r/revenge - Tailgate Me, Then Yell At Me&My Kids? I'll Trick You & You'll Arrive Home Hours Later!

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welcome back to reading bear today we will take a look at some new pory ranch stories and if you enjoyed my content please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and post some bear emojis in the comments let's go first one is titled have a nice trip between italy and germany there are quite a few autobahns where you can practically drive as fast as you want the left lane is reserved for faster drivers and the right lane is for slower drivers or to move over so someone can pass the autobahn almost always has a substantial amount of work being done on it somewhere along most routes to make sure the roads are in superb condition for driving at those speeds my wife and i are foreigners living in germany for work and are cruising at 100 miles per hour 160 kph for most of our trip without any rude drivers for about nine hours of the drive from italy back to germany i love driving by the way i find it quite enjoyable we come upon some substantial construction that slows both the left and right lane down without missing a beat some guy let's call him nice a-hole comes up behind us and begins tailgating and i mean hard in germany if you want someone to move out of your way that is in the left lane you turn on your left blinker letting them know you want them to move over so you can pass at this point all of the traffic is going the same speed and there is no need to pass as this won't get you anywhere and it's almost impossible to pass nice a whole puts on his left blinker leaves it on and even honks at us huge no no as this is usually prohibited since he wants to pass my wife gives me a please don't do anything rash look and starts looking at alternate routes on our gps i calmly drive for a few more minutes with all of the traffic going the same speed when i see an opening on the right to get over with enough room to also get back in behind our nice a whole friend i signal change lanes to the right our friend moves one stupid car length forward to the car i was behind and turns on his left turn signal at the next car my whole life up to this point has been great so why not chance it i signal change lanes directly behind nice a hole and put on my left blinker nice a hole quickly becomes angry a whole swerves to the right lane pulls up right beside me rolls down his window and starts yelling at my wife and i while shaking his fist at us while hanging out his window it's time for revenge especially since we have our sleeping babies in the car and how dare he yell at my children angry a whole keeps motioning for me to pull off at the next exit with the obvious intent to fight as he keeps motioning with his fist and yelling while swerving around his lane my wife is honestly pretty dang smart and purposefully has me keep skipping exits for a while until one specific exit comes up right before this exit she tells me to go ahead and let him know we are getting off at the specific exit angry a hole steers hard into the exit lane ready to bring the wrath of middle-aged man onto everything i hold dear i'm a redhead i'm game for a bit of fisticuffs and i'm slightly stupid so i begin to signal to change lanes and exit with him my wife with an extreme intensity just says keep driving at this exact moment angry a whole realizes he done effed up he can't get back onto the autobahn since he drove too far into the exit to get back on and has to exit the road what i didn't know and what angry a hole didn't know is that specific exit adds an hour and a half to anyone's trip since there are no re-entries to the main road for that exit only my wife had looked up and planned this revenge from the start next one is titled send flowers to a customer as an apology after a robbery attempt but not to the colleague who had the gun actually pointed at her enjoy customers and head office going mental a little back story it is relevant quite a few years ago before there was a title of karen i worked for a bank i worked in a small branch in a little local community not far away was a larger branch that had more responsibilities and services than we had and although they were not responsible for our management if people had complaints they could complain to them we had a local clientele that would come in and only use us for their banking services as we were opened slightly longer than normal branches a few of our clients were business owners who liked these longer hours and were quite well off so were very important to both branches especially the larger one as they were trying to poach them to sell them more accounts and services one day i was working on the front as a teller accepting transactions i had a queue of about four or five people i completed serving one customer and was just putting their money into a drawer and i looked up and a man was standing in front of me he was not the next person in the queue a lady was and i was about to tell him to get into his position in the queue when the manager had realized what was about to go down as he was wearing a mask that i had not noticed yet and asked the man to come to his station where he pushed a gun under the gap of the security glass and pointed it at me and the manager i completely froze and instead of pushing the alarm i just sat there luckily the manager had i just kept staring at the gun he was screaming give me money or i will shoot police must have been in the area as i started to hear the sirens the robber decided to run the manager ran out of the bank trying to see which direction he went and to get the police so i just sat there in shock all alone when the woman who was supposed to be next walked up to my counter and asked if she could withdraw money i just stared up at her and said nothing the woman who was behind her said can't you see she is shock they have just been held up and i think we all have to stand here and wait for the police she said she needs this money now and hasn't got time to wait and i just sat there the woman in the queue said leave her alone and the others in the queue were saying things to her i'm not sure what i said nothing within the next minute the manager returned with the police