Rosh HaShanah Shacharit

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[Music] do [Music] yo [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] everybody and welcome to services this morning on this first day of rosh hashanah it is so wonderful to have you join us wherever you may be welcome family welcome friends welcome community wherever you may be in the world we are so delighted to have you join us a place where we know you can call home home where you are in your homes and home at temple beth israel and thank you for being part of our services remotely whether you're joining us on facebook whether you're joining us on youtube or even listening on jay air we are so delighted and are so touched you are choosing to be with us under this rosh hashanah on this new year i hope that if you don't have a copy of our muffs or in your hands that you're able to access it online virtually with with the electronic flip book to enter into this new year with us and have the words not only in your hands but in your hearts and in your minds thank you once again for joining us please know that if you are having any tech difficulties you are able to call the temple call the shul and we know that somebody should be able to help you hopefully we're not all tech experts here at the show but hopefully somebody will be able to help you i'd like to share with you a poem i came across and as we climb this mountain and declare behold a new year is born and rest in a ridge looking out at the world below we climb the mountain and hear the call of the ancient ones with us we from another time we have been here before we return again we climb the mountain and we we hear the call of the ancient ones our voices from a life before the eternal sound of amy israel the echoes from peak to peace before the eternal sound of um and so let us turn now to a share yet on page 78 the blessing for our bodies we praise you holy one for wondrous acts of creation and healing [Music] he [Music] on [Music] m [Music] m [Music] [Music] and so on page 82 we joined together and please do join along with me in your homes with the blessing for the study of torah torah revolution we turn forward to the nissim beholm on page 88. foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on foreign 99 psalm 150. [Music] hallelujah [Music] how [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and so we turn forward just one page to page 100 for the beautiful psalm of nishmat khalhai nizhman [Music] foreign let the soul of every living king bless your name eternal our god and the spirit of all flesh glorify and exult your name forever o sovereign transcending space and time you alone are god we have no sovereign besides you god of the first and the last god of all creatures god of the all generations who is praised in a multitude of praises who guides the world with abundant loving kindness and all creatures with mercy the eternal one neither slumbers nor sleeps god awakens the sleeping arouses those who slumber give speech to the mute and god loosens the bonds of captives supports the fallen and strengthens those who are bent over you alone do we acknowledge [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is on page 103 we pray that we might know the form whom we stand the power whose gift is life who quickens those who have forgotten how to live we pray for the winds to disperse the choking air of sadness for cleansing rains to make parched hopes flower and to give all of us the strength to rise up toward the sun we pray for love to encompass us for no other reason save that we are human the love through which we may blossom into persons who have gained power over our lives we pray to stand upright we've fallen to be healed we sufferers we pray to break the bonds that keep us from the world of beauty we pray for opened eyes we who are blind to our own authentic selves we pray that we may walk in the garden of a purposeful life our own powers in touch with the power of the world praise be the god whose gift is life whose cleansing reigns let parched men and women flower toward the sun we continue on the next page page 104 with yeshtabach oh foreign [Music] me we rise for the fatsi kaddish if we are able [Music] r [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] trauma [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and so as we are seized we turn to yotsera on page 106. on page 108 love abundant love and stinting our god you have enfolded us in love tender compassion beyond all bounds your precious gift those who came before us gave you their trust and you gave them torah laws by which to live for their sake teach us as well grace us with your guidance compassionate one grant us clear understanding that we may listen learn and teach preserve practice and fulfill with love every lesson of your torah may learning your torah light up our eyes may our hearts embrace your mid's foot unite us in love and reverence for you that we may never feel ashamed of our deeds is [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on page 116. true and steadfast is this teaching beloved and treasured a source of wonder a fountain of goodness a thing of beauty and ours for all time and true it is the eternal god is our sovereign the rock of jacob our protecting shield through all generations god's name lives on god's throne stands firm god's dominion prevails god's grandeur and faithfulness endure through eternity god's words are precious they will live forever we turn over one page from egypt you redeemed us eternal our god and from the slave house you set us free for this the people who felt your love exalted you and the ones whom you found precious sang songs of praise blessings and thanks to the living god who reigns forever high and exalted inspiring wonder who humbles the proud and raises the lowly who frees the captive redeems the oppressed and sustains the poor god responds to the cry of our people their prayer in time of need sing praise to god most high most blessed source of blessing as moses miriam and all israel sang this joyous song to you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and so as we reunite the sanctuaries of tbi spread across melbourne right now we pick up on page 121 one two one in the makhsour as we ready ourselves to offer the words of the amitar on this yom trua this yom hadin i introduce the amidah with the kavanaugh of rabbi morris adler who reminds us that prayer is a step on which we rise from the self we are to the self we wish to be prayer affirms the hope that no reality can crush the aspiration that can never acknowledge defeat it is in this spirit that we pray the words of the amidah together [Music] my [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] blessed are you eternal one source of life and giver of life to the entire universe we turn forward to page 126 as we continue now with the words of the una tanatoki let these words of sanctity ascend to you for you are our god and sovereign let us proclaim the power of this day a day whose holiness awakens deepest or and inspires highest praise for your dominion for your throne is a throne of love your reign is a reign of truth [Music] is [Music] a [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] me [Music] it is written on the fast of yom kippur it is sealed how many will pass away from this world how many will be born into it who will live and who will die who will reach the rightness of age who will be taken before their time who by fire and who by water who by war and who by beast who by famine and who by drought who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who will rest and who will wander who will be tranquil and who will be troubled who will become and who tormented who will live in poverty and who in prosperity who will be humbled and who will be exalted [Music] but through return to the right path through prayer and righteous giving we can transcend the harshness of this decree [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] we who are mortal our origin is dust and so is our end we wear out our lives to get our bread like bros and vessels like withered grass like a flower that must fade a shadow moving on a cloud passing bay mere dust on the wind a dream that flies away but for you ever living