r/PettyRevenge - She SHOULD Have Listened to Me

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach in today's subredditazar slash prep Petty Revenge Pro Revenge Petty Revenge ah hard difficult brain suck this story is called Karen gets mad at the way I bag her clothes hi all first time posting a story forgive me for any formatting errors also dyslexic so don't expect too much with grammar also sorry for the length I tend to be long-winded I guess I used to work at a discount department store the name rhymes with Boss It's gotta be Popeyes possibilities Wait no that's that's Campbell's chicken noodle soup what's papa Luigi and a fast sorry if you're unfamiliar we buy the clothes from the big stores that don't sell and we sell it for a fraction of the price we actually had some decent stuff with price close to Thrift Store the thing is they make their money by understaffing and hoping to sell high volume as we were understaffed we didn't do the fancy folding and boxing that you might see at a Macy's just normal plastic bag like a grocery store this Story begins during the holidays when all retail is a nightmare I was cashier and trying as hard as I could to get people through the long line having worked eight hours with no breaks remember understaffed when this woman takes a giant cart load of clothes think three foot pile of clothes and throws it on the counter I'm trying to untangle this giant mesh he made in scanning her items in when I asked if they found everything all right she cuts me off and says can we hurry this up I've got important things to take care of and I don't have all day to be here now it was 10 30 p.m 22 30 for you across the pond on a Tuesday so I can't imagine what big time events she was planning at being at then she looks down and practically screams what the f you off you're going to ruin everything take everything out of the bag and fold them nice now a couple of things here I'm a big dude at the time I was 19 and only working there because I lost my college football scholarship for d-line due to injury thanks six foot four 330 pounds could run the 40 meter dash in five seconds so not a flabby 3 30. also when I put clothes in the bag I was a bit nicer than my co-workers I tended to do the half loose fold and set them in the bag nothing fancy but trying not to seem aggressive again big dude so it's easy for people to assume aggressive I was completely thrown off when she yelled at this point I dealt with annoying people but not a full Karen I've generally always been able to keep composure so I took a deep breath and calmly told her I'm sorry ma'am but we don't do folding here that tends to be more of a Macy's thing I'm trying to be respectful of your purchase though I promise still unhappy she then utters the song of her people I want to talk to your manager I don't like your attitude luckily I had my favorite shift on duty that night who I had to call over which sucked with this giant line of people backing up she came over and told the lady the same thing that we don't fold close here and we try to be careful Karen then wants my job for ruining her clothes and a discount for having to deal with this crap my manager just tells her she does not see anything wrong but she'll go over to CCTV later her way of getting rid of them I then give her the total and she pays complaining the whole time she then takes the bags and dumps them back on the counter looks right at me and starts folding her clothes neatly one by one at this point I was done I was so tired and annoyed but there was nothing I could do she just stood there and folded each thing remember she had a three foot pile worth of clothes after 10 minutes of my manager and I trying to get her to leave and her not letting up touch her clothes without her slapping our hands away and yelling at other customers who tried working around her she was done and left here comes the petty Revenge emphasis on the petty about a week later she comes in again with another slightly smaller pile of clothes she plops her clothes down and says I hope you learn to fold close this automatically puts me on edge I look at her take her stuff scan it all through and shove it all in one bag as one giant mass set it on the counter this time she grabs it calls me a few Choice words and leaves I then send a message to all my co-workers about her and that they should do the same a few weeks later and I see her go through another line and my co-worker shoves all her stuff in a bag this kept up every time she came in and every time and every time I'd see her get Huffy and walk off I know it's not some big amazing payoff but to know that every time she came in she would leave annoyed with her bagging she still yelled at us all for anything and everything but we always had that nice little Fu as she left again sorry about the length but it's nice having a place to put this story ah yes an endless form of petty Revenge that is always nice to see she made her mistake and she's gonna pay for it for the rest of her life and even beyond that I'm sure we will find a way alright this story is called when she moves out of the way grab them I ran to the store to get a few things on my lunch break today I didn't have much time but I still respect the protocols of the store going down the aisles of the proper way social distancing Etc a woman in the store kept going the wrong way down the aisles with her husband she kept getting in the way of me and my boys and kept saying can you move every single time I can't stress enough that even with huge arrows she kept specifically making it