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what do you do when your partner of 10 years says  that they want to bring another person into the   relationship we'll get into that in a bit but  first my 33 dad 55 is remarrying after the death   of my mother my mom died in November of 2021  she battled cancer for about 5 years before she   finally succumbed to it it was rough my parents  had lived away most of that time and decided to   move closer the last few months of her life I have  three kids and my daughter 11 did not take it well   my Mom and Dad have never been close to my kids  my parents have basically lived across the country   for most of adult life which means I haven't been  close with my parents in years it was their choice   and that's fine but they definitely have lost out  on getting to know their grandchildren my daughter   11 has had a difficult time dealing with my mom's  death I think it's more about what never was than   grieving what she had she's currently in therapy  for a few reasons and has recently been having   nightmares that my mom is part of it's been tough  on her but we're trying to help her through it my   other two children nine and three haven't really  had any issues they were younger and my 9-year-old   has few memories of my mom my dad called me about  3 weeks ago and asked me how I felt about him   dating I told him I just wanted him happy he then  told me he'd went out to dinner with someone that   he and my mom had known and went to school with  I didn't really think much of it it was weird   and I definitely needed to process it a bit but  I understood and wasn't mad at him about 3 days   after calling me he posted a picture of himself  in this woman on social media I was kind of   flabbergasted at that point it blew me away that  after one day they were posting pictures together   I didn't say anything to him about it over the  weekend he asked us to come to his house because   we hadn't seen him since before Christmas we went  and he informed me that the new woman would be   there and we could meet her he made sure it was  okay with us but I feel like she would have come   no matter what it went fine she was nice enough  fast forward to today my dad asked me to call   him weird because we don't talk often I call him  and immediately upon answering he blurts out that   he's getting married I literally laughed at him he  told me he wasn't joking and is getting married on   February 24th I continued to laugh and told him  to please just text me the details I didn't know   how to react I'm not mad at him I'm just amazed  at how quickly he's decided to jump into this my   dad has three kids still in high school living at  home this woman has a 20-some yearold son with two   kids and a wife living with her I can't imagine  my dad has really thought of the ramifications   of everything I'm going to have to go home tonight  and explain to my kids what is happening obviously   my three-year-old won't care but the other two  will have questions my daughter 11 is going to   be so confused how can I make this easy on my kids  without making things worse realistically we maybe   see my dad once every five or 6 weeks and he and  my kids aren't close I just know my daughter is   going to really question this so my first question  is is does anybody really think it was dating for   a month or is this just his cover story and it's  probably been going on for quite some time either   way although it's very weird to remarry so fast I  think I would just try to explain to your kid that   he probably missed the connection he had with his  wife and he wants that connection and comfort of   being with somebody that he loves that especially  at that age it's so much nicer to have somebody   with you and hopefully she understands and you can  answer whatever question questions she does have   also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy tricky  relationship topics why not hit those like And   subscribe buttons down below that said our next  story is is it normal for my 20-year-old female   boyfriend male 21 to all of a sudden recommend  detailed changes to my appearance please don't   hate on me but this is my first relationship so  even though we've been together for two and a half   years this kind of made me feel weird and I don't  know anything besides this relationship so I don't   know if this this is something Partners do without  having anything behind it okay so I have wavy hair   and I already know my boyfriend prefers my hair  straightened which I still don't know completely   how to do it's so difficult it doesn't hold and  it also just frizzes and puffs out after a while   anyways yesterday while me and my boyfriend were  texting after a date he told me I looked very   beautiful today he tells me my hair looks more  beautiful when it's dirty probably because it   gets straighter I don't know and I hadn't washed  it yet so it was like that yesterday then he asked   me if he may recommend something for me for my  appearance he started with promising he hadn't   seen it anywhere or on anyone but he recommended  that I should straighten and cut my hair and do   dark eye makeup and red lips and something to  make your cheek bones Pop I don't even know if   he meant Contour or something with the last one  but I never ever used Contour so I don't know so   this kind of made me feel weird especially because  it was so detailed and I think the makeup didn't   really make me feel weird but the hair especially  because it's completely against my natural hair   and I think my hair texture and style wouldn't  even support it and it would look weird unless   I slick straight