sovereign time has no limits your presence unbounded by days and years is is everywhere a glorious mystery none can decipher your name is worthy of you and you are worthy of your name and our name you have linked to yours my friends before we turn forward to page 133 and open up the ark in the sanctuary uh for our kedusha the sanctification of this day of yomtov we've reached that moment in the service where uh i or someone else would step up onto the bimra and say for those of you who have younger children who are a little distracted who aren't in the family service uh there's a wonderful opportunity for them happening right now and even though we aren't physically in the sanctuary that opportunity is is still afforded to us all so if you have either with you or you have at the end of a phone or at the end of a text message uh a young children between the ages of zero and six i'd love to invite them to just click on the link that's in the chat right now to go into a zoom which is beginning at 11 a.m to join with inno sagira our remarkable song leader and our very very special friend buzz the bee for a uh a continuation of our top celebration of of rosh hashanah we had a wonderful gathering for our top service this morning and we're continuing with an in-person zoom meet-up to dip our apples into honey but for those of us staying in the sanctuary let's turn our focus back to the iron open the ark as we continue now with kurushat hayong oh peace [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] i and so eternal our god give all creation the gift of all turn our fear to reverence let us be witnesses of wonder perceiving all nature as a prayer come alive we bow to the sovereignty of your strength to the primacy of your power we yearn for connection with all that lives doing your will with wholeness of heart or inspiring is your creation all encompassing your transcendent name [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and so so may the righteous envision a future of right with joy and the upright rejoicing a world where evil has no voice and the rule of malevolence fades like a whisper of smoke good people everywhere will celebrate for the dominion of arrogance will have been removed from thee from the earth you and you alone o god will reign over creation upon my zion home of your presence and in jerusalem a city set apart for you as the psalmist believed you are holy your name is or there is nothing divine beyond you as it is written the source of all might is exalted through justice the god of holiness made holy through righteousness blessed your eternal one holy sovereign as the ark is closed we turn forward to page 140 140 and continue with the kirisha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] eternal god remember us for well-being visit us with blessing help us to a fuller life we continue now on page 142. our god and god of our mothers and fathers lead us to holiness through your mitzvot and may each of us find a portion of torah that is ours you bestow such goodness teach us to be satisfied and to know the joy of your salvation help us to serve you truly with purity of heart for you are a faithful god whose truth stands forever baruch we praise you eternal one on this day of remembrance is your people israel yearns for your favor receive their prayers with loving acceptance and may you always desire your people's worship divine one close to all who call you bring your grace and your presence near to those who serve you pour forth your spirit upon us and may our eyes see your merciful return to zion blessed to you whose divine presence is felt again in zion we turn forward to page 144 and continue with the modi eternal our god and god of all generations to you we are grateful forever rock and protector of our lives your saving power endures from age to age we thank you and tell the tale of your praise your power in our lives your your caring for our souls the constant miracles of your kindness evening morning and noon we call you goodness for your compassion never ends we call you mercy for your love has no limit we call you hope now and for all time al-kulami and for all these things god of majesty may your name come to be blessed and praised our gratitude a daily offering until the end of time inscribe your people of your covenant for a life of goodness and may all life resound with gratitude and faith in the presence of your name god you free us and you strengthen us bless the eternal one whose name is goodness and deserves thanks and and praise if you're comfortable doing so i invite you to rise with us as we turn now to page 147 and continue with berkut shalom [Music] hello hey [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] given [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] they are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so we move from the blessing of the priests to sim shalom our song of peace on page 148. [Music] um [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] um [Music] we pause for a few moments of silent prayer [Music] do [Music] you [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our heart be acceptable to you our god our rock and our redeemer we move forward in our service now to page 154 we turn our focus once more towards uh the ark and to the words of avinu malcano as we prepare ourselves for a seder kriyata torah the order of reading torah on this day of rosh hashanah oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] avinu malcano almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds our wanting save us through acts of justice and love we are a people a people of the book through fire and mud and dust we have borne our scrolls tenderly as a baby swaddled in a blanket traveling with our words sewn into our clothes and carried on our backs let us take up the scroll of torah and dance with it let us reach out to it from our homes and read it out for the mind touches the word and makes it light does light enter us as we shine [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music] me [Music] m [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] adonai adonai god compassionate gracious endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to a thousandth generation forgiving evil defiance wrongdoing and granding pardon [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] tonight foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and so we arrive at cedar creek the order of reading torah on this rosh hashanah morning before we begin a series of ali out in celebration of our community and those men and women that make it as as special as unique and as significant as it is i want to begin with a another appreciation and acknowledgement not for those of us who are leading the service although i'm incredibly grateful for those in in the sanctuary as well as rabbi etlingers who's joining me from home but an appreciation to to each and every one of you we literally didn't know who was going to come to shul this year we know we worked as hard as we had in any other year in fact we worked harder than most years to be able to create this experience that we're sharing with you right now we were humbled by how many people chose to be with us last night pleasantly surprised by by how many came to our tot service this morning but right now right now we're overwhelmed absolutely overwhelmed at how many of you are joining us through youtube facebook watching us on on tbi tv on one of the many uh pages that we're looking at or or listening to us through the broadcasting of of jair your presence today is an affirmation of the importance of our tradition you are doing something profound by simply being present and i want to thank you our reading for this morning uh is the traditional reading for rosh hashanah morning we found on page 162 in our maksour again i echo rabbi edlinger's comments earlier today at the start of our service if you can't if you don't have a copy of our mishkan uh chuva at home uh then you can follow along in the link on the description below the feed the translation of the readings are there because we won't be offering any uh translations and it is my uh my pleasure to uh invite up on to our virtual member for our first uh reader as our first reader uh effie morowitz uh