r/ProRevenge - New Admin DEMOTED ME? OK Then, I QUIT!

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and i hope you are having a wonderful day today today we have a special treat a single story pro revenge before we start if you're new here make sure to hit that subscribe button it's completely free and you can always change your mind later make sure to drop a like on the video as well because that tells youtube that we're doing a good job and apparently they need to be reminded that people like these videos alright our story today comes to us from disgruntled veteran it's called i'm not the vice principal anymore okay let's jump right in okay so this happened at the end of this school year i posted what was going on in the r teacher group and several of the people there told me to post what happened in here this story is in four parts and i apologize for the length i also apologize for any teacher slang i use as it is like second nature to use it just like military cargo was when i was in the military basically i was told that all the assistant and vice principals in the district other than the high school were being let go and a teacher on assignment was going to take our jobs i was not heartbroken over this but was treated badly by the new admin team taking my job and my principal's job also i tried to help my staff on my way out and it seems my bosses cared more about their images than my staff's happiness so here is the story part one so none of the other admin in my district had received our contracts for the coming school year yet i was wondering what was going on but i heard rumors about a pay scale shift and that was the reason for it i found out wednesday what is actually happening every assistant principal and vice principal in the district why we have two different titles i have no idea is not getting renewed contracts except the ones at the high schools their positions are being eliminated and their jobs are being replaced with a new position that pays a teacher's salary plus a 2 000 stipend they are replacing the assistant principles with learning coordinators apparently the budget is the given reason but i also heard rumors from someone at the district office each of us assistant principals and vice principals were scheduled to meet with one of the assistant supers wednesday we thought it was about our contracts and we were correct when i arrived the acting superintendent was there with the head of hr i was told about the elimination of my position but not the reasons why i was then given an option for the coming school year i could go back into the classroom i could work in the district office or i could apply an interview for the new position that is replacing my job wtf i wouldn't care one lick if i was told that my position had been cut completely and i needed to go back into the classroom i love the classroom i miss teaching full-time however to tell me to apply an interview for a job i already have is bs we were told to give the district our answers by friday and they would drop contracts or schedule interviews wednesday afternoon i went to see tony who is an assistant superintendent and one of the few decent leaders in the school district i heard from tony that there was an internal shakeup but he wasn't allowed to talk about it or even give me a hint about what happened however one of the assistant supers was being reassigned aka demoted to being the principal of my current school my principal was not coming back due to health reasons the superintendent was released from his contract and my school's new learning coordinator position had already been filled who filled it a school counselor from one of the high schools who just happens to be a friend and lackey of the assistant superintendent that is now the new principal so early this morning i gave them my answer i decided that i didn't need until friday to decide i tried to make sure i sounded professional but i made sure that my message was getting across by speaking with authority i went into the acting superintendent's office and told him that i thought that laying off a bunch of people so they could hire others to do the same job but at less pay was bs i told him that the way the school district handled certain situations was idiotic i then gave several examples i next told him that he was going to ruin a perfectly good school with an amazing team of educators by putting a lazy mean parent-pleasing person in as its new principal and letting her put a lackey in as her second in command i said that she was as useless as a screen door on a submarine and as mean as dolores umbridge i finished the three-minute speech by stating that i will work my butt off and finish the school year strong i will prep things for the next school year so that the teachers have an easier time i also let him know i would never work at or recommend the district to anyone ever again then i left letting him know that i expect an amazing letter of recommendation by the end of the school day friday afternoon since i earned it for my service in the past few years so what am i going to do now well i called up an old friend wednesday who is currently a principal at a steam charter school that's part of a chain of charter steam schools and asked if he had a teaching position available he's been asking me every year for the past five years to come work for him he told me he had three openings and i could have my pick of them so next year i will be a drum roll please sixth grade teacher and i am very happy about it i even get to design my curriculum as long as it meets state standards i could apply elsewhere for admin positions but i think i need a break from school leadership i need to love my work again like i used to as a teacher yes there were and are many challenges and sometimes i hated going to work but i do love being a teacher i feel bad for my current staff because the regime change will hit them hard but there is nothing i can do about it i wish i could help them the most i could do would be to take a teaching position at my current school but then i would be miserable with them and be helpless to do anything to aid them so for myself and my daughter who i love more than anything i am making the move to a new school and going back to what i enjoy doing teaching i am even bringing my daughter to my new school to start next year as a fifth grader i asked her if she wanted to stay at her current school or go to the steam school with me and she wants to go with me she was excited since she has visited there several times and loves the technology room the robotics class and the science labs plus she is friends with some of the kids there already as a goodbye