FOX News presses Schumer on Democrat 'double-standards'

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white house correspondent kevin cork tracking it all for us tonight hey kev evening kristin tomorrow obviously the big super bowl here in town now this is arguably the biggest single shift in covett policy at least in most of the country since the lockdowns first began about 13 months ago but the shift coming as you pointed out just a day ahead of that joint session address in congress well it's drawing both praise and a few eye rolls in a word it was curious wearing a face mask to a sparsely attended outdoor press event at the white house during which he hailed new cdc guidelines eliminating the need for face coverings at such gatherings starting today if you're fully vaccinated and you're outdoors you need and not in a big crowd you no longer need to wear a mask the message was meant to hail eased mass restrictions for people who are fully vaccinated and to encourage those who aren't to do so according to the new guidelines fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks outdoors except in certain crowded settings and venues but you're still urged to take precautions in indoor public settings like wearing a well fitted mask and to avoid if possible indoor large size in-person gatherings vaccinated or not this is another step in the right direction of how we can start getting back to normal the guidance addresses growing calls from health experts to drop some restrictions from any outdoor activities where virus particles are dispersed more readily texas senator ted cruz offered the equivalent of a slow golf clap for the administration's belated decision to ease restrictions i'm glad the cdc finally acknowledged what has been obvious for a long time cruz said which is that wearing a mask outside is silly and not remotely justified by the science it also didn't go unnoticed especially here in washington that the cdc white house announcement comes a day before biden's first joint address to congress white house swears though it's just a coincidence i can assure you that the cdc makes makes decisions and does evaluations on their own timeline when biden delivers his remarks it's expected that he'll make the case for more government spending beyond covet relief including on what democrats call racial justice climate justice social infrastructure and student debt relief now among the other spending priorities expected to be laid out in tomorrow night's speech tuition-free community college paid leave and national child care now those proposals would likely be paid for uh primarily through raising taxes but republicans contend that the nice sounding names and of some of these bills and programs are actually going to be used as a little bit of a trojan horse to sneak democratic priorities into legislation over on capitol hill very interesting we'll all be watching it it'll make for a late night but a very interesting night for us here in washington kristen yeah we're going on at 1am tomorrow we got to stay up late kevin so you're you're talking about masks and the new guidelines but there still appears to be some unanswered questions among lawmakers on capitol hill about whether they need to wear masks as they pass through those magnetometers to enter the house chamber tomorrow night for president biden's joint address so check this out our congressional correspondent chad pergram seemingly stumping the senate majority leader earlier today and out of that we have sound from florida senator marco rubio pointing to a double standard on capitol hill take a listen and then kevin i'll get your response on the other side have they talked to senators at all as to whether or not they will have to pass through the magnetometers to get into the house chamber or wear a mask i'll have to get you the details on that well i have been informed of all the security that is uh being there i feel very safe being there it's interesting when it came to like coming together to impeach donald trump for the second time after he was out of office they put 100 senators in the same room sitting just inches apart for hours at a time over five or six days apparently covet was not an issue then but now of course for something like this well we can't have that many people in the room sitting next to each other there's going to be so many fewer members of congress for that joint address tomorrow night kev yeah no doubt about that and what's really interesting i think the senator from florida marco rubio made a great point i mean you get this sort of disparate viewpoints on this is it good for one side depending on what's happening to have everybody crammed into a small space but hold if it's the other team you know let's not have everybody go rushing through uh you may recall this back in january there was this sort of dust up over on the hill about whether or not some members would actually have to go through in fact there was a great deal of pushback by republicans i suspect tomorrow night and again we'll have to double check with chad early on during the day they will make that available but if you're looking for sort of visual proof that that's how they got in there and to the senate floor i'm gonna say i doubt it but again now that everybody's talking about it you never know it'll make for an interesting side note tomorrow night and a very late night for all of us kristen kevin i just want to know what this means for all the the standing up and the applause i mean is it going to mean that we have less of that tomorrow night yeah and because there'll be fewer people actually there probably you'll still have plenty of it but probably not as much and i say that only because you figure the tone and tenor will be we're coming out of the pandemic let's focus on the big ticket items that'll get sort of the usual and we'll keep track by the way the number of times that we see members actually stand up tomorrow night will it be about normal probably a little less than normal but still a fairly typical super bowl night here in washington d.c i'm going to hold you to that i want i want an accurate count tomorrow night on the show we'll do it i promise looking forward to watching it with you you bet kevin cork thanks so much you're welcome hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 377,655
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Keywords: Chuck schumer, biden, biden address to congress, biden joint address, breaking, breaking news, chad pergram, chuck schumer double standard, double standard, fox news breaking, fox news breaking news, fox news chad pergram, fox news chuck schumer, joe biden, kevin corke, magnetometer, pergram, senate, senate chambers, shannon bream, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network
Id: 3CKwpb-ijg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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