r/TalesFromRetail - She didn't know I Secretly Spoke her Language...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today's subreddit desire slash tales from retail this story's called that's not how this works lady a few years ago i had this lady come in asking about her layaway she asked me if she only wanted a few pieces out of her layaway if she had to get the whole layaway out or if she could just get those few pieces i told her it was all or none of it and whatever she didn't get she's getting the money back for she said okay and continue to shop around for a bit now one thing to note was this was at the height of springtime for allergy sufferers i have really bad allergies and honestly this day i was riding the struggle bus on being at work you could tell i wasn't at a hundred percent and that all i wanted to do was go home and sleep anyway so she comes up to the counter to get her layaway out she picks out the two pieces she wants to keep and tells my co-workers she wanted to return the other four pieces co-worker returns the four pieces she didn't want and gives her the money back the woman tells her she didn't give her enough back my co-worker looks at her confused and the following conversation takes place here's the cast iron skillet co-worker me customer yes ma'am i gave you back the price of each item as it states on your receipt no you didn't i had six pieces in my layaway you still owe me for the other two pieces no ma'am you kept those two pieces so you don't get the money back for them let me speak with your manager what's going on she wants her money back for her layaway she had six pieces in the layaway she paid for the full layaway only way to get her pieces out at the time we ran off a very outdated system and returned four of the six pieces see she shows me the receipts ma'am the math is correct the register isn't gonna mess something up like that you started with six items decided you wanted to return four items and keep two items which are in your bag you can't get money back for the full layaway unless you return the two items you kept you want understanding yes i am it's simple math i grabbed the four items she didn't want and pulled the two out of her bag and set them on top of her bag now you started out with these six items right yes and they totaled to x hundred xdx dollars and xdx cents you decided not to get these four items so you return them four and i add the prices up less tax xdx dollars and xdx cents that's right okay so why would you think we owe you for these two items you're keeping ah you don't get it woman walks away and leaves husband grabs her bag and shrugs like he's over it while apologizing and saying i'll talk to her our store phone rings a few minutes later and it's her she then proceeded to tell me she wants to talk this out like mature adults because she doesn't want to call corporate and can play she said she felt like i didn't care that we ripped her off and that i didn't want to be there and i was very condescending towards her i stopped her and said i wasn't condescending and that she didn't understand at all that she can't get the items for free which is what she was telling me she wanted i told her i'm sorry if it seemed like i didn't want to be there because i really didn't as i did not feel good due to allergies i told her i really wanted to be at home sleeping because i was having a bad allergy attack that day but i couldn't get anyone to come in and work i told her i didn't appreciate the fact that she couldn't understand the simple math problem and to have her husband explain it to her better since he clearly understood what we were saying i proceeded to tell her to feel free to call my district manager at la la la number because i would be calling her as soon as this conversation was over and informing her of this issue district manager was called and i explained the situation district manager could tell just by talking to me on the phone that i didn't feel good i had worked for her for a few years by this point i faxed her the receipt information so she could look at it all the lady called her 30 minutes later and district manager told her the same exact thing district manager calls me after the conversation and tells me to go home and get some rest once so and so from another store gets there in 15 minutes what how does she not understand that that's that's okay well karen's have never been the most intelligent people so are we really surprised here alright guys this story's called what time do you get off work this happened a couple of weeks ago but the party involved tried to come in today and i had to tell them they were banned so i decided to share my experience with y'all it was the end of a 60-hour plus 60-plus hour week at the gas station convenience store i work at customers have been more aggressive than they usually are making my days longer and more strenuous than they usually are the only saving grace is knowing i'm off the next day and i have a six-pack waiting at home but it wasn't that bad that day then the last hour of my shift rolls around this kid or so i think he looks really young hops out of the passenger seat of someone's car and walks in i greet him like anybody else as he approaches the counter let me get a six-pack of newport smooth with hundreds