r/Relationships HUSBAND NEGECTS ME FOR HIS VIDEO GAMES! - Reddit Stories

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what do you do when a husband puts video games  over his wife and children we'll get into that   in a bit but first my boyfriend asked for my hand  in marriage the day after his brother got engaged   my boyfriend 26-year-old male and I 29-year-old  female have been together for 8 years the other   night we found out that his brother and his  girlfriend just got engaged they've been together   for 5 years although truly happy for them my heart  broke for our relationships I have tried in the   past to get more clear information as to what our  time looks like to move forward but simp received   the I'm not ready for marriage yet response I have  tried to be patient he started to drop hints of   a proposal back in December after my brother  proposed to his girlfriend only together for   a year I have tried my hardest to keep my pain and  sadness from him because I didn't want it to be a   factor in his decision he knows how I felt because  I've told him in years past that I was ready for a   proposal and to move forward however this time  it hit me really hard I've been in tears since   we found out the next day he spent a few hours at  a his mom's later when I was on my afternoon walk   he caught up to me he told me that he had a really  good conversation with his mom and then went to my   parents house and asked my dad for my hand in  marriage and even has a ring I can't help but   to feel like it's a last ditch effort to pick up  the pieces of my broken heart he says that it's   just bad timing and that he had the intention  of proposing this year already he even says he   regrets not proposing at a vacation we took over  a year ago I asked him if independently from his   brother's engagement would he had still gone  and asked for my hand in marriage that day he   said that it was in response to his conversation  with his mom but the conversation they had was   because he knew how upset I was in regards to  this whole thing now I feel so incredibly hurt   I love him so much and don't want to break up with  him but feel like I have to now I know there's a   proposal coming but I feel like if I accept it I'm  accepting something that is meant to fix a broken   heart instead of celebrating a moment of growth  in true happiness I don't know what to do now I   feel like I'm at at a loss yeah I mean I don't  really buy his whole well I regret not asking   you a year before it just sounds kind of like  a copout excuse to me it just sounds like he's   not really all in on actually committing to this  I mean was it even necessarily him talking to his   mom about it or was it his mom bringing it up to  him and asking him when he's going to finally just   get around to it also hi I'm Stephen and if you  guys enjoy tricky relationship topics why to hit   those like And subscribe buttons down H that said  our next story is I want to remove my roommate   from my gym membership after being wrongfully  blamed I 26-year-old female have two roommates   Anna 25-year-old female and Bo 21-year-old male  we all met through work although Anna now works   elsewhere it's Bose's 21st birthday the plan  is to get dinner at 600 p.m. with the three of   us plus Bo's girlfriend and some of his other  friends then meet up with co-workers at the   bar next door at 700 p.m. Mo and his girlfriend  are both already at our house so they decide to   leave early to give Anna and I more time to get  ready Anna and I decide to ride together also I'm   trying to help Anna pick her outfit as well as my  own she eventually finishes and notifies me she's   ready to leave whenever I am I tell her that I'm  wrapping up my lipstick and finish about 5 minutes   later we finally leave but traffic is awful she  tells me that Bo texts her that they're going to   put in their order so I suggest her to text him  her order so it can be ready by the time we get   there she says no because she hasn't looked  at the menu she says she hasn't eaten all day   and wanted to eat there because she's never been  before basically insinuating that she won't get   to anymore then blames me and says I told you we  should have left sooner I look at her with shock   on my face and say are you really blaming this  only on me and then tell her I could have done   my makeup in the car if it was really a problem  to which she says well I didn't know that I try   to make a conversation to change the subject and  lighten the mood but she won't let it go I get   angry and decide to stop talking completely the  rest of the car ride is pure silence we finally   make it to the restaurant and sit down at 6:40 she  orders and eats and everyone finishes we make it   to the bar at 7:15 all of the co-workers that Bo  invited are dudes Anna knows them from previously   working there but still seemed like the odd one  out with being a bit shy as well as not working   there anymore her and I are also the only girls  there at this point Bose's girlfriend couldn't   make it so she follows me around literally  everywhere and won't sit next or talk to anyone   else I continue to avoid her as I don't want to  talk to her to which she finally tries to talk   to other people later Anna and some of the others  are gathered at a vending machine she's browsing   and I show interest to my cooworker in buying  