Rosh Hashanah Service 5782

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shabbat shalom everyone i would like to open up with a little prayer a plea to hashem master the world fulfill our request for good satisfy our desire and grant our wish remember us favorably before you and be mindful of us for deliverance and mercy remember us for a long life for a good and peaceful life good livelihood and sustenance food to eat and clothes to wear and longevity being occupied in your torah and in your mitzvot an intelligence and understanding to perceive and comprehend the depths of your mysteries grant a complete healing to all our pains and bless all the work of our hands enact for us favorable decrees salvations and consolations nullify all severe and harsh decrees against us and dispose the heart of the government its adversaries and ministers favorably towards us amen and let it be so amen amen let us stand as we enter the house of the living god um give you a sweet new year and inscribe you in oh [Music] jesus foreign [Music] [Music] the soul of every living being shall bless your name on and i our god the spirit of all flesh shall always glorify and exalt your remembrance our king from this world of the world to come and other than you we have no king redeemer or savior liberator rescuer sustainer and merciful one in every time of distress and anguish we have no king but you god of the first and of the last god of all creatures master of all generations who is extolled through a multitude of praises who guides his world with kindness and his creatures with mercy i don't know either slumbers nor sleeps he who rounds the sleepers who awakens the slumbers who makes the mute speak who releases the bound who supports the fallen who strengthens to bend to you alone we give thanks for our mouth is full of songs to see and our tongue is full of joyous song as its multitude of waves and our lips as full of praise as the breast of the heavens and our eyes as brilliant as the sun and the moon and our hands as outspread as eagles of the sky and our feet as squipped his hinds we still could not thank you significantly adonai our god the god of our forefathers and to bless your name for even one of the thousand thousand thousands of thousands in miriam myriad's times and favors that you performed for our ancestors and for us you redeemed us from egypt on an eye our god and delivered it liberated us from the house of bondage in famine you nourished us and in plenty you sustained us from sword you saved us from plague you let us escape and from severe and enduring disease you spared us until now your mercy has helped us and your kindness has not forsaken us do not abandon us adonai our god forever therefore the organs that you set within us and the spirit and soul that you breathe into our nostrils and the tongue that you place in our mouth and for all them shall thank and bless and praise and glorify and exalt and revere and sanctify and declare the sovereignty of your name our king for every mouth shall offer thanks to you every tongue shall vow allegiance to you every knee shall bend to you every rex bind shall prostrate itself before you all heart shall fear you all innermost feelings and thoughts shall sing praises to your name as it is written all my bones shall say adonai who is like you you save the poor man from one stronger than he the poor in the death to you from one who would rob him who is unto you who is equal to you who can be compared to you o great mighty and awesome god the supreme god creator of heaven and earth we shall lord praise and glorify you and bless your holy name as it is said of david bless adonai o my soul and let all my innermost being bless his holy name o king who is sitting upon a high and lofty throne he who abides forever exalt his holy name as it is written sing joyfully o righteous before adonai for the upright praise is fitting by the mouth of all the upright shall you be exalted by the words of the righteous shall you be blessed by the tongue of the devout shall you be sanctified and amid the holy shall you be lauded in the assemblies of the myriads of your people the house of israel with joyous song shall your name be glorified our king throughout every generation for such is the duty of all creatures before you adonai our god and the god of our father forefathers to thank lord praise glorify exalt and adore bless raise high and sing praises even beyond all expressions of the songs and praises of david the son of eshen your servant your anointed the ishtabak may your name be praise forever our king the god the great and holy king in heaven and on earth because for you it is fitting o our god and the god of our forefathers song and praise lauding in hymns power and dominion triune greatness and strength praise and splendor holiness and sovereignty blessing and thanksgivings from this time and forever god king exalted through praises god of thanksgivings master of wonders who choose his musical song of praise king god life giver the world amen amen jacob rayford can you please open the ark hallelujah psalm 130 a song of a sense from the depths i called to you i my lord hear my voice may your ears be attentive to the sound of my pleas if you preserve iniquities o god my lord who could survive for with you as forgiveness that you may be feared i put my confidence in an adonai my soul put confidence and i hope for his word i yearn for my lord among those longing for the dawn those longing for the dawn let israel hope for adonai for without an eye is kindness and with him is abundant redemption and he shall redeem israel from all in its iniquities [Music] aboard is is [Music] oh may be seated he who eliminates the earth and those who dwell upon his compassion and with his goodness renews daily perpetuated work of creation how great do your works hard you make them all of wisdom and the world is full of your possessions the king was exalted in solitude before creation who is praised glorified and have raised its days of old eternal god with your abundant compassion be compassionate to us o master of our power a rock like stronghold shield of our yeshua be a stronghold for us the blessed god who is great and knowledge prepared and worked on the rays of the sun the beneficial one fashioned honor for his name and placed the menares all around his power the leaders of his legions holy ones exalted on my knee constantly relate the honor of god and his sanctity and may you be blessed our god beyond the praise of your handy world could be on the bright liminaries that you have made may they glorify you say love to the blessed god they shall offer sweet melonies to the king the living and enduring god they shall sing hymns proclaim praises for he alone affects mighty deeds makes new things his master of wars sows kindnesses makes salvations flourish creates cures is too awesome for praise it is a dominant equal ode in his goodness he renews daily perpetually the work of creation as it is said give thanks to him who makes the great momentaries for his kindness endures forever [Music] with an abundant love have you loved us not and i are god with exceedingly great pity have you pitied us our father our king for the sake of our forefathers who trusted in you in whom you taught the decrees of life may you be equally gracious to us and teach us our father the merciful father who acts mercifully have mercy upon us and instill in our hearts to understand and elucidate to listen learn teach safeguard perform and fulfill all the words of yours toward teaching with love enlighten our eyes in your torah and attach our hearts to your commandments and unify our hearts to love and fear your name may we not feel in our shame for all eternity because we have trusted in your great and awesome holy name may we exalt and rejoice in your yeshua and bring us and shalom from the four corners of the earth and lead us with upright pride for ufx salvation so god and you have chosen us from among every people and tongue and you have brought us close to your great name forever in truth to offer praiseful thanks to you and proclaim your oneness with love baruch amen with all your resources let these matters that i command you today be upon your heart please step thoroughly to your children and speak of them while you sit in your home while you're walking away when you retire when you arise and find them to sign up on your arm and they shall beat the feeling between your eyes and ride them on the doorpost of your house and upon your gates and it will come to pass and if you continually hearken to my commandments that i command you today to love i don't know your god and to serve him with all your heart with all your soul then i will provide rain for your