r/Relationships HOW I P*SSED OFF MY GIRLFRIEND! - Reddit Stories

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what do you do when you're told you're not welcome  at your dad's home but they still want to FaceTime   you every day we'll get into that in a bit but  first I female 28 walked in on my fiance male 34   kissing his coworker female 30 so we all work  together in a hospital Unfortunately they are   paramedics and have worked together longer than  I've been at the hospital I knew my fiance Ian   when I was still in medical school about 6 years  ago but he moved so our relationship ended I ended   up joining The Residency program at the same  hospital where Ian was working and we ended   up reconnecting and after 2 and 1/2 years we're  getting married we're actually planning to elope   as we're not the type to want a massive fuss  his colleague female 30 Sam and he had a fling   of some sort about 9 months before I returned but  it had finished before I had returned so I decided   to drop lunch into him before I started my shift  yesterday as they've been slammed working as we   all have I'm stopped by his manager as I walk in  I talk to her wish her a good shift and give her   an energy bar and she points me in the direction  of my soon Tobe husband however when I see him his   lips are locked with Sam's I left he ran after me  tried to tell me that he didn't kiss her back she   shocked him he loves me and can't wait to marry  me I really want to believe him but I also have   respect for myself and I won't let them make me  look stupid I stayed with my friend last night   do I trust his word or I think I would try to ask  around if I could like you know the manager who   kind of pointed you in that direction or maybe any  other colleagues that you know that may be working   alongside them that may have seen something  I mean if they were doing that that blatantly   there that you just saw them like that surely if  there's more to it they would have seen something   or you know them being really close or something  also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy tricky   relationship topics why not hit those like  And subscribe buttons down below that said   our next story is how do I confront my 38-year-old  female husband 39-year-old male about hiding man   ESC aping plus condom my husband is on a work trip  it was a one-day event so he could have come back   home the same day but he gave lots of reasons for  extending the trip until tomorrow afternoon right   before leaving he also spent way longer than  normal in the shower longest he's ever spent   in the shower in our 12 years over an hour there  was also a new electronic Clipper sound that was   different from any of his other tools as sounds he  said it just took extra time to trim his nose hair   and his toenail but there was never any toenail  clipping it's loud I always hear it and nose hair   trimming wouldn't take as long as he did so I  knew he wasn't being truthful I also walked in   on him sticking something small noisy or crinkly  square and silvery white metallic in his backpack   when we were getting ready to head to the airport  he zipped his backpack up fast so I didn't get a   good look but the only thing I could find in our  small home that matches the size color and sound   of the rapper that he placed in his backpack are  condoms I then took a shower today after we left   I noticed that the drain was clogged and the water  was rising in the tub I pulled out the stopper and   found a large amount of his hair he's never ever  manscaped before or shown an interest in it but   after unclogging the drain I found a manscaping  kit tucked away underneath his sink behind some   other items which appeared to be brand new with  the tags and wrapping barely taken off he's also   come home from a work trip before where he wasn't  wearing his wedding ring I asked why and he said   he dropped it in the bathroom at the airport and  didn't have time to wash it so he stuck it in his   bag lastly he recently started wearing really nice  outfits clothes he never wears every day this week   leading up to the trip when I asked about this  he got defensive and said that no matter what   I tried to tell him I wasn't discouraging him  to begin with though he was just claiming I   was he would wear what made him feel confident  how do I seriously confront him about this and   what if he denies it I'm so scared to rock the  boat with him I've seen posts where people say   to gather evidence before confronting but he has  so many locks on his phone and computer he's never   allowed me access to it during our marriage so  checking there isn't an option he's always been   private but has been much more secretive lately  making sure his phone screen is completely out   of my view when we sit on the couch or are in  bed he also has a separate credit card that   he' had before we were married and I don't have  access to and have no idea what uses it for so   he could easily make purchases in places without  me knowing if I tag him in photos on social media   he untags himself so it doesn't show up on his  profile I've never heard him mentioning about   having a wife while he's on work calls when I've  brought this up he gets defensive and then shuts   his office door during calls I've never met anyone  from his work he works remotely and travels to   his company's office throughout the year so  I guess while there isn't any hard evidence   I think it's pretty clear that there are way too  many signs that something is going on even if he   