How To Install Shingles #2 Getting Started

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hi I'm Shannon from house in today's video I want to just show you how to uh basically get started on a roofing project so this video is going to deal with uh getting the underlay layment started which in our case we're using a grip guard or uh ice and water protection whichever one you prefer uh as well as getting the starter strip and the first row of shingles going so we've obviously stripped the roof off already as you can see you can see our other video dealing with stripping sh angles and we've gone around and made sure all the nails are pounded down and that there's nothing protruding all the boards are tight and and solid there's no rot so we've basically got the roof all prepared we're ready to shingle uh depending on your type of shingles that you're using some manufacturers don't recommend shingling over a roof that has individual boards with spaces like this uh they may recommend that you sheet the entire roof right over top of this well either rip this off and re sheet it or sheet over this with uh 7/16 or 38 plywood um in this case I'm not really too worried about it the space is very minimal and uh I've already done the other side of this roof uh four or five years ago and there hasn't been any problems so but just double check with your manufacturer they may void your warranty so just be aware of that if you decide to go ahead the way that I am uh without sheeting it that you may avoid your warranty so okay so roof is prepped we've got some of the uh ice guard uh rolled out so that we're just over in this corner ready to go basically what we want to do for that before we get started is we want to install a drip edge on this Edge now I'm reusing the existing one here just because it was in good shape uh if you're adding a new one basically all you want to do is go along the uh Eve edge of your roof with this aluminum drip edge whatever color you decide to choose and just install it with a few few shingle Nails holding it down okay no rocket science there just get it on there don't worry about the you need it up that edge too up the rake end but uh we aren't going to worry about that right at this stage I'll get to that a little bit further down okay so once we have that we want to then measure our grip guard material and at each end of the roof I want to measure up uh a measurement in regards to the width of your grip guard so that we can snap a straight line to get the grip guard running straight your your Eve here probably isn't straight okay you want your grip guard to be onto this metal for sure I I try not to have it hanging over cuz it just looks bad the shingles we will hang over but the grip guard I don't so just make sure that the grip guard is going to seal onto this metal by at least an inch when you determine the height of that line okay so snap that line as a straight uh guide uh get your grip guard up there roll your grip guard out in relationship to that line now the grip guard basically it's an eve protection and uh so this in this case it's helping for ice dams and that sort of thing now depending where where in the world you are uh that might not be an issue for you you might be able to just to use a 15 lb uh roofing felt for the whole roof in this area there's an issue with uh possible ice damning and and uh that's a whole different thing I'm not going to go into the explanation of that but basically it's just water and snow freezing and melting and freezing and melting and working its way backwards up the shingles so this is just an extra layer protection to prevent that from getting in the house in my area here this edge of that material needs to be 12 in inside the exterior wall W below so actually it would be inside the house line and uh because we're a little bit lower slope here we're actually going to do a second row to get us 24 in inside of that wall okay so basically we've got about a 12 a 24in overhang on our roof here so my wall inside the house the exterior wall is is somewhere under this area so we're just trying to be 12 Ines inside of that and in my case 24 so we're going to use a second row of this once we get going okay so uh this material it's much like a shingle it's you know got the same kind of uh makeup as a shingle but it's got this backing on the back that you can see here that we peel off as we go to uh help it stick down once the sun gets on there for a couple days it'll just glue it Bond it right down to the uh plywood or the boards that you have here for your roof so so I'm going to roll this out and uh I'll just use the odd I got my stapler we're going to use the odd Staple in it just to roughly hold it in place until it bonds down obviously once we shingle over it it's uh all that's going to hold it down too this material also as you shingle over it and obviously puncture it full of a few holes it kind of closes right up around those Nails just in case somebody's wondering about what why bother if we're just going to punch it full of a thousand holes but it does kind of self-seal itself so so I'm just going to roll this out a little bit of a time here I've got my line up here I know you can't see that I'm trying to keep this straight keep as many wrinkles out of it as I can we've got this backing started it's it's basically split in the middle so you've got a a top edge and a back Edge to kind of peel out one other thing that I just you might have noticed me look over my shoulder always be aware of where the edge of the roof is so you don't fall off uh you just always got to be weer of that okay so we're kind of getting that down if it was hotter today that would seal down quite well right away we're just putting a few Staples up in this Edge just to kind of tack it there it's a little Breezy today and I don't want the wind to uh rip it off on us I'm just going to peel that out all the way and I'll come back and get the bottom Edge if you get a little bit off this line don't be too worried about it but try to stay as close as you can to it it just help everything stay nice and straight look back make sure you don't have a whole bunch of wrinkles those wrinkles will just kind of show right through the uh shingles even once you're finished if it's really wrinkled bad get rid of that now on the bottom we've got the same thing I mentioned about pounding all the nails down in the roof early on in the