r/Prorevenge I Scammed My Toxic Boss Into Paying Me THOUSANDS!

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welcome to our slash pro revenge where op shuts down his narcissistic mother our next reddit post is from phoenix so just some backstory here my parents got divorced when i was in kindergarten so i was about six years old my mom got full custody of us and she suffered from mental illness i believe that she has a borderline personality disorder and she was also a typical narcissistic parent anyway ever since the divorce she would always tell us how it wasn't her fault that we didn't have enough money for things and she would blame my dad for example if there was nothing to eat for breakfast and we complained like small kids do when they're hungry she would snap it's your father's fault so go cry to him i just learned to never complain and to do without and i spent my entire childhood taking care of her my sister and i were trained from when i was about eight years old to come right home from school do our homework and then clean the house and take care of ourselves don't ask mom to make dinner make it yourself and we had to do all the chores so mom didn't have to do anything it sounds bizarre but we thought that this was normal also on a daily basis she would hit us and tell us that we're worthless things got worse my senior year of high school my grandma died a few months before that summer and my mom quit her job and blew through all the money that my grandma left her before the summer was over so in just one summer back in the year 2000 she blew through 75 000 she refused to get another job and kept coming up with excuses not to work i need a break get off my back i hurt my leg etc meanwhile she would go out drinking with her friend acting like a carefree teenager so i spent my senior year of high school working hard at school also working at my part-time job after school and pretty much taking care of an overgrown child who refused to work or help out anytime that a utility was shut off or there was no food in the house she would just gripe you have a job why can't you pay for it if i brought up the fact that my dad sent her child support she would complain that she had to pay for my sister's tuition which i later learned was bs she would flaunt the child support check and laugh and refer to it as mommy's paycheck flash forward to when i was about to go to college and my mom kept bellyaching about the cost of college and of course she had saved zero dollars from my college fund i couldn't afford a private university so i decided to go to a reasonably priced and still highly regarded state university during my freshman year i was pretty much able to swing the cost of tuition and room and board thanks to a couple of grants however i was almost disqualified for financial aid for my second year of college why because my w2s were mailed to my home address and my mom being the caring and supportive mother that she was shredded them and threw them in the trash i only found out because my sister was home one weekend and saw her do it my mom denied it and when i came home for spring break and pressed her forward she lied and said that her friend had them my sister called my mom out on this bluff by calling that friend who didn't have my tax information the friend who worked as a cpa was very concerned and she told me and my sister to request duplicate w-2s and had them sent to her place because she would do them for us my mom was pissed that we checked with her friend and called her out on her bluff but true to her word my mom's friend did my taxes for me at this point i learned that my mom hadn't been helping out my sister at all with tuition like she claimed also my sister mentioned this to my dad who called her out and demanded to know where the child support was going to my mom insisted that he wasn't paying her enough money and that's why she couldn't help us out during my second year of college my w-2s were once again sent home and my mom once again accidentally threw them in the trash i had to request duplicate w-2s from my summer job not once but twice because she kept throwing them in the trash i filed my tax return late last year and as a result my student aid was also filed late so i wasn't able to get the full amount of aid that i was due and still anytime that i complained to her about having no food or no money in the house it was always complain to your father well the summer before my third year i was burned down on my mom's bs i was working full time for the summer and saving as much as i could but she was refusing to help me out at all while i was home with food or with anything she was pissed that instead of paying for the house's phone bill i had the audacity to spend my hard-earned money on a cell phone and pay that bill myself she told everyone that i should just drop out because i wasn't applying myself hard enough meanwhile i was in the honors program and she would play the martyr with all of her friends saying it's so hard when you have kids in college and they eat you out of house and home and still come to you for money at the end of summer i had saved up thousands of dollars but the school wouldn't let me move into the dorm unless i paid 50 up front which was about 10k i didn't know what to do because all summer the university had told me that i was all set and then the day that i went to move in they told me that i couldn't move into the dorm i called my dad in a panic and he spoke to someone who agreed to give me 24 hours i moved in and the next day my dad showed up first thing with a coffee and a doughnut for me and told me not to worry he told me he was going to fix this once and for all we went from office to office on campus and he co-signed a loan which he later paid off for me and then he paid the balance on my tuition that the loan didn't cover he then took me out to lunch and told me the truth my mom never helped my sister with her tuition my sister later confirmed this but i wasn't surprised that my mom had lied my dad had co-signed the loan to help my sister out which he later paid off for and my sister was able to get a scholarship and do co-op to pay for her last two years he also advised me that my mom was not as poor as she seemed to be as part of the divorce settlement he had to pay the mortgage and property taxes on our house and even though my sister was living on her own my dad was paying my mom the same amount of