who has been reading teaching and and offering torah uh uh so beautifully throughout this period of ios station and even long before that so effie you are most welcome on to this bimmer and for our first aliyah on this uh on this yom hadin this judgement day we're going to put up our very very very best and so it is my pleasure to invite to torah rabbi dr john levi a c d d p h d kazan if you could call in tutorial more formally please you should get a little bit further that's fine if i could ask you to offer the blessing before torah okay [Music] a [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] and the blessing after torah hello [Music] may the holy one who blessed our forefathers and foreign mothers bless you john and robin who's sitting alongside of you in honor of torah in honor of yomtov in honor of a community in honor of a tradition in honor of the past in honor of the present but most particularly in honor of the future as on this rosh hashanah this uh this yom hadin this yomatrua this day of sounding of of heralding in our judgment we invite you as our first aliyah torah so that we can recognize that which has been recognized not just by our community by those who know you best and who love you but has been recognized this past year by our entire uh country through the awarding of the uh companion of the order of australia john the honor as i said to you when i uh uh offered you a misha barack from the bimmer earlier in the year is is simply the very best honor that this country has it is our highest honor and it is our greatest honor and it is an appropriate honor for you and for the contribution that you have made not just to our community not just to the broader jewish community not just to civics and citizenship in this country but in having transformed the jewish world through your love of torah and your love of teaching if today truly is your mahdin judgment day as the rabbis of old teach us may we be judged on the character of people such as yourself and may the gates of heaven be open for all of us may god bless you may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together amen thank you thank you next year please god we can do it on the bill and so as we turn now to uh our second aliyah we continue to recognize those men and women who have been uh honored by our nation this year those who have been recognized for their civics and and citizenship and so uh as we invite to torah uh helen shardy oam philip meyers am and professor andrew marcus ao i invite hazan to call them more formally to torah once again you will find um us on page 160 263 in the maksor and devorah kamasaraf will lane for us the second aliyah [Music] foreign and so as the yard goes on to the torah that is devorah's hand i believe holding the yad uh she will be laying for us i invite the three of you to please offer the blessing before torah hello um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful reading if i can invite you to offer the blessing after torah [Music] after torah [Music] and four mothers bless the three of you who have called to torah and you two roanokes it's a alongside philip in honor of torah in honor of shabbat rosh hashanah i should say uh in honor of our tradition in honor of our community but most particularly as our community honors and recognizes uh you and the recognition that you have been given this past year for the incredible contributions that you have made to civics and and citizenship uh andrew the the contribution that you have made to to education to the studying and teaching of ourselves to understanding community and particularly multicultural communities ours being the most particular one uh is is so extraordinary it has been a singular contribution we are so grateful for the work that you have done but we also so grateful to have you as a member of our country of our community bringing those passion and that knowledge to all that we to all that we do philip your recognition uh is uh not just because you're one of the many to serve as past president of this congregation indeed it extends far beyond that it recognizes the the lifetime of work that you have made to bettering this country this extraordinary country i know you're so grateful to to call home we've we've spoken about that in the past but it also particularly recognizes that the contributions that you have uh made uh through the freemasonry and through the make a witch foundation to really improving the life of so many in our country and we are so grateful for the work that you've done and the way in which uh you do it and helen your recognition for the incredible works that you've done first in your professional life as a as an elective representative for for the members of the and the people of corefield then in your volunteer work whether it be through through healthcare through alpha hospital uh through the jnf through temple with israel through uh artsara and the upj there is really so much that you do there's so much that all of you do and we are so incredibly grateful for it our community our congregation our society is better because of the work of your hands and so we thank you for it and we also put you up as those who we wish to be to be judged on on this this judgment day may god bless you may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together and so as we move now to our our third aliyah you can see it's a a very busy bummer the virtual machine we're moving people to the right and to the left i'm going to invite to those who are currently at torah to take a step off as we bring a significant number of people up onto screen and on onto a camera together with those who who they are at home with uh filling our screen right now are the members of our our board of of governance those volunteers who have given so much time to uh to our community and so uh i uh looking around the in order of the screen that i have in front of me uh welcome to bimmer uh gary to you david to jane to um to robert to rebecca uh to judy to joanne to jody to to allah to simon to nick and to to john uh i welcome you as we thank you for all that you have done michelle over to you [Music] [Music] this will be read by caroline paz and we are on page 163 in the maksor if you would join together for the blessing before the torah well whoa [Music] [Music] choir [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] thanking you for that beautiful reading caroline i want to invite our board choir to offer the blessing after torah oh [Music] may the holy one who blessed our forefathers and foremothers bless each and every one of you in honor of this new year in honor of this new day in honor of those that are sharing this experience with you in honor of those that are literally standing sitting alongside of you but also particularly in honor of all of those our community who are uh joining in and celebrating with you the work that you do uh i think it was uh past president bryce samuel who described the work of the borders it's just one meeting a month and uh i think that we all know that not to be true and over the last uh 18 months as uh our congregation has pivoted and responded to changes and challenges that we've we haven't seen in a lifetime the leadership that each of you have provided the strength the wisdom as well as the remarkable amount of time and energy is something that our community will will never truly know and perhaps never truly be able to appreciate but we invite you to torah at this moment to recognize to acknowledge to celebrate and to thank may god bless you may god continue to be blessed the work of your hands in the betterment of our community may god bless all those that are dear to you and we say together amen i'm going to invite you to step off our virtual burma it's as easy as just turning off your camera as we move now to our uh to our fourth aliyah for this uh for this yom tov uh we're going to be continuing uh in genesis uh with the reading from verse 17 the yadi is being passed over to our khazan and in continuation of recognizing those who who give so much and do so much for our community it is my pleasure to to call to torah for this third aliyah uh john hillel andrew jacobovitz and and ronda nirens uh three is a little bit more manageable so i'm going to invite you uh