'Genius' Murderer Exposed His Own Crime

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George trepel was a certified genius a scholar a chemistry graduate and real life Walter White literally running a meth lab with the knowledge that he learned in his studies but he didn't stop there George's next scheme was to carry out the perfect murder plot or so he thought as his victim was enduring a long excruciating death an undercover investigation was underway to see just how many Dark Secrets this man had today we're going to be talking about the genius mens a murderer before we get into the case I just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible mellan TV my favorite documentary streaming service you guys already know and I'm here to recommend you another documentary one that I watched the other day on a topic that I wasn't actually that familiar with beforehand I'd never come across the term corrective rape before and that is exactly what it sounds like it is horrific hum homosexual abuse usually from straight men who will rape lesbian women in an attempt to turn them straight it's just utterly horrifying I I imagine it does happen both ways but most of the victims of this are lesbian women victims of this kind of abuse are overwhelmingly female just like the one at the center of the documentary that I watched her name was feka soldat sorry that's just made me realize I forgot to tell you the name of the documentary it was called called a crime of hate for neca's story she is the Survivor of a gang rape attack one of these corrective rape attacks and she has used this horrific ordeal that she went through to help other LGBT people primarily in South Africa that's where she's from and this corrective rap is horrifically common in South Africa certain parts of South Africa it was just a really touching devastating but interesting watch because this this is something that I haven't really heard much about I guess because it's going on in South Africa I think it's really important to be educating ourselves on different things like this from around the world which is another reason that I love mellin TV they have documentaries from absolutely everywhere stories that I never would have come across otherwise and they're constantly adding new documentaries to the website they add between 15 and 20 hours of new content every single week and I absorb all of it well as much much as I can so if you want to get into a new documentary Mell and TV seem to have an infinite Supply and they''re very kindly giving you guys a special offer when you click the link Down Below in the description of this video thanks again to mellan TV I love them and I'm sure that you will too one last thing before we get into the case I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything I'm about to say is publicly available information that myself and my team have found online and compiled into this video this video will cover especially sensitive topics including but not limited to stalking and threats if you feel these topics might be too intense or triggering for you then I would recommend that you click out of this video now hopefully I'll get to see you some other time with a different video but in the meantime look after yourself while we make every effort to fact check our sources and make sure all of the information in this video is correct no action should be taken in Reliance upon the information in this video and I want to take this opportunity to remind you all that these are real people's lives that we're talking about so please stay respectful and kind in the comments section all opinions stitched in this video are mine and mine alone and so with that being said let's get into the case so today's case takes place in a small town in Central Florida in 1988 it was called alturus alur alus maybe um it was a very very small very rural Town only about 4,000 people lived there it was very quiet it was very peaceful very beautiful it was surrounded with like ranches and licks and citrus Groves there were just a few small independent businesses and stores there not much really went on in Al churas and I think that was the Allure of it people that wanted a peaceful quiet life would move there one of the families making the most of this kind of life in alus was the car family they were a blended family made made up of mother Peggy and father p and their children from their previous relationships Peggy and P had gotten married in 1988 and Pi had lived in Al churas for quite a while and he had a big big house there he had a lot of land so it just made sense when they got married for Peggy and her family to come and move in with him on his property Peggy was 40 years old and she had three children who were now teenagers to a previous marriage of hers these kids were called Alan [ __ ] and Dwayne Alan was the oldest and he was actually away in the Navy at the time so it was just [ __ ] and Dwayne that lived with her and with piie Pi's kids were named Tammy and Travis Tammy was the older one and she actually had a child of her own so and she lived with them as well and then Travis the younger one was a teenager very close in age to Dwayne so them two became like best friends P had actually converted a part of his house into an Annex so that Tammy and her daugh could still you know like live on the property and live close by to the family cuz this plot that they lived on was so big the house was big the land was big it was it was beautiful and they really made the most of it there was just land as far as the eye could