Abandoned Train/Mining Tunnel & Unique Remains (Williamstown Tunnel)

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okay guys we're back with another video and joined by once again with cliff the wandering woodsman and we're on location number two for adventure number two because behind me you can see we got a pretty cool abandoned tunnel and this is cliff spot he's been here before so I'm going to turn to him and he's gonna tell you some of the information that he knows about it because I don't really know anything about it and this is his location so all of him explain it to you guys I said this is the site of what was once the Williamstown caller II it was one of the what I was like one of the biggest calories in the area I think it process like why he was like 600,000 tons of coal one year but it's just a flat area now they took everything down but they left the tunnel here this is the south end of the tunnel and the tunnel takes you to the other side of the mountain where there's another old abandoned village called Bear Valley we'll be there later today they did collapse a tunnel on this side on the north end you can go in a little bit more it's kind of cool if you like tunnels but there's some cool history the tunnel to I think it was built 1866 and it was used up until the early 1900s and ten people died in that tunnel - we'll talk about that when we get the other side I think but there so some people think this tunnels haunted - but hey you didn't tell me that before yes sir I just remembered it now but yeah they well when we get to the other side I'll tell Bohr I'll tell that story but yeah so and it was it was built to bring the coal from that town to the Williamstown collar because the other had to bring it over the mountain or around so they decided to why not just dig a tunnel so so was the collar in this area yeah right here we're standing actually just over there there's some there's some pictures online of it was a massive building then we go up here now there's just nothing so all right so it sounds pretty interesting as he mentioned there are some photos though I'll try and dig those up and share them throughout the video and I've come with any other information I'll share with you guys but the looks of it right now it looks pretty impressive and that's where we're headed so and actually off in the distance - I see some more remnants so it's a beautiful day out little chilly but I'm excited to check it out so come along with me so just to the right of the tunnel we got some foundation remains here I can actually see some pieces of our cart tracks or railroad tracks and as I mentioned hop in that direction there's some more so we'll look around the area but I'm really excited to get inside that tunnel it has a very ominous look to it as he mentioned - and said what 10 people died was that during the construction of it or in Bear Valley would take the train back through the tunnel and they hopped in the back the train but they because there's no ventilation this boat from the steam engine applicator yeah they suffocated okay so those of you of my viewers out there who are into the paranormal stuff I advise you to listen to the rest of this video with earphones or earbuds to see if you can hear anything because I do have my external microphone on which is pretty sensitive and I'll give you a couple of moments of silence in there and see if we could hear anything or pick up on anything so let's get into it so was that 1850 say fifty-sixth 1918 is it as he mentioned - it is filled in so we can't go in too far but I think you get him part of the way but how he looks in depressing with this brick wine wall this reminds me almost like a subway tunnel that's they all curved in line with brick and you can see it's quite echoing has very strange the wall actually ends there the lining and it's kind of coming down it's almost like a collapse or it's beside ins so although we can't go in very far this you'll really see this though bricks still in fantastic shape and for Hull but as it's very well I should say holding up very well and if when he explained we're gonna be able to drive around to the other side to see the who is that the north end the north end is the other side and we'll get in there and said it goes a little bit further so and they safe to check it out but you guys enjoying this so far don't forget to drop a like down below okay so back there is where we just came from where the tunnel is and I remember seeing this in the distance it's a huge metal plate almost like a wall I don't know what it was for I think it had something to do with the cholera here or the breaker but it's all totally left kind of scattered in between here there are some rock foundations concrete foundations but for the most part though everything is wiped out and one thing I'm gonna do right now is I like to do for you guys it's just to show you a size comparison so I'm gonna set the camera down back here and walk up to it you can see how gigantic that piece of metal is hopefully you guys can see me in the camera but this thing towers over me this is probably 25 30 feet tall stomach the shelter okay guys after a long drive we went on a long dirt road which turned out to be or Levis to state gain lands and we're now on the north side of the Williams is it Williams tunnel Williamstown tunnel which is in the background here there's the mountain so we have a little bit of a truck through the woods ago but we came full circle and we'll be on the other side of it now so let's go check it out so we come across some remnants of a building here which at one part in time was part of the mine manufacturing area here and what I learned too is that on the north side here is where all the mining operations took place is really to the mining through the shafts war basically the hub of the whole area but then they use the tunnel to transport the call over to the cholerae on the south side so it's a weird setup that is kind of split by a mountain you think they would build the collar II and the breaker right where they're working but for one reason or another they decided to bore that tunnel and transport it through there so we're nearby though we are on state Keeneland's you can see there is a fence here we that come through the deer fence a little gate area there and I wasn't easy to get here we're not too challenging it's just tricky you don't know where you're going unless you've been here and I was asking cliff I said how the hell did you find this place because it's really out in the middle of nowhere so he did his detective work when he first came here and lo and behold were returning to see it for myself and for yourself so next time we tune back in we should be the front of the tunnel so right thing the distance is that little building we just showed you and just a short distance away is the north end of the tunnel it's not really recognizable but it is there they do have it back filled but from what he explained and what I've seen in his