Roxanne Wolf HATES Cassie in VRCHAT

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foreign [Music] cupcake is missing an eye in the museum area isn't that crazy yeah I always wondered because I mean he's just sitting here without an eye right in front of chica's place and no one ever explained it it doesn't even say it on his little bed so thanks for telling me of course there's actually so many other fun secrets in here it's cool now too because you're like technically a whole part of this all now and like probably not the pizza place knows you and like you're kind of part of the system so I feel like you're gonna come around and like be able to see all of the different secrets and stuff and like you're gonna be able to probably find out secrets that I don't even know about which is pretty cool I mean that'd be awesome but if I do I'll definitely share them with you really yeah it's awesome to be able to be here after hours yeah perks of being a part of the franchise I guess absolutely here I'll come show you some more okay perfect is everything okay Gregory uh yeah I'm getting a call from Roxanne just one one second okay okay I'm gonna look at cupcakes some more all right hey Roxanne what's up write this instant instant wait what what are you gonna need to get home I'm I'm at the pizza Plex right now with Cassie she's she's looking at cupcake right now and I'm like showing her all the different fun Secrets around the museum can kind of just wait a little bit longer no Gregory you need to get home now wait wait what why do you sound so mad what happened okay I mean Cassie and I are having a lot of fun right now she's looking at all the different stuff can I at least maybe bring her with me no um oh okay bye huh why is Roxanne so mad at Cassie what did she do um Gregory is everything okay um kind of overheard a little bit of Roxanne and she sounded really angry yeah I don't really know what's going on um she said I need to get home right now she's gonna explain when I get there but she sounds really upset I asked if you could come with me and she said and I quote no I've had enough of Cassie today but I haven't even talked to Roxanne today what is what does she mean is she upset with me or something I don't know did what could you have done to upset her you said you haven't even talked to her today I mean honestly I haven't even talked to her in the past couple of days unless that's why she's upset maybe she's mad that I I haven't spent time with her but she's not really the type of person or animatronic to hold grudges like that no not at all um did you maybe mess with anything in her room or uh no I know I always respect her belongings and all of her stuff and I would never do anything to upset her like that at least not on purpose weird all right well I'm really sorry to cut this hang out kind of short I wasn't expecting this um I really wish you could just okay come back to our place with me but um I don't want to make Roxanne more mad no it's fine I should probably be getting home anyway I have some homework to work on so oh do you want to walk to the bus stop together sure yeah um all right I guess let's go yeah I really hope Roxanne isn't mad me too I promise I'm gonna figure out what happened okay yeah okay and oh um welcome home hey Roxanne so um you kind of had to cut me in Cassie's Day short I don't want to be mad at you or anything but I mean is there you mad at me um yelled a little bit I mean I was kind of upset with the way that you kind of just did it so abruptly attitude I'm going to assume you don't know what happened um no I I don't know what happened can you tell me though you're kind of freaking me out did something bad happen is there uh see for yourself Gregory um okay but I really just don't know what would warrant this kind of reaction house decorations apparently Cassie was here she loves you there's Hearts oh and don't forget over there a big Cassie riding on the wall above the wheels mirror in the living room Cassie was here and oh my office is the best of all why don't you take a look at my loving workspace oh my goodness um what happened in here Roxanne what do you think happened in here but the only thing I can assume is Cassie came over and wanted to give you a surprise but I I have to admit I'm surprised but not in a good way no no no there's there's no way Cassie could have done this but but have done this because it literally says Cassie all over the walls there's Hearts written that I haven't even checked my bedroom or the bar upstairs or your bedroom I could barely even look at this place when I came home after working today you know it was supposed to be a good day I wanted to you know come home do some errands get some cleaning done it's Thursday so I wanted to go get my you know buy one get one full drink at Starbucks not sponsored but I couldn't even be excited or enjoy that because I came home in my house with a wreck look Roxanne I'm sorry I didn't know about any of this there's I'm just confused I would why would Cassie do this I don't know but a little Gregory I still have some errands to run so I am going to try and just enjoy the rest of my day and can you please just start cleaning this up I'll I'll come back and help in a little bit Yeah okay start getting it I know I'm really sorry this happened Roxanne I didn't mean for anything like this to