rSlash Entitledparents "KAREN TAKES ON THE WRONG AMAZON EMPLOYEE!" r/entitledparents

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I ordered the Perry hata book the new one yes ma'am don't interrupt me I ordered the book and it's not here why is it not here well I'm speaking let me finish our slash entitled parents our first story will be reading today Karen gets told off the Perry hauteur debacle from user and fab after that you can't stop stupid from user D fat man and then we'll be finishing up with I did something this weekend that I'm proud of from user atlas fox thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like to hear your stories on the channel please submit them to the are slash mister reddit subreddit and welcome to the newest members of the re army trunk richie and malik and if you're new join the re army today by subscribing for new stories from reddit every single day Karen gets told off the Perry jato debacle this is a bit longer than I expected it to be so I'm sorry for that feel free to cut it down if you need to I worked for seven years in a call center for one of the premier online retailers in the world I won't say the company's name but I will tell you that we sold everything from A to Z smile this particular company was famous for its superior customer service because it took such pride in its reputation the company bent over backwards to satisfy its customers and the decision of whether to issue refunds change prices or give out promotional funds was generally left to our discretion we got lots of customers who would call and scream at us because it was an almost surefire way to get something for free basically our job was to eat your crap with a smile thank you for it and then invite you to come back and feed us more sometime in the future one of the most popular scams involved shipping methods our company would provide free shipping if you ordered a certain dollar amount of merchandise but there was a string attached you had to select that method of shipping at checkout it said free shipping in big letters also the free shipping took a lot longer to arrive than the options that you to pay for what many people would do is select one or two-day shipping then wait until their order shipped they would then call in screaming that I selected the free option your company changed it or something similar since of course it was too late to change the shipping by then we would issue a refund and voila free expedited shipping for Karen and maybe even a free promotional code for five or ten dollars now if a customer called and acted human about it and nicely asked for a break I would usually do it as long as they didn't have a long history of accidentally selecting the wrong shipping however if they abused me I held my ground more often than not that would cause Karen to tell us what kind of haircut she had let me speak to a manager inevitably the lead who took over the call would betray us and give the jerk customer their refund it was downright disheartening until one glorious day since the company's primary claim to fame was books there were certain product releases that we really had to gear up for one particular series we'll call it the Perry jato series was always a source of chaos on those fateful days the company would have extra people working they provided incentives to employees we got extra breaks they provided snacks and we even got commemorative t-shirts to mark the occasion every time a new book in the series was released it made for an incredibly busy day and calls would come in at a frenetic pace back-to-back with no lag time in between on release day the shipping issue really came into play this is because the company ran a special for Perry halter if you selected one day shipping not free actually quite expensive then you would receive the new book on the actual release day if you selected any other shipping method then you had to wait the normal amount of time if you selected the one day shipping and the book was not there on their release date then the book was Karen's favorite word free I'm sure you can imagine what most of the calls we received were about all day long we got calls from Karen types demanding refunds because the book was not there in almost every case they had selected the free shipping option and so were not do refunds this was one of the few times that the company did not leave the decision up to us if they did not select the free shipping there were no refunds no exceptions this day was glorious because of what was forever to be known as the what do I do call I get yet another call from someone who had not received the Perry hotter book and of course she is mad of course she demands a refund of course she doesn't deserve one because of course she selected the free shipping of course Karen then decides to tell me all about her haircut I actually breathed the sigh of relief when she demanded to speak to the manager and I waved one of my favorites over to take the call I liked Barry because he had a reputation for having his reps back in situations like this because we were so busy he just dialed in to the call from his desk instead of coming over and taking my headset I'm so glad he did too because I got to hear the following exchange Barry thank you for calling the company this is Barry speaking yes I ordered the Perry hata book the new one yes ma'am don't interrupt me I ordered the book and it's not here why is it not here well I'm speaking let me finish if you work at a call center you've been through this more times than you