r/EntitledPeople - Mom Is DETERMINED to SL*T Shame Me! Demands My Medical Records!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who simply think they're above everybody else and they can do what they want like this lady right here so i know i've shared this before like 100 episodes ago but this is by far the most entitled thing i've ever ever seen in my life so this lady right here uses bread as knee pads when she's looking at other bread it's so ridiculous that it's hilarious guys i couldn't even fathom using bread as knee pads and of course she walks away leaving the mushed bread incredible the entitlement is incredible so if you think that's entitled wait until you hear the stories today guys so the first story a karen tells a story manager how to price things the second story op's parents want access to her personal medical records to shame her the third story is an email submission from a listener about a raging karen in a bookstore and we'll finish up with howie karen damages a 55 000 wheelchair and don't give a damn about it my friends i do hope you stay for the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future stories let's dive in [Music] so it finally happened i witnessed my first karen so my boyfriend and i went to the local mini market to get some pizza dough thankfully there's not much of a line so we get on and wait our turn suddenly we see and hear this lady henceforth known as karen unfortunately she doesn't have the haircut she goes off on this poor cashier girl complaining about the sandwich from the deli i'm guessing she didn't know the price until she wrung it up because we suddenly hear seven dollars are you kidding my boyfriend and i look at each other like oh god it's about to go down karen says i want to see a manager this is ridiculous the cashier goes and comes back with a manager like two seconds later since it's a small store i gotta give credit though this guy doesn't back down karen is complaining about the price of the sandwich and the manager is explaining that the weight of the meat in the sandwich equals the price and she's not having it karen says i can get it for much cheaper at the deli down the street so in my head i'm thinking then why are you here karen then says look i'm still gonna buy it but look at it there isn't much meat there's no way it's seven bucks so the manager tells her i'm sorry you don't like our prices but that's how much it is with the weight of the meat cheese and spread karen says but that's far too high let me show you the sandwich miss if you open the container you have to buy it karen then says i will still pay for it but let me show you what i mean so karen proceeds to open the container and show him the contents of the sandwich she opens the sandwich and goes look at this there's like two slices of meat in here there's barely anything you probably get this meat at bulk prices and look at the cheese it resembles processed sliced cheese so my manager tells her ma'am unfortunately that's the prices that we set you either buy it or you don't and now that you've opened the sandwich and you've had your fingers in it you have to pay for it karen then says i am never coming here again but do you see how the sandwich is not worth seven dollars the manager tells her i i don't make the prices i'm sorry miss the manager then rolls his eyes and leaves and this lady is now berating this cashier who has nothing to do with pricing saying would you pay for something like this look at it so my first job when i was 17 was a cashier for the supermarket so i immediately empathize with a girl there's so much you want to say but can't because you have to keep that customer service smile in order to get that paycheck then i hear this ridiculousness karen says what happened to the people who used to own this place they would have never priced it like this greed is ruining everything this sandwich is easily four bucks a sandwich why even lie and price it at seven dollars so the cashier is speechless and doesn't even know how to respond karen says i'm gonna make a complaint this is ridiculous seven dollars for a tiny sandwich okay so i've been to the store many many times the sandwiches aren't big but there's a decent amount of meat in there and it depends on what kind of sandwich you get at this point i've had enough and so has the boyfriend we don't want to make a scene and i'm not very good with confrontation boyfriend and i go and pay and the exit is right where the karen and the cashier are we get to the exit and just before we leave i shout bye karen karen turns her head to look at me with bewildered eyes i walk off and boyfriend looks at the lady with an annoyed and disapproving look and it may have been a bit cowardly but i'm still kind of proud of it especially when i heard one of the cashiers laugh boyfriend and i laugh all the way back to the car i don't know what happened after we left but from the look of that lady's face i think she realized just how she looked my friends leave it up to an entitled karen to dictate how things should be priced right i'm so surprised she didn't say it should have been free at that point and the fact that she opened the sandwich to show the contents and to try to justify the pricing was too much was absolutely absurd if you don't like the pricing don't pay for it simple as that there was no point in her opening the sandwich and making a scene about it let's hope she never sets foot in those fancy restaurants where they charge you like a hundred bucks for like a bite of food i really think her head would explode at that point in healthcare one of the most difficult things to deal with are family members of patients they are understandably angry upset grieving devastated and often feel helpless most of the time i try to understand this and not get too annoyed when a family causes problems but these parents were