Commando Joins Hong Kong Drug Empire: Chris Thrall

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tried to go out the main gate boom they blew the IRA blew up the back gate screaming take cover take and cover all you could hear was the sound of our cocking mechanisms of our s80s 19 years old Northern Ireland how hostile was it I was patrolling the streets of Belfast doing stuff that I'm probably not proud of you're not going to hear this story a lot dod you know this is the story they don't want to tell well where's life going to to take me within 6 months I was chronically addicted to Crystal me I was a mentally unwell damaged young man who just left the Marines did I want to be a TR they took me in mate it got way deeper and way way darker right and as I'm there his two feet come over and I look up and it's the Dau the big brother and he just looked down when he's cold cous eyes he throw her in the alleyway [Music] Chris welcome to the show mate how you doing brother really good really good let's roll all the way back where did you grow up and how did you end up becoming a Royal Marines Commando I grew up in southeast London uh but liveed most of my life in the southwest or young life we could say I was homeless living in a Rena 12 uh uh run a 12 estate I should give that a plug shouldn't I that's the devil's in the detail and um yeah I was in a car park sleeping in my car my mate came up and his dad was a quote unquote war hero from the Faulkland era he led for um Lima Company 42 Commando into battle and he knocked on the window and Chris I've just joined the raw Marines I've had to go on this three-day course it's like Mega intense they put us through the assault course the endurance course all these test exams we had to fall backwards off the off the high diving board and I'm In The Raw Marines he meant like he's got into training right and then he said but of course you couldn't do it the old dangly carrot how old were you when you sleeping in the car I was 17 it was my second time being homeless uh first time was at 15 in my school uniform it kind of gives you a clue as to my uh challenges growing up you could say what was your upbringing like growing up um beyond what I'd want to talk about here yeah uh challenging Dodge you know but it's all good what a challenging mom and dad he yeah my parents are beautiful people but um well you know my mom's no longer here but they didn't have it together they were that typical that generation we get married young because it was a thing to do and then you have the kids and you're not ready for them because you don't overcome your own traumas and uh that comes down the generations doesn't it you know and um let's just say I went through some things that a toddler shouldn't have to go through yeah and this continued as you can tell until I was 17 sleeping in a car um and when he said to me you can't do that I thought yes I can so I started reading the literature from the recruiting office and I made myself a deal we were at his place it was I think it was New Year's Eve and we was all a bit pissed I thought right now's my time and where I lived there was this famous rock anyone who knows knows where I live we will know that rock on dartmore and it was a it was half a mile away I thought right if I can run around this rock and back without stopping that was that was the Clincher without stopping then after the holiday I'll go down to the recruiting office and I will apply to join the Ral Marines Commandos and I was a drinker I was a smoker it wasn't pleasant Within me I thought what the hell am I doing what why would they want me you know why would they want me my family rejected me school rejected me um but Dodge I knew if I give up now I'm going to give up for life you know and that was a real big moment for me and I I just huffed it out puffed it out and I got back I thought right let's do it let's do it and uh yeah uh as I say arrest is history I rocked up up into training um for your listeners and viewers of R Marin commanders is generally said to be the toughest infantry Level Training in the world and it was it really was and um here's the thing passing out and get and being awarded the Green Berry of the Commando that was quite special yeah it was nothing compared to passing that three-day course to get into the Marines that was my so the 3day test a teaser was tougher than actually doing ah it give me the give me an example that three day so you rock up at Linson Commando you're on a train half the people don't get off the train you know the the the potential recruits because they just get too scared yeah um you go into let's just say my mindset at the time it was the man's world yep that's not my mindset anymore it's the children's it's young people's world but um and that's it and you you know the RoR is always be a very special part of my life even though I've well well moved moved on from that kind you talking here when you went uh that was 88 okay 88 and you get this big Burly drill instructor in fact no we had an S SPS guy so special Boat Service of Special Forces big black Corporal like hard as nails but there's a special thing in the r r that for the most part the guys are really good you know they they're nice guys they they just want you to succeed they won't put up with [ __ ] and they won't put up with people that you know they don't want to seeing combat basically and uh and this guy leads us into the camp and uh you know I had nothing to go back to dodge so it wasn't a problem for me I'm like right let's go you know it was tough it was one part I was falling back on the endurance course so the endurance courses 2 miles across woodb common on xmore uh it's a series of underground tunnels where literally it might be 100 M long uh this corrugated iron tunnel that's collapsing in from the you know from the the Woodland just like pot hole in when you're going yeah yeah exactly exactly when you crawl through you've got at some point you've got an inch of water above your mouth um in training for real you got to do it with all your weapon and Equipment but then we we were in what we called loose order so just boots and and Camo gear and uh yeah you've got to pull yourself through it and um when we did it in training for a real it February so we had to break the ice on all this stuff and you can't think about it and you don't think about it you're so committed you want that green Berry you just want it right and and you don't think you just plow straight on in it's something called the sheep dip which is like a eight maybe 10 foot long tube submerged underwater in February it's cold and you got to rely on your Oppo that's your buddy to shove you into it and your other buddy at the other end to drag you know grab anything grab your hair grab your equipment and just drag you out sheep dip sheep dip as in the you know when they yeah when they medicate the sheep and they push them underwater and um there was one point in that course I was starting to fall back I wouldn't stop because I had nothing to go back to dodge you know if I stop now I'll stop for life and uh the r Marin cororo is Big Hard As Nails guy you know remember his name no no okay Coral probably boss sir yeah sir you know not mate just not at this stage you don't call him mate you know and he dropped by and he put his arm around me he went do you know what mate in the Raw Marines we ain't looking for Superman we're looking for guys that don't give up just like you quality stuck with you for life yeah and you it took the military to tell me that not not not my family not school just while just while you're there why were you rejected from school what was your personality at school what was your personality at home with your mom and dad I was extrovert so always looking for attention yeah you know if the ball went up the tree I'll be the one that went out and got it if the ball went on the on the we in the river I'll be right shoes off I'll get this um yeah that was that was my personality but I was very damaged Dodge you know it's taken me u a lot of years to realize that and you know come to grips of it years of substance abuse and and and uh Associated mental health which we will will come on to but um have you dealt have you dealt with the damage of being a kid now being 50 odd years old have you gone back and dealt with a trauma yeah as much as you can yeah the thing about trauma you a lot about PTSD now and a lot of us joined up with it you know it wasn't something we got in conflict in fact I found conflict was quite exciting despite the fact that the guy behind me got shot three times and then the gunman turned his sights on me uh it it it that's what we joined up for but you're an adult then yeah you have adult mentality you can compartmentalize stuff you can deal with it you can seek help D D D D du as a kid you know I don't know let's just use some random example you get kicked do you swear on your podcast you get kicked a [ __ ] unconscious how are you supposed to deal with that when you're 3 years old yeah right you just think H it's happened again um um it must I must be a bad person yeah and and and deep down you bury that memory right you don't have the ability as an adult to rationalize you don't have the ability to go well I signed up for war and my mates got blown up you know tough [ __ ] yeah you know sorry I'm not trying to be factious I'm just trying to say it how it is you know and yet everyone feels sorry for the veteran who's got his legs blown off even though he decided that that was his life Joy yeah what about a homeless person on the street drinking a the freaking meth yeah he's had it way worse he's had it from childhood he didn't sign up for it he didn't ask for it he don't know how to deal with it and clearly from the fact that he's living homeless on the street still hasn't come to terms with it you know um and I think