child support which was about 2 000 a month this was despite the fact that i was living on campus for 75 of the year and my mom wasn't giving me a dime i was hurt to think that my mom was just living off of my child support and constantly making me feel guilty for wanting anything or for not being able to cater to her every whim for example during the school year when i wasn't living at home she would get pissed that i wouldn't come home on the weekends to clean the house for her i thought about how bad she made me feel growing up and made me feel worthless when in fact had it not been for me or my sister she wouldn't have had a roof over her head after the divorce my dad asked me to grant him access to my account so he could prove that my mom wasn't paying for my college and that i was he asked me how i would feel if he took care of paying for college instead of paying my mom child support sounded good to me he even told me that i could spend summer breaks at his house instead of my mom's i called my mom and told her what my dad did and she had no remorse she told me it was my fault for not planning my finances better and for pissing away my money all summer i just played dumb and said that she was right but pointed out that i had done what she told me to by complaining to my dad a month later my mom called me up pissed my mom had spoken with the courts and there was going to be a hearing in their divorce case my dad had proven that my mom had been paying for mine or my sister's tuition for college and apparently that was the exact reason why my dad was still being obligated to pay her child support my dad told the judge that he would gladly pay for me to finish college but he wasn't going to pay my mom any more child support or pay the mortgage on their house if my mom didn't want to take over the mortgage they could sell the house and i could live with him over my breaks my mom was freaking out over this and calling me selfish i just reminded her that my tuition must cost a lot more than what she got in child support she just kept laying guilt trips on me about how selfish i was because she didn't get to go to college right after high school and how she never got to have four carefree years of college i pointed out to her that she hadn't worked since my grandma died about three years ago and i was working and going to school at the time so she was the one living a carefree life she pretty much ripped me a new one at that point she tried to get back at my dad by not paying utilities on the house to make it seem like she needed the money she then told me the electric and water were shut off so if i wanted to come home for winter break i needed to help her out meanwhile she had moved in with her boyfriend at his condo i told her that i would miss her but i would just spend the break at my dad's house she was pissed and she cried about how selfish i was for not wanting to come home for christmas side note last christmas she didn't give me a present and instead she threw away a bunch of my stuff why because my mom was pissed off at me that i didn't want to come home one weekend to help her clean because to get home i had to take two buses two trains spend 20 bucks one way and then wait for her to hopefully remember to pick me up at the train station which was another 20 minute drive so she responded by putting a bunch of my stuff in boxes and throwing them in the front lawn by the next time i got home most of my things were destroyed by being left out in the rain anyways my dad called my mom and reminded her that the child support hadn't stopped yet and they were going to list the house in a few months so what was this nonsense about the utilities being shut off she was pissed but magically she came up with the money to turn the utilities back on that spring my dad officially took over paying for my college tuition and she even made sure that i got my full financial aid by handling my w-2s my mom lost her child support and the judge told her that she had better cooperate with the sale of the house and keep up the utility bills her boyfriend moved in with her until the house sold and after that she moved to another time zone the real kicker it was cheaper for my dad to pay college costs than to pay her child support to summarize my mom abused and exploited me and i got my revenge by causing her to lose her child support and free rent by doing what she told me to do for years complained to my father no regrets op i'm really glad that you got your revenge but jeez can we get an f down in the comments for this poor father first he had both of his kids ripped away from him and had zero custody then he had to spend two thousand dollars in child support a month to his ex-wife and none of that money went to his kids so i just looked it up and the average monthly mortgage payment in the united states is one thousand twenty nine dollars let's combine that with the 2 000 in monthly child support plus i don't know let's just say 250 for taxes that comes out to 3 300 a month that this guy was paying to supplement his ex-wife's lifestyle and let me see here op was six when they got divorced and he said he had two years of college so we have to assume let's say age twenty thirty three hundred times twelve months times sixteen years oh my god equals six hundred thirty three thousand six hundred dollars that's how much money this guy paid so that this woman could not work could not watch her kids and so that he could never see his children this guy spent two-thirds of a million dollars on this woman's narcissism oh my god this is so depressing man i'm gonna be honest with you guys so i've read a lot of stories about a lot of awful just terrible parents for this channel for this podcast you know you read the stories you're like wow these people suck this is a really terrible mother this is an entitled mother this person's a narcissist they have no business having kids but you know as some of you know i'm a new father now um my wife and i just had a baby um really recently like a month ago and oh my god reading these stories now it hits me in a way that they've never hit me before i can't even i can't even imagine having to look at my daughter in the eyes and my heart is like daddy we don't have any food in the house can can you buy us food we're hungry and then being like no i'm gonna spend this money on other stuff i can't even i can't even imagine our next reddit post is from pristine accident