isn't like explicitly cheating just the way that  he's treating op in general is like a nogo is it   not they're like keeping op as their own little  secret tucked away back at home and then living   their life elsewhere I would surely hope that  Opie is fixated on more than just the cheating   if he literally does not want to be seen with  you our next story is my boyfriend 40-year-old   male and I 29-year-old female just returned from  vacation and he wants us to split every single   expense 50/50 is that fair hello everyone I just  got back from my first vacation with my boyfriend   after the trip my boyfriend wanted us to split  the cost 50/50 even every little thing we bought   like bottled water at the airport or a $317 c  musubi everything needs to be precisely like if   on the bill he didn't eat that food he won't  share or if on the bill I don't drink coffee   he will minus it for me he has a full-time job  while I'm a full-time student with a part-time   job he thinks it's fair to split everything 50/50  but I don't agree I believe we should still share   expenses but not necessarily split them exactly  in half for example if I paid for the airfare he   could pay for the hotel or if he bought food I  could pay for the drinks I feel like splitting   everything 50/50 is more like a friendship than  a romantic relationship what do you guys think do   you think my boyfriend's approach is fair I mean  I think if somebody wants to split things 50/50 I   think that's fair enough it's just when you're  a part-time worker and a full-time student you   both will have to begin to understand that 50/50  may not be very compatible for both sides at the   same time you're in a committed relationship with  somebody that if you're not quite at the you're   supposed to love them stage you're supposed to  like them quite a bit if they're giving you grief   over a bottled water or a coffee or something here  or there I just think that's too far I think if   you can't spot your partner a $3 bottle of water  here or there or a coffee whenever and then you   know split the bigger stuff actually 50/50 then  I think you're really overdoing it if op wants   this to work I think they need to sit down with  their boyfriend and figure out exactly what their   expectations are no more animosity or confusion if  you know exactly how things should be and if that   doesn't work if you can't come to an agreement  it's probably for the best you know that now   before things get more serious our next story  is my 40-year-old male girlfriend 30-year-old   female wants to have a matching tattoo with her  guy best friend 30-year-old male my girlfriend   30-year-old female and I 40-year-old male have  been living together for almost 5 years already   for context I'm not a controlling guy I don't  tell her things she can't do she can go out   of the country with her friends including guys  Etc last night she went out to dinner and drinks   with a girl friend and her guy best friend whom  I haven't met he migrated to another country and   was just here for a visit after a while she texted  me that they're in a tattoo shop choosing a design   for a matching tattoo I told her that I'm not okay  with my girlfriend having a matching tattoo with   another guy regardless of their closeness I told  her that having a permanent thing like a tattoo   is an intimate gesture and I think that should be  reserved to us as a couple she got mad and told me   it's normal she then made it about me being sexist  that I'm opposing it because her best friend is   a guy this argument went on with her making it  about a lot of other things wherein my only issue   was I clearly told her that I'm not okay with my  girlfriend having a matching tattoo with a guy   other than me am I overreacting Am I Wrong to be  not okay with it I'm really starting to question   my sanity here so I think what's important to  focus on here is op has every right to have a   personal preference I'm not saying that op should  be able to dictate and say whether or not she can   or can't do something but I think it's totally  fair to say listen I personally do not like and   do not want for you to have that tattoo Opie can  explain the reasoning but I think it's totally   fair to have that opinion the ball's then in  her court she can go ahead and still do it all   she wants she just knows that it's going against  what op would prefer but that doesn't mean op's   in the wrong for having a preference on this to be  honest if it were me and the boyfriend's shoes I'd   probably struggle with this one too our next story  is my boyfriend 30-year-old male wants to make a   career switch that could force me 29-year-old  female to drop out of college my boyfriend and   I have been together since we were 15 and 177 we  had our first child at 16 and 18 and since then   have had two more children since the first child  he's asked me to stay home so he could work and   I agreed on top of him working I was a nanny to  his sister's kids our niece and nephew who were   living with Grandma for 10 years while Mom was  in and out of jail I had them 13.5 hours a day   5 days a week and the income from that brought in  enough to pay our mortgage over the last 13 years   I've had a few odd jobs that I attempted to work  but every times something would happen with his   job whether it be a career change or him having to  work more overtime it always resulted in me having   to go home and watch the kids because he couldn't  get off and relieve the sitter so I'd inevitably   have to resign I took this in