Rosh Hashanah / Yom Teruah : 5782

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[Music] we are celebrating two feasts today the day of the sound of the trumpets of shofar and rosh hashanah the new year creation the new civil year a traditional moment it is traditional at this time to greet one another with usually la shanna tova but we at le may you be inscribed in the book of life for a good year and we respond same to you la palabra hashem 23 24-25 say speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you are to have a shabbat rest a memorial of blowing a holy convocation you are to do no regular work and you are to present an offering made by fire to adonai [Music] abram instruments since the days of abraham the shofar has been used by our people as a sacred instrument that announces the arrival of the great feast given by our elohim the time to gather for great battles and the time to begin certain prophetic programs announced in the torah [Music] santos presidency instruments festive day the shofar takes precedence over the rest of the instruments to send us a great message from adonai in the context of this feast that we are now to begin the sound of the shofar is different from the rest of the celebrations [Music] may we all stand up so we could start with the blessings and the prayer bendy [Music] are elohim king of the universe who has chosen us from among all peoples and exalted us on every tongue and sanctifies us with your commandments and the blood of mashiach [Music] elohim with love you have given us adonai our elohim this day of shabbat and this day of commemoration a day to remember and sound the shofar and the holy convocation [Music] table you have chosen and sanctified us over all people and your word is true and established forever blessed are you adonai the king upon the whole earth who sanctifies the shabbat israel and this day a day of remembrance everyone says [Music] [Music] king of the universe who has given us life has sustained us and brought us to the season and everyone says amen [Music] psalms 8114 says blow the shofar at the new moon at the full moon for the day of our festival for it is a decree for israel an ordinance of the elohim of yaakov [Music] and psalms 98 6 8 with trumpets and the sound of the shofar blessed a sound before the king adonai created creator beginnings just as you created the world in a day like today uniting fragments in the universe help us unite our hearts and the hearts of all your people who love and serve you illuminate our lives with the light of joshua because by his light we see light hallelujah [Music] grant us in this time of teshuva a look towards your eternal redemption healing freedom and perfect peace and everyone says amen [Music] bless now your people israel oh adonai one of whose families has gathered here to celebrate the commandment to listen to the shofar extend your hands upon your congregation and show us your glory bashem jesus and everyone says [Music] let us listen to the first sound of the shofar which represents the prophetic voice of hashem calling his people together [Music] me [Music] hmm [Applause] and because it is also uh the first day of a new month it is rashodesh we will also listen to the sound of the silver trumpets blessed are you adonai our elohim king of the universe who sanctifies us with your commandments and has commanded us to hear the sound of the trumpet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with [Music] um thank you blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has sanctified us by your word and had given us yeshua our messiah and command us to be the light to the world [Music] universe foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] we have a special [Music] and then i'll come back are you good here yeah why do you want to be up here where'd you have your stations do we start whenever [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] my [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] shalom to everyone so glad to have everyone here this evening and just what you would stand to join this evening as we just worship the mighty one of israel [Music] [Music] [Music] and let us sing unto the lord let us shout to the to the jew for joy to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving let us shout for joy unto him with psalms for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods this day we're honoring the king above all kings the king of kings there's a scripture that talks about the sound of the trumpet the shofar sound at the presence of a king at the arrival of a king as we celebrate yom teruah we're reminded of the king that was and the king that is to come the king of kings and we're honoring him in this place tonight where two or three are gathered there he is and so i hope you're here to honor him with your heart with your voice and so that once some say it's a day of trumpet some say it's a day of blasting some say that word tarua can also mean shouting i don't know if you've ever been to a ball game before where you had a favorite team and you shouted a little bit or maybe you went to a concert and you got excited and you lifted your voice a little bit maybe to the point where you lost a little bit of your voice how much more so how much more so should we use our voices and should we with all of our heart love him in this special occasion join me this evening as we declare the adonolam [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah you were worthy to be praised adonai elohim master of the universe who reigned before any form was created when creation came about by his will then as king was his name proclaimed to be and after all has ceased to be he alone will reign in awesomeness and he was and he is and he shall be eternally in splendor he is first and there is no second to compare to him i apologize hallelujah a little