Roof Leak - Finding and fixing the Roof Leak - DIY damper vent Install

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on this episode of roofing diy damper vent replacement we're going to pull this out put a new one in because it's got some leaking going on the owner called me a couple days ago so they have a leak somewhere around here it's dripping in they're not sure why we didn't do the roof i don't know anything about this but we're in a flat bar section out see what's going on with it chances are there's some rain the other day there's going to be if it's getting in a trail a path a dirty water trail something to say yep that's where it was coming in at we'll be able to see something done wrong nail placement wrong area keyway stacks something's going wrong which is causing it to leak it's only doing it when it rains so that kind of eliminates any of the condensation issues on the way in if you could do me a favor make the thumbs up button turn blue it really does help the youtube algorithm to push this out to other people that are looking for this kind of content so if you could do that on the way in i'll put the gopro on we will do this from start to finish uncut unedited unscripted you guys that want to request it or that are requesting it thank you you guys really do appreciate the feedback so what we're going to do is get this removed out and then put in this new braun rv k1a picture here somewhere this is the kit you actually can get just the hood if you want or you can get it with everything if you need so chances are it's got this inside it's going to be fine to reuse we're just going to have to spin this and disconnect it when we get out so plan of attack remove some shingles up above the nails stagger flat bar pattern around if you want to take a whole shingle you can but say there's a key way right here you don't need to take both shingles you can cut your pattern stagger this out just keep a couple key concepts in mind your keyway where two shingles come together you don't want two of these to be closer than four inches or so so if they're close you need to cut one further back you also want to make sure if you cut one you know you're cutting your pattern out you don't want to put a cut where there's nail under it i know just follow me it's a little hard to describe right now if you've never done it before but it's pretty simple concept so let me get the gopro on here and we'll get started on this because it's going to be a hot day today all right as we get set up to get going on this some things you might need is a hammer flat bar some icing water some shingles put it back gloves something to kneel on because it is hot my goodness it's gonna be a hot one all right just above if we're gonna get this shingle out we're gonna need to get this row of nails out and this row announced to get this out hopefully these aren't so hot sticky and gooey let me at the beginning of the video here just point out for the people that have not roofed before this is a key way or a drip groove or a butt joint whatever you want to refer to it as people different parts of the world and country refer to it as different but where two shingles come together nail here you want to make sure the nails are off a little ways you don't ever want to nail right in that area see that dirty water trail water's going to get into your nail holes eventually rust amount leak around it so you don't want to put a nail where you anticipate a key way going that's an important concept you also don't want to put this here and then two more right above it you want to make sure they're offset like they are here oh my goodness i need to get a piece of cardboard for my knee i should have brought my cushion up there we go can kneel on that it is hot it is going to be a scorcher today if you guys have any questions comment down below i'll do my best to keep track everything and try to answer your back if it's uh questions you got i'll do my best to answer to help you in your roofing project because ripping really is not as hard as some people make it to be physically demanding yes hard as far as making sure it doesn't leak no not really so you can do it actually i encourage you to do it's a good skill to have all right so i'm going to alter this pattern here a little bit and for that we're just going to need a hook knife um probably what i'm going to do is i don't want to put one even closer than this i'm going to cut this one back a little bit because i do actually there's far enough let's clean this up a little bit right here i don't want to leave that caulking that's right down this side here while tearing into this just watch for those evidence of leaking water trails things like that because i don't want to just replace this and yeah say it's replaced but i want to say yes something was done wrong or i did see evidence of where the water was coming in at so right here is what i'm going to cut i could flat bar this out which i'm going to it's a whole shingle so we'll just go that far there's no sense in cutting here and leaving this little tab so we're going to cut this here nail pattern underneath doesn't matter because i'm going to replace that portion make sure you're getting your nails as you go now somebody got ice and water away the hook up here oh no it's just probably around this safe they ice the entire surface that's good burning through my cardboard now make sure you get those nails that are hidden up there they will over time if you don't get them driven down or pulled out break through the shingles above or below when they get hot in the summer so here's some evidence