straighten it every day so I  know this was long but my question is is this   something normal that Partners do I know he's just  recommending something and that's good I guess   and I wouldn't mind but it was so much and so many  details at once so I'm not buying his whole listen   I hadn't seen it anywhere and it was wasn't anyone  that made me think this I feel like this is almost   certainly kind of a I saw somebody else that  looks like this can you try and turn yourself   into her I mean as far as like suggesting changes  or preferences with your partner especially when   you've experienced one thing or the other like you  prefer your partner how they look with long hair   or something that's normal and fine and you still  do whatever you want of course but I agree with OP   that this seemed too much all out of the blue and  also very specific and I think he just blatantly   told on himself our next story is my friends say  my mother and I have an incestuous relationship as   the title says my friends and I were recently  discussing our relationships with our mothers   and when I went on to describe mine they looked  extremely concerned and said that my mother and   I have an emotionally incestuous relationship to  be honest I was incredibly offended and upset but   now that I think about it I'm starting to get  scared that my relationship with my mother is   is something other than what I thought it was  I always considered my mother and I to be close   both physically and mentally my friends say that  these are the reasons I should move out once I hit   18 my mother walks around naked in front of me and  specifically only me it's not like she plays it up   or anything but it happens pretty often my friends  told me this isn't normal and I guess it isn't but   I always assumed it was because we were the same  gender this was the biggest reason to them my   mother and I play fight I I playfully bite her or  pretend to hit her and she does the same to me she   also threatens to hit me when I'm being purposely  annoying or calls me a little crap my friends say   this isn't normal my mother and father never  had a good marriage and my father and I don't   have the best relationship due to Prior abuse it's  complicated and not the point but she often vents   her frustrations with him on me he abused her for  the entirety of their relationship and she often   insults him yells at him in front of me or spills  out secrets from their relationship romantically   not sexually my friends say she shouldn't be doing  this and I guess I agree to an extent as I often   shut down when an argument occurs or I get scared  easily but she's been abused by him for more than   20 years and I want her to have a safe space to  talk about her feelings she talks to me openly   about sex not her prior experiences of course but  more so what happens what I should expect and what   I shouldn't tolerate I don't talk to her about my  experiences but I'm open about what I think was   weird in the experience or what I didn't like and  she gives me advice on what I should do my friend   say my mother shouldn't be talking to me about  sex period And I get that I suppose but still   she doesn't like any of my friends or any Partners  I get this because I've had some experiences with   bad friends and I almost got myself into a sexual  SL romantic relationship with someone not my age   20s when I was 13 before I told her she tells me  it's because she's protective of me and wants me   to be treated fairly and I'm happy she watches  out for me but my friends call this overbearing   it does get annoying sometimes but I get she  just wants the best for me she's very physically   affectionate with me she kisses my head hugs me a  lot strokes and sniffs my hair holds my hand Etc   she does this a lot in public and in private and  my friends say this is weird of her to be this   affectionate maybe it is but I never thought  it crossed into anything inappropriate she's   closer to me out of any of our siblings and calls  me the favorite just to me she's never treated us   any differently to my knowledge and is still  affectionate and loving to my other siblings   but my friends say this isn't healthy I never  saw anything wrong with her behavior until this   was pointed out to me and I'm starting to get  scared that maybe this isn't normal or maybe   I'm reading too much into it and I need better  friends so everything op described to me I don't   think is inappropriate to me I think the only  thing that actually may cross a line is just   the walking around without clothes and even that's  understandable enough especially since they're the   same gender and the simple fact that some families  are comfortable with that as long as the physical   contact isn't pushing any boundaries and you both  feel completely comfortable with what's going on   there's nothing weird with that I just think a  lot of these friends grew up in a household where   there wasn't much physical affection I mean shoot  I grew up in a household where there wasn't much   physical affection but I still see what saying  and don't think it's crazy this next story is   my boyfriend 24-year-old male said I 24-year-old  female be a terrible mother should I address this   this morning I was a bit annoyed with my partner  the main thing is he always rushes to get ready   in the morning and asks me to help with small  tasks for example he'll ask can you pack my lunch   can you make me a coffee while he's rushing around  getting ready for work I'm fine doing these things   occasionally but I also work full-time and need  to get ready myself this morning we both needed   to shower at the same