Cassie Gets ARRESTED?! in VRCHAT

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[Music] oh my gosh I can't believe this my mom is going to be so angry if she finds out she cannot find out hopefully Gregory can just talk to that policeman he can just get me out of here everything will be completely okay because I have no idea I didn't even steal those glasses I don't know how they got on my face I I never even saw any oh hi Cassie help me hi I'm kind of in a pickle right now buddy wait you have pickles can I have one are they the hot and spicy pickles those are my favorite no I don't have any pickles I'm am in a pickle it's oh I've really been trying to like expand my food Horizons now that I can actually eat food I found out that helpie really likes hot and spicy pickles I'm so glad for you helpie but now is not the time I'm currently stuck in prison wait you're in prison quick before um you are stuck in here forever can I have those sunglasses he be super excited to finally have a pair of cool sunglasses he's going to look so super stylish wait wait wait wait wait wait wait helpie you're the one who stole those sunglasses well technically yeah but also technically it was you I didn't know that you were stealing them I kind of just put them on you cuz I didn't really know how to like walk out of the store with them look I really wanted a new pair of sunglasses cuz I heard there's an animatronic that has a huge crush on me their name is lunar helpie you don't you realize you just made me a criminal I could spend the next 10 to 15 years in prison because of you wait what my best friend is a criminal oh no how am I supposed to be best friends with a Criminal this is horrible you are a criminal cat is a criminal no no oh my goodness what wait a second what would lunar think he's probably not going to have a crush on me anymore if he finds out that my best friend is a felon oh my goodness this is terrible me I'm not the criminal you are I didn't do anything I'm not in the jail cell like Cy see woo woo woo helpy can you just stop for 2 seconds listen please you put those sunglasses on my face and apparently they were really expensive ones they were worth $500 that's what got me arrested you do have good taste yes but that's why the police officer got mad and he put me in here but I didn't steal them you put them on me and then he thought I was stealing them do you see I'm not a criminal this is just one big misunderstanding and I have to get out of here oh no this was all help's fault helpie was just trying to improve or improve improve impress that's the word I'm looking for helpie was just trying to impress his new crush I see that helpy and I'm happy for you but look I don't think we're going to get anywhere with this conversation uh can you actually do me a favor sure do you still have that pickle no I don't have any pickles but look Gregory is out there somewhere can you just go get him for me and bring him in here I really need to talk to him and see if we can figure out a plan for me to get out of here sure I'll go grab Gregory help me signing off thank you hopefully Gregory can actually talk some reasoning into that police officer I can't believe it was all help's fault this whole time I really need to teach helpie right from wrong because this is a really big deal you can't spend the next 10 to 15 years in prison wait what oh no I just oh okay okay fine um Cassie Cassie Gregory in here oh my gosh oh look at you you're in prison this is horrible let her out let her out I never thought we'd come to this issue like I'm literally 12 and I'm stuck in prison what am I going to do Gregory I don't know helpie said that you wanted to talk to me about something yeah I may or may not have found out where the sunglasses came from wait what what happened so apparently helpie long story short there's some animatronic or something that has a crush on helpie their name is lunar so helpie wanted to look really stylish for them so he took the sunglasses and didn't know you know the proper way to pay or take them out of the store so he put them on me I didn't notice and then I got caught for stealing and now I'm in prison oh no I guess that really makes a lot of sense it it's all help's fault this is horrible and now you're in here you're framed for stealing $500 designer sunglasses I can't believe helpie wanted $500 glasses I guess he has some pretty good style he does have some pretty good style but that's besides the point what am I supposed to do because Gregory listen this is really important my mom cannot find out that I'm stuck in here there's no way she's going to ever let me do anything again there's no way she'll let me hang out with you I'm going to be trapped in my room grounded forever she'll be so upset look I understand I already called roxan she seemed a little weird on the phone I think she might think that this is just a joke but I really told her she needs to come to the police station right now so I'm really hoping she comes but look Cassie this is huge this this explains everything you're not the one who stole the sunglasses and helpie is basically like not a child but I mean he has the brain of a child he doesn't understand things he he he doesn't know that stealing is wrong or stealing is even a thing so I need to explain this to the police officer and maybe he'll let you go he'll have to understand it was my she was our friend it was just it wasn't your fault you were framed no pun intended cuz you know glasses have like frames yes I I get it Gregory but yeah please just explain that to him I have to get out of here if I'm not back by dinner my mom is going to be so upset I I need to get out of here like in the next 20 minutes oh gosh okay I got you Cassie I'm going to get you out of here okay I'll be right back okay thank you Gregory of course whatever you can no no no no okay I got to explain this situation um excuse me uh sir hi so um I actually wanted to