i used to work for a married couple billy a 52 year old guy and gigi a 44 year old woman they owned a business services public relations agency it lasted more or less for a year they seemed nice and humble but in reality they were shady and untruthful the company began to falter because of poor management and zero intention to prioritize billy was your babyface next door neighbor type he looked about 10 years younger than he really was and had a kind smile he was soft-spoken and he had an artistic and creative flair gigi looked matronly with a mother earth incarnate attitude towards her children she prided herself on being ruthless when it came to giving her family only the best she could be really nice when she wanted to but i found out early on that she would 100 gossip behind your back and be two-faced the company's constant changes were a red flag they went from a pr agency to an i.t provider to a business incubator to indie beer partners what i'm trying to say is that they wanted to dip their donut in everyone's coffee figuratively speaking some of their employees had no real way to escape the lady working next to me was already 67 years old and scared that no one would hire her i wasn't in a great place either we were eight employees in total they wouldn't lay anyone off because they believed that the employee should quit they paid us only a portion of our salaries most employees would just run for the hills once they found a better job but some of us were stuck it was horrible they would pay us our full salaries for one month and then go back to the reduced rate the next month they would never cut down on their luxury expenses so the wife would post her shopping sprees online or arrive in a new car like it was nothing zero empathy very insensitive the husband was obsessed with making it big time so much so that he sometimes failed to see an opportunity that was right in front of him he claimed that he was coca-cola's brand manager i swear i looked it up but i couldn't find any information about that they only wanted to work with big businesses but in the meantime they looked down upon tangible potential clients for example they turned down this young latino couple who showed up trying to learn more about their services they were looking for someone to help them set up a small coffee business and they had no idea how it was done i talked to them and showed them to the waiting room they even showed up with their baby in a stroller that means that they must have just driven by and decided to come in and impulsive clients are great clients because they're money spenders once billy showed up he listened for a bit then kind of gave them an abrupt dismissal this was a dick move because the couple opened their own business with someone else and they even had a facebook page billy could have easily taken them on his new clients billy lined his office walls with posters of steve job and elon musk every time an employee disagreed with billy during a brainstorming session gigi would call them aside and tell them billy is your boss you need to know that he's brilliant and a genius i want him to have that taste of success i also hated brainstorming because those meetings were never in my job description they just wanted to pick everyone's brains on pointless things we had to look at their pandora jewelry the expensive makeovers for their daughter and the weekends at the spa updates on facebook gigi's captions were usually about rewarding herself after a hard week because i deserve it oh and also they bought into that whole social guru thing so if an employee ever got angry gigi would tell you remember the one who gets angry is the one who ends up losing for anyone who's been in this situation you can understand how painful it can be you can't leave the job because you have no other job waiting for you and as pathetic as it may sound some income is better than no income this is an involuntary compromise and it's abusive why were we expected to pay for their luxuries via incomplete wages my best friend's ex was into coding and programming and he agreed to help me if it didn't work out at least we would have something to laugh about we created a website for a fake company with a matching linkedin the whole nine yards to make a long story short my friend and i invented a fake investment company posing as this company my friend started liking my employer's facebook page then he commented on the page before we knew it my boss took the bait they exchanged emails and billy was eager to share all of his project ideas meanwhile my friend sent billy list of requirements like proof of concept employer payroll employee identification number etc posing as the company my friend agreed to work with him if they could prove they were legit and up to date so to be clear op's friend while posing as the company asked billy to verify that his company was actually legitimate to do this op's friend requested that billy send over the company's financial verification which would include verification that all the employees had been paid so in order to prove that they were legitimate company billy had to go pay all the back wages to all of his employees then as soon as all the employees got paid this investment company just ghosted billy within three weeks i was paid the equivalent of two and a half months of my salary which by the way was all money that i was owed my friend then shut everything down and never contacted billy again i left the job as soon as i could my friend who remained until she got paid told me that our boss seemed off and a bit down after he announced that big things are coming but it all seemed to deflate i never told my friend what was really going on all right op let me get this straight in the course of one year your boss changed the direction of his company the fundamental thing they did four times they spent basically all of their profits on luxury goods rather than reinvesting it back into the company they underpaid their employees which is super illegal and then they got catfished and scammed out of thousands of dollars just because your friend made a snazzy website jeez it's no wonder their business didn't survive that was our slash pro revenge and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 995,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: AofYvsDDlkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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