time I let him go first when  I needed to brush my teeth he was in the bathroom   I couldn't get myself ready so I decided to go in  the kitchen and finish making his breakfast and   make him a cup of tea when he was done and came to  sit next to me to eat his food he asked me can you   pack my lunch for me at this point I was a little  annoyed and said why can't you do it I still have   to go get ready to which he got annoyed and said  just do it stop complaining I don't need to hear   this right now this is where I got more annoyed  and added you don't even do anything for me I   asked you to make a grocery list yesterday and  you never did it for context I always work one   plus more hours than him every day I asked him  to help out with that because he finished at 4:   and has spare time after work whereas I usually  finish around 6 at this point he got really mad   and it escalated to him saying I'm ruining his  morning on purpose and making him late to work he   capped it off by saying I'm going to be a terrible  mom because I'm complaining about stuff like this   this really hurt my feelings and I told him this  he repeated that it was true I'd be a crap mom   and that I should just suck it up and do things  without complaining especially in the morning   which is ruining his workday I really wasn't  trying to ruin his workday I admit I was being   snarky but I truly didn't think you would get so  mad I thought it would be okay if I comment my   opinion without him being so upset I'm concerned  because I feel like his response was so hurtful   and I can't get that comment out of my mind it  really hurt me to hear my partner of 9 years say   something like that he thinks it's fine because  it was In the Heat of the Moment I don't really   know if it was me in the wrong because I see his  point in ruining the morning but I'm also quick   to blame myself and already feel myself pushing  away what he said but dang it hurt to hear that   I think when he says you're going to be a terrible  mom he's saying you're not being a very good mom   to me right now I mean that's what it reads to me  his behavior all throughout this is ridiculous to   me not a partner more like a kid this next story  is my 28-year-old male partner 24 asked for a   break because I was homeless amidst the housing  crisis my landlord flaked on me and I ended up   couch hopping and occasionally car sleeping my  partner went from being supportive and nurturing   to judgmental and corrosive throughout the next 6  weeks I had two jobs and still had to commute long   distances for them depending on where I'd wake  up that morning she criticized me for not having   a plan or a real job even though she basically  had the same job as I did she asked to take a   break for a couple of weeks because she feels I  need space in order to figure myself out I find   out later that she's also told her family friends  co-workers and my own parents that were taking a   break and that I'm homeless when I talked to her  about it and asked why she did this she said she   needed support I finally found an apartment for us  3 months after that being homeless for 5 months in   total and she was happy to move in together  as we talked about that a lot we'd basically   lived together already she was also couch hopping  and car sleeping when we first started dating and   she basically moved into my apartment shortly  after we mentioned this to her dad one morning   and he immediately ridiculed us from moving to  the location we chose to not saving money for   school to questioning our competence on making  life decisions all while just sitting there and   avoiding any hint of disagreement or display of  talking back he had instigated arguments like this   before and it was clear by now that responding  in any way would only make it worse he ended   it off by approaching me alone afterwards to add  might want to spend the next few years learning   some skills my friend partner ran off to her room  crying and later ridiculed me for trying to argue   with him further adding that she didn't know if  she was making the right decision and was second   guessing everything in her head again we're still  together but my trust with her has been fractured   to say the least I went from believing this  wonderful human would never in a million years   break up with me to having to always be mentally  prepared for that possibility regardless of which   one of us ends up breaking it off so my question  is at this point what is op getting out of this   relationship are they providing anything for op  besides the grief and fear that it's going to be   over at some point I mean really what's the glue  that's keeping op attached here this next story is   I'm 38-year-old male and my boyfriend 38-year-old  male is nasty about his weed my boyf and I have   been together for almost 4 years normally I'll  go to The Dispensary for him since I have my   card about one to two times a week I hardly ever  use myself but he smokes multiple times a day I've   been having lots of challenges at work making  it stressful and I've had to work longer hours   and not being able to take a lunch I have a son  who lives almost an hour away but I see at least   twice a week and every other weekend this week  I also have to travel out of town for work and   coordinate my son's care since my ex is out of  town on vacation yesterday my boyfriend asked   me to stop at the dispensary for him but I had my  son and couldn't make it there in time I told him   I could do it today but had a staffing issue and  couldn't leave for lunch as planned and my shift   ended after they were closed when I was done  with work he texted