see around them they had one neighbor one so yeah the boys would always have their friends over and they would all go quad biking they had bikes to be able to get around their land and they would like blast their radios and enjoy the sun everything was perfect effect for the car family but not for their neighbors that singular set of neighbors were pissed off because their peace and Tranquility living in Al churas had been disturbed by this new noisy family next door the people that lived in this one House nearby were a middle-aged couple uh they didn't have children of their own and they really kept to themselves they'd never even spoken to Pi and he' lived there a while but now that the family had doubled and Pi's son now had a friend and they would invite more friends over it was really noisy and the neighbors started to take issue with pretty much everything the car family did their dogs barking the boys being loud on their quad bikes the them playing their radios too loud even when pi wanted to do some more building work on the house cuz he was always like renovating and doing different bits and pieces he put in some planning permission to do this other bit and his neighbors went out of their way to block that planning permission just because they were now beefing for the most part the disagreements were fairly tame it was nothing ever too dramatic or too noteworthy everything was quite passive aggressive though they weren't like feuding they were just it was quite an unspoken we don't like each other but then four months after moving in together the car family received a very mysterious threatening letter it was written on a typewriter in all caps and it was addressed to pie it said you and all your so-called family have two weeks to move out of Florida forever or else you will all die this is no joke of course getting this note really Disturbed the car family but they ultimately just put it down to a nasty prank from a local kid they kept their wits about them obviously this is very unnerving but they carried on pretty much as normal the bickering with their neighbors continued and then about a month after receiving that note Peggy ended up having quite a verbal like fight with the woman from next door the woman had come over to their house to complain about the boy's playing music once again but she had been like shouting at the boys and so when Peggy saw this she jumped in to defend her kids the woman went off on her Peggy went off on her right back and then as the woman turned and walked away she quickly looked back at Peggy and said you won't get away with this in the weeks following this interaction things just kind of went back to not normal they weren't talking to each other but they weren't fighting I mean it was the same as it always was the neighbors were keeping to themselves other than to complain here and there everything was fine until October 23rd 1988 it started off as a normal day for Peggy she went to work her and her daughter [ __ ] worked as waitresses at the same restaurant and Peggy was on the morning shift that day so she went to work but then when [ __ ] came in at lunchtime she noticed something was very wrong with her mother she was very visibly unwell when she vocalized these concerns to her mother Peggy said that yeah no she wasn't feeling well at all she'd been having chest pains all day her legs were aching and she had this really weird tingling sensation in her hands none of it made sense to her she couldn't understand why all of these Sensations were happening she hadn't done anything different like she just couldn't pinpoint why she felt so weird but when [ __ ] heard all of these different symptoms especially paired with chest pains she really worried that her mother might be having a heart attack luckily the restaurant had a medic who was able to check Peggy over and he said it didn't seem like a heart attack he thought she was fine like all of her vitals and her measurements readings I don't know all the tests that he did seemed fine he said she probably just needed some rest she was probably just a bit exhausted and her body was trying to tell her that so she took the rest of the day off work [ __ ] took her back home and like laid her on the surface so that she could have a nap before she went back and did her shift so Peggy's back at home she tries to rest for a while she has a nap but when she wakes up she feels even worse than before when pie got home and saw his poor wife in so much pain he panicked and he called his sister who was also a nurse he wanted her to come down she had all this like equipment at home she had the whole kitten Kaboodle so she brought it down to the house she did all these tests on Peggy and again she said that most of the tests seemed fine she only had high blood pressure Pi's sister just suggested that Peggy rest I mean she didn't really know what else to do for her and then at 9:00 p.m. that night [ __ ] got home from her shift and when she looked at her mother she knew they needed to do something she looked 10 times worse than she had this morning her skin was completely colorless she couldn't get out of bed she could barely open her eyes all she was doing was telling her daughter and her husband how much pain she was in at this point they knew that resting wasn't fixing anything and she was just getting worse so They Carried Peggy into the car and took her to the nearest hospital when she got there she told the doctors that she felt like she was on fire it literally felt like she was on fire her hands and feet her well her