can count abusive customers will call ask you questions scream at you for interrupting when you try to answer then scream at you for being too stupid to answer a simple question what follows is a five minute rant where Karen goes on and on about how the book is not there they are so disappointed the book is supposed to be free Barry explains multiple times that she chose the free shipping option in which the promotion did not apply that's expensive she is massively offended you'd have thought that Barry had told her she was supposed to go pantsless into public our fart in a church so unthinkable was the concept of paying for shipping she is so demanding and so unreasonable that I can see Barry losing his patience a little more every time he has to repeat himself you can tell that Karen is one of those customers who is used to calling and screaming until she gets her way and it is just not registering with her why it is not working this time Barry keeps explaining to Karen that we can't get the book to her today because that's not how shaping works that's short of getting in his car and physically driving the book to her home she is not getting that book today or even tomorrow Karen is silent for a moment and then she drops this little Jim my 11 year old son is on the floor crying and screaming because all of his friends have the new parry holds a book and he doesn't what do you suggest I tell him Barry just loses his crap hey yells into the phone Barry mocking Karen's tone odds suggest that you spoke harassing innocent customer service representatives and hang up this phone then I suggest that you grab your brat and bust his butt then I suggest that you tell him that he's never getting this look because any kid who acts like that doesn't deserve anything he then threw his phone receiver down on his desk and walked off the call floor the handset bounced off of the wooden service ricocheted off the cubicle walls and laid there helplessly the girl at the neighboring desk swore she could hear Karen screeching through it from her desk now here's where most people would say and then everybody clapped then Barry would be carried out on everybody's shoulders given a raise $100 a free merchandise and the rest of the day off with pay alas it was not meant to be the people around him went deathly silent for a beat then continued with their calls most of the people didn't even register that an epic explosion had happened until the tale was told later by those of us who heard it unfortunately Barry was no longer an employee of the company by the end of the day but he did go down in call center history for serving Karen a bite of her own crab something that I'm sure most customer service reps will agree we all dream of doing next up we've got you can't stop stupid hello again everyone it's me D fat man with another set of events but of the entitled variety the warning for my previous story applies here and I will link it down at the bottom for those who want to read it so thank you for taking the time to read this one and I hope you enjoy so let me start with a little background details I used to work security as one of that roaming kind of guards mostly those that get placed at different locations depending on where we are needed I've worked a lot of locations and have plenty of entitled stories of parents who think they know better than the security guards at the location this is one of those stories the location in this story was after we had a breach in a flood wall and the water had just gotten down far enough that the city could send workers to check the location and find the reason for the failure in said flood wall now I'm one of the guards that was stationed down there mostly so that we can keep people away from it and out of the water this is river water after all and on top of that nearby construction site going on had two porta-potties before the flooding so when the water came rushing in the well used porta-potties tipped over and all the hum let's put it nice human waste got mixed in with the water something you really don't want to be walking in without large rubber boots on and maybe a hazmat suit if you're lucky why do I bring this up well because of the woman I had to deal with because of the flooding I will introduce the cast as they come up much as I did in my other story at this time I was mainly working the night shift till about sevenish in the morning which was fine with me because I'm a night owl normally and I prefer these shifts compared to morning or afternoon shifts it was close to about midnight when this woman decided to walk down the alleyway by the flood wall I don't think much about it as I've had people show up at this point just to see how bad the failed spot on the flood wall was and some of the nearby damage that the flooding caused that's when the flasher on our kids shirt caught my eye it was pretty hard not to catch my eye as it was one of those pin on blinker safety lights like the same ones I've seen glued to bicycle helmets just pinned onto the kids shirt at first I thought it was okay so at least this mother knows how to make sure the kid is visible in the dark I went back to watching the wall more as I had my phone placed in classical music mostly because I was in the mood for it after listening to an audio book trust me these shifts can get boring rather fast well I look around and back to see the kid just having a good old time just jumping around and splashing on the smaller pools of water because we all know kids will be kids at this point I thought just in