r/Relationships MY GIRLFRIEND CHEATED ON ME WITH HER EX! - Reddit Stories

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what do you do when your partner says you look  exactly like their mom we'll get into that in   a bit but first my 22-year-old male pregnant  fiance 21-year-old female is crying herself   to sleep again because of me so I'm going to  preface everything with I'm a security officer   and supervisor with some pretty freaked up hours  I don't get off until midnight to 2:00 a.m. and   don't get to sleep until 4:00 a.m. one morning  I'd gone to bed at about 4:00 my pregnant fiance   tried to wake me up at about 8: she was talking  to me and pushing me in my sleep I was unaware of   this I called her the b word in my sleep lay down  again snoozing this was probably about a week ago   the name calling is not at all intentional nor  do I believe that she is a b word we've been with   each other for nine months now and again I do not  actually believe she is any form of the b word or   anything bad at all she is the love of my life now  nothing has changed about my work schedule she was   trying to wake me up for spicy time I called her  the B word again now she doesn't even want to be   in the same room as me what can I do I don't want  this ruining our relationship I also don't want   to have my work schedule changed I love the shift  I'm on well it's certainly pretty awkward but the   important thing that has to be known and stated  here is that it's not a voluntary thing it's not   like you meant it you weren't actually trying  to call them the b word and you don't actually   mean it I mean if you said your pece and you've  explained to her that you didn't see this out   of any kind of conscious decision and it's just  coming from the fact that you're completely out   of it getting woken up after only 4 hours of sleep  what more can you do hopefully they can understand   that you didn't mean it if anything she should  probably stop trying to wake you up 4 hours into   sleeping also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy  tricky relationship topics why not hit those like   And subscribe buttons down below that said our  next story is my 33-year-old female boyfriend   35-year-old male is the father of his brother's  kids and I need help expressing my feelings to him   I 33-year-old female been dating my boyfriend  35-year-old male for about 9 months we're not   planning to walk down the aisle tomorrow but we  both know that we're looking for marriage and   kids sooner rather than later I'm breaking my own  rules by moving in with them next month normally I   would never consider moving in with somebody until  we've been together at least a year because that's   just a rule I have timing wise it worked out this  way but it also just feels right he's the only man   I've ever dated who I could already see myself  with long term after only a few dates I knew he   was the type of person I want to marry and have  kids with so things seem to be moving at a pace   that's comfortable for both of us but we still  plan to wait a little while before taking any next   steps last weekend we went to a birthday party  for one of his nephews his brother has two boys   I get along great with his family especially his  brother and sister-in-law a few days later he and   I went out to dinner and he told me he had to tell  me something important I immediately got worried   because I could just tell it isn't some sort of  exciting news news he wanted to share he told me   he is the biological father of two of his nephews  what the I immediately almost got up to leave he   pulled me back into the seat and was like no no no  let me explain then he goes on to tell me that he   and his sister-in-law didn't have an affair or  anything like that his brother knows that he's   the BofA apparently they tried to conceive for  3 years did a few rounds of fertility treatments   with no luck but couldn't afford anymore I'm still  in disbelief because I can't imagine them actually   asking him to Father their children he said they  didn't really ask like that but his brother was   talking about all of their struggles and my  boyfriend said something about doing anything   to help donating his seed almost just joking after  talking some more it turned from a joke into an   actual option for them they took almost a year to  make a decision to actually do it at the end of   hearing all of this I still couldn't help but ask  him why he said men donate for random women women   they don't even know to use all the time women  donate their eggs he never thought he would donate   to somebody let alone his own brother but he said  his brother was just absolutely distraught that he   couldn't father a child and he would do anything  for his brother Plus at the time he wasn't really   thinking seriously about having kids of his own  anytime soon and didn't realize how awkward it   might be down the line the only people who know  are my boyfriend his brother and sister-in-law and   my boyfriend's parents the sister-in-law's parents  don't even know I love him and I felt like this is   probably the guy I'm going to marry but I can't  help but feel very awkward about this maybe it's   wrong but I really don't