land in its proper time the early and late reigns that you may gather in your grain your wine and your oil i will provide grass near field for your cattle and you will eat and be satisfied beware for yourselves least your heart be seduced and you turn astray and serve gods and others and battle them then the round of autumn i will lays against you he will restrain the heavens so there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce and you will swiftly be banished from the goodly land which outer night gives you you shall place these words of mine upon your heart upon your soul and you shall bind them as a sign upon your arm and they shall beat the villain between your eyes you shall teach them to your children to discuss them while you sit in your home while you walk in the way when you retire when you arise and write them on the doorpost of your house upon your gates in order to prolong your days and days your children upon the ground that otto and i have sworn to your ancestors to give them like the days of the heavens on the earth and i said to moshe saying speak to the children of israel and say to them that they are to make themselves easy on the corners of their garments throughout their generations and they are placed upon the seeds of each corner of third of the catholic and it shall constitutes easy for you that you may see it and remember all the commandments about and i perform them and you shall not explore after your heart after your eyes after which you stray so that you may remember and perform all my commandments and be holy to your god ani adonai elohicum who has removed you from the land of egypt to be a god and certain established and enduring fair and faithful beloved and cherished delightful and pleasant awesome and powerful correct and accepted good and beautiful is this affirmation to us forever and ever true the god of the universe is our king iraq and yah codes the shield of our salvation from generation to generation he endures and his name endures and is thrown as well established his sovereignty and faithfulness endured forever his words are living and enduring faithful and delightful forever and to all eternity and for our forefathers and for us and for our children and for our generations and for all the generations of your servant israel's offspring amen please rise for the amidah of rosh hashanah which is in the moxor on page 297. do you have the moxor praise the supreme god the blessed one who is blessed the children of israel explained a song to you with great joy and they all said okay with a new song the redeemed ones praised your name in the seashore all of them in unison gave thanks acknowledge your sovereignty and said is is is [Music] remember us all for life o king who desires life and inscribe us in the book of life for your sake o living god god m um who is like you merciful father who recalls his creatures mercifully for life you are holy your name is holy and your holy ones praise you every day forever and so too often our god instill your awe upon all your works and your dread upon all that you have created let all words revere you and all creatures prostrate themselves before you let them all become a single society to do your will wholeheartedly for as we know out in our god that the dominion is yours might is your hand and strength is in your right hand and your name inspires all over all that you have created and so too out and i grant honor to your people praise to those who revere you good hope to those who seek you an eloquent speech to those who hope to you gladden to your land and joy to your city flourishing pride to david your servant and preparation of a lamp for the sons of jesse your anointed speedily in our days and so too the righteous will see and be glad the upright will exult the devout will be mirthful with glad song and nicolly will close its mouth and all wickedness will evaporate like smoke when you will remove evil's dominion from the earth then you and i will reign alone over all your works on mount zion resting place of your glory and in jerusalem your holy city as it is written in your holy writings hashem shall reign forever your god o zion from generation to generation hallelujah you are holy and your name is awesome and there is no god other than you as it is written adonai mastered legions will be lofty in judgment and the holy god will be sanctified in righteousness you have chosen us from all the peoples you've loved us and found favored us you exalted us above the tongues and you and you sanctified us with your commandments you drew us close our king to your service and proclaim your great and holy name upon us and you gave us our god with love this day of remembrance a day of the sounding of the shofar a holy convocation a memorial of the exodus from egypt our god and god of our forefathers may their rise come reach be noted be favored be heard be considered be remembered through remembrance and consideration of ourselves the remembrance of our forefathers the remembrance of messiah son of david your servant the remembrance of jerusalem deceive your holiness the remembrance of your entire people the family of israel before you for deliverance for goodness for grace for kindness for compassion for life and for shalom on this day of remembrance remember us on its own our god for goodness and sinners on us for blessing and help us on it for life in the matter of salvation and compassion pity and be gracious and compassionate with us and help us for our eyes are turned to you because you are god the gracious and compassionate king our god and the god of our forefathers reign over the entire universe in your glory be exalted over the world in your splendor reveal yourself for the majestic grandeur of your strength over all the dwellers of your inhabited city and let everything that has been made know that you are its maker let everything that is in mold and understand that you are its mulder let everything that has the breath of life and its nostrils proclaim adonai the god of israel is king and his kingship rules over everything sanctify the new commandments and grant us our share in your torah satisfies your goodness and gladden us with your yeshua and purify our heart to serve you sincerely for we are for you are the true god and your word is true and endures forever israel their prayer restore the service to the holy holy temple the far offer of israel their prayer accepted love and favor and may the service of your people israel always be favorable to you and may our eyes behold your return desire and compassion [Music] we greatly thank you for these you who are adonai our god and god of our forefathers for all eternity rock of our lives shield of our salvation are you from generation to generation we shall thank you and relate your praise for our lives that is committed to your power for our souls and entrusted to you foreign miracles that are with us every day and for your wonders and favors in every season evening morning and afternoon the beneficial one for your compassion never exhausted the compassion was your kindness ever ended always how we put our hope in you for all these may your name be blessed and exalted our king continually forever and ever and inscribe all the children of your covenant for a good life everything alive will greatly knowledge you and praise your name sincerely o god of our salvation and help establish shalom goodness blessing graciousness kindness compassion upon us and upon all your people israel bless us our father all of us is one with the light of your countenance for the life of your accountants you gave us to my god the tour of life a love of kindness righteousness blessing compassion life and shalom and may be good in your eyes to bless your people israel in every season and every hour with your shalom and in the book of life blessing and shalom and good livelihood may we be remembered and inscribed before you we and your entire people the family of israel for good life and for shalom [Music] a man maybe you will have in our gardening among footballers that the holy temple will be rebuilt speedily in our days grant us our sharing of torah may we serve you there with reverences in days of old and former years then the offering of yehuda and yerushalayim will be pleasing to adonai as in days of old and in warmer years o heavenly father let me listen to the sound of the shofar in rosh hashanah with intense concentration grant that i fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the shofar and all of its details and all of its fine points its underlying intentions and the 613 minutes will depend upon it wholeheartedly and let me do so with great joy let me hear the sound of the shofar itself not the sound of its echo