out like it was my mission to get in her way I politely moved each time and being an anxious person even said sorry once or twice well I get to the baking aisle and I see my friend again again going the wrong way again telling me to get out of her way this time was special though you see this time she tells her husband referring to sauces oh what they have a caramel and a dark chocolate left once she moves out of the way grab them they had one left of each did I know they existed before no did I grab the last ones and also grabbed the chocolate caramel last just in case absolutely at it just a quick edit to thank you all so much I didn't expect this to blow up like it did an arsonist's first excuse I'm a little out of element here but thank you again I hope everyone had a happy safe holiday and though I understand it's a rough year I wish you all good health love and prosperity in the upcoming year wow I think we all will achieve those things in fact just to make sure that we all do to anyone who doesn't you owe me some pop and I'm not talking about some stupid music that's also really catchy I'm talking about carbonated beverages that taste good none of that stupid big red crap I hate big red okay I like cream soda okay maybe it's just the the color or something but like blue cream soda and big red are gross and I hate them but Dr Pepper cream soda oh that was good this story's called cruel secret santa present this happened a few years ago most of the office are part of larger teams with same reporting line and there are a few smaller teams with random reporting lines I fall under the ladder colleagues in the smaller teams clubbed together and started our own secret Santa with a 10 pound limit and 20 names in the Hat I happen to pick out an awkward and obnoxious colleague who would take the piss at every given opportunity he's also a football fan called me out on a few occasions and knowingly stitched me up where I couldn't retaliate fast forward to Petty Revenge gift time we all met in a meeting at the office enjoyed a glass or three of bubbly and nibbles oh my God all the gifts were handed out and I sat opposite the obnoxious one he insists gifts should be opened in order of those sat on his side of the table he would be the third one to open his gift as he gleefully started to open his gift I had to avoid eye contact in order order of giving away the game the Delight in his eyes soon vanished and replaced with horror and anguish as he held in his hands in Arsenal Football Club calendar year annual and a mug as others laughed he suddenly stood up and walked out of the room Crest Fallen with his tail between his legs he happens to support Tottenham Hotspurs oh my God North London Rivals of Arsenal go sports yes I know this was cruel but it's a mere smidge compared to his Shenanigans the following year he opted out of secret santa edit oh wow thank you so much for the awards what is with British people okay not just you English folk okay I'm talking about all y'all in them British Isles alright what is with what you name things okay that's it but I will say arsenal is a cool name and it has been I guess if I think about it in my top 50 coolest words that I know uh and I first heard that word or I guess encountered that word on the case of a game that I got for Christmas you might be familiar called Ratchet and Clank up Your Arsenal that is such a good game I kicked ass sorry ass at that game alright this story is called laugh after parking like an ass both my car and myself are a whole lot smaller than you are I drive well drove my car is currently across the country a 1991 Honda Civic hatchback sign a little girl and I love her I once had to do the Old Miss the spot loop back around dealio the thing is the person on the left was parked right on the line the person on the right had left but an SUV was pulling into that spot so I still had a spot thankfully while I was waiting for them to finish so I could pull in easily I know noticed there was a passenger who got out before they pulled in the person on the other side of them was close to the line but they still had plenty of room I could still fit but there would be no room at all even for my skinny little ass to open a door neither one of them was in any way small and they took their sweet sweet time getting out when they realized I was waiting they looked back and laughed I'm glad they stayed to watch me pull in my parents were really good drivers and taught me how to park so I just smiled and pulled right on in popped the back and climbed out Gotta Love hatchbacks I shut the back dusted off my knees smiled at them and left they were livid and it was priceless sadly I took too long in the store and they were gone by the time I got out I'm guessing the person on their right left before them so one of them had to fight their way into the driver's seat please note before anyone gets angry at me my my mother is a larger woman and I normally wouldn't do this much less be happy about it I was going to ask nicely if they could move over just a little until they distinctly laughed at what they thought was something I couldn't pull off wanna be a prick I'll match you op glorious Flawless perfectly executed Petty Revenge you sure show them alright this story is called you want to keep us up all night okay but this is a repost but today is Jeff's 61st birthday and I wrote this to send to some friends it was pretty popular the last time Jeff and I were spending a Saturday night at the Shepherd Mountain Inn in Arcadia Missouri I'm assuming we'd had dinner and a couple of drinks at