previous video you could still get in there so kind of curious to get up there and check it out Wow looks like the pit to hell I do love the stone face on it here hey that's crazy well you know for a fact we're going in there brought their hardhat got some lighting so my sodas go in there and check it out okay so as you can see you got my hard head on got my headlamp and I got you with me so let's head inside alright alright grab you guys I think you see it's not a very big opening but it's big enough hopefully there's no snakes in here oh wow this looks awesome okay so that's where we just came through and first impressions are it's pretty awesome just want to show you those naturally formed almost like rusticles or stalagmites because we're water dripping down forming it up and it's almost like a light bulb it's pretty neat it's naturally forming because it's dripping from the ceiling [Applause] but you see I got a brighter flashlight here the catapult v6 got some what's like cribbing there to help earn it supposedly help that sagging top there but the key difference the Southside has a brick lining on the inside and this is all stone might be limestone we're gonna wait for clip to come in and we'll check it out see the formation [Applause] [Applause] these very much resembles a coal mine even though found a coal shaft is just for transporting through the tunnel yeah this is I'm actually gonna come down get your climb up there and check that out I thought this is a dead end this is what we call them a - stoked out area it's a big cavity but that's actually like that because on material fell down right here so not man-made there was a partial collapse after you tested me don't worry tickets tux I got it on camera [Applause] good yep it's my turn [Applause] oh this is neat you sure this wasn't got a cold a cold shaft no they did find coal as they're digging through but they did mining for coal is just the tunnel I read that they were they did mine you horizontally through I came across the veins of coal so if you could keep going you would find mine shafts on either side oh yeah there's a coal being right there you guys see that shiny area right there that is B Nicole or as I call it a coal seam right here on the ground [Applause] pillars I don't think we're for support yeah probably had another use you have to understand - we're staying on top of rubble this would have been kind of flat going inwards yeah gonna quarter notes anthracite look girl shiny it is right here looks like I've come to the end of the line here this is all collapsed looks like someone dug out little there but the tunnel would have continuing inward and eventually made up on the south side where we started our video so yeah I saw that I don't that's man major just a natural opening last time I was here oh this this looks all newish almost well a little bit does it look like it's natural or is like it was worked out area I think it looks like it's worked out there's a nice cool back here that's a really nice it's a big being a coal there right yeah all right I'll let you take a look so we could see they'd seen the camera goes back as far as I could see at least 20 feet this is all cold right here it's all a big big Nicole and from where I could tell it looks like it probably keeps going but you can't see because it goes like at an angle but it looks like this was a worked out area that obviously collapsed here and we're pretty much on top of the rubble pile but that is definitely cavity of coal that keeps going and is this something he didn't cover last time so there's maybe a new collapse or may have just opened up more but we're seeing it for our first time there's definitely signs that people have been in here there's a little pockets dug out here you can see there and there so someone was getting some either some material or something but maybe they were getting coal for their furnace I don't know but this is extremely rich veins here - anthracite coal this is just all material here it's all war so we can't go any further but we definitely came in much further than the Southside portion this adventure chance than I was expecting I know I saw his video when he first filmed here but being here in person is completely different and pleasantly surprised of how neat it is in here and by the amount of colas still left behind they can't really go back into production and start working this out they wanted to but uh it just gives you a sense though of as to some of Pennsylvania's coal mining history and and that's our exit point so well got a spider that's a daddy longlegs yeah I don't mind those just don't like the snakes all right yes I'll go first this time [Applause] and here comes click through the birth canal hello everyone this mom gave birth to any one of them it's really neat darling I think that much you can take out that first class J point out this nice arch going back into the other part of town so well that's where the rock work this is the kind of stuff you want to avoid when you're in tunnels where lions or caves because that is going to collapse only a matter of time and you never want to stay on very to much longer than you have to so just want to point that out and I keep moving bastard okay so we came from the tunnel which is a few hundred yards down that direction and we're following an old trail up here and there's a bunch of structures here in remnants of them there's two little concrete structures which may be like for dynamite or something is a larger building foundation they're more off to the distance and then more over there too so quite a bit of stuff here and yeah cliffs mention that maybe the hoist house so maybe we'll get a better idea that once we get closer to it so here we are here's one of the little brick structures I'm not what it's for looks like someone's been using this as a little Hut maybe looks like some firewood there but maybe in dynamite storage may have been something for materials really don't know but still fairly well intact please look in here this is the same material that was lining inside that tunnel they have limestone I'm not mistaken but this here is a pretty large structure and we believe is a hoist house and it very well could be because it has a notch here where the cable and everything what it came through and back there's some anchors so see if we get up inside of there and check it out so from the back here we got a little concrete pad I see some stonework there even more up there in the distance but you can see if you get in here also that wall there's actually collapsed in it's leaning though this place that later that's huge yeah just cliff paparazzi so it's hard to tell if this is a hoist house or not I don't know I don't know what these large channels before you know what there's probably at least seven feet deep whatever it is are they're pretty neat you can see there how the walls leaning in they lost its structural integrity those huge blocks of limestone there though and there's some anchors in