r/TalesFromTheCustomer - Faith in humanity restored...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash tales from the customer all right this story's called that time a hug got me one thousand dollars and a rental car upgrade instead of 5 days in a crappy motel buckle in this got long several years ago in the before times we took a special family vacation a wealthy family member had just purchased his vacation retirement home in colorado and invited us to come spend two weeks over fourth of july at the house along with a few more members of the extended family naturally we jumped all over it it was april at this point so flights would be relatively cheap zero costs for lodging this is going to be amazing there was just one problem i was a week into a new job when the offer came and would be wrapping up my 90-day probation period technically a few days into the trip so after a quick talk with the higher-ups i had my significant other book just her and our son i was tentatively promised something but they couldn't guarantee how much or exactly what dates they could give me that far out as i technically hadn't earned any paid time off yet my role was new etc a little over a week before the trip i got called into the vice president's office with my direct manager and hr present uh oh this was two weeks before my 90 days this can't be good turns out i'd crushed my numbers and would have qualified for a pretty nice bonus had i been eligible to receive it they gave me an extra five days paid time off and let me take the two weeks for the vacation instead sweet i booked the cheapest flight available on apparition with a five hour layover in vegas going out in a direct flight home the morning after the rest of the family was scheduled to leave so i'd have a night to myself in denver that's my shrug noise it cost one thousand fifty dollars and was hundreds cheaper than any other option another one hundred fifty dollars for the shuttle from denver and i'm twelve hundred dollars all in fine i'm getting more than half of it back with my extra paid time off the first leg of the flight was fine i guess the ac quit about 30 minutes into the flight but otherwise it was pretty standard i'd called a favorite former client of mine who lived in vegas and we were to have lunch and drinks during my down time it's gonna be a good day as i'm waiting for my plane to come in an absolute monsoon hits in vegas i'm serious in 30 minutes this little storm dumped over a third of the average annual rainfall on the airport this caused my notoriously cheap airline to divert the incoming flight torino canceling my flight to denver crap after making my way to baggage claim i get in line to figure out what happens now the line moves slowly and the people walking away from the counter do not look happy two hours later it's my turn i'm told that the earliest flight is five days away and there's nothing they can do that poor clerk was done with everyone's crap and was in no mood to go out of her way for anyone at that point despite my being very polite though the veil hiding how upset i was had to be pretty damn thin she offered me a 150 dollar-ish refund for that leg of the flight or the rebook in five days she said she couldn't get me within 500 miles of denver any sooner and was unable to book me leaving from reno i had to fly out of vegas being stranded both a thousand miles from home and where i was supposed to be didn't move the needle she did offer me a 20 off coupon for a crappy motel though so that's something i took the rebook and made some calls canceling my shuttle to the ski town letting the family know giving the corporate customer service number a call to see if we couldn't get creative we couldn't etc eventually i decided to just book a car and drive through the night so i got back in line another 90 minutes go by and there's been a shift change the new clerk is wearing out fast people are pissed and are just unloading on these poor clerks finally it's my turn again and i see my clerk's customer service face fall away for a moment revealing sullen emotional fatigue and dying eyes before taking a breath and bring back all the sparkle with her smile as she calls me up i stop a few feet away from the counter and spread my arms saying come on i know you need it bring it in for the good stuff that's a little weird which elicited a full-blown gaffa until she saw i was serious she hopped over the baggage scale and gave me a massive hug that lingered a little bit too long she needed that and it visibly recharged her batteries quite a bit i filter in on what had transpired so far my rental car solution and let her know that unless she had some creative solution that i hadn't thought of i just needed to cancel my rebooked flight after spending a minute looking around in the system she frowned and told me the earliest she could get me to denver would be three days which doesn't really help i thanked her and asked for her to just cancel just then her whole body lights up and she asks if i mind waiting while she try something no of course i don't mind try away as she's tinkering she casually asked who i'd booked my car through and gets even more excited as she says with a wink i've got something for you hold on she picks up the phone and holds it with her shoulder as she's furiously typing away on the computer hey john it's cara alex there i've got something for him great yeah alex i got a guy for you yeah good dude he'll ask for you and drop my name 20 to 30 minutes i'd imagine outstanding thank you see you tonight then she smiles and spins her screen to show me my refund 998 dollars what how she'd spent