stride because he  was the one that brought in the larger income   despite the fact that these resignations and  years of no job history other than family nanny   has made me virtually useless to the workforce  on paper I held out though because he always   said when all five kids were in school I'd be  able to go to college well that was this year   all five kids went to school and I pulled from  being our niece and nephews Nanny because their   mom regained custody this year as well the minute  I enrolled it seems like crap hit the fan before   I even started my first day my boyfriend comes  out of nowhere saying he wants to go to college   at the same time as me his job offers a college  program and at the end of the 2-year program you   would move up and make a few more dollars an hour  and you would still be paid problem being the pay   in hours would be much less than he's already  making so I would have had to start working   to supplement the missing income I begged him not  to I have no idea what ignited this for him we've   been together since we were teens and he's never  wanted to go to college and he already makes over   $100,000 a year he kept pushing but eventually  his mom and sisters caught wind and forced him   to back down stating it's op's turn she held back  to support your career for years you can go when   she finishes this opportunity of schooling will  always be free and available to you he eventually   Let It Go however he started back up but this time  wants to switch to a different company in the same   field of work saying he'd make more money at this  new company but that's subject to change he could   make more at this company because their incentive  is so high incentive works like this the entire   company makes 30% of the production rate so if  the company produced 100,000 worth of product   they would receive $30,000 and it would be split  and distributed amongst employees that being said   it's 30% right now it could very well drop to  2% or even nothing in the next month or two if   he switches jobs he'll start at the bottom of the  ladder again doing the grunt work of the mill and   making less hourly right now he's in a comfortable  position and has a good amount of free time where   he can sit in his office and watch movies or sleep  this new position would require him to do three   time times as much labor with a chaotic schedule  and since the company is far larger than his   current one it could take him years to move back  up to where he is now he confronted me last night   asking why I don't support this and I told him I  just want him to stay put so it doesn't interfere   with my schooling his income and schedule  are predictable I don't get it for 13 years I   supported his careers in every change he made even  if this meant we went a month without income while   we waited on his first check or moving I'd take  on extra kids to pull and supplement income and   he frequently changed jobs my schooling has not  interfered with his schedule at all I still make   sure I'm home every day to get the kids off the  bus I get up the earliest daily to make breakfast   and get the kids to school I still make dinner  every day and pack is lunch I still do a majority   of the household chores and I'm the one that calls  off to take the kids to appointments I've ensured   my schedule has not forced them into any more  work I only go to school when the kids are at   school the only changes have been the homework  I do when he's home and I'm a little more tired   all I'm asking is he sits still and let me focus  on myself I've waited over a decade so we could   focus on him and the kids and rarely complain  all I want us to finish this degree three more   years so I can have a stable job and help provide  but it seems like he's doing everything he can to   put the focus back on himself all this said if  the incentive at this other company stayed up he   could potentially make more so should I back down  and support this switch for him or should I Stand   My Ground and ensure my schooling comes first this  time this has got to be a situation I think where   op puts their foot down when you supported them  in the past it was because your family is still   developing and still growing trying to find a good  footing well now you're in a great position things   are not in jeopardy you're in a great position  to move forward and improve with things as they   are and there wanting to take a risky gambling  path that's going to make things so much harder   on the rest of their family it's not fair to op  it's not fair to the family I don't know if this   guy just gets uncomfortable being stuck in the  same place for too long you know just has this   feeling that they need to do something bigger and  better and take on some new challenge but it's   just not what his family and responsibilities are  calling for our next story is my family excludes   my girlfriend and that upsets her to give some  context my girlfriend 27-year-old female male   and I 28-year-old male have been together for  a little more than a year we see each other   four to five times a week I currently still live  with my parents to save money but I hope to move   out soon my twin sister is living out of town and  visits about once a month and she doesn't like my   girlfriend all that much because she thinks that  my girlfriend is taking too much of my time and   preventing me from spending time with my sister my  family likes to plan things with me like going to   dinner or watching a movie or whatever the case  may