whole arms her whole legs were burning and tingling and she said it was just unbearably painful it wasn't like anything she'd ever felt before so they did all these tests on her once again in the hospital but again they didn't show anything weird the doctors were stumped there was no obvious explanation as to why she was feeling all these weird and painful Sensations a couple of doctors actually suggested at one point when all these tests were bringing back nothing they suggested it was probably all psychological it was all in her head can you imagine being told that by Medical Professional I'd go mental I would go mental they just couldn't for the life of them figure out what was going on with Peggy car but luckily over the next 3 days her symptoms seemed to alleviate and October 27th she was discharged from hospital she was feeling mostly better but she was under strict instructions by the doctors to rest and rehydrate at home but the very next day her son and Pi's son Travis and Dwayne both started falling ill with the same symptoms that Peggy had they had that same numbness and tingling and burning in their hands and in their feet they had just gener stomach problems flu like symptoms their symptoms weren't quite as intense as peggies seemed and everyone kind of put this down to their age you know younger people tend to bounce back or handle illnesses and viruses and stuff a bit better so everyone just kind of assumed that they would recover from these symptoms in the way that Peggy had maybe they didn't need hospitalizing but it just take him a few days to recover but two days after that it became clear that Peggy hadn't actually recovered her symptoms came back with a vengeance and 3 days after leaving hospital she was sent right back she was in excruciating pain once again and her muscles were so weak that like I say she could barely open her eyes she could barely speak at this point both of the boys were also admitted to hospital and because they had these same mysterious yet excruciating symptoms doctors finally started to take this seriously they believed that it wasn't all in Peggy's head they brought in a neurologist and an infectious disease specialist to run a bunch of different tests on Peggy and to theorize what the hell could be going on here after all of this studying and analyzing and comparing they came to the conclusion that Peggy's as well as her son's symptoms were consistent with being poisoned they couldn't explain these symptoms this very specific set of symptoms any other way especially the burning and the tingling in the in the extremities the neurologist knew of a poison that would cause those exact symptoms thallium it isn't commonly used now and it was incredibly restricted even back then in the 80s so it's no wonder that their minds didn't go there immediately because no one really had access to thalium in the 1800s it used to be used to treat TB but they qu very quickly stopped using it in like a medical context and from that point on it was used as rat poison but then in the' 70s it was banned all together because it was like accidentally poisoning people people would be using it as rat poison and then like inhaling it or ingesting it somehow and it would hospitalize people people would have these excruciating symptoms even the smallest amount of thallium in your system can be deadly it causes nerves and muscles to shrivel up and die and it actually takes a while for these symptoms to show after the initial poisoning so you could be deteriorating from the inside out and you wouldn't know for like days is the first symptoms like the onset of thalium poisoning is very similar to like a flu people get stomach issues nausea vomiting diarrhea flu like symptoms as well but then it gets progressively worse as we've seen in Peggy you know muscle pain and weakness Burning Sensations some people even get seizures then if it's left untreated it progresses to loss of motor skills patients can no longer speak like in Peggy's case their brain swells they can fall into coma respiratory failure and even death it it will end in death if not treated and that is a slow process as well it's a very prolonged painful death people can suffer for weeks or even months with thalium poisoning before it finally kills them I genuinely think there is very few worse ways to die than thalion poisoning so as soon as doctors made this link to potential thallium poisoning they ordered for all three patients to give over a urine test so so that they could test it and they were right it was confirmed to be thallium poisoning the results showed that Peggy had more than 20,000 times the normal amount of thallium in her body and her son's levels were through the roof too when doctors told Peggy that they believe she'd been poisoned of course she couldn't she couldn't actually speak at this point her muscles were so deteriorated that she wasn't speaking luckily she knew sign language and her sister also knew sign language they were raised by deaf parents and so they'd known it since children so when her sister was there Peggy would communicate through her and when the doctors told her they belied she'd been poisoned all she was signing over and over was why why why no one in the car family could figure out why on Earth they would have been intentionally targeted by someone wanting to maliciously poison them P actually said to investigators I don't think anyone dislikes us enough to do that everyone was so baffled they thought this must have have been an accident it had to have been an accident but how how do