r/MaliciousCompliance - KAREN Neighbor DEMANDED I Remove My FENCE! So I Did This...

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hello and welcome back to the karma Stories podcast I'm Rob and I hope you are having a wonderful day today today I have six stories for you from the malicious compliance subreddit and you may not like me today because my comments are all aboard the pun train the karma Stories podcast is published to all major podcasting platforms and you can also read along on YouTube under our @ Karma Stories podcast handle all right on to the stories and the horrible puns let's Jump Right In this story comes to us from no recording 6287 taking the exact amount of pictures requested during the holidays I work as an assistant manager at what is essentially a retail photo op Booth pictures with a mall Santa the company normally wants us to only take a maximum of three pictures per group the problem with this for us is that the pictures are purchased in expensive packages ranging from $40 to $50 for three different options with each add-on picture being $10 meaning the smallest package and a single add-on would cost the same as the largest package but with less items the most expensive package includes several printouts big and small of two poses separated evenly between them and a digital file that has access to each click of the camera the middle package only gave you the small printouts and the digital file and the cheapest package only only gave you the small photos when we aren't busy we like to take our time with each family to make sure we get the most out of the pictures and give them a good experience the system lets us take up to 15 pictures before some pictures have a chance of being accidentally deleted off the system so we try to get as close as we can so if you got a package with a digital file you would have a lot of extra pictures that were printed out one morning me and another assistant manager were the only ones on set for the first hour let's call her Jesse I love her we all did she was a super nice woman who sometimes gave too much good treatment to nice customers even going as far as to outright Break The Rules she was also very Petty to rude customers we were on maybe our fifth customer of the slow morning it's early in the season and no one comes in early December to get their Santa photos when one lady let's call her Karen with her like five kids starts getting really impatient she wasn't in line for more than maybe 10 minutes and when we get busy most people would be in line for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours Jesse goes over to talk to her while I'm taking pictures of the family I have with me but I was listening to their conversation I'm paraphrasing but it goes something like this hi ma'am can I help you what seems to be the problem do you have to take so much much time with all of them we are trying to give every child their time with Santa Claus the experience is the best part we've been waiting here for over an hour just take one darn picture and send them away ma'am I don't care hurry this crap up just one picture for family that's how it should be I could hear Jesse's eye twitch as I finished up with the current family you're right ma'am we should be doing one photo per family right on Q I waved at her to tell her I was ready ready for the next family she asks me to finish ringing up the previous family while she took care of Karen per Karen's request Jesse situated everyone perfectly and set up the camera she took a single click of the camera didn't even check if it was a good picture and told Karen they were all done she ushered them to the cash register and made sure she didn't let any of the kids stay behind to talk to Santa Claus the kids thankfully didn't seem to mind to too much as I would have felt bad for punishing kids for their parents' Behavior the kicker is that with that one picture Karen begrudgingly still bought the most expensive package which includes the digital file that normally would have had access to every photo but now only has that one lone picture oh Jesse your handling of this situation was absolutely Picture Perfect your ability to focus on providing a great experience for everyone while dealing with the impatience of the customer was nothing short of brilliant you really captured the essence of excellent customer service by addressing her concerns swiftly even when she was being negative you managed to develop a solution that was both sharp and clear your quick thinking to take just one shot truly framed the moment perfectly despite the exposure to her impatience you didn't snap under pressure instead you zoomed in on the problem and provided a flash solution that highlighted your professionalism you composed yourself beautifully and shutterly amazed everyone with your Brilliance this story comes to us from kid endm more new neighbor didn't like my old fence so I took it down about 5 or 6 years ago I built a fence in my backyard I talked to my neighbors and we decided on a good place to build the fence we knew approximate property line based on some survey pins but were're both too cheap to pay for a surveyor we shook hands and I built the fence it was a great deal for my neighbors I paid for everything built the fence and all they had to do was give me a thumbs up when it was done then a year later they sold their house that meant I got a new neighbor more specifically I got an an was from the big city an was a realtor an had flipped Eight houses in 12 years an loved this new house and planned on staying for a long time and an had a dog Razzy was a German Shepherd mix that spent most of the day outside while an went to work Razzy was aggressive towards children animals insects and any plant that waved in the breeze Razzy also as Ann once told me loved to chew on furniture that's why Razzy stayed outs died so much about 6 months after Ann moved in I saw a surveyor walking around in