like the idea of having  kids with somebody who has kids out in the world   even though I know he's not actually in the role  of their dad I want to express how I feel to him   without making him feel weird or bad about it and  damaging our relationship but need help coming up   with words to express it that don't ultimately  just sound like ew editing to add that he's not   my first boyfriend but for some reason people  are misinterpreting something I've said here and   believe that's the case I've been dating since I  was 14 years old he's not my first boyfriend he's   not the first serious adult relationship I've  had he's not the first man I've lived with OP   says they need help expressing their feelings but  to me it sounds like op needs help finding their   feelings I don't think op described how exactly  they are feeling I think it's pretty clear they   described they don't know how to feel about this  if you feel that strongly that you don't want to   be with somebody that has biological kids by any  means possible which includes via donation even   if they're not directly in each other's lives  then I think the issue really here is op's kind   of grappling with their own principles and how  they feel I think op has to decide for themselves   first if this is the deal breaker or not once you  have that figured out it should be a lot easier to   communicate your feelings right our next story is  I 29-year-old female told my fiance a 30-year-old   male that I'm scared of him after he screamed at  me and now he isn't talking to me so we've been   together 6 years ups and downs but we had our  biggest argument last night long story short we   were arguing about him being jealous of men on my  Instagram I told him I found it hypocritical since   we hang out with people he's had sex with a few  friends they were in high school and one about a   year before we were together that I recently found  out about I'm driving and he shouts at me to let   him out pull the car over we're on a busy street  almost home it's it's dark and raining so I tell   him no he shouts again pull the car over and again  I tell him no he then screams at me while slapping   the dashboard pull the freaking car over I do  and commence panic attack I have PTSD and this   is triggered past flashbacks and though this was  the first time he's done this I can't help but   feel like my safety with him is gone I told him so  and he became upset with me and told me he doesn't   want to speak with me am I in the wrong am I  making too big of a deal deal about what happened   I don't think op is being too outlandish here and  if you're in a situation where you're starting to   get fearful of your partner especially if you feel  like your partner's acting irrationally it's never   the wrong thing to try to remove yourself from  that situation our next story is my 35-year-old   male wife 37-year-old female just confessed to  cheating on me with her ex-boyfriend one month   into us being exclusive we've been together 13  years me and my wife have been together for 133   years married for 10 we have three kids 2-year-old  female 5-year-old male 7-year-old female this all   just came out over the weekend and I've been a  wreck I'm not sure how to handle this my wife was   24 when we met I was 22 when we met we were both  in school and she was in a relationship with her   boyfriend at the time they'd been together for 5  years we became friends through school and had to   work on a few assignments together everything  was very platonic I remember asking about her   boyfriend and she explained to me that they'd  been together since she was was 19 so together   for 5 years but she felt like the relationship  was over they weren't intimate much and he was   somewhat emotionally abusive he dictated her  outfits told her she was too fat she wasn't and   always showed her other women and how he'd rather  be with them he even cheated on her a few times   and was openly dating other women near the end  of their relationship she called me one day as   a friend to complain about what was going on she  told me that he had told her he wanted to explore   other women and felt like they should break wake  up she was pretty upset I took her out for lunch   and basically just listened to her and supported  her as a friend the next week she called me again   this time to let me know that he had dumped her  and he was moving out of the house they shared I   was a young dude and thought hey perfect I'll be a  rebound and try to get with her crappy on my part   but as a 22-year-old guy I didn't care I took her  out to dinner and we started having regular dates   they still Liv together and our conversations were  heavily centered around her breakup in the drama   it entailed I'd pick her up from their house and  we'd go hang out this went on for a few weeks and   we ended up sleeping together one night when I  brought her back to my place after that I really   started to develop feelings knowing I really liked  her I asked her to be my girlfriend she was still   living with her ex as he hadn't moved out yet so  now I was dating a girl exclusively that still   lived with her ex-boyfriend I trusted her that  nothing was going on and the relationship was   