as a society we've we you know we need to understand this when um you know we got to look at our terminology how old you reckon you were when you realized this was going on you're saying at 3 years old you took a beat how old were you you're like you know what I've got to do something about this I need to get out I need to Cape um ah good question uh I don't no Dodge to be all I can tell you now is as a sit here now I'm an I would say I'm an enlightened individual yeah uh my life's been a quest over 85 countries on all seven continents um you know I'm a bestselling oror I've explored Antarctica I'm I'm a qualified pilot scuba diver um skydiver etc etc and and and all of this is is I guess been in the quest I didn't want second best yeah I needed answers you know I needed answers um and it's led me to a beautiful plac mate you know a very beautiful place a place of Love um of which I'd say not many people really really achieve agree have you got forgiveness yes you have yes of course that's the powerful one is it of course of course you've got to look at uh people that may have harmed you and you've got to think well what was their life yeah what did they go through and then then it makes you cry yeah because you realize oh my God yeah they did not have it good and they weren't equipped with the tools to pass it on to deal with this pain and it came out in this Behavior it came out in that behavior and yeah you can't be in a place of Love without being in a place of 100% 100% forgiveness how many years were you in the Royal Marines seven years seven years and tell me your journey when you passed while that feeling like we went back up backup page there but you actually did the three days which was really tough then once you what's that feeling like when they say okay you've got your green Berry is it like a a big show that on go on stage or is it like there's your Berry well done mate no a big pass out parade okay uh we had a drill instructor corpal Smith bless him he was such a good guy what's his name corpal Smith Smith okay I don't even know if he's still alive but he always rocked up to our drill instruction which you did kind of twice a week through he's always hung over so right lad just Finn out Dan and Affy have a I'll see you next and and we didn't do we literally did hardly any drill until week 28 when we had our pass out uh well week 32 we had our pass out bra and about week 28 he went right I better do something now with these guys and he trained Us in this performance that was just if you ever seen a film officer in a gentleman it was incredible he made us look absolutely we marched onto the tune of Thunderbirds and then we performed all this drill and in front of our parents that had all called us losers right it was beautiful but my my best part was that three-day course to get just to get into training and they called us in a room and they said and and out of the 20 that started there's about six of us left two guys they call in they walk straight out they don't talk to you you like oh they're the guys that have passed them they yeah we're all failures you know that that that's how live programs you two guys go in they come out they walk past you think all right they've been told to probably come back in 6 months try again and you know you got what we got fell you you got what we need fellas but you're not not quite there yet you know and so we're there as the last two being expected to be told right you failed like don't you know may will just throw yourself don't get on the train just throw yourself in front of it and we got in that room and he said right and it was a color Sergeant or something which is didn't mean much back then but you know fairly senior non-commission Rank and he said right fellas pat yourself on the back you've just joined the raw Marines Dodge I tell you I can't believe I'm not crying now cuz it's it's I have I still struggle with that moment you know it I was just made up I was the happiest person on the planet it was I'm a raw I'm a raw Marine yeah you know I might not be a raw Marines Commando yet but I'm I've done what they all told me that I couldn't do and I'd done it out the back of a r of 12 yeah Happy Days man tell me what the difference a rawal marine and a raw Marine Commander so rawal Marines can be a band member someone who plays an instrument in the band it can be a Cadet someone who's you know a junior um in I believe back in history you actually had Ro Marines and then you had to apply to become a commander but in in modern-day pilot basically you join up you're a raw Marines recruit we call it nod because you always falling asleep in your lectures was not enough and you do your 30 weeks training as a RW Marine recruit and then if you pass all five Commando tests um which includes a swimming test you get presented with a green Berry and your commander flashes and at that point you become a a r Marines Commander qu and how long was it when you become a ro means Commander when you went on your first tour well they ask you in training what unit do you want to go to so you got basically 4 five Commando 40 Commando or 42 and I knew 42 were going straight into conflict in the in Northern Ireland and I thought I want to get straight there you know this is It's almost like almost partly the whole indoctrination process of being in the middle you're trained to kill that's you know you're trained to serve your country or that's what you you believe when when when you're 18 years old so at 19 uh I was patrolling the streets of Belfast with a what essentially is a machine gun fully automatic rifle patrolling down the white lines in the middle of a a main road all the traffic stops for you because they are not they know don't mess m stopping Ira soldiers in the street searching them doing stuff that I'm probably not proud of if I if I was honest um you're 19 you're a child yeah a child yeah our society failed that children are given fully automatic weapons and they can stop a guy twice your age three times your age and treat them it's you're not going to hear this story lot dod you know this is the story they don't want to tell um we were on patrol one day we tried to go out the main gate boom they blew the IRA blew up the back gate I was like take cover what's going on what's going on the commander call him smudges on the radio he's like right back in back in so we ran back into the camp four hours later after a debrief we went out back out on patrol and we uh patrolled up to an area called the Ardo which is a hardened Republican you know a area not not not a Protestant area obviously and um they attached was a conco which is a continuity officer that's the chat from the unit before you that stays behind to show the new guys the ropes and the territory and where things are going to go bang and you know where you're going to get sniped at and this kind of stuff and he turned around he said um and we're only you know we were there about two weeks at this stage he said right fellas break into diam formation will go across the park because this Alleyway is renowned for IEDs so we broke into Diamond just as as with our training nothing at this point had happened so we were we weren't laxad daal but we were getting there you know it was like is anything ever going to like happen in this city or is this all just like hyped up [ __ ] you know and as soon as I steep foot on that grass and I got about 10 Paces suddenly and all you could hear was the sound of our cocking mechanisms of our s80s slamming off the walls and and reverbing back and smudge sh screaming take cover take in cover and we legged it and I'm looking down and the ground is just pinging up by my feet like little greeny Brown geezers coming off the like in the in the in the bloody films you watched as a kid right and we got behind this building and just like sort of you know collaps and I turn around trying to locate the firing point so we're all made ready at this point it's the job is on right and I'm looking for the sniper gunman and as I'm looking for the firing Point our buddy jock is sparked out on the grass like face down my first thought was is he just like taking cover by hitting the is this some kind of cuz he'd been there three times before this is his third tour of Norman Island I thought maybea knows something we don't just to hit the ground and I thought and then I looked and his equipment was spread all around him his rifle was 5 m this way his electronic equipment was 2 m that I he's been hit he's been hit I was first aided so immediately just started running back that's why you do a 200 met fireman's carrying training is for this exact scenario grab your buddy get him into cover and I'm running the team's going Chris get down you know and I'm I can't do that and as I started running back jock pops his head up and he had like eyes as big as sources man this guy was just in shock and in that second he leap to his rifle grabbed it he let to the electronic equipment and he just come running over to where we were and he collapses I'm hereit I'm hit I'm hit I'm ripping open his his Paris smok that's his combat jacket I'm ripping open his Nea jacket that's your your your your flat jacket with a bulletproof plate on it I'm like Jo you're not here you're not can hit and he's like I'm here I'm here I'm here meanwhile SMUD is on the radio zero this is Patrol you know November 5 Alpha contact we have casualties over and jock sh I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here and smudes at zero November 5 Z bra uh we don't have casualties over and I'm RI I'm sorry I'm I'm like he you're not hit you're not hit I can't find any in holes mate he's a I'm hereit I'm hit I'm and it it was just hyper confusing in that moment I I'm checking him out can't find any holes can't certainly can't put a you know field dressing on anything and um turns out Dodge the first