r/ProRevenge - Backstab VS ANNIHILATE

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what's up y'all let's dive head first into today's stories back when i still was in university i used to work for a hotel to make ends meet when i started the hotel very urgently needed new personnel so i cut a deal with the old owner about getting to choose and pick shifts so i could visit my courses and exams speaking some extra foreign languages i also got a little bonus each month on top the old owner was a great guy he owned multiple hotels so i rarely saw him but when he was in the house he always made a point to have drinks with the staff chat with us and if we were free he even invited those of the front desk to fancy restaurants who were not on shift fast forward i had worked in the hotel for a few years now and was nearing the completion of my studies so it wouldn't have been an eternity until i had to quit anyway as i was of course more interested to work in my field of study as part of my deal with the old owner i mostly chose to work night shifts allowing me to visit my courses at university during the day to make up for my privileges i had picked up the habit of doing some extra work in the dead of night other shifts would normally have to do when i on contrast could have sat around and stared at the walls people were grateful for the help in the beginning and we became a rather tight-knit group but over time people rotated in and out when the old owner retired and his butthole of a son took over the business as the new owner i already feared the worst the new owner didn't like me very much i never found out the exact reason for that one i was at that point nearly the sole veteran left from when i started among the tasks i had taken on was doing light clerical tasks to ease the manager's job in the morning for that i generally had to use the mangers network account one night while doing my lists i logged into the manger's account and email to do my job then i saw an email with my name in the subject line i know it is not nice to snoop but of course i've read it turns out the new owner wanted to get rid of me i still had my old employee contract with the bonuses for foreign language abilities and was allowed by my contract to pick and choose shifts i can only assume these privileges are what made the new owner hate me no idea if he had other reasons because to be honest these seem very weak to me but he couldn't fire me without cause on top of that i would be owed severance if fired and generally there were not enough bodies in the shift rotation without me though the new owner didn't seem to understand that point as the emails told me i looked for more email concerning me and found them there was an email chain between some of the employees the manager and the new owner i was of course not seized as i was the hated topic the employees didn't like me hogging the night shifts because those paid better and for every night you worked you got paid the night bonus the manager was the only one rather neutral on the matter and just curved their enthusiasm to get rid off me as they needed me to be fully staffed the new owner and my colleagues actively conspired to make a hostile work environment so i would quit of my own volition i was furious i thought about a variety of reactions from egging their cars to burning down the hotel but i settled on a less crazy method of revenge i called my uncle at 2am asking for advice my uncle is a lawyer so for sake of proof i forwarded myself all the emails i made photos printed them out made copies and filmed the whole deal just to be sure my uncle told me to sit tight and see if things got worse or if it was just bluster and so i gave it a few days and things did take a turn snide remarks about my looks clothing and so on were only the tip of the iceberg some of the colleagues were just as professional as before but the conspirators always left extra work for me or pawned of poop duties they normally had to do on me i always kept a spare shirt and suit at work just to have a change which suddenly disappeared one guy even started to threaten me with violence but i kept clenching my butt cheeks i would not give them the satisfaction of saving on the severance or giving in i am a big boy after all i did however stop doing any extra work i was not obligated to do which in the end was the reason they used to fire me they still had to pay me severance the next day my uncle with bundled proof of the email and all documented harassment by my colleagues served the hotel my lawsuit it started with wrongful termination and ended with harassment reportedly the manager went white as a sheet when he realized where the emails must have come from the new owner had been on vacation and had to cancel his expensive vacation in france to deal with this their council advised them to settle so i accepted my severance and a hefty bonus on top enough money to last me until the end of university without work but that was not all my revenge i had gone after the new owner's money but in the next step i went after the hotel i had used all the spare time during night shifts alone to document every last violation of city county district state and federal law i could find that went from minor things like some harmless mold under the kitchen sink to substantial violations like modifications to the building the building was under a limited form of historical protection by federal law on the ground of being built and inhabited by somewhat important historical figures a few hundred years back so every renovation or change in floor plans needs to be signed off on by a committee which can take ages there is also a grant paid to the new owner by the government for keeping the building intact as is so with my uncle's help i sent documentation of every violation i could find to the corresponding agency in one month everything from health building code fire safety to the finance and work police crawled over the hotel in the end it was the building and fire inspectors that shut the place down the new owner had done substantial renovations to the top floor luxury apartments which he used when he was in town so the new owner had to pay back the grant pay fines for unauthorized alterations to the building endangering his guests because something wasn't built right according to fire code and had to close down shop until the building was fixed i also tipped off a friend who had studied journalism and worked at a local paper the paper ran an article on all the violations accumulated which tanked the business once it had reopened as the newspaper article had led to horrible reviews in the end to afford all the fines repayments and building cost the new owner sold the hotel also all the buttholes who had tried to harass me out lost their job granted the people who didn't do anything to me lost their jobs too but didn't do anything to stand up for me or help me either so i don't feel too much remorse and the cherry on top was that the new owner whenever he was in town used to bring home escorts which in my country is not illegal but he was married it took some doing to get that information to the new owner's wife but one of my former colleagues who had quit before this had all happened