and i was told i had to go with them to drive around the area and see if i could see the robber i could not spot him and had to have the police car pull over so i could be sick the police officer said i needed to go home he got onto the radio with his colleagues and told them to inform the manager that i was sick and he was taking me home i was off work for the next few days as i couldn't sleep and kept having nightmares when i returned to work the manager called me into his office initially to check if i was ready to be back at work as he was willing to give me more time off we had a great manager there and to offer me back office work to start off but i refused as i said the longer i stayed away the harder it would be to get back and that i just wanted to get over it he then asked me a weird question which was did i receive any flowers from the larger branch i told him i had not he explained that the woman who asked to serve after the robbery had made a complaint about me to the larger branch that i had treated her horribly and she said that she felt like a criminal because other people in the queue had berated her because of my treatment so the larger branch had sent her a huge bunch of flowers and some vouchers as an apology for her experience when they never even checked with me or anyone else what happened or checked how i was feeling after the attempted robbery he found out because she came in while i was off and saw that i was not there and was grinning ear to ear colleague's description asking if i was fired and went into the whole story as i was off the manager did not want to bother me so he started his own investigation as he knew that was not like me the lady behind her in q was a regular so he asked her what happened she told him i never said anything and she thought i was in shock he then waited until i was back at work and checked with me if the other branch contacted me or sent me anything when i told him no our plan went into action the manager approached the woman and the other two people who were in the queue and asked them if they would make a statement to back me up or even better to complain to head office not the other branch about what happened they said they would complain so we just had to wait two weeks later i had given up the ghost when i was called by head office asking if i would be in work the next week i told them i would be the next week managers from head office arrived at our branch i did not know but one of the clients was a wealthier client and had told them that he was so unhappy that he was considering moving his business elsewhere also he had convinced other clients to make complaints this is why they had decided to visit our branch they wanted to nip this in butt before they lost any clients they took me and my manager to the other branch where the other branch manager had a huge bunch of flowers and had to make a public apology in front of his staff i assume this manager was not a nice one as the staff there were grinning watching him make the apology also whilst making the apology the look he was giving me was evil this added to the satisfaction i gained watching him apologize to me a lowly teller from a smaller less important branch i don't think anything happened to the manager except a reprimand although the complaints procedure was updated at that branch quite a while later i heard through the grapevine as i had gained many a friend at that branch after the apology that he was an awful manager that the promotion he was going for was rejected and were terrified that they would be stuck with him but he transferred not long after as he felt did not have the respect he felt he deserved from his staff the woman who made the complaint received a strongly worded letter from my manager stating that she obtained those flowers and vouchers through deception and would no longer be allowed to use our branch she was one of the people who used our branch after she finished work sometimes using the longer hours that we were open and she lived within a mile of it whereas the other branch is five miles away and not open as long as us she tried to complain about that but head office backed us 100 next one is titled if you won't clean the house i'll clean with your clothes so my in-law lives with me and my so because he is a good for nothing that needs to be taken care of by his brother the but that lives rent-free and has no respect for house rules or for me or my so we've had a lot of issues with him and my son has done close to nothing to make the situation better so this dude is out of town right now and my so is at work i get out of my room only to discover the only bathroom in the house full with his clothes i go to the kitchen and there's an actual giant garbage bag that he's been collecting since i don't know 1998 so i'm done right i've been living like an animal for a month and because this excuse of an adult is supposed to leave for good eventually my soul wants nothing to do with the hygiene situation so today i dragged the giant bag into the butt that's room and used his t-shirt to clean my toilet then also threw it into his room it's 32 degrees during the day so i'm going for a what the duck happened here stench inside his room i'm probably going to end up back at my mum's after the [ __ ] storm that is coming after my so and his brother find out what i've done but revenge is indeed very nice and very sweet next one is titled convince people they're gonna get a rash for ignoring all of the closed restroom signs while i clean so i work for a company that does commercial cleaning jobs mostly restrooms in businesses around the area i have a big machine i pressure wash bathrooms with that has a cleaning chemical in the water i put up plenty of signs while i clean that say the bathrooms are closed for cleaning the ones i have hang at eye level in the door frames and you have to physically duct to get under them i frequently get people who come up and look at the signs and ask if they can use the restrooms which i always politely say no because they're closed for cleaning and i have a cleaning chemical on all of the fixtures they usually are fine with that and either wait or go to a different one i clean both the men's and women's at the same time when i do these