dead she seemed really hate him for timeline  purposes I'll reiterate that they broke up   and one month later I asked her to be my exclusive  girlfriend we continued being all about each other   and I was there to support her as she kicked him  out he ended up moving out a few weeks later when   he finally found his own place at this point it  was nice to know he was fully moved out and so we   started to feel like a real relationship without  any other drama of her ex a week later which was   about a month of us being exclusive I had planned  a date night for us we we were supposed to meet at   7:00 p.m. at a restaurant in town I texted her an  hour before and didn't hear back I tried calling   no answer I ended up driving over to her place  and she wasn't home I started to worry but there   wasn't anything I could do she ended up calling  me at 11:00 p.m. that night apologizing profusely   because she'd been at a friend's house studying  for finals and had left her phone in the car she   said she totally forgot about our date and felt  terrible I told her it was okay and didn't think   too much about it I trusted her everything went  on as normal a week later her ex-boyfriend started   harassing her calling her nonstop she said that  she told him to leave her alone and that he wanted   her back but she didn't want to be with him it  actually got to a point that he would sit outside   her house for hours at a time I was over there  one day and she called the police when he showed   up she ended up filing a restraining order against  him and we never heard from him again about a year   later we had some drinks and she let it slip that  she was actually over at his house the night she   claimed to be studying and left her phone she  apologized profusely and told me that his mom   was in town and she was trying to help him get her  back she agreed to do dinner with both of them and   talk about their relationship she was very close  to his mom so she agreed to meet them out for   dinner to just talk she said that after dinner she  went back to his new place with his mom and the   three of them continued talking she said it got  late and she stayed the night instead of driving   home I was obviously upset about the whole thing  but she said she had explained to him that she   no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him  and had moved on she said nothing happened several   times over the next several years I pressed her  about that night I felt very insecure about it   every time I asked her if she cheated on me she  said she didn't she said she just went over there   to talk and fell asleep after she called me she  said she felt terrible lying but was feeling   bad about everything and was so fresh out of her  breakup that she didn't know how to handle it but   she stayed firm in her claim that she had never  cheated on me even though we ended up getting   married and having three kids this past weekend  I pressed her one last time about that evening I   told her something wasn't sitting right with me  after all these years it randomly popped into my   head and I asked her one more time what really  happened that night I'm not sure if I believe   you or your story it just doesn't make sense she  broke down crying and I knew she explained to me   that she never wanted to tell me the truth she  said she did go over to his house with him and   his mom but his mom ended up leaving and they sat  and talked about their relationship she said that   one thing led to another and they ended up having  sex on the sofa she said she was confused about   her feelings being two months out of her 5-year  relationship with him and dating me she said   that she hadn't processed the ending of that  relationship and was confused about what she   wanted as he had dumped her but was then begging  for her back she told me that they had hooked up   then she called me as I was calling her non-stop  worried about her and she ended up staying the   night there and went home in the morning after  that she told him that she didn't want to get back   with him and they needed to stay apart I know it  all stopped because very clearly she was avoiding   him and went as far as getting a restraining order  against him in the following weeks but now here I   sit feeling shattered she confessed to lying to me  for the past 13 years and had been gaslighting me   every time time I asked her about that night she  denied anything inappropriate happening I started   to feel crazy and insecure and had accepted that  I was just losing my mind but now I know that she   did cheat on me that night I suppose I can make  excuses for her telling myself that I began dating   a girl who had just been dumped by a guy she was  with for 5 years ex accepting that I was a rebound   and she was still even living with him in the  beginning I believe her that she hasn't cheated   any other time and there was just an overlap in  her relationship with him and myself that being   said I'm still severely hurt by the lie and  I'm feeling very confused about how to feel   about this we've been together for 13 years we  have three kids and we've had an otherwise great   relationship this new information is all so much  I'm even considering divorce