as before michelle for michelle first to call you formally to torah and then invite you to say the blessing and so you will find us on page 163 in the uh uh in the maksor and for this dvorak will be laning for us [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for that beautiful reading i'd like to invite the three of you to please offer the blessing after torah [Music] [Music] the holy one who blessed our four fathers and four mothers bless the three of you also in honor of torah in honor of yom tov in honor of this remarkable gathering that we are sharing and celebrating today but also as we continue to uh recognize the the achievements the challenges as well as the accomplishments of the year gone by we want to recognize uh the work that the three of you have done and also the work that the three of you would be the first to say was done by others alongside of you in the incredible work of uh our nourish project dignity and caring community programs nourish got interrupted a number of times through covert physical restrictions meant that we couldn't be serving people in the way in which we we wanted to in the way in which we have for so many years uh but andrew together with jeff and and your team uh that have been leading nourish you kept persisting you kept looking at the register the regulations the restrictions the opportunities and were able and ensuring that we could restart in in a way or a form as as soon as we possibly could which included us feeding the hungry last night from the gates of our synagogue while we were leading uh evening services the work of nourish and the incredible volunteers that that make it the program that is is something that we are incredibly proud of and something that we are truly prepared to be judged on as is indeed the work that uh you with others john lead in project dignity last night we had nicole and ellie who have taken the lead in the in the in the crisis relief project to kindle our jaunt of lights bring in the light of the new year based on the work that they have done but it's not just project dignity's crisis relief program that we're honoring this year but the continued work that uh project dignity does to bring awareness to those living at the fringes of our society to asylum seekers to refugees to to the vulnerable uh the work that has been done in recent weeks to keep our hearts out our minds as as well as our eyes focused also on the events in afghanistan so much of that comes out of the the good men and women that volunteer through through project dignity it is the representation of our very best values and we thank you and your team for all that you do and rhonda you say so often that this is your job that you live for tbi but we're not honoring you for that which you do as an employee we're offering that which is honoring and recognizing that which you do for the person that you are you have literally through these 18 months of lockdown and isolation built a small not so small army of volunteers dedicated to keeping our community connected through the dropping off of of food the cooking the making the sharing of food through this incredible phone tree that has meant that we continue to reach out to one another these things have taken so much time so much energy but they have made such a difference and they too are the things the actions of the heart that we are ready as a community to be judged on i thank the three of you for accepting this aliyah to torah but more specifically and more generally i thank each and every one of the incredible volunteers who join you in the work that you do i ask that god bless you that god bless all that volunteer with and through our community and that we all have a chana tova a good a better new year as i invite the three of you to step off our virtual bimmer i will make a recognition for a moment that uh there is a gremlin we've been trying to manage and has been keeping obey through our service this morning uh one of our cameras in the in the sanctuary is a is a little glitchy but uh thank god we move now from our first taurus scroll and our first four aliot to our second scroll which is a a different camera for our fifth and and final aliyah uh in this aliyah it is my pleasure to hand the virtual yard uh over to uh um to ian heyman who will be uh laning uh for us and it is our pleasure to to call to torah two wonderful members of our community who who serve and and and uh volunteer uh beyond the walls of our sanctuary beyond the bounds of our our congregation it is my pleasure to invite to torah for our fifth and final aliyah today jason einheim representing the king david school and daniel aguian representing the jewish community council of victoria if i could ask you please uh gentlemen uh to offer the blessing before torah baruch baruch [Music] we moved to our second scroll and now to the reading from uh leviticus it can be found as the must here on page 169 169 over to you ian [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jose [Music] him [Music] [Music] a beautiful reading thank you ian if i could invite you to offer the blessing after torah baruch hashanah the holy one who blessed our forefathers and four mothers also bless the two of you jason and and daniel in honor of torah in honor of yom tov this good day in honor of this new year but most particularly on this uh new year morning to give us the opportunity to recognize you as well as the organizations that you uh represent jason you and i have served on the king david school council for the better part of a decade uh now and uh you currently hold the office of of vice president but the the work that you do for the school extends far beyond uh uh the the the meetings you attend or and the work and the the time that you give it's in the the care and dedication that you and your entire family bring to the school and as all of us with parents of school-age children know this year has been it's been challenging for us it's been challenging for us at home it's been challenging for our teachers for our spouses who work with in schools but it has most particularly been challenging for the administrators and leaders of the school and we can be incredibly proud of the way in which uh the king david school has operated the way in which it has supported its staff and its students even down to the fact that yesterday was announced that the king david school will be offering vaccinations at school to all staff and students that are eligible over the next few weeks this is an expression of our values and his expression of our community it is something that we can be so incredibly proud of and dan daniel you and i have known each other for some time we have children of the same age they've gone through school uh together we've sat on committees and in recent time quite frequently since you took on leadership of the jewish community council of victoria uh the peak roof body of our community in the state the calm the calm presence you have brought to your work the uh the dedication the focus uh has been remarkable it has been a challenging time for for all victorians but it's been particularly a challenging time in in recent weeks for our jewish community as we've tried to isolate ourselves from this virus but but not to isolate ourselves from each other and the way in which you've guided us through that the way in which the jewish community council has led from the front has been remarkable and if we are going to be judged as i've said with each of the aliyah that we've honored this morning may we be judged on organizations such as the jewish community council of victoria the king david school and all of those that give so much may god bless the two of you individually may god bless the organizations and officers that you represent may this truly be a good year a better year for us all and to that we say i'm in i mean i'm going to invite each of you to step down off the virtual bimmer i want to thank you again ian for your beautiful reading as well as i want to thank and acknowledge all of those who who leaned for us this morning we're going to return into the sanctuary now as we give honor to the scroll and lift and raise it for hagba [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] the prayer for healing for those who are unwell in our