cares about them no one here like Morton before we say I'd like to talk about on stream [Music] [Applause] entirely the right of an occurrence [Music] I love Morton he's like son Ludwig or bust no one cares about the Cooper you can't convince me otherwise even prey [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus who is Borton again exactly that's what I read people don't even know who it is [Applause] Oh debugger [Music] I've just got to stay alive a little longer 30 seconds that dying come on for once for once please and have a crown and everything while we do get away [Music] I just got a hideaway a while [Music] someone else stole the cramp no no anti Reinstein physicalist of this radical has the steering wheel next to its profile does that mean he's actually using motion controls right now okay well we're gonna get the group photo so what I'm gonna ask for this Lobby are the people joining make sure you have the Mercedes GLA unlocked because it actually is very important to get the photo lined up I'm gonna say for the circuit that we just make like to marry your circuit one we're like Peach's castle oh okay so everyone everyone's going why Luigi cuz he won the vote and we need everyone in Mercedes GLA you can probably just go Mercedes tires if you have them but it doesn't really matter if so everyone that's joining him waluigi gang graciously accept my role as Balu battle champion like to thank the Academy my friends and all the fireballs of people who died to make this a family a lot of people died thanks 100 bits craft it okay we can get one or two more people in the lobby nope okay fine just so just so we're clear on not killing each other it's gonna be 50 cc there's gonna be no items or coins we're just we're just trying to get the photo basically we're trying to take the picture okay so everyone's voting for like the Mario circuit that's like the one that's like a figure eight that's why we're gonna line it up everyone waluigi so mario circuits the one we're voting for someone got the mario kart state that's not honest misunderstanding i think they're unlikely we'll get that one find off baby raceway cuz look for a group photo we need someone like a clear background and there's just too much everywhere for that one no all someone else made the mistake okay we might still get the one we need no no don't do this don't do it don't do it don't do it oh [Music] it's very close okay all right so we're just trying to line up the group photo so I let's just have a look around on the track maybe we go in front of peaches castle that will work okay so everyone just come with me for a moment we're gonna stop in a moment just trying to find a good spot for this you know what this is kind of like a nice background this kind of works all right so gang let's see how we can line this up No although he'd use heavier weight that that might actually work though that actually might be the photo right there we may have already got it because that looks so curse we can try get another one again but like that one's actually pretty good because it's like a dog pile while Luigi's facing the wrong way let's try it again okay ever all right I'm gonna know okay everyone just go all the we G again Mercedes GLA everyone do it again there wasn't a Roy that's why it didn't work okay so radical I'm gonna ask you to go baby Daisy all right you're and you're gonna be the only baby Daisy everyone else is going to be waluigi let's get the cursed picture let's just let's get it out of the way the radical is gonna be baby Daisy everyone else while the wee Jeep Mercedes GLA and the track is the one we were literally just on we're gonna do it again [Music] and do you monetize that Mario circuit it's gonna just line this up again forget the perfect shop every little there after this I want to resign from moderator yeah that's fair yeah Ruby thank you for another five gift subs thank you very much we're very coming tonight I'm very much appreciate it can she it's already so upset powers even smaller than the rest of us okay let's go back into where we were down here come on gang okay so everyone just like faced radical and I'm gonna have to like act as camera mouse everyone just could see it now after a man oh stop that baby he's trying to escape [Applause] [Music] it won't get fire we're faster than her [Music] yeah we need to like ten radical against the wall or something just get our Ilyich off the Traxxas Kent Drive you get her out of the way box are in we need a maneuver get the child get the chip knock her off the track nope the trek come on men this waluigi's in front you need to reverse get the baby keep popping in she's taken to the sky wait these are all AI what happened why did so many people disconnect no they're not AI know the names are just disappeared they have an oven replaced by robots have we can anyone stop I've only lost everyone on this track oh my god they're just racing normally now Tilly might be still be in the game they're kind of driving into radical a bit more the game is trying to