The 20 Minute Trader | Oliver Velez

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I am going to take 45 minutes and I'm going to change the way you see the markets and hopefully the way you play the market from this day forward I got 45 minutes to do that I got 45 minutes to do it in such a way that you'll never be the same as a market participant again now I'm gonna take the first 20 minutes of the trading day we're gonna slice out the first 20 minutes of the trading day I got 45 minutes to teach you how to master trading that first 20 minute period now traditionally braiding the first 20 minutes has been taboo in the markets when I started my professional career on Wall Street December 1980 December 1986 all right I was told that no traders trade the first 15 to 30 minutes of the trading day because of the excessive volatility I would go on eventually to break that rule and set records on Wall Street for being the most profitable trader in the first 20 minutes of the trading day my fame on the street grew because of this talent that instead of the first 20 minutes being taboo for me it was where I made 80% of all my money even though I traded the vast majority of the day and so my skill of being able to pull money out of the markets utilize in this first 20 minutes I travel the world transferring that skill to others in addition to me transferring that skill to others I do not do that for free I do it in the form of an exchange in the form of you trading my capital so if you are willing to trade my capital I am willing to teach you how to do this without you risking a single penny of your family's money ever so I travel around the world giving my money to other other individuals teaching them what to do with that money and we split the profits zero risk to the trader if they lose my money I kill them know if if they lose my money it's my fault it means I did not do my job well enough my top trader has over thirty million dollars and all the baby ones start off with $50,000 so today I'm gonna give you all $50,000 and I'm gonna show you how with $50,000 you can grow it trading 20 minutes a day just 20 minutes the first 20 minutes you're gonna grow - I'm going to show you how to grow fifty thousand into a hundred into two hundred and fifty and so half a million dollars I'm gonna do it I got 45 minutes to do it is it operational no excellent okay let's go very quickly guys my first trade I placed in my life 1981 became a professional trader on Wall Street 1986 that's Wall Street founded a company called pristine some of you may have heard it pristine over a 12-year period became the world's largest direct access trading firm with literally tens of thousands of traders worldwide Barron's ranked my educational work in the professional trading space the number one source in the entire industry I was named the number one source to go to an entire industry by Barron's Dow Jones dubbed me the Messiah of day trading in the year 2000 I am the best-selling author of five international best-selling books written in seven different languages these five books have sold more copies than every single trading book ever written combined ten thousand-plus traders of equities and Forex spread around the world and I continue to be an advisor of some of the largest exchanges in the world this was this shows this operation their very first show for the entire industry chose me to be the keynote speaker that's my photo those were the days all right this is the Barron's article right up on my educational work these are my books written in seven different languages and this is where I'd like you to follow me if you're not following me at all now I've spent a great deal of time putting an educational video out on my youtube channel every single day 365 days a year you can grow your level of sophistication day by day on my YouTube channel all the others all the other resources as well I put out free educational content my goal is to leave behind a very very solid legacy of real true valuable information because when I started in this business there was nothing reliable out there there was no teacher no mentor no guides no anything and it made my journey longer and harder and so one of my goals is to leave behind a legacy of free information and education that can help individuals like me when I started alright so let's get down that's who I am let's get down to business here this is the business every one of my traders is initially given training I teach them every single tactic every single technique how to manage the trade how to manage your money how to manage your risk how to take profits when to add when not to add everything now they have to pass this test after they learn the tactics right they start off with a $50,000 simulator account alright it's real data but it's simulator account they have to just show me their ability to make $3,000 if they can make $3,000 utilizing what I taught them they have graduated and now they trade for real and we're in business together level one fifty thousand dollars the first goal is three thousand dollars they get 40% of the gains I get sixty percent of the games once they pass the first three thousand dollar test they get one hundred thousand dollars put into their account at the one hundred thousand dollar level they will get six there their goal is to make six thousand forty percent of the gains I get sixty percent then their account goes to two hundred and fifty thousand then their account goes to half a million and it goes on and on my top trader has a little over 30 million dollars trading with now this is what your path is in my organization as a trader and the least you know