something too Anna freaks out and tells me freak   off op Anna loves to work out she'd been dying to  go to a specific gym but a multi-year contract is   required however I found an alternative through  my health insurance so I added her and she's been   paying me for the fee since last year it's been  2 weeks since that night we stopped talking and   we've only spoken once when she said hey after I  came home from work one day other than that not   once as she tried to talk to me about it I feel  I've done no wrong here and I don't want to let   her continue to benefit from me if she has no  problem with treating me the way she has so I   ask would I be wrong for me to remove my roommate  from my gym membership for being wrong ful blamed   I mean ultimately it's op's gym membership they  can do really whatever they want with it and if   they're feeling like they're getting slided here  are they really The Jerk for controlling their   gym membership the way they want to even if some  people might think it's Petty is it still putting   them in the wrong I don't think so I mean you  could try to approach this with some more blatant   communication you know just say out loud what's  frustrating you and what's going on and maybe you   can work through it but if you don't want to do  that and you just want to remove them from the gym   membership it's your gym membership our next story  is I female 34 feel my husband male 35 wants to   be single but won't admit to it I feel my husband  together for 8 years married for four wants to be   single when I talked to him about it he says he  doesn't and he loves being married to me but he   is always flirting with girls and I'm pretty sure  the only reason why I haven't been cheated on is   due to lack of opportunity he is very attractive  and gets lots of ATT atton but it's still kind of   a recent thing when he was younger he was very  thin and didn't get a lot of attention I guess   and I feel he didn't get to live that part of  his life and explore all this attention and   he's now frustrated but he won't admit to it I  also struggle with the fact that I'm clearly not   his type if you talk to him about it he'll say  I am but it's pretty clear that when you see the   girls he flirts with and all the insta models  he follows they all have really big boobs and   a more like basic straight girl appearance while  I'm very thin and look a bit more alternative not   that I'm not what society would still consider  attractive but definitely not his type I on the   other hand really love him and love being in  a committed relationship and I'm pretty sure I   would find single life heck but at the same time  my self-esteem is getting a really big hit from   all of this but as long as he says he loves being  married to me I can't get the courage to leave how   do I get him to admit to that so I can move on  I mean nothing great is probably going going to   happen for op unless they're willing to face their  fears he's openly flirting and doing things with   other people that most people in a relationship  would not be okay with op's afraid that they want   to cheat but they haven't even talked about the  subject beyond the fact that this is already a   boundary cross that most people would assume  is a boundary solely because that's a staple   of being in a committed relationship op needs to  express how they're feeling and the boundaries   that they have I guess what's the breaking point  because there's people pleasing Behavior going on   here does he have to go and confirmed cheat before  it's finally brought up and boundaries are try to   be set this next story is boyfriend is judging me  for wanting to get plastic surgery to remove loose   skin instead of just working out I 20-year-old  female lost over 80 lbs in less than 6 months   last year not healthy at all I know because of my  poor diet along with little to no weightlifting   and only strict cardio I was left with loose  skin on my thighs arms stomach and Chin before   I met my boyfriend I got chin vaser lipo suction  to tighten and slim the skin underneath my chin   I've been contemplating skin removal surgery on  my arms and possibly some sort of skin tightening   procedure on my stomach I don't care too much  about my thighs because I don't think it's that   bad just cellulite my surgeons said I would be a  good candidate for these procedures since I had   a drastic weight loss my boyfriend 24 thinks that  the gym can fix my problems and give me my dream   body he believes cosmetic and plastic surgery  is wrong I believe I lost so much weight in a   very unhealthy way and because of that my skin  has been really affected I'm desperately trying   to find ways to fix the issue and lifting weights  isn't going to magically remove my skin or Shrink   it back when it's this bad I also believe I put  in the work to lose the weight and now I should be   able to splurge on myself and get this extra skin  removed and to tighten my skin if I really want to   it's my body I've been trying to explain to him  that lifting weights isn't going to just remove   the saggy skin hanging from my stomach and arms he  believes it will my boyfriend lost 40s in a year   with a good diet and workout regimen he isn't left  with saggy skin like I am I can't even bring up   this topic without it turning into an argument so  yeah this guy is very clearly mistaken if you're   