louder lift your voices he is my god living redeemer the rock of my pain in times of trouble he is my banner and a refuge for me the portion of my cup in the day i call upon him in his hands i trust my spirit in the time i sleep or i'm awake and with my spirit and my body the lord is with me i shall not fear we're going to get ready to do the motto of which was part of the declaration that was made toward israel that we're going to make this evening uh before we do that i just wanted to share something i felt like the ruach hakodesh put on my heart and one of the things as we approached kind of this year 5782 was just for the the people of the world i feel like there's going to be trouble and more trouble that they're going to see this year but i feel like for the body of messiah the the ruach hakodesh is just saying that there's going to be maturing and there's going to be growth and so i just feel like in the midst of trouble the body and messiah is going to be growing and maturing and so i just look forward to what god's going to be doing in this season join me this evening as we declare the mottovum [Music] [Applause] is um [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] in thy great compassion i will come into your house there i will bow there [Music] [Music] lord you are holy adonai you are holy this this evening will declare from the book of devarim chapter 6 the shema is tradition as we do just according to solomon as he prayed and he faces he faced jerusalem and there's other scriptures that give reference to talk about facing and we're going to face this kind of back corner wall this evening and those that know it can declare with me here from the book of deuteronomy chapter six shema is [Music] oh [Music] israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be the name of his glorious kingdom forever and ever and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your might and these words that i command you today shall be in your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your children and you shall speak of them when you set it home and when you walk along the way and when you lie down and when you rise up and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates and from the book of leviticus chapter 19 you shall love your neighbor as yourself amen and amen you may turn back around and join me this evening as we continue and as we declare the in kelo heinous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is none like our god there is none like our lord there is none like our king there is none like our savior who is like our god who is like our lord who is like our king who is like our deliverer thanks be to god we give thanks to our lord thanks to our king we give thanks to our deliverer blessed be our god blessed be our lord blessed be our king blessed be our deliverer you are our god you are our lord you are our king you are our deliverer hallelujah hallelujah adonai elohim king of kings lord almighty join me that for this final piece of liturgy this evening that i'll be leading you with it's called the mika moka it's a small part of a large song from the book of exodus chapter 15 and we're just celebrating tonight uh the lord our god and and all that he does for us and what's just a great to be here with you as we celebrate this uh special day this special occasion as we just commemorate so many uh credible things and uh and you know i think as we heard the thunder outside as we heard the rain i just feel like even in the sky the heavens know something's happening that even even nature is responding to the seasons that god took in place and there's been many occasions where we've celebrated where i just feel like even the weather changes uh as i believe god is moving in the spirit realm and doing things on behalf of his people just like he did then as we're going to sing he can do for you at any time and so don't be afraid to call upon him don't be afraid to ask and to pray to him morning new day or night he is there and he loves you and he cares at the minkamokami me [Music] let's [Music] [Music] who is like the lord there is none else you are us i'm in praise doing wonders oh lord who is like oh lord and i declare there is none like you adonai elohim oh lord our god god of abraham god of isaac god of jacob god of israel there is none like you and we thank you for the season in this occasion yeshua hamashiach amen amen you may be seated for those of you that first time at a congregation of uh yamcha the rosh hashanah you're actually doing something that the lord commands us to do and you know what's going to happen blessing this is not me the lord says blessing is going to come to you and to your family says as you do these things in fact if you read the book of zechariah chapter 14 it says all those that celebrated the feast of tabernacles were blessed and tabernacles coming up it says and those that didn't the blessings are withheld but i'd like to tell you something y'all do so much and we just want to thank you because our congregation is reaching so many people online people are getting just right now pastors are saying we want to know more about about the feast we're going to know more as we're coming here the lord spoke to me in a dream this and that people are telling me that they want to get close and they want to celebrate the feast of god while you're doing it right now you're celebrating the feast but we have something for you as you come this is our way of saying thank you we have uh little bends for you and your family if you have kids bring them up they're right in the center and it says it's uh al adonai eloheinu hero israel the lord our god the lord is one this is yours free okay we just want to say thank you so get some for you and your family and uh we just want to thank you just for being a part of us we're reaching a lot of people i was going to say