be as a family and when I tell my girlfriend   that she feels left out I stick up for her when my  family wants to do something and I want to invite   her but they don't want her to be there they just  want me my girlfriend doesn't want to be treated   as an option on when she can or can't participate  in things with my family I've tried talking with   my parents to be more inclusive but their argument  is that they just want to be together as a family   and that it's nothing personal but they feel  that she's invading our family as they think   she always wants to be involved we've had this  problem for a long long time now and I don't   know what to make of it or how to fix it because  I love my family and I want to spend time with   them but I feel that they aren't as accepting  of my girlfriend and I also don't want to ditch   the family plans as well to spend time with my  girlfriend because I also want to spend time   with my family where do I go from here to make all  the parties happy I mean realistically I think you   have to prioritize one thing or the other either  your family or your relationship I would say if   you're serious about your partner and you want  to be with her and you think this is the person   that someday you're probably going to marry every  time they're not invited or they're not welcomed   to anything you begin saying sorry I can't make  it my girlfriend isn't invited and I'm going to   spend the night with her I mean you're 28 years  old you have the authority to do that our next   story is I 30-year-old female am not welcome  to Dad's home with stepmom and their adopted   daughter 23-year-old female but he calls me every  day to FaceTime need advice background and context   when I was 12 parents parents were going through a  custody battle so I had a courta appointed family   therapist a year after they got married I found a  letter my stepmom Homemaker wrote to the therapist   to convince me to go to boarding school because  she didn't want me in her home with her family   and it gave her anxiety this was a huge breach of  trust and I never felt comfortable with her again   in family photos I was always asked to step out  so they could take photos of just their family   no pictures of me existed in the home she never  referred to me even as her stepdaughter just as   her husband's daughter when I've come to visit  from flying across the world she doesn't come   out of her room even if it's midday when I was  younger and my dad would be at work I would have   dinner with her and her daughter and they would  whisper in each other's ear while I'm just sitting   there hating my life when I was visiting from out  of town it was a normal thing that I would be in   the living room while my dad stepmom and sister  would be in my dad or stepmom's bedroom watching   movies where I was not welcome boarding school  in the end was the best thing to happen for me   as I didn't have to live in that environment daily  I wasn't a violent crazy child or anything I was   hurting but I didn't do drugs or anything of the  sort my boarding school principal told me never   had they seen an application so well prepared  and laminated as if that was a compliment my   stepmom had repaired my application at 17 my mom  died suddenly in a fire and I thought my dad and   his family would try to embrace me more but it  just got worse I had no one in my high school   graduation my dad made too much money which  made me ineligible for student loans when I   started uni when I needed help for tuition he  told me I should drop out and work but living   at his house wasn't an option to work and save and  working while not in school where I lived wasn't   possible as an international student on a student  visa my adopted sister had private school and cars   paid for it felt like we weren't really a family  my problems were my problems to figure out their   problems was a family family Endeavor of support  once for my birthday my dad and stepmom had got   me a blender and when I opened it my sister who  was maybe 17 at the time threw a tantrum and got   angry at her mom at the restaurant because  she was angry I received a blender and she   wanted one my sister was always cold to me and  no matter how much I tried to be nice and warm   and bring her gifts whenever I saw her I would  get cold shouldered when I would fly mom out of   town to visit she would be at her friend's house  for the weekend when I arrived I never understood   why and it always hurt me but I just took it  internally a few years ago I fortunately left   an abusive marriage this was the lowest point in  life and I was sleeping on my friend's floor for   6 months going to my dad's house in Hawaii wasn't  an option I felt like I had no one I would say I   wanted to come and visit and recover my dad even  bought me tickets but then would always cancel the   week before during this time my sister never once  reached out to me even though my dad told her I   had left because of the physical violence instead  during this time I saw she out of the blue added   my previous ex-boyfriend's she had never even met  on social media it was so weird and it felt like   during my lowest moment someone was out to get  me I texted her to ask her why she was adding my   exes and she never responded a few months later  my dad and her came to a family wedding and the   whole time my sister avoided eye contact with  me I sat through a whole dinner sitting across   from her where she didn't look towards me once I  was help my dad download something on his phone   