round from this gunman had gone through his sling on his weapon on the se8 there's a you know nylon sling then there was the hole Yeah second round had taken the antenna off his electrical equipment third round had smacked him right in a chest hadn't even hit the fiberglass plate that's designed to stop your heart getting hit it had just gone just above it funnily enough when when he got back to Camp they found the round 7.62 short okay which doesn't carry the velocity of a a what's called a long run they found it in his combat jacket pocket right right and um you know all credit to jock he would not get in that ambulance You know despite been in severe shock despite being hit three times he's like no Ro Marines don't get in ambulances and and we Patrol back in um and of course he was the guy behind me on the patrol so the first three rounds hit him the next seven rounds were aimed at me yeah because I started running it's you know and you zigzag when you run you don't run in a straight line obviously you know they're pinging either side of me so yeah big experience um that wasn't the only contact we have but I won't bore bore you with a rest what was the what was the how do you know who the IRA was and who they who wasn't uh intelligence okay oh let's be honest even even back then you have informants don't you and they're going to tell the police or the security Ser everything that they in order to stop themselves going to prison probably they're going to inform on everyone so you know you know everyone you have pictures of them I had this weird uncanny um ability to be in the briefing room of which all the pictures are spread out around the briefing room and I would look at them and I I would photo memorize them so we could be on patrol and a car of Sierra would drive by 100 meters away and I would like smudge that one yeah and we'd step out and stop it yeah and every single time it would be um you know we called them players m some people call them the the the t- word I'm not going to say that on your podcast I don't to me they were the t- word uh things that make people go people that make things go bang right um to me they were soldiers you know or certainly are to me at this age you know they were fighting what's the t word terrorist Terror okay you know they're fighting their cause aren't they we was fighting ours was we both brainwashed and naive they've got religion Haven they that's telling them they've got I think we should all just get along do you know I think we should all just get along 19 years old Northern Ireland how hostile was it were people hostile towards you everywhere you went were you boys hostile towards the locals what was it like yes so we we we arrived you fly into the um the airport can't even remember the name of it now someone will put it in your comment SE and you get into pigs pigs is AR an armored personnel carrier yeah and I was at the back so I had the luxury of looking out the little slot it's like 6 in by 3 in or 4 in and I had it pushed open and I'm looking cuz I'm it's like I'm on holiday right this is this is all new I'm like 19 at this stage this is all new to me um I don't we I don't we hadn't even initi our weapons at this stage so if any anything had happened um yeah that would have been interesting and I'm looking out the back and as we got into the city we drove past a pub and everybody outside that Pub don't ask me what they're doing outside a pub cuz you could smoke in pubs back then but there was a gaggle outside and as soon as they saw us they went into like panic mode how quickly can I pick up a brick yeah or a chair or or an ashtray or and and throw it at this at the enemy these are civilians I mean they could have been Ira soldiers amongst them and no doubt were and they just come out and they're throwing stuff at us and I just turn around the guys and went guys you you you need to see this was like oh my God just never seen anything like it DOD yeah sure these guys want to yeah they want to end our you know um how are you feeling at that time you grew up with a lot of trauma you carried that trauma on you passed at 17 you got relief you're kind of like free now you feel like a man you got a machine gun in your hand as a 19y old kid really 19 is still young and you're in someone else's country walking on their Turf and they don't like you um well first off I didn't realize I had trauma through until I went through the the addiction Mill okay and it SP me out the other side and or it or it it hammered me down enough to make me go I'm a bit damaged aren't I I need to make some changes in my life right um back then it's a massive ego isn't it that's how they get you the powers at B Powers at be the satanic elitists they get you they keep you in your ego they're very good at it call it in spiritual terms they call it your lower self that you are an actually an identity as opposed to being the universe experienced itself subjectively so at 19 you don't know all this [ __ ] you just think like oh you know and back then there was no internet to check it all out or social media there nothing there was there you're kind of like put in a box that's what you're doing a way you go yeah exactly okay exactly how many years were you a real Commando and what years uh I joined in 88 I left in '95 okay and that's interesting in itself for anyone listening and I'll tell you why the average service of a RW Marine is between s and 9 years the reason behind that some would say is we joined up with a certain mindset that we wanted to further ourselves we wanted a a challenge we wanted experience and we wanted Adventure and when after seven years you've you've kind of done it all so I've been in Conflict I've been in the northern irland conflict I conducted Arctic Warfare training up in Norway which just an unbelievable experience and I was lucky I was on a ship for a year so I was on a elite not Elite a high security Detachment protecting certain uh weapon systems can we say on board an air craft carrier and we sail around the world for 14 months it was unbelievable you know I was paid to sail to Barbados and when I got there sseeing sex is just it was just brilliant I mean I'm 22 years old for Christ's sake it was just un unreal unreal um but here's the thing you start to get to a point where you think well I've done all this now what what else is life got in store and if I'm to stay for the full it was 22 years back then to get your pension isn't it yeah yeah am I doing that because it's really going to develop me as a person or am I doing it because I'm a bit scared to we called it going outside and I started to see this phenomenon and I'm not criticizing people now that absolutely love their military career and wanted that that's great but for a lot of us it wasn't like that we we kind of looked around and we thought this guys are of a dick and he's too scared to leave and that guy over there and and and they had this thing they say there's nothing outside I thought well it clearly is cuz like most people are not in the room race yeah you know and I've lived now like I say lived worked and traveled in 85 countries across all seven continents it's been a special thing for me in my learning in my growth were you done were you like I'm done after my seven years now get me out I want to I want to go and get a mortgage I want to go traveling I want to see what else is out in the world no I wasn't done what happened was I was in that trap yeah of like I I ended up doing four years at the end of my career I was just basically doing guard Duty I got promoted very early to Corporal which is Lance corporal but you don't say that in the mar it's it's just Corporal and I'm on for a junior command course so I'm going to be an actual full Corporal quite young I mean I'm like 22 or something and I always looking for the new experience because I'm suffering trauma yeah I need answers you know I don't know that at the time I just think I'm just living my life like anyone else do you know and what happened was I started to um I got invited to look at a network marketing company company called Amway while you're still in the Marines yeah whilst I'm still in the Marines and I went for this meeting this business presentation Mee and I thought oh my God this is just a lot lot of brainwash people they never going to make it in bit you know they just they can't think for themselves and I could see it and the same guy that invited me a chat called Ralph still good friend of mine to this day went Chris you didn't like that but I got a new one for you it's called Quorum International it's Consumer Electronic products they're storming the market they're taking over this network that Network so I got involved I thought I can sell personal attack alarms especially in the '90s where crime was the the big the big thing you know breaking into cars women getting it and within a two weeks of signing up for that company i' sold 200 of these alarms all to me my fellow Marines blessing and I've been promoted something called Silver executive so I had the first four levels of what they call a Compensation Plan that meant that I'd sold all this merchandise and I'd got people involved I had a guy in the Netherlands DH d d d du and then boom I hit a guy in Hong Kong CH called uh he's called Vince Ley in my book he's eating smoke folks the name of your book eating smoke eating smoke that's my I've done three Memoir now but that was the first one and I called up this guy in Hong Kong I said uh Vince uh it's Chris I'm a a friend of flash in the Marines in in England ah flash yeah yeah good guy good guy Vince you're involved in network marketing this guy was a gold distributor in Amway so he really had like risen above the the average VI that really don't make any money and he had a huge Network in Hong Kong he went yeah Chris just uh give me your distributor number I start right