usually the better I love blank slates to be able to write my paint my masterpiece on blank slates alright so now I want you to pretend like you have $50,000 and I'm gonna teach you how to take the $50,000 and run through that list all right we're gonna need several tools five in fact $50,000 to start number two we need a two-minute chart where every bar and the chart represents two minutes of trading so we're going to divide the markets activity into two minute slices we need a simple 20-period moving average running through that data and we need a simple 200 period moving average running through that data the last thing we need is what I call a tight picture of power and I'll teach you what that is now here's a two-minute chart of Facebook every bar represents two minutes of charts obviously the green bars mean that the stock opens at the bottom of the green and rose to the top of the green all red bars mean that the stock opens at the top of the red and fell to the bottom of the red okay so green bars are up bars red bars are down bars now we need a tool to a twenty period simple moving average which is going to average the last 20 bars so that we see a twenty bar average and we want to see a 200 bar average so there's a short period moving average a short one and a long one moving average systems you always want to use a short one in congestion in conjunction with a long one okay now I have superin pose the 20-period moving average and the 200 on that same chart of Facebook take a look the one sloping downward is the 20 the one sort of flattish is the 200 period moving average now let's talk about the states when these two moving averages are close together we call that a tight state your stock or facebook when the move when those two are close the the market or Facebook is in a tight state when those moving averages are far apart Facebook is in a wide state so I want you to understand that the markets at two states we flow from narrow to wide and back to narrow to wide and that's it it's almost like the market is a breathing mechanism it breathes in tight and then it exhales out wide and after why we go back to what inhale and then after inhale wide again now we judge these states by the moving averages the 20 and the 200 so you can have a tight narrow state with the 20 above the 200 but tight and narrow or you can have a tight narrow state with the 20 a little bit below the 200 here's a wide state where the 20 and the 200 have separated but separated to the upside the 20 is above the 200 and you have the from this wide state you are expecting your stock to drop from a wide state because the drop brings you back to narrow now if you have the wide state to the downside the 20 has declined away from the 200 you're looking from that wide state what should your stock be ready to do now to back up to go back to narrow so if you can start by knowing the stocks state first you've got 85% of this game already figured out most problems come from from playing the wrong state buying after this after a wide state or during the reverse so get this state right and you've got 85% of your problems and trading are gone okay now let's go back to the Facebook chart look to the left-hand side of the chart look at the left-hand side of the chart what state is the left-hand side narrow your best opportunities come from a narrow state I'm going to repeat this your best trading opportunities come from narrow states from narrow States there is usually an explosion out of the narrow state and there's flow there's follow-through there's trending your second best opportunity comes from where the wide state and in the wide state is when you become what kind of trader a contrarian you see a contrarian you become the contrarian trader in the wide state but you are not the contrarian trader from the narrow state you go with the flow from an arrow state you go with the direction from an arrow state after the stock has achieved a wide state you start to think reverse I know the stocks down but were why I'm now thinking up there's a time to be a contrarian and a time not to be a contrarian all right now let's talk about positions above the moving average so you've got a tight narrow state above the moving average is bullish positive when your stock opens in the morning the first bar opens above a narrow state the odds of follow-through to the upside are like 87% so you've got an 87% chance that if you open above a narrow state there is more upside to come if you open below a narrow State the first bar of the morning opens below is an 87 percent chance of follow-through to the downside now think about this that means that out of every 100 trades you're gonna be right 87 times they're going to be wrong twelve thirteen percent of the time all right that's how we're gonna always have to protect ourselves when we're wrong so let's talk about power bars there are 13 bars the market repeats over and over again 13 bars it's like a language so instead of 27 letters in the language the market speaks one language with 13 bars and it repeats these bars over and over again it doesn't repeat them in a specific order it might give you bar for then bar 6 then bar 1 then bar 13 then bar 10 but there's only 13 it can throw at you out of all the 13 bars these two are the most important I call them elephants and Tails elephant bars are sizable solid green bars that are larger and taller than the vast majority of the green bars before it PowerBar green or you can get a power bar to the downside red booming solid power elephant bar you see the institutions move the market you don't move the market your family doesn't move the market your neighbors don't move