me and asked if I went to   The Dispensary I told him I didn't make it today  because of what had happened at work he got very   upset and said he didn't care what happened at  work and that I said I could then couldn't and he   was annoyed and will be irritable at work tomorrow  and to leave him alone so I didn't text back when   I got home after a very long stressful day I  said hello and he said nothing I took my coat   and shoes off sat next to him said hello again  and he said I was purposely irritating him and   he wants to be left alone and to get away from him  cuz he's mad and I want to start an argument and I   was provoking him he was eating dinner obviously  knowing I'd be hungry but didn't wait for me like   usual after he yelled I went to our room and I'm  laying in bed not sure what I should do I'm tired   of being treated so poorly when he doesn't have  his weed he gets so angry I want to feel loved   and safe with my partner I don't even know how  to approach this conversation cuz anytime we talk   about his weed usage he immediately gets angry  I don't care if he uses or not I just care about   the way I'm being treated I mean it just kind of  sounds like op is the hookup and not really being   treated as a partner per se I mean I get like  if he needs it in his day-to-day to really kind   of keep him grounded but like he can't just act  out and lash out at you like that when stuff goes   wrong and you can't get the hookup Beyond this  kind of behavior is the relationship redeeming   and giving you added value our next story is my  boyfriend 27 told me he'll want a threesome after   years of relationship my boyfriend mentioned that  in a long-term relationship like in 10 plus years   he would like to have the option to do a threesome  so I'm 27 years old female I'm currently talking   with my boyfriend about the possibility of maybe  buying a house together in my home country we're   living together and dating for almost 2 years now  he mentioned that he would buy the house with me   and he sees us together for the whole life but  he said that at some point over the years he'll   want to explore his sexuality and maybe ask for a  threesome and he wants to be reassured that I will   not hate him the thing is we're currently happy  with our monogamous life but we're young and it's   not like I don't think about the possibility to I  just feel sad that over the fact that only 2 years   into the relationship he's bringing this I will  want to threesome when our sex life gets boring   I never had a long-term relationship before I  don't know how I'll feel about it in 5 to 10   years he says that if it happens he'll be okay  with me having the same amount of freedom than   him I really don't know what to feel maybe I'll  want to try new experiences too who knows I just   don't like how realistic he's being and I have  no idea how to deal with this now I don't want   to and I don't want to compromise in having this  type of experience if I don't feel like it but I   don't know if someday I will want it's really  complicated any insight is appreciated update   lots of good advice here I appreciate everyone who  answered so I can understand the situation from   his perspective too but my final decision is I'm  not going to force myself to have sex with someone   to please him or because he's lost or he losing  interest for me heck I'm freaking 27 years old and   I'm attractive he's making me feel like I'm not  enough and honestly it's pretty selfish so I'll   be selfish too if he can't accept that I don't  want it now it's his problem not mine I have no   idea what's going to happen in the future but I'm  willing to try to discover this future together   with him if he can respect my boundaries if he  can't I leave everyone is free to do whatever   they want we don't want any kids or even being  married and we don't need to buy any house anytime   soon my first job is to make me happy before  making others thanks for the help everybody I   don't think I'll break up with him just because he  voiced his wishes I'll just answer openly update   two I had a conversation with him I voiced all my  worries and he was a total sweetheart about it he   says even he's not entirely sure about what he  wants but he appreciates my honesty and I'm the   most important person to him he is totally okay  with my boundaries and we agree that if someday   we want something different to happen we will tell  each other but now we're good the way things are   I am concerned that in this relationship he's  saying now listen in 10 years I'm going to want   to do this thing and at least now it seems like  op's pretty sure they probably wouldn't want   that so he's essentially saying okay I'm going to  just ignore the things I said that I'm going to   want to do in 10 years and in 10 years if we want  something different we'll bring it up then I just   wish op the best in the long-term compatibility  this next story is husband 30-year-old male is   Polly I 30-year-old female am not at a Crossroads  my husband let's refer to him as H and I have been   together for 10 years married for 8 years and  have a child six we've been happy overall but   now we don't know what to do anymore he's always  been vocal that he would like to have an open   relationship I am strictly monogamous since I  told him I wouldn't want that he said that it   isn't a big deal for him but if I ever changed my  mind you would be happy the biggest problem we've   had so far is that I need time to spend by myself  and he would love to spend every second with me we   were talking about it and always working on making  each other as happy as possible given that we have   