may the holy sound of the shofar penetrate deep into my heart and fill me with holiness let the sound of the shofar ring out loud and strong on rosh hashanah indeed he will give with his voice the voice of strength let the blast of the shofar fill us with fear trembling dread awe and a great shame before you as it is written if a shofar is sounded in the city will the people not tremble may the sound of the shofar become louder and stronger until it overwhelms and destroys all kinds of unholy arrogance the stubborn stubbornness of our bodies and the self-seeking absurdness of our people who are not ashamed of anything let us hear all the holy sounds of the shofar the tequila let us hear them perfectly let us hear them well and let them penetrate deep into our hearts so as to break the stubbornness of ourselves and arouse our hearts to complete repentance help us oh god to be joyful and good hearted throughout rosh hashanah until we are moved to weep for sheer joy in your great name and may the verse be fulfilled in us they will rejoice in your holy name all day long through your righteousness they will be exalted for you are the splendor of their power and through our pride you through your pride you will be exalted master of the world you know that all of our holiness depends on the holy days of rosh hashanah the beginning of the year this day is the beginning of your works the anniversary of the first day of creation hold it as spreads from rosh hashanah over the entire year therefore have pity on us and help us to observe rosh hashanah with the utmost holiness and joy help us to be purified and sanctified in our thoughts as fully as as possible on rosh hashanah since as you know it is the most important day to guard one's thoughts and to take great care on this holy rosh hashanah through the marriage and power of the true zetakeem let all the necessary work of restoring harmony and unity to the upper world to be accomplished on rosh hashanah and on yom kippur draw holiness over me and over your entire nation the house of israel from rosh hashanah throughout the year from the beginning of the year until the end of the year for you know that it is this bitter exile that we stand upon the threshold of the coming the return of messiah yeshua we have no source of power or inspiration besides you o god the good and precious gift you have given us in rosh hashanah you've given out of your great love but we have fallen so low that we lack the wisdom and the knowledge to properly understand and to correctly draw holiness out of this most precious of days you know our hearts oh god so rise up and help us in this time of our sorrow and this time of the end of days help us and save us and have mercy upon us oh god our god our father our king our rock our only redeemer our only savior our only hope have compassion on us in the merit of messiah yeshua and in the merit of all the zodikem who've come before us we in your entire nation the house of israel we go to our graves and we prostrate ourselves on the eve of rosh hashanah we stretch out our hands to you and we pray we plead with you we prostrate ourselves to you we bend down to you adonai with crushed souls and broken hearts in our mask in your vast compassion oh god have pity upon us stir up the very hearted soul of each and every one of us oh god and the merit of messiah yeshua and let the souls of all the true zadokin who descend down on rosh hashanah help us adonai and pray for us and intercede for us the great multitude that you say stands in the gap and prays for us let them pray and receive for us alive that we should crush the satan and she would banish our bad me we should overcome our sin that we would god should not be vain or arrogant before you on this rosh hashanah may they smash and destroy the brazen arrogance that resides in each and every one of us and oh god may you hear our prayers and may they arise before you intertwine with the sound of the shofar blast and come before your holy throne and may you remember us for goodness and for righteousness sake give us all the power to draw down your holiness on this rosh hashanah during the month of tishrei itself on rosh hashanah so-called hoshanah zarat help us to repair all of the of the ruins our eye that we have created help us to rebuild the walls help us to make straight to paths help us to re rebuild the cities for dwelling let the sound of the bride and the bridegroom rejoice in the myth to your midst let our voice rise to you and give us favor give us favor give us favor give us favor give us favor though we're unworthy on your perfect holy day grant's favor to those who do not deserve it grant kindness out alive to those who do not deserve it great mercy to those who don't observe it grant your forgiveness to those who do not deserve it rip up and tear up our evil decree to those who do not deserve it which is all of us oh god oh hashem and scribe and seal us in your book of life the whole house of israel for good and long lives for shalom and for lives that will be filled with the all of heaven true life and true joy comes from messiah yeshua master the world you know my heart you know how evil it is and how wicked it is you know i have hearts underneath how i struggle with it oh god help me hashem help us all out and i but you know everything that's in our heart and for the sake of your great name for the sake of messiah yeshua have mercy upon us and compassionately fulfill our requests for the good those that i've mentioned and those that i don't know to mention oh god draw down deep from the well within the eye and bless your name through me act to bring all of us to return to you with broken hearts that we might attain your heavenly forgiveness let us never deviate from the right to the left all of our days help us raise us up quickly bring us to level ground higher and higher in great holiness until we become united with you and merge in your infinite light even in this life according to your great will we shall live and declare the greatness of our god may we not be ashamed in this world or in the world to come and may we always give honor and grace and mercy and dignity to your great name may be your willis from our god and god forefathers that you rebuild your holy city sooner or l hashem this morning on rosh hashanah [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] my money [Music] oh me my thank you oh hey oh [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh do oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] is me [Music] [Music] foreign oh so [Music] oh is is um [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] foreign oh wow foreign has ah [Music] oh m me heavenly honor almighty god heel is a we're not so brave or arrogant to come up for your money to say that we have not seen it but ava we and our forefathers have we have been arrogant [Music] we haven't tried we have lacked love and compassion [Music] we have not judged favorite we've asked you for mercy but we have given no mercy we've asked you to turn up our evil decrees but we still have charges of debt against our brothers we still struggle with anger we still struggle with a lack of self-esteem we tear others down to build ourselves up we ourselves [Music] criticize others but really we're just white-washed tubes we talk about others as being pit vipers but really we hear the servants we're not so bold and arrogant and brazen as we stand before you allah and say that we are without sin both we are forefathers have said [Music] we have not been faithful dear to us we ourselves have gone astray and we slid others astray [Music] what can we say before your bodyguard what can we get look for you because before you look i'm like problems we have no worthy deeds we have no merits we come before you with our hands empty and our pockets empty [Music] if you do not save us if you do not write our names in your book if you do not favor us we have nothing else [Music] there is no one else before we hear the shofar blast today oh god we come before your honesty [Music] we accept upon ourselves your holy sovereignty we accept upon ourselves the holy yo can get the law we accept upon ourselves the mantle of your majesty and we are not worthy we would throw a crown at your feet but we have no crown anywhere we don't even deserve to be here right now we don't deserve to be in this house we don't deserve to hear your mercy there are no mighty ones there are no heroes [Music] there are no saints we are only sinners saved by grace [Music] we wear white out of my because you've made us white we stand before you and i because you've given us the mercy this time [Music] we come into this house of god only because you and your great mercy kindness have given