community the mishaber halim can be found on page 170 in our prayer book [Music] is [Music] may the source of strength who bless the ones before us help us find [Music] we think of carol burger barbara morrison emily joseph's bob van aiken david arthur helen strangos perry andrew flood pinchas ben michal stella edgar beryl frey ilana frey anna jacoby patrick buckley raymond rich morris sloane john matas [Music] joseph nachmann ben levine margaret cockrum david friedman dr robert stanley adirabat rahel ilana esther batrachel girvin gabriel you may wish to add additional names into the chat think of loved ones who are in need of healing in your hearts at this time as we join together on page 171 [Music] [Music] the renewal [Music] amen amen and amen and so we continue now with our haftarah for this rosh hashanah morning the haftarah can be found on page 174. it comes to us from the first book of samuel in fact it's the the opening story of how samuel came to be the perfect story for uh for rosh hashanah and it is my pleasure to invite rebecca silk uh up onto our virtual boomer uh to offer the blessings before the after and read the torah for us in recognition of the singular contribution that she has made to our congregation in recent years over to your rebecca baruch is on page 174 there was a man from rama to him from the hills of ephraim whose name was elkanah son and he had two wives one named hana and the other named penina penina had children and hannah had no children and this man would go up from his town every year to worship at sheila and make offerings to the eternal of heaven's hosts and there ellie's two sons hofney and pinchas were priests of the eternal and on the day when elkanah would make offerings he would give portions to his wife panina and to each of her sons and daughters and to hana he would give a special portion because he loved hannah and the eternal had closed her womb and her rival wife would taunt her cruelly to make her tremble with grief for the eternal had closed her word and so it was year after year when she would go up to the house of the eternal she and nina taunted her and she would cry and not eat and elkanah her husband said to her hannah why do you cry and why do you not do you not eat and why are you disheartened am i not worth more to you than ten sons and hannah arose after the eating and drinking at sheila while ellie the priest sat upon the throne near the doorpost of the temple of the eternal and she bitter to the core prayed to the eternal weeping and crying and she bowed and said heaven's hosts if you will truly see your servant's affliction and remember me and not forget your servant and give your servant a child i will give him to the eternal all the days of his life and no razor shall be lifted to his head and as as her praying before the eternal intensified early watched her mouth now hannah's prayer was in her heart though her lips were moving her voice could not be heard so ellie thought she was drunk and ellie said to her how long will you persist in drunkenness put away your wine get rid of it and hannah answered and said no my lord a woman of sorrow am i i drank neither wine nor spirits but poured out my soul before the eternal do not take your servant for a worthless woman all this time i have spoken from the depth of my anger from the greatness of my grievance then elie answered and said go in peace and may the god of israel grant the request you have made and she said may your servant find grace in your sight and the woman went on her way and she ate and her face was no longer as it had been and they awoke early in the morning and worshipped before the eternal and they went home returning to rama and elkanah knew hana his wife and the eternal remembered her and so it was that at the turn of the year hannah conceived and then gave birth to a son and she called him samuel because i requested him from the eternal and the man elkanah and his whole household went up to the annual offerings to the eternal and to fulfill his vow but hannah did not go up or she said to her husband until the boy is winged then i will bring him once he appears before the eternal he will stay there forever elkanah her husband said to her do what you think is best wait until you have went in surely the eternal will fulfill what your mouth has uttered so the woman stayed and nursed her son until she went in when she had weaned him she took him up with her with a three-year-old bull one afar of flour and a skin of wine and brought him to the house of the eternal to sheila and the boy was young they slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to ellie and she said please my lord as you leave my lord i am the woman who stood here with you praying to the eternal it was for this boy that i prayed and the eternal granted my request i in turn grant what the eternal asks of him as long as he lives he is dedicated to the eternal and there they worshipped rebecca thank you for that beautiful reading of our torah we then uh now continue as we prepare to return the scrolls to the ark to offer blessings now for our congregation for our country and for the people and and state of israel and so it is uh my pleasure to invite for the very first of those reasons for our congregation uh uh david ryan up back onto our uh david has been leading our virtual uh uh not virtually been practically leading our our our house committee uh for uh for for this last year and has done a lot of work to uh present uh uh present our building as beautiful as is so that uh so that we can so that we can be ready to welcome you all in david if i can ask you to offer the blessing on the top of page 185 for our congregation source of all being may the children of this community learn these passions from us love of torah devotion in prayer and support of the needy may we guide with integrity and may our leadership be in your service may those who teach and nourish just be blessed satisfaction and may we appreciate their time and their devotion bless us with the fruits of wisdom and understanding and may our efforts bring fulfillment and joy david thank you so much for that blessing and thank you so much for all that you do we continue now for a prayer for our country and it is my uh pleasure to welcome on to our virtual boomer uh david southwick david it is a new year and a very busy day for you uh muzzle talk on your election as a deputy leader of the opposition i think it's a recognition of the contribution you make to uh civics and citizenship in our community and we at tbi are incredibly proud to say he once served on our board uh if i could offer you ask you to offer the blessing please uh on page 185. thank you very much rabbi gersh and shana tovar to everybody the prayer for our country we ask for god's blessing upon our country and its people we pray that we may stand as strong and as mighty as our mountains and be as gentle as our places of quiet beauty let the waters of our rivers and oceans flow into our hearts giving us life and inspiration may we understand that we are the guardians of its beauty the generations that will come help us remember those who have lived in this land before us and those who have made it their home in more in more recent times may those we elect to lead and to defend this land be dedicated to the enduring ideals of liberty and law tolerance and diversity may wisdom compassion and courage inspire us and our children may peace and justice spread their wings across this ancient and enduring land and together we say amen amen and thank you for that blessing and thank you for joining us on this new year maybe one of blessing for you and all those dear to you we conclude our blessings of gratitude and appreciation now with a blessing for the people and and state of israel it is my pleasure to invite on to our virtual boomer david o pat david is well known to many of you as the naughty boy from sunday school um but he is uh he's offering this blessing in recognition of the the work that he does as a as a member of the executive of zionism victoria thank you guys amen we return to the sanctuary now with these blessings offered as we return the scrolls to the ark we're on page 187 187. [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] shalom shalom and shalom