my neighborhood and he was paying special attention to my backyard the next day an showed up at my front door with a stack of papers and asked me if I was going to pay her for the 9 in that my fence was encroaching onto her property I explained the handshake deal with the last neighbors but she was having no part of it she wanted the fence moved or she wanted money no discussions she had spoken to her lawyer friend and was perfectly happy to take me to court over the fence she told me I don't know how you guys do it out here in the sticks but where I come from we follow the rules so I got rid of the fence the next day I unscrewed the horizontal rails from the brackets stacked the fence panels up against my garage and pulled up the fence post with my work van about a week later an shows up at my front door door again she wants to know when I'm going to be building a new fence turns out with my portion of the fence she has not been able to let Razzy out unattended for fear that he will run away attack something or get hit by a car she also told me she can't keep them in the house all day while she's at work anymore her furniture and carpet are all but ruined I told her well an I'm not going to be rebuilding the fence I don't want any legal trouble and the best way to stay out of trouble is to not build near your property the look on her face was priceless I thought she was going to cry she probably did when she got back home she tried to protest saying that she really needed the fence back and she would even help pay for the new one she told me how much she loved the style and aesthetic of the old one and it was just the location that she had a problem with I stood firm there would be no new fence she never got a fence she made a half-hearted attempt to put up some bamboo fencing but Razzy tore through that stuff like wet newspaper eventually I sold my place and moved away I took the old fence panels with me and I still look at them every day when I let my dog out in the morning op what a fantastic story you really nailed that situation with an sometimes people just don't understand the boundary between being being reasonable and being unreasonable an really tried to rail you into a corner but you stood your ground and didn't let her pick it you apart you showed her that a handshake deal is something to be upheld even if she wants to tear it down her plans backfired fensively and it's gate to see that you didn't let her push you around good fences make good neighbors but in this case removing it made for an even better lesson this story comes to us from erroneous Bosch oh you want all my fuel receipts every month certainly make some room we had a new office admin start in the expenses Department who decided that all the rules were to be followed to the letter and if it made it inconvenient for people to claim expenses back so much the better it' make her Department look far more efficient reducing costs and all at the time I was working in a group of four people going out to fix things in remote places we had one company Land Rover which two guys went in another guy used his own van and claimed for the diesel and I used my own Range Rover which was ridiculously suitable for getting out into the trackless waste this guy in the company Land Rover just used the company fuel card and the other two of us claimed for our mileage but then I got my mileage back with a note saying that in the future they would not accept the claim without every fuel fuel receipt for the month being attached in full no copies no partial receipts and definitely enough fuel indicated on the receipts to cover the distance claimed for right then it's like that is it as I mentioned I drove an old Range Rover still do in fact it's big it's heavy it has a ridiculous 4.6 L V8 engine so it can drag trailers up mountains easily and it gets through a lot of gas no no not gas like gasoline like Americans call it this is Scotland we call that petrol I've only ever put about a gallon or two of Petrol in a month just enough to get the engine started and warmed up like a lot of older vehicles with big thirsty engines it's converted to run on propane there's a big tank in the back where the spare wheel would go a bit of extra plumbing and a special controller to adapt the fuel injection system to Coke with gas being about half the price of petrol it made a lot of economic sense especially when I was claiming for anything up to 2,000 M of travel a month that is a lot of propane that's filling the tank about 10 times a month and they want to Reed for every fill up so here's where malicious compliance kicks in I started fueling up at the local caler gas Depot making sure I got them to print me off a full receipt for it each receipt was three pages of the pink copy of tractor fee duplicate paper and you just know it was the wide Carriage 14 1/2 in stuff wads and wads and effing wads of bright pink tractor paper for every claim the policy lasted 3 months then they decided they only needed the first receipt for the month as long as it had a vat number on it a week after they changed the policy caller stopped doing autog gas so I had to start getting normal receipts from the supermarket Filling Station instead wow what a fuelish policy that admin came up with it's almost exhausting to think about all that paperwork you really tank their plans by giving them exactly what they asked for with those propensa receipts it's funny how they thought they could Gaslight you into extra work but you ingenuously found a way to drive the point home it's a classic case of somebody getting revved up about the rules glad to hear the policy stalled and you could return to a more fuele efficient process keep on cruising op I think you've got the drive to handle any bureaucratic bump in the road this story comes to us from leading economic 79 what my 8-year-old brought it out full story my dad was working on the fence in the front pasture when the trash guy