i walk over to grab them as i was gonna ask for an id i'm interrupted by him actually do you have a cotton of them things out back i checked the drawers and don't find any for the brand he was looking for no sorry just these two on the shelf why not the governor recently passed a law banning the sale of all menthol cigarettes starting at the end of the month so he stopped ordering menthol oh i uh give me them last two then sure can i just check your id hold on he runs out back back to the car he's at the driver's seat window talking to someone a woman emerges out of the car and walks in with him i'm assuming she's his mom hi how are you to get me a pack of newport smooth 100s before i could speak she interrupts again you got a cotton no why not so i explain why we don't have a carton of them things anymore as i did previous to her son she rolls her eyes that's stupid i'm not in agreement because she's not wrong whatever give me the last three unfortunately i can't sell you these cigarettes tonight why because you had your son come in and ask for these exact same cigarettes and when i asked for an id he went out and got you i can't do second-hand sales for tobacco products yeah for me though that might be the case but because you sent him in here for cigarettes and he didn't show an id it looks like you're buying them for him i already told you they were for me i still can't sell you these cigarettes so i'm gonna decline the sale tonight i'm sorry so she stands there at the counter staring at me as more people come in and the line behind her grows ma'am i need you to step aside i have other customers waiting to be rung up she steps aside and her son starts chiming in as i'm ringing other people up so why can't you sell us cigarettes i ignore him i yo i'm getting annoyed so i respond look i already explained to both of you why i'm refusing the sale if you're not going to get anything else in the store i'm gonna have to ask you to leave i apologize to the customer i was ringing up and before the next person can walk up the sun steps up to the counter give me a scratch ticket sure did you find your id ah fire truck you oh excuse me i motioned for the next customer to come up as i'm in the middle of this next transaction she has more to say actually you can't refuse a customer if they want something you legally have to give it to them i absolutely have the right to decline a customer for any or no reason no you don't i've officially given up being professional at this point and just start talking as i normally do all right you're still not getting those newports though get me the manager not here when is he in she's here in the morning also managers aren't always men you really don't know the crap you just started all right the mom grabs her son by the arm and starts pulling him away towards the door so flowey baby i know the owner actually they both stop we don't have an owner we're a corporate store they continue towards the door and are outside the sun pops his head back in yo what time you get off work in an hour i bet i'll see you and see how mouthy you are then okay buddy bundle of sticks used for fuel yep before the door closes completely he throws in one more bundle of sticks burned for fuel the store's finally empty and it's been a few minutes so i step out for a cigarette it's funny because what they call cigarettes in uh the uk and areas when i come out they're parked in the fire lane staring at me i just wave and continue smoking until another customer comes in i love my job you know when i first looked at this i thought that said i lost my job that would have been funny i mean no that would have been bad but like a twist ending anyway um this kid just tried to buy some cigarettes that's that's funny but anyway tobacco is foul all right this story's called never assume what languages a person can or cannot speak so this is an old story for me happened back in 08 when i was a young intrepid stock person at a big box all-purpose store including a grocery section i had a working knowledge of where pretty much everything was in the store because i was all over the place but the grocery department had its own stock team specifically so i wasn't as knowledgeable there now two things to note here i am of lebanese descent and i was working in south florida at the time for those that don't know south florida has a significant cuban population but not so much middle eastern folks i got confused for cuban all the time because i had the darker skin tone similar to a lot of cuban folks i also speak fluent english arabic and french but i was born and raised in the midwest so my accent gives no indication that i might be of middle eastern heritage on this fine afternoon i was wheeling back an empty tub back to the stockroom after having emptied out one department over walking through the main aisle next to the grocery i hear an excuse me not rude but definitely not polite either i turn around to find the arab equivalent of a karen so let's call her khadijah pronounced we're not going to do that khadijah khardija is a 30-something looking woman wearing yoga pants and a skin tight shirt and a really fancy hijab in jewelry because that makes sense stand [Laughter] still because that makes sense standing with their husband i grew up in a predominantly