the market your friends don't move the market institutions with billions of dollars move the markets they when they go in they wish they did not leave up they wish they could go in without leaving a footprint behind but they can they're too big their footprint these elephants leave behind boom big footprints this is the footprint of an of a giant elephant getting out of the of the market that top one is a giant elephant bar a footprint of an institution or institutions getting into the market all right the bars at the bottom the bottoming tail bars are similar in power to the elephant bars there are also footprints that the market the market do I have a right here that the market institutions are getting into the market so in all all four of these bars the market has moved up so the bottoming tail bars are an indication that the market was at the bottom of the tail and moved toward the top of the body all right the green bar is well from the bottom move to the top so these four bars indicate money going into the market and the next four bars represent money coming out of the market now let's take these two power bars and let's start our trading day your goal is to take a list of stocks let's say you've got 10 out of 10 stocks on your list this morning you're not going to play all 10 you're going to just before they open select the three or four that are in what state you want to say oh yes that's right out of these ten these four have the moving averages close now you've got your four to focus on right at the open now you're going to determine out of those four which four opens above with an elephant or opens above with a tail bar or opens below with a red elephant or opens below with one of the topping tail bars so we want these bars below and these bars above the narrow state and so all this becomes is a waiting game you select which stocks have the narrow state then simply watch and wait which one's open with an elephant or bottoming tail bar above or an elephant or topping tail bar below these narrow states and when none of your stocks do it you drink coffee all right now let's go you let the first two-minute bar finish no action in the first two minute bar right now once that first two-minute bar has completed itself you're gonna mark the high of that bar off one painting above that bar is high boom you're gonna put 20 five thousand dollars of your money but my money in the stock that moment that instant you're gonna take literally half of your account and boom pile it in the stock now you let the first bar finish trading you do not let the second bar finish trading so the moment the instant the second bar crosses the high of the first bar boom your $25,000 is in and I want you to protect yourself one penny below bar one now listen to this this is your most important act your most important act is to protect the money your protection is one penny under bar 1 which means that your loss will be limited to the size of one bar but get this when you win you might win 20 bars but every single time you lose you lose 1 bar but you might win 8 bars but you'll lose 1 bar you might win 4 bars but you'll lose 1 bar you might win 40 bars but every single time you lose for the rest of your life you limit your loss to 1 bar this is how you stay in this business forever this is how you almost guarantee success most people enter this game thinking that their responsibility is to make money that is not your responsibility your responsibility is to cut the stock when it's not performing the markets responsibility is to make money it's a partnership if you buy Microsoft and it goes up what did you do except pray nothing you didn't push the stock up you didn't call Warren Buffett and say can you buy a few billion shares so the stock can go up you did nothing the markets job is to go up your job is to sit and cut because the market can't stop itself do you understand the market can go up without you but it can't stop itself so it needs you to stop it when it's failing your number one job is to be a cutter not a moneymaker you see money shines on everyone whether you're talented or not it's like the Sun you can be a criminal and the Sun shines on you or you can be a saint and the same Sun shines on you profits are like the Sun they just happen whether you're talented or not what you can't mistake is professional losses limiting your loss to one bar is a professional loss that's your job tell me you understand this though oh thank you thank you so check this out hey if you do 10 of these 10 of those and everyone that hits that red line boom cut cut out of ten eight you'll only cut probably twice but you'll have eight to just go without your help only two you'll have to cut maybe only one every now and then alright now you're looking for one of these two same thing no difference whatsoever let that first two bar to bar form and you see it forming it's one minute and 45 seconds one minute 50 55 seconds wow this is a bottoming tail bar it's above my moving averages the moving averages are tight saliva begins to drip down the corners of your mouth mark off the high one penny get ready boom 25,000 in and your protection goes where under which bar the first bar you're limiting your loss for the rest of your life so one bar the market will give you eight bars six bars 20 bars 15 bars three bars two bars but will not allow it to move more than one bar against you ever do this and you will be in this business forever look to the left hand side of this chart look at your moving averages what state are we in I know you know it amuse me narrow look at the first bar of the morning gap up above the narrow state solid green bar which bar