away right I do the voice because I wrote a book about it and and and it's just I'm not trying to be patronizing Dodge you know no no you see in my brain yeah Chris I I start right away that was it all I did I give him this little 10 digigit number next week I'm the biggest distributor in the Asia Pacific for Corum International literally what you you you you left Marines and went and Hong I'm still in the Marines right you got to put 18 months notice in to get out and suddenly this guy's fired off within a month he he'd signed up hundreds of Distributors he had people in mainland China when they didn't even have network marketing there yeah you know we the first company there I'm going to meetings in the UK and this is Chris he's um he's a silver executive and he's just on for the next Diamond position in the that that's the big you know it for our friends listen it's all [ __ ] right none of that's going to make you happy right none of it's going to make but but back then for a damaged young cookie it was so important I'm I'm going to be a millionaire I'm going to get that por yeah this time next year roders and um so I put my notice in immediately my check that month Dodge was remember we're talking 30 years ago now it was it was 2,568 quid or something plus I'm getting a gr from the Marines monthly I'm on I mean even that now probably isn't too bad a wage but but back then it was so I went off to Hong Kong I'm on the train I'd rented my house out to some Floy and I just knew it was all going to go wrong she was going to trash the place and it was you know I was going to end up with a big Bill and I was going to be on the other side of the world and I'm on the train leaving Plymouth and I'm smoking a spliff out the window of the train I'm like Chris you know this is all going to go wrong don't you yeah yeah and I knew it Dodge I knew it at that moment had another option been there like I would have glad but sometimes you just got a ride life don't you and see where it takes you you know got out to Hong Kong went into the company headquarters this big palatial Palace in um Causeway Bay in Hong Kong which is like a moving and shaking place and I walked in and and I saw Winston Wong who was the the the Winston Wong Winston Wong yeah every Chinese has a Chinese name and then they have their English name right I'm so Winston what's going on uh that's a cracker of a name by the way yeah yeah I'm like Winston what's going on you know 18 months ago I'm turning over £100,000 a month I'm the big cheese uh last month we turned over like $5,000 ah quisa uh what it is is your distributor are not working hard enough enough I'm like oh youing [ __ ] and I just literally pirouetted and walked out the door and Dodge I knew it was over no like oh come try make no it it was oh and I walked out that door and I thought well where's life going to take me and and it took me on a funny journey within 6 months I was chronically addicted to Crystal Meth so you stayed out in Hong Kong yeah I I wasn't going to come back for a start I loved Hong Kong and when was the first time you tried crystal meth out there uh out there yeah yeah I was in a working in this crazy computer company we're supposed to be selling dram chips which is a computer memory they they trade like gold on the on the exchange you know I didn't sell a single freaking thing in seven months of being there I'm all I'm employed for employed for is my white face yeah so this crazy old Chinese boss in his psychology it's like if I've got lots of white people in the office it it's going to look great when my and customers would fly in from Thailand Taiwan they they' have like um hoods probably dressed a bit like me now but you know carrying briefcases with a million dollars in uh or going out on the air they call it hand carrying where you take hand luggage and in your hand luggage is a million Hong Kong dollars £100,000 basically of Dr chips right it was It was a it was you know it was it wasn't it wasn't quite gangster but but it was it sounds naughty it was naughty yeah it was naughty yeah and um if they got away with it good luck to them yeah exactly exactly and if they got a hit probably like all the big dealers in the world they can soak it up right so anyway I'm in I I haven't sold nothing in that company I'm cracking on with this London Geer Gary Knight who's still my mate to this day he's just so funny so funny he told me the story once about how him and his mates robbed the coal yard because they were so poor so he used to fill up his school bag with coal right come back right cops knock on the door one day and they're like and his dad's like yeah what do you want he's like we want to talk to your son he's like yeah why uh we think he's been robbing Cole from the cup and and Gary says there's a [ __ ] fire raging in the background of my dad's like my dad's like trying to cover it cover just I just met some amazing people when was the first time you tried Crystal so I'm in this company bought out my skull we used to have coffee drinking competitions so you can drink the most coffee we used to send out letters to clients dear [ __ ] far and fck your ass uh you don't know it was just a variation on the company newsletter and we would just pize it to make it just this obscene thing anyway I went to take a leak the floor the floor below was the toilet and I'm in the toilet I'm having a leak and I'm what's that funny smell it's this pungent but but sort of perfumey smell and as I'm taking a Le the the cubicle opens and it's my schizophrenic work Buddy uh Tom Jones right sorry his real name was Tom Jones in my book is Neil Diamond right tried to get the a bit of a parallel there right I probably failed but and uh he's like Chris coming here I thought o I'm either going to get drugs or I'm going to get sex I'm joking about this se but anyway I went in the cubicle and he had this silver foil and it's like oh God that's really bad boy yeah I'm up for this I've heard about this ice stuff Crystal math apparently it sends you mental got to have a bit of that you know and he just he gave he shoved this rolled up Hong Kong note in in my mouth and I just I hoovered up one line not not you know I just thought yeah be be a bit careful I went back to my desk and within about 30 seconds I've got to be careful what I say here because you can't talk about the effects of uh this such things on on on the video platforms we're on but let's just say you know say how say how it is well like drinking the finest champagne but without any of the cloggy like I'm P you know Dodge I thought I'd come home I thought it was the key in the lock for me it was this is what I've been missing my whole life I feel normal now you know it's buried all that I didn't know this I'm telling you in hindsight that obviously it was like burying the trauma I'm not nervous I'm not you know oh my God as soon as that clock sto 7even cuz we work 12-hour days I'm like straight over the chunky Mansions which is the the ghetto in Hong Kong where a lot of the um immigrate Community Live and of course they survive by selling certain things my mate was G gar and Mark and is that the Triads no no no this is uh the Triads hang around there if you want to you know fake Rolex or or Gucci or you know Rayban or whatever you can go and have a chat first time I did I knocked up a tri I went wait can I get some weat he's like yeah come with me right honestly it's like a scene from um John K van dfilm you go into a dungeon and there's this guy with his shock of purple hair and all all his henchmen stood around the room and he's pulls this drawer open there was this pillow siiz bag of weed and he's like and which do you want I went um just enough for a couple of SP just give me an e please mate yeah and he just was like he looked at me and he just took a little pinch out and and anyway so so I went over to see Mar he didn't have that but he he actually had um H won't say the word but everyone knows what I'm talking about dangerous and there's two school kids in his in his flat I say kid I mean they like you know 17 they're at high school the Hong Kong high school and they was well into all and I'm like guys do you you know do you do this and they're like no no we just smoke weed these days go we we're over that right I'm like is it is it like any good I mean well it'll give you this kind of bars it'll I'm like right okay hit me up with and and I went back and you know it was nothing compared to this Crystal stuff right so did you go and try H yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you did yeah yeah did did it quite not a lot lot but compared to people that live a normal life you know we used to go what was that feeling like compared to Crystal Meth uh mongy okay you know mongy uh you feel very sick when you're not used to it you know you're going to go and urge in a toilet um uh you you my eyes used to go bright white and you pimp prick pupils and and and you know I went out on a couple of it it's it was never my thing the only time it ever came into good was after we've been dancing all night and high as hell on on meth we go back to a flat and it we used to go to the homeless population in um it Baka wanai Causeway Bay in Hong Kong and I developed you know I'd walk up the homeless guy would see me I'd wink literally that's all you do he knows what you want I'll get me m me street map out like I'm some stupid tourist I go yeah GM [ __ ] one one straw and they had it in drinking straws with the ends sealed GM [ __ ] they give it to you you whack it in your mouth so you can swallow it if if you get busted you Palm him you know 100 bucks or whatever 10 quid and there you go we used to do that on a on a cown oh my God I don't I'm not going to I'm not going to describe it because I don't want anyone doing it no I want to know I want to know what that cown is like well this we're talking