the kind of person who built up your weight over  a long period of time you probably have a likelier   chance that losing the weight also at a slow rate  of time the skin will will still visually for the   most part look pretty good but there is a very  real point in which the skin can only tighten up   so much if you're somebody who is just big enough  or you lost a lot of weight rapidly you're going   to have loose leftover skin this isn't even a  topic that is very hard to research no amount   of bicep curls is going to tighten your skin  unless you start turning into Hulk Hogan our   next story is my 19-year-old female Grandpa  87-year-old male might have uncovered a huge   family secret what now my grandpa 86-year-old male  and I 19-year-old female are very close and he's   been seeming down lately I asked what was up and  he confessed that he's worried he's not my dad's   real father I was shocked by this but after he  explained the situation I think it might have some   Merit so I wanted to know what to do my grandpa  and my grandma were married since they were in   their 20s and as far as I know their marriage was  very happy she unfortunately passed away a few   years ago before she passed away her mind wasn't  the best and she said some uncharacteristic and   confusing things my grandpa told me that at one  point she was talking to him and said something   like I want to talk to our son's real father not  you like I said she wasn't in her right mind but   what happened afterwards made my grandpa worried  apparently my parents overheard what my grandma   said and took it really seriously which my grandpa  thought was weird my grandpa claimed they started   asking our relatives for more information behind  his back and trying to find old documents he said   he found this out through my relatives He also  mentioned that my dad took him to the doctor to   get a blood test for a vague reason and he thinks  this was a paternity test I just started college   this year so I haven't been talking to my family a  ton lately and I definitely haven't heard anything   about this I remember vaguely them mentioning that  my grandma had an affair before but I thought that   was long after my dad was born I've never heard  about any other big family secrets the reason my   grandpa waited so long to bring this up to me  is that he recently found out that my dad got   in contact with his real father a few months  ago he apparently found this out through some   third party who he trusts he feels upset and since  he's pretty old he's worried the stress is going   to kill him I have no idea what to do right now  I'm just comforting him and reassuring him but   he said he wants to know the truth my grandpa  wouldn't lie to me but I'm not sure if he's   misunderstanding the situation I can't bring this  up directly to my parents because my grandpa told   me not to talk to them about it I'm an only child  so I have no one else to ask for help my grandpa   said that he just wants to know the truth before  he dies should I get a DNA test with him and if I   do should I tell him the truth even if we're not  related how would I break it to him and would I   let my parents know beforehand I'm in college and  the next state over so I can drive to get the test   to my grandpa I don't think he'd know how to do it  so doing the actual tests is fine but my parents   have access to my bank info and his bank info so  they'd see we bought tests is there any way to   get these without it showing up suspiciously in my  bank account I want my grandpa to know the truth   but I'm scared about causing turmoil in my family  and breaking his heart if it turns out we're not   related I love my grandpa and I don't care if  we're related I just want him to be at peace   thank you so much I think if he's that concerned  about it and he wants it done and wants to know   it's worthwhile to try to have it done just to see  and find out I'm not sure of the best way to pay   for it privately considering ing they have access  to your bank accounts but if op does go through   with it I wish them the best regardless of what  the turnout is for their family this next story   is my dad 48-year-old male wants me 18-year-old  female to take care of his stuff while he's in   jail how do I tell him that I don't want to do  this anymore and I am leaving hey I know this is   a weird situation and I'm not sure what to do my  dad got into trouble I don't know all the details   but I understand he was stealing a bunch of money  from his clients he was a lawyer but had to give   give up his license when it all broke open I was  living with him at the time I could talk a lot   about our relationship but the short version is  that our relationship is pretty strained and I'm   not very surprised he was doing something Shady a  little while ago after he got arrested but before   he went into jail he sat down with me and told  me he was expecting to have to go to jail for   about 2 years he told me that while he's gone he  needs me to stay here and take care of the house   and stuff I told him that I was planning on moving  out after I graduate high school and but he asked   me to stay for a couple of extra years because he  really needs someone to take care of the house and   the car while he's gone he promised I can leave  when he gets out and takes his house back and   he promised he would pay me for it