protect the baby it kicks it when you're in the same area for too long oh no it's just the hollow easy bug [Applause] okay so we can do it in battle mode then surely maybe the reasons it's not working here is because the racetrack will get the baby huh [Applause] just try [Applause] the only catch up I'm like I think soon are still here as well yeah that powerslide was like [Applause] I just want to see a baby die [Applause] who wants to ask for [Applause] all this for a picture Farren she know she's bumping into me now get her off the road [Music] his sunny stream hits no four out of five got me not gonna catch up anymore when she escaped [Applause] oh okay let's try let's try battle mode you can get this to work we got to get this picture Jesus local thanks of two tiny bits okay let's get we're gonna do battle mode and then well I hopefully radical gets in we can have him go baby Daisy again and then we're gonna line it up again and we just gotta like stay on the move ever so slightly so that we don't get kicked to create in your room [Music] there goes any chance of that sponsorship deal look the Mercedes GLA is a versatile vehicle okay it's fit for any job doesn't matter how large or small that may include Jason I could barely finish that sentence like I was struggling there cuz I could tell where it was going it's like oh no I don't know how I want to say that okay get everyone in okay so radicals in radical you need to be baby Daisy again and then we're gonna line up the waluigi see gotta get this picture it's so important round Lent five minutes we're gonna get ourselves as much time as we can okay and to make it even worse for the items i want it so everyone has a shell and they're just holding them what like staring at the baby okay we gotta do coin runners too just so we don't have any balloons of that okay let's line this up so everyone needs to get like a shell or some kind of weapon don't use it just hold it and then we'll meet up for the picture i let me decide what map we're gonna do too let's have a look I think maybe there's an SNES one that's quite plain the battle chorus one I think that might work well for just line the picture because it's not much going on here let's all go the NES never everyone Christ is watching you just edit your career everybody say anything it's just par for the course at this point okay right so let's so everyone just get a weapon and then I'll find a spot for us all to meet up everyone should be in a Mercedes GLA and in baby Daisy every day we stray further from God the map is so cursed [Music] okay so yeah let's meet up let's meet up right here hit this with this spot is good so where I am over here now if you get a banana bat bananas not my threatening so I'm gonna just go replace my banana real quick we need we need a shell everyone else just got her [Music] Spritle banana don't want bananas give me another item oh don't don't kill each other okay that's a bit I just want a shell that I can hold next web notes there we go [Applause] if everyone just hold on to like a shell [Music] if that guy if you have some coins as well just try and lose them real quick there's a fair few people with coins okay there we go yeah yeah ever everyone gather around [Music] if everyone close [Music] I think the shot is somewhere here the shot is the shot is somewhere in here everyone just blows in again a case just racing he's got a ha ha ha ok the guy with the bomb just drop it it's like dead on in front of us the old man says whoever has the bomb just everyone huddle together and this guy's gonna detonate it Jesus yeah well we did it we beat up a baby that's one off the bucket list so curse okay yeah the thumbnail is somewhere in there that that was beautiful thank you so much man for making this possible okay we can put we can play the game while we're like you're two minutes we have left we got we got the picture got like the worst Mario Kart picture we possibly could 50 yes sir like that that is just for fun man but I think there's no question [Music] [Applause] we're just gonna see that and just think like what the happened [Music] [Applause] he's scared for the day beautiful we did it boys Artie it's no more is how I get canceled it's finally gonna affect you I gotta get that YouTube drama go it's part of everyone's career at this point [Applause] News 8 days introducing the Mercedes GLA apparently [Applause] [Music] I'm glad even with this stream we weren't just doing like a Mercedes GLA me again we were driving a lot of the Mercedes to let you know we happy but I'm still thankful we did something new a pareo car like this game this is a wonderful game of all time [Music] definitely makes it really tough time charity is canceled ever laughed hysterically this whole street is like you so much no problem provides not having Christie delegates the raw power of the Mercedes GLA this post is made by the Act II can't even cry out our TV volume Mercedes GLA I don't know if it's environmentally friendly and it's also apparent like $30,000 that's very expensive