Routing Troubleshooting Ticket 1 | Static Routing | Routing Loop

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hi guys this is omar and welcome to amma texture so guys in this video we are going to focus on a troubleshooting ticket routing troubleshooting ticket to be very specific we are going to focus on static routing troubleshooting ticket guys who want to see actually how routing looks look like uh you can surely watch this video completely you will come to know how to troubleshoot static routing issues and how actually the routing loops look like so here i have taken a very simple topology uh we have a branch office here uh two branch offices one is at chennai and the other one is jaipur and this branch office are getting connected to the headquarters in mumbai so we have three routers here chennai mumbai and jaipur routers and the land i've shown the land of the branch offices okay so this is how the topology is it's a very simple topology i've taken uh so here the problem statement is that uh ankush from jaipur branch office so this is ankush okay swankus from jaipur branch office is able to access chennai branch office server one so he is able to access this server that is but not able to access server 2 which is so a guy from jaipur branch is able to access a server in chennai branch office but at the same time he is not able to access another server in the same branch office that is in the chennai branch office so this is the problem statement so what i've done is i have an act access to ankush pc so let me just show you that so this is uh ankush pc okay so let me show you the ping response to server one we are able to paint it that is standard one not 100 uh let me show you the ping response to you'll see here that we are not getting the ping response here actually ttl expire is coming so we're not getting the ping or response uh there are two major tools whenever you are troubleshooting any reachability issue from source to destination so guys here this source is uh this pc that is unkush and the destination is server 1 and server 2. so whenever you're troubleshooting there are two tools one tool which i showed you that is ping and the other one is trace so we'll trace we also use trace so from here the command is just trace if you are uh if you want to trace from routers the command is trace a route and if you are using windows pc then it the command is reset so i'll show you the trace route of for server one from ankush pc and here you can see so this particularly uh trace route basically shows you the routing part the l3 path okay so you can see it is reaching in four hops uh the very first hop is that is this particular interface of jaipur router ethernet one slash zero and then it is reaching that is this particular interface of mumbai router which is and then from here it is reaching till which is chennai router and then it is reaching the destination so how basically it is reaching it i'll show you again uh first it is reaching to which is this particular interface that is ethernet one slash zero of jaipur router so the packet is getting generated from ankush pc it is reaching till this interface okay and from that it is going to which is this particular interface of mumbai router so it is traveling over here okay then it is going to which is this particular interface so it is traveling from mumbai to chennai and then from here chennai it is going to the switch and is reaching the server this is an l2 switch so i just said i told you that this particular trace will show you the layer 3 or the routing path it will not show you the switching path so it will show you only the routing path so that is why it is showing the ip addresses login ip addresses are layer 3 addresses so we need to remember this thing now i'll just trace route the problem server for which we are troubleshooting so here it is you can see here guys that a packet which is getting generated from ankush pc is reaching till that is it is reaching till here then it is reaching till that is still my router and from that packet is going to which is this particular router that is jaipur router so it is coming back to jaipur router and from jaipur router again it is going to that is home by router and again it is going to 13.1.1 that means it is coming to jaipur router again from jaipur router is going to mumbai router from mumbai to jaipur jaipur mumbai mumbai to jaipur so this is happening here it is not reaching the destination correct destination which is chennai router so it is not reaching the chennai router so basically the path should it should take it should till uh reach to jaipur router then to mumbai router and then from mumbai auditors go it should go to chennai router but it is coming back from mumbai to jaipur and again it is getting looped or here so this is how the routing loops look like this is the routing loop see so this is the routing loop okay that is why it is not reaching the destination so we need to troubleshoot it so uh we have identified where the problem is that the loop is happening between mumbai and jaipur so what i'll do is i'll log into jaipur router and then i'll check the routing part okay so this is the jaipur router i can just show you the some commands over here okay so ip route okay it is not in the routing table fine for the uh server one also it is not in the routing table if the router is not having any specific route to reach a destination it will follow the default route so let's check what the default route is just give the command show appear out you will find the default auto here itself so this is the default route that is that is this router so for jaipur router the default route is to a mumbai router so the packet are reaching mumbai but the problem is that the packet is reaching mumbai again from mumbai it is reaching to jaipur not going to chennai so let's go on mumbai router so we are here on mumbai router now here we'll check show ip out so swipe it out is the command to check the routing so the destination is okay so you can see here the next route next hop is that is jaipur router so to reach particularly this route mumbai router have a route pointing towards airport it should be actually pointing towards chennai so we'll change it how to change it i'll show you very simple okay now for your reference you can just check what is the route for the server one you can see here for server on the router store okay and is this particular router that is the chennai router so let's change again the other thing command you can use to view the routing static routing is show run pipe include ip route so you'll find out all these static routes which are which are there in this router so you have only three static routes again if you want to see the routing table the command is show ip route okay so i just issue this command first of all so this route is wrong this particular route okay so i'll remove this so not this this one so i'll remove this route from the routing table first of all okay and then i'll put the correct one okay so the command is show ip route followed by the subnet marks which is slash 32 and then the next stop next top should be chennai router which is press enter okay now just to verify the things let's verify show ipe route so you can check here the routing is now correct that is 12 towards now we'll quickly go over here on ankush pc and then we will check whether we have resolved the issue or not okay so this is ankush pc and now i will trace it now you can see the traces getting completed now will bring it that is okay so we are able to successfully able to pay it so uh in this way you can solve a static routing issue it is very simple static routing is very simple whenever you're having a small network you could deploy static routing you don't need any routing protocol to be used so again in this video i showed you how routing loops look like and how to troubleshoot it so guys in this video i have to show you only this much this is a very short video on static routing troubleshooting i'll come up with with more troubleshooting videos uh till then i'll end up this video here thanks for watching omar tech stuff guys please do subscribe my channel like this video and do comment on the same thank you have a nice day
Channel: Network Engineer Stuff
Views: 2,664
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: amartechstuff, Routing troubleshooting ticket, Routing troubleshooting scenario, routing troubleshooting steps, static routing troubleshooting, routing troubleshooting commands, routing loops, routing loops in networks, ccna, ccnp routing
Id: 7ov90_xc1Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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