us if we've accomplished anything in your name out of night it was inspired ourselves if we have refrained from sinning it is only because of your grace [Music] and if we have fallen was only because of your chastisement and if we have suffered it was only because of your justice yes and if we had risen it was only because of your kindness [Music] and if we are alive and here it's only because we've come to you and you have sustained us kept us and brought us this season so father how can we who are dead look upon those who are dead have criticized it both of us lie in the grave [Music] forgive us o god for being arrogant the keeper the toled the tackle and the seed seed should make us humble but instead we wore them like a crown of pride the candles and the feeling and the hollow and the sitter should make us groan with unworthiness but instead we use them to slap our brother the torah should make us cry and realize how far we are from you but instead instead we use them to lord over those who are ignorant of your holy torah instead of becoming alive we become a deterrent instead of becoming a model of wisdom we have become a sign of foolishness instead of making the nations want what we have we have made them repulsed by who we are so with what do we come before you almighty god [Music] even our righteousness let's filthy rags before you [Music] on this judgment day of rosh hashanah open our hearts to your holy torah don't change our clothes change our hearts we don't want to play dress up [Music] remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh [Music] fill us with your holy spirit and calls us to follow your holy torah even as was prophesied in the prophet ezekiel as king david said created me a clean heart of god and removed not your ruach from me o heavenly father these days will always be days of sanctity for our synagogue yes yes hashem cleanse purify good work and the merit of messiah like to invite our men to come forward to bring the torah before the people this morning followed me up there is none like your mother gods out of mind there is nothing like your works your kingdom is the kingdom spanning all eternities and your dominion is throughout every generation out of my reigns i has reigned now and i shall reign for all eternity all and i will give might to his people and i will bless the people with shalom father of compassion do good with on according to your will rebuild the walls of jerusalem we trust in you alone o king god exalted uplifted master of the world [Music] yeshua now yes is yes me is yes yes [Music] well this time an opportunity to bring some sadaqa if you'd like to bring some tadaka for the yonko we have some zuckerbergs here at the front if you're online you can give that way as well give text to give this is sadaka for the yomtov let's bless the lord with our giving today amen [Music] yes yes me is yes thank you hashem father thank you for just all the abundance that you've provided us this year following all the grace that you've shown us this year all the panasonic father we give this to you hashem may just a sin before your holy throne like a fire offering hashem let it be a sweet incense for you to you to express to you how grateful we are for everything for every cup of water for everything you've given us a we bless you for life for godliness for health for provision of american messiah yeshua amen amen father we bless our children on this yomtov hashem all of our sons all of our daughters whatever age they are father may you forgive their sins may you wipe away all their transgressions and father may you help them to understand the wisdom of your torah may they come to know the power of your love may they appreciate the immense depths of your mercy and the high height of your kindness yes and father may you teach our children of an eye when they fall to rise up when they get off the path to find it yet again may you teach them lord god to use the heart of god in their life we bless them today may all have long healthy righteous moral godly and successful lives may michael always be their right and gabriel always to the left you're ill always their friends and raphael always the rear and may your second and glory hover over each and every one of them in the marital messiah should we pray amen i would like to say cottage this morning for uh urielle brown's father passed away last night and uh it's hard obviously to deal with those kinds of things and i did say that in jewish thought when somebody passes away on a shabbat or a yonko it's considered to be a blessing and may it be so for the soul of derail brown's father and just he should have got incredible mercy upon him and that he should have incredible mercy upon the brown family homeowners college is [Music] oh is may you otherwise bind up the heart of your out brown of all this family may you hashem be gracious and merciful to them may you hashem send us messiah yeshua speedily and soon for a second time to bring about the resurrection of the dead in your name glory be yeshua amen i'd like to call [Music] home may he help shield and save all who take refuge in him now let us respond to our name amen all of you ascribe greatness to our god and give honor to the torah if no conan is present arise rabbi morita van ellis in place of the cohen bless is he who gave the torah to his people israel and his holiness the torah of adonai is perfect for storing the soul the testimony of ananai is trustworthy making the simple one wise the orders of adonai are upright gladdening the heart the command of adonai is clear and lightening the eyes adonai will give might to his nation and i will bless his people with shalom to the god whose way is perfect the promise of adonai is flawless he is a shield for all who take refuge in him you who cling to our your god who are all alive today you who cling to honor your god you are all alive today please rise with a blessing [Music] bye [Music] our special reading today comes from the book of genesis chapter 21 verses 1-34 it's the special reading for rosh hashanah the first day of rosh hashanah then adonai visited sarah just as he had said and not only did for sarah just as he had spoken so sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for alcohol in his old age at the appointed time that god had told him abraham named his son who was born to him who sarah bore to him isaac then abraham circumcised isaac his eighth day old son just as god commanded him abraham was 100 years old when isaac his son was born to him so sarah said god has made laughter for me everyone who hears will laugh with me she also said who would have said avraham sarah has nursed children for i have given birth to a son in his old age the child grew and was weaned and abraham made a big feast on the day isaac was weaned but sarah saul the son of hagar the egyptian whom she had born to avraham making fun so she said to abraham drive out this female slave and her son for the son of this female slave will not be an error with my son with isaac now the matter was very displeasing in abraham's eyes on account of his son but god said to abraham do not be displeased about the boy and your slave and whether sarah says to you listen to whatever it says you listen to her voice for through isaac your seed will be called yet i will make the son of the slave woman into a nation because he is your seed so abraham got up early in the morning and took bread and the skin of water and gave them the hagar putting them on her shoulder and the child and sent her away she went and wandered about in the wilderness of beer sheva when the water from the skin was finished she abandoned the child under one of the bushes then she sent went and sat herself down opposite about a bow shot away for she had said i cannot bear to see the child dying so she sat down opposite and lifted up her voice and went then god heard the boy's voice and the angel of god called hagar from heaven and said to her what troubles you hagar do not be afraid because god has heard the boy's voice where he is get up lift the boy up and hold on to him with your hand for i will make him a great nation then god opened her eyes and she saw a well of water she went and filled the water's skin and gave the boy to drink god was with the boy he grew he dwelled in the wilderness and became an archer he dwelled in the wilderness of his mother took a wife for him from the land of egypt now it came about at that time that abimelech with behold the commander of the armory said to abraham god is with you in all that you do so now make a pledge to me by god that you will not violate your word with me or with my descendants or with my offspring as i have shown loyalty to you show the same to me to glenn in which