on another level so one of my patients was an 18 year old woman who had a pelvic infection she got very sick and required a moderate stay in the hospital she was a dream patient though she was open honest and generally a loving person her parents were none of these things every day they would come in and start demanding this or that or the other thing from the nurses they wanted an extra bed in the room so the mother could stay overnight and honestly it's kova times and you're lucky to even be allowed to visit they were rude to the student nurse who was doing their daughter's obs to the point that the charge nurse moved the student nurse to a different set of patients to get her away from them but when the doctors were around they were the sweetest people you've ever met right up until we were out of sight they were disruptive loud and just generally obnoxious people so thankfully their daughter was aware of their behavior and had informed us that she didn't want them to be told anything about her condition unless she approved it she was a legal adult so she was entitled to her privacy this wasn't a huge issue to begin with as she shared most of the details with them but then her mother googled pelvic infections and discovered that oh my god sometimes they can be caused by sexually transmitted infections cue the dramatic music so as far as she was then concerned we had screwed up and gotten the diagnosis wrong because there was no way that there was any possibility that her little angel had even thought of having sex so at this point they demanded to see their daughter's medical records so they could prove that we were lying about the infection politely telling them to screw off was the highlight of my week unfortunately that wasn't the end of it they came in the next day with legal papers saying they would try to sue to demand we hand over the medical records it turns out that they had lied to the lawyer because the papers were for minors that are still under guardianship of the parents not a grown-ass woman they then threatened to sue each of us individually and then it gets even worse they then tried to get some crackpot doctor in to check her hymen thankfully the daughter screamed bloody murder when the guy tried to examine her which resulted in me getting to watch security escort a lot of them off the premises i honestly hope she presses charges for that guys what an insane insane story you would think that a doctor would know better than to just go against the patient's wishes to the point where the girl had to scream for him to stop i can't even believe that op said the guy tried to examine her are you guys getting some sort of creepy doctor vibes here i really hope the girl is doing okay though there's no telling what those parents will try once she's away from the hospital and at home again [Music] so this was back when the twilight books were finishing up i was a 21 year old college guy working full-time and school full-time needless to say my life revolved in books so my store wanted to have a big party for the midnight release of the final book so our manager who always wore polos and khakis pulls us into a meeting he says we're having a prom themed party i want everybody to wear their best so recently my uncle had bought me a three-piece suit for interviews so i was excited to wear it and my lord of the rings themed tie so on the night of the party we started letting people in at 10 pm to enjoy trivia games and to get in line our store had a voucher system anytime the month before release you can buy a voucher and turn it in to get the book after release we started lining up people about 11 o'clock our manager calls me over and says op go grab the racks of books and bring them to the counters so i run to the back and start pushing out those large rolling racks of books to the front now here's some important information if a book was sold before the release date our company would charge our store for 10 copies and revoke our voucher system on my fifth or sixth trip up to the front i hear excuse me i turn to see a woman and her very obviously pregnant daughter she walks up to me out of the line and says hey um my daughter's pregnant and feels bad could we pick up the book now i have a voucher i explain the company's policy and punishment for not following along and she huffs and says my daughter can't stand for another hour i told her well ma'am i can get a chair from the cafe and she says no i want that book she reaches for the book and i push the cart out of her reach now i'm a six foot five guy so it rolled a bit further than i intended so fast forward to about 30 minutes till midnight a friend in line yells oh pee call an ambulance me and the manager run back with our portable phone the daughter's water broke luckily we were close to the local hospital so they were there in five minutes the karen mom meets me at the door before she leaves and she snarls can i have the goddamn book now idiot about five minutes till midnight i hear complaining and my manager who is setting up the system motions for me to see what's wrong i run up and the karen's back she left her grandchild's birth for a teen romance novel and she demands her place in line i explained that her leaving the property forfeits her place in line she has to go to the back which is now outside she complains and yells for a few moments before going to the back finally midnight has come and gone and we scan the vouchers and hand back the books about 1am i look up and see karen well there are six registers there's good odds that i won't get her but there's no luck she waits and comes to my counter and slams the voucher down she then demands give me my book now i scan it and hand it to her and she walks off and i call out ma'am would you like to voucher as a bookmark and she flips me off boy oh boy as much as i wish this was the end so