came by one day we had an extra begag that day we were allowed one beside the rolling bin so the guy had to get out to get it my dad didn't pay much mind to them until he heard holy crap he looked up at the trash guy staring down in disbelief at the lone trash bag what's in this my dad Shrugged it's trash I don't know what the problem is my 8-year-old daughter brought it out this morning you see growing up we lived on a small family farm and we generated a lot of trash the rule for trash was the bin and one extra bag my dad always made it fit fortunately we had grain bags that were woven material that wouldn't burst no matter what you put in them so he Jam everything in then use his back ho to compress it down and repeat until the bag was full then we duct taped the bag shut we would get probably five to six bags worth of trash to fit into one bag easily maybe even more depending on what we were throwing away most weeks dad would get everything to fit into the rolling bin but there was one week that we had a ton of extra trash that required we used the extra bag outside the rolling bin dad packed that bag with the back hoe until it was bursting at the seams it was so heavy that we used a wheelbarrow to get it to the end of the driveway me and my sister probably 8 and 13 at the time we dumped the bag next to the bin hey there was no weight limit on the trash so yeah yes technically the 8-year-old did bring the trash out but she had help and a wheelbarrow wow your dad really knew how to trash the competition when it came to taking out the garbage this story is rubbish hilarious it's amazing how he managed to beg such a heavy load with his vinnovative methods using a back code to compact the trash into those grain bags talk about taking it to the dump teth degree thank you for sharing this waste not worthy tale it's definitely one for the scrapbooks this story comes to us from different leg 9411 don't want six bags of trash fine not a super long or interesting story but it's malicious compliance on my mom's part my mom called it Petty and giggled about it to me I live in an HOA and every Wednesday morning we have trash men come and pick up our trash they're fine for the most part other than being occasionally my mom often forgets to put out the trash and our bags end up piling up this week before Wednesday I decided to clean out my room and closet which has been a mess since December I'm rarely home so I rarely have time to clean I ended up putting around six trash bags downstairs on Wednesday my mom put out six trash bags because we had a good 12 to 15 trash bags in the basement she comes later to two of of the trash bags left with a big notice of violation paper stapled to one of them cue my mom's malicious compliance my mom got the huge black garbage bags which are a lot larger than the small white ones we used and put at least four of the white garbage bags in each she also put all of our cat litter bags we have a litter robot so it's bags of waste in all of the bags for some weight she put as many white trash bags in the black ones because there was no size or weight limit to the trash in the end all of our trash fit in four trash bags my mom laughed and told me this yesterday and said they sure picked up those trash bags screw the HOA ah yes Mom begs a win against the HOA do you think the trash collectors were literally stunned by the sheer volume of those Hefty black bags kudos to Mom for dumping the problem right back where it belonged and getting those trash men to haul it all away oh and I agree screw the HOA indeed this story comes to us from here for snow don't come in late during rehab this was when I worked in a manufacturing facility the chemical lab I damaged two ligaments in my left knee skiing ACL MCL had surgery was on crutches morning rehab afternoon rehab home rehab all my free time and then some was was rehab but our company ran 247 365 so time off was rare we were a Tight Crew worked hard and had each other's backs our company had just been acquired by an international oil chem conglomerate bringing better benefits to us salary workers also new middle managers I came to work on crutches directly from the rehab from its first appointment of the day I left in time to catch the last rehab appointment of the day that meant I still put in five or so hours each workday about 2 weeks in I'm called in to see the new boss I'm told it looks bad that I come in late and leave on off hours not during shift changes I pointed out we have full paid sick leave now so I'll just stop coming in at all until I'm fully recovered I had 8 months off fully paid then I tacked on vacation days because I've been earning p every pay cycle I was off talk about turning a needless situation into a win it's amazing how you manage to rehabilitate not just your knee but your work life balance too it's clear they didn't understand the leg work involved in your recovery instead of seeing your dedication they tried to trip you up but you sure showed them the heal of your foot as you walked out on fully paid leave well done op your story is AEP Step Above the Rest all right even I'm cringing after that many puns but if you're listening on YouTube make sure you comment down below and let me know what you thought of this one even if you're angry with me right now if you enjoy daily Reddit stories I encourage you to follow and add us to the favorites on whichever podcasting platform you enjoy the most also if you're listening and watching on YouTube make sure to hit that subscribe button and drop a like on the video it really helps us out I thank you for watching and listening I hope you have a wonderful day and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 7,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, prorevenge, malicious compliance, karen, relationships, karma stories
Id: JJL6beZU-E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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