the back there some supports or something but it is a pretty cool place they'll see if we can get out up on top of there a little bit and check it out make sure you don't fall down here to fall down there [Music] so I thought he's pulling my leg for a second you could go underneath here but yeah I didn't bring any butter with me to try and squeeze in there so I guess we'll take you inside that one see they've got some railroad track here [Music] the goal storage room or something it's pretty neat I call the pipes here if on top of us this is the bottom of railroad tracks that use that supports well clothes gonna get ready you say that this little channel here it goes all the way back and then goes around the back area so it's almost like an L shape or a right angle I'm curious to see his video to see what it looks like because I'm not claustrophobic I just know I won't fit in there all right we're gonna say goodbye you mean I was he's in again [Applause] if you guys want to see what the inside of that looks like just watch his video I'll link it down below I'm actually gonna go in there again because he said there's pipes that we saw that connect to that room where he's going so I'm gonna shine my light through and we'll see if he sees it or if we could see his light so let's head in there right now [Music] so believe it or not cliff is actually on the other side of this wall I'm gonna shut my lap like actually see in there that's the other room yeah that's crazy I could see it the other thing I wanted to mention too is this wall is roughly six to eight feet thick so this gives me a pretty thick distance between us but we're gonna wait for him to come back out but that's pretty neat [Applause] Oh finally charger back there no his bones past explorers DB super well it's gotta get cliff credit for going through there because I'm not able to if I did try to I have a feeling I wouldn't make it back out so again if you want to see what's back there just watch this video but at first hunch though this would probably be a great place to hide if someone was searching for you because no one probably knows that this Lowell secret passageway is here so be a good place for a shelter or to hide away from someone maybe even your angry wife I don't think there's anything else here that we're going to be checking out I think this is the culmination of what's here everything else there's a lot of foundations and stuff so we're gonna make our way back towards the opening and the fence for us to get back into the game line area and head back towards his truck and then somewhere along the way it will wrap up the video so hope you guys enjoyed it so far comments questions your thoughts make sure you leave them down below alright everyone that's gonna do it for today's adventure I hope you enjoyed the look at the Williamstown Tunnel I gotta say that was very impressive to see not only both ends of it but was this the north end north end was more or less like almost an abandoned coal mine it had lots of ore in their material a couple little cave-in areas but we got to get in pretty far and hopefully enjoy that experience because sooner or later that's not gonna be accessible anymore because as we saw the top is kind of sagging in so it's not gonna be open like that much longer at least that's why I'm anticipating anyways the building's behind me the structures these are really cool the one up top there behind me is as cliff mentioned almost like a Lego type building it's all different shapes and angles and corners and what we just came from is where we crawl through that little underground corridor and it's pretty to see that cliff went in one area I went in the other wheel to see each other through the pipe but I just want to thank cliff though for taking me out today this is adventure number two kind of number three you'll see number three later on after this it's an abandoned house that we kind of ran into a little bit of difficulty with filming but you'll see that after this video don't forget if you want to see more videos subscribe reading the note notification bell and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up thank you so much for watching and as always I'll see you in the next video okay so a little bonus footage here we were just on our way out leaving there the remnants of the coal mine buildings and I spotted this hole here which ties into some other sunken in pits which I'll show you after this but he's actually gonna crawl in there and see if it goes anywhere so it looks like he goes let's go yeah we're kind of standing in a void here which is I believe a subside ins is a much larger one over there on the other side but there's might be some old coal mine remains [Music] goodbye world he's getting sucked back in if this isn't making for some great footage I don't know what is but he's a daring guy I give him credit watch the camera right now yes apparently the earth doesn't want to spit it back out crawling that was a lot easier you want to explain what you saw wasn't quite as big as it hope you bet honey it's awkward because you crawl in but the the cavities down this way so that's why we look in you can't you have to crawl in to look this way but it looks like this where we're standing collapsed down on top of there still looks like yeah you can see the ground level there yeah so we're standing in the subsidence so to speak to ground panettone so any cavity that was there is now filled in below our feet look like it goes that way too but it's kind of collapse yeah cuz you can see on the other side there's another plot fit there so let me show you though where it probably leads to or culminated from because on the other side of this little mound here is a huge open pit there is that's where cliff just was where I was just standing and look at the size of this that is a huge open pit on top of it right there is a mound of coal actually several mountains in the distance but this is all subsided I have a feeling that there was a mine portal or shaft down here yes subsided and filled in and all the earth here just got kind of swallowed up really amazing it's almost kind of scary how big it is - I'd really need to go down there to show you the difference in size but I'm not going to do that but just take my word for it it's huge it's deep and most of all it's impressive so like in for the third time I mentioned you want to see the inside old cavity just watch Cliff's video and you got to see him coming in and out of mine so with that said we're officially gonna wrap up the video here so thanks once again for watching and I'll see you next time you
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 269,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, abandoned tunnels, abandoned train tunnel, abandoned mine tunnel, williamstown tunnel, abandoned ruins, abandoned coal company pa, exploring abandoned places
Id: v-i_WUgv-1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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