had her email so i let her know what the new owner was up to when he was out of town i don't know what exactly happened but they did divorce in the end make of that what you will full disclosure this isn't my story it happened to a friend of mine who lives in usa a long time ago so dialogue isn't exact he gave me permission to post it on reddit for ease of writing i'll write it as if it happened to me due to the nature of the story some details have been changed cast me friend karen me's gf had a drug addiction but was clean for two years important for later jill business owner jake old friend butthole of the story i live with my gf karen and my old grade school friend jake who was working as a sales rep we live on the outskirts of a well-known city in the states i was in my late 20s and found myself looking for work as a bar i was working at closed down knowing i was desperate for work jake calls me and tells me his new gf jill just purchased a motel slash bar with a small kitchen and she is after hired help needless to say i jump at the opportunity as karen wasn't working the bills were piling up and our health insurance was due i called jill arranged to meet her at her new property to introduce myself jake made the introductions in person and had already told jill i was hands-on diy person with hospitality experience now to explain my dad is a sparky and believes if you can pay someone to fix something you could probably do it cheaper yourself he taught me lots and still does to this day after a 30-minute chat jill tested me with a few odd jobs like rewiring an outlet fixing a clogged sink and quizzed me on liquor laws needless to say i was hired that day originally work was all about getting the property ready for business jill thought it would have been minor works paint replacement of fixings and furniture we soon found out the electrical wires were shot the whole place needed rewiring which was a cause of stress for jill as it would have blown her budget lucky for jill my dad was between contracts and offered his services using leftover stock already paid for from other jobs jill would need to cover the cost of any new product required as for labor his payment he said he enjoys a steak and beer on friday nights after three weeks of helping dad the wiring was done was up to code and at a fraction of the cost jill and i spent one to two months painting all 15 motel rooms bistro bar cleaning the kitchen cool rooms etc jake would offer to help but always left after 20 minutes saying he has to make a sale jill often worked well into the night after all this was her dream i'd take some furniture home to restore after hours and return it once restored business opened up after six months and thanks to dad opened under budget jill managed the business and ran the kitchen i worked where i was needed in the kitchen on the bar tending to maintenance i was on salary second in charge and could work in any position things went smoothly for a year business was turning a profit dad was getting his weekly beer and steak karen seemed happy jake was still working as a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company one day i felt crook at work so i clocked off and went home early pulling into my driveway with the exception of a turning gut things felt normal jake's car was there but he lived there so i didn't think anything was wrong as usual i parked behind jake important for later when i opened the door i found karen doing the reverse cowgirl with jake on the couch after seeing me jake grabbed his pants and ran out through the back door karen and i argued into the night she tried blaming me saying i'm never home i'm spending too much time with jill we were keeping things professional i was her employee i went to bed and told her she can sleep in jake's bed as she clearly finds it more comfortable i called jill and informed her of this as jake was her boyfriend she was upset as he cheated on her but admitted she suspected he was seeing someone else jill offered me a room at the motel until i figure out my next move the next day i loaded my personal effects in the truck jake's car was still there as i had blocked it in i told karen she can keep the rental and the furniture and i would i'd be back for my tools in a few hours and i would appreciate if she wasn't there i went home that afternoon to load my tools into my truck while i was grabbing something from under my workbench i found a bag i wasn't familiar with upon closer inspection i found a large quantity of little tablets the way they were packed and hidden made me realize they were probably ecstasy a thorough search of the house led to me finding two more bags and about 12k in cash i put two and two together and realized that jake's pharmaceutical sales job was code for drug dealer and jake probably traded pills to karen for sex i was beyond angry until i realized that i have all i need to get him back the revenge jake's car still hadn't moved i went inside and grabbed his spare keys chucked on a pair of gloves that were in the garage i put half the money and one bag of drugs in his boot and thought hang on this won't pass i removed his spare tire from the wheel well and put the bag in there the other two bags i threw them down the storm drain in the lane way behind my house as for the 6k cash jake did cost me a house full of furniture just saying i sent a message to both jake and karen with the typical hurt script i can't believe you did this we were friends blah blah blah i've left i hope you two are happy together i then made an anonymous tip to the local police and atf about a man fitting jake's description loading what looks like drugs into the boot of a car that that sounded jake's car and provided a partial number plate number that matched jake's car it didn't take long for law enforcement to find the car and locate the drugs what i wasn't counting on is karen was driving the car at the time she was later released when they found out she was driving the wrong car at the wrong time a warrant went out for jake's arrest the icing on the cake i found out later that not only was the police after jake his supplier was as well as he lost a lot of product fast forward three months i purchased a house i was still working with jill karen was pregnant with jake's baby and he was on the run i suspected she was keeping contact with jake because she suddenly left the district when she was eight months pregnant 12 months after the incident after a drunken night jill and i mixed business with pleasure and started dating that was 10 years ago now we are married have two children and just opened our third business dad still gets his weekly steak and beer i did hear a rumor that jake and karen wound up in alaska but can't confirm this i do feel a little bad about it now because jake made it possible for me to date jill and live a wonderful life i do hope he is well what did you think what would you have done differently share your opinions in the comments and if you enjoyed the stories slap that like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 9,336
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: YLYhJyJAmqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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