to my staff i am going out this weekend and i'm going to buy some nice letter paper and scratcher tickets i'm going to write short individualized goodbyes to each of my staff members and at the end i will include the following words i'm giving you some scratcher tickets my hope is that you're as lucky scratching them as i have been lucky to have worked with you so that's it i have to finish my contract but at the end of june i am free i'm looking forward to teaching full time again and having a boss who will let me just do my job and not interfere i don't think i want to work in administration again but maybe after a few years i will decide to work as an assistant principal again alright let's jump down into the comment section for part one we have a comment here from samwisevimes it says let me just say thank you for giving it to them straight too many people don't want to rock the boat and it allows this kind of bs to happen over and over again with no real recourse good luck with your new class i hope you find everything you want and need i had to sit back and think about this story for a second because op was perfectly willing to go into a teaching position but i think that the new administration was too intimidated by opie being a previous administrator to keep them in the school so all of the attitude he was getting from them was probably because of that they wanted to drive him out and that's the only way they could think of doing it another comment down below from daschle04 it says you probably already know this but you're not getting a glowing recommendation leadership like that are petty as heck and they will go out of their way to make your name mud hopefully it won't matter in your case but education is such a good old boy profession you'll eventually run into someone who's heard about you from your former co-workers i don't think this one matters as much because op did say that they had another job at another school and everything there was going to be great if they do get the letter it's a bonus but if they don't i don't think it's going to matter all that much now one thing that op could do here before he leaves though is talk to all the other teachers in the school that he got along with and make sure that they know as a former administrator that he's willing to write letters for them if they want them part two so i put together goodbye gifts for all my staff and i'll be handing them out on friday their last day with the kids they have a bunch of goodies that i posted about weeks ago i was thinking this weekend about how to give the finger one more time to the district office and help my teachers out even in a small way so i came up with it sunday night my district requires each teacher to attend additional training throughout the year these are outside of the regular staff development trainings they are run by district staff special education teachers and admin the training normally lasts one to three hours and the teachers get a certificate for the time spent in the training each teacher is required to attend 24 hours of these before the end of the school year most teachers take them over the summer if they are offered so they don't have to take them during the school year so yesterday morning before work i was making copies of the certificates for all the courses i have run here the past few years classroom management strategies lockdown procedures social studies strategies math strategies reading comprehension and environmental print i'm going to fill them out with each of the teachers names and number of hours i am adding all the times i ever spoke to the staff about these topics and putting down hours to correspond rounding up to the nearest hour-ish wouldn't you know each of these topics was three to five hours in length each staff member will have exactly 24 hours worth of training i filled out the dates of the training for the 22-23 school year oh and i have an attendance sheet with all of their names and have them marked as being present note i checked with the district and since i am still an administrator into the summer i am allowed to run these trainings over the summer before i leave now they can have their summer to themselves and not worry about taking classes during the school year they can if they wish but 99 of teachers here hate the mandatory training hours i hope the staff likes the present alright let's jump down into the comments section for part two there's a comment here from tallchick 8. it's a very short one it just says the gift of time is so much more precious than a five dollar coffee gift card good call op responded to this comment as well it says thank you i hate getting cheap gifts especially when i was a teacher this gift didn't cost me anything other than the time it took to fill the certificates and timesheets out but hopefully the staff thinks they have value op i'm sure the staff extremely appreciates what you've done for them in this case because sometimes sitting through a training session for something that you already know can cause even more stress that you don't need especially when it's over the summer when these teachers just want to be having their break your gift means they get to spend more time with their families or their pets or whatever else they have at home that to me would be one of the most valuable gifts i could get okay after this part remind me not to get on the bad side of op wow part three since friday i am no longer a school administrator i technically have another week to work but i took vacation during that time because well screw them now i spend the last week packing up giving aid and comfort to my now former staff and causing problems for the new administrators who are buttholes now besides giving the entire staff a year free from additional pds i wasn't planning on causing any more problems just quietly leave and drive off into the sunset shane style but no apparently i don't deserve a quiet week the new principal demoted from assistant superintendent and her new teacher on assignment decided for some reason to be rude to me there was only one response to that i aimed to misbehave how were they rude to me you ask first off they ordered me to hurry and clean out my office apparently the toa wanted to start redecorating my office i was literally told get all your personal stuff out of here asap she wants her office now i still had a week to work there and actual work to do second the new principal tried to steal my personal chair and my personal office supplies and decorations that chair was a gift to me from a friend i found her just wheeling it out of my office and into hers my desk supplies and a banner from my wall were