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[Music] [Applause] well here we are another emergency meeting with the management I just know this is probably going to be bad maybe about tiger and I suspected relationship who knows let's just get this over with I guess um hey oh there you are finally um I'm actually 10 minutes early excellent come in you you will need to explain yourself explain myself what were you thinking uh were you thinking um about what exactly this little song that was recently released apex predator oh uh the song with tiger rock um I didn't think that was going to be and you didn't run it by management before including yourself in such a project no um I I've Done songs in the past like I did heartquake with oh not like this not like this you see the people understand when hearts are quaking but this is entirely different why I mean look look you have an image to keep up and that image must not be tarnished by you just deciding to change your mind all willy-nilly whenever you want and do something different well to defend myself my image was already being tarnished that's why I released the song in the first place and why would you then make it even worse for yourself I'm not it might have been salvageable before but then you go getting all caught up in your emotions and have it go out of hand no that's not what happened I mean it was already pretty bad before and no one was listening I was doing interviews and everybody just wanted the hot scoop on Tiger rock and I relationship when we don't even and did you give it to them no because it's not true nothing that is true we're we're not in a relationship sure we're friends but that's it all your time here you know how to play simple question oh my goodness it's you wow so you should see the numbers that have been coming in lately oh uh is that what this meeting's about uh I didn't know that you got called in as well uh what's going on well well well um Rox and we'll complete this conversation later and think of whatever punishment May suit you but Tiger rock oh the rock indeed Dwayne Johnson has nothing on you the people have been going wild um um all right I'm not they are loving the song they are loving the release loving the message behind it it's just you know almost perfect what are you talking about exactly apex predators of course oh you've really had a hit there you hear that rock saying he likes it seems like it's being received pretty well that's that's exciting but you just told me that the song was bad that you hold on hold on don't don't go trying to put words in my mouth I was saying it was not beneficial for your image but him look at him that is something that the audience can rally behind not shove away and throw into the nearest convenience no we made the song together and if you had spoken with the rest of management perhaps we would have been able to put better ideas forward to make it beneficial for our parties um I mean I thought it was a pretty good idea it idea execution was not excellent on certain parts but all around what do you mean by certain parts I feel like it was executed pretty I mean how he you know why he said it's not perfect or whatever it's because we perhaps changed her voice or made anyone but look next time we can all discuss it and we can put our heads together you and me tiger and really come out with the best possible option here do you even make music or anything do you well no but I make marketing and I don't have my emotions uh control what I do at all times you know what I mean I mean oh on that note I think I'm done with this conversation congrats on the song release tiger well congratulations to you too Ro saying what what's wrong with with her is it her time of the month or something wait does that even happen with never mind never mind just wow women am I right this is absolutely ridiculous I'm out of here Rox all right see you soon just can't believe this as if the rest of this week or this month is hasn't been awful already roxan uh hey sorry about that didn't want to ruin your big moment or anything by being too emotional no you're not ruining anything I just I'm just confused I guess is what's happening I what's going on it's just kind of how management is I mean before I even got you involved I told you they were a little wishy-washy and well from the sounds of it maybe they're just wishy-washy towards me because I I don't know I'm a woman with too many emotions it's just this week and this month and just the past few weeks even have just been awful with all the rumors and finally I felt free from the whole situation with releasing apex predator but now I'm just getting harassed by my own management because they didn't like the song but they do they just liked your hand in the song and not mine because with me it's too big of a message and they'd rather just have all these rumors spread about me that aren't true that's where my numbers lie not in speaking my truth I'm just I'm over it I totally get where you're coming from roxan and I'm really sorry I thought this would really help because there was no way that the media could spin a song but turns out management doesn't like it for whatever reason I mean I don't think you're too emotional I think you're reacting Reon L to everything that's been happening I just I wish there was something that I could do but you've been working here longer than I have so I don't think I've got much of a poll when it comes to upper management it just is how it is Tiger I mean if only I was more like you in you know the gender Department I feel like they would respect me a lot more if I was a man um but seem that way doesn't it it's not your fault and thank you for checking in on me I I think I just