happen it's okay I can see that you had no idea and I'm sorry for snapping at you and getting angry or just yeah your room is kind of a lot you know what you go do whatever you got to do and um I'm gonna get started on this sounds good did you want to drink from Starbucks well I guess they are buy one get one free I have a pumpkin spice one yeah I gotcha we'll need it to have the energy to clean this place up I'll see you in a little bit Gregory all right oh my gosh this is insane there's no way Cassie did this you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and give her a call I think would be the best way to figure this out come on Cassie pick up pick up Gregory what's what's going on did you talk to Roxanne yeah I talked to Roxanne and um so I don't really know how to explain this but um I think you may or may not have done something in our house um do you know what I'm talking about no um what are you talking about Gregory I haven't even been to your house in a couple of days that's what I was thinking but Roxanne is convinced it was you and honestly there's some pretty convincing evidence though I will say I don't this was you but I don't know who else it would have been there's writing all over our walls it looks like someone took markers and just drew everywhere and there's a bunch of hearts and I loves you love yous and it says Cassie was here and says Cassie all over the walls Somebody went to your house and Drew my name all over your walls yeah and Cassie are you sure this wasn't you this wasn't like a prank or something right because if it was this this isn't funny Roxanne's really upset I already even know this wasn't me I mean well I I've been at school all day homeschool and after I was done and after you were done with school like when I hung out with you I I didn't have time to do anything like that and even if I did I wouldn't I I wouldn't you know disrespect you guys's home like that you don't actually I think it was me do you no no I really don't think it was you but I just don't understand who could have done something like this this is horrible it's everywhere Cassie it's all over Roxanne's room it's on the outside the inside oh this is terrible Roxanne's like really freaking out I wonder she was mad at me I I don't know Gregory I wouldn't have done that oh gosh okay you know what I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and I'm gonna get the blame off of you okay I promise I know you wouldn't have done something like this this is insane okay well if you figure out who it is let me know please I I don't want people out there framing me for stuff I didn't do absolutely okay um talk to you later then Gregory keep me up to date okay we'll do all right I'll talk to you later all right bye [Music] Cassie doesn't know anything about this so if it wasn't her who could it have been oh my gosh wait Evan and Lizzy they wouldn't have been pulling a prank on me like this or something would they no that's horrible they wouldn't just do something like this they know better than this Roxanne was already so weary of them to begin with they wouldn't just draw all over our house oh my gosh Come on um I certainly wouldn't have drawn all over your house was he yeah where I heard you talking about me where are you hi Gregory Lizzy oh not here Gregory oh hi um hey uh sorry I was kind of thinking out loud I didn't really expect you to be here but since you are here um please double check um it's the crazy lady gone what what the crazy lady who did all this Rock San was just here a second ago but she she ran to Starbucks to get some I'm not talking about Roxanne I'm talking about the lady that was here who could draw over your walls and stuff I I wanted to stop her and I I threw something at her but by the time I got here she had already done a lot of damage there was a person here that did all of this you saw them yeah I was watching them I I threw like a one of those like dumpling things you had but they just thought that somebody else was home so they ran away wait okay who was it um well I I don't know I've never seen her before her okay so it was a girl um uh what did they look like well they had kind of mid-length orange hair but not like mine it was like poofier and frizzier and kind of gross um they were wearing a sweater I think oh and the weirdest thing about them is they had like a weird like metal thing around their head I think it was attached to their teeth I never seen anything like it before kind of but like there was like a whole metal rod I'm also dead so yeah there's also that okay um I think I might know who this is but there's no way how did she get into our house um what do you mean how did she get into your house you have an open ceiling above your dining room and then you also have a very climbable fence I might add in the backyard if you want to call it a yard look the contractors were supposed to get this fixed a while ago Roxanne's been yelling at them to do it for months now and they still haven't you literally have a ladder right there and you're wondering how somebody got into your house oh look you see this was me and Roxanne's crazy stalker fan girl she goes to my school you have a crazy stalker fan girl yes she's obsessed with me and oh look I think she might be upset beat her up with this I'm sorry I almost whacked you with it I don't think we need to