you accidentally get poisoned by thalium and have 20,000 times the normal amount in your system that is not an accident that is not natural this time around Peggy's symptoms were not alleviating they weren't getting any easier in fact they were getting progressively worse as I've been saying she could barely open her eyes she could barely speak and within a few days of that she was on complete life support she couldn't even breathe on her own she couldn't eat she was hooked up to feeding tubes doctors had even restrained Peggy to the bed they had like tied her hands down to prevent her from like pulling out the tubes herself and killing herself due to the amount of immense pain that she was in very quickly after being put on life support Peggy car slipped into a coma literally all of this had happened within like a week such little time that Alan her oldest son who was away in the Navy didn't even get chance to come home before his mother was completely comos and in that same Hospital her sons Travis and Dwayne were also still fighting for their lives as well they had less thalium in their systems but their symptoms were still horrendous literally still life-threatening they were hospitalized for months they lost like all of their muscle mass and they even almost died a few times but luckily they had really really good doctors on 24/7 support for them Travis and dway slowly but surely recovered from their thallium poisoning it can be successfully treated if it's caught quick enough and if the dose isn't too big then it can be treated don't get me wrong they weren't completely Fit and Well afterwards of course after losing that much muscle mass it was going to take them a while to build it back up they were in wheelchairs for a while but like I said they were very very lucky to have recovered from such a brutal poisoning attack Peggy car on the other hand wouldn't be so lucky her dose was just way too high and doctors did everything that they could to save her but it was too far gone there there was nothing that they could do she remained on life support for 4 months but eventually her family had to make the heartbreaking decision to turn it all off on March 3rd 1989 she'd been struggling with these symptoms for almost 6 months now 6 months in total and they really were excruciating her family knew how much Agony she was in how much she wanted it all to end and so at least now they could take some comfort in the fact that she wasn't suffering anymore but they were now left knowing that their beloved Peggy had been poisoned by someone or some thing I mean there was way too much in her system for it to have been accidental she must have been intentionally poisoned by someone killed murdered by someone a police investigation was already underway because at this point it was a a probable murder case and police already had their main suspect and that was actually Peggy's own husband piie police always look into the partner or the ex partner when someone dies and as especially because this was such a new relationship they'd only been married I don't even think a full year at this point so police are thinking well it's a new relationship maybe things weren't quite working out and so maybe he killed her there were rumors circulating around the town I mean especially now that Peggy was dead people were saying that they never actually got on maybe there was abuse behind closed doors that their kids didn't get on and so that put a strain on the relationship there was even a rumor about pie having an affair and Peggy finding out and so maybe he killed her there is no proof behind any of those things that was all just speculation in a small town you know that [ __ ] happens but Pi was actually very quickly ruled out because police were aware that he was even a little bit thalium poisoned his daughter was his granddaughter was so why on Earth would he and of course his son his son Peggy's son why would he poison all of these other people and put his own son in hospital if he was just trying to kill his wife so Pi was ruled out and now police don't have any suspects so they go back to maybe The Accidental poisoning Theory and they think well what if there was just something that was poisoned in the household I mean that that makes sense why it was affecting only people in the car family so they did a search the home and They seized about 400 different things different substances that they could take back to a forensics lab and test to try to narrow down where the thalium might have come from in that house they took things like uh jars of pickles ice cubes the ratp poison that they used food from their fridge hair products cleaning products empty bottles absolutely everything and it was all analyzed by Specialists and they actually found something they actually found something that was contaminated with with thalium the lab had narrowed it down to a pack of eight glass Coke bottles that were found in their kitchen some of the bottles were empty and found in the trash but when it they were tested when the empty ones were tested there was found to be thallium residue in the bottom it seemed that four of these Coke bottles had been drunk could they have been drunk by Peggy and then she got hospitalized and then when she got out maybe she drank another one and then those two boys had one so police fed back to pie and they told him that they'd found this you know crit of Coca-Cola bottles and they think this is where it was from and when pi heard this he was honestly shocked because they didn't really drink Coca-Cola in their