of water trail coming down the side that's kind of what what a what it'll look like when you got water okay you're gonna see a dirty trail like this you also see some coming down this side right here maybe it has nowhere to go it's been getting blocked in here and coming up under the side of this right here possibly down this side here get into it look a little further into this here no it's not big gloves [Music] it's a good spot to point out when driven rain although i don't see that on this one but see the distance you have from here at the bottom of the flange to here a lot of guys say oh don't ever nail your bottom down well if it rides up and you get a rain blowing out of the direction pushing wind driven rain up under there you've got that much room before it drops in so right here looks to be an installation issue what i'm seeing you saw the water trail coming down the side you see the evidence of it getting in here let me take gopro mask off maybe i can get a close-up on this here see this dirty water trail right here well look at the edge of the flange see how big of a sloppy cut this shingle is it should be closer over here i mean it's no different if you were to cut this here you got water pouring off and just trickling in same concept of your pattern your stagger your book i hear people call it you want these offset my guess is it's trickling in right off of this right here oh it's probably uh today's monday i think saturday it rained pretty good friday when she called me i would have thought there'd be more stuck in here that you could see but let's get a little further in here and see let's mask back on that's definitely stuck to it [Music] [Music] these are kind of sloppy cuts in my opinion anyway okay we're gonna go back to that it's one full shingle two full shingle that cut piece i think i have a new invention so many long time followers of the channel know that we like to find things and products and i guess come up with solutions to problems need an insulated cooled mat to kneel on while roofing something just to at least insulate me from the hot shingles i'd love to wear shorts but it's so hot up here you can't wear shorts at least not touching the roof line like this all right let's get this taken out find a little notch here so for those of you that have not seen how this operates i can show you on the other one that's new but there's a little you cut out right here a half uh circle and you can rotate this just the right way it's kind of hard with it not having room to manipulate it but let me see here knife blade hope the camera's in there there we go the insulation is just below the roof so this it won't fall i can grab it i'm going to just kind of feel around see if i feel any wet insulation right here just down off this lower side right here i can feel where the cellulose had been wet and it's crispy you can see how it holds together it's it shouldn't be like crispy bread like that tells me it's been wet and it's right on the side i saw the water trail as far as how that connects and disconnects this little piece right here there's a notch right here one's at an angle one's not you simply get this started like this and you twist it all the way around one full turn you'll hear it click when it locks into place and it's the same to get it out you just get one of those fins up and then twist and it'll it looks horrible but just trust me it goes like it pops out okay we're going to replace this one as well because it is a sloppy cut [Music] and i don't want to go back any further fill this up we are watching for nails i don't want to cut it near the flange that cut right here cut straight and don't cut your shingle underneath close to this nail so we're going to trim just a little bit further back speaking of nail that one's it's had some moisture on it you shouldn't see it getting that much rust up top with the moisture on there [Music] so i always cut my shingles with a sharp straight blade on the backside i'm ever cutting the top of hook let's look at this height real quick so if you were to put it down like this a lot of your flange is going to be hidden you have enough tucked technically but what i don't like is the amount of runoff the rain runoff that gets on your flange you've got that much laterally before it's on your roof deck so i personally will let's just look at this if we go under one more on your build up put this where it needs to be so you got plenty more room here but you have a trade off so now you have that much from here down where this next row will cover this where it could go in laterally under here which is fine you could put a little line of sealer under this down the sides to block it some people comma it's not a good idea to put any under there because it can trap water yes there is some truth to that but what i would personally do is put a line under this and leave a channel for it to run out and you're going to block it from going sideways but not completely blocking it you know you don't want water getting under here but more importantly you don't want water getting under in the first place i mean you don't want it to get trapped so what's more important is not getting it on that in the first place that's what i meant to say sorry it's hot and the stuff is so since we're gonna go one more under let's make sure we get this nailed off good these nails are not in the way because this whole shingle's going in at least these shingles the nails are the seal strips are coming up pretty easy that's good we're gonna get this a cut under here but i bent it a little bit got to flip that back out i hope you can