so sometimes i'll be inside of one of the restrooms and don't see someone sneak into the other one to use it this means i have to sit there and wait for them to finish before i can finish cleaning that restroom if they're fast i might just give them a look but if they cost me a lot of time i'll tell them that i hope they don't get a rash they usually get confused so i explain that the chemicals i spray on the fixtures are harmful to the skin and that's why i have to close the restrooms while i work i usually put on a worried sympathetic face and tell them that they may want to go take a shower as quickly as possible otherwise it might get really uncomfortable to sit down for the next few weeks this usually freaks them out a bit and they rush away our chemicals are actually pretty harmless so long as it's not straight from the jug of undiluted which if i sprayed it through the machine it's been heavily diluted so it won't ever cause a problem but that fear feels really good to see on someone who thought the rules didn't matter to them next one is titled don't share my netflix account unless you enjoy painstakingly translating korean my ex and i had been together for seven years long enough for several components of our lives to be shared including a netflix account the relationship ended after he met another woman back home we were living overseas at the time and moved out to be with her to not be petty and appear bitter scorned etc i didn't rush to lock down any of our shared accounts we were in completely different time zones so i didn't realize until i was on vacation in the same continent around a year later and received the multi-screen pop-up you get when someone else is using your account at the same time that he was still using my netflix account i had incorrectly assumed that he would opt to not mooch off me and open a new one rather than change the password i seized the chance to be petty i changed the settings for his profile so that he could only view shows for children under 5 and updated the language settings to korean honestly it's still one of my finest moments to date next one is titled you better learn the closing hours pizza boy few years ago i used to work in a small pub in a small town i was the only waitress working the shift and our official closing time was 10 pm but it was very rare to close at that time my boss had a rule that i can close at 22.00 only when there were no customers if there were some i had to stay longer with them until they went home themselves this was that type of town where everyone knows each other but in winter and summer there was a lot of tourists because the town was in the middle of mountains the pub was situated next to the restaurant and a hotel which had its own small pizza restaurant open to public the hotel restaurant closed at 22.00 as well there were two male waiters and a chef who often came to my pub after the shift but what they did was that the chef came at 21.55 to my pub so i couldn't close at 22.00 because i had a customer ordered a beer and waited for those other two guys they usually stayed there for another hour or two it quickly became a game of who can close the place first so i didn't have to stay overtime for so long i liked those guys i sometimes hanged out with them when they were in pub but i didn't like them enough for extra overtime hours every day i also had a school in the morning so i had to wake up at 5.00 so here comes my revenge it was summer so there were a lot of tourists around this evening a guy came and asked if we served food i said we didn't and check the time it was around 21.15 one restaurant was already closed but the pizza restaurant at the hotel was still open i told him to hurry up so he can have at least pizza the evening was busy so i had to stay overtime anyway and it was definitely worth it because other way i wouldn't find out what i caused around 11 pm here comes the chef upset and exhausted he sits at the bar asks for a beer and start talking i wouldn't believe what just happened the restaurant was ready to close everything cleaned when at 9 45 pm the huge group of tourists came in and ordered eight pizzas and drinks the chef was fuming with anger downed the beer and left oh the satisfaction i felt he never found out i was the one who sent those tourists last one is titled try to get my sister-in-law fired backfired a couple of weeks ago me and my family and my sils family were walking around a lake near our home the lake has gotten bad over the years often you'll get used going and drinking there we walked past an area that was messy where there'd obviously been a party my brother-in-law was taking a phone call just as some teens approached us my brother-in-law is french and was speaking in french on the phone the teens told us to clean up our mess or to go back from where we came from my sister-in-law and i grabbed the kids and started moving away with our husbands blocking the path of the teens they tried to push past them so worrying about the kids my husband pushed one back and he fell over into the mud they tan off and we thought end of story my sill works in a local hairdresser and a few days later a woman came in to speak to the manager she claimed her son was attacked for asking people to take their mess home with them and sil was one of the attackers the manager said she'd look into what happened there's a local fishing group that used the lake so i emailed and asked if any members saw what happened with the confrontation two got back and confirmed our version of events one even told us of the school the kids are in we contacted the school and there's a police officer who works with the school and the kids are all on a racial awareness course and warned if they carry on they could be in trouble with the law the mother has also been banned from the hairdressers thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear
Views: 3,067
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents, revenge, idontworkherelady, idwhl, relationshipadvice, relationship advice, readingbear idontworkherelady, readingbear aita, aita, readingbear revenge, redditkrown, reddit krown, reddit krown revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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