stacked on its seat i told her that it was my personal chair not the districts she said okay the very next morning i found it missing she had moved it into her office after i left for the day third i was given a list of tasks to complete by friday by the toa who is in no way shape or form my boss these were not my job to do and are in fact the incoming admins duty to complete stuff the new admin was supposed to do things like put together a new staff packet schedule next year's pds fill out and submit request forms etc finally i was talked down to every single day by the new admin team i was spoken to as though i were the hired help and they were the royal seriously i speak to a waitress that messes up my order with 20 times the amount of respect that they showed me they actually tried to get my attention by snapping their fingers at me like that would work note the new principal also has made some pretty anti-lgbtq plus comments i don't like narrow-minded people so i decided to do as i was told i was a soldier so i know how to follow orders 1. i removed everything that was my personal property that included my chairs decorations the stress relievers punching bag etc the fridge from the office and the final cabinets in my office yes i bought government surplus cabinets because i didn't have any all my files and all my former principles files were in there i had even bought the manila folders i used in it so i took every piece of paper out of my cabinets removed them from my labeled folders and stack them on the floor into one large pile there is no order to how they're stacked i took my chair from the principal's office while she was in a meeting with parents i just walked in and rolled it out she stopped talking to the parents to ask what i was doing and i responded that i was taking my personal property out asap as i was ordered to do i had an old medium-sized fridge i had placed in the office workroom for office staff to store their food in but it is mine so i took the fridge i brought it right out the front door and loaded it into my truck i even took the new admins food out of it and left them on the table it's my fridge i warned the rest of the office staff i was taking it but forgot to tell admin darn i copied all my digital files over to a flash drive and then deleted everything off my work google drive anything i personally created or designed i copied all my emails too i informed the staff that if they need time off next year and need it approved to submit the forms to me this week i got several and they are all now approved i got this idea from someone who messaged me here on reddit and suggested i do this thanks for the advice i approved every supply list item the staff submitted and even drove to the district warehouse to pick up some items personally i even approved funds for a secondhand kiln for the art teacher she found a good one on craigslist i had repaired my desk with bolts and tool from home i took the bolts back the desk is now lopsided again the closet door was broken when i got there so i repaired it i have now put it back as it was when i was higher the two-way mirror to the detention room was mine i had gotten it from a friend at another school different district it allowed me to watch iss and detention students from my office without them seeing me i popped that right out and took it home now the toa has a hole in the wall the detention kids can look through i had put together all the lockdown buckets and fire drill bags myself with my own money i took all of them back this i felt bad about but i will give them out to the staff at my new school i put a rush order on all classroom and building repairs and have an approved order to have every classroom repainted i assembled new staff packets and the new school year binders besides the basics of what is required i have included throughout the binders in random places dilbert cartoons famous harry potter quotes the lyrics to nickelbacks how you remind me i kissed a girl by katy perry all-star by smash mouth and we built this city by starship a map of the area where i marked all the good places to eat lunch off campus funny far side teacher comics cheesy teacher jokes the union contact info crosswords suduko and word searches a list of educational lawyers just in case i also included in the binder the admin wi-fi password for them since that signal is stronger for some reason i went ahead and wrote out the pd schedule for next year oddly every wednesday is listed as free time or work in your classroom i'm sure they will change it but i don't know when they will find out what it says i had a master list of donators and partners in the community it was posted on a whiteboard in my office i got over four dozen businesses and people in the community to help with various things or donate over the years i spent a lot of my time building relationships with them and making deals i took a photo of it and then i erased the list and took the whiteboard since it was mine friday i flew the lgbtq plus flag instead of the state flag i also placed lgbtq plus flags in each classroom in case the staff wanted to display them then i got yelled at three times the first time was when i took back my chair i was told it was unprofessional to just take it without asking especially with the guest present i responded with yes it was unprofessional to take my chair without asking the second time was when the toa found the refrigerator gone she said that it was community property i told her no it's my property and i was told to take all my property from the campus the third time was when i was in the parking lot leaving and they found the piles of papers the principal flagged me down and told me to clean it up i told her i was off the clock and that the district never reimbursed me for the cabinets so i had to take them with me i am expecting a call from hr today asking for my assistant setting everything back up since with all my stuff removed and erased the admin team has to actually put in some hard work i'd come in for my consultant rate 75 an hour with a minimum contract for 12 hours let's jump down to the comment section for part three there's one here from a person called i am the bella it says man you'd think grown ass adults would be more respectful so much cringe i don't get how someone like them enters the field of education like we have to be positive role models that is so far from being a decent human being just damn though best wishes to you i think if we look back at the story a little bit we can see that the new principle was demoted from the assistant superintendent that might have made them an unhappy person and then their assistant has to work for