Reverse Reverb in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I want to show how to create reverse reverb in Reaper now the idea of reverse reverb is to create a sound that kind of sucks in goes from low to high into the intro of the neck sound for instance I have an acoustic guitar right here normal reverb would happen at the end and be loud over here and then fade out but if we reverse the reverb it'll come before the sound and kind of suck in we'll go from low to high to create a dramatic effect so let me show you how to do it in Reaper what's here the acoustic guitar [Music] so what that effect at the beginning and also at bar three but because it repeats we can just copy and paste the effect when we're done so to set this up well first duplicate the track will right-click right here go to duplicate tracks and now we have two so so this one then we're going to reverse this audio file so right click go to item settings verse the active take snap plays backwards let's drag it over here doesn't need to be perfect somewhere around here and now it's here like I said it's backwards now you only need the end section over here because the reverb is gonna be triggered just by the first note we don't need the whole thing because that'll sound confusing so let's split it right around here yes delete this part once he had reverb to the whole thing for the effects now it doesn't matter what reverb we choose just about any of them will work I know some of them have a reverse option but that's not necessary any good reverb will work so let's use the Reaper one right over here Kolya verb' double-click it so let's make it bigger so it extends a lot longer let's bring down the dampening so it'll still be pretty bright let's hear it let's bring down the dry sound because we don't need that what's here now that looks good we can get rid of even more the audio and then we'll fit it in right about there you [Music] [Music] that should work so we'll right-click on the track go down here to render and we'll choose either in the tracks to mono stereo a multi-channel I'm gonna use stereo that's going to create a new track with that effect rendered to it perfect so I could delete this one then we need to reverse the actual reverb so again we'll right-click it good item settings verse active take and here's the reverse reverb so what I do now is line up the loudest section of the reverb which is rather out here and line it up with the beginning of the acoustic guitar that usually sounds the best now let's see what it sounds like with both of them playing [Music] it's a bit too long so it's split it right here do eat this one we could fade it in right here [Music] the section over here kind of clouds it up a bit if you like that you can leave it what I prefer to do there's just split it and delete this part this way it's completely dry right over here [Music] and we can duplicate it control on the PC command on the Mac and put the other one right over here [Music] it creates a nice dramatic effect as the first note is fading in to the start of the park let's try the same thing with a vocal I have a vocal tract right here and it plays twice we do the same thing with vocals let's right-click it duplicate the track which so it was to eat the second one but reverse the first one item settings verse active take and now it's backwards once again we'll split it to eat this piece feed it in and add some reverb to this one this time I'm going to use one of my favorite reverbs called redline reverb and it sounds like this let's bring up the lens also make it brighter right here and change the mix to be fully wet that should work right click render freeze tracks we're in the tracks - stereo that created the reverb so get delete this one [Music] and a printed a reverb who need to reverse the reverb right-click item Settings reverse active take let's move it over here again stop with the loudest section which is right here and line it up with the beginning of a vocal sounds like this once again what split the beginning delete that create a fade up to here we could delete this section here goes completely dry on the vocal and it sounds good we can duplicate it over here and just like that we created a reverse reverb effect we can readjust it with a different fade curve just right click over here maybe choose this one make it a bit louder you see with this one or make it a little smoother right here that's better and just like that we created reverse reverb it's a great effect to use on vocals guitars even piano or a full mix it creates a real dramatic effect as you can hear the sound coming in before it actually does so that's pretty much it that's reverse reverb in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 29,567
Rating: 4.9767442 out of 5
Id: QbohTSqxWrI
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Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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