case I should let the kid and parent know that splashing these puddles probably isn't a good idea mostly for the human waste that was in the water so I fought to get out of my small car which is something I normally fight with because I'm a big fat guy who drives a small car trust me I'm already aware of the irony on that one so as I get out I stop my music and walk over to the lady miss I started with yelling mostly to get the woman's notice which she began to let go of her child's hand and turn to look at me with that how dare you bother me look after already getting the large warning signs of an entitled parent for the sake of the story let's call her mrs. Virago if you want to know why I picked that one up google it trust me it's fitting what do you want ma'am you may not want to let your child play in that water she cuts me off getting into my face well sort of now for those needing a pitcher on how this scene looks like I've been told that if it wasn't for the hair on my head and face that I could be a dead ringer for kingpin from the Marvel Universe the white fat guy won now picture that as a six foot four guy in a security guard and the woman was close to about 5 foot 8 5 foot 10 ish staring up and giving that dreaded now day you poked to my chest something I will tell you annoys me to no end but I try my best not to lose my cool with this woman because I've seen enough mama bears and you learned to try and keep your cool around them now as I was saying the lady cut me off jabbing her finger into me saying do not tell me what my kid can and cannot do he wouldn't like me to tell you how to handle your kids bear in mind I don't have kids but I've baby said enough so I understand sort of ma'am I just wanted to let you know she ended up cutting me off again now let me let you know that I don't care if you are taller than me if you don't just walk away and leave me and my son alone I will make sure you regret it all like I think was are you serious lady ma'am I thought I would try to raise my voice to get her to listen for once I know I'm an idiot do not raise your voice at me she this time pointed directly at my face now walk your fat butt back to wherever you want from and leave us alone that got me to look at her in disbelief she thought that going after my size would get me to walk away and leave her alone sadly for her I am proud of how big I am because personally I'm of the belief that if you can't be proud of who you are then you're doing it wrong ma'am look I said pointing to the tipped-over porta-potties that weren't too far away behind and to the right of her she turned because I pointed past her head in a different direction and to be honest with you I'm surprised she even looked instead of saying I was trying to distract her that was floating in the river water that your son was jumping in of course that was not counting the dead fish that had been ran over a few times by the city crew but one disgusting thing at a time as soon as she heard that she pulls her son over out of the puddle and shoves me which caused me to slip and fall back onto the mud and sediment so it took me a few moments to get back onto my feet what is wrong with you lady at that point I was done playing nice after getting up I heard Miss Virago was calling the cops and said that I was assaulting her and her son this son might you was looking confused as he was trying to reach the bottles for him to jump back into she tells the operator to send someone quick and hangs up all while she was giving me that I got you now smirk as I fought to get up which was hard because a fat guy trying to get up in mud was like trying to stay standing on a floor covered in cold grease some things are time-consuming after I was able to get up I stepped back away so I wasn't in the mud at this I think mrs. Virago thought I was going to leave before the cops showed up and stepped after me sadly for her she stepped just right and slipped in the mud too I couldn't help myself and I laughed at the bit of karma and her son joined in laughing before going back into jumping in the puddle before his mother told him to get over to her and that mother is angry tone that anyone would know so I moved over to the unmarried and miss farrago follows with her son about this time the cop pulls up the reason it took such a short time was because the police station was only a few streets away so it was pretty expected as soon as the cop steps out of his car Miss Virago runs up to him with her son officer arrest that man for assault that chick shoved me into the mud when all I was trying to do was walk down the street with my son and of course with her covered in mud the cop looked like he believed her and moved where she was behind her sir do you wanna explain what happened here he looked at me and noticed I also have a badge on me now my work just has a generic security badge nothing really official just something that says I'm a security guard slowly with my hands where the officer can see me I slowly moved up towards my car I can do one better I can show you this got miss farrago to go pale white before noticing something he doesn't have a camera on him how is he going to show you what happened she tried to be smug as indeed I didn't have a camera on me but my car has a dash camera on it one that I bought just in case the case being more to catch people messing with my car I had kids egged and I wanted to catch the little jerks sadly no luck so far on that front but I figured to have it with me just in case because having video proof beats paperwork