Crystal MH aren't we yeah but better I tell you about the meth experience it's it taught me so much Dodge you know what does it do is it like ecstasy is's it a mixture of what like how would you explain crystal meth what does it look like first of all right so first of all it's cool crystal meth because it's a crystal crystal rock think of it like rock salt y you know that the reason it's Crystal is its purified amphetamin pure not the stuff you buy in a nightclub glucose and it's probably like about 3% crystal meth is purified speed yeah okay yeah pure methamphetamin so the strongest form of amphetamin you then put it through this chemical process and it and it takes out all the impurities and it just leaves you with amphetamin 98.7% pure and what are you doing you buying on weight you buying a gram half a gram2 I start started off uh buying about a tenth of a gram yeah 10 10% of a and I would kind of do that in a night right and i' go to work the next day not having slep I'd still be sort of high a bit half in the end um it it it it's very difficult you can't think of it in terms of say Coke where a gramar Coke you can do that what you 4 minutes with you if you got a buddy with you and then you want some more don't you no it's it's nothing like that you know a couple of them little crystals they you're you're on it you are like whoa and you still got this whole ground and that that ground would last me best part of a week you know I mean I I did know guys apparently that would inject that in like two sessions right but I was never at that stage and I couldn't have been at that stage cuz I developed psychosis um so I started to take it more and more I got fired from this job uh for speaking Cantonese to the to the boss who didn't like it because if you can speak Cantonese as a guo guo mean Foreign Devil you know sorry ghost ghostman so foreigner like he's worried you're stealing his business so I got sparked from that job cut long story short after being DJ at the biggest nightclub in southern China which also went wrong but nothing to do with what we we said I'm back in Hong Kong I'm homeless I'm you're back in Hong Kong I'm homeless I've come back from China I'm homeless I've been on this meth Journey now about six months I'm sat on my backpack on the Nathan Road watching all these BMWs Mercedes Rolls-Royce Hong Kong's got the most rolls rolls-royces in the world you know I'm thinking guys come on just somebody stop and go all right fella you look like you're d on you're like come and have a job in my company we would it have sorted me out no of course it wouldn't cuz I had this big devil in my life did you did you find that you were getting addicted you were like I like that hit that first hit you had in your office did you find I want a piece of this were you thinking about it every day oh immediately okay yeah I couldn't get home Dodge I went from that office I had to go across the Harbor tunnel so from Hong Kong Island to [ __ ] which is the mainland where I lived I lived in monot which is the most crowded square kilometer on plan unbelievably crowded is it yeah yeah I was there a coule years ago for the I went to the Rugby World Cup in Japan and we stopped it on for a couple of days that is so crowded and so expensive gez yes yeah and I'm getting to chim saroy which is the the Pinnacle of the cowon peninsula where chunky Mansion is and I'm stood there on the platform going should I shouldn't I Chris why are you even having this conv ation you know what you're going to do boom straight to chunky Mansions straight to C Mar m what you got what you got you know how old were you at this time roughly I was uh 26 25 I was 20 25 by this by this time and um it ended up with me uh selling my Rolex my first Rolex this is my replacement and it's literally like a stupid trinket on my wrist I just wear it for podcast as a as a Talis man but my first Ro is it real yeah yeah no that's real that's um Rolex SE dweller okay probably I don't know £7,000 if you wanted to buy buy that and but I bought one after I think the northern Island conflict or it might have been my Norway service and it was very special I love that what you know end Swiss engineering and it's been tell me about this crystal meth Journey when did the crystal meth stop well I'm going to tell you about it so I hawed my Rolex in this that's how desperate I was you give me a grand for it I only paid 1300 quid and remember this is 30 years ago and uh with that money I got a flat it was this old antiquate flat on top of a a tenament building one the back of onei we're talking like Bruce Lee gangster film you know it it was deep dark and wonderful mate you know and I'm living on the top floor in his Baron flat just sleeping on the concrete I built myself a bamboo bunk bed and I thought right I need a you know I need a job I need a job and I wandered into a nightclub uh in my book it's called Uh Nemo right it's actually called Neptunes but any Hong Kong person listening knows what I'm talking about and I wandered in looking from my mate uh who who who worked there Glenn I was going to say Glenn get us a job mate where you know where's where's hiring on and he wer there and I I went up to the bar where's Glenn and a Chinese guy went he just nods this guy in a dark suit black tie like Reservoir Dogs kind of [ __ ] you know but Chinese guy and I went over and immediately I'm looking at him he's got one eye he's looking Northwest and the other wise the other eyes not and I thought okay I said oh Glenn he said ah Glenn gone Thailand uh you want a job you can do a Dorman job said yeah yeah I can you know I'd bounce in two clubs by this time he said okay start here tomorrow night 8:00 [ __ ] me I'm back in a job I can pay my bill yeah you know so I started in this club and on the first night I'm I'm you know I'm I'm trying to be a Dorman you just like you would in the UK you know do your job you know you're there to stop trouble and it's at the bar is a Westerner exper he says uh you're Chris aren't you so immediately I'm like how how do you know my you know they they he said um you know they're all trads don't you my ears picked up Dodge I'm like a dog here in walkes it's like I've come from a club The Royal Marines you know a boys club I'm in a boys club that let's be honest when you grew up with Bruce Lee films and all that stuff I was training in the gym over there with his Triads with his big muscles and his dragon tattoos you can't help at 25 years old to be a bit taken in by it all you know I'm like okay say yeah your man there your fellow Dorman that's chuchai he's like this little guy he said he's a street fighter he'll pick up anything in a scrap if he thinks he can do an enemies you know heading with it okay he says in your your your man there daisu this is 6' two gizo like tall for a he look like a horse you know he's look like a horse yeah okay yeah he's assassin yeah they call it violent hand in in Canon e you know um every now and again he said you'll see him disappear it's when they smuggle him across the border into China to do a hit on someone uh then they smuggle him back again so I'm like okay this this sounds like fun right and did the first night there in the morning they took me for breakfast with the family right Doge I was never a tried I've never claimed to be that's not my story I was a mentally unwell damaged young man who just left the Marines and and just had a challenge you know that's almost was never did I want to be a tri they took me in mate you know they looked after me they took me for breakfast the first morning but the problem was the night before this Tigo had been sent over from another club called a [ __ ] cat Club to be with a manager to like you know escort them and I I didn't know about all that stuff then I was like naive you know there's these two tie girls and there with the owner of the club he's not Triad he's just businessman but you got to pay the Triads to run your club and it's probably the same in the UK Soho it's definitely the same in Thailand this is not like new news you know anyway one of the girls that was with my uh D called Big Brother right he's the gang leader right he's called David I call him something different in my book um she gets up to go to the bar and as she walked across boom she just collapses bang well I'm the Dorman aren't I this is my job now and I'm ex-marine so I'm first state train and I walked over and this girl's gone blue and a friend is jumping up and down on her and at first I thought they was like mocking around showing off to their important dates you know this my my boss the doo is the most important man in wch don't withy and I'm like I get down she's blue I push her mate off I'm like what she and a look in her eye told me you don't talk about that ear you know drugs in canton's culture is like you don't mention it you know you only do substances when you made your golden Fortune then you can do what you want if you do them as a lay person you're a loser right and and it's deep and dark do and it got it got way deeper and way way way darker right and so I push her off and I'm I'm I put my mouth over her mouth cuz I couldn't sense any breathing and there's like just a tiny breath I can feel like on my tongue you know and I took her pulse it's something like 160 so I'm thinking this has got to be ice o o o o o overdose and I'm like right someone give me a BL it and this Dau this big like Assassin gee that come over I'm like Dau blanket and you could see the confusion like in their eyes they just want this problem dealt with they hate the superstitious as you know and as I'm NAD his two feet come over and I look up and it's the Dau the Big Brother David and he just looked down with these cold callous eyes he says throw her in the alleyway I'm like I I couldn't understand Dodge you know I I didn't get it then you know I didn't get the whole trial