r/EntitledParents EVIL MOTHER FORCES ME TO LOSE WEIGHT! - Reddit Stories

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today we have a crazy story of an entitled parent  taking a dog we'll get into that in a bit but   first entitled mother lets kid eat weighted food  before paying and expects me to let her break the   silly store policy I've been working as a cashier  at a local grocery store for a while now and I   thought I'd seen everything but this past Saturday  I encountered an entitled mother that left me both   frustrated and baffled here's what went down the  store had a flurry of customers due to it being   the day right before the Super Bowl I'm Manning  a items or less register right in front of the   hot food section which is always a hot spot for  customers seeking a quick bite at my store the   hot food is waited so that a customer can choose  how much food they want depending on how hungry   they are sounds straightforward right apparently  not for everyone incomes entitled mother with her   son around 7 or 8 years old happily digging  into a container of hot food that's clearly   half empty by now they approach my register the  sun's still eating and I brace myself for the   conversation I know I'll have to initiate as I'm  scanning their items I leave the hot food for last   mentioning I'll need away this please entitled  mother dismissively wavves off my comment oh my   little angel was just so famished I had to let him  start just wait what's left darling I'm trying to   keep my professional cool here I'm really sorry  but we need to charge for the hot food before   it's consumed since it's been partially eaten  it's difficult to charge accurately now you'd   think I had just declared war entitled mother's  demeanor shifts as she launches into a rage this   is absolutely absurd my baby is hungry and you're  telling me you'd rather have a child starve then   break a silly store policy what kind of monster  are you feeling the situation slipping I suggest   let me call a service leader to see what we can  do about this as we wait for my service leader   entitled mother doesn't miss a beat turning to her  son don't worry sweetie Mommy's going to make sure   you get to eat these mean people won't understand  how hungry you are but I do my service leader   arrives and after I quickly explain the situation  he turns to entitled mother with a calm yet Firm   Stance reiterating the policy and suggesting that  in the future she should consider paying for the   food first to avoid any issues entitled mother  is not having it this is unbelievable you are   all completely unreasonable I'm trying to take  care of my child here and you are all heartless   she exclaims turning back to her son she CS it's  it's okay baby we won't come back here where the   bad people don't let you eat when you're hungry  with that she leaves the cart behind full of   cold items that need to be put back quickly and  leaving the half eaten hot food behind and storms   out proclaiming over her shoulder about how we've  lost a customer and she'll be telling all of her   friends about our cruel policies my service leader  thanks me for trying to handle it well and we both   have a good laugh about the situation the rest of  my day was a blur of scanning items and greeting   customers but my mind kept replaying the encounter  astonished at the lengths some parents will go to   baby their children even to the detriment of  understanding and respecting simple rules and   merchandise honestly I think the simple way to  solve for issues like this in the future is just   if you start eating from your container and we  can't accurately charge you for what you actually   took we're just going to charge you for the  maximum that you can fit in that container like   you should just have a preset default amount for  the container alone our next story is my entitled   mother showed up in my doorstep months ago and  then wrote me a letter I've been no contct with   both my parents especially my egg donor she made  my upbringing horrible she was abusive verbally   physically and emotionally especially after  the birth of my first child I moved to another   country cut contact and moved on with my life  I spent a year in therapy going through a lot   of emotional distress trying to sort the pieces  of why I was treated so poorly and was actually   able to let let go of the pain and anger I held  and move on with my family the family I built the   family I'll protect from her during my therapy  sessions is when I realized she was a narcissist   with a victim complex also she was jealous of  me Probably sounds crazy but it made sense when   you understand she had me young 18 or 19 didn't  have a childhood or Teenage life so watching me   reap the benefits that my father provided me  or C A Lot all my clothing would always look   fat on me or all the electronics I got I didn't  deserve it because I didn't earn it Etc this is   just to explain how painful my life was with her  one of my horror dreams was opening the front door   of my home and seeing her I would always wake up  panicking at that moment a few months ago after   almost 2 and 1/2 years of absolute no contact my  horror dream happened I went to my door thinking   my husband was home and locked himself out and  it was her I couldn't believe