Bailey Joe's Barbecue the great barbecue place next door and we're going to bed early we'd had a few days of great writing in moar Missouri and Arkansas hey oh I was right and we're planning on and getting up around 5am to get a good start on the 250 mile ride home the next day one problem though there was a wedding party staying at this dive Motel it was pouring rain and they were right outside of our window under the overhang partying like it was 1999. I don't blame them it's a wedding on Saturday night we let them be but this went on for hours in about 1 30 a.m I stepped outside and asked them if they would move down a few rooms as we were getting up early they politely agreed but in fact they did not move in the party finally petered out around 3 A.M did I mention we were getting up at five whatever into each life some Rain Must Fall so Jeff doesn't set an alarm he just wakes up and showers at 5am he shakes me awake and says time to get up that is literally all he said I start to get up and all of a sudden there is a massive pounding on the wall from the room next door keep it from you guessed it the revelers from last night I looked at Jeff and Jeff looked at me it was on WE quietly got ready got all our gear on loaded the bikes and went outside we then rolled our bikes right to where the exhaust pipes were touching the door of our new friends Jeff fired up his Harley and I fired up my Yamaha Lee proceeded to rev the motors rather unjudiciously for a bit then I went back into the room turned the TV on full blast lock the door and off we went when we stopped for gas a few miles later Jeff and I exchanged a smirk and Jeff said something intended for the revelers that stuck with me ever since don't try to out butthole me I'm better than you at it edits we were on the end room of a one-story Motel revelers were next door I think most of the rest of the people staying there or wedding guests also but can't be sure Collateral Damage I guess freaking rednecks oh my God op y'all did some good there see with a group of rednecks you're either going to have a really good time because collectively they're super nice okay they all bring out the niceness in each other because you know that whole sense of community or you're gonna have a horrible horrible time and everyone's gonna creep you out all right this story's called I keep a door locked at work okay so this isn't necessarily bad but I do get a kick out of it and a little bit of petty satisfaction there are like six doors at the entrance of the building where I work security I'm filling in for first shift which means it's up to me to open the building up for everyone in the morning and just do various first shift tasks before everyone gets there on my regular shift all but one door is locked after public hours and I get these drunk buttholes that work in the building trying to open every single door while I am clearly trying to direct them towards the one that they have to open which they should know since they've worked here for years they do this almost every single night since the bars are right around the corner yes even with Pro vid no one in my city gives a single crap about it unfortunately anyway I used to love my job but after going out of my way for the people in the building and still being belittled and treated like an idiot by a bunch of lawyers and accountants I hate it they are only six people Max that stop and say hi and chat with me one makes me brownies and cookies cause she's a sweetheart and I like watching the others run into the door I don't know why but almost everyone uses that freaking door and I just don't bother to unlock it in the mornings I know that it probably sounds stupid to think that I could find this very small act to be satisfying but it is just a bunch of dummies ramming into the glass door like birds uh it's something I would do both sides of this I would run into the door and laugh at people running into the door because that's a funny thing just for just that situation as like a hole is just funny from anyone's perspective all right this story's called mother and daughter don't follow social distancing rules ends up regretting it this is a short story so sorry also not sure if it belongs here I'm at my Pharmacy getting some meds and the lines are pretty long due to social distancing we're trapped into the aisle here I'm just trying my hardest to stay out of the aisle but also be socially distant when two people walk up behind me and stand really close no problem I inch forward they're still standing close now it's important to note that I'm a fairly non-confrontational person so I didn't want to speak up and say something I'm just standing there hoping they'd read my mind or something I don't know they aren't moving any direction at all I'm getting a little in annoyed when all of a sudden I fart and again this time I'm really embarrassed and say excuse me I noticed they're further back then another one slips out this time it happened as I turned and apologized directly to them looking them dead in the eye they were six feet away edit thanks for the super like and all the other likes of course at it too figures my most awarded and upvoted post is about farts thanks guys oh no thank guys what did guys do what what did we do I I'd be willing to accept the things but I don't I don't know what I did to deserve it don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 2,724
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: DwV1Sl74yW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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