house they were a Pepsi family if they were going to choose between the two they would always buy Pepsi from the shop so now he's thinking that maybe someone else brought this Coca-Cola into their house at first detectives thought it might have been a problem on Coca-Cola's end maybe they were looking at a potentially massive maybe Nationwide contamination of Coke bottles so they got in touch with the Coca-Cola Company who said that they hadn't had any other reports of thallium poisoning whatsoever this was a first tests and samples were taken from the factory where this specific lot of cook bottles was made and yeah like nothing else there were no other reports of any of these bottles being problematic so detectives are looking at these four remaining Coke bottles the full ones that were taken from the car home and they realized that they don't look quite right they weren't quite sealed properly I mean they were sealed properly but the lids looked funny they looked crumpled they looked weird something weird had happened they seemed tampered with it seemed as though someone had opened these Coke bottles and resealed them somehow so someone had opened these bottles and intentionally poisoned them with thallium and then sealed them back up and graciously gifted them to the car family but who would want to do that police started to interview everyone pretty much that knew the car family and nobody knew of anyone that might want to hurt them they said that they were a very unpr problematic family a very kind family they were interviewing colleagues friends family and neighbors remember they only had one neighbor well one set of neighbors a middle-aged couple named George and Diane or Diana I don't I don't actually know she's referred to as both in a lot of sources so Dian police asked them the same questions as everybody else like do you know of anyone that might want to do this to the car family and everyone else had been like oh my God no I have no idea who would want to hurt them George did not say that George turns to the police and he was like hm it was probably someone that wanted them to move out of the neighborhood their neighborhood of two houses make that Mak sense it's a very specific Theory to have isn't it I I don't know already red flags a red flagging Pi had actually told the police about that threatening letter that they'd received the year before saying well essentially move out or you'll die so now George was obviously their number one suspect there had been threats made to their lives before to make them move out and now George was sitting here saying whoever had killed them probably wanted them out so they suspect his full name was George trepel he was 39 years old he and his wife Diane or Diana had been together for almost a DEC scared at this point they were both incredibly intelligent human beings they were both Scholars they were both members of a very exclusive group called Mensa it's a society for extremely clever people with IQs in the top 2% and both of them were very proud of this they were heavily involved with Mensa and all of the goings on that's actually where they met all those years prior so Mena held a very special place in their hearts when they moved to this area in central Florida they actually opened up their own Mena Branch because there wasn't one anywhere near and they were like really big figureheads of the community they would organize all the meetups all the activities they would recruit new members they were the Menor couple of Central Florida I don't know George was a very reclusive anxious person for the most part but Mena was his way of coming out of his shell he was a very logical and analytical person in his professional life he worked with computers but Mena allowed him to express his like logical analytical side in a more fun way so he would create puzzles for their puzzle column in the newsletter he would create plots for their Mystery Dinner nights to be fair both him and his wife were like that they were both the kind the kind of people that didn't have a TV they just have thousands of books and like a chest table you know that was how they lived they really enjoyed their pie peaceful quiet lives in alterus uh but it hadn't always been that way George trepel had quite a crazy past in 1975 George was put away in prison for running one of the biggest meth labs in the whole state one of the biggest meth production systems that had ever been found in the Hall of Florida and George was running that [ __ ] through his chemistry degree George had supposedly learned how to make like the best methamphetamines that you could possibly make I don't know so he decided to use these powers for evil and start a meth lab it's literally giving Breaking Bad it is it is giving Breaking Bad George trle is Walter White by the time the meth lab was found they'd already produced $7 million worth of meth that had already been distributed around Florida and that [ __ ] was long gone of course he was sentenced to some time in jail I don't know what his original sentence was but he only ended up serving three years which is crazy to me for for Distributing that much meth into the country Jesus but since leaving jail George seemed to be a changed man he was very dedicated to his wife he was very dedicated to Mena he was very dedicated to his peaceful quiet normal life that was until he was suspected of poisoning Peggy car when he was questioned by the police George didn't say anything incriminating which was frustrating so instead they decided to put him on 24hour surveillance