this woman had the   audacity to come here I slammed the door called  my husband to come home and he dealt with it   because I didn't even want to acknowledge her she  wouldn't leave my front door she kept knocking and   ringing the bell he comes home and says to her  I'm watching from my window cuz what the heck   you ever heard of calling then I couldn't hear  anything else and eventually she left I didn't   call the police because well my husband's family  are my rocks and they would have all showed up   ready to kick them all out but thankfully she  left with her friend and I didn't have to talk   to her or acknowledge her the letter I got the  letter last week there is a lot I would want   to say and tell you but I'm satisfied with writing  this that everything I say in every letter I write   is to express my love I have and every phrase in  this letter is what I feel for you there isn't a   day I don't think of you and hope that God takes  care of you I hope one day you forgive me for not   being the mom you deserve I want you to know that  you're always in my heart and I hope one day I'll   see you even if it's from afar I'll be happy take  care big hug hope you have the best in life and my   heart will be waiting for your forgivingness narc  egg donor still manages to write and think about   herself nothing ever changes it's okay though my  family will be my sanity and my peace as long as   I'm with them and continue living my life they  can't ever hurt me it's just so easy after the   fact after all they've done when there's no real  responsibility for them to pop up and say oh I've   always cared about you all I want is the best for  you I hope I can be in your life now good on op   for shutting that door in their face and honestly  doing whatever they can to never look back our   next story is am I the jerk or is my entitled  dad he rdit today I just want to vent and ask for   advice on how to charge my dad for helping him do  paperwork and make bill payments just so I could   pay rent and not feel bad here's some background  I'm 28-year-old female and still live with my   parents rentree my dad does neither write read nor  speak English so I help him out with filling out   basic paperwork and making online payments it's  his money I just help him do the process normally   I would be in the middle of studying or doing my  college work and he would come in and expect me   to drop what I'm doing just to help him which this  prevents me from getting any of my work done and   if I refuse or if he sees that I'm not working on  his stuff then he calls me out and threatens to   charge me rent or kick me out I don't know if I'm  being inconsiderate or not if I'm not I want to   start charging my dad but I don't know how to go  about it should I make a contract how much should   I charge what should I put in the contract any  advice would be appreciated I mean when you're   living with your parents at 28 rentree it's hard  to say Well they're trying to inconvenience me in   some ways and I want to start charging them for  little things I mean you start charging him for   that he'll probably want to start charging you  for living there I would just try to go down the   route of being honest about how you do need to  prioritize this thing that is ideally going to   set your future up and maybe try to like formalize  more of a time to set aside for that kind of stuff   if you have this agreed upon time where okay I  will help you with this during this time then   hopefully everything's Square our next story is  my 20-year-old male mom still wants to run my life   and shape me into her ideal son so for context  I live with my girlfriend in an apartment that's   half an hour away from my mom's place I moved out  with tears in my eyes not because I was upset for   leaving but because I was happy to leave that  place I always dreaded my mom because of all the   things she would limit me from doing and all the  things she didn't like about me I like Machine Gun   Kelly's music she trashed my music taste saying  that I only listen to Predator music I listen to   MJ Eminem post Malone MGK 44 Phantom and so on I  had insecurities about my body hair she would give   me the nickname Chewbacca and would yell if I got  upset about it as you can see a bunch of things   I'm glad I was able to leave behind it's been  around 2 months since I'd moved out and she still   finds ways to trash talk me or berate me I painted  my nails the first night I was out to celebrate   something she hates with a burning passion and  showed it off on social media she instantly came   at me talking crap about how I'm turning girly  and shouldn't be doing that she uses my sisters   to try and make them ask questions about if I'm  getting my nails done or if I'm doing something   she doesn't approve of it's only been 2 months two  freaking months and she's still doing this it's   frustrating that even after moving out and living  with my girlfriend she still wants to Monitor and   watch my every move I have pictures I'm going  to post that she and my sisters have said to   me a few days ago as well as her spamming my Ig  DMS stay tuned for those I guess I mean I think   this is the point where you go no contact with  her and honestly if your sisters are just being   familial piis probably time to go no contact