all that time finding the single most expensive one-way flight in the country booked me on that and then refunded it i was blown away i gave her another hug and went to go see alex at the rental desk i booked a 21 one-way yaris or similar i know stupid cheap right when i get to the counter i say hi cara told me to ask for alex is he around dude enthusiastically calls me over to another computer gives me an even more enthusiastic handshake and immediately apologized for needing a minute to pull everything up and get it sorted nah man it's cool i'm not sure exactly what's happening but take your time i'm sure the way it'll be worth it he asks how i know cara so i tell him about the flight being canceled he nods knowingly and tell him i gave her a hug before we started talking about business he grinned at me and said thanks man she needed that i'm sure give me another minute remember how i'd spent 1050 on my flight gotten 998 dollars back and paid 21 for the tiniest sedan in the states dude put me in a buick and threw in a satellite radio say what you want about the brand how they handle like a bathtub on wheels and miss the mark on legit luxury but the seats are comfy as frog juice and it's a dream on the highway i don't know man sounds kind of dangerous to be driving while sleeping but you do you buddy sure i drove through the gorgeous country in the dead of night so i saw precisely none of it and i drank so many red bulls that my pee turned a shade of green that i was afraid to turn out the light before flushing for fear that it would glow in the dark but the drive was downright pleasant thanks to kara's call the trip was fantastic we hiked we fished we sat outside and looked at the mountains we did some other stuff too but those were the really good bits the flight back was great cold ac and the credit card swipey thing crapped out towards the end of the flight so my booze was free so my twelve hundred dollar round trip ended up costing me less than two hundred dollars after another day of a rental car and a cheap motel on the back end all because i gave a clerk at the service desk a hug edit wow y'all are too much many many thanks for all the awards and kind words i'm glad i was able to brighten your day kindness isn't very hard and a little clearly goes a long way thanks again for all the love hugs to all of you you know what man i'm so glad it worked out in the end because it takes balls to just offer a random lady a hug because there are many ways that could go but obviously he had good intentions with the hug and wasn't being creepy so that's a good thing and she needed it so again amazing thing lots of good things at work here it's like uh like a thing that's got lots of things in it that work well together you know i'm saying yeah i'm really good with words all right this story's called staff verbally assaults me when i come back to pay for an item that hadn't scanned on self checkout last weekend i went shopping in a british store that sells the majority of its products for a specific amount is that like a dollar tree sort of situation the checkout set up in this store is that there are two tills with staff and several self-checkout terminals where you scan your items place them on a weight-sensitive area in your bag and then pay for them after queuing for about 10 minutes to pay neither of the human tills were free so i used their terrible self-checkout machine as the store was so busy i just carried my items and receipt outside in my arms rather than packing them into my rucksack and hogging them in a terminal when i got outside i realized a pack of chocolate bars hadn't scanned not the first time this has happened with their machines but i usually notice before paying so i scanned the missing item again so it wasn't on my receipt and i hadn't paid for it i went back in to speak with a member of staff and pay for the item i'm an honest bloke and while it wasn't much money i'd like to pay for the items i'm taking away from the store unfortunately there's no separate customer service area in these stores so standard practice is to speak to a member of staff near the doors if there is one there wasn't or wait for a human on a till to finish with their current customer then briefly speak to them about it they either summon a manager to deal with it or quickly ring the item through themselves and the whole process takes less than a minute the staff member i tried to speak to was rude when i tried to explain and wouldn't listen and just told me repeatedly to go and queue i asked to speak to his manager she came in and did briefly listen but then also rudely told me to go to the back of a very long queue no mention of the way her employees spoke to me the original staff member continued to have a go at me as did the next customer in queue encouraged by the staff member who was saying things like ish guys stealing your place in the queue are you gonna take that i don't know why i bothered going back and trying to do the right thing when i could have had the item for free and not been harassed by two members of staff and another customer inexcusable poor service and bad business too i was beyond angry at how i was treated and ended up leaving without the item at all i contacted their customer support after leaving the store and let them know about the incident understandably they weren't too happy as this kind of issue happens often and they don't want to be encouraging customers to just not pay for the items you know what you should have done you should have been a badass and just been like you know what rip open the candy bar take a huge ass bite and then like leave a five