his main Alibi as to why he couldn't have poisoned the cars was that he was just so busy with work he was always at work during the day so he would have never had time to like sneak the bottles into their house or whatever but as police had him on surveillance they were watching him and they realized he never went to work they quickly found out that he was unemployed he would just stay at home all day every day and just read or do whatever I don't know so he had plenty of time time and plenty of opportunity to be able to poison these bottles of Coca-Cola and sneak them into the car house so this guy has a criminal past no alibi extensive knowledge of chemistry and a motive to want to kill the car family or want to hurt them he was the Prime Suspect but police had no solid evidence at this point in time not enough to make an arrest so they had to get creative 5 weeks after Peggy's murder George and his wife hosted their annual murder mystery weekend for Mensa members that felt like a tongue twister and this time around George had received an email from a woman named Sher saying that she was new to the area she was a Mena member wherever she lived before but she was new to the area and she wanted to join the Menses in Alura so George was like oh nice cool come along to our murder mystery weekend you can meet everyone little did George no he had just invited an undercover detective to his murder mystery weekend Sherry whose real name was Susan but we'll keep calling her Sherry so it doesn't get confusing Sherry had been working on this case from the very beginning she'd been a police officer for years and years and years and she'd actually worked Undercover on cases like this before so she was quite confident she knew how to do this her plan was to befriend George trepel and try to you know gain his trust and hopefully cook some sort of confession out of him that so to do this Sher gave herself a believable backstory she said that she was new to the area because she was currently going through a divorce from her abusive husband she was escaping a really bad situation and she was just looking to rebuild her life and to rebuild a sense of community Through Mena the abusive ex-husband part of her law of sher's law was a very wellth thought out part it it was a tactic because they thought if she could make George feel really sorry for her and hate this fake abusive husband then he might suggest that they poison him luckily for Sher George really took a liking to her as soon as she arrived at the murder mystery weekend they got along very well and so the plan was looking promising so if you've never done like a murder mystery party or an event before basically how it works is everyone gets given a character and kind of a backstory and sometimes even a costume and participants all have to work together to solve this like fake murder case and the Killer is going to be someone in the room and as I said earlier George would create the plots for these events on his own because he loved like Puzzles and logic and stuff he would get really creative with it so when Sher gets to the event she checks in and she's given like a welcome pack with her character in it and some interesting information about like the murder case that they're going to be solving and already as she was reading this welcome pack [ __ ] was suspicious [ __ ] was crazy crazy in it it said few voodo ists believe they can be killed by psychic means but no one doubts that he can be poisoned when a death threat appears on the doorstep prudent people throw out all their food and watch what they eat hardly anyone dies from Magic most items on the doorstep are just a neighbor's way of saying I don't like you move or else well that's a bit [ __ ] on the nose isn't it he is he has written the plot of the exact murder that he is being accused of you you can't write it well you can he did other than that though other than just the general story of the murder that they were solving there was nothing else really noteworthy that happened at that first murder mystery weekend it was going to be a slow process of course to gain someone's trust and to make them want to give over their deepest darkest secrets you can't just go in straight away so over the coming months Sher spends a lot of time with George they start going on walks together going for food and drinks and obviously sher's really nervous this whole time because if if he was to suspect her of being an undercover cop he could just poison her too just kill her so whenever they would go out for food and drinks she would never leave anything unattended and if she did have to say she had to go to the bathroom or something when she got back she would just like kind of push it away and be like you know I'm done throughout their fake friendship George never explicitly admitted to poisoning the car family but there were a lot of red flags that Sher noticed for example she spotted a book in their house called Pale Horse it's an Agatha Christie novel and the storyline is literally about someone being poisoned to death with thalium George also mentioned during their conversations and this is actually really [ __ ] up so warning spiking ahead George admitted to Sher that he would sometimes Spike people with LSD for fun and just like watch them trip out and get really scared so he literally admitted to essentially poisoning people for entertainment he said that he and his wife wife used to go and pick up hitchhikers and offer them a brownie little did they know it was laced with LSD and then they would start tripping