we have a uh we're we're reaching the afghan kids we have translators are coming out of our congregation when they they're arriving we're having an orphanage drive uh taylor garcia stand up taylor she's actually she's gonna be we're collecting some funds so we could have shoes for an orphanage because during covert all the different orphanages some many of them closed down they joined in with one they're in acuna mexico and they've asked that some of the kids are going to school without any shoes and we have a list of of things that they need so if you like to participate so many different things that we're doing the louisiana project we're we're leaving john and vashti stand up please john eventually you leave tomorrow tomorrow we have a lot of things out back up front we encourage you to try to give to this there's a lot of things that our people are giving but our way of saying thank you for being part of the ministry as you come take some of these things for you and your children okay right there in the center it says the shmaso so uh elder temple is going to come he's going to read the scripture and then we're going to pray thank you rabbi if you're in an envelope for your tithe and offering please raise your hand and anybody that has credit card uh please see robetson he bet in the back and again just like rabbi said i echo in his statements uh such i know we're giving but at the same time well we're reaching out to so many other ministries like louisiana and so many other things that we're trying to do to reach back to our community to help our community because that's what ministries do so and two quick scriptures the first one is uh exodus 23 19 as you harvest your crop bring the very best of your first harvest to the house of the lord your god exodus 23 19 and proverbs 3 9 10 uh honor the lord with your wealth with the first fruits of all your crops then your barns will be filled with overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine so as we give tonight don't forget first fruits and our very best for all that he has not only done but what he but what he's going to continue to do in our lives and the ministry as his touch with the offerings so let us pray father thank you for the opportunity that we have to give to your kingdom as we bring our first fruits father whether we bring our best we celebrate you and we thank you for everything that you're doing and as we celebrate tonight we celebrate you we glorify you we thank you for all our blessings that we have that as we give from our very best father god we know that you're always working your very best in our favor and for all the things that we're doing and i just ask for blessings financial miracles restorations and whatever it is that we need father god as we trust in you with our offerings give back give us back as you always do and let us just know that we will never out give you in the name of yeshua how much are we praying amen [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Music] thanks let god [Music] [Music] let god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] three [Music] ah [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] it is [Music] is [Music] in his holy place [Music] and remember the great things you did [Music] [Applause] [Music] glorious [Music] around oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] me [Music] me [Music] my [Music] me [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] i [Music] me [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign of our salvation of our salvation [Music] a [Music] [Music] sing to the rock of our salvation party [Music] me [Music] me [Music] lord [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you is [Music] make his face shine upon you be gracious [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon [Music] give me [Music] my [Music] mind [Music] [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children made his favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their [Music] children and their children [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] for you [Music] i am [Music] children and their children [Music] he is [Music] he [Music] is for you [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the lord blessed be the name of the lord [Music] we're about to show you in scripture some great things this is the anniversary this is the anniversary of the creation of the world this is an anniversary when noah stepped out of the ark and walked on dry land this is the anniversary is when yeshua in the breed had the new testament is when he came and there was a man trying to rush to the waters and he couldn't make it on time for a miracle and he says sometimes you want to go to the waters i am the living water and understand this is a day for miracles this is the time for blessing the scriptures actually teach us the way you start off out your year is the way the rest of the year will go so i pray don't be negative don't be critical don't be nagging but bless the lord you're experiencing something with the presence of god is here remember the scriptures read that the presence of god was so real and so that the people couldn't even stand and actually that was on the feast of tabernacles when they dedicated the temple that's just in a few days but i'll tell you this is the beginning this is yom torah this is beginning where we open up the books of life may your name be inscribed in the book of life and if there's somebody here that has never accepted yeshua's messiah there's no greater life than that life in messiah yeshua you may be searching you may be looking and try to fill that void in your life that emptiness but no matter what kind of things you put in there whether it be fame or fortune or careers or even another person you'll never feel that emptiness like our god can understand this is a great time and you've