culture the fa the issue of face respect you don't want a tie prostitute hate to use the word prostitute but you know a working girl collapsing in your Club on drugs in a culture that that is like the lowest of the low in a boy gang that hates that kind of you know well you Pro and so I just ignored him and I'm like Dau get me a a blanket and he's and he's like panicked cuz his boss has said throw her out and he's got to go and he come back with his dirty rag from the cleaning room you know and I'm like I put it this Western to come over is's the only expat in the club at that point all all of them were Chinese he went you're right mate I said go 7-Eleven call an ambulance yeah you know is as if like no one's done that I said take a look around you and he took the same look I had and everyone in the bar was just staring like daggers at me basically don't ask me what it means Dodge I couldn't tell you if you paid me a million pounds but they're staring daggers at me go going get cool bless him he went out I seen him go out the club and he just looked at me and winked and 10 minutes later the ambulance people come in right anyway I went back to my chair you know I've done the right thing I'm saved this girl's Liv this little beautiful Tha Angel you know her parents in changai are going to thank me aren't they you know I didn't think anything in the morning said uh chis you want to come breakfast with us yeah what what I was so naive went to breakfast I said to the boss David um do I do I pay for this you know you want the little Barman Sam leaned over and went uh you think the boss don't have money right this is completely different culture and I'm [ __ ] it up Dodge every single way I'm trying to be a good guy and I'm screwing it up you know and then I noticed nobody were talking to me in fact cuz I understood quite a bit of Chinese by day or cantones I could guo guo there gu and I'm like they're talking about for you know yeah yeah me even when I filled up someone's teacup before me which is Chinese eut they're like oh God I understand eut you know and I just turned to the boss and I said uh David the the too last night he never he never would look at you I mean he couldn't look at you cuz his eyes were looking all over the shop but but he never look at you and he never spoke unless he absolutely unless you put him on the spot he wouldn't speak and he's and and he he nods I said uh I did the wrong thing yeah and he just nods and I just knew right we're good now you know he knows that that I'm trying to apologize I I and in case anyone's wondering what I probably should have done is just grabbed a girl Leed it outside with her over me shoulder and jumped in a cab and gone right hospital now right save face of the club save the girl right you know but they just wanted to chucked in the alley way with a rubbish that that was this is a Hong Kong Triads you know they do you this is not you know Brighton and H Alum or something these are not good people they all grown up on rough sink Council Estates or whatever the Hong Kong and they're ruthless yeah they what what's gone on in their family background you don't even want to know you know so yeah so that was that and then um I was in a market one day buying a blanket I i' hooked up with this working girl she was called Apple she was a Filipina someone said Chris you got a new place she's looking for a place and I dodge I was lonely you know my girlfriend had left me in Hong Kong to go and join British Airways she just hated Hong Kong right and deep down in my soul I was like you know I hadn't made that spiritual connection yet so I'm like in the flesh and blood I need another person to make me whole right I'm a very different person now right and I meet this pretty little Filipina girl she's a bar girl she's doing all kinds of stuff for for men you know and it was lovely you know it were nice to have company and she come in my place and I'm like right right lie on my clothes I'm going to go out and get you a blanket cuz there's nothing in this place right this they pulled it down now I went back to Hong Kong in 2012 and I I've just really wanted to see that building cuz I went mad in there you know and and they pulled it down but when in the market bought his looking at these blankets in an open shop front and I picked up the label and it said waste H in like English written in red waste in that moment I knew these blankets were the blankets that the North American settlers and army gave to the Indians to like wipe them out the ones with small pox and tuberculo right Dodge I'm not saying that story is real I'm just saying in mind at that time that's it was so obvious to me were you do were you realizing you were going a bit nuts no of course not you weren't you were just feeling like these blankets are full of to and no no no but I'm not saying that I'm just saying as you're using more and getting more addicted and a lot of pain inside you were you get into a point you're going you know I'm becoming an addict here and I'm actually doing my own eding I knew I was an addict on that chims side Choy platform when I couldn't get home I couldn't get home I'm like right should I shouldn't yeah [ __ ] do it and I knew I was on a ride Dodge right how long were you in total in Hong Kong for uh about 14 months okay and then when you left Hong Kong where did you go I went back to the UK yeah but what other what other what other situation did you get yourself into with the Triads [Music] so uh it was quite a lot really did you ever get yourself into a lot of trouble with them yeah what was the worst amount of trouble you got into well the trouble I got into is they couldn't understand me because I'm off my head and I'm in psychosis Dodge I believe those blankets in the market were and I I started to think the world was some big conspiracy bit like you getting paror as well yeah how did they clock that you were getting paranoid well I I don't know but they started to realize something not you know and I'm just doing my job I'm off my head every night as a Dorman I'm I'm going when you're off your head on crystal meth and it's pure speed you're still super aware of everything been going on just at a lot faster Pace yeah but only to a point when you haven't slept for N9 days then you're entering hallucinations big time then the psychosis kicks in and you're hearing a voice in your head it's your voice by the way I've just had this in a podcast it's your voice but you got your own voice going you know this is a cup of tea let's have a sugar then you got a voice going ah cup of tea cup of tea cup of tea tea is this tea means that sugar and there's this big conspiracy thing going on like I stared at cats in seven hours I thought there was puppets Dodge I stared at these cats convinced that Asia's the heart of puppet tree these cats they're all on the string everything's connected Hong Kong's like this big pinball machine that car horn is connected to that sign swinging you know that was really unwell ended up trying to crawl across a wire between my building and the building opposite right we're talking what 70 m above the ground um and so for between the two buildings there's one wire and you're going across on your knees or no doing a commander craw that we were talking and in my mind that's why I joined the Marines was to learn a commander crawl so you're crawling across on your belly with one leg dangling down right and I and I got to see the fat lady sing which wasn't a fat I mean she may have been fat uh but what it was it was a silhouette in the building opposite in one of the rooms of this woman and when every time she brushed her hair it looked like she's singing in a microphone and she was a big old girl and my mind saying I got to go and see the fat it's not over till I see the fat lady sing but also in my mind is like when I get there I'm going to get that's my Enlightenment moment I'm going to get all my answers in like there going to all my friends are going to be over there people that have upset in the clubs the Triads are all going to we we we put you to the test mate and you P you know I Got 5 m out on that wire and I just thought hang on what you doing you didn't put this wire up here not like in the Marines where you know it's tested right and then I started thinking about my brother back home and all the divorce and [ __ ] we had to go through as kids where it was my M we used to go to this school 00 miles away in the North like this strange school I had to fight the bullies and they wouldn't let me see my kid brother cuz he was in a Junior's playground and I was in the adult you know the big kids playground so what we do is sit on the steps just not to be lonely Dodge you know not not CU it was [ __ ] mad you know we didn't know what was going on and I could hold his hand and he's my little kid brother you know and on this wire thinking I ain't called him in a year what am I doing yeah what why I'm on this I don't have to [ __ ] prove nothing to no one in this world what am I doing and and that was like my first nervous breakdown I just started crying uncontrollably and these tears they're dropping like paratroopers from a Hercules into the darkness down on the people in who were like ants in the street below and they're all looking up going oh what's the crazy guo doing today you know cuz word got around everybody knew I was the crazy guo I was a crazy ghost man you know um to answer your question in the club one time I stood in the doorway uh it was a stairs going up the Hong Kong clubs it's all about funo so the Mountain's going to be behind you water in front that's luck right mirrored staircase has to reflect the evil spirits out and they take this seriously seriously they believe in like you know we believe in two magpies or whatever they they and I'm there at the bottom of the stairwell and I was always knew Chinese