different needs and want them to be as fulfilled  as possible we were fine and happy for a long   time sometimes we talked about having a crush on  someone and that was it but at the end of December   he told me that he had a crush on a coworker of  his no big deal we talked about it and during   Christmas break he told me he's losing feelings  for her well after Christmas break he had those   feelings again and this time the coworker was  going through a crisis at home separated from her   husband and H and I were helping her I think his  feelings depend in the situation but I told him   I wasn't happy and wanted him to draw a line he  did but yesterday he confessed that he was hoping   that there could be more between them and that he  really liked forming a connection of that kind he   said that he thinks he might be polyamorous and  that he really enjoyed forming that connection and   he doesn't think that he'll be able to be strictly  monogamous anymore he also emphasized that I am   the most important person in the world and he  doesn't really grasp why I'm this hurt since he   felt even closer to me than before and he is more  interested in forming a romantic relationship with   someone else than having a sexual relationship he  wasn't even physically attracted to said cooworker   the last weeks were a little draining for me  since I supported him through his feelings and   his heartbreak and I don't know if I can do this  again we're at a Crossroads where we don't know   what to do anymore the thought of him forming  a relationship like we have with someone else   hurts me deep ly and he can't go back to how it  was before hasn't felt like this before when we   had a crush but we really want to work through  this since we share a deep love for each other   does anybody know what we could do or how we could  navigate feel free to ask questions I don't think   that I was able to put everything in this post  since it's a very complex and nuanced situation   I think this is just plain old compatibility  issues I don't really buy him saying that you   are the most important person in the world to him  and then following that up with I'm I need to see   other people in my life but bottom line here he  wants to have other people involved he wants to   be around romantically at least probably sexually  to other people and it's just not something op's   comfortable with I mean you either go along with  it and you hate every second of it or you try to   put up with it or you continue to pressure  him to be monogamous which he's expressing   he doesn't want to do either my question is what  is the breaking point our next story is husband   thinks I'm not doing enough I'm 43 in teaching at  a university my schedule is quite fixed and every   term I must either choose the early shift which is  between 8:45 to 12:30 or 1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. we   have a 4 and 1/2-year-old son and he needs to be  at school until 9:00 a.m. since he leaves at 400   p.m. I choose the early shift to be able to  take him from school my husband works at an   ad agency his schedule is more flexible than  mine so every weekday I wake up at 6:00 a.m.   to prepare breakfast for them and get ready for  school I also put everything my son will need for   school in his bag and ready his clothes Etc before  I leave home all my husband needs to do is wake up   have breakfast with my son and then help him out  while he's wearing his stuff and leave for school   and work plus he has a car and the school's just  3 minutes away from home by car I don't have a car   and I need to use public transportation to commute  to work anyway when I leave school I usually come   home to tidy up and clean the house I try to do  all the chores that are needed that day I also   cook every day and keep the fridge full after  doing all these things I leave home to take our   son from school after school my son wants to play  with me at home so we do so then he watches some   cartoons and at the same time I do the chores that  I couldn't do in the afternoon so at about 6:30   p.m. I set the table and eat together with our son  my husband comes home at around 8:00 p.m. and has   his dinner and he sometimes helps our son while  he's bathing then they either play for 15 minutes   or watch something then he sometimes puts him  in bed and does all the routine activities like   reading a book or telling a story Etc meanwhile I  tidy up the kitchen Etc at the weekends I usually   do the chores again my husband sometimes takes her  son outside for shopping or playing for 1 to two   hours and then when he comes home he rests in a  room or plays PlayStation games my husband is paid   three times more than I am so I think that's why  he thinks he doesn't have to do anything at home   he thinks I need to do some extra to earn more  money or I need to reschedule my work which is   impossible as I've told him many times since we  cannot have such individual schedules at school   he thinks that at the weekends he needs to spend  more time resting or doing stuff that he likes   which I support and I've told him many times to  organize some night out with his friends Etc but   he never does so because he's not the social  type when I sometimes tell him that I don't   have any time for myself either he says that I  work part-time and that I have all the time in   the world but that I'm just lazy when I tell  him that he does not even bother putting the   dishes in the dishwasher he says it's my duty he  is constantly complaining about what he sees not   being done or completed at home and because he's  taking our son to school in the morning he thinks   he's