here after 13 years   finding out that she cheated on me during our  first month of being exclusive and then lied to   me about it this whole time I'm a wreck I know I  need to process this before I take any action but   I wanted to share to Reddit for some perspective  and Clarity she's been apologizing profusely and   had reassured me over and over that she feels  terrible and that she only lied because she   knew it would never happen again knew she wanted  to be completely done with that relationship after   that night and was just confused in the beginning  transitioning from a 5-year relationship with him   to a new relationship with me she understands  why I'm devastated she also keeps reminding me   that she was young hurt confused and didn't know  what she wanted until after that night when she   realized she wanted to be completely done with  him I'm certain she hasn't stepped out on our   relationship any other time if I were to ever  question anything it would have been that one   night where she disappeared and I didn't know  where she was after that I always knew where   she was who she was with and I've never had any  reason to suspect anything was wrong do I need to   slow down and work on forgiving her or does this  found divorce worthy I love her with everything I   have and we've built a family and life together  but this is the hardest thing I've ever had to   learn so this is really conflicting because I feel  like anybody in op situation would obviously be   devastated to some degree that they've been lied  to for 13 years but kind of just like how op said   well I was a 22-year-old guy so I didn't care if  I was trying to move in on somebody on a rebound   they also were a lot younger than to they were  we're in a very conflicting situation and I mean   it sounds like there's remorse here if op feels  absolutely confident that there is not another   single moment ever that they have ever had to  worry about her stepping out in any way maybe it's   for the best to try to just move past this I'm  not going to fault op if they can't get past it   if they want a divorce but it was so long ago the  circumstances were really conflicting and you said   yourself you have no fears that there was ever  another even close incident is it worth blowing   up what you have with them now 13 years later and  your family our next story is I 37-year-old female   can't make my husband 38-year-old male understand  that us arguing is a waste of time my 37-year-old   female husband 38-year-old male was able to keep  working from home after the pandemic but I had to   return to the office that means he's now around  when our son 8 arrives from school before that   we had to get my mother to help us out when we  were working or compromise our budget to hire a   housekeeper two to three times a week this new  Dynamic has led to many arguments when I have   to work late and I'm not back on time to take over  the responsibilities of tending to our son however   as much as I try to understand that my husband  can get exhausted from all the extra parenting   he's been doing I can't understand why he would  choose to argue with me about how I could be more   present or leave work earlier or try to negotiate  a hybrid work Arrangement instead of taking Tak   the chance to have some time for himself once  I'm home I don't know why he'd choose to waste   time chitchatting and bickering about my 20 minute  tardiness when he could be doing anything he wants   like taking a bath or meditating in silence or  dedicating himself to a personal project I tried   to tell them that I try to make him realize that  there's no point in us arguing over time balance   because that leads us to nowhere and ends up  impacting on the little free time he has he   doesn't seem to understand me and apparently  believes I'm not taking his concern seriously   when I say that arguing is a waste of time am I  missing something here is there any other way I   can approach this or other way to move forward  I just think it would be good for op to try to   pencil in some time for when they can listen to  their husband's concerns like I get he's wasting   his time and breath and all that trying to bring  up concerns or issues he has but I think it would   definitely be beneficial to try to schedule some  time where you both can actually communicate and   try to collaborate that probably would be a pretty  good first step I think maybe hear him and his   feelings out a little bit our next story is as  an adult woman 41 should I tell my overbearing   mother about all of my vacations and trips I know  this sounds weird but my entire life my mom has   been overprotective overbearing and a constant  worrier I am not married and do not have kids I   live alone but go back to visit her at home often  I used to travel for work in my 20s and my mom   never liked it but didn't have have a choice she  would constantly call email want to know where I   was and when I would arrive or leave safely if  I didn't respond to her after a few hours she   would panic but I got used to this I'm in my 40s  now and she's retired I feel like the older she   gets the more she just focuses on me in my life  because she's bored I went on a job interview a   