and they would be laughing at them and then they would just drop them off in the middle of nowhere how sick and twisted is that and I feel like when you're doing stuff like that it's it wouldn't be a stretch to think that you might One Day become a murderer but despite all of these red flags like I said George never actually explicitly said anything about the car family or poisoning them he didn't even suggest po poisoning her fake abusive ex-husband like she hoped that he would so they knew they needed to step [ __ ] up they needed to step up this investigation so they bring in a second undercover cop a man to be her abusive ex-husband he and George are introduced I don't know how I don't know how all of this played out but we do know that he was intentionally trying to piss George off in this meeting to make him personally dislike him to have more of a reason to want to poison him or to suggest poisoning him so the fake husband spent the whole thing like bitching about Sherry and trying to like put George down and make him feel stupid but it it wasn't really working George was actually just really polite and cordial with him the whole time in fact the only advice that George ever give to Sherry in you know dealing with her ex-husband was that she should frame him for being a pedophile which is wild but it's still not a poisoning admission George was under surveillance at all times his phone was tapped police would intercept his mail and read it and then like reclose it before it got sent to him they would look through all of his trash but still there was nothing and at this point police are getting impatient but Sher was really confident that she could do this she felt like she was close to getting what they needed and then In December 1989 9 months after Peggy's death Sherry finally does it so for some backstory George and his wife were planning on moving away about an hour away to a different town but they were going to keep this house that they'd always had they wanted to keep everything in it and they were going to rent it out to another family just for a bit of extra money every month and well what an opportunity that would be for this investigation if Sher could convince George to let her rent the house then there'd be no need for like a search warrant because it's her house she can let police in they'd be able to search the whole entire home and most of its contents because they like I say they were planning on even quite a lot of [ __ ] there and it was easier than she thought it was going to be all she did was drop into conversation with George that she was looking at moving she needed a new house and he just offered his up so once Sher moved in the house was filled with forensics police FBI and they found a lot of interesting stuff in that house including a dungeon well pretty much a dungeon it was like a little secret soundproof dark room and the only thing in there was a a bed with shackles on it like what were they using that far who was this room for they also found a crap ton of different chemicals and substances in George's office and they had to collect all of it and test all of it just in case the labels weren't right I mean you'd be a bit stupid to murder someone through thallium poisoning and then leave your thallium just like out on the side with a big label that says this is my poison so they take all these substances send them off to the lab and as they're testing everything they find it a very nondescript little brown vial that test a positive for thalium nitrate it was an exact match to those empty Coke bottles this was their poison George trepel was their poisoner their murderer so before they move in and arrest him Sherry meets up with George undercover one last time to try to Cooks a confession out of him she's like wir tapped recording everything she told him that police had been in around their neighborhood lately mainly around her house his old house something about a murder an old Murder She was acting like she didn't know anything about Peggy or the situation this was just like rumors that she'd heard and George said to her well I hope I'm not a prime suspect that could be messy which like I don't know you don't live there anymore and it's like why would you just assume that you would be a suspect I don't know they never ended up getting like a proper confession out of him but regardless found the vial of thalium nitrate in his house so that was enough for them to move in and make an arrest so in April 1990 police make their way to the couple's new house and it was actually George's wife that answered the door to them and she was immediately scared she was actually trying to keep them out of her house like she was standing in the way blocking them she wasn't going to let them walk in to the point where they actually had to restrain her they had a warrant out for this murderer's arrest so a little woman isn't going to stop them so police stomped straight into the house and they're looking around for George and they eventually find him in his bedroom wearing nothing but women's underwear and he gets arrested for murder like that what a dayare for George trep I mean he didn't resist arrest or anything although he did ask if he could put some clothes on before they left which understandable so George trepel was charged with one count of first deegree murder six counts of attempted murder seven counts of poisoning and one count of tempering with a consumer product his wife wasn't charged with anything at all and she insisted that George was innocent too she said that he'd