by now i'm sure many of you have have noticed the pictures hanging on the wall behind me they are of course images of of two of the many treasures that fill our spiritual home at elmer road pictures that i've brought home in in recent weeks to help me stay connected with our congregation and our community during these difficult days of of isolation these beautiful photos were taken by our past president uh joe lewitt as part of an exhibition we held in honor of our 85th anniversary in 2015. and they tell in part the remarkable story of of our congregation the image over my my left shoulder is a rare glimpse inside the baghdadi scroll that sits in in the center of our arc as you can see when you look closely at the image the silver case is in in fact painted timber decorated with a pressed tin and a few simple stones the simplicity of its utilitarian design tells the story of its humble origins as the prized possession of a of a working-class community living we imagine on the outskirts of of baghdad about 150 years ago the image over my right shoulder is equally beautiful but it tells a different story it is a tall and slender scroll filled with the most incredible scribal art those lucky enough to get a rare glimpse inside the scroll would would note that many of its words in it letters are adorned with clowns and and flores not only singling the talent of the software the the scribe that created it but also uh demonstrating the wealth and and affluence of the community that commissioned it the bavarian scroll is as i refer to it was as many of you know a prized possession of the lindenstrasse synagogue in berlin and was sent to us for for safe keeping in in 1938 these two scrolls and the communities they represent could not be more different one scroll is quintessentially sparty in its form and presentation while the other stands as a testament to the pinnacle of ashkenazi's creativity and accomplishment yet these two scrolls come to tell the same tragic story the story of hatred bigotry and persecution that that has haunted our people for more than two millennia perhaps perhaps more than any other objects in our synagogue these two scrolls serve as both a symbol and a reminder of what our world is capable of they tell of how once great congregations and the communities they represented were destroyed for no other reason than they fostered and sustained jewish life the lindenstrasse synagogue was was gutted on the 9th of november in 1938 in that horrific night of broken glass we know as as crystalnacht six short months after the scrolls were sent to us for for safe keeping we know less of the story of the baghdadi scroll safe to say that it was most likely smuggled into israel in the years following the fahood that bloodthirsty pogrom in the summer of 1941 that ended 27 centuries of peaceful jewish life in the lands between the tigris and the euphrates today today is rosh hashanah the day of the sounding of the shofar the hebrew word comes from the verb patria which means to to warn and the traditional role of the shafari in ancient israel was to warn the people of danger in reminding you today of the story of these remarkable scrolls i regret i am also standing here sure far in hand warning that the abhorrence that they represent is not just a story of the past but painfully continues to be the story of our present my friends there is little doubt that the societal cancer that is anti-semitism is back in our consciousness but there is also little question that it never went away we don't live in an era of renewed anti-semitism rather we live in an era when it's it's more visible more present and more reported anti-semitism has never gone away not even in this this lucky country that's why it's called the oldest hatred but what has changed are the ways in which anti-semitism manifests early on early on the criticism of jews was ideological jews did not accept jesus and were persecuted for it we resisted converting to islam at times of muhammad and and though we were tolerated minority in in muslim tradition we were relegated to second-class citizens in many of the lands in which in which we settled soon the hatred turned from speaking about what jews believed to what jews did jews were persecuted for for killing jesus during the medieval era blood libels arose claiming falsely that jewish children were were the jews killed children to put their blood into into matzah or reconstituted jesus from the host bread in order to to torture him in this era and subsequently jews became a symbol for everything that people did not like that's why people could call disparagingly us socialists and capitalists in in different areas in history judaism does not change judaism has not changed but people's fears and stigmas do socialists hated capitalists and and thus jews were called capitalists capitalists hated socialists so joe's took on took on that label eventually jew hatred turned officially into anti-semitism in the 19th century when it became tied with the racial theories of the era during this time the problem was no longer what we believed or or what we were accused of doing instead instead anti-semitism became about who we were being an anti-semite became a political badge of honor for those who who sought out destruction as german propaganda minister joseph goebbels proudly remarked on kristallnacht the german people is an anti-semitic people it has no desire to have its rights restricted or provoked in the future by parasites of the jewish race as jews move through each age of history the anti-semitism we faced did not go away instead it stuck around so that today's anti-semitism is not particularly different from anything we've seen in our past indeed as as i see it today's anti-semitism manifests itself in at least four main forms each of which need to be understood and and responded to in their own ways we all feel acutely the the first form of anti-semitism which is also the easiest to grasp we live in a world of uncovered white supremacy the belief that the so-called racially pure white people are are superior to everyone else this is uncovered because it's always there but in the past few years these forces of hatred and bigotry feel comfortable enough to spread their vitriol in the public forum they are the antipedian resistance we see marching in synkilda the weekend warriors and the grampians and the bigots we've seen on the news in in recent weeks they are the source of the swastikas painted on uh playground equipment the stickers dotted around our city and the slurs etched and painted on synagogue walls the second kind of anti-semitism that we grapple with today is is that which comes from the far left though the anti-semitism of white supremacy and the anti-semitism of the far left share the same designation they manifest in in totally different ways for those on university campuses and in leftist circles anti-semitism most often appears through the lens of anti-israel and anti-zionist rhetoric yet it's built upon the same basic themes that have echoed throughout time mainly namely that jews have hidden power and influence that they do not deserve that a jewish person's right to tell their historical story matters less than that of other minorities that others have more right to determine if jews are a religion an ethnic group or a nation more than jews do themselves and that they have the right to hold the entire jewish community responsible for the acts of a subgroup of jews the third way that anti-semitism manifests is often something that we as as progressive jews don't don't talk about we are living through a spite of some of the worst violence against orthodox jews in our country's history jews who look or or practice judaism more overtly than many of us are the proverbial canary in the anti-semitic coal mine anti-semitism anywhere breeds anti-semitism everywhere though these communities and their illegal prayer gatherings and engagement parties may feel a world away they are not when they are singled out by the media and government in a disproportionate way and we say nothing we allow these officials to become practiced in speaking and acting this way laying in the groundwork for a culture where it becomes acceptable to deride members of the jewish community for no other reason