for me H as funny as it would be if some day have a Mercedes GLA can't even Drive Thunder a third time [Applause] put it on your bucket list is that one of my goals in life now to own a car from the mean and like no other reason how'd it go one as well oh I don't believe it how do they come out on top just by over six GLA for the meme how much are they what is the price let me see Mercedes GLA don't know don't give me a use one that we need this like brand-new for hundreds four hundred quid per month to rent apparently oh and in retail price is thirty seven thousand euro okay thirty seven thousand fundraiser for this why are people getting sixty nine thousand of sixty nine thousand pound for twenty okay I have to say it's like wait a minute [Music] Jesus available at Ballsbridge Motors here in Ireland crafted extra bits when do you think when you think your de Tolly pose we talked about this a stream ago and we did but now we know the price the low low price of thirty seven thousand euro we can buy a car for the mean on the street how many bits thirty-seven thousand euro one hundred thousand one hundred thousand bits is like 1000 and it's 37 million bits is that right no three point seven million is it three point seven million bits it's enough para hypetrain Oh shame we might get level two on the hype trade with did you get a Groupon for it okay cuz how many people like here how much would everyone need to donate to even make that possible it's 2006 under here let's see tree three point seven million / 2600 everyone needs to donate like 1400 arrow everybody's not at least a grand oh no oh that's so stupid pocket change [Music] that's my summer paycheck [Applause] let's do a paid stream we'll fund it [Applause] I'll keep streaming like Mario Kart like without stopping until we hike with a stretch goal of our group - in the Mercedes feel like and like nothing else that we're just here for like a week sometime a claim Mario character we can actually buy a Mercedes GLA watch grass grow story Gila Vario credits pretty exclusively Mario Kart is honestly very funny stream I really like it it's chill unlike you you don't all you're not always gonna get something like YouTube out of playing this game because of the nature of it but it is just a very fun game I get to play with people here which is always nice watch the year ago by stream hurts each Arfa jeez we had like a capture card fun back in the day that became like a running mean now we just moved on the like full automobile moving up in the world [Applause] jalisa a part of this game huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] think probably just probably just baby park that would be up there part of the game does sucks cheese lands up no - Chi Chi flan shouldn't exist [Music] iconic Mario level is just the world made of cheese [Applause] what does the capture card what fun it was a meme back in like the tf2 days and uh capture card delivery is like someone's username here now just for Layton's little streams time on all capture cards in the chocolate moment that's what I was related to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] was this a joke for like a period of one stream because we were talking about getting the capture card to save it up for it meand about it and I think one guy gave like a hundred quid so it's like okay I guess we got it ma'am it's pretty much the end of it [Music] RIT will see their flex Kim I'm buying a car on the street you can get a totally merged like $200 that wall iron can you wait it's like a full proper like toy I need to say this hang on Toya Mercedes do like all my god it exists no God it has a steering wheel guys [Applause] okay [Music] I get this Alphonse I'm dying Harv this is important look at this it exists GLA class and then there are only like 200 quid oh no now it's possible it's actually possible is where the am I gonna put like in a Mercedes GLA like a small electric car do a toy review well where do I put that right on your desk flashy how's it going as well put it in your garage I don't I don't have a garage guys I'm trying to like move out at the moment I'm trying to find like an apartment I can't have this as part of the things I need to love to that apartment my order to the highest of Harris could be like what the did you do to help closet there's no room in the closet for our care room you can't put it it's like a storage room in our house right now but it's already kind of full I can't use this your action car but what is it like this has a wheel how does this work how fast is this Mercedes GLA electric toy car from three years of age engine sound horn favorite children's tunes it can also be operated remote control that's terrified I could be in it and someone else just like to start the steering the car handle under the bumper rear additional wheels have better carry over a meter long yeah Joey care is delivered not assembly I have to build the character as well the holy I have to it how heavy is that it's 25 kilo I this capacity this capacity we gotta have a