see i can't aim the camera while working here i don't have a lot of tube to work with there we go got it under and i just need to rotate it you hear that pop it's in there now hopefully you can see that right there tip also make sure your shingles with any seal strips aiming up or they will melt down and stick real quick so we'll get that going back here in a second make sure we get this nailed off good don't put any nails right around the edges at least try not to if you can or in your keyway areas some of these nails out of my knees here you don't want to grind them into the roof all right it's cooking just cause there's a little gsl left in here it's fine you want to make sure a sealer you're using is not going to hurt the roof so we're going to go under the flange down the side under the flange down the side and maybe a small line here but leave an area where if there is water it could trickle out not gonna be a problem even my caulking gun is on fire now days like this you don't want to be out doing a brand new roof install late in the afternoon it's hot for the installers that there will help keep uh cut back some of the wind driven rain but there's a gap so if there is water it could trickle out yeah you want to make sure you try to wrap up early on days like this or you could definitely scuff the roof what scuffing is for the new people out there on the channel on a hot summer day the steep of the roof just the weight of your boot standing on the shingle will rip the granules out especially on the edges here that can do damage to the shingle it's not good now here don't ever nail right on the outer edge or the very bottom i try to bring it up and in a little bit because you can spot that the amount of water on it is not going to be an issue you can have a water and nail exposed for quite some time before it causes problems if it is exposed it will dry off relatively quick over a period of time it'll last a lot longer than one might think as opposed to a shingle being on it with moisture getting to it and it's trapped there it stays on there a lot longer it will rust out a lot sooner so pick your poison possible wind driven rain or a possibility of a nail resting out over a long period of time i don't want a leak i don't want wind driven rain oh you can do ice and water on this if you want i'm not a fan of it i usually put a thin bead of sealer down this you can do ice and water if you want you want to leave a channel when you cut your shingle for it to run out you also don't want to caulk it because you could trap the water in there so the last video i did something like this on an install i did do ice under and above i don't normally do but if i don't that person on the channel will always comment which is fine i don't care comment this video i'm going to show you without doing ice caulking it butt this up you're going to get your shingle dry fit first so you're going to cut it leave about a quarter inch channel so you got a little channel for the water to run out look at how quick that sticks geez you know it's a hot day line up your build up here just get an idea how high you're gonna have to cut that so be careful not to cut your material you're working to put in especially if it's a plastic boot because you can do that relatively easy so you got a little channel for it to run out and down so your cut's good we're ready to put the shingle in everything's nailed off to that point where pretty good get this just kind of set up under there oh my goodness ready to be done take the day off it's hot up along the top of the flange for any water running back and to seal it down the edge again this is not the only way to do this this is just the way i do this let's say it this way if you're done and it doesn't leak you did it right so back to being cautious of your nail pattern so don't forget to double check the shingles you did not take out if it needs a nail nail it get your nail on the common bond where it needs some shingle manufacturers give you these nice lines where they want you to put it within that area but if you hit this double area here that's where you're actually getting the top and you're laminate down below it crosses under that far where some manufacturers like malarkey they have an inch and a quarter tapered flange so this actually goes that high so you're guaranteed to hit both some brands have other features better features than others but i want to do some content on that as well so some people talk about shingle brands what's the best brand i can tell you it doesn't matter if you have the best brand if it's installed bad it's not gonna hold up so yes there's some truth to a good brand and having better features to it but if it's installed bad i don't care how good of shingle it is that one's pretty rusty we'll put another one in there and let's broke through on that next let's get under there just a little bit here so am i confident we get this or we'll get this taken care of yes and we'll go over where the edge down here was here in just a minute to get this cut for it sticks actually let me just throw it in let me show you plus i'm curious where we are on time from this uncut unedited because editing sucks i hate editing videos it robs my sleep time because ultimately my dad hat and husband had her first and foremost making sure the business runs family things like that before the youtube videos so unedited are actually a lot easier for me and if you guys don't mind the long content then that's uh that's good that's a double whammy i guess you could say a good benefit so in the time it does take to put the videos together if you