be beating anyone up look I know this is awful but we don't need to resort to violence okay I just I mean she did a number on your house you don't want to resort to you know Revenge I mean Revenge could work but I want to know why she's so upset is she mad at the fact that maybe she's mad that Cassie and I are seeing each other you're not still mad right promise this wasn't you this wasn't you right no this absolutely wasn't me after that one night where I was dealing with my dad Cassie kind of made me feel like a friend to you guys I I wouldn't throw her under the bus like this and plus I already told you who it was it was that crazy orange-haired girl all right no you're right you wouldn't know who that is because you've never seen her before and if she was hearing you're perfectly describing her it has to be her um okay well um what do we do I want to get revenge do you have any ideas oh well I mean she did run away but I should be able to use my ghostly abilities to go find her and figure out where she is you could go to her house and maybe get revenge on her there mess up her place looks like she did yours and then she'll get grounded and then she can never mess with you again that sounds like a ton of fun Lizzy that's a great idea thanks I'm full of great ideas all right um do you happen to know where she lives um I don't but I can figure it out one second all right oh all right well as soon as Lizzy gets that all figured out we're gonna look this up on the computer and we're gonna go over there and show her what's up oh that was all right really the address is 141 okay Arrowhead Road Road right and you know what you go find her get your revenge Evan and I will stay here and we'll clean up the place for you really I mean we've got nothing better to do we we are here all right well I have the coordinates on my Fast Watch so uh cool don't do anything I wouldn't do or well maybe do it she kind of deserves it yeah all right bye Gregory bye Evan this is gonna be fun I'll be there in a second whoever's knocking on the door um hello sorry I was just making Sublime Gregory um let me just make sure my hair is good are you what are you doing hi um I was just making sure that uh my lemonade was um good right um look you didn't happen to go to my house and ride all over my walls did you go to your house you want me to go to your house I'd love to go no no no no no no I don't want you to come to my house I just need you to tell me what you did because I want you to admit it because it was an awful thing to do and you cannot just break into people's houses and write all over their walls what do you mean what I did I didn't do anything like that but even if I did I'd probably did it out of love for you Gregory no you know what well the second I need to drink some water um it's all just falling onto your sweater um refreshing I bet okay you know what Lizzy said to get revenge and this is the best way to do it you know what do you want to go on a date with me oh my God I uh I've been waiting for this moment especially ever since you you started dating that Kathy girl because I knew she wasn't good for you I I heard she went she covered all over your walls and stuff and I will not do that um I I love you Gregory do you want a kiss now no I'm good um I think though um are your parents home oh uh yeah they're currently in the bedroom oh I I should go ask if I could go on a date with you okay I'll be right back Gregory I might be a couple minutes because they typically don't like me going on dates with um anybody um they're kind of strict but okay okay right now I'm so excited I can't believe this is happening okay I know me neither I can't believe it either okay this is it um let's do it in red come here all right let's go ahead and write stalker on her wall ER oh no stalker okay perfect and then we're gonna write crazy um what else can we write um what's gonna make her parents really really are you doing it oh yes I'm doing it I'm doing it do you want to help me for myself yeah I want to help um oh my goodness take some blue stalker um I'm gonna write crazy on this wall over here all right I'm gonna scribble all over the the windows yeah make sure make sure she did it at your house absolutely she's not gonna hear the end of this with her parents she's never gonna talk to me ever again I hope this makes her grounded from talking to me that's really what I want hopefully I'll scribble on this okay perfect perfect we're doing a really good job if I have to say so myself I think so too we should scribble on the TV oh my goodness we stood okay yeah scribbles scribble scribble this might be my best idea ever Gregory I think so too wait um let's see uh yeah I thought she's coming she's coming we gotta get out of here well you gotta get out of here I'll hold her off get out and go home bye bye oh I'm a ghost [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show
Views: 77,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: security breach, roxanne wolf, gregory, roxanne wolf and gregory show, roxanne wolf security breach, gregory security breach, fnaf, roblox, reacts, react, fnaf react, security breach react, shattered roxanne wolf, glamrock freddy, glamrock, glamrock security breach, glamrock fnaf
Id: pDxNSW9sHxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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