video and part of it is when you're pulling that plastic out they get snagged on any that are sticking up so if you can kind of uh get them down I've actually got feels like I got something under there got an old nail under there okay so we just had an old nail that had hopped out underneath that membrane we stick it down I'm going to throw a few Staples along this end here as well okay just to keep the wind from getting under it I'm not too worried about down here it's it's going to stick down to that metal pretty quickly once the Sun comes around and we'll be uh getting a starter row on there as well anyways Okay so we've got that started down and uh the next thing you want to do is basically uh to get started with the shingling actually before I start that I'm going to talk about this drip edge on the side of the roof oops so we we've got a gable roof here so we need a piece of this drip edge this is the material right here okay uh you'll notice I'm using two different ones I've got a little bit different one here that I can get in my area you may not be able to get that style so you might be using this all the way around that's fine now as we progress up up this roof I've already talked that I'm going to do another row of the ice barrier I Shield up here and then a from that point on in my area I've got to use two layers of 15lb roofing felt on the entire roof under the shingles okay along these edges the Gable ends I actually want this to be on top of that felt on top of this as well so that if you can imagine if this is your side of your roof okay roof goes out there if water or snow or anything is driving this way and gets actually between this and your shingles it can run under your shingle come out here and actually get onto the felt paper or the the uh whatever you got for underlayment and it'll run to the bottom of the roof without going into the wood or soaking into the wood okay if you had this underneath if this was under that under your underlayment the rain and that could just go right between them and right into your attic or whatever do some damage so so on the ends you want this to be over top of all your underlayment down here we've got it underneath because water is rolling down and it's then it's onto here and out into the gutters so okay so two different ways to do that now because of the wind today I can't roll this whole roof out with paper or half it's just going to rip off before I get it shingled so what I'm going to do I'm going to leave this off until we get a little bit of the shingles started and then I can once the shingles are over here on this Edge I'll just come and tuck it underneath there and get it started and then uh you know once we get a little bit further it's just because it's such a long length if I if I just tack it down here and leave it hanging up there the wind's going to rip it off in this crazy country today okay so you will see at some point in my other video showing installing like actually shingling the roof you're going to see that piece on there and hopefully I'll remember to mention about it again so okay now to get the roof started we've got our underlayment perfect we're good on that end uh what we're going to do this is the shingle we're using we're using a laminated architectural shingle as our actual finish shingle so you can see we've got some doubled up areas here when these are all done it looks really good it looks like you know a shake roof or you know a nicer nicer style roof instead of just a three tab or interlocking which most areas you can't get anymore but anyways this is just a normal three tab here so this is basically your other option it's three tab rooves like that um now with the three tabs or architectural you need to start with a starter strip what that is is basically just an extra layer of shingles right at the edge of the roof okay over top of your under layment you can buy a starter strip from your different shingle companies uh really all you need to do is buy a pack of three tab shingles same color as what you're using for your main Shingles take the shingle normally this is how it would be on the roof turn it half a turn this way use this as your starter strip okay so we'll put this on our first row of shingles will line up completely with it and what that does is it just gives us a a double layer of protection right here plus the underlayment okay so it's just cheaper to buy a three tab and do it that way you're still getting the same still getting the same uh thing now to get that started we want to have a nice straight line just like we did with the uh with the underlayment so we're going to do the same thing we're going to measure the shingle we're going to soorry we're going to measure this this one here this is the uh um three tab shingle we're going to use for the starter strip and I'm I'm just measuring the width of it and what I want when it's all said and done is ideally I'd like it to hang over about a/4 inch past the uh drip cap okay so that means whatever this measurement is which I think is 13 and a/4 we actually want to line about 13 in up from the corner of that drip edge to follow to get us nice and straight and that'll give us our quarter in overhang some people like more I wouldn't go any less than a/ quar inch on your overhang uh depending how crooked your roof is you may not you know some spots it might not hang over quite that much so uh this roof's fairly straight so like I said I'm going to mark my measurement up here on this end and that end then I'm going to hand my uh partner there the chalk line we're going to snap that line so that we can get started here Okay so we've got our Mark out here I'm going to roll out the chalk line give that to my helper he's going to go all the way to the other end of the roof and uh we've got a line a mark down there corresponding to the same thing how you making out you're good there okay and I'm going to stretch this out and get a nice nice and taunt so we get a nice true line just like [Music] that okay so that's our our guideline basically so we can hopefully get a nice straight start to this shingle job I usually like to use do the starter strip just by hand nailing uh instead of dragging the hose along and and a lot of times you don't have the the luxury of having a scaffold to work off right here so you're working up on the roof you know basically hanging over the edge nailing upside down uh the the