doing more than he should and I'm done with  this what do you think I should do op literally   keeps everything functioning everything working  and he says you're not doing enough or you're   not taking enough time for yourself I mean this  guy's crazy if Opie needs to do any more Opie   should hire some help so that Opie does have  some time to do stuff for themselves or go a   while without doing the things that you do to  actually hold things down maybe they'll realize   how much you actually do I doubt it though he'll  probably just argue louder our next story is my   girlfriend 36-year-old female kept me 41-year-old  male up all night before an important work project   and I don't know what to do something pretty  heavy just happened in my relationship and I'm   reeling exhausted and devastated last week I had  an important film shoot I'm a producer director I   was delayed in picking up the gear so it was 10:30  p.m. or so before I had a chance to check all the   equipment in our shared studio apartment still it  was an hour and a half of work at most and I could   still get enough sleep that night my girlfriend  arrived home around 1: p.m. or so and the moment   I started looking over the gear she asked me if I  needed help with the equipment initially I thought   this was a little unusual of an offer because she  and I both knew that she doesn't know the gear I   politely reminded her of that fact and that what I  needed now was total quiet so I could focus on the   8 to 10 bags I had in my possession to make sure  nothing was missing everything worked to charge   the batteries Etc we had done projects together  in the past with her starring she's an artist and   she knew enough to know that well she didn't know  the gear so I continue to do my task at hand then   the next question came do you want to look over  your storyboards I I said no actually storyboards   have been done for 2 days what I really need  is quiet and then the next question came do   you need help with interview questions I repeated  a similar thing no interview questions are done I   just need quiet there was nowhere for me to go on  our small studio apartment so at one point I put   on airpods to drown her out but she still talked  over the music I had audio gear camera gear and   lighting so even the smallest missing piece could  be costly on the day of the shoot it wasn't a hard   task but I needed to be really focused for that  hour and a half What followed from here I'm still   having trouble getting over or understanding for  the next 2 to 3 hours I was being offered help   which I didn't need and I repeated myself again  in again with the same refrain I just need quiet   please that she repeatedly ignored every time  I was interrupted I lost my focus and I had to   start that particular task from the beginning I  was getting more and more desperate as the hours   went went by first I was worried that I wouldn't  get enough sleep then I started worrying if the   task would get finished at all at a certain point  in the night this was still going on 2:00 a.m. or   so I started losing gas so I shifted strategies  and tried going to sleep the idea was to get a   bit of rest and then do it in the morning but  at that point my heart was racing and I was so   upset and confused about what was going on that  I couldn't sleep so I got up again with a bit   of a second wind and tried again and and there  she was again offering her help distracting me   I went from politely asking to be left alone to  pleading to begging eventually I got angry and   yelled nothing worked in the end I got less than  an hour of rest that night and was lead to my own   set because I had to do that essential work I  couldn't finish with her interrupting me the   shoot went well somehow but it could have been a  complete disaster with me running on no sleep if   I couldn't perform properly I'm writing all this  because I don't know what to do my girlfriend and   I have had a loving relationship with a lot of  common ground and a lot of good times I've known   her for our entire relationship to be somewhat  obsessive in her career theater and interests   which has its drawbacks I really love her but  I'm leaning towards breaking up she gives no   explanation for what happened what the actual  heck just happened has anyone heard of behavior   like this and what was seemingly a happy 4-year  relationship I can't seem to get much out of her   besides you seem stressed but I wasn't I was ready  I just don't understand what's going on the shoot   on no sleep was grueling but I survived I'm still  so physically and mentally tired and beat up by   what happened I'm stunned anyone would behave  this way I just don't understand I think her   behavior obviously is very odd you're telling  me that for hours on end she kind of just sat   there and kept asking if she could help you with  something like like an AI assistant on standby did   op tell her when she said you seem stressed  that literally she was stressing you out is   op just not like being forthcoming enough about  their feelings here that their girlfriend thinks   they're in the clear I mean I'm just confused  by her behavior just as much as op is but with   that being said that's all the time we have for  today now if you want to hear another extremely   tricky relationship topic check out that video on  the left or if you missed my latest video check   out that video on the right that said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 5,858
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: xpLmYQlu0kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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