you have lived as an outsider abraham said i make a pledge now abraham had rebuked abimelech because of the wealth of water that abubak's servants had seized so almilek said i do not know this who did this thing nor did you tell me nor did i hear about it until today and abraham took a flock of sheep and cattle and gave them the alibaba and the two of them made a covenant abraham set seven young ulams apart from the flock of sheep by themselves and abu bakr said to abraham what do these seven new limbs that you have set by themselves mean he said you are to accept the seven of you lambs from my hands so they may be a witness for me that i dug this well that is why that place is called beersheba because there both of them made a pledge and they made a covenant in beersheba then abimelech got up with the goal his commander of his army and they returned to the land of the philistines then he planted a tasman tree in beer sheva and called there on the name of adonai the everlasting god he lived as an outsider in the land of the philistines for many days the blessing and the conclusion of the sore reading because he has come up to the tour and honor the army president in honor of in honor of the shabbat in honor of the day of judgment as a reward for this may the holy one blesses he protect him and rescue him from every trouble in distress from every plague and illness and may inscribe and seal him for good life on this day of judgment and may he send blessing and success in his every endeavor together all israel is brother now that's required let's please welcome [Music] [Applause] blessing of the hat toy rook attacks king of the universe who has chosen good prophets and was pleased with their words that were uttered but truth broke out and i who chooses to torah moses his servant israel his nation the prophets and truth and righteousness so we're reading this morning from first samuel chapter 1 to chapter 2 verse 10. now there was a certain man of rama taming zofin of the hill country of ephraim his name was elkanah son of jerusalem son of elijah son of tohu son of zof and ephraim he had two wives the name of one was hana and the other was panaya panaya had children but hana was childless now this man used to go up to his town every year to worship and to sacrifice the ananias he built in shiloh the two sons of eli hofney and vinayas were cohenine about an eye there then on that designated day alkana would sacrifice and give portions to his wife pinaya and to all of her sons and daughters but to hana he would give only one portion even though he loved hannah brad and i had chose and closed her womb her rival would puncture so it was year after year whenever she went up to the house of adam and i that she would provoke her so she wept and would not eat the inner husband elkanah would say to her hannah why are you crying why won't you eat why is your heart so sad am i not better to you than ten sons after eating and drinking in shiloh hana got up now eli dakohen was sitting at his seat by the doorpost at the temple without an eye while her soul was bitter she prayed to anania and wept so she made a vow and said out on eyes he built if you will indeed look upon the affliction of your handmaid remember me and not forget your handmaid but grant your handmaid a son that i will give him to adonai all the days of his life and no razor will ever touch his head came to pass as she prayed long before i denied that eli was watching her mouth now hannah was praying in her heart but her lips were moving only her lips were moving for her voice could not be heard so eli thought she was drunk then eli said to her how long will you be drunk get rid of your wine but in response hannah said no my lord i am a woman with an oppressed spirit i have been drinking i have not been drinking wine or beer instead i've been pouring out my soul before out of night don't consider your handmaid a wicked woman for out of great anguish and grief i have been praying until now and eli responded go and shalom may the god of israel grant your petition that you asked of him may your maidservant find favor in your eyes she said so the woman went away she ate and her countenance was no longer dejected they rose early in the morning and worshiped before adonai then went back to their home to rama then elkanah was intimate with his wife hannah and ana and i remembered her so it came to pass at the turn of the year that anna conceived and gave birth to a son she called his name samuel because i've asked how to die for him did a man elkanah and his household went up to offer the annual sacrifice to adonai and to fulfill his vow offering hannah did not go out for she said to her husband when the child is weaned i will bring him so that he may appear before i deny and stay there forever sir her husband al-qaeda said to her do what seems right to you stay until you have winged him only may i deny establish his word so the woman stayed home and nursed her son until she winged him when she had winged him she took him up with her along with three bowls one effect a flower and a jar of wine and brought him to the house of ananian style while the child was still young after they had slaughtered the bull they brought the boy to eli it is me my lord she says as your soul lives my lord i am the woman and that stood by you here praying to add a night for this boy i prayed and then i deny has granted me my petition that i asked him so i in turn dedicate him to adonai as long as he lives he is dedicated at a night then he bowed and worshiped before at an eye then hannah prayed and said my heart exalts in on an eye my horn is high lifted in eye tonight i smile wide over my enemies for i rejoice in your salvation there is none that's not an eye for there is none beside you then nor is there any rock like my god boasts no more so proudly insolence comes out of your mouth brad and i is the all-knowing god and by him deeds are weighed the balls of the mighty are broken but the stumbling are girded with strength those full higher themselves were bred but those starving hunger no more even the baron gives birth to seven but when she with many sons languishes out an eye causes death and makes alive he brings down the show and raises up adani makes porn makes rich he brings low and also lifts up he raises the helpless from the dust he lifts the needy from the dunhill to make them set with nobles and grant them a seat of honor for the earth's pillars are at an eye and he has set the world on them he guards the steps of his godly ones but the wicked are silenced in darkness no one for one does not prevail by might those who oppose out of nine will be shattered he thunders against them in heaven he judges the earth the ends of the earth he gives strength to the king exalted to horn of his anointed one yes hallelujah righteous in all generations the trustworthy god who says and does who speaks and fulfills all of whose words are trusts are true and righteous trustworthy your yaht and i are god and trustworthy are your words not one of your words is turned back to his origin unfulfilled for you were god trustworthy compassionate king for god and i am the god who is trustworthy in all his words amen amen he who blessed our forefather coverage because he has come up to the torah and honorable present in honor of the torah on the shabbat in honor of the shabbat in honor of the day of judgment has a reward for this may the holy one blessed is he protect him and rescue him from every trouble in distress from every plague and illness may he inscribe him and seal him for a good life on this day of judgment and may he send blessing and success in his every and ever together with all israel his brethren now let us respond to him let us please welcome misha and then over home [Applause] blessing blessing of the first sorrow brooklyn and i blessed are you adonai our god king of the universe who is good who does good and who proclaims the good news of redemption through today's reading from matthew 24 29-36 but immediately after the trouble of those days the sun will be darkened the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heaven will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and then all the truth of the land will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory you will send out as angels with a great show form and they will gather together his chosen from the four winds from one end of the heaven to the other now learn the parable of the fig tree when its branch becomes tender and put forth leaves you know that summer is near so also when you see all these things know that it is near even at the door amen i tell you this generation will not pass away until all these things be fulfilled heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son except the father alone amen king of the universe our king redeemer savior and shield who sent messiah yeshua king of israel to ransom your loved ones baruch and i and i bless to you and i who renews his covenant and love amen because he has come up to the tour and honorably i'll be president and honor the torah on the shabbat in honor of the shabbat and honor the day of judgment as reward for this may the holy one blesses he protect him and rescue him from every trouble and distress from every plague and illness and may he inscribe him and skill him for a good life on this day of judgment and may in blessing and success in his every endeavor together with all israel his brethren now let us respond on maine [Music] please rise for the for the volcano 385 in your moxor open the gates of heaven to our prayer of the living god we have sinned before you our father our king we have no king but you our veda volcano deal kindly with us for your name sake our father our king and inaugurate upon us a good year a veda volcano nullified all harsh decrees upon us our veda will nullify the thoughts of those who hate us aveda volcano will afford the council of our enemies our vienna volcano exterminates every foe and adversary from upon us avenue volcanoes seal the mouths of our adversaries and accusers abita volcano exterminate pestilence sword famine captivity destruction iniquity and eradication from the members of your covenant our father our king withhold the plague from your heritage our father our king forgive and pardon all of our iniquities how beautiful can you wipe away and remove our willful sins and errors from your sight i'll be a volcano will raise through your abundant compassion all records of our guilt [Music] decree of our verdict avenue mccain will recall us with a favorable memory before you avina volcano inscribe us in the book of good life alvin will volcano inscribe us in the book of redemption and salvation our veda volcano inscribes the book of sustenance and support i'll be the volcano inscribe us in the book of merits avenue will call inscribers in the book of forgiveness and pardon avina volcano will make salvation sprout for us soon alvin volcano will raise high the pride of israel your people i've been a volcano raised high the pride of your anointed our beautiful gate will fill our hands from your blessings i'll be the volcano fill our storehouses with abundance alvina volcano hear our voice pity and be compassionate to us i'll be the volcano except with compassion and favor our prayer our vehicle came to open the gates of heaven to our prayer i'll be the volcano remember that we are but dust alvina volcano please do not turn us from you empty-handed alvina volcano may this moment be a moment of compassion and a time of favor before you our veda volcano take pity on us and upon our children and upon our infants i'll be the volcano act for the sake of those who are murdered for your holy name i've been a vocation after the sake of those who are slaughtered for your oneness aveeno aquilo act for the sake of those who went into fire and water for the sanctification of your name avida volcano avenge before our eyes the spilled blood of your servants act for your sake if not for our sake our veda volcano act for your sake and save us for the sake of your abundant compassion albino mechano our father our king act for the sake of your great mighty awesome and holy name that is proclaimed upon us [Music] i'll [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] me maybe seated the import to this day is the hearing of the shofar blast that's what this day is all about just a moment we're going to have the hearing of the shofar for myself and our goodbye and our hazard and there are some blessings that receive this and of course i can to is going to be calling out the sounds of the shofar i just want to make a couple of quick comments about this time before we actually hear the show far class why do we want to hear the show for our best if you're in a synagogue that did not believe in yeshua the answer would be may be surprising to most people there is a myth that has been propagated for thousands of years that jews work for our salvation that we keep the torah because we're trying to be saved through the law of moses that is actually not true it's actually a straw man argument created by another group of another religious group to create a distinction between two religious philosophies the distinction being erroneously that through this religious philosophy god is seeking man and through the jewish philosophy man is seeking god but in actuality nothing is funded for the truth the concept of grace and mercy and kindness and being born again are all jewish concepts and so today in every synagogue in the world the whole purpose of the inauguration of the 10 days of awe beginning with the shofar blast is because two reasons a we want to make god our king and we do that with the sounding of the shofar and that has everything to do with teshuva because you cannot return to god as your king unless he is your king so making him your king makes him personal to you and makes you and i subject to him the other reason and the most important reason we want to hear the shofar blast to the jewish person who does not yet believe in yeshua is because of isaac and the sacrifice that isaac made in the synagogue world and the jewish world we asking god not to look at us but look at the son who laid himself down in our place now there's a long drawshot to give about isaac and all of those things but we don't have time for that but let me just say that from our perspective we know that isaac was the son of promise and yeshua was the seed of promise and son means in the jewish mind not little baby boy son but the king yes you see abraham was a king and isaac was his heir which means that isaac was to be king after him and indeed he was yes and so it really wasn't the son who laid his life down but it was the king who laid his life down and so yeshua is our king and so when we hear the shofar blast what we're really saying is hashem don't look at me don't look at my merits and certainly don't look at my sin but rather look at the righteous one who gave his life for me the shofar blast is supposed to remind god of that but what is it supposed to remind us of we want god to remember the king who died for us but what are we supposed to be aroused to do when we hear the show part lives the scripture says as i just read in the in the prayer earlier if the shofar blast is sounded in the city should the people tremble when we hear the shofar blast we should tremble because it means that there is there is a coming together of two parts the righteousness of god and the unrighteousness of ourselves incidentally prophetically when the apostle shall wrote in his letter and he said that the last trump the dead and messiah will rise he wasn't talking about a silver trumpet or a cleric or a coronet he was talking about the shofar because the jewish idea is that the resurrection of the dead will take place at some point during rosh hashanah and it's the only calendar excuse me it's the only uh holiday on the jewish calendar but has that has a mandatory back-to-back yonto and the reason is because it's the only count holiday on the calendar that occurs on a new moon which is why it used to be called the the time when no man knew the day of the hour so when messiah said that he's referring to this season so the lat at the last trump the dead of masala rise well just what happens that on rosh hashanah there are a series of trumpet blasts shofar blast which yisha will be calling out and the last shofar blast is the greatest shofar blast and it's called the tequila godola and it's at that blast that we hope that the messiah will return and the dead shall be raised in the grave maybe today so what are we supposed to to remember and i'm reminded of a statement in the book days of awe the jewish writing days of all which is commentary on these days it says just as in the commentary to isaiah 11 or excuse me isaiah 1. it says just as a sacrifice without toshuba is called an abomination the sacrifice of the wicked is also an abomination proverbs 21 27 so too is confession without the heart agreeing not to sin again this too is an abomination and what hashem is revealing to us is that if we look at isaiah chapter 1 beginning in verse 10 hashem says some remarkable things he said hear the word of hashem he rulers of sodom now he's talking to people in israel but he's referring to them as rulers of sodom he says hear the word of hashem he rulers of sodom listen to the torah of your god you people of gomorrah the multitude of your sacrifices what