r/ProRevenge - Landlord Uses My Family For Labor and Then Evicts Us. I Got Revenge.

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hello friends welcome back to another episode of our slash pro revenge where you'll get to hear stories about people getting their just desserts in this episode there's gonna be two stories which are quite long so buckle up for the ride because it's well worth it you'll hear how a landlord uses a family to boost his property value and what happens when supervisors do nothing at work but online shop I hope you stay for the stories today and subscribe for future videos this first story is titled used my family for cheap labor and kick them to the curb that's gonna cost you this story happened quite some time ago I have never tried to seek out revenge before but the way these people treated me and my family was utterly repulsive and so here we have my first ever and hopefully last revenge story my family lived in a house that was owned by according to one of my family members let's call her Mary benevolent landlords after they lived there for two years on lease the lease expired so they started living there on a month-to-month basis Mary's husband let's call him John suggested that they renew their lease but Mary being convinced that they'd established a relationship and Trust with the landlord's insisted that there was no need to do so this was the first mistake sometime after there was a storm that knocked over a relatively flimsy and frankly hideous chain-link fence that was built around the house now because Mary and John kept important things in their yard they needed a fence the landlords were looking around for contractors to rebuild the fence but John had an idea that he felt would be beneficial for all see John and Mary really loved the house and they were hoping to someday buy it off the landlords which was something that the landlord's had suggested as a possibility many times before John suggested that he build the fence instead he would only charge for materials required and he would provide labor at no cost under one important condition the landlords must promise that they had no intention of selling the house one landlord who will call Benny not only promised John that the house wouldn't be sold any time soon but even went as far as saying that they would only ever consider selling the house to John and Mary and so a deal was made John would rebuild the fence more beautiful than before and Benny and the other landlord would ensure that John and Mary would get to keep living in that house enjoying the fruits of their labor until the day the landlords finally decided to sell the house to them John and Benny agreed upon what the dimensions and the material of the fence would be they decided would and they decided on the fence being fairly tall taller than many fences around them which is important later John bought the materials and Benny paid John for the expenses halfway through building the fence John asked Benny about whether he wanted certain changes in the backyard that would along side the fence only served to make the land value skyrocket Benny said he would love sad changes the next part is important John looked Benny in the eyes and said in no unclear terms if you have any intention of selling the house to someone other than us tell me now and I will stop this entire project I'm only interested in building this under the condition that I will get to enjoy it Benny responded equally clearly John you and your family will get to enjoy this home indefinitely feel at ease and do whatever you want with this yard and so the fence was finished and it was beautiful this is the part where I come in I come to visit my family and I help them finish the fence and clean up the yard I wasn't particularly happy with the terms of agreement but since it was all done verbally there was nothing that could be done now now comes the part where my family gets royally screwed not so much as a week after the fence had been built Mary gets a call from the other landlord let's call her Jane Jane tells Mary that something unexpected has occurred see her knees is currently on the market for a house and she really wanted to see this particular house that John and Mary were living in Mary who can feel herself getting riled up asked Jane how this could be the fence was only just finished and they're considering selling the house Jane assures Mary that her niece will most likely not want the house but as a nice gesture to the family she has to let her see it now I'm not sure about the details that happened shortly after but it seems that Jane's knees didn't like the given price of the house which was now way more valuable than it was before and she chose not to buy bullet dodged right if only Benny came to visit John and Mary with something they'd always wanted suddenly the landlord's wanted to sell and an offer was made to my family now my family's not very wealthy and they would have preferred to have been told well in advance of the intention to sell but nonetheless the offer that was presented was not unfair and my family said yes excellent as soon as my family was approved to purchase the house Benny came back with a change the landlord's no longer wanted to sell the house at the original price instead the price they had in mind had now skyrocketed to roughly the same price as the most expensive house in the area a price that John and Mary could no longer afford and certainly more than the house was actually worth that's not the worst of it though suddenly the landlords needed to sell the house immediately John said to Benny we had a deal and Benny responded that they suddenly needed the money because of some family members needs later on the story changed to them no longer needing the money and then it was Jane who needed the money because of some other piece of completely fabricated story the point was they wanted to sell the house now to line their pockets but they could never stick to a single excuse again John told Benny they had a deal Benny's response I don't remember that we never got anything in writing so we never had any deal Jane later told me that a verbal agreement doesn't mean anything unfortunately in the eyes of the law they were right nothing could be proven we couldn't force them to sell the house to my family at the original price and we couldn't force them to let my family keep living there all right thought my family we just want to get paid for the labor that we put into the fence then of course Benny and Jane didn't want to pay my family members needed that money given that they were getting kicked out on such short notice and the money was needed to find a new place live Benny and Jane however insisted that they'd always been fair with the rent and they simply didn't owe my family anything I told Benny and Jane that we would take things to court and have a judge decide given the fear of court Benny and Jane decided that they would pay my family but the labor for the scar Gann shuen monstrosity of a beautiful fence just wasn't worth that much more than the materials that was made of he said that the labor couldn't possibly be that much and they reasoned also they would only pay for the labor for the fence not for the rest of the work that was done on the yard well everyone decided to get an estimate the average we got from companies around the area was $3,000 for the labor Benny and Jane managed to get one estimate from their family member at $350 what a joke the day to leave arrived and Benny and Jane paid my family for far less than what the labor was actually worth and my family left we lost and we lost so much the effort that went into building the fence with the intention of getting to enjoy it under the agreement that they would get to keep living there just to have it taken away and