streamer we fill the carriage driver holy I kind of want to do that I kind of I I have no space right now yeah guys I there's no way to put this I don't have the technology to make this possible play it right now this is an impulse purchase I busy [Music] my parents are already disappointed enough in me [Music] to put please for the love of God how much is it where's the price tag toys is there an Add to Cart Bunch I need I need to look on Amazon later okay well if we ever need something for like the ultimate mainstream I think we've just found the material I don't think we need to ever like that what that stream will be I can't can't do it right now no guys [Music] gravity's given thousand business we need a waluigi plushie to go inside the GLA get the camera set up like a five second video Paula we can just go by the tower and looking at the camera we go to record it but where do I even do that video [Music] outside hello where where do I record it I can't I can't just go outside my house that's gonna cause trouble under the spire a racetrack is there a racetrack in Dublin I can bring a Toni Mercedes cosplay is waluigi Invacare okay all right take a break exercise of its look at your PC base do it I receipt okay real tough real talk for just a moment okay I'm not buying a car over the course of this street because that's as too impulsive bus and hear me out but hear me out if if I actually have the means to do it and to set up a proper strength not not just a recording a proper strength of us in that car then I will I will make an investment in future how's that if I actually have the means to do this someday I will do it right now it's simply a case of where the do I put it you know I'm trying to move out it's a very bad point in my life to buy a Mercedes toy car even if it's for the moon that you can clip back to if you can clip that too [Music] flip it the document if I have the means like to actually report like streamis and do something like that in future I will do it because it would be a very stupid video but it gotta wait till I actually have the means to do it because right now is that it's never going to happen did this there's no way where do I put it you know I need to find a place to live before I just invest now like even on a temporary basis I have nowhere to put it I don't have the equipment to stream it right now hide it I got something I need to looking back [Music] give it to a kid after I mean I could very well do that yeah we could just donate it or something use as your charity I'm gonna um um this this is like German like promise in the clown car extreme like all that while ago and then like a year down the road he just appeared dressed up as a clown on stream but if I actually have the means to do it at some point down the road I will do it okay just the case I'm actually setting up the equipment necessary for that more than anything I need like a GoPro tomorrow at Kevin's right I need a contract remind this man every much no don't do that [Music] god I was here remind you every stream please do it at Kevin's house just drive around his home sucks scaring the out of him and Hannah watching paint dry my new Mercedes chill day not quick god I I really want to buy it on stream there - that's the sad part I really just want to say it let's do it but like my parents would probably be upset if I ordered at the baths like they would actually like Daniel like what the [Applause] [Music] have some restraint now I I will look into that for a future stream that is my goal for this year career sex before good favorite sporty family SUV for offroad or the Mercedes GLA his RV picture thousand bits as well Ian thanks of six quid he does please for the mean shall not forget nope don't forget don't forget that's alright down the road is something we will consider I don't even know if it's still for sale you know I think I saw it on Amazon ticket sale still not use that excuse pick jack up when I go to the folk together Jack doesn't live in Ireland that might be problematic I'm a Dublin man [Applause] [Music] yeah we could do something with it and then like the O's provided we don't total the car in the recording session we can like give it to a kid reason I'm saying that is because very well like yo I'm just gonna sit in there and like the tires pump because if it it's not intended for me let's be honest here [Music] that was like excuses to BRT and ammo I actually do want to add a Mercedes GLA I know or like non-district like our image has animo like I can't use the logo cuz that would get me in trouble we could just have like a silver car or something but just so happens to resemble a Mercedes GLA now I probably want to retire something about this year [Applause] get sooner now with your face on your skinny voice oh it's fine yeah but I might be a skinny boy but I am not three years old this car is not intended for me let's be real which remote is your favorite I really I I really like the move the one I like the glasses one the saved ones because they have like practical function [Music] I think the one I always give it to is like I carry though it does looks like the original meme on the channel Aryan and I think in particular fire Harry is the one I like the Lola moat is actually really good too if I want the every channel needs like a last one the I want die one whose is perfect for what it does people get good use out the modes with function the higher is really good to hydrate one yeah that's good it's like some of the ones I need to retire basics or something like the hat burying emotes that never see the light of day they kinda need to go I even want to kind of change the like we have the no meteors ammo I kind of want to change that so it's just a meteor mo just a represent disaster it's a bit better that way I was thinking about that recently yeah we're gonna be swapping some of the metals there's something that will stay forever like the ross bob ones like like you know a space clean rip if that's important like minecraft story mode ass bomb i like even that around [Music] probably have a look now and kind of work out some of them but I'm also conscious at the time so we'll do that another day maybe we'll go through the emotes i'ma work out which ones that will retire the Zach one I might actually retire believe it or not because it was there for like one stream that's the terraria land it was never really used good it's like when do you pop like an RT games act like what's the right moment for that you know you see is getting snapped right occasionally comes up press Q always comes up enjoy slack while you can you may be deleted soon twice a moment I want to do like a bit emotional single grain of rice crowd me when you're like going it's fifty quid literally when do we use the sea whenever we play like Elder Scrolls games actually we've used it quite a bit I love Zach oh he's gonna die this is what has used a lot of the dread wounds good yeah we'll do that I'm like no I I think maybe at the end of like the next stream or something on Saturday when I'm back we'll have a proper goat friend through all the emotes and that would be good to do good I think we're gonna try swap some about get the hot wheels GLA make a track further than by like the full-size one got the sign thing is if I ever do get a car in future because I do want to learn how to drive people are gonna be so fiercely upset if it's not actually a Mercedes GLA like I could like roll up like a Tesla or something and people are like what the is this people wouldn't people wouldn't be happy it wasn't awful care it's not a GLA Kathleen 100 bits this is so much fun I was only in front of balloon battle but I haven't laughed so hard in ages especially I hate you multiple times got called a bugger thanks for the experience arty ah no problem Kathleen I'm glad you had fun Rick likes to read your bits as well imagine if you will YouTube rewind with GLA while Luigi a crafter thanks 400 as well I'm not going to alarm you by man to clip your promise now - which uses random words so identified the clip last word for the clip was why in all caps No I hope people enjoyed the stream tonight ah this is the last one for the month because I'm gonna be back February first I'm in Poland from tomorrow and I'll be back basically late Friday evening and then properly streaming on Saturday again I think on Saturday I'm gonna be streaming at 7 o'clock in the evening too because I'm fairly sure I have something on during the day then so just as an FYI but that'll be the next stream anyway and we can maybe take a look at the emotes then because I think I would be good to do just to try and work out like which ones we definitely keeping and I like which ones we want to kind of swap you I think that'll be good yeah thank you so much for coming over tonight folks I hope you all enjoyed the stream I was a video that went off on the main Channel tonight if you didn't see it already thank you guys ever to everyone who subscribe and give bits I'm gonna do a cheeky rage just to wrap things up see who's live Marcedes please sponsor me okay who we got having a look James is playing some a digital Lego would viewers James actually helped us out massively on the roblox stream the other day so I'm gonna leave you in his care now James let's cut basically curating for us and finding a bunch of the better maps for us to play oh well send you his direction just as thanks sir yeah I'll talk to you guys on Saturday Nexen till then have a good week guys take care you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 27,509
Rating: 4.8972163 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-542746681, rtgamecrowd, we're still not sponsored by the Mercedes GLA. Last stream of January, Mario Kart 8, Twitch, Gaming, we're, still, not, sponsored, by, the, Mercedes, GLA., Last, stream, of, January, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage
Id: Lhhf_0PhbnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 32sec (8252 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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