you've come to the best place the temple the bible says do not forsake the assembling of the brethren but it also says that come to the temple on the holy days and remember i came to the feasts in the holy days over and over in the psalms it says this so as we sing it one more time as we're saying the blessing the tradition is that you name all your children and your grandchildren those who have by the way i have a grandchild right over here oh she's outside right now and i would like for us to do something there's some pastors and some rabbis here as they sing this one one more time come over here and stretch out your hands come on pastor stretch out your hand past your rabbi dale come come on we're here rabbi carl robert pedro come over here there's other pastors are there any other pastors here yes come on pastor uh ravino says that come over here yes pastor monty come come and it's tradition that you stretch out your hand like this stretch out your hand and bless the people bless the children of god right now as we sing this song one more time come on thank you thank you doctor come on doc come on stretch out your hand and pray with the people hello [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] and their [Music] he is with you [Music] here [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] praise god praise god amen you may be seated you may be seated amen thank you pastors thank you rabbis i'll be speaking in just a little bit then rabbi baruch will come and he will do the blowing of this blowing this far and all the kids all the kids are going to come up here in just a little bit and help them blow the shop far in just a little bit but i would like for just a few moments because i i don't have that much time uh but i will tell you is that that uh we this is an important teaching the word of god is clear a lot of times people believe that that they've got it all together but the word of god is what has added it all together understand this there is a hunger going throughout all the world of people returning to the feasts of god and some people were actually my my messages are full rabbi i want to know pat these are pastors from all over asking we want to know more they never taught this as in bible college they never taught these things but i will tell you is that the word of god is secure the word of god is clear and the if you have your bibles the book of leviticus chapter 23 leviticus 23 verse 23 it says the lord said to moshe leviticus 23 23 the lord says to moshe say to the israelites on the first day of the seventh month you are to have a sabbath rest a sacred assembly come rated with a trumpet blast where's my beautiful wife is she around here someplace well she just stepped out with a trump blast it says do not do any regular work or present a food offering to the lord so here it is the word of god says you know this is a sacred assembly at the very beginning of leviticus 26 23 says the lord said to moshe speak to the israelites and say to them these are my appointed festivals it doesn't say that they're the jewish vessel these are hashems these are god's appointed festivals the pointed festivals of the lord which are to proclaim as a sacred assembly so the sacred assembly says come into the sanctuary come into the temple these are things that we must do and we must understand because in the giving we get right back you may say well i'm gonna come give to lord no no he gives right back to you because that's who he is you know and this is a time to present your needs the reason that the scriptures read in the book of john the man was looking he was trying to find out what can i do by presenting uh i wanted to go to the waters the lord says no no no no i am the living water i you you just need to come to me and i want to proclaim something here people somebody actually told me again it says please don't you know i have a friend of mine that's coming and he doesn't believe in yeshua don't believe it so don't mention yeshua very much i'm going to tell you we're going to mention yeshua at the beginning at the middle throughout on the end he is our messiah understand that i am not ashamed of the gospel understand these principles because even from orthodox jews have come and they said now i understand the the liturgy we just went through the liturgy he says why do we go through liturgy if a non-believing jew would walk into a sanctuary and there's no liturgy they're taught to walk out actually if you come to the congregation you will read and you'll understand the bible says in first chronicles chapter 28 god actually showed and he he gave king david in writing the order of the service and so the the things that we do like we go shema israel and all the different the thing by the way make sure you get one of these bands and put them around there this is a smile it'll be a great witnessing tool when somebody says what is that for well let me tell you about what a hero is with the lord our god the lord is one it's in hebrew make sure you get a hold of one there's still some up here take some for you and your kids and your kids kids okay amen but this is important for us to understand is because this is an exciting time we could prove through scriptures that yeshua was conceived on a feast he was born on a feast he died on passover actually he cleansed the temple on vedic he was raised on a feast and the holy spirit fell on the day of pentecost that's shavuot and that's why the lord says that we will celebrate the feast for olam what is we have some hebrew scholars that means forever so even in the new jerusalem even in eternity we will celebrate the feasts because they proclaim who the messiah is throughout all the scripture it shows us this in the bible the book of genesis chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the hebrew words that one word bear sheet you rearrange the letters