could just take two seconds to scroll down and make that thumbs up blue turn blue it really does help it doesn't cost you anything but it helps the channel i do get a lot of comments from people that thank me for the time putting into these videos it's helped them tremendously because honestly there's there's just not actually i need to put the camera on me for this in the roofing industry unfortunately there are a lot of guys out there i'm the world's fastest roofer i'm the fastest shingler but they don't show anything about the quality they don't share the the i mean anyone can shoot a shingle on and it's going to look good at the end not leaking and the principles behind it that's what people want to see so yeah the roof olympics come on guys let's not just want to have fun out there but we need to have some good quality install not just the fastest sorry rant over i actually just need to get the gopro off my head and wipe my sweat real quick so the new shingles are going to stick down that's not going to be an issue anywhere you split a shingle like this it's not going to seal especially when you have this right here this mat transfer where the granules have ripped off of the mat and they're sticking to the tar on that that's never gonna seal down especially on three tab you see a lot at least i see a lot where guys will do a three tab repair because wind damage and they throw a new three tap in but they never seal the things around it they broke and guess what the next windstorm they flap and they blow off so if you want to have a little good quality at the very end of your repair just take a little extra time and a little extra caulking to seal those so let's do that right now again you want to make sure it's something that's going to stick good it's going to bond good i'm not a fan of tar even though it's only about a buck to three bucks a tube this stuff is about seven or eight dollars or two but it's well worth it does not take much so anywhere you peeled this off that's not going to reseal i split it down to about here just put a few dabs and i like to put the dabs over or near a nail because when that sealer sticks to the nail head and sticks to the shingle it's pinned down if you were to put it way over where there is no nail it's gonna make that next shingle give a little bit sorry for the horrible visual there just a few dabs doesn't take much you can put a line if you want but don't put lines where the water runs through this or it could track laterally which you don't want got that one got that if you break this free like this is an exaggeration don't forget to put a little sealer under those now this is a new shingle it's stuck i got that one these shingles stuck lift that it's good got that all right quick little recap and then i'll clean up and get off here we're under 30 minutes still okay this is put in tucked under shingles and on top so it sheds water water comes off the roof gets onto the flange diverts around it comes off onto the next shingle never nail these down completely to roof deck and shingle over it never rely on tar caulking you want to shed water so any water that comes down you got a little channel cut back so it has an area for the water to run off and out there is sealer down and around this so it's not going to back up if it does you've got plenty of the shingle and the headlap up under it for it to pour out anything coming under this edge has got a sealer underneath that's the flange down the sides there is an area for if any water did get underneath for some reason condensation whatever it'll trickle out those little areas but it's also pinned down you're not going to get any wind driven rain up in there tip side note these screens here if you were to use this for a dryer i would never recommend it make sure you pull this out it's going to catch the lid and clog this up there is a trade-off of how far how low you tuck your shingle i could have put this one on top but the trade-off was i showed you earlier the amount of distance you have here for water jumping off and being on your roof deck i would prefer to be on a shingle but the trade-off by going that much further up is the amount of water you could get running laterally under here that's my thoughts that's my two cents it's hot i need to get done i need to finish this up under 30 minutes so again make it turn blue consider subscribing ring the bell so you're notified some of the videos like the mag hat or i'm sorry some of the videos it's hot and i'm forgetting what to say some of the tools i'll try to link up in the description down below if it's something you think you might need because uh yeah this is a bad mammary jammer it's awesome sorry my canadian friends you can't get it without some serious duty feast but hey chris shonen love the channel i'll try to send you my used one i know it's used but guess what you could say on the duty tax that it's a buck so yeah it's used and it's abused anyway i gotta clean them get out of here it's hot until next time be safe we'll see on the next one
Channel: Grand Roofing Inc.
Views: 43,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof, roofing, grand roofing, roof leak repair, roof leak, rvk1a broan, rvk1a installation instructions, finding roof leaks, finding roof leaks tips, roofing diy, diy roofing repair, kokomo, roof vent installation, on the roof, finding a roof leak, roof vent leak repair, roof vent replacement, leaking vent pipe on roof, roof leak fix, roof leak detection, worst roof ever
Id: ZCB7rMxiTPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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