with  them too this next story is entitled mother wants   us to drop $3,000 on a trip we can't afford I'm  going to keep some of the details intentionally   vague just in case my in-laws run into this for  context a few months ago me 24-year-old female   and my boyfriend 25-year-old male briefly spoke  to my in-laws his mom dad and brother about making   a trip to North Carolina this summer for a big  sports event after that conversation they never   mentioned it again so I figured we weren't doing  it we budgeted our 2024 trips in advance with a   budget of about $6,000 and 2 weeks of PTO for me  well we get more from a trip this weekend and my   mother-in-law says she booked an Airbnb for these  dates only about 4 months away she decided she   wanted to have a family reunion and she'd already  worked out the dates with her family in the area   I told her we hadn't really discussed it and I  wasn't sure if we could afford it she proceeds   to launch into a huge Guilt Trip the top hits  include well I already told them you were both   coming it's only $1,500 per person you can always  make more money what were you going to spend that   money on anyway to my boyfriend you haven't even  met most of my family in relation to father-in-law   who is recovering from cancer well who knows  how long we'll have him around to do this   kind of stuff with father-in-law has never even  met mother-in-law's family in the 30 plus years   they've been married immediately I told her that  her boyfriend and I needed to have a discussion   and make sure this was feasible financially and  on such short notice yesterday she told him she's   plan to book the flight soon he told her she had  better not book flights for us without talking to   us first she's now sulking and acting hurt that  we won't drop what we're doing and spend money   we don't have to go to this event what would I  be the jerk if I straight up told my boyfriend   I don't think we should go edit my boyfriend and  I have discussed this in private and I expressed   that I didn't like feeling guilted into a trip  I'm not prepared to take this year I told him   I'd love to go just not this year I expressed  how frustrated I was feeling like she she made   this plan and just expected us to go along because  she knows he doesn't want to hurt her feelings he   echoed my sentiments and is said he isn't ready to  make a decision yet because it feels like he loses   either way we have an appointment next week with  our therapist to talk it through update one thank   you all for your mostly supportive and helpful  advice since we got together the goal has always   been to empower each other to seek everything we  want for ourselves for him that means encouraging   him to speak up for what he wants regardless of  who gets upset including me even if it means he   does something I don't agree with I prefer that  to him stifling his voice just to keep me happy   as that makes me no better than his family my  time in therapy in my family has empowered me   to set boundaries and speak up for myself as an  adult while his never did so I keep that in mind   and have compassion for him in that spirit I went  to him last night and said I wouldn't be going I   told him that while I'd love to go this is not  the year to to do it since I'm not willing to   pull money out of other budgets and I don't want  to go AAR on my PTO I also said I felt now was a   time to establish a hard boundary that if his mom  wants me included in these things this is not the   way to do it that attempting to Guilt Trip me only  made me less willing to go because it honestly   feels like crap he agreed and said he thinks next  year would be a better time to do it and he hates   that his mom used guilt especially considering  those Tactics still work on him in a surprising   twist he talked to father-in-law about it who  actually agreed with us this is rare as his dad   is also big on pushing boyfriend to do things he  doesn't want to when it suits his father-in-law's   desires father-in-law agreed that it wasn't enough  time to plan and he doesn't want boyfriend taking   yet another week away from the family business  father-in-law wants to adjust the plans to make   it a trip just for him and mother-in-law and we  can all go as a family next year boyfriend was   extremely relieved to have support from another  member of the family on this since it will help   bolster support when we have the conversation  with mother-in-law now all that's left to do is   to have that tough conversation and he wants to  talk with my therapist about how we can have that   conversation in a respectful and loving way while  still sticking up for him and me we'll update on   the results of that next week thanks again for all  the thoughts even the ones who disagreed but for   those of y'all scoffing because I employ the use  of a therapist y'all need therapy Opie was really   getting Flack for going to therapy I guess that  just goes to show that people will complain just   about on any side of things our next story is  first time doing something together with my dad   and brother suddenly he goes with other people and  leaves us behind I thought it would be a good and   fun idea to go to a football game with my dad and  brother since we'd never done anything together   never I paid for all