and it says on the first of this tree god created the heavens and the earth when's that that's today that's today this is today you guys that's a celebration of today and you may say well this is the main yeah this is a celebration of the creation of the world but then in the book of leviticus 23 we just finished reading it says it's the seventh month hmm is it the first month or the seventh month i'd like to ask david gaske one of our ladies says dave guessing is it the first month or the seventh month yes he says yes that's his answer and he's right it means it's both one represents the physical birth of the world the other represents the spiritual birth of israel just like you had a physical birth you had a spiritual birth and i hope you have if like i said before if there's anybody here that has never accepted yeshua's messiah there's no great life no greater happiness now you may say well it's wonderful too i like to be a part of this but no you have to walk down the aisle you could say well i want to be part of this particular political person maybe you love a particular governor or or this particular person says or a famous movie store you could go to their barbecues you could eat with them you could and go to other festivals but if you don't walk the isle and marry one of the one of the daughters or the sons you're not part of the family and so it is you walk down the aisle and you say lord i'd like to accept your son yeshua as my messiah that's why yeshua when he was walking and he says blind bartimagus you come down here come over here i mean i come over here and said and come over here he says what do you want me to do he knew what he wanted him to do and barred of my sister give me my sign lettering later on zach uh zacchaeus he was on the tree zach yes come on down come on down and be with me so you understand the scriptures are true in the book of genesis chapter eight come with me to the book of genesis chapter 8 verse 13. actually this is something very beautiful because actually before we read in verse 13 and verse 4 it says on the 17th day of the seventh month the ark came to form on the mountains of arat and this is what is this this is the 17th of nisan this is actually the anniversary of the date that yeshua was resurrected can you praise the lord for that he was resurrected the 17th of nisan and then later on in verse 13 and verse 13 it says by the first day of the first month of noah's ark 601 here the the water had dried up on the first day of the first month if you rearrange the letters it spells actually rosh hashanah now some people are saying why say rosh hashanah is because raj means head that's a jewish word head shana means year it means the head of the year and this is what we need to understand but the lord never calls it rosh hashanah he calls it yom torah the day of trumpets why is that is because rosh hashanah means a beginning my god had no beginning and no end to us it's a beginning but to him the eternal one he has no beginning and can you praise the lord hallelujah just like passover we call it passover but he never calls it passover you read the scriptures he says he calls it unleavened bread it's because he didn't need a passover he is an eternal one so when you read the scriptures it's very very clear that the bible talks about these things and i will bless you and i will bless you in the book of zechariah come and celebrate these things and i will bless you in a few moments you're going to hear the sounding of the shofar and it's a kosher way to do it there's a torah tequila and and when you can hear it a hundred times it's a hundred times yes at the very end when they say tequila it's customary to stand up clap your hands and praise the lord that's actually a picture of the return of the messiah can you praise the lord and we blow this so far the lord commands us he commands us to blow the shephard it's announcement of this coming of the king it's announcement coming it's it's a call to for the dead to rise it's announcement of the bride or the bridegroom it's doing all these things but right now it's the sounding of the new year god has no new year but we have a new year and the way you start off new year is the way the rest of the year will go on so i encourage you spend time with the lord tomorrow just spend time praying and by the way we have a yom kippur service make sure you get one of the flyers it's a day of atonement and and people i wish there would be better translations in the bible but even in the book of galatians where it's kind of talking about and the law is occurring this is not talking if you read the original language it's talking about legalism and we don't believe in legalism we believe in the law we believe in the word of god we believe in all these things and when we see the fulfillment yeshua actually says we're going to celebrate these forever so as you celebrate them you understand that there's bringing a blessing to you and your family and i pronounce we pronounce health over you and this these times and these areas we pronounce health and we may may the lord bless you and these times of turmoil we pray for the people in afghanistan too there's still a lot of americans there and a lot of believers and i got criticized i was sharing with my family somebody really mocked me because we prayed for our military and we prayed for the believers that that are there we pray for the non-believers and we pray for the muslims because god so loved the world we play pray for everybody understand that if you don't have a congregation our congregation is open to you you know we celebrate the feasts we celebrate these things a lot of things look at the different things that are big coming up we encourage you to come but if you do have a congregation be faithful to your pastor back them up give them a good word and encouraging word and always remember the way you