than they are jewish the fourth and and final form of anticipation that i see in our country is perhaps best characterized by the the witty retort of of satirist franklin iv who recently wrote that philosophies are just anti-semites who who like jews in a way in a way i would take these anti-semitic attitudes over white supremacy hostility on our university campuses and and violence towards the ultra orthodox any day but they are still insidious the problem is not that these people love us for our perceived skill with money or power or loyalty to israel the issue the issue is the more we are loved for these things the more they will appear to be true and thus the more fodder those who truly hate jewish people will have to claim their views as as mainstream and right so the question for us on this new year is what can we do about it what can we do about anti-semitism in essence our approach to each of these subcategories must be distinct but they all have things in common and as such each form of anti-semitism needs to be responded to in the same way by building genuine and positive relationships by speaking truth in the face of lies and by doubling down on our own identity and jewish pride as history has taught us positive relationships matter far more than we often appreciate but we need to know which ones to foster unlike some of the other categories of anti-semitism it won't work to try and build bridges with white supremacists instead we need to build bridges with other faith communities and with law enforcement and with with civil institutions relationships are a means to fostering understanding when public servants or elected officials speak out as we've seen in recent weeks we need to leverage our relationship with them to educate them that this language will not be tolerated likewise likewise when our allies praise us and simultaneously offend us playing into the tropes of of dual loyalty and jewish power we need to pull them aside explaining the danger of their statements is much more helpful than issuing a press release historically the teacher has always been better at changing hearts than the prophet yet as much as as relationships matter so does the truth whether in the public square or on the university campuses shutting down discourse has has never been the answer stopping inflammatory speakers only emboldens them more instead we must fight ignorance with knowledge if anti-semitism is indeed elastic our goal should not be to change the hearts and the minds of the two to five percent of people who already have fully formed at the semitic pictures of of jews in their heads rather rather we need to educate the 30 percent who are in the process of moving there the number of white supremacists is is small we need to show the large group who are within shouting distance of them that they shouldn't listen part of being able to speak the truth is is also having access to to the history and the language to talk about anti-semitism israel and other issues that may arise there have been a number of wonderful books that have been published in in the past few years by deborah lichtsteiners by barry weiss and phyllis goldstein that can help us to educate friends and allies about the nuances of the world's oldest hatred i hope to have many of these conversations here in synagogue and to give you our members and friends the tools to do this including offering a four-part course later in the year we'll explore each of these forms of anti-semitism and learn from experts as as how to best respond to them i also hope to encourage you to be an ally as we look at the education your children and grandchildren are getting if they go to a jewish day school do they participate in in programs like building bridges that promote mutual understanding and respect across cultural and religious communities if they don't go to a jewish day school does their school participate in adc's click against hate program which teaches children in primary and secondary schools how to tackle issues of racism hatred and defamation we need to ask the questions we need to know how is the holocaust taught in our schools how is israel presented what is the narrative that surrounds easter and and christmas when it's taught in an early childhood setting attitudes start young so we need to make an impact by addressing these questions early but as important as as building relationships and seeking truth are the most important thing we can do in the face of anti-semitism is to double down on our self to not give up on ourself and to be as proud as we possibly can about our jewish history heritage and practice in the face of anti-semitism we might do one of two things out of fear we might sacrifice our jewishness to fit in or we might embrace our jewishness yet yet pull away from things that we're passionate about because we face anti-semitism there the key is to not let anti-semitism define you people hate that which is elusive that which they do not understand they are more open the more open we are with our judaism the more defiantly we we laugh in the face of those who seek to to undermine us showing the opportunity to learn together is a good first step being comfortable and confident enough to to share it with your friends and colleagues by by tagging yourself present on social media is the next step engaging in in social justice work through through nourish and project dignity as a proud jew even if it might mean unfairly having to answer for every action of the israeli government it's an act of self-defiance the more we are unapologetically and defiantly jewish the more jewish non-jewish people in our orbit will see the nuances and and joys of being jewish and the less they'll be able to characterize us as as other people should know that their their neighbor their customer their friend is jewish for if they do it will bring into focus the personal cost of ignoring anti-semitism one of the most important things to know in the face of anti-semitism is that we have agency we are not hopeless and helpless we own that power and what we do with it and hopefully it will bring us closer to creating a a future that is different from from the past that hangs on the walls behind me what will distinguish us from the communities that we remember through these images while i am rabbi of this congregation it will be this we will never allow ourselves to believe that it could not happen here that it could not happen to us the shofar is about to be sounded danger looms once more on the horizon and my prayer on this yom trua is that we not only hear the alarm that is ringing out around us but that we as individuals as families and as community find strength courage and confidence to respond to it this new year can you may that be god's will our men our men are men and so friends as rabbi lazaro has so eloquently shared it is now time for us to literally sound the shofar and so we turn to seda kriyata shofar on page 189 of our mahsour and share in these words in the seventh month on the first day of the month there shall be a sacred assembly a cessation from work a day of commemoration proclaimed by the sound of the shofar we turn forward one page to elenu and we rise if we're able as the ark is opened sheet [Music] um [Music] know foreign [Music] foreign that all who dwell on earth acknowledge that unto you every knee must bend in every tongue swear loyalty before you eternal guard let them pay homage let them give glory to your honored name that all accept the yoke of your reign that you may rule over us soon and forever for sovereignty is yours and to all eternity you will reign in glory as it is written in your torah god will reign forever [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you turn over to shofar on page 192 awake you sleepers from your sleep rouse yourselves from your slumber awake like israel at sea to the sound of miriam and moses rejoicing with trumpets and the blast of shafar raise a shout before thee eternal the sovereign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] return to page 195 return to god by pursuing justice and rights majestic one who loves justice you who established equity you worked righteous judgment for jacob look to your souls improve your ways and your deeds let each of you abandon your evil