need to get out of here and go to bed if I'm honest uh yeah well if there's anything that you need from me please let me know uh well I'll be in my Green Room in Roxy Raceway so sounds good I'll uh see you tomorrow I guess yeah see you tomorrow dad dad wake up Dad hello dad wake up I'm going to be late for school dad wake up okay okay hello there you are you fell asleep on the floor again oh I think I have a frog in my throat why are you screaming down we have frogs for dinner last night Dad we had meatballs okay why are why why do you keep calling me dad what why would I not call you Dad why would you cuz you're my dad when did that get there what your hook yeah you've had that forever ever since that fishing accident uh where where are my fingernails fishing accident hold on I had are you okay I don't think so okay well we kind of got to get get it together dad I mean I'm going to be late for school you don't want me to be late for school why do I look like that like what you look normal sound like this are you okay where's my hair but it's right there why do I have an eye patch why do I a fishing accident why do I look like a a foxy but a wolf a wolf foxy um I I don't know what you want me to say can we go head out I mean I was really hoping that maybe we could stop at like McDonald's or something and get food before I have to go but I don't think we have time now because you're taking forever to get up come on come on okay okay look I'll just deal with this later I don't want you to be late for school okay McDonald's yeah got it come on all right sport here you are why did I say that um okay look today has been really weird so far uh am I just picking you up at the same time as always 3:30 um uh I okay fine you caught me um I may or may not have detention because I didn't do some of my homework assignments Gregory why didn't you tell me because I haven't gotten the chance to tell you you've been acting so weird all morning plus I mean if I'm being completely honest I really don't want Mom to know Mom yeah Mom uh-huh oh God that is another video for another day oh okay look um well okay so you have detention pick you up at what 4:30 um yeah that that should be fine cool I have to get going cuz I have a meeting that I need to get to so I'll uh talk to you later okay uh yeah sounds good um see I'm sorry for not telling you that I got detention I love you okay bye hey bye I mean I really didn't want to pick him up later maybe I should just go and talk to his teacher or something yeah that should be fine maybe I can convince her to let him out not that any of the teachers ever you know are nice but maybe today they will be for some un Godly reason okay uh let's go to the office I guess I feel taller for some reason hello hey you down there hello there I think you're actually my son's teacher right uh you remember Gregory as bearwolf oh Gregory yes the one that's not been doing his homework uh correct you know about that I I heard he got detention so I just wanted to touch base on that and see if uh maybe I could get him out of it per chance oh well um I mean if I'm honest looking at you you do look like a pretty cool guy so I don't usually do this sort of thing but I mean usually when your wife comes in I I don't really want to talk to her but you seem pretty cool so um you know what that's fine Gregory doesn't need detention today I'm sure he'll get his homework done eventually my wife that's besides the point wait so you're just letting him off the hook yes like that hook oh because I um man asked well of course the man of the household has all to say right cool well I have a meeting to get to so I'll pick up my son at 3:30 as always sounds good yes your son is off the hook no longer has detention okay you have fun at your meeting sir I'm sure you're going to be shown a lot of respect because you're a cool guy H yeah I'm a yeah bro cool guy but bro oh my God what has happened to me he's so cool all right time for this followup meeting I still can't get over for this voice whatever hopefully they've decided on not too extreme of a punishment but I guess we'll see anyone around oh there you are Mr manager um ah good to see you again yeah good to see you uh look um I just wanted to say uh before we get into the meeting that you know I've thought about everything and I'm sorry about the song release I guess I should have contacted you and U made sure it was fine first what what are you doing I'm just trying to what is this like apologizing thing you're doing bro it's kind of weird uh well you were upset about the song release of upset what would I be upset about the numbers are soaring there's ups there's Downs there's all kinds of stuff and it's all bring bringing attention right where it needs to go you've done an excellent thing right so you're happy of course song you should do that more often just I I don't know what it is but just use that intuition of yours and just have good ideas well I like that I've given you lots of ideas and you always shoot them down I know strange but now I just feel like I can trust and respect your opinions they just seem valid and you know reasonable all of a sudden oh you've got to be kidding me maybe up to the point where if you keep this up we could consider potentially a little promotion for you wait a promotion yes your Insight would be valuable to the entire company hello hey tiger Roan is that you of course just us guys here oh yeah just our us guys you look apparently got oh um yeah I I guess I do you okay yeah just uh uh I like the the look uh that that's all you you can carry on your your conversation why wouldn't you like the look it puts up with the image excellently um yeah absolutely uh I heard something about a a