any day now remember before I fully got out I turned off my music on my phone I did this so my camera could catch what was said I cued up the video and let the cop watch it mostly if he needs to rewind to hear something again the speaker's I had attached to it weren't the best but I could pull the video off of it just in case well miss farrago didn't like the turn of event and went to slap my dashcam from the cops hands the cameras fine by the way that doesn't prove anything it proves enough that you attacked him first the officer said as he pulled out his cuffs and began to cuff the lady and plus I now have you for assaulting an officer with that he took her and put her in the back of his car I cleared my throat and pointed to her kid the officer called mrs. Rocco's husband to come and pick up their kid I grabbed my spare uniform from my car and went to change then resumed my shift after calling it in now he would think Miss Virago was done after that sadly she wasn't the next day rolls around and I'm stationed back at the flood wall again I pull up to see Miss Virago standing there with another cop not the same one from before she then points at me that's him officer that's the guy who was so did me last night seriously this woman again I asked myself as I got out of my car to talk to the officer sir is what she said true let me guess she's accusing me of assaulting her by throwing her in the mud yes is there any truth to it no and you can even ask the officer that dealt with this last night I turned to look at her and yell are you serious lady if the first cop wasn't going to buy your story what makes you think the second one is going to the officer asked me for the time of the call and I ballparked it as I didn't have the footage on me at the time I had dumped the video onto my computer so I saved it to clear out the memory on my camera I gave him the time and he used his radio to call his dispatch and got it confirmed this resulted in her getting arrested again hopefully she doesn't get out after a day so I go through my shift with nothing happening outside of that bit of stupidity and lucky for me the following day was my day off the following day rolls around and I'm at home relaxing when I get a call from my supervisor hey fat man just to let you know you just got a complaint about assaulting someone are you serious the lady is trying a third time a third time so I explained to him what happened the previous two nights and then even told him who I talked to those nights so they can ask them about it then told him the two times so he ask the cops about it I even told him I could email him the video so he can watch it for himself which I did end up doing and to cover myself I asked him to watch it while I was on the line after one viewing later don't worry about the complaint I'll get it dismissed since you followed the protocol and clearly this lady is out of her mind tell me about it I've told a few people this story and I thought I'd share it here and since I enjoy mister reddit's readings and I even laughed hard hearing the voice he gave Bob in my previous story which mr. reddit if you're reading this thank you for reading my previous story and I hope you enjoyed it and this one I tried to be easier on your reading this and omitted the curse words as best I could oh thanks fat man I appreciate that great story too I I did security for three years and I dealt with so many people like this the same goes for everyone reading this because it just goes to show you that you can't stop stupid but you can be semi entertained by it as well as some of the other stories in this subreddit I may share some of my other entitled parent stories down the line with that said thank you for reading hope you enjoyed and our final story of the day I did something this weekend that I'm proud of please know that this story can't be considered petty revenge because I wasn't the target of malice here and even though this man didn't direct his BS at me at the time he really seemed entitled enough to meet the criteria I just want to clarify this just in case time to begin right now I'm feeling proud of myself for doing something wild this last weekend I and my wife decided to visit her family they live in a much smaller City than we do and we go now and again to break up the monotony on Saturday my wife and her sister wanted to go shopping at one of the larger malls in the area not wanting to do nothing alone I tagged along at some point while listening to their Girl Talk I decided to grab a bite so I told my wife and headed to the food court at this time the lunch rush was still going on so the place was fairly packed I decided on Chinese food a place I had been to before so I trusted that the food was good so I got in line to wait like anyone else this particular restaurant was pretty simple it had four cashier lanes and grills behind it where you could watch The Cook's make your order while you wait but being a Chinese place it took longer than the typical fast-food place so the lines were moving slowly while waiting my phone died I simply forgot to charge it earlier so I started people watching the crowd to avoid getting bored nothing out of the ordinary I noticed entitled dad with two boys and a little bit ahead of me in line next to me the two boys maybe around 11 and 9 must have been getting impatient because they would periodically start to screw around or bug entitled that occasionally pushing each other around or asking when they would have their food and titled dad looked like he was growing more