ways forsake your unworthy schemes arise and seek the glory of all being open yourselves to the light of god awake awake o zion clothe yourself in splendor put on your robes of majesty listen well in silence and stillness is the voice of god there was a great and mighty wind splitting mountains and shattering rocks but the eternal was not in the wind after the wind and earthquake but the eternal was not in the earthquake after the earthquake fire but the eternal was not in the fire after the fire a soft murmuring sound through worthy deeds bring near the day of unity and goodness a glimpse of perfection the eternal one will reign over all the earth on that day god shall be won and god's name shall be won shema israel adonai eloheinu adonai erhad hero israel the eternal one is our god the eternal god is one we rise for the blessings over the hearing of the shofar and the shiah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] tequila [Music] tequila [Music] if [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and so we turn in our prayer books to page 201 [Music] and head into the section of remembrance remember the covenant of our ancestors we reaffirm it today remember we are a people of noble ideals help us attain them remember all your people all the nations on the road to peace bless their efforts remember with mercy the binding of isaac the sorrow of sarah abraham's words here i am our memory fades that nothing is forgotten before you seated on high all is remembered blessed are you eternal one you remember the covenant you remember us we rise if we are able [Music] ah [Music] [Music] the body ah ah foreign [Music] me [Music] we turned to page 206 you revealed your glory a presence in a cloud and a people became holy when you spoke with them amid thunder and lightning you made yourself known with lasting shofar you appeared eloheinu [Music] revealed to us and to our ancestors before us god of revelation play the song of our freedom to the great shofar let your banner fly over the gathering of our exiles bring back to the dispersed that those who are scattered find their way home that the joyful songs of zion greet us in jerusalem your holy city the place of our people's eternal happiness we rise [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] foreign [Music] if [Music] oh m [Music] [Music] friends we turn now to the our closing prayers we're on page 209 and we move towards the ark and we remain standing for elenu page 209 [Music] um [Music] um home when [Music] i [Music] and as we turn now to kadeshia tom the mourner's kaddish returned to page 213 and so our thoughts turned to loved ones whom death has taken from us in recent days and those who died at the season in years past our hearts open as well to the wider circles of lust in our community and wherever grief touches the human family and so at this time remember as part of the shiva and announce the passing of renee crane and harry redner will be laid to rest in the coming week and for the sloshim we remember louise abrahams glenda bernstein mary cohen sylvia forshaw sander alex gatos raymond gander cancer abraham jacobi select kaminsky stanley klinger leonard levine ronald peter liner octoberina oschmann leon strauch and ellen michael wolff and the yacht sites that fall today we remember claire jonas ludwig jonas leslie hernig pinchas mesner and greta tobias and of course if all of those who'd like to remember someone please do share their names on our chats so we can support you and support all those who are remembering loved ones at this time the memory of the righteous be for a blessing as we join together with kadesh yatom the mourner's kaddish on page 214. s [Music] [Music] [Music] and the source of peace and peace to all who mourn comfort to all who are bereaved in zion and jerusalem around the world and we say amen and so friends i'd now like to welcome our president joanne louie irons to share the bema and to make some announcements and some and some welcomes joanne over to you thank you rabbi shinatova a good and sweet year a good and blessed 5782 to you and your loved ones i share with you your feelings of longing and yearning to be physically in the sanctuary for rosh hashanah and to see and talk with communal friends the parking i know we do not miss growing up in this community i never dreamed that i would be governing behind a screen this glass partition a majitsu of sorts is not a separation however but a window a window for us to view experience and share services it is a connection with our community and our tradition and innovation yes but one that brings us our liturgy our music our sure how far we have come as a community in the ways we connect whilst tbi having invested in technology had the infrastructure in place and were already streaming services bce before covert erupted it was embraced by only a few perhaps if they were unwell now it has become a natural part of our connection and a chosen option and currently a necessity if we are to celebrate the new year as a community and our community lies beyond just melbourne welcome to those joining from interest state interstate and internationally and our sophistication in our production is world class with a touch of hamish as we invite communal participation i am incredibly grateful to our senior rabbi rabbi lazaro and previous boards of governance who had the prescience to make this happen thank you to our service leaders rabbi lazaro rabbi etlinger cantala loom david cram devorah komasarov wanda hall tammy cohen and idol seguir and to elena's effie ian devore and caroline you are all appreciated for your dedication to tbi and may we be in shul together soon thank you to the honors committee chaired by russia rosen and to your dits and judy who have the special task of acknowledging and celebrating our numerous lay leaders volunteers and special supporters as i am sure our community understands the complexity of the task should not be underestimated the definition of volunteering is time willingly given for the common good without financial gain tbi is blessed with wonderful volunteers who generously devote their time and skill for the betterment of our community tbi is our second home where we pray learn and belong together and this is not confined to the physical building progressive judaism takes our ethics and puts them into practice and action when our community of volunteers cook and bake for our members and friends it is a living judaism when our community of volunteers makes soup and salad for those who are experiencing food insecurity we nourish our souls when we visit the sikh biku halim we act upon and fulfill the mitzvah as appears in our sudoa our internal spirituality expands to the external world in which we live tbi is sustained by our volunteers and volunteering sustains us our volunteers are our ambassadors for progressive judaism they you are our living treasures in 57 82 may we continue to be blessed by our myriad of members and friends who work with integrity honor and goodness in their hearts may our members and friends lie down in peace and rise up in peace knowing they have acted with menstrual heights and make a positive impact on the community whatever comes our way in the new year maybe recognize the blessings acknowledge the good not dwell on the past for that we cannot change may we live a life with purpose and a life with meaning our services continue tonight with our family my roof service at 5 30 pm and planning ahead to tomorrow shall at 10 and touchless via zoom at a living body of water of your choice within your 5k zone at 1 30. remember to return your maksurim to your bookcase gama hatima tova and so back in the sanctuary we do share kiddish and motzi you'll find some of the words and some of the varied blessings which are traditionally shared on rosh hashanah on page 225 eternal god of all generations may your presence in our lives this new year renew our spirits and renew our strength made be a good and sweet yeah [Music] man and the round color for the cyclical nature of life [Music] [Applause] [Music] on page 224. [Music] [Applause] on [Music] you
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Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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