promotion yeah apparently I'm getting promoted because I'm a man no it's because you're having good reasonable respectable ideas all of the sudden um right all of the sudden because she's a man I don't know what you're talking about the pronouns would be well he now I guess I look I don't know what's going on I'm just really confused because well this isn't who I am and as great as everything has been today you know I could really get used to this but I kind of miss you know carrying about my my nails you know it's literally a line in the song which now just doesn't make sense um yeah so what is going on I I don't know I just uh I I I think you look really nice though you said that already tiger what has gotten into you why are you looking at me like that just going to go uh bye I guess I I trust you can handle yourself fine in there uh yeah uh just uh um uh uh just uh your jeans they're so tight um okay I'm just feeling a little flustered is all are are are you okay yeah no I'm I'm totally fine I just need you to uh wake up roxan what wake up roxan what are wake up Roan wake up Roxy roxan Roan wake up jeans wake up wake up roxan hello okay okay uh are you okay oh my gosh my hands and my my voice I oh I don't have the weird little voice anymore and oh my nails and oh my hair and I don't have a hook candle oh tiger this is the best day ever uh yeah this is great um what happened I walked in and you were on the floor did you slip on some of the water or something it's it's been hours roxan I've been in my care working on music and I'm ready for the follow-up meeting followup meeting oh I I I see I I must have slipped and fell and hit my head I I have the craziest dream but you were in it and I was a man and you were complimenting my tight jeans you were really into them for some reason oh uh weird yeah um and I was having a meeting with the manager and because I was well a man um he was really proud of everything that i' done you know what I was nervous about this follow-up meeting and whatever punishment I was supposed to get but I'm confident now I'm going to go in and be assertive and just explain my truth Stick it to the Man exactly and if they don't want to listen well at least I tried you know what I have a feeling they're going to listen to you this time and if they don't I'll back you you up great all right let's go before we're late definitely don't want to make a bad impression in that regard no absolutely then he always considers me late um uh hello Mr manager sir oh all right um look I have some words to say before we get into whatever you want to do for punishment it it doesn't matter we go go let her speak what he said okay look I understand that from your point of view what I did may have caused some backlash as far as the pizza Plex goes but number one I'm allowed to pursue my own personal projects hence the YouTube channel that I run that you guys have never had an issue with number two I should be allowed to stand up for myself there's nothing in my contract stipulating that I can't and I mean if you're going to treat somebody else who was a part of the song You Know perfectly fine then I think I deserve the same treatment I'm still bringing in numbers and you know what I took a look at my little you know meet and greet list and it's doubled the amount that it usually is because of the song you know most of them are probably excited about the friendship with Ty did you say yes yes that is what I'm saying people coming to see you exactly and twice as much money she's bringing into your company exactly so I don't feel like I deserve punishment and if anything I think I deserve a raise say that again I don't think I deserve punishment and if anything I deserve a raise this this we can work with all right all right I I have a plan this this is a perfect side of you coupled with the song this could be excellent I have it all figured out this new assertive dominant personality of yours oh the people will eat it up coupled by the fact you're a mother oh the labels could only come oh this is excellent you will get that raise are you just giving her a raise because she's acting more like a man no I am giving her a raise because she is acting more dominant and the people seem to be responding accordingly right and I want an hour long lunch hour and a half okay we're not to don't be crazy we can't just give an hour and a half lunch okay fine whatever but an hour lunch on Wednesdays will be fine you know what I'll take it a pleasure doing business with you a pleasure doing business um okay did you so get out there keep up that new attitude we'll do those weirdos on the internet are going to love it I mean everyone's going to love it oh I have a feeling he's one of those weirdos oh he's absolutely one of those weirdos but I did it you did that's the first time I've actually gone into one of those meetings and gotten respect that's amazing roxan I'm really proud of you thanks tiger and you know what you inspired me so oh just thank you for being my friend of course um um did you uh maybe want to go uh take that hour lunch you know what I think I do I think you deserve a break yep L chips on me Roxy rocking nachos coming right [Music] up [Music]
Channel: Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show
Views: 11,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: security breach, roxanne wolf, gregory, roxanne wolf and gregory show, roxanne wolf security breach, gregory security breach, fnaf, roblox, reacts, react, fnaf react, security breach react, shattered roxanne wolf, glamrock freddy, glamrock, glamrock security breach, glamrock fnaf
Id: 9eg7PbTRJ9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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