after he gets  released in the end he got 40 months so a little   over 3 years and he is in a federal prison so my  understanding is he has to stay in for almost the   whole sentence before he can get an early release  or parole it's been a few weeks since he went in   and I've been getting angrier and angrier at the  the situation I told him I would take care of all   his crap because I didn't know what else to do  when he had me on the spot but I don't think I   want to it upsets me that he wants me to stay in  this house and this town for three extra years all   because he committed a crime so anyway I decided  I am leaving one of my friends families told me   the other day that I can stay with them for the  rest of the school year and the summer after I'm   getting all of my stuff out of my dad's house  and I'm planning on leaving for the last time   on Friday and after I graduate I plan on leaving  town and not coming back but I haven't told my   dad yet I'm angry at him and we didn't get along  real well even before he went to jail but I do   have some sympathy I don't know what's going to  happen to his house or his car or all of his stuff   inside when I leave and I'm also kind of over it  all and don't really care anymore I don't want to   make his life any worse than it already is but  I think it was really unfair for him to ask me   to do that for him I know I need to tell him I'd  prefer to do it in person but I don't know what   the rules are on visiting someone in prison and  I don't know if I even can so it may have to be   whenever he calls again how do I tell him that  I'm leaving and I'm not going to take care of   his stuff the whole situation is stressing me all  out and I just can't deal with it anymore I don't   want to take care of a house all by myself or a  car that isn't mine I don't even know how like   I know property taxes are a thing and I know  you have to pay them but I don't know how much   they are or how even go about paying them I just  can't do this and I don't want to spend the rest   of my teenage years trying to figure it out how  do I tell my dad that I'm leaving all his stuff   and I don't really care anymore what happens to  It ultimately this is one big pile of not opce   responsibility it sucks but they committed a huge  crime something that got them 40 months it's just   not op's responsibility it's not op's burden and  right at the moment when they're ready to spread   their wings and move out on their own and try to  live their own life they don't need to be settled   down with all this extra responsibility you know  people suggesting things like renting the house   out or putting his stuff in storage or trying to  find some kind of accommodation for this stuff   it's just not op's responsibility in anyway and  not op's burden he's trying to steal precious time   from op's Life on top of all the other things  they've already stolen this next story is I   40-year-old male snooped on my wife's 30-year-old  female a 5 years phone and found out how unhappy   she is in our relationship we met 5 years ago and  got married 2 years in we were inseparable I knew   she was the one when she never got tired of my  slightly autistic and ADHD butt she's incredible   gorgeous smart funny she's everything I've ever  looked for in a partner but I'm starting to think   maybe I trapped her we had an argument after  our Valentine's dinner a few days ago and she   said some really mean things to me made fun of my  weight gain for one things haven't been been the   same since she gave me a very generic I'm sorry  for last night the next morning but that was it   I didn't even acknowledge it I haven't been able  to make eye contact with her I'm not interested in   talking to her and generally I've been avoiding  her yesterday she had the day off and went to a   party with friends I wasn't invited she never told  me about it she didn't want me there she didn't   text me or call me all day from 10:00 a.m. until  2:00 a.m. when she got dropped off without her   car she passed out on the couch I let my emotions  get the best of me and I opened the photos app on   her phone just to see how her day and night had  gone I didn't find anything out of the ordinary   and honestly it looked like she had a good time  I opened her text app and saw an exchange with   her bff where she admitted that she said some  really mean crap to me the other night her friend   responded that you said what you needed to say you  know being the good friend my wife then replied I   really don't like who I am in this relationship  her browser window was also open and there was   a page to an article called how to tell if you're  unhappy in a relationship I treat this woman like   a queen all five love languages every day now it's  obvious to anyone reading this I have trust issues   I am in therapy working on them my wife knows this  I was cheated on in several previous relationships   going all the way back to my first girlfriend  in high school since then I've had a really   hard time trusting people especially relationship  partners my wife and I spent the last 6 months in   coup's counseling I stopped paying for sessions  because my wife wouldn't do the homework a few   months ago she went to a wedding and flirted  and made out with one of the groomsmen while   drunk and then confess the next morning I know she  resents me she doesn't communicate