are they to me says hashem i have more than enough of burnt offerings of ram from the fat of fat and animals i have no pleasure in the blood of bulls or lambs or goats when you come to appear before me who's asked this of you this trampling of my course stop bringing me meaningless offerings your incense are detestable to me your new moons your sabbaths your convocation i cannot bear your evil assemblies your new moon vessels and your appointed feasts my soul hates they have become a burden to me i am weary of bearing them when you spread out your hands and prayer i hide my face and my eyes from you even if you offer many prayers i will not listen your hands are full of blood wash and make yourself clean take your evil deeds out of my sight stop doing wrong and learn to do right seek justice encourage the oppressed defend the cause of the fatherless plead the case of the widow now let me just pause here and say that everything that god said he just hated and wanted us to stop doing are all things he's commanded us to do and here's where people in our western greeco roman gentile thinking we just get totally confused we think that when god says stop with these new moons and stop with these sacrifices and stop with these festival offerings and stop with all this torah keeping that he actually wants us to stop and so what people have done is they've stopped because the law is no longer for today they think the problem was the law and hashem is saying i didn't ask you to stop my law i ask you to stop doing it with the wrong heart because when we offer all of these mitzvahs we offer all these sacrifices and we offer these new moves when we offer rosh hashanah but we haven't healed we haven't listened to the shofar and made a change here it's no longer his rosh hashanah it's our rosh hashanah it's no longer his offering it's our offering it's no longer his torah it's our torah and our torah and there are too many of us who have in times past playing dress up and last year god showed me that phrase that's on the wall over there in that banner gom zairami this too is mercy or you could also say compassion that phrase when i wrote it down by i believe the unction of the spirit of god it just so happened that that phrase the gematria that phrase is equivalent to goshen and the gematria of goshen is equivalent to mashiach and so god is saying to me last year at this time he said your problem was that you forgot god's a rock of me this to his mercy this to his compassion we forgot what hashem was saying here see he said he goes on to say and we're just going to wrap it up here come now let us reason together it says hashem so he's just rebuked us and said you're playing dress-up you're coming and you're doing all this stuff you got to feeling you're rapping real tight and you look all pious you look real holy and you're to lead you look real pious ladies and your tackles you look all beautiful and everything and you're in you're you're you're modestly closed and all this kind of stuff but in your heart you despise your brother you're not judging them favorably you don't have love you're full of pride and arrogance you think you're the smartest person in the room when you get online you have no problem berating people for their idiotic beliefs when it wasn't just but about a year ago you had the same exact belief and was it somebody berating you and calling you stupid that brought you to god or was it somebody who had compassion and gentleness and lovingly answered your questions and showed you the kindness of god and the beauty of the shabbat that led you or was it somebody who just was calling you names and just and calling you a pagan is that what you're due to god isn't it true that god says it's the love of god that draws us to him yes yes isn't it yes so hashem says though your sins are like scarlet they will be as white as snow though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool if you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the lamb you land you will resist if but if you resist and rebel you will be devoured by the sword the mouth of hashem has spoken the shofar blast ladies and gentlemen is supposed to arouse us to make a change we're asking god to be merciful to us and we need to have a heart of goms they rock of me i asked god hashem what's wrong with me what was wrong with me what happened to me he said this is hard for us to hear but very often we're whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones because we're full of pride and arrogance and our knowledge has puffed us up and then of course our rosh hashanah was all wrong our rosh hashanah was all about party and celebration and hear the show of our blast apple zipped and honey and we didn't realize that we were coming before the judge of all the earth and being judged [Music] and we came asking god to rip off our degrees and we had everybody's files with us and god says what's that under your arm oh this is all the unforgiveness i have towards everybody all their files all the stuff that drives me crazy about them and the stuff that this really needs to be fixed in their life but could you tear my file up for i'm going to hang on to these for a while but can you hate chairmaida god says no in fact i'm going to examine yours even more closely than i would have planned to so here's the here's the bottom line when we hear the blast of the shofar today first of all we need to hear the blast and secondly if we're asking him to tear up some files we have to tear up some files down here we need to hear the sound of the shredder in heaven and the sound of the shredder on earth because here's what the sages point out and say when there is judgment from below there's no need for judgment from above when we hold ourselves accountable there is no need for god to hold us mommies and daddies isn't that true when our when our children correct themselves what need is there to for us to correct at that point we only guide but when they say hey i want you to know i did wrong and i need it i'm i'm fixing it praise god let me help you fix it but there's no need for me to punish you that's right this is what god wants us to understand with the show far left there's some introductory prayers here that i'm going to pray on behalf of myself and for on behalf of yehuda and yeshi and yes i can do you can go ahead and make your way here psalm 47 we are on by the way in the moxor we're going to be on page 433 psalm 47 for the conducted by the sons of korach a song all you nations join hands and sound the show apart to god with a cry of joy for adonai is supreme awesome a great king over all the earth he shall lead nations under us in kingdoms beneath our feet he will choose our heritage for us the pride of jacob that he loves god has ascended with a blast hashem with the sound of the shofar make music for god make music make music for our king make music for god is king of all the earth make music oh enlightened one god reigns over the peoples god sits upon his holy throne the nobles of the peoples gather the nations of the god of abraham for the protectors of the earth our gods he is exceedingly exalted may it be your willis of our god god of heaven and the god of earth the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god that he send me all the pure angels and ministers who are trustworthy in their mission and who desire to vindicate your people israel the great angel who has anointed to draw forth israel's marriage at the time when your people israel silenced so far the great angel who is appointed to make her the merits of israel to alarm the satan when they are blown the great angels who are appointed over the shofar blast who raised our shofar blast before the throne of your glory the angel appointed over the teruah and the angel appointed over the tikiya may they all be ready for their mission to raise our shofar blast before the heavenly curtain and before the throne of your glory may you be filled with mercy upon your people and may you contemplate the ashes of isaac our father that are keep upon the altar may you contemplate the sacrifice of messiah yeshua who was offered for our atonement and may you deal with your children with the attribute of mercy and may you overstep them with the line of your law remember for their sake the akhidav is offering offspring for your god the faithful king who remembers the covenant blessed are you who remembers the covenants may it be your wish my god god before father that you have your mercy suppress your anger from upon us and your mercy overwhelm your attributes may you have mercy on your children and through their shofar blasts may you change for their sake from the attribute of judgment to the attribute of mercy and remember for