do you see where you enter once that first bar finishes trading marked the high of the first bar off which ever bar is the next bar to break above the high boom gets your 25,000 all right do you see it all right you're entering it looks like on bar three do you see that our three is the one that pokes through where's your protection under bar one all right under bar one okay we're gonna build this zoom in a chart of Disney here this that dotted line is the first bar of the day marks the first first the first bar of the day solid fat green bar moving averages tight mark the high of that bar off which bar gets your 25,000 the second one your stop below bar one all right good we got it now that's the foundation trading is not a complicated thing I want you to think about it you've got three directions up down and sometimes sideways that's complicated that's primitive you know what's complicated the human body billions of processes are going off right now the engine of a Ferrari now that's wow that's complex the market no you know what the essence of trading is picking out those not performing and then staying out of the way of those that perform that's at the core of everything but if you get the states right if you start adding the states to your overall analysis and you start playing the right bars that indicate this is not a normal buyer this is an institutional footprint institutional footprint in the right location in the location in the right state and you stack the odds in your favor this is how I broke records on Wall Street they said that it couldn't be done biggest gain in 20 minutes 80 something million dollars 20 minutes that it couldn't be done this has an 80 plus percent follow-through rate I've been doing it for 33 years I've been trading for 38 years but I've been doing this for 33 years and it works just like it did 33 years ago all right look at this bar first bar of the morning all right your moving averages are relatively close they're not far far apart what are you doing right now salivating don't white you might miss the trade do the trade then white okay all right mark the high off boom get ready boom 25,000 in your protection r1 there you go that circle would represent a short-term move up where I'd start taking some profits my general profit taking thing is I'm looking for the stock to make three pushes so push one like it pushes my profits push - and then after push - I start throwing sell orders ahead of the market so that the market comes to push three area and execute me that's a more professional sell than waiting and then selling when it gets there getting your order there in advance now let's take this here's another example this is Western Digital alright first two-minute bar of the morning you've got a nice tight state now remember you know before the market opens which stocks have tight states so you're pulling out of your list you have a list of ten stocks you're pulling out the small few that have a tight state focusing on that now Oh mark the high off first two minute has given you a nice solid bar here's your entry $25,000 in protection under bar one boom three push take some profits now I think we've got this part down you've got another 25,000 now that 25,000 in your pocket doesn't do me or you any good we've got to put that in the market - so now I've got to teach you how to add to your winning place every master trader adds the winning place every big trader is an adder there's never a you can never be a big trader if you're an ABC trader a and B L know you want go in and then in and then in in your winning players usually two ads now why do you think we don't put all 50,000 in why try it would have and not all of it because if this is gonna be one of the ones that don't work I'd want it to not work on a half now not work on all of it so let me put half in let's see if this thing gets some momentum and then I can add the rest all right that's why we only put half in initially the ad let's talk about the ad now we're gonna play the color game on the ad this is very basic very basic the very first red bar that occurs a red bar means that the stock kind of softened down a little bit the very first red bar you're gonna take notice if that red bar does not produce another red bar after it and and a bar takes out the high of the red bar boom we're gonna add more so you're gonna add when the market removes one red bar how does it remove it by trading past it all right so just like that that ad arrow is one penny above the high of a single red bar now I want you to think of this is like two soccer teams there's or two football teams whatever basketball team whatever there's a green team in a red team and so you've only seen the green team had the ball in bar one bar two now the red team gets the ball and produces what that's it that's all you got now do you see where I'm going when red shows you that is very weak because it can't give you not not only can it not give you more than one it gives you a little one now boom ad when that little one is removed all right now it doesn't matter whether or not your first bar is elephant your first bar is tail now we're adding the color game your entry can be the first little red bar that gets removed so even if you don't have an elephant or tail your first play can be the first little red bar that gets removed so now you've got three things to play elephants tails and little red bar takeouts elephant's tails and little red bar takeouts play these three things in the right location in the right state you've got a money-making machine in the first 20 minutes of the trading day all you need is money to do it and I've got the money so listen