few years ago in another state and told her about  it when I got back she was really sick I took her   to the hospital and they said nothing was wrong  with her I kind of felt that she got sick from   worry about me moving away for a job I didn't  end up getting the job I live on my own about   30 minutes away from her but she still constantly  wants to know what is going on where I am Etc I'm   planning a trip to Chicago in a few weeks to  visit some friends and I'm thinking not to tell   her about this she'll just worry and I'll have  a bad time is this wrong I keep thinking in my   head what if something happens to her while I'm  away and I need to fly back the one time I hide   my vacation is what I worry about something  will happen but on the other hand if I tell   her about it she will worry unnecessarily and  I'll just have a bad time anyways what do you   all think when you have to start worrying that you  might cause them a legitimate medical issue just   because they're worrying about you I do think  that's the time to put them on an information   diet I think I personally would rather gamble on  the very low chance that something does go wrong   on this vacation rather than the very high chance  that they're going to freak out a lot if you do   tell them this next story is was banned for my  gym because I asked my trainer to please respect   my time so I've been working out at a gym for a  year and a half during that time the owner I'll   call him Steve and I train together for a 5-month  period and then I switch to a newer trainer I'll   call him Joe because Steve was horrible at  respecting our scheduled times more recently   I started working with Steve again just one day a  week while also training with Joe there remaining   4 days because Steve assured me Wednesday was  an easy day for him so there wouldn't be any   schedule conflicts or people coming in like there  had been when we trained originally but after a   month of this again I noticed this pattern of  cancelling sessions or not letting me know that   he couldn't make it until 10 minutes before a  session on Tuesday of this week he told me he   might have a scheduling conflict on Wednesday at  the time we would train I say okay just let me   know at 900 p.m. on Tuesday night I text him to  check in he says he hasn't heard back and he'll   let me know as soon as he does the next morning  I still haven't heard from Steve I got ready to   go to the gym and 10 minutes before I'm supposed  to be at our session again I reach out after not   hearing from him he responds we'll do next week  at this point I'd already moved my plans for the   day I understand that is my fault but I feel  frustrated so I just sent him a message saying   okay please let me know next time which to me was  a gentle boundary I was still understanding that   we had to reschedule but asking for what I need  in the future Steve completely blew up over text   message saying sorry I just found out 15 minutes  ago I'm sorry I'm busy and have other things I   assured him that wasn't disrespectful I'm saying  I'd appreciate if you respected my time too this   led into a huge meltdown from him saying never  mind all the times you canceled on me I don't   even want to train you just work out with Joe I  very rarely cancel on Steve but every time I've   let him know ahead of time and also paid for  the session so it wasn't a waste of time for   him after he said that I told him if you're not  going to respect me as a friend I'll let you know   is a Jim goer this is completely inappropriate  and not a way to run a business I appreciate all   your help and I respect you and Joe a lot if you  don't feel you're being paid enough let me know   how much I need to pay you for it to be a mutually  beneficial situation at this point he tells me he   doesn't need me or my money and said we thank you  for your business and the year and a half you've   given to our business we wish you the best of luck  all that after I've gone to this gym 5 days a week   for personal training sessions for a year and  a half at the end of the day I texted Joe whose   family co-owns the gym with Steve just wanted  to check in me and Steve had a tiff I think we   were both having a bad day does tomorrow work he  responded and said he had heard a little about it   and that he was going to talk with him about it  and we should take the day off and he would get   back to me about our Saturday session now Joe and  I get along great he's my age mid 20s very nice   guy and he has a lot of Integrity I know he's Fair  my problem is I'm trying to take the high road but   already know Joe is hearing lies from Steve and  all I want to do is send screenshots to prove I   didn't say or do anything crazy or even remotely  bad enough to get banned from a business I mean   good freaking Lord all I was trying to do was  stand up for myself in a situation where I was   seeing a repeating cycle of disrespect should I  just move on I really feel hurt and upset about   this and I don't like the idea of being seen as a  bad guy in this situation give me all the advice   because I have absolutely no idea what I should  do so considering this is partly owned by Steve   depending on how like affordable this is