pounds notes or something you know something that's more than the worth of the candy bar by a little bit so that you can be like you know i don't care you're i'm paying extra just to get the hell out of this situation and away from your ugly stinky breath you just turn around and well obviously you don't say that you just let your actions do the talking cause otherwise it's not as badass so you just throw it down you turn around you walk away and you eat that goddamn candy bar because you deserve it unless you haven't been eating well or exercising in which case go do that i'm just kidding go ham on that damn candy bar story's called hope her general manager is happy very considerate of you i'll try to keep this brief like my boxers and let me preface this with having worked in retail and customer service before i try to be nice and understanding when dealing with folks working such roles and i generally avoid ever escalating things unless i am specifically asked to buy the customer service rep as i was in the following story as i don't want to bring any additional stress to what i know is already a stressful gig on even the best days anyhow today i ordered lunch for my girlfriend and i from og italian chain via a delivery app she really loves the house salad there and likes to get a second cup of dressing for the salad so i put in the order and put in the special instruction sections for the salad i added please include extra pepperoncinis and an extra salad dressing thank you when the order arrives everything is good except there is only one to-go cup of the dressing oh not wanting to make real waves over a to-go cup of dressing but also wanting to avoid this in the future as this restaurant has had real issues following the special instructions and many of our orders of the same salad i called the restaurant to ask if there was some different way i should write the note to avoid this in the future i get passed around to three different people before i finally end up at the person who is presumably in charge of the online order fulfillment i try politely explaining the issue but she cuts me short and says they added the extra peppurchinis i ask about the additional dressing and she tells me that the special notes are sometimes cut off in the app and i should complain to the delivery app about it and then hangs up on me so i do as i'm told i opened the app to register i had a problem with the order something i was trying to avoid as i didn't want the restaurant or staff to have to deal with whatever fallout comes from a customer complaint in the delivery app i go through the prompts and say it was an issue with special instructions not being followed the delivery app automatically refunds me for the entire order i just wanted to know how to avoid this issue in the future and ended up getting a free lunch instead thanks to a missing complimentary cup of salad dressing and someone at og italian chain too busy or important or whatever to deal with a polite and calm customer who is trying to avoid looping the delivery app into it what you can get they refund the entire order if they screw it if they screw it up what do you know how many hundreds of dollars i could have gotten back from screwed up orders like it's embarrassing how much i i order food from like favor or uber eats or doordash and so many times they have not gotten my order right like for instance i order a lot of sushi because i love sushi and i know i'm a bastard for this but i always get spicy mayo on the side i can eat it without spicy mayo i just i just love spicy mayo and i ask for a little cup of it so that i can i can dip the sushi in it but i never get the cup so i have to eat the sushi without it and it's it's still it's still really good but i like spicy mayo guys okay this last story is called my first encounter with a karen so i had my first wild encounter with a karen today my girlfriend and i went to her job before her shift started to get a money order to pay rent we chilled in line for a moment and she joked with her co-workers and the people in front of us from behind us this middle-aged ass woman started loudly asking and pointing fingers saying who's fast food cop was that everyone just kind of stared at her as she repeatedly asked and tried to clarify herself saying who's fast food cop was that that that someone throw away who's was that one of the girls behind the counter at customer service apparently begins to understand and says it was her cup and the lady responds well you need to throw your own stuff away stop being so lazy and using other people do it yourself and have a little respect for others and then she walks out of the building so from what i've gathered girl a working customer service had a drink somewhere near girl b girl a asked her to bring it to her in which she possibly did or did not i'm not sure but the drink itself ended up being drunk or empty so girl a told girl b to just throw it away for her these were co-workers just asking a favor and helping each other out and this lady got all crazy for no reason the people in front of us asked her why the hell it mattered and to mind her own business everyone involved laughed and talked crap about the lady afterward so yeah that happened ah-ha i got it like clockwork lots of good things working together like clockwork from the first post like a clock anyway uh karen mean bad jerk lady don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 9,047
Rating: 4.9858408 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 51vf4bXcyIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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