ROYAL DRAMA | Queen Elizabeth II & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters | Reel Truth History Documentary
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Channel: Reel Truth History Documentaries
Views: 148,386
Rating: 4.7555361 out of 5
Keywords: history, facts, interesting, documentary, history documentary, documentary history, history channel, ancient, world history, full documentary, top documentaries, documentaire, documental, documentary film, free documentary, full length documentaries, documentaries, factual, documentary full, royal, royalty, queen, queen of england, elizabeth ii, queen elizabeth ii, princess margaret, the crown, netflix, royal history, buckingham palace, the royal family, english royal family
Id: KSpN8RhJ3Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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