how good  of a system it is for op maybe it's still worth it   just for their General Health to try to keep going  as long as Joe allows it but part of me would be   like if you're that put off and this guy was that  bad to you why do you even want to keep going to   a place where part of that money is still going  to Steve right our next story is my 24-year-old   female fiance 26-year-old male called me Mom  and said I look like her I am weirded out by my   fiance's words we've been together for 8 months  yesterday we were messing about with Snapchat   filters when we got to the one where it makes  you look old he literally said oh my God you look   exactly like my mom I looked absolutely nothing  like her besides the skin tone we're both South   Asian a few weeks ago he also called me Mom during  an argument we had I told him that I felt weird   about it and he said it was an accident and it  was only because I was being bossy and it reminded   him of his mom he is incredibly close to his mom  tells her practically everything and I've never   thought much into that until now I don't know if  I'm overthinking this but I feel incredibly weird   figured it out and since then I've been acting off  with him and he's starting to notice what do I do   in this situation I mean I think if anything op  he needs some time to reconsider that engagement   8 months into this relationship I'm not going  to berate them or anything and say oh it's too   fast or whatnot but all of a sudden if you have  something like this pop up and you're engaged to   the person after 8 months might be worth trying  to slow your role a little bit our next story is   I'm a 28-year-old male and my 26-year-old female  girlfriend slept with their EX on new years's and   is now pregnant with either my or his child  my girlfriend and her cousin slf friends went   out to a New Year's festival thing which I didn't  go to due to having an early started work on New   Year's Day I set an alarm for midnight to wake  up and call her and tell her happy New Year I   love you let me know if you need an Uber home or  anything Etc then I went back to sleep supposedly   as she was leaving the festival she bumped into  her ex-boyfriend this is a guy who used to beat   inter upt cheat threaten I've seen the photos  of the bruises she'd taken a real piece of work   despite knowing this her cousin said nothing to  her or to me as they decided to share an Uber back   to his place and ultimately have unprotected  sex the following day she wouldn't answer her   phone until 2:00 in the afternoon which I just  assumed was because she was hung over or tired   or whatever 3 weeks went by like normal until she  found out that she had missed her period and had   been feeling sick in the morning her her chest was  tender she was tired all the time we went to the   pharmacy and got a test which she did when we got  back home she was pregnant she cried she said she   had to go home and wouldn't even look me in the  eyes I just assumed that maybe this is a normal   reaction for this kind of news emotional she told  me what happened that night and I've been freaking   devastated and numb ever since 3 years gone just  like that to him of all people she's saying she   wants to keep the child and I am stressing out  I don't know what to do if it's his she's stuck   with a psychopath for the rest of her life him  and his family have been threatening her and her   family to terminate the pregnancy if it's mine  I'm not sure what to feel I'm being robbed of   having a chance to raise a child with someone  I love and Trust I also want her to consider   abortion considering she's still so early in the  pregnancy she has taken the morning after pill   a few times before but now she's telling me that  it's morally wrong to do that now what the freak   does she know about morals I feel like I'm being  held hostage in a relationship that I want nothing   to do with if it's my kid I won't let it grow  up without a father I will take care of it but   I will never be able to trust her again what do  I do in this situation I'm going crazy she's not   answering me most days the only thing keeping  me together is my mom and dad and work to keep   my mind busy well I mean the first and most  obvious question is were you using protection   you know can you be the father I would just say  before you sign on anything before you agree to   anything before you take this kid as your own  you need that paternity test you need to know   the DNA matches I would also say considering you  don't want to be with her you make it known to her   now you're not going to be with her regardless  of whether it is your child or not don't have   any D dreams or aspirations that we are going to  be the ones with the white picket fence if it is   op's kid I wish them the best of luck and I hope  they're a great father to that kid if they keep   them but with that being said that's all the time  we have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy relationship topic check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,328
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: h09M910pRJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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