agitated by the minute every time he had to turn to deal with these two boys his face grew redder and redder understand dear reader but this was a busy loud area and they weren't being super loud so they didn't really attract attention yet I did however have to turn away now and again to avoid being noticed though the trouble started when entitled dad finally reached his turn the girl politely did the usual and asked him for his order but instead of just ordering entitled dad started to complain mainly about how long he and the two boys were in line for she did her best to be polite but he just kept going for a few minutes by this time the gentleman behind the trio was also getting annoyed he noticed me and gestured to entitled dad with the you gotta be kidding me look so I just responded with a shrug as far as I knew he wasn't wrong if entitled dad was in such a hurry why not just get your food and be done with it eventually the girl at the register was able to get the order I was now second in place in line and right next to the two kids by this point I could hear the angry entitled dad go into a tirade about the performance of the restaurant and insist that if it wasn't for his kids wanting it they would have gone to a better place about how said Japanese place was better but because it was currently closed they had to suffer through this and titled dad even started to insult the poor girl behind the counter the gentleman behind entitled dad and the two boys tried to tell and titled that off telling him they're just doing their best but entitled dad shot back with a typical I'm a paying customer so I can do what I want excuse and kept going the girl was obviously growing upset as an title dad was bullying her and I could see tears start to form in her eyes entitled dad just wouldn't give her a break the gentleman behind the trio was also looking like he was getting ready to throw punches at this moment I thought that I really wanted to do something but I didn't want to get into a fight even if I had backup or ended up being the backup for someone else that's when I noticed it and titled dad was wearing cargo shorts the kind that never seemed to fit right I thought for a second and found an alternative idea I found myself just reacting and the whole thing took only a few seconds I stepped forward in between entitled dad and the two kids grabbed both side loops of the seat of his pants and yanked as hard as I could without stopping I immediately ran for it I had to push through a lady in the last line but I made it I heard a lot of screaming behind me but not wanting to get pummeled by an angry entitled dad I didn't even look back I ran to the other side of the mall where my wife was still shopping with her sister I knew my wife enough to predict what stores they would be in I felt safe enough in a girls clothing store next to my wife so after I caught my breath I just started laughing my wife asked what the heck and I just told her I would tell her later I didn't want to spoil their shopping so I spent the rest of the time keeping an eye out for an angry entitled dad I did spot them at one point now with a blonde lady and a little girl in tow but that was it I was lucky enough to avoid them when we decided to go heed the lunch rush was pretty much over and I just had to know I went back to the Chinese place and luckily the young girl was still there so I purposely waited behind an extra person for a chance to talk when I got the chance I asked her what happened to entitled dad she told me that someone yanked his pants down mid tire aid the guy who did the deed took off but entitled dad couldn't catch him because the gentleman behind entitled dad took the opportunity to push entitled dad flat on his butt the gentleman just insisted that he was trying to catch the culprit and missed then entitled dad being the official center of attention just grumbled for the rest of the time it got his food paid and set down on the opposite side of the food court somewhere I wanted to laugh but just in case I never told her it was me who did the pantsing even though I really wanted to so I just took my order and joined my wife and her sister for lunch I told my wife later and we had a laugh she scolded me for pulling such a stunt but was proud of me for finding such a funny method of helping the cashier right now I'm still beaming about it and wanted to share it on reddit ah mr. reddit I heard YouTube has been de monetizing more and more of your videos recently yeah I have it's really unfortunate well what you gonna do about it little man well I've got a few things in mind as a matter of fact today I created my patreon patreon yeah it's a way that any of our listeners can directly support the channel if they would like to hah pathetic nobody cares about you or your stupid shadow mr. vedat oh come on now Karen I'm sure that over time at least some of our er me will support the channel on patreon which you can do so for even just one dollar a month so become a mr. reddit patron today you'll find the link pinned in the comments and congratulations to our Regenerist of the day Torrie Wilson star-lord 9/4 and Lee Harrigan that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright you
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 99,119
Rating: 4.887188 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, mr reddit, entitled, parents, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: nsb6ZI85Kpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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