well she has a   bit of an alcohol problem I'm dealing with some  drug and medication issues too but I think she   feels like I've caged her into this marriage and  she feels disappointed in what I have to offer I   have two kids from a previous marriage they're  both teens and she loves them to death I guess   need to make some changes I guess or it sounds  like we may be done any Insider wisdom would be   helpful thanks I mean Opie is going on and on  about how unhappy she seems or all the things   that she seems to have issue with my question  is is op happy does OP earnestly believe that   things are going to turn around here do they even  want to entertain the idea of trying to turn this   thing around I mean from the sounds of it I don't  know if there is any fixing this our next story is   my 37-year-old female intelligent husband 44 has  the intellect of a child when we watch movies and   I don't understand what's going on my husband  is a smart and amazing man who I love he has a   master's degree from a good University speaks  four languages fluently and has a successful   career as a higher level manager in Tech he's well  read and enjoys academic Pursuits like book clubs   Toast Masters ET Etc he's traveled the world and  has amazing social skills however when we watch a   film with a plot that is graded Beyond PG it's  like he has the intellect of a 10-year-old for   example we can watch a film he knows I've never  seen where a character will have a ski mask on be   holding a gun a bag and rush into a bank yelling  this is a holdup and he'll genuinely ask what's   going on and if someone is robbing a bank if we've  watched a movie that's been most of it based on a   historical fact like for example Schindler's List  which he knows is based upon the Holocaust he'll   ask why the people are getting on trains and  looking scared he's most definitely not racist   but if we watch a movie with ethnic characters  that have gone to Great pains to be historically   accurate and differentiate characters you'll ask  well into the movie which person is supposed to   be MLK versus Malcolm X even though they've  been setting up that plot line for at least   30 minutes this post isn't an indictment of him  I've just personally never encountered a person   that is as intelligent and worldly as him but  turns into an idiot when we watch a film I try   to be patient but sometimes I get frustrated or  surprised when he can't process it but would like   any suggestions as to what might be going on in  his mind I've tried to gently ask or bring up why   he has trouble processing basic film plot lines  but he just gets defensive and says I'm being   mean for insinuating he doesn't get it even though  he clearly doesn't this is just speculation from   my own side I know there are a lot of times where  even in school when you're listening to a lecture   or teacher going over something or in movies or  TV shows I have a rambling mind I don't know if   it's kind of like an ADHD kind of thing where  I'll be watching the movie and eventually a   thought pops up into my mind and I just start  trailing off thinking about that thought while   kind of like blankly watching and after a bit  I have to snap back to it and realize oh yeah   I just missed plot I don't know this character's  name I miss their motivation for doing whatever   plot now that being said if I saw somebody with  a schi mask on holding a gun and a bag rushing   into a bank yelling this is a hold up I'm going to  be able to tell that this is a bank robbery this   next story is my partners 22-year-old male anxiety  and lack of Common Sense is starting to freak me   22-year-old female out we've been together 3 years  and are both in college plus autistic and ADHD I'm   going to clear I here I'm under no impression  I'm Flawless or have zero support needs I don't   expect him to know everything but it really feels  like he literally only thinks about whatever he's   fixated on that day and ignores or panics about  everything else he won't get a driver's license   or debit card not because he doesn't want to but  because he doesn't think about it I have medical   episodes that make me very tired and confused and  he's misconstrued that as me being mad at him more   than once preventing him from actually helping  me he doesn't know how to do most household or   hygiene tasks to my bare minimum standard And  to clarify this is stuff like changing our   underwear every day it feels even harder because  I know it's not malicious it's that between his   anxiety and obliviousness every problem is my  problem I don't think I'm enabling him I think   his logistical and organizational skills are at a  zero because when I don't intervene the problems   legitimately don't get solved classes are failed  food molds trains or misted I genuinely have never   considered intelligence as important I literally  have a learning disability but this is about life   we are a perfect personality SLV values match and  he's so beautiful inside and out I don't just want   to hear about how this will never work if you or  your partner was similar what did you do he wants   to get better at household chores but I can't  emotionally handle teaching him each individual   thing I especially don't know what to to do about  the problem solving should I encourage him to go   to occupational therapy in addition to anxiety  therapy