the tickets because I was  so happy to finally do something together out of   nowhere my dad told me to sell the ticket because  he's going with someone else even though he agreed   to go with us month months in advance me and my  brother are really upset with him he doesn't care   and just told me to sell the ticket he shows No  Remorse no excuse he just wants to go with people   he never sees instead of his two sons well as much  as it hurts I think in one way he kind of did you   a favor now you know how things are now you know  that going forward it's just not worth it to try   to make plans with him the one time you do and  especially something like going to a football   game together is pretty awesome he just blows you  off like it's nothing this next story is bought   a house because of my mom and she's not getting  a job so I'm ticked and I've been trying not to   take my anger out of my mother but it's getting to  a point I'm about to explode so since I was about   20 I've been telling my mom I want to move out and  do things on my own every time she sucked me back   in with the whole Why move out before you find a  career that supports you save your money yada yada   yada and that part is my fault for allowing her  to reel me back in I was saving for a bit but I   was in a car accident a couple of years ago that  took my savings we lived in a crappy area where   crime was super high so she put the house on the  market and pretty much convinced me to buy a house   somewhere better she hasn't worked since 2018 and  she's been talking about going back to work but   she never does my cousin moved in with us and  was paying a third of the bills and he up and   left about 2 months ago she doesn't contribute  to the mortgage one bill nothing I'm paying for   everything and I really cannot afford it I make  decent money but I can't support myself my fully   capable of going to work Mom brother the mortgage  her cigarette addiction grocery shopping a wedding   coming up I'm 28 years old and I'm trying not to  be a jerk but I feel like I'm being stretched so   thin and getting nothing in return every time  I ask her about jobs she says nothing looks   interesting to her and there's nothing out there  she told me she wants an easy Schmo job cuz she's   just going back to working but she somehow wants  good pay like that actually exists I'm ripping my   hair out over here losing sleep am very mentally  unstable and I just want to finally relax without   worrying about if this house is going to go  under in my name I'm slowly stopping payments   on my stuff like I canceled my gym membership I  don't have Amazon Prime anymore my audible I'm   thinking of letting go of Spotify I don't want to  live like this I didn't even want to get a house   with her to begin with but I felt guilty not doing  it I don't want to not pay and be a freeloader I   just want things to be split like I was originally  promised what is the step forward for op if it's   not selling the house letting everybody just  try to figure it out for themselves and really   focusing on op living their life at this point  like at 28 years old how much more time do you   want to burn just having your life dedicated to  this situation this next story is parent thinks   accident is my fault accusing me of touching her  child this may be slightly underdetd or missing   detail detail as this happened about a day ago  context I was at a roller skating rink and as I'm   decent at skating I was going pretty fast on that  specific session it was quite packed and crowded   on the rink so as I'm going at a decent speed a  kid Cuts directly in front of me from the middle   to the barrier as I mentioned before it was quite  packed so to avoid people at the time I was next   to the barrier as I was moving in that direction I  couldn't turn away from her as there wasn't enough   room which is the same reason I couldn't stop so I  tried and stopped myself from fully slamming into   her but I still bashed into her a bit hard as I  was stopping I looked to see if she was okay while   saying sorry as she went out of view because of  all the people luckily because it happened right   next to the barrier she managed not to fall the  accusation skipping to later in the session I get   a cramp so I go off the rink to sit down then  the entitled parent who actually had the Karen   haircut comes over and starts having a go at me  for touching her child and leaving a Mark I say   something like she cut directly in front of me  and I was stopping myself from slamming into her   she then says that because I'm bigger than her  I should have avoided it so I then say something   along the lines of what else do you want me to do  nothing and slam into her the parent responded by   saying she'd been skating for 40 years and I was  half tempted to say back then you should know   accidents happened but I resisted instead I said  tell your child not to cut directly in front of   people to which she threatened to tell the workers  what I'd done which she never did this wouldn't   have done anything as there's a big sign on the  walls telling you to skated your own risk and the   cameras would show the child cutting in front of  me after this she storms off telling me to never   touch her children again to which I respond with a  sentence going over