know bring an encouraging word to him says pastor thank you for what you're doing because it it is a tough job being a rabbi being a pastor and and and bringing them an encouraging word i know that this is very biblical and as you bless those you know the bible says you know don't go after god's anointed your pastors are the anointed ones to call for that leadership and so bless them with a good word of encouragement will you do that for me just bless your pastors and your rabbi we had a bunch of pastors and rabbis out there oh my goodness i feel honored just to stand here when we get so many qualified people doing you know with a lot more education and this is this is good but right now you're about to hear the signing of the shafar and that's a culmination of the service but it's also a blessing and when they blow the blue the shafar remember they blew the shofar and we're going to hear some shofar blowers and they're pretty good but the bible talks about in the book of exodus chapter 19 when the shofar was blowing it grew louder and louder it actually says it wacks louder and louder how is that because when a human blows the shofar at the very end you run out of breath but here it was a divine blowing of the shofar and it got louder and louder and louder someday say someday someday it'll be soon and we'll hear the sounding of the shofar and he will be lifted up the word of god says in a twinkling of an eye we shall be lifted up and i believe it's soon i believe it's very very soon don't think what happened in 9 11 it happened close to rosh hashanah what's happening in afghanistan and all these things by the way this is a time for miracles this is time i believe that miracles are taking place and born miracles are taking place and frank's are coming up and they're hiding there and they're doing this but we need to pray for the believers non-believer we need to pray because i hear all these stories coming out and we just got to pray we got to pray for there's so many different things that we need to pray for the afghan kids that are coming in we need translators we have several by the way from our own congregation they contact us translators we have uh we're reaching out to the orphanage with the shoes thank you taylor she's going to be gathering some some funds for getting all the shoes for for the for the orphanages for the kids and the orphan but also there's different activities and uh going to uh if you have some things for the the louisiana outreach please you have to bring it by tomorrow morning because we have a lot of things will help help the siemens john and vashti will will help you load up those things and after the service we're going to ask if there's we're going gonna need a few guys to help us too you could talk to uh rick turner on different activities that we need to do are you excited to get to hear the word of god if you are excited to see what's going to happen with the blowing nature farm as you start off the new year is the way the rest of the year will go on so i want you to bless the lord i want you to give praise and glory to him and honor him lord thank you thank you and lift up your voices and lift up your voice and says thank you always be grateful paul also happy that tiffany chose avenue malcano our tradition says that the first words that adam when he woke oh was avenue my father and my king oh my goodness but you could see through the scriptures how all these things took place adam and eve sinned and if you could see i don't have time to show you but he was created on the sixth day but some people say that and then adam was created at night and woman in the morning adam was created it actually has an extra unit in his in his name he was great with authority and woman with insight and understanding something that man wasn't then later on you know he they sinned on yom kippur on the day of atonement and it was dark it was dark like from 12 o'clock till 3 o'clock they they sin at noon and 3 o'clock the lord god says adam where are you when you read that in the hebrew it's like a shofar blowing adam where are you like i so far just scared somebody it was like a shofar blowing and that's why on yom kippur at three o'clock we blow the shofar here come come celebrate the forgiveness of your sins on yom kippur see the schedule what's going on we can do these things so baruch is going to be coming up here rabbi rabbi baruch and he's going to help us with the blowing the so far some some individuals come below the shofar at the very end i want all the kids that have shofars come on all the kids any any kids have maybe we'll call them i'll call them up on the third one okay right yeah so we'll do that okay but kids get ready man he stole that from me i was gonna say that there's not a lot of shofar jokes so you know once you get that one all right so uh yeah so i just want to say a couple words about the belongings so far and then we're gonna uh call the the skilled shofar players to to do this the people who who have done this before and then at the very end i will call the kids up so so kids just hold on for a little bit and then i'll call the kids for the third uh the last third of the show far blowing but i just want to say a couple words real quick about the shofar blowing uh it means so many things i mean this represents the the beginning of the world and so the shofar begins uh uh we remember you know brisbane the in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth we know uh according to to as rabbi roy said this is rashanah and we started off with a shofar blast that anniversary of the create of the creation of the world now one of the interesting things that's uh a lot of things it also is a call to war as well in isaiah chapter 18 three also it says col yoshitevel it says all the inhabitants of the earth will come and give heed to the shofar blowing and because of that according