barely even get paid for the labor we got screwed over by those idiots that was unacceptable to me we couldn't win any more but I didn't want them to win either so revenge I read up on fences I learned far too much about what was and what wasn't allowed when it came to fences I memorized every rule I learned when permits were and were not needed I learned what the allowed dimensions were I learned about whether fences needed finish and oh boy the things I learned about fences I learned that you don't need a permit if your fence gets damaged so long as you're rebuilding the exact same fence but this was wood and the old one was chain-link I learned that the fence needed to be painted but this one was not and I learned that when you build fences you had to have a very specific height limit one which this fence violated and that was the big one Benny and Jane were so happy to stick to the letter of the law when it came to screwing my family so I decided that I too would stick to the letter of the law somehow the County found out that this fence was permit las' unpainted and far too tall shortly after the county found this out Benny and Jane got a visit from the county right before they managed to sell the house at their obscene price and wouldn't you know it their fence was built illegally now sometimes you can just get a permit after the fact but their fence wasn't allowed to be built the way that it was there were no plans no inspections nor anything else the county required and it had to come down my family got a very angry call the landlord's accused my family of never getting a permit which was something that my family literally couldn't do given that this was not their property besides it was the landlords who assumed no permit was needed and my family knew nothing about how permits worked so the fence had to be torn down there goes the money they saved by not paying my family and they lost their prospective buyer so there goes the money they wanted to make without the fence the value of the house went down so there goes the price point they wanted to sell the house at in the end they needed to build a new fence since no one would want to live in this house without some sort of fencing and it looks like they'll need to pay for a new fence and labor from an actual contractor after all we didn't win but neither did they lesson learned always get things in writing to protect yourself it would have been much easier if papers were signed but I doubt that would have happened if it came down to that since it seemed they were just unfortunate to have shady landlords with hidden intentions this next story is titled online shopping while were dozens deep in queue not anymore this is actually from a few years ago but I just remembered it and it made me laugh so I wanted to share I worked for a few years part-time in reservations for a large casino and resorts we were frequently short-staffed on any given day leaving us deep in queue and seen some pissed-off customers once we got to them it was very draining and we had lots of turnover there were three to four supervisors present during each shift in the middle of the room while workers surrounded the edges during the day we'd make trips up to their mid floor office to hand forms sign things etc they almost never jumped on lines to help us with the queue though somehow always too busy to help one day there's about 25 people in line and I go up to have them sign something the supervisor does not see me approach and I notice that she's on line shopping for shoes or something she attempts to quickly change the window but it was too late at my work the supervisors could use Internet freely if they were not busy during work but we workers were not allowed to use the internet at all even during slow times I decided that it's so stupid that they get to do this and be able to online shop on the company clock while we were swamped in line trying to deal with people all day so I figured out how to keep them busy all day permanently so no more online browsing can be done we had these things called profile merge slips basically when a customer would call in to make a reservation you could check our customer database to see if they've stayed before you could sort by name by players number etc but many would not do this or wouldn't do it correctly therefore you'd end up having half a dozen profiles for the same actual customer one duty that was a part of the job was that when we encountered these during our normal duties we were supposed to fill out these slips with the person's name etc and highlighting what you believe to be the correct profile number if you thought there was one these were then submitted to the supervisors for them to correct within the database in their spare time as we workers did not have the ability or authority to make these edits and corrections within the database you might normally turn in one or two of these slips each week but I decided to do these with every spare second that I had since we couldn't do much else I systematically began going through the entire customer database of at least 20,000 profiles beginning with the last names with the letter A I easily made dozens of these profile merge slips every shift my record was 104 and one shift each of these profile merges probably took 20 minutes each for the supervisor to review and implement the changes sometimes they come back to me with not sufficient info for merge I didn't care I knew this and submit them anyways just to keep them busy as you might guess this cut into their spare time free-for-all no more online shopping so I do this for about three months and they're getting so backed up now each day I'm getting the approved and denied profile merge slips in my inbox for ones that I'd submitted several weeks ago as time passes they get more and more behind and here's the best part we are suddenly given a policy change we can now use the internet on our spare time great the internet was no longer allowed only for supervisors I know this was purposely directed towards how I was using my spare time as it was never given a sincere thought before this basically they'd finally be allowing us the same rights that they had in an attempt to give me something preferable to do with my time instead of profile merge slips nope I still kept at it I never stopped submitting those bad boys every chance I got by the time I put in my two-weeks resignation they were three months behind in profile merge slips and they were required by job to go over them and approve each one it took months just to get to one letter of the alphabet and I had only gotten to the letter H I left that place so happy knowing that the workers finally got to use the Internet's because the bosses didn't like doing extra work and they essentially lost their own ability to use their spare time on the web students have been online shopping while there was work to do not all heroes wear capes Opie did way more work than they were required for months and in the end one internet used for all the workers for many years to come and got sweet revenge on supervisors that were taking full advantage of their position someone get this person a gold medal or an ice-cold beer you deserve a topi and that's it for today's episode of our slash Pro revenge if you enjoyed these two stories give it a thumbs up and leave a comment if you aren't subscribed and this is your first time hearing a story from the channel consider subscribing as I release new videos almost every day see you guys in the next
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 276,696
Rating: 4.9119234 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, petty revenge stories, ultimate revenge, divorce story time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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