how long do I wait yeah I definitely   think some kind of professional that's just  really well-versed in dealing with people who   have these kinds of disabilities would really  go along long way and is probably the best and   safest bet over pretty much what anybody on Reddit  could advise you to do personally unless you know   they are an actual certified expert in that field  our next story is husband male 35 negle me female   34 and our kids for his video games so background  we've been together 11 years married for 5 years   he's 35 and I'm 34 we have an 11-year-old and an  8-month-old together he is addicted to his gaming   and I knew this years ago when we were dating but  he swore up and down he would stop and hasn't two   incidents that killed me years ago was when one  day I was staying over at his place when we were   dating and he was on his computer all day and I  just walked out and went home he he didn't even   notice I left and didn't even bother to call me to  find out where I went I should have ended it then   but I didn't and the one that absolutely killed  me was when I was pregnant with our 11-year-old   and was having a hard pregnancy because I kept  having gallbladder attacks and had a sonogram one   morning and he knew about it I called him texted  him never answered me so I called his mother that   morning and she told me he was up till 5 a.m.  playing video games he knew this was an important   appointment and prioritized his game games over  me he swore that day he would change because I   was beyond done but gave him another chance fast  forward and nothing has changed he comes home from   work every day eats dinner barely acknowledges me  or the kids and goes straight to the computer till   12: to 1:00 a.m. tonight he was on from 11:00  a.m. till 3:00 a.m. I have honestly lost count   how many times I've told him I'm tired of coming  in last place to his video games and it kills me   because the look our 11-year-old gives me when he  tries to get his father's attention and tonight   the baby was trying to get his attention and yes  he's only 8 months but babies know when they're   being ignored and his eyes were filling up with  tears and he looked like he was about to cry we   would go on vacations and he would have to bring  his laptop to play his games and these were only   weekend getaways and he couldn't even go 72 hours  without gaming if this was actual drugs or he was   an alcoholic I would have left him years ago and  never looked back because there are times when   confronted about that he goes from 0 to 5050 in  a second never physical but his yelling is that   bad and he never apologizes and I have to go in  the room and I just break down but what kills me   is he always asks me why I'm so depressed or  what he can do to make me happy I am running   a house for four people without any help from him  our 11-year-old helps me with dishes and cleaning   but my husband nothing the only reason I haven't  left is because I would have to move back home   with my parents and have nothing of my own and  be depressed for feeling in my my marriage and   failing my children I can't talk to him when  he's gaming because he claims I'm nagging him   and asking him for any kind of help even to give  me 10 minutes to myself is out of the question I   don't know what to do anymore he refuses to talk  to a counselor claiming they do nothing I swear   if he had a choice between losing his family and  his video games he would give up his family that's   how bad it's gotten I am literally in tears as  I'm writing this because I don't know what to do   anymore and what makes it worse is that growing  up my dad put what I did last over his football   games I was very active as a child between soccer  horseback riding my mom worked as a waitress so   she was never able to see me in any soccer games  or horse shows Once it became the fall I didn't   matter because it was football season and my dad  would literally drop me off at the soccer field   or barn and go home to watch a football game on  TV and my friends parents or my coach would have   to drive me home and to have a husband who does  the same thing is so painful I hate video games   and for anyone to say it's not that big of a deal  unless you've been made to feel like the least   important person in someone's life over a game and  invisible people you have no clue how this feels   I was going to say I was curious if Opie tried  seriously putting their foot down on this but op   mentioned they go from 0 to 50 when confronted  about this so I think ultimately it comes down   to it sucks that you have to start all over and  rebuild a new life life but that's probably the   best option here this guy has a terrible addiction  he doesn't seem very interested in fixing it which   is the main thing you have to do to fix something  is want to do it would it not make more sense and   be healthier for op both mentally and physically  to cut their losses move back with your parents   for the time being focus on getting back on your  feet and focusing on your family that is actually   present in the moment it wouldn't be failing for  trying to do the best thing for you and your kids   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   really tricky relationship story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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