people say Oliver why do you why do you travel the world teaching this why do you do this why don't you just trade I'm like you don't see this when I'm trading this on Microsoft what about the elephant bar in the right location in Twitter what about the tail bar in Facebook or the red bar being taken out an apple but I'm playing Microsoft I want not just Microsoft I want the Twitter one I want the Facebook one I want it all do you understand so listen so but check this out if I gave you 50 thousand you fifty thousand you could do that let's say you have Facebook you've got you've got Microsoft you've got Apple you like this now don't miss these three things now I've got them all but what I do is I multiply me do you understand I give you my capital and multiply me and we both win that's why I do it there's power and numbers I can't be in every spot in every stop that is producing an opportunity but we as a team can all right guys look bar opens above don't be overly concerned with the gap the only thing is if that gap is too far then you've already starting at a wide state so too far gap what's the best play up or down yep you guys are smart who love it all right this is not that far that's not too far all right mark the high boom 25,000 in stop below the low there's your first red bar it's not that big it's rather small mark the high of that bar off boom whenever that bar is taken out that's your ad now I suggest that you take that 25,000 and divide it into two parts so you put 12 or 13 thousand in and then do another one all right there's your profit take you've got three pushes push pause push push out look I'm not marrying stocks off the open all right you understand I'm in and out this is 2 4 this is 20 minutes 18 minutes or whatever it is I'll finish done go to the beach all right or the park or whatever it is that you do do have traders that will trade a good portion of the day but I want every trader to have my specialty my specialty is the first 20 minutes there's your moving averages relatively narrow solid fat that's an institutional bar you and I can't produce a bar like that in Microsoft it takes billions of dollars to produce a bar like that all right we know that's a footprint that's going in and it's a big one mark the high off we got the right state we've got the right location remember the location in the state are different location is above or below state is narrow or wide so you want the location and the state correct and the bar correct get those three things correct you got a money-making machine all you need is money got and you can't do guys you can't play this game with a little bit of money it just doesn't work you don't show up to a gunfight with a knife and think you're gonna win it will not happen if you show up with $2,500 $3,000 you leave without your $3,000 every single time I guarantee it and play this game like that most businesses fail for insufficient capital trading as a business and it's the same most people are sloshing around the markets with inappropriate amount of capital you can't do it fifty thousand is a baby amount but it's a good starting point but it's still very small you gotta do this with big money my program allows you to build up that account size to really nice decent money all right boom enter stop look at that first little red bar that's all you got red that's it mark off the high boom there's your ad playing the color game now three pushes push one push to throw your order above the market let the market come to that push three area out go to the beach and you play again if you want yes you see these series of reds going down the very next time a green bar eliminates red starts the game again boom boom but you must be near the blue 20-period moving average you can't do the color game that after the first one you can't do the color game after that unless it's kind of close to the 20 no away from the 20 if it comes back toward the 20-period moving average the blue line you can start the color game again green takes out red boom where's your stop always under bar one all right beautiful there's red throughout the process again there's your ad above a little red bar three pushes up out why three pushes the market has a strong tendency to pause rest or or reverse after three to five pushes but you get three obviously a higher percentage of time than you get five so that's why I'll always teach traders start coming out on three all right you might get five but you'll certainly a higher percentage of time get three I live where things happen certainly now this is short term trading us you're trading the first 20 minutes of the morning you're trying to earn your living in 20 minutes you're trying to grab three four thousand dollars eight thousand whatever it is in that first 20 minutes of training and this short-term and its accuracy is the reason for its accuracy is because the term is short the shorter term trader has a greater chance of being more accurate than the long term trader right and I'll prove this to you if I were to ask you where you're gonna be ten years from now on this very day of the month ten years you'd have no freaking clue if I were to ask you where you'd be one year from now on this very day you'd still probably have no clue about to ask you where you'd be one month from now a little bit better one day from now what about if I ask you where are you gonna be two minutes from now you would get that right every two minutes of your life you will never be wrong but what if you just lived the market two minutes by two minutes if your accuracy is the highest in this two-minute period why not live your market life because your ability to