the next morning we all learned that a lot of the books had double print errors which made several pages unreadable the next afternoon i come in wearing my usual band tee and blue jeans i hear my manager talking and he says i'm sorry ma'am i'm the only night manager and i don't remember you then i hear the familiar voice she says no he was a tall dark-haired kid i come around the aisle and see karen she sees me and points him at this point my patience with her has ended and my sarcasm has topped off i said miss how's the grandbaby enjoying the book and she loses it my manager shakes his head and says that's op the cashier and she says no last night he was wearing a suit he was pretending to be a manager he told me all of these rules she recites what i mentioned earlier and the manager says well ma'am that's all correct she then demands a corporate number my manager who has my back at this point motioned at me and says op clock in and get her this number i walk to the front with her behind me and she says i'm gonna get you fired you'd better start job hunting you smart ass cocky punk so i get to the front and get her the number she huffs and says nothing to say i look her in the eyes clasp my hands together and in the most desperate voice i say please please call corporate and tell them i'm doing my job properly and abiding by store rules i desperately need a raise never heard back from that but i gained the nickname wild man from a few co-workers and management for my sarcastic responses that morning thank you so much for your submission daniel and i love your personality my man fighting karen's with a quick wit and sarcasm sprinkled in with a little bit of humor you sound just like me minus the quick wit my friends if you're listening and want to share stories my email is in the description box dear entitled mother thank you so so much for your complete and utter lack of patience when getting on the bus which resulted in breaking part of my 55 000 wheelchair and me needing to call the police for help so i was on the bus tonight heading to a workshop that i was fairly excited for things were great until slightly before my stop when two adults got on one with a toddler and the other one wheeling a stroller so it is strict corporate policy that all strollers must be folded before being brought onto the bus but not enough drivers actually enforce it and this was one of those monster cadillac strollers to boot she had brought her unfolded stroller on the bus and seeing the front entirely occupied by disabled people including myself she decided to push past toward the back only her behemoth of a stroller wouldn't fit in the space available and she started ramming it along my wheelchair to plow it through i shouted hey watch it she ignores me and keeps trying to squeeze through and i say careful i can feel you tugging at stuff the entitled woman doesn't stop and finally she managed to push through and moved back i fumed for the next few blocks pushed the button for my stop and turned on my wheelchair and then i got an error that says left brake disconnected i tried it again and repeated errors i was thinking oh my god so the next several minutes were spent with the bus pulled over passengers getting mad at me for causing delay well i panicked trying to figure out how to get off the bus finally a guy flipped my electric release switch on and off several times and that managed to convince my chair to work for me to get off the bus and get about 15 feet away before my chair suddenly turned itself off i turned it back on and nothing happened it started throwing up a charger inhibit error which basically is the error you get when you try to start moving when you're still plugged into a wall outlet so the next hour was a progression of events that saw me sitting on the ground with the back of my chair opened up as i went through everything trying to figure out what the ever loving hell was going on i even called the police because i wasn't sure how i'd be able to get home as my wheelchair company doesn't have after hour service in the end i discovered that two different things had gotten disconnected and when i fixed them my chair started up just fine the lovely officer helped me get my chair cover back on my chair and more importantly helped me get safely back into my chair so none of this would have happened if that entitled mother had just taken one goddamn second to fold her stroller up or i don't know stopped when i asked her to but no she was far too important to do such a basic task like that and yes my wheelchair is actually 55 000 i know that sounds like a lot but given that according to the order form i just looked at a joystick cover alone is 85 bucks and it doesn't surprise me at all it has three different tilt and adjustment settings that drives the cost up enormously i love shouting at people who drive too close to me that my wheelchair costs more than their car my friends i had no idea that wheelchairs could get up that high in pricing what a crazy lady though she probably just sat there clueless at why the hell the bus wasn't moving and didn't know that she was the cause of it and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys if you enjoyed the stories today do hit the thumbs up and if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people and entitled karen throws her keys at op's head and expects him to park her car it's ridiculous check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 126,219
Rating: 4.9608989 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, crazy reddit stories, crazy reddit posts, entitled people top post, karen demands swimming pool, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled mom, entitled stories, funny karen, karen reddit, karen stories reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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