them the merit of the three patriarchs may they be engraved upon the throne according to the order of their birth abraham above isaac uploaded him and jacob in between and may no error or sin intervene may you enter for their sake beyond the boundary of judgment and find favor for before me you o god and may you have mercy on me amen from the straits that i call upon god and god responded by giving me expansiveness you have heard my voice do not shut your ear for my prayer for your relief when i cry out for your very first utterance is truth and your righteous judgment is eternal be your servant's guarantor for good let not willful sinners exploit me i rejoice over your word like one who finds abundant spoils teach me good reasoning and knowledge for i believe in your mince vote please accept with favor the offering of my mouth hashem and teach me your judgments hallelujah hallelujah and may it be your willis from our god god of our forefathers god of judgment that in the marriage of these holy names that are derived from the initials of the following verses god please bring near the salvation of those who long for you turn about those that fear you bring them forth from their confinement redeem the storm tossed open the eyes of the blind they long for your right hand draw up the oppressed gather the scattered support o god are falling that now would be a redemptive time before you and may you tear up in your manifold mercies and your great kindnesses all of the curtains that have separated between you and your people israel until this very day and remove from before the you and all the all of them the accusers and the prosecutors of your people israel seal the mouth of the satan that he may not accuse us for our eyes are turned to you and i will exalt you my king my great and good king god of judgment he who hearkens to the sound of the shofar blast of his people mercifully amen would you please rise so far [Music] bless all you and our god king of the universe who has sanctified us from his commandments and commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar bless our you and our god king of the universe who has kept us alive sustained us and brought us to this season through messiah yeshua amen [Music] wow that we sound today be embroidered into the heavenly curtain by the appointed angels just as you accepted prayers through elijah was remembered for good and the ministering angel and may you be filled with mercy upon us blessed are you a master of mercies one quick intervention here and most max or as this has been edited but in this manga and others the early magsareem it says may these arise unto yeshua the koan gadol minister of the inner chamber because many many hundreds of years thousands of years ago it was kefa who included this in the moxor until it was most recently edited [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe you will that from the tequila blast that we sound you fashion a crown from it through the appointed angel that it may ascend and sit upon the head of the god of the legions and may do with us a sign for good and may you be filled with mercy upon us blessed are you master of mercies foreign [Music] hey so may it be your will hashem our god tequila [Music] hello [Music] so may it be your will hashem our god and the god of our forefathers that those angels that are revoked by the show farm by their tequila by the terror by the tequila [Music] ascend before the throne of your glory and vote goodness on our behalf to pardon all our sins hallelujah please remain standing as we return the holy torah hallelujah mm-hmm let them praise the lord and i for his name alone will have been exalted his glory is above earth and heaven and he will have exalted the pride of his people causing praise for all of the violence for the children of israel his intimate people hallelujah a psalm of david psalm 24 hashem is the earth in its fullness the inhabited land and those who fill in it we found it upon the seas and established upon the waters who may ascend the mountain of an eye who may stand in the place of a sanctity one who has clean hands and a pure heart who is not sworn in vain by my soul is not sworn deceitfully he will receive a blessing and just kindness from the god of yeshua god is the god of his salvation through this generation of those who seek him and when arrested he would say return adonai to the myriad thousands of israel i'll rise on high to your resting place you and the ark of his stream let your priests be clothed in righteousness and your devotions will sink jewishly for the sake of david your servant turn not away the faith be anointed for i have given you a good teaching do not forsake my torah yes [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh man just wanted to say that first of all tadaraba for being here as i said rosh hashanah is a two-day festival even outside the land of israel and so we're going to have a rosh hashanah service again tomorrow and so we have two opportunities to hear the shofar class and then tomorrow we'll have own egg here in the hammer hall but today we're going to be having our own egg at a picnic we've rented a pavilion at trinity river park in fort worth trinity river park is essentially across the street from the botanical gardens and uh and for work so we rented a pavilion there there's a very very very nice and large playground next door to the pavilion that we rented so it's easy to find the pavilion is easy to find it's right next to the big playground and we're going out there not just to have old egg but to have a very special tash leak service a casting service and we're going to go to the river so we get when we get down there i'll speak a little bit about that explain what tosh leak is all about and why we're at a river and all that it's a very beautiful park lots of shade trees i know it's a little warm outside but there's lots of shade trees there and we invite everybody to join us out there so once we conclude here as quickly as possible we will try to caravan that direction that we'll make sure everybody has the address i apologize i don't have any maps but just understand that it's across the street from the bottom of the gardens so if you know where the botanical gardens are or cosmina theater it's right there and so uh we'll have the address and everybody will get there it'll be it'll be blessed chaos to go out there praise god praise god so i also just want to make another note that during yom kippur which of course is coming up in 10 days it is customary if you look at the monsoor it's customary to kneel during the elena on yom kippur in in memory of when we would prostrate ourselves in the holy temple on yom kippur so i say that especially to the ladies if you can't kneel physically can't deal obviously that's fine no one's going to judge you for not kneeling however you might want to bring a little pillow maybe something to kneel on um so i just put that out there if you haven't you know whatever you need i just want to make you know might think in your mind what could i bring to kneel on for the olengo yonkippur all right said [Music] now [Music] me [Music] we may soon see your mighty splendor to remove the testimony from the earth and fallen scholars that'll be cut off to perfect the universe the almighty sovereignty then all humanity will call upon your name to turn all the earth's wickedness towards you all the world's inhabitants will recognize and know that to you every knee should bend every tongue should swear before you under god they will bend every knee and cast themselves down to the glory of your name they will render homage they will accept upon themselves a yogurt kingship that you may reign over them soon and eternally for the kingdom is yours you will reign for all eternity and glory as it is written in your torah allah [Music] oh please plan to join us at the park i would recommend if you go if you get lost or whatever don't go down 35 go around because 35 is always a parking lot uh but anyway remember it's trinity river park it's right across the street from the botanical gardens and uh we're in pavilion number four which is right next to the beautiful big beautiful playground they have there looks like disney world all right
Channel: Lapid Judaism
Views: 1,164
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Yeshua, Aliyah, Aliyot, Magen Yisheinu, rosh hashanah, jewish calendar, rosh hashanah songs, rosh hashanah services 2021, rosh hashanah 5782, rosh hashanah shofar blowing, Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets
Id: fE1P9r1YYeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 15sec (8355 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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