the previous points I made as   she stormed off side note I also saw her looking  as if she was telling her friends about what I'd   done for about 10 minutes but it could have been  a normal conversation but then she gets on skates   and proceeds to stand at the barrier talking  for about another 10 minutes which if she'd   been skating for 40 years as she mentioned before  she should know that isn't allowed that's just a   classic Karen story right there really kind of the  person where you're just never going to win having   to have any kind of exchange with them I think  you just have to accept with somebody like that   you're in the wrong you're the jerk to them and  honestly after venting about it and letting it out   you just let it go because it's not worth it our  next story is my 24-year-old female parents are   still trying to control me as an adult I moved  out of my parents house when I was 18 to go to   college since then I've been living on my own with  very minimal financial support from them I covered   all the costs of college on my own they pay for  my phone bill and they own my car but otherwise   I am totally financially independent I now have a  full-time job and live across the country and yet   they still treat me like a child I thought it  had gotten better they came to visit last last   month and they were acting so laid-back I almost  could not believe it my dad who screamed at me on   my 21st birthday for ordering one single Margarita  drank with me I thought my luck had finally turned   and they were calming down I now think it might  have been a freak occurrence my long-distance   boyfriend is planning to visit this weekend it's  a new relationship but we've been best friends for   years so I know him very well I mentioned to my  mother that he wanted to come visit and she made   a comment about him getting a hotel now my parents  are very conservative religious and old-fashioned   however to expect me to ask my boyfriend to stay  in a hotel when he's flying across the country   to see me that's insane I did not want it to come  to a point of me needing to cut contact with them   but I'm wondering if that might actually be the  best option it's an extreme choice but I refuse   to continue living in fear I can't do that anymore  all I want is for them to treat me like the adult   I am I'll I'll be 25 in a few months there is no  excuse at this point I'm so fed up and exhausted   and honestly I'm tired of having panic attacks  and crying over it if you've got advice I'd love   to hear it I think op has to be able to assert  themselves especially if they're in a situation   where they're not living with their parents or  they're not like specifically dependent on them   at 24 years old you're adult enough to absolutely  assert your rights and what you're doing with your   life and especially if they're visiting you and  they're trying to insist another visitor should   go get a hotel you especially should assert  yourself our next story is my entitled mother   just took my dog saying I don't deserve her and  to earn her back title says it today around 2:00   I had 12 missed calls from entitled mother I was  about to call her back to see what she wanted when   I hear a loud banging knock on my door I open the  door just for my entitled mother to barge in and   demand I give her my dog because I don't deserve  her of course I'm panicking having my anxiety kick   in and my dog knowing people yelling screaming  and cursing at me was an anxiety trigger she   went to try and comfort me of course that ticked  my entitled mother off and she grabbed my dog   very roughly and I told her to leave my dog alone  and she said well this isn't your dog anymore I   said yeah she is get out of my house now she said  that's it I'm finding her a home I said no you're   not she's my dog she said well you have one week  to earn her back or she goes to the pound like I'm   Beyond ticked right now can I press charges on  her for taking my dog op should be calling the   cops literally ASAP especially if Opie has any  easy way to show that that dog is yours like if   the dog is microchipped or I'm going to assume  you at least have like pictures and pictures of   the dog some way for the cops just to be able to  tell yeah this is somebody's dog that they stole   dogs are considered property and you can't just  steal somebody else's belongings our next story is   my narcissist I IC mother is trying to take my dog  over air freshener update this happened the other   day and is the bull crap reason to why my mom took  my dog so an insurance person was coming to my new   house and my house smelled like dog and body odor  so I decided to spray some freze and I may have   overdid it but to my defense I aired out my house  after the insurance person left but the smell was   still very strong and I rre of it my poor support  staff was allergic to Downy air freshener and Tide   poor lady then staff took me home because her  Steven Johnson reaction then yesterday I woke   up around noon and took the dog outside of  course around 2:00 p.m. I had 12 misted calls   from entitled mother not even 5 minutes later I  hear a loud demanding banging on my camper door   and I told whoever was on the other side to wait  well when I opened the door my entitled mother   barged in and demanded I