when a text came in do I have to be at the hotel  when your family's over referring to me I lost it   I know it's not good but it felt like there were  years of internalizing pain came out I yelled at   her and told her what a crap sister she's been  I was crying and yelling and it was so dramatic   but no violence no throwing anything just a lot of  Tears it wasn't good to yell like that she yelled   back that I always make sure that she knows he's  my father she's black so I get that she might have   in insecurities looking so different from parents  and being adopted maybe it makes her uncomfortable   that we look alike but when it comes down to it  she has been supported and lived with them her   whole life and I haven't been able to live with  my dad since I was 12 I haven't been allowed to   visit him for 5 years I'm not sure how to have my  dad more part of my life I wish he would stand up   to his wife and not allow her to dictate his  daughter visiting him my adult sister is 23   and still lives there I've reached out to her no  response I tried sharing how if she really can't   take me being there she can go somewhere 2 weeks  out of the year and he says no anytime I ask about   visiting me there's always an excuse of being  tired it's too cold unless I have an emergency   he basically doesn't seem to be interested in  any possibility of making plans to be in each   other's life offline I get so sad after FaceTiming  and depressed about the relationship he shows me   palm trees and their new dog and wants to know  all the detail details of my life but it stops   there it makes me feel more alone than I already  feel now after years of finding random excuses   why I can't come to visit my dad in Hawaii my  dad is now blaming me that I can't come because   what I did to her I've reached out to her to  apologize for the yelling part but she never   responded my dad said he can't take me coming to  visit in that environment on his health but when   we were together the two of us have a wonderful  time but even when my adult sister 23-year-old   female has spent months traveling I still wasn't  allowed to visit which makes me think it's a wife   issue masked as something else throughout all of  this he calls me on FaceTime daily on his walks   to chat and talk about politics if I don't answer  he's worried and sends me texts how I'm doing in   those ways he's caring we get along very well and  have a lot of the same interests my brother died   of overdose last year my half brother not my dad's  son just on my mom's side after being homeless for   a year I I was his only family member and had  to figure everything out after not seeing my   dad for 4 years him refusing to visit me because  he's tired to travel and I'm not allowed there   because God knows what he finally showed up for  me I was my brother's only living family member   so a lot of responsibility and grieving fell on  my shoulders it was nice because my dad came to   be there for me and helped me figure out things  for the funeral and in those ways I get confused   because he did show up he also paid for my plane  tickets car rental and hotel to get to the funeral   6 months later my dad came to visit me again  which was wonderful to help me move across the   country for grad school I was super happy that  he's starting to be part of my life again and it   feels like there's a new normaly advice needed now  the Dilemma there is no emergency going on in my   life right now no one has died no one is moving  across the country alone and needs help no one   is recovering from surgery or getting married I  am not welcome to his home in Hawaii because he   says he can't take the environment and he'll have  a stroke if I come but also makes no plans or has   interest in coming to see me one would take that  as he doesn't want a very close relationship and   that's fine it sucks and it makes me sad but tons  of adult children and parents aren't necessarily   so involved in each other's life but he calls me  every day if I don't answer he is worried about   me he wants to chat every day about our day and  current events Etc I don't really want a virtual   relationship I want my dad to be a dad offline  he completely disregards how his family treats   me and blames me for ruining the relationship  with my sister where I am the reason why I'm   not welcome in his home in fact he says how  much his wife likes me which is honestly utter   bull he also throws a pity party for his other  daughter he says how she has it harder than me   he says that he has a closer relationship with  me compared to her because we talk way more it's   it's very confusing she has an off account and  lives at home has a car given to her and decided   to drop out of school after getting to go on a  college tour with parents on different Hawaiian   Islands I've never had such a thing I'm doing my  PhD and have a good job a good car I bought on my   own good friends and a healthy relationship just  because I've adapted to relying on myself well   doesn't mean I'm not deserving of a relationship  in person this year I went through a divorce and   my brother dying while juggling working fulltime  while doing my PhD full-time and everything else   in life I get on paper maybe I'm doing better but  I don't know if she actually has it harder than me   I would love to live close to my dad and live for  free in Hawaii just because she's made different   choices doesn't mean that I'm not struggling in  need family I'm not sure how to have my dad more   part of my life I wish he would