Rose McGowan denounces the Democrat party in FOX News exclusive

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To be fair, she called the left and the right out as occultist.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/joanna-joy- 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
democrats control two branches of government and are attempting to control the third by packing the supreme court with liberal justices on top of that the fourth estate the media continues to look the other way and now my next guest says she is fed up with the politics of it all joining me now with her first fox news appearance is one of my heroes rose mcgowan former actress best-selling author change maker and one of time magazine's persons of the year may i say rose that you are also my person of the year if not for several years having been in several years i have no doubt moving forward thank you so much for joining us tonight i really appreciate it thank you so much for having me tammy you know this is your you are known by many people based on how the media has chosen to portray you uh it's in snippets it's in blocks we know that your life has been unique you've had important experiences that you've taken action on but not a lot of people have heard directly from you about why that's important what you're doing now you're an entrepreneur you're a businesswoman we're going to talk about that soon but talk to everyone here who may for the first time may be seeing you directly after hearing your name for so long having done such a great job in standing up for your rights uh your dignity and the dignity of women everywhere uh why did you do that and what is it meant to the quality of your life and why is it so important for everyone to understand well as some of you know some of you don't know if you've heard my name or read anything on me in the media i grew up in a cult and it was a very famous cult called children of god and it gave me a power it gave me the ability to see the control and the propaganda machine especially in the us for what it is and how it harms people and how the left can harm people just as much uh as the right if they go very very deep into it and ignore all other aspects of kind of reality in a way and and that you're serving a master that might not be serving you and i always say i come in peace i am not here to make people feel bad about their political choices but i am here to say that you might be in a cult too if you don't know the signs and and i do believe democrats most especially are in a deep cult that they really don't uh and know about and aren't really aware of and i leave the republicans alone more because i do respect people more that are like this is what we are this is what we're about this is what we're against whereas i find that the democrats are really pretty much almost against all the same things they're against um changing the world for the better and and they're for keeping a system in place that is for so few people and benefits so few but they masquerade as the as the helpers we would do this the world would be perfect if only those republicans would get out of the way well okay you've got control so now what what are you going to do to make the world better you see this is it comes down to an issue of betrayal really because neither one of us are republicans right i mean we we are the women that were supposed to be the beneficiaries of all of these programs and promises of the democrats and here we are in a world where republicans have been demonized and yet you know i identify as a conservative it does irritate certain people but it really is about freedom it's about personal freedom about living lives that best suit us and that's what you're doing as well uh when it comes to the the choices look a great actress you're a writer uh you are a businesswoman you have a new beloved you actually have time for a relationship uh and you you're happy you're becoming at least happier uh considering the nature of what you experienced from hollywood is that something you regularly struggle with when it comes to being yourself and embracing what who it is you're becoming and what's important about that i'm embracing in my life right now really just almost healing in a way not just for me but for so many others you know during the metoo media period it was just triggers for so many women and men alike you know everybody really and it was a painful period for very many people as as it was for me sure you know and and my persecution um an awakening from being a democrat was so much about what i do and what i say now and so much about realizing how hardcore of a cult it is you know what's interesting so the ability is to women and the people it says it's going to help then why haven't they achieved anything well see that's it and then we're also tied to this idea of what could happen afraid of what we would say or not say but without being able to be true to ourselves even after the feminist movement still trying to conform and that's kind of the the rub here is this this art this expectation that a woman like you is better off if you conform but that is the opposite of your creativity it's the opposite of what would fuel uh what makes uh the world interesting to you for the for the bit of time that we have left what advice would you give the young women listening of course but it also goes to whatever age we are with what you've gone through and and how each day takes something new you've got to adapt all the time what advice in this new age as we're trying to come together and unite on the things that that bring us together what would you say to every woman watching i would say to every woman and man or any you know anybody watching that film does come out and your personal freedom comes at the price of you realizing how you're being controlled and where it's coming from and separate i would make a list your belief system and figure out what your belief system what part of it is organic to you and what part has been implanted either by hollywood or the media or or your leaders what part of it is it's truly yours what's organic to you and see what's the polyester and pull it out of your fabric we have to examine what we believe and why i'm going to get a lot of hate for being on fox news that's just a fact i've gotten people you know on the left yelling at me like you go up against biden um you go up against the clintons you go up i'm like yes but all of these people had uh the clintons um have had a direct hand in helping one of my perpetrators who was one of the most powerful democratic donors there was and also their entree into the hollywood world and i've been persecuted by them and i find that i had to even look through what had been implanted in me so i would say look at your own belief systems and get free you can still believe in whatever party you want to believe in but not to the limit where it makes it so you cannot have a human conversation with every other person and it doesn't mean that your even your politics change it it means that you become more free within that framework rose i know that as people were to follow you on social media they'll get an example of how to do this where where can people find your work these days uh at rose mcgowan on twitter where i am shadow band and suppressed at instagram rose mcgowan uh instagram's kind of my softer side twitter i go hard but you know they suppress me and so does facebook and everybody else it's it's just because i go up against the sacred cows that's not supposed to go up against the new york times you're not supposed to go up against the propagandists that's right and i think if someone is evil they're evil and they should call them out whether it's right or left or somewhere in the middle because they are the ones keeping us apart the propaganda machine in conjunction with whatever party is determined to have control over our freedom and they say america is the land of the free well we have to fight for it i'm not conservative in my beliefs i believe in different personal freedoms and maybe people watching this but i can still be your friend i can still be your ally and i can still want the best for you brava this is this is the heroism that i was talking about it's a it's beautiful thank you rose thank you so much for coming on i appreciate it and uh we'll talk soon thank you very much for joining us hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 900,119
Rating: 4.8953862 out of 5
Keywords: Rose McGowan, Rose McGowan clintons, Rose McGowan democrat, Rose McGowan democrat cult, Rose McGowan democrat party, Rose McGowan tammy bruce, bill clinton, cult, democrat party, fox news Rose McGowan, fox news tammy bruce, harvey weinstein, hillary clinton, tammy bruce, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, maria bartiromo, primetime, primetime fox news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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