project what blow up or down over the next two four six minutes is extraordinarily high with what I've just given you but if I were to stretch that and say over the next week it will break down so we live in this high probability highly consistent window and then we just put big money behind it all right what if boom you get a red bar up there what do you do I'm gonna see nah it's not your you've got narrow state stock opens above bullish territory but boom bearish bar what do you do drink coffee nothing but if the market removes this bar if this thing where is this thing my laptop maybe is the battery going to mark the high of that red bar off if a green bar eliminates that red bar where my guys are coffee right [Music] is he trying to okay so if there you go alright there you go so if you get this scenario boom if the problematic thing is removed that's your end point stop below the low now that may not happen that make that red bar might produce a second red bar in a third red bar it's it's a nothing trade then you don't do anything on that trade but if that red bar is taken boom that's your entry right off the open there okay now that's that scenario look at the first bar opens above the moving averages and produce a red bar first the second bar removes the problem and you're in right at the height right as the green bar eliminates the high of the red bar stop below the low three pushes out alright and then you can start playing the color game again as it comes back in look at the series of red when does green eliminate red again I wish I had a pointer but and then the move up out done now these are not just perfect examples traders I can show you thousands upon thousands of charts red bar starts off the morning green bar eliminates second green bar eliminates the high in stop below the low three let's follow this trade you tell me which bar is your entry bar the second one where is your stop how much money do you have in the play on bar to twenty five thousand okay what's your next act what's your next act pigs that's right he'll eminates the first little red bar ad and then what's your next action after the push out right and then let's continue do you see your next act the second green bar after that final red bar that dips right you got it boom three pushes up out this most people are over complicating this game they're looking at p/e ratio sales ratios company management product sales product there's projections it's too complex they're making most people make this game listen when I left the street every firm began sending me their top traders I charged them $25,000 per trader per week and I was booked because I did a maximum of 10 traders a week I trained Wall Street ten traders a week $25,000 per head I was booked for 12 years I perfected how to simplify this game and turn an individual into a money machine it is not mistake that I have over 10,000 traders worldwide today spread all over the world that is not I'm sorry women traitors yes they are some of the best traders do you know why women make the best traders most of the time ego let they have less of it it's not that they don't have ego these have less of it so when the stock doesn't work and the stop is hit the woman says Oliver says get out here right but men are like shoot man maybe you know maybe he'll come back you don't rebound maybe I should add alright and so there's less of that so women tend to be more disciplined as well naturally more discipline there are there are certainly personality types that can make trading a little easier but you just have to have a reliable set of items that repeat themselves over and over and over again reliable set of items proper trade management knowing when to cut when not to cut when to add in just a short period of time you can now look at any chart in the world off the open and say this is where I entered this is where I protect myself this is where I add and this is where I'm taking profits and that imagine if you gave me six months of your life where I could take you now I have to add one more thing here you can't leave your original stop at the bottom of bar one as the stock progresses you got to move that protection up you don't want to lose a tremendous amount of your profit in the form of a sudden collapse so we got to learn how to move that stop up so I want you to look at all the big fat green bars on that chart look at the fat sizable ones look at that fat bar look at that one and then look at that one at the top every fat bar you move that protection right under the fat bar you see healthy stocks don't eliminate their fat bars move that stop under so right after you add above that red little red bar that bar starts growing growing growing boom big bar move the stop under the fat bar and you can fat bar by fat bar your way to the promised land boom boom fat bar fat bar fat bar fat bar out now while you're raising your stop you're also taking profits on three pushes don't think you have to be stopped out the stop is just in case something bad starts to happen but you want to take profits on the way up not on the way down on the way down is hitting your stop that's just in case but the ideal way to get out is with the momentum on the way up and then you cancel your stop you should know the first fat red bar gets taken out by a green bar from an arrow state moving averages of tight your entry is above the moving averages so your your you're doing everything in the right position you get your three pushes you're out of this is boring now boring alright look at this this is my favorite I love playing to the downside if you watched my last talk at the Money Show in Orlando a couple weeks ago