either been framed or police were just wrong they just got the wrong guy but I mean they literally found the thallium in his office as part of their investigation police got a search warrant for his new house and they found another dungeon in there this one was even scarier as well all the windows were blacked out they were sealed up it was all soundproofed again the only thing in there again was a bed with restraints on it but this time there was no handle on the inside of the door so I guess once you're in there you can't get out again there's no way to get out that so scary you know what I really hope these dungeons were just like a sex thing for them because that is [ __ ] scary if not like what are you actually using that for who is going in there police searched his office in his new house and they found what can only be described as a poisoning manual it was all written out by George himself like handwritten tons and tons and tons of information on just different poisons different doses the symptoms there were tons of pages on just thalium alone and there were there were like loads loads of different poisons he'd also done a bunch of research into like autopsies and how poisons can be detected in human bodies and in their organs police also found in his like lab office kind of space a machine specifically for sealing glass bottles it's all adding up it was clear to them now how he had managed to get the thalium inside those Coke bottles and seal them back up and make it look like they'd never been opened so George was kept in police custody until his trial began in 1991 and of course the prosecution had one hell of a case against him they had so much evidence he looked so guilty so safe to say his defense team would bricking it a bit they were nervous his lawyer even suggested at one point because he thought they weren't going to get away with this there was no way that they were going to get away with murder so he said why don't we just try and frame your wife for it cuz all of the evidence that they had against George could also be against her that could have been her thalium that could have been her bottle resealer but George said no absolutely not that wasn't even an option for him he he loved his wife he wasn't going to send her to prison for him but regardless George felt like he was still going to get away with it like he thought he was going to beat this case and he was so confident that he even arranged to get a lift home from court on the final day of trial he didn't think he was going to be transported by prison van to the local jail in the end as we all expected George trepel was found guilty of all of his charges and he actually laughed as the verdict was read out now when it came to his sentencing the jury then went back and deliberated on whether he should be given the death penalty for poisoning this whole family including children and murdering Peggy and when they came back they said yeah send him to the chair when the judge told him he was going to be executed by Electric Chair George had no reaction whatsoever but actually I think that's because he already had a plan he has appealed his sentencing over and over and over again so still to this day he is living in a jail cell he is allowed to shower every other day he's allowed to ex exercise for 6 hours a week he does have a tiny little TV in his room but he doesn't really watch it he just spends his days reading books and wondering if he's going to die his wife ended up divorcing him after he'd been on death row for six years so she stuck by him she always maintain that she thought he was innocent but I guess having a husband on death row who is in prison for the rest of his life I guess that's not fun I don't blame her the car family themselves were pretty split on the death pen PTY verdict some of Peggy's kids had since forgiven George and they didn't want him to die for what he'd done but for pie Peggy's Widow the execution couldn't come quick enough that man had murdered the love of his life and tried to murder their children he wanted George to die in fact he wanted to be there when he was executed he wanted to watch obviously he's still waiting for that day to come I wonder if it ever will come he's currently 74 years old so I imagine he will probably just die on death row anywhere but that is all I have for this case thank you so so much for watching what a crazy one so many crazy elements to this one from the Breaking Bad meth lab to the to the underwear that he was arrested and it's just this was a roller coaster and thanks to mellan TV for sponsoring it remember there's a special offer when you click the link Down Below in the description they have the best documentaries especially true crime documentaries I love them but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up on the video or comment engagement is really good to help push the video out and I would really appreciate it if you want to watch another one of my videos there should be one on screen right now or you can click the circle with my face in to subscribe to my channel WE Post True Crime content every single week so with that I will see you next week bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 894,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, ellie neale, usual disclaimer, george trepal, george trepal documentary, peggy carr, peggy carr poisoning, peggy carr case, mensa murderer, mensa murders, florida murder
Id: A9UZ__2A8w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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