put my dog on the leash  because she was taking my dog to her house because   I didn't answer the phone and my dog was in danger  of course I tried to stop her and she said I had a   week to earn her back whatever that means anyways  I've gotten my old CPS lawyer and my waiver   caseworker involved thank you to all the people  who have opened my eyes I'm going no contact for   a few days and buying cameras and getting the  strongest internet I can well I mean it's good   that op got a lawyer and a case worker involved  but honestly I'm still wanting to see them just   go straight to the authorities like especially  when she's like you only have a week this is op's   personal property this isn't something you like  lawyer up for this is something you tell the cops   hey she stole this property from me can you help  me get it back the best part of this is this is a   walking barking breathing piece of property so it  makes the job for the cops surely so much easier   our next story is my entitled mother preaches to  me about weight loss strap in this is a long story   I was here a few months ago with how my mother was  keeping me from leaving and pursuing my education   my own way now I'm back and with more fuel to  the fire I 16-year-old female am 5'6 86 kg I'm   on the chubby side but definitely not dramatically  overweight I am active my doctor says I'm healthy   I've struggled with EDS and body issues since  I was 11 years old about 8 months ago I found   a YouTuber who really inspired me to get fitter  and still have the freedom to eat and do what I   want in moderation she was really what helped me  with my body image and I've began recovery I've   gained weight where I was 73 kg 7 months ago since  I started gaining weight and eating more my mother   49-year-old female has been making comments on my  body my weight posture Peach size telling me to   lose weight when I can't fit into my clothes I've  had since I was 13 telling me that my generation   is so obese and unhealthy I eat pretty clean I  go on runs and I walk to work every day as well   as yoga by this time last year I was iron and b12  deficient skinny dizzy and fainting today I was   cooking in the kitchen making a salad with chicken  bacon lettuce cucumber lemon juice parmesan carrot   and tomato my mother looked over my shoulder and  said oh that smells nice I personally wouldn't   eat it too many calories but good for you not  caring if you gain weight I brushed it off and   just smiled later that night around dinner I  went to serve myself the pasta she had cooked   she looked at me and said honey seriously you  had that salad already you need to get your   weight under control I lost it I told her that  just because she starved herself doesn't mean I   want to anymore and that I've been the healthiest  I've been since I was 12 she denies having an Ed   but brags about eating nothing for two whole days  she started crying my father who was sitting in   the room said don't shame your mother because you  can't handle her trying to help you he's an obese   48-year-old with a beer belly the shaming started  at the beginning with shy comments about how fast   I was gaining weight since I was eating more and  have now evolved to this I'm seriously starting   to go back downhill I think often about how much  weight I've gained and my self-esteem is plummeted   update Bravo at all the people shaming my weight  and BMI in the comments BMI is a stupid thing my   doctor even said so herself I am not obese I'm on  hormonal birth control and anti-depressants that   also make me grow weight you are all people who  cause damage to people's progress would you all   rather me be a skinny person with health issues  because I'm starving or let me do it the healthy   way because it's not your body to those saying my  mother is trying to help she is not she is a pot   addict she is on at least 30 different medications  including anti-depressants and BPD meds she is   mentally unwell not to mention she's 42 kg at 5'8  which sounds pretty unhealthy to me unless you all   want to get your BMI trackers up and running I  do not binge food when I'm sad it's the opposite   I don't eat so good on all of you for shaming  it a teenager with an ed in body issues about   her weight over a Reddit post she made because  her mother is a mentally ill individual backed   up by my fat father to make me feel like crap  I beg you look at my other posts see the other   crazy crap she's pulled also remember genetics  play a fact I feel for op because if there is one   topic where you are always going to get absolute  trolls or people who are literally only there to   make you feel bad about yourself it is anything  to do about weight if you post or have any kind   of comment anywhere about weight on any kind of  social media There is almost always going to be   some person at least one that pops in and is like  54 lb at 6' 7 you could still lose a little I mean   you want to talk about a topic that triggers the  trolls to appear that's almost always going to be   one but with that being said that's all the time  we have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 6,844
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: J3gjZGWJWlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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