to our tradition they say according to jewish tradition this goes back thousands of years it says that the dead will rise then that is the jewish tradition that's why you say a very old person it says who gives life blessed are you a guy who gives life to the debt and they still say that in the in the synagogues today in the traditional synagogues they still say uh who gives life to the dead and this is a tradition and uh this is reflected also in in the british covenant in first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 through 17 where it says uh the dead messiah will rise at the sound of the trump now how do you apply this to our lives too between now and yom kippur which is coming up in 10 days we we want to uh we talk a lot about teshuva during this time teshuva and manhiba they say chuva teshuva is a time of repentance and returning it's a time to make amends the time to make amends with your family your friends and with god you want that horizontal as i say i've said this before you have a horizontal repentance and the vertical repentance and so these next few days we want to reflect on what's happened and we want to realize not all of us are perfect you know maybe one or two out there y'all haven't made any mistakes no at least y'all might think that way no but during this time we know no one's perfect and during this time we want to make amends we want to get closer to god and get closer to the people that god has placed in our lives and we want to be grateful for those people um so during this time we do remember it's a call to it's a call to war it's a call to teshuva to repentance and it is a call for a new year so what we're going to do right now is we're going to have uh i believe uh rabbi carl is going to be blowing this so far and i'm i'm going to be and some other so far players are going to so the skilled ones right now i'm going to go ahead and um and call out the shofar ones so y'all could come up on the stage gabi okay who who else is blowing the shofar okay so we'll have does okay yes here let me yes please thank you could i say good cc okay gracias okay so let's have the skilled shofar players come up here and um so we have the tequila the shavarim and the trua the tequila is one blast shavarim three through a nine okay so we have are we are we ready is that it okay great ready [Music] tequila [Music] tequila [Music] tequila [Music] [Music] tequila [Music] okay now we're gonna pause for the second we just did the first two thirds now the kids if y'all want to come up here at this is uh rabbi roy's request if the kids have a shofar with them or anybody else who is not there we go yeah i got the little shrug there yeah you got the show do you all know how to blow there we go y'all know how to blow it do you know how to blow it you put your lips on there you go like that okay you could do that there you go perfect that was perfect all right so why don't y'all stand up there y'all could go on the stage and then you're gonna just uh turn turn around all right and then when they raise their hand their their things so they have the signs right there all right let's go ahead and just let's do this all right tequila [Music] tequila [Music] uh [Music] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] these are the days of elijah [Music] the word of the lord and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness [Music] shiny [Music] and [Music] these are the days [Music] and these are the days of your service these are the days is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] please [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my together [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hello [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my god [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] yeah is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] the way you start off the new year is the way the rest of the year will go so blessings and shouting and dancing may you be blessed and health great health watch we didn't realize it but ken steven was here today and there was another one fox or kmol we're on tonight's news okay what was it challenge five and channel four there was two of them so let's watch tv tonight we're going to be on you know what there's a revival coming and and it's please understand and i say that with it's not us it's the lord himself he's doing a work and he'll do a work in you and i want you to get all excited about things for god for all the men and even women that that know the ronic blessing i want in hebrew you got to say it in hebrew come up here we're going to do the ronic blessing right now okay everybody knows the wronic blessing in hebrew that one okay if you know it all the words come up here you know all the words called oh good pray thank you pastor amen if you know all the words to the to the oh my look there's more there's more and more women coming up all right and the tradition is to hold up your hands hold up your hands if you know the aaronic blessing in hebrew oh my goodness here a rabbi son here's another rabbi son rabbi's daughter and the son-in-law praise the lord wait wait before we go i want you to repeat after me i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord are you happy you came and you celebrated [Applause] this is how aaron would bless the children of israel [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] may the lord bless you and keep you may lord lift up his face upon you and counsel this upon you and give you peace may the lord thank you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace prashem yeshua amen shanatova everyone shannatova happy new year you
Channel: Baruch HaShem
Views: 643
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 57sec (7497 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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