business is Chinese business don't get involved Chris just you just sort out the westerners right uh fight if you have to fact the only fight I got into all the Triads come to my defense it was [ __ ] brilliant you know it was just like I felt I was such in the family you know but but this they do they think you were a lunatic I don't know they have a bit of nerve to think we got a guy Lou here English lunatic who's losing the yeah but I did my job mate you know but they must have fought something to bring you into the family whether you're Chinese Italian East London to bring people into your family you've got to like them and trust them you must have done something no no the family thing comes from confucious okay Chinese culture confucious say boss look after employee in turn repo respect Boss Father look after child in return child respect father right it's just confucious there nothing to do with Triad connection I was never a Triad it's just family looks you know I was in the boss asked the boss give me 500 quid on the first night when he heard I had no nothing in my flat yeah okay right so D is 6'7 assassin he comes charging out the club and he's got this guy over his shoulder this sedy ratty looking guy in a like a crappy suit you know chuch chai the other the street fighter Dorman he's looking up the steps he hasn't seen I've seen I spread eagle myself against the wall cuz like I can't get involved this is Chinese business right daisu comes he throws this guy down like with this animal like chuch chai turns right sees and even without like they don't even have to speak they just turn around they start kicking this guy in the head as hard and as fast as they could like like m w Hooligans catching the you know the other the other supporters out the the CT cameras right they are just doing this guy in and I I was I bothered no of course I wasn't cuz I was like sociopathic myself at that time you know I'm just stood there going okay he's [ __ ] up you know these are my guys and In a Moment of clarity that guy just burst between them ran out the club and as they chased him screaming screaming don't know if I can say I guess I can say it in Chinese jul lamo means do something to your mother right right it d d something oh that's probably something else again yeah but basically this bit of paper fluttered from his pocket and it landed on a step they hadn't seen it so I picked it up shoved it in me pocket when no one was looking I looked at it it was a list of horses so he'd been in the club flogging the names of hookie horses you know cuz Hong Kong's a big race circuit right and these are the ones if you bet on they used to do that the tri would come in and go all right Chris you give me a bit of paper and had a horse name on it it's like put your money on that yeah yeah yeah or they come in and they they give me like 40 m BR knocked off from the you know smuggled in from China or it was yeah I felt like I belonged on you know what made you leave Hong Kong to come back to England if you felt like you've been belong you um I I lost the plot too bad I got so utterly delusional I went out one day to try to throw myself off one of the cranes in the Hong Kong harbor not to kill myself but to prove I was in control so off a crane into Hong Kong harb water these cranes are like 40 me 40 m high right and that was my no I never got that far cuz I was too men to her I couldn't get anything together mate yeah the the the best that was going through your head the best I got was managed to buy batteries from me Boogie box which I took because it was important I an Anthony Robbins you know awaken a giant with inbook right right yeah and I'm wondering and I come across his Courtyard and two little L were playing football in a goal and I just went in I put the stuff down and I played football with him and there was nothing needed to be said mate I wasn't me you know I mean I was clearly mental but I just play football with these little boys you know and it was [ __ ] brilliant and then I went back out into chaos um there's a a lot of stuff going on on in in my head I got all my last bits of money everything right I've got nothing left after this bundle of cash and I shoved it in a charity box in this garage petrol garage you know I'm like there you go look that's me you know if you want to hate me because I've given all my last money to charity keep [ __ ] hating me you you because you get a lot of flat when you lived that life and then some of it's imagined and some of it's real and eventually I made a phone call to my old man I'm like oh D they was like beside themselves they got these you I never phoned them for a year what year are we talking here uh this is 96 now 96 okay yeah suddenly I'm I'm I'm I'm getting I'm speaking to my dad on the phone she going son be careful of the washing machine I'm like does my dad think I'm being brain I'm like Dad no it's all right yeah but son you know keep your passport son keep your pass they fought I been abducted by a cult cuz they couldn't understand these confused messages that I was trying to say finally I was staying with a mate lovely guy called Sam and he he you know he loved me he was just like Chris yeah come come stay cuz I was homeless again you know and no job and and and eventually one night it was all just too much I was just totally paranoid totally couldn't even I had to get off the bus cuz like all the Chinese chatter I trying to interpret it and it was interpreted guo does this guo he's doing that yeah he hasn't got a job yeah guo is you know and not having a job in onong is a big bad thing so you were getting paranoid that they were saying that oh yeah I I totally believe totally believed it you know so what made you come on what was the point you I've got to get out of here I'm a young lad from Plymouth yeah but I don't know all that do I I know that but me looking in I'm thinking young from Plymouth gone in Kar jumped out Hong Kong got in with the naughty people out there they've warmed you obviously and loads of nuttiness is going on which you haven't got a clue about so I called my old man I said Dad it's it's all gone a bit wrong here I'm afraid he said yes son we we we work that out he said why don't you come home no I can't go I can't what have I got in the UK Hong Kong's I'm going out 24/7 I'm dancing with the Filipino girls they all love me I'm a d no I'm not am I I'm not and now I'm becoming a bit of a l yeah Dad you could be right it's his son just get you back on your feet that's all yeah I could come back get back on my feet put all me like bodybuilding weight back on and I come back out he says son I'll call you back in 20 minutes all right I like all right Dad phone rings right DB so I'll booked you a flight on Virgin Atlantic tomorrow night 5:00 all right yeah thanks Dad and in that moment Dodge Game Changer I spent the night I went to say goodbye to everyone in the clubs it you know it was still guys I'm in touch with today funly enough you know got to the airport 5:00 didn't I with Sam and um his best buddy they they they both two Chinese guys you know best buddies of mine they they took me to the airport got for 5:00 didn't I I'm forgetting you got to check in 2 hours early the woman on the check she's like ah sorry uh cannot go flight flight gone already I'm like what it can't be gone my dad's bought bought bought a ticket no wait one moment and she makes this phone call she says you are very lucky flight is still on a Tarmac you but you must hurry right she calls up this Customs guy he comes he grabs all my dinking like luggage cuz that's just read my book if you want to know why folk right and we're running through customs it takes me in this office he's like um I need to ask you uh do you have anything on your person you shouldn't do right I didn't tell him about this packet of Crystal MTH I got tucked into the lining of my boot right I'm like no of course not okay let's go and he ran me out to uh we got on a bus for the first time in a year and two months in Hong Kong and a bus all to myself right and it drove me out to this this Virgin Flight right the poor stewardesses were waiting patiently at the top of the stairs you know to greet me and I thought oh my God I'm I'm I've made your day I you know and I went up the stairs and I just took one last look over Hong Kong and I just thought I just thought of everything I thought they Triads I thought people are falling out I thought the job my best job over there like off my head I was teaching kids right and they [ __ ] love me Dodge right bet they [ __ ] I just play games with them one day We snuck out the classroom we like guys should we should we go on an adventure right get down get down right so we all snuck down we crawled under the windows of all the other classrooms right and all the kids are turning around to each other going sh sh and we went and played outside it was like all totally like against Chinese culture but um I lost that I got so many it was just before I went for that walk that crazy walk and and and I've rocked up in the playground and tell me where tell me what happened when you got back to England what was your roote and what's your roote been for the last 30 years we've done the we've done the the Hong Kong what's your root been I see you're doing lots of what you got on there Marathon disabler yeah tell me all the adventures you've gone tell me all the countries you've been to okay so I'm currently English veteran of the year for inspiration okay bit of a long journey nothing to do with military or you know killing people it's about what you give to society um and it's yeah it's been a it's been a journey Dodge so I traveled the whole world how old are you today I'm 27 is that do you believe me you don't do you all right I'm 53 53 okay yeah I'm 53 um I Live Now as what I you'd call an enlightened individual you know um um have