you know my message who saw that you saw it what was the message mm what was the message never buy again when I stood up on stage in Orlando hundreds of people my message here today is to never buy again ever ten people stood up and walked out immediately it's on tape watch it but I bet you what they're saying now is Wow all right I love going short I love betting to the downside by the way guys that's not what I predicted in Orlando one of the biggest balls in history I predicted this at a time when the market was at all-time new highs so the reason that you can do this now we're word the moving averages on the Nasdaq or the Dow or any major Indus how do they look together like that they are so far apart they can't see one another the state is too wide that's not the time to buy the time to buy is when your state's an arrow right I taught you that but now you can apply that to anything and no you got to know your state then you've got to know which events in the right state in the right position let me get those three your odds explode all you need is money so now we're going to bet this to the downside 25 thousand in boom short protection above the high a bar one everything is in Reverse now yes we make more money on the downside than on the upside why because items fall faster and harder than they rise give me a short over a long any day and twice on Sunday all right boom there's your entry look at the narrow state to the left of the chart first bar is solid red under the low trigger 25,000 in protection above the high look at your first little green bar that forms gets taken out boom that's your ad you've got more money to the downside it's some people say Oliver my god can it really be this simple yes it is but it's not easy I will never tell you this is easy but simple it is you know the game of basketball is simple put this ball in that hoop that's it but it's not easy right so the game is simple it's not easy granted it's harder if you're doing it without training no one on Wall Street would newton safe I'm not gonna train you but here's 50 million dollars and free trade or professional traders trained on a desk well you make it harder without the training from someone who actually does it in your face every day you have to see traders making money it's the best way to learn it can't be theoretical you've got to actually see it we trade live with our traders every day get something through us Moses happens but it's harder to do this without proper training it's hard to do this without the proper amount of money it's hard to do this without a method I'm giving you a method here this is a formula you just repeat the formula the same way like a monkey like a machine and you never deviate consistency comes from doing things consistently you can't do things inconsistently and hope to be consistent doesn't work that way alright look at this you guys know this right now you can tell me to the penny where you put twenty five thousand in where are you to the penny where your protection is to the penny where you add and now to the penny where you adjust your stop walk this stock down do it now that bar buy fat bar your way to the promised land you got it you see it first stop on bar one where do you walk that thing down to the next big bar see the next big bar the next big bar the next big bar over here so I say something like Boeing Boeing Boeing okay now there's one more I want to add we're going to add one more stop adjustment and we're done you're gonna add the color stop adjustment not just the big bar you're gonna add this so every time you get the opposite color when we're betting down green is the opposite color when you get the opposite color green followed by to red green red red adjust your stop on top of the green green red red adjust your stop on top of the green green red red adjust your stop on top of the green so now you've got big bar adjust color adjust you do them both whichever one happens next so your stop adjustments now go from the original stop at the top of bar 1 see the green red red move the stop on top of green you got it then what happens next a big bar happens next move your stop from the green to the top of the big bar after that what happens next red red now move your stop on top of the green what happens after that big bar now move your stop on top of the big bar and you can walk this is professional trade management very few people this is the highest level very few people know how to manage the trade in between the Buy and the final exit or the sell in the final cover they don't know what to do in the middle they don't know how to walk the dog how you do boring now and it's supposed to be if you are really excited you're probably doing something wrong right you want to Entertainment go to Disney World but this is the same thing it's not excited it's not supposed to be what you do with your money should be exciting but this same boring thing every single time every single day every single trade that's what it takes being boring I want to show you something interesting here what if the bar is green under what do you do your first bar under the moving averages is green what do you do wait shirring coffee right all right take a look at this if it's green boom that's your entry the removal of green now check this out check this out this is cool you're watching this 2-minute bar form under an arrow state it's not full two minutes let's say it's a minute let's say it's one minute into its two-minute life you're watching this you're like a green bar but if that green disappears boom I'm in right now watch it did it it produced green in the first part of its life one minute within 1 