stand up to his  wife and not allow her to dictate his daughter   visiting him my adult sister is 23 and still lives  there I've reached out to men things no response   to which I expected why would she work things out  with me if ignoring me means I can't come around   I tried asking my dad if she really can't take  me being there she can go somewhere 2 weeks out   of the year so I can visit him he says he can't  afford that and even when she has lived elsewhere   his wife also had a problem anytime I ask him  about visiting me there's always an excuse of   being tired too much on his health to travel money  it's too cold unless I have an emergency basic he   doesn't seem to be interested in any possibility  of making plans to be in each other's life offline   I get so sad after FaceTiming and depressed about  the relationship he shows me palm trees and their   new dog on FaceTime and wants to know all the  details of my life but it stops there it makes   me feel more alone than I already feel I just  can't understand why he calls me every single   day how do I get him to be a part of my life  offline be there for me be there for each other   spend quality time together it's really confusing  when a parent who's also your only living family   member wants to be so present in your life while  also so invisible all at the same time I ideally   don't want to cut him off I don't have any other  family left I want him to step up and be in my   life in ways that just isn't texting me or calling  me on FaceTime if he's in a bad situation and he   can't come visit me then I feel he can at least  take a stand with his wife and adopted daughter   and visit me if you have any advice on how to  actually change the dynamic rather than just   ghosting him really the only thing that came to  my mind isn't necessarily ghosting but just trying   to be more firm explaining that if you want to  have this fatherdaughter connection it can't just   be FaceTime that you need him to show interest  and a desire to want to physically meet up and   have a time together let's put it this way if he  continues to try to just do the FaceTiming thing   for the rest of forever how long is that going  to go on before op says it's just not worth it   anymore I'm getting too hurt by this is it not  easier to immediately say listen at some point   you're just going to have to expect me to stop  picking up because I can't keep getting hurt by   the fact that you don't want to ever come visit  me and you can't let me visit you or is it easier   just to let things be and try to deal with your  emotions while having that virtual relationship   our next story is my girlfriend 20-year-old female  got mad because I 21-year-old male suggested her   high heels might tire her out hi everyone  so I have a beautiful stunning and really   tall girlfriend she's 6'1 I'm 5'9 who is the  sweetest person in the world she loves heels so   much but doesn't wear them much because she's  a kind of insecure that she looks too tall in   them and B doesn't really like towering over me  the other day I bought her really expensive and   high heels much higher than she usually wears  them and she got so excited and happy over it   last night while we were about to go to a local  Festival in town she asked me whether she should   wear the new heels that I got her she often does  this and I always say yes because I think she   looks absolutely gorgeous in them and I want to  be as supportive as possible however last night   I responded that we are probably going to have  to walk a lot so it's maybe not the best idea   to wear really high heels and jokingly teased  her that I'd have to carry your butt like every   time for some reason she got really sad over it  and started arguing this is really weird because   normally she would have understood that this is  just usual banter and I'm only messing with her   and would have definitely not started arguing  over something so trivial she started saying   things like why can't you be supportive when I'm  always so supportive with you which is something   I really can't wrap my head around because I'm  literally her biggest fan anyways the night kind   of got ruined after that and we even decided to  leave early from the festival and haven't been   talking much so I do want to make things right  but I don't understand what I even did she's   the one who always asks me whether she should  or could wear her heels and this is the first   time I suggested maybe not and she created such  a fuss over it on the other hand I do feel like   maybe I could have been more supportive even  though I was literally just trying to look out   for her so how do I fix this I mean I think it's  all about communication you just have to try to   explain to her as best as you can it literally  was just a comfort thing that you are literally   her biggest fan like op wrote here and that you  love how she looks in high heels it's just a lot   of walking I think really the issue here is you  have to understand what exactly upset her about   the circumstance and you're probably not going  to get that exact answer through Reddit comments   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   crazy relationship topic check out that video on  the left or if you missed my latest video check   out that video on the right that said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,350
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: YTsUgV39uBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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