achieved a different state of consciousness from all this nonsense that I'm telling you about and it's a beautiful place to be um only do love um don't do hate don't do conflict don't do military sorry but all that is just utter yeah it's a distraction Dodge you know from finding out who we actually are so I've lived worked and traveled 85 countries across all seven continents qualified pilot sky diver Antarctic scuba diver been to Antarctic polar Circle I've run the length for the United Kingdom Ultram marathan a day every day 36 Days hold on hold on Jesus you've run the length of the UK yeah how long did that take uh 36 Days carrying 15 kgam backpack with ory camping gear in although I did Jets and some of it as I went on so so how do you run the length of the country you get a flight to Jon gr place called Wick yeah you got to get taxi the last 20 miles you look at your compass if it Point South you're good to go so so you're up there and you go right I'm going south yeah and you keep running and keep running no training whatsoever I've been disabled for two years I I've been waiting for a back operation so I've been in bed for a year and a half of that uh didn't do any training whatsoever not even I think I'm I ran like three mile around the block just to check my legs still work and I thought right now's my time let's go let's go and do it wow what year was that that was 2018 I think I was raised awareness of the veteran suicide issue which is you know you know we're losing a lot of people that we shouldn't be because of all the identity unresolved trauma Dodge you know all the stuff that I'm good at now so if anyone's listening and you're suffering just get in contact with me and we we'll get it sorted cuz it's a beautiful life and anyone who's listening there's a website out there called Jack J A if anyone's got any mental health issues or needs to ask a question go on to it is unbelievable yeah it's like the master class of everything you need to know about presented in a really user friendly way and what else what else you done say scuba diver jumping out of planes yeah oh where do you want to start you know give me jumping out of planes skyd right so first jumped in the military did the military parachute course actually did two of them um cuz the first one got cancelled after the balloon jump because of the first golf War all the Hercules were going out to the golf um I'm in that balloon and they're really straight they're like right when you're in the balloon fellas it's 1,000 2,000 3,000 check canopy we don't want to hear anything else all right so I got up there he went he said right who wants to be first well I was with three what what we call baby Paras not being patronized into our beautiful par Brothers but that's what they refer to when they young Paras right I'm a raw Marine train raw Marine with free baby par so who's going to go out first it's got to be me right I that'll be me okay to the door they clip you on right in the door go I'm like jonal when I got on the ground the jump instructor wasn't too impressed but I think I think secretly he was um so that that that was great and you end up jumping at night is just incredible you know jumping at nights it's pretty safe so long as you land on a gerka that's you know just yeah that's a joke yeah bless them now we did we had a lot of gers on our course and they they was incredible do you think like I'm listening to this story and you're 53 years old you've obviously you had something happen in your Junior years which we spoke about which you don't want to go into too much deta do you feel like you're running away from anything well I probably was a lot of my life I don't know if you call it running away or running into um when I got to 48 I'd done all the raving thing the dance era got a I'd say a lot of answers there you know or a lot of learning Dodge you know I learned that you could be crashed on the floor of a rave or in a else with this guy's a refuge collector this guy's a solicitor and everyone loves each other and you're all sharing a doie and it just all that [ __ ] that your parents taught you about class system and all that nonsense is you know so I started to raise my Consciousness then when I got to about 48 I started to do a bit of gardening just bit of garden conversion you can say cuz we lived on a hill and start to listen to a few YouTube channels that just come into my life at that time for various reasons and I started to get awareness of like that we have levels of consciousness and I'd never known that before i' thought life's life and it you know drink a beer and and off the back of that it's topped off my Learning Journey you know it's been the the the peace Diller resistance the the cherry on a cake uh um I've subsequently learned how to change my diet change my thinking yeah change my exercise powerful change your mindset which ultimately changes your mind and if you think about Nicola Tesla who said life is energy frequency and vibration so if you want to change your life where does it start well it starts with your thoughts because you have a um thought pattern conf so what what you think is how you're going to be what you are is what you put out in a world words are your W yeah exactly my M when I'm out the front door I'm saying hello to everybody why because that person could be going on to commit suicide that person might have just lost their son that person might just feel like a loser cuz that's what the the psychopathic Elite want you to feel like you know and they've let's be honest they've done a really good job you know they've damaged Society so much I think so people don't even say hello anymore and it's it's I think the Press I think social media is damaging Society very quickly spot on mate spot on you know um you seem very awake M you seem very at peace yeah it's a beautiful life Dodge you know but it's only about love yeah and did you ever think you'd have a r Marines Commando who' been in Conflict combat seen some horrible things in my life that I'll be saying it's all about love folks and if you haven't got it yet you got some work to do you got some work to do you've got some work to do you don't have to do it because you don't have to live my life you got to live your life but if you unhappy if you're getting up for the grind and you're thinking oh this I'd do the work yeah cuz I live in Paradise yeah I wake up every day in paradise doesn't matter what struggles or you know you get challenges life is challenging we we live in this three-dimensional physical self but I transcend that by living on a higher level called what's known as Fifth Dimension right so this is just a an avatar that's the quantum level yes exactly exactly but not a lot of people know about it yeah this is why and also the inner peace inner piece of your own mind is the most powerful thing anyone can have so you've been there do you know so you get it you get it and it's beautiful when I recently spent a weekend I went away on a let's just call it a spiritual weekend it's not the sort of thing I thought I'd ever go on and one of my um viewers on YouTube F me up and said Chris look you know I like what you do I think we can help veterans here will you come away from me for the weekend to glastenbury right not not the glastenbury we went a week late on the crystal meth weed you're like I'm in I'm in but we went a week a week later and we rocked up at this campsite and I just met these two beautiful people yeah and I said fellas you know I'm 53 this is the first time in my life I've spent with spiritually enlightened people yeah it's powerful is and we don't you I don't have to tell you anything about me do I and they're like no you don't Chris we know who you are we know where you are we know where because we all been through childhood trauma do you know and and that was it and it was it was it was it was it was it was great Chris I've really really enjoyed this episode you're special person mate we're all Special People Mate Chris they s it on that note mate amazing amazing honestly I really enjoyed that really enjoyed that and just before we finish off here where can people find you so chrisr all over Google YouTube whatever at chrisr on social media the only difference is LinkedIn on chris. through yeah if you're struggling folks hit me up for a free 15 minute chat we'll see if we can you know get some work done because Life's Too Short not to be happy you know um you want to buy my books are all on Amazon I suggest you do cuz again like I'm not going to write a [ __ ] Book Dodge it's got to be a a I've heard really good things anyone out there go and have a look at Chris CU he's doing some good stuff you'll find me if you want to find me but on YouTube you know we got a great channel uh we do our B we we we tell the truth and we got to be a bit careful because we're all a bit kind of governed there aren't we you know but we got a locals Channel where we just let it all hang out you uh you're a good man you take care of yourself Chris you too brother nice one mate thank you [Music] cheers
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 46,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DodgeWoodall, DodgePodcast, JamesEnglish, ShaunAtwood, EventfulLives, EventfulLivesPodcast, DodgeWoodallPodcast, Podcast, Entrepreneur, Documentary, Crime, CrimeDrama, CriminalUnderworld, TrueCrimes, Boxing, IFLTV, Gangs, Criminals, CriminalGangs, TysonFury, EddieHearn, MentalHealth, Football, PhilCampion, DaveCourtney, TNTSports, SkySports, GaryNeville, DAZN, PremierLeague, CrimePodcast, KrayTwins, TheKrays, LondonGangsters, BritishGangsters, DeontayWilder, MichaelBisping, SAS, SpecialForces, Commandos, Chris Thrall
Id: E8-NhNeu2AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 7sec (5467 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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