this unhappy person so they're not in a very good work environment either i think it was just a bad situation all around that op got tied up into but they made the best of it and they made their lives very difficult one more comment down below part 3 from complex commission 47 it says this is effing amazing i'm very impressed the fridge the cabinet the files on the floor you covered everything i'm done with my crap admin job too onto bigger and better things i'm moving over to edtech i completely agree with this comment all of the things that op did almost had me in stitches over here and if my wife was drinking something beside me when op said that they brought the fridge right out the front door and loaded it into their truck i think her drink would have been all over her desk the best part of this for me though was opie removing the bolts they used to fix the desk and leaving it lopsided that was amazing this has turned out to be one of the best pro revenge stories i think we've ever read on the kcc channel part 4. so as some of you know i left the world of being an administrator a few weeks ago i tried to leave behind some nice gifts when i left i wasn't looking to cause problems my last few weeks but the new admin team treated me in a way that was unacceptable so i decided that malcolm reynolds had it right when he said i aim to misbehave well the tuesday after i left i received a call from hr i ignored it i then left for a road trip with my daughter where we went to san francisco for a few days and went to two giants games unfortunately they lost both games while we were on our trip they called and emailed me at my personal email account my work one was deleted by them i ignored the calls and never opened the emails my daughter and i then went to disneyland for a few days of fun and then returned this past friday i then checked the voicemails and emails i was asked begged and then ordered to come to hr for important meetings it is very important that we speak to you as soon as possible is what they said repeatedly so yesterday i went into the district office wearing cargo shorts a shirt i got at disneyland and flip-flops i don't work there so i don't need to dress up when i arrived i was originally treated like a visiting vip the hr manager and her assistant tried to butter me up like a pillsbury biscuit after a few minutes of them trying to make small talk and me then letting them know i had plans to go to lunch in 30 minutes they got to the point they wanted me to turn over a few things i took with me that though they belonged to me they said were sorely needed at the school they gave me a list from the new principal which included but limited to my chair seriously my refrigerator and appliances my community contacts board people and businesses that i built relationships and partnerships with my personally designed forms and worksheets the two-way mirror my lockdown buckets and fire drill bags they also wanted copies of every record i kept and notes on the staff and students the notes i took on the staff were so i could personalize gifts for them and have conversations with them on their interests i said no to all those requests i told the ladies that the furniture and appliances were mine that i brought in i stated that the chair was a gift to me from a friend and that the new principal can afford to buy her own chair i also stated that i left any official school and district documents there and any i took with me and or deleted were of my own making and my intellectual property i also stated that my contracts were developed over the years on my personal time and at personal cost to me i also stated that everything i took that i had submitted reimbursement was never reimbursed i kept my records and pay stubs i never saw a red cent from those submissions they offered to pay me for some of the items and gave me a rough figure of what the district would pay me to return the fridge the forms buckets bags mirror and contract board i told them that i did not want to hand them over to the new admin team since they had treated me so poorly they asked me again and tried to reason that some of those things could be interpreted as school property i told them that they were welcome to try and force me to return anything that was legally mine to them but i would be willing to fight it in court i also told them that those two new administrators made me uncomfortable and that their treatment of me could be considered making a hostile work environment especially when they tried to make me do their jobs for them i then gave the hr team my lawyers info note i dated a lawyer after my divorce for a few years and we are still good friends and she has offered herself as my forever retained lawyer that i can use her name and she'd help me if she could i rarely use her name but when i have needed her legal advice she always comes through i also help her with physical chores when she or her family needs help i then wish the lady a good school year in the term to come and left i doubt i will ever hear from them again let's jump down to the comment section for part four we have one from the user getting tg with it love that the chair i can't believe the new admin tried to get your chair again this is my favorite new show i hope there's a season two seriously way to stand your ground i hope they all learned lessons about buttholery and what being a jerk gets you enjoy your well-deserved summer the demands that the administrators made on op kind of made me wonder because if they were willing to compensate op to bring some of those things back well why couldn't they have just gone out and gotten their own fridge and their own cabinets themselves that doesn't make too much sense as far as the chair goes i really don't understand this one i don't think i'd want to take somebody else's chair from my office because how do you know if you're gonna fit into their butt groove overall what we learned from this story is that op is a master of revenge i'm sure that their username disgruntled veteran is going to go down in history on reddit they've already made quite a name for themselves in the r teachers subreddit but now that this has been posted to pro revenge they are going to be very well known check out op linked in the description down below i've left links down there to the full story on pro revenge plus each individual part as it was posted to the teacher subreddit i hope you all have a wonderful day and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 274,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Id: vimjVUnselI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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