explain a little bit more about what happened um maybe we you explained enough well I think we tried to explain a little bit but now I actually fully understand what happened you know I I talked to Cassie and I actually I know what happened and how the Sun the sunglass has got on her face and everything so essentially it wasn't her and it it wasn't me either it was actually um it was her best friend who's like this little AI robot he's like this small his name is help an ey excuse me did you say little imaginary friend no he's not imaginary he's very real he's like a little AI robot um he sometimes can go invisible AI stand for um well it stands for artificial intelligence actually illegal no artificial int elligence um oh like those programs that are used to fill in police reports um I don't know if I need to know about that sir but um look I just um it it wasn't her though it was it was helpie he's this little animatronic robot see you watch a lot of movies do you what no no no no no I'm I'm trying to blame it on the robots no no seen that before well no this isn't about a movie I'm actually talking about a real life situation he is I mean technically a robot I mean in real ter he's a bioorganic animatronic well kind of he's technically a real boy now but he didn't used to be because he was on the inside of my friend's head mistake my mistake is's not a robot he's a real boy look a little Pinocchio got it yeah kind of okay yeah you're understanding perfect okay so he wasn't a real boy and is a real boy got caught on the sunglasses put them no yeah so exactly so he's the one who wanted the sunglasses but I don't think he understands proper etiquette because he's still learning how to semi be an animatronic because he's not used to the real world so basically he found out that this other animatronic has a crush on him and he was really excited about it and he wanted to look stylish so he wanted the sunglasses but didn't know you had to pay for them because I mean how are you supposed to know if you if you've never been in the world before that you need to pay for the items at the store right so in other words Cassie is completely off the hook it wasn't her fault we don't um yeah um so uh if you could just give me a a thing I can file a different police report giveing no we need to talk about this um you saying that it wasn't you nor your friend who did any of the stealing yes exactly but a robot artificial intelligence friend yes named helpie if you need that thir h e LPI not with a Y it's like helpy but with an i he's artificial intelligence like AI helpy help what do you what do you mean where's the a say it's like AI why is why is helping not have an A in it why is it not help well because his name isn't AI it's helpie h e l just have why at the end because there's a different helpie with a why at the end but this one's not that one this doesn't have anything to do with that sir look I really need you to believe me cass's innocent get out of here before you happen to get arrested as well what you're you can't arrest me I'm not doing anything I'm explaining to you the truth I'm not lying to you no need to raise your voice with me look your friend's the one that's in there going to jail for 10 to 15 years what but you you should probably go what no no no no look I have look there's this animatronic okay actually you know my parents are animatronics too and you know what my mom will probably be here very soon and she's going to have a a lot of strong words to let you know how wrong your mother your animatronic mother my my mom is my animatronic mother she's an animatronic wolf okay mhm does she know that you call her this when she's not around yes because she's the animatronic wolf oh right does she eat um animatronic children um I I don't know I haven't really talk to her about that look that is okay what what else is your mom like what is your mom like well look that doesn't have anything to do with anything you don't need to know anything I just want I think that you have are you all right um I yes I'm all right I need to call someone for you um you can call my mom that would be perfect I mean she's probably right right they had a patronic wolf yes yes um right yeah go ahead and give her a call I can give you her phone number I think you need some mental help kid what need to consider getting the psych wood involved here and they can at least have assess what's wrong with you want to be F A pychard okay look this isn't no this just no no no no no okay stop with the pychard um we're just going to um we're look Cassie was framed by her friend helpie okay and we just need to get this all sorted out and then once we get the sorted out we can get her out of prison because she shouldn't be in there anyway she's only 12 years old what's all this then what's going on oh oh hi roxan um sorry didn't mean to startle you I got your message Gregory what is the issue here get him sick him no no no no no no no you don't need to sck the giant robot woman on me I just I I'm not going to sick anybody look I just don't eat me like you ate all those other animatronic children don't I don't plan on eating anyone unless anyway look I thought this was a prank Gregory otherwise I would have been here earlier what is going on look help want no why does she have such massive te helpie really wanted a pair of sunglasses and he ended up putting them on Cassie's head when we were leaving the store and it made it look like she was stealing the sunglasses it was all a big misunderstanding she didn't steal anything but he thinks that she stole something and now he's saying that she's going to go to prison for like 10 to 15 years but she didn't actually do anything it was all helpy but then I was trying to explain to him that it was helpy but he doesn't believe in AI or animatronics doesn't even believe that you were real and I don't even know how to fix all of this because Cassie can't go to prison I