nice thing with the scaffold that we've set up it does a couple different things it's it's mainly for the camera guy to have a decent area to shoot from but it also is a bit of fall protection so that we don't have to be harnessed off we have to be very careful still out at the outer edges and we probably should be harnessed off still there but uh this gives us the fall protection we need on this side okay so I'm going to get rid of my stapler okay so remember I said we're going to turn that one upside down just like it is here now and uh the same thing like like I said we're we want to hang off a/ qu inch on this Edge which our our line will give us there we also want to hang off about that same amount or even half an inch on the far end so just want to take the time to get started out here correctly and I can see that this is already a little little bit I think we're going to be all right it's a little goofy here cuz this drip edge is kind of bent out of shape to match up on top of this uh gutter guard okay so Mark line the top of the shingle up up there on there and we're going to nail up I'm going to stay away from this end so I can get that piece in we're going to nail about halfway up the shingle I'm going to put uh five five Nails in this one I would normally have one out there and I'll be able to add it once I have that trim work in there okay so you just want to keep going along all the way along the length of the roof putting the starter strip down don't worry too much about what's going on down here we're worried about this line we have up here so that we get started out nice and straight butt the shingles in tight to each other got a few Nails out here you may want to wear uh safety glasses uh just depending how crazy you're nailing okay I'll do one more just to get us little ways along here you could use an air nailer for this I will for the main part of the roof but like I said I just like to hand nail it to get started here it's just one less thing in your way okay so you go all the way along the roof cut it off with your whatever you decide you want it for overhang down there and uh then the other part of getting started is getting your first actual course of the finished shingles on the roof now with this particular shingle we want to be nailing there's a doubled up section here we don't want to be nailing Above This tar strip up here otherwise they're not going to hold for the wind load that they're supposed to we need to basically nail right along that tar strip and that'll be in the double layer of the shingle you can kind of see there's a line here you don't want to have any your nails below that because then they're going to be exposed so there's kind of you got a you know maybe 3/4 of an inch area there to nail into and you want to be fairly precise with that now we're starting with a full full length shingle here on this very first roll we're flushing it up really just flushing it up to the uh starter strip that we put on all the way along there oops get down there out there and out there and these particular ones they for my winds and roof slope and everything they recommend six Nails in this one I'm staying back from the end so we can put that Trim in again after I'm nailing right at the tar strip so I came in about an inch or I would be com in about an inch from each end and then space the other four Nails out within the shingle okay just like that so for this row we want to just do that same thing all the way along right on top of this one that we did I'll do one more here the subsequent rows after this we'll deal with in the next video so you'll need to look for that so we're just butting the shingle together coming in about an inch into the tar strip um nail length if you're using an air nailer uh 1 in inch and 1 eigh Nails are are more than enough with the air nailer for the main body of the roof the ridge cap is a little different you're going to need longer nails to get through all the layers you have we'll talk about that in the other video too uh but if anything that you're hand nailing and you should even if you're air nailing you should have some hand Nails around as well cuz you're going to need them uh you could use the 1-in nails but I wouldn't recommend it cuz you're just going to beat your fingers to death so I like to use about an inch and a half nail gives you lots of room to get your fingers on it get the nail started without smashing your finger with the hammer so so we just work work along like that and uh really the only concern here to watch for is that you're not going to end up with this seam and this layer lining right up with the seam and the one below try to stay at least 3 or 4 in offset uh these two shingles are different lengths so I didn't have to cut one or the other to get started to make that happen so it should work out right to the end of the roof but just be be aware of that as you go ah am I forgetting anything I don't think so I think that pretty much handles it so uh like I said in the next video you're going to see us do more with this roof as we get up higher we're going to have some vents to go around ridge cap all that kind of stuff we're going to deal with that molding down there as well so so hopefully this uh gave you some a good idea on how to get started on your roofing project and uh you know we always enjoy when people come to the Forum and let us know how their project turned out after they've used our videos for some help or you know maybe you get stumped at one certain thing we didn't cover it or you didn't quite understand what I was saying come to the Forum post your question up and I'll be sure to answer you as soon as I can so other than that you want to get a little more sick of me you can follow me on Facebook Twitter uh you can check out our patreon campaign all that kind of fun stuff and just stay in touch with us and also uh any of the videos of ours you watch and you like them click the thumbs up button that'll help us out thanks a lot
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 2,996,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shingle, shingles, install, installation, start, waterproofing, first, row, starter, nail, roofing, roof, nails, nailer, edge, cap, shingling, DIY, laminated, designer, leaking, asphalt, 3tab, safety, eave
Id: ATKHfz9nN8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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