minute and 15 seconds less green one minute and 30 seconds less green and at the end and at the end of the green boom that's your new entry price so now I'm teaching you how to actually go into the first 2-minute bar if it produces green first and then wipes the green out inside of the first two minutes do you understand this so you are watching the market open green green green green green then less green less green less grave boom once the green is over you get in at that point stop above the high and this is your drop so normally you would be getting in under the low of bar 1 no you're now getting in higher because the first move was green giving you the bottom of green as a reference point and any time whether it's the same bar or the next bar eliminates the green you're in it doesn't matter we call this hidden green plays the green is hiding from you you start to add the hidden plays Wow the opportunities explode there's that green movement first mark the low of the green boom this one this green did not get erased the same bar nor did it get erased bar two but it did erase the green bar three doesn't matter boom there's your entry alright there's your there's the first green bar after your original entry point marked the load there's your ad boom and the rest is history what should you always do when your stock goes from narrow the wide if you're in the play you were in the play from narrow now it goes wide should you still keep it no so you see where I have the circle look at the distance now from the moon look at the left when everything was scrunched together and look at the move away you should be getting out so the best time to get in is near and when you get away you should be exiting get in near away exit it's not complicated it's simple not easy because see the bars aren't moving on this chart right so it's easier when the bars start moving and your palms start getting sweaty and butterflies start moving in your stomach and stuff like that but it is simple we go from why'd state we go from an arrow state to the left to a wide state back to an arrow state can you play the wide state back to narrow yes or no yes what what kind of bars do you play from a wide state they once elephant poom bottoming tail bar boom so which bar did you get here bottoming tail bar from a wide state you can try that look at the elephant bars look at this elephant bar long as you're playing the right events and the right state 87 percent chance of making money now I've got to take a couple minutes to explain my program this is not for everyone in fact it's not for most I know this but there's a percentage of you that it this is perfect for so I'm really talking to them this is a business I set traders up in business that's what I do I give them the money I train them every day of their lives and this is forever there is no expiration to my what I do I do not there's no end when you come on board with me you are going as long as you have a single penny of my capital in your hands I will train you until training is falling out of your ears you get trained every single day of your life forever you get funded for the rest of your life forever and in my program you never risk a single penny of your own capital ever if you it's my loss I'll take 100% on the loss that's how confident I am okay guys self-start trader that's the program i just explained to you where you take the fifty thousand dollars and go through them through the through the levels so sixteen seventeen hundred dollars you can lose that on a trade spread that cost over five years you should give yourself five years for this this is a cup of coffee a day you can lose this in one trade one week one month this is for life one feet from for the rest of your life now I'm having a I'm having the Nasdaq invited me to do an event at their headquarters alright the Nasdaq headquarters I'm holding an event there for $300 that's a four-hour event where I teach you all my tactics but no funding so if you're an individual where you said Oliver I just want to learn from you I'm not interested in your capital then that's the event you want $300 and if you think this is valuable give me four hours Wow and you'll have every single tactic that I use every single day all right so if you sign up before Thursday because my event on the Nasdaq is Friday I'll give you the two items for this now your costs just got smaller $1,300 foot for the program with funding and lifelong education from me or the Nasdaq event is $200 nothing it's a dinner but I will change your life forever I promise you no one has trained more professional traders in this industry that mean I don't say that from ego it's just is what it is okay if you sign up by Monday I'll give you the whole lifetime program for $1,000 and as that event $200 so if you want one of them you've got that price for it throw for the self start a thousand Nasdaq if you just want the Nasdaq as two hundred but if you can I'd say do them both go hundred dollars my mother used to tell me Oliver don't think cost think value all of it break the cost down into a daily amount over the duration of the benefit and what's the cost think of it that way Oliver that's what I want you to do you give yourself three years to become a master trader what is that cost broken down over three years into a daily amount and is that worth it they're getting me very worth it thank you very much [Music]
Channel: MoneyShow
Views: 378,512
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Id: Lqbbxxp6Xvc
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Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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