can't be I can't be no hey hey hey hey hey I got this uh did you arrest a young girl for stealing and put her in prison for 10 to 15 years that's just soon to happen uh uh uh yday yes um how about and I said what did you just call me I don't know your name apologies he just referred to you as his mother um that's what it was it's Rock San how about we just settle this how much money is it going to take to get Cassie out I don't know if I could accept bries I'm a legal officer of this police station not not anywh I could do anything like that how about this much hey I suppose something could be organized there you know it's reasonable it's just you know there's also a very expensive s glasses fine here's some more for the sunglasses so helping can keep them can I have the sunglasses back we gave them to you right here you go here's the sunglasses right there all right thank and you're free to go what about Cassie oh right right right I suppose we're going to need to let her out and all that up wait wait wait wait wait one second H this isn't going to show up on a record or anything correct no no there is no police record ma in yet I will just you know close my tab yeah remember her sharp teeth yeah and you don't want to see me when I'm angry and when my children get messed with I may be a wolf but the mama bear comes out oh mama oh r r everything's all set here it seems that you're free to go I'm just going to go uh get past you to get the keys and get the cell opened up and make sure not to angry you or your your your mother or or anyone else um good thank you so much for getting me home on time Gregory and definitely thank roxan for me too because well if it weren't for her I'd still be stuck in prison right now yeah no for sure um that was kind of a really crazy day that happened there I can't believe we actually ended up going to prison well I guess not we it was more you um yeah I I mean it was really crazy probably the craziest day I've ever had but really I mean I've never gotten arrested before so yeah but I mean it was kind of a fun adventure at the same time it was I mean at the end of the day we were kind of just trying to film a day in the life Vlog of you and what's a better plot twist than a day in the life of Cassie being sent to prison yeah I'll just have to make sure to tell my mom that it was just a skit for a video and not real life no definitely you can definitely explain them it was just a set you can even say that it was in me and Roan's house or the ruined Pizza Plex has a prison set as well yeah totally I'm she's still busy I doubt she'll even watch my videos but for the people that do watch my videos And subscribe to my channel um well I hope they enjoy my Adventures I mean I've had a lot of good videos so far with helpie so hopefully they come check it out yeah definitely and also um I know Rox San already mentioned it in the car but just know this isn't going to end up on your record or anything we had it um scrubbed she was a little intimidating you know how she can use um the teeth and everything yeah I can imagine for somebody who's not used to being around well living animatronics that was a little you know terrifying for that prison guard but he kind of deserved it cuz the fact that he arrested me in the first place what was wrong with him it was honestly really bad he arrested a 12-year-old like what the heck is wrong with him plus then I was trying to explain to him everything that what happened it was help's fault not your fault and I was explaining to him like what an AI is and he said what was it actually illegal a aren't illegal what is he even talking about he had no idea what a robot was he thought I was talking about movie scenes or something I don't know Cassie but I'm just glad it's all taken care of and you're not in prison anymore me too and thank roxan again for me because seriously without her I I don't know what I would do if my mom found out about any of that she would be so upset I can even imagine yeah anyways um well thanks again for helping me you know film for my YouTube channel and stuff I uh yeah of course I hope we got you a lot of good gear and everything I'm excited to see it all set up um whenever you get all that done and I'll definitely be sure to watch all of you and help's videos I'm really excited about it thanks Gregory here give me a hug it's really nice hanging out with you today Cassie you too um I should probably go for dinner yeah um say hi to your mom for me uh okay we'll do um be safe on the drive home I guess thanks um I would also um maybe talk to helpie about some proper etiquette um yeah I definitely need to have a conversation with him cuz also need to have a conversation about him about his crush or whatever is happening I didn't even know he was capable of well not being in love but I mean this is kind of new he's getting into his feelings and he has a crush or someone has a crush on him I don't really it's more so someone has a crush on him and he wants to make make sure he impresses them but I don't know I was so caught up in being arrested that I really didn't focus on that too much but yeah I have a lot of questions for helpie so I justess tell your viewers to come over to my channel and we'll discuss them there absolutely you can see all about help's crush on lunar whatever is going on all right Gregory I'll see you later all right bye gassie bye what a crazy day [Music]
Channel: Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show
Views: 36,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: security breach, roxanne wolf, gregory, roxanne wolf and gregory show, roxanne wolf security breach, gregory security breach, fnaf, roblox, reacts, react, fnaf react, security breach react, shattered roxanne wolf, glamrock freddy, glamrock, glamrock security breach, glamrock fnaf
Id: hIf7glTNcD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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