lebanese community in southeast michigan so i definitely know the type the conversation goes as follows how can i help you miss i'm looking for specific item but i can't find it oh i'm sorry i'm not as familiar with the grocery section so i'm not sure where that is let me grab one of my colleagues for you one moment i could see one of the other customer service guys in the grocery section so i radioed him to come over and help her out he'll be with you shortly miss thank you but i'm in a hurry i thought you worked at a new york store i'm sorry miss i don't really work in this section colleague is coming right down the aisle now khadijah to her husband in arabic they always get these stupid kids to work in these places but they don't know how to do their job this fatso doesn't know his head from his ass the husband gave khadija a look probably because he saw my expression turn from my customer service smile to a frown i had an internal debate about what to do next when her husband spoke stop talking i think he understood what you said of course he didn't he's an idiot he doesn't know their hands from his feet it's an arabic idiom doesn't translate the best in arabic actually i understood every word you said i don't appreciate being called fat and stupid an older lady like you should know better than to insult people trying to help you worst you wear your hijab like a hypocrite pretending to be devout yet you abuse your perceived social lessers you should have some respect for yourself hadiya looked like she had just been hit by a damn truck her olive skin turned ghost wide and she sputtered at me you you speak arabic obviously i do maybe next time you'll think before you insult people who help you when you think they can't understand khadijah grabbed her husband's arm and dragged him out of the store completely mortified i could hear her husband yelling at her in arabic that he warned her not to be a a bimbo all the time especially when she doesn't know who understands her i wasn't personally that offended but i won't deny it was satisfying to scare some sense into her assalamualaikum to my brothers and sisters um let me first say uh don't assume when someone's wearing a hijab that they're like extra pious or something because that's like that's the sort of stereotype that actually a lot of hijabis don't 100 appreciate and i've heard that you know having known plenty so just just a little note also uh it's a really cool story uh i how does this guy know so many languages i mean obviously you learn languages if you try to but that's a lot of work and very very impressive and i just love stories of people assuming someone else doesn't know a language and then they just whip it out like oh woman i'm fluent and it's great it's great all right this story's called i don't believe that product exists update i'm the idiot commenters below are in fact correct and the sugar is eaten up during fermentation many roms have added sugar or caramel for color however wow thank you i don't know it's out of context completely why would you put that at the top first time post this interaction happened several years ago at a terrible liquor store i used to work for the cast there's opie which is me coworker my co-worker this informed customer is about halfway through my shift and i'm just settling down to eat my lunch i get a few bites in when co-worker comes into the back she's 19 legal age to purchase and sell alcohol where i live and hasn't been here long and while she soaks up knowledge like a sponge has a lot more to learn about the product hey op i know you're on your lunch but i just got a question and i don't know how to answer it okay i'll be right there i head out to the floor and approach the customer who is near the wall we keep hard liquor the following interaction happens hi there did you need a hand finding something yeah or is he sugar-free rum for those who don't know rum contains precisely two ingredients water and sugar i guess yeast of some sort but other than that rum is fermented and distilled sugar i look over it co-worker who has a look on her face that says see that i don't believe that product exists no it exists everything comes in sugar-free i'm always dying right now getting in shape and part of it is not having any extra sugar so yeah i want to get some sugar-free rum i proceed to explain that rum is made entirely of sugar and that regardless of choices in booze that his body was just gonna metabolize all that alcohol into sugar anyways but if he must drink his most sugar-free choice is vodka apparently that wasn't what he wanted to hear as he let out a frustrated sigh fine grabbed a bottle of captain morgan's the rum with the most added sugar and proceeded to pay and leave coworker and i laugh until we hurt once he's gone eight years on and i'm still laughing that is hilarious that is why one of the biggest weight loss tips is just cutting out alcohol maybe not completely but if you drink a lot and you're trying to lose weight cutting back will definitely help all those carbs where do you think they're going and no drinking until you vomit doesn't cancel itself out don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 23,685
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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