Full Roof Repair HOW-TO VIDEO- Vent Roof Leak, Plywood Patch, Felt Install, Shingle Install.

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so you've been in your attic and noticed damaged plywood caused by a roof leak and are looking for guidance on how to fix it yourself then look no further because you've made it to the perfect channel in this video we are going to show you step by step how to repair your own roof we'll be showing you how to replace and install the damaged plywood decking the asphalt shingles and the leaking attic vent every step is time stamped in the description below for your viewing convenience along with the material and tool list needed for this project along with what you can expect to pay a roofing company for this type of roof repair so brace yourself because this is a jam-packed video full of valuable information guaranteed to help make this project easy and very simple for you let's go ahead and get started step number one always start three rows above your desired area here i'm going to save row number three but i'm removing row row two and row one and all the others below meaning i have to start by removing the nails from row number three although i'm saving the row i still have to carefully remove these nails from row number three because those same nails are holding the rose below it make sure you remember this because it will help make this repair a lot easier use your flat bar to pull out as many roofing nails as possible from your work area work area sizes may vary depending on the amount of roof damage your leak may have caused it's important you always go into your attic and pre-determine the size of your work area in this project my work area will be about a 5 by five foot area meaning i am going to work two and a half feet per side around this vent that is the amount of nails that i am going to pull a five by five foot square one thing that i want you to remember and i want to point out is that you can never pull out too many nails from your work area the more nails that you pull out from your work area the easier this project will be don't worry about pulling out too many nails the more the better i promise you that before this video ends i will show you how to reinstall every single nail that you pulled step number two now that you've pulled all the needed nails from your work area begin removing the needed shingles this step should be very easy for you since you've already pulled out all the needed nails in step one that's why it's very important that you take your time in step one if you feel that the shingles are not coming out easily more than likely you have a few more nails to pull notice the vertical sides i am cutting the tabs straight down the tab line this is going to be my vertical stopping point again if there are any nails on both sides go ahead and pull them out too as long as you cut straight down the tab line like what you see me doing you don't have to worry about losing the shingle pattern this will come in handy in later steps before we move on to step number three i want to point out the weather give yourself a full day of sunshine maybe two three would be best not saying that it's going to take you three days or this project should maybe take you like two to three hours to complete always give yourself time to work in peace the worst thing is to be rushed because here comes a storm and you're worried that the rain is gonna now pour into your house just you don't want that stress on your mind keep the weather in mind always hey guys while you watch me make the rest of my vertical cuts and i have a few seconds before our next step i'd like to invite you to subscribe to our channel our channel is strictly roofing we show you how to do everything roofing yourself remember hit that like and subscribe button to keep you updated with our latest roofing how-to videos we have videos on how to install sun tunnel skylights ridge vent solar attic machines you name it we got it step number three is very easy and pretty self-explanatory which is why we are not going to spend a lot of time on this step but i want you to use your hammer and i want you to pull every single remaining roofing now out of your work area including plastic caps and metal caps anything that is holding down the felt we need to remove everything from the work area step number four this is a very common rookie mistake that you will not make because you have a professional here to guide you here you should pause this video and feel free to take a screenshot this is something very important you must know plywood cuts no matter the size whether it's a two foot a four foot a six foot eight foot you always cut the eight foot long side of the sheet perpendicular to the studs like the green plywood is with the check mark it's very common to think that this doesn't matter but it really really does if you want to get the full advantage of the strength in the plywood make your cut with the eight foot side perpendicular to the studs the way that i located my studs was do you notice how i simply just used my hand and felt for the studs then once i had an idea where my studs were i cut the felt over the stud line on both sides again i went into the attic from the very beginning so i already had an idea of where my studs were that's why it's very important that you predetermine the work area to be like my mentioned in the video my work area is a five by five footer but i already had an idea because i went into the into the attic and found my studs so knowing the stud location before making any plywood cuts is very important what i'm doing here is that i noticed that the plywood was still a little soft so i decided to go down one more row feel free to do that too because now that you have this entire area open you want to make sure that you replace all the needed plywood decking step number five now that you have your plywood exposed it should be very easy for you to spot the framing nails that are holding the plywood in place use your claw bar to pull every frame you know from your work area the reason why i want you to pull every framing now from the plywood studs is because in the next step we are going to be cutting the plywood and i want to make sure that we are only cutting wood we don't want any sparks flying around because our saw is cutting through framing nails or our saw getting stuck in those nails or any of that we don't want none of that we want to cut straight to bare wood what you see me doing on this pro tip is that because i pulled the framing nails and have an idea of where my studs are i'm cutting a small two to three inch cut through the plywood over my stud area to see the exact center of the stud from above the roof repeat this step for both vertical sides step number six now that you know where the exact center of your vertical studs are at use your chalk line to mark your vertical cut lines for the horizontal marks find a straight edge either the nearest plywood joint like what i'm doing or use the near straight edge or at the top or the bottom side of your roof's edge then mark the exact measurement for both left and right horizontal sides top and bottom for example if it's 20 inches then the other side should be also an exact 20 inches you want to make sure that you're cutting as close to a perfect plywood square as possible you don't want to cut out a triangular shaped square if you do this correctly the next step will be easy for you step number seven now that you have your plywood marked on all four sides go ahead and begin to cut your plywood with your skill saw make sure that you calibrate the saw's depth to the thickness of your plywood that way you don't cut any studs or anything else that isn't supposed to be cut because trust me i've seen water lines electric lines ac freon lines attached to the underside of the plywood that's why the depth calibration of your saw is very important along with going inside your attic and checking for those things too if you so happen to come across the metal clips like i did there go ahead and reuse them there's nothing wrong with that for whatever reason if you don't have any clips don't worry too much about them they don't sell one or two because for a project like this you really just need like two of them so unless you want to have a big bag of clips laying around that you might not ever use again then don't worry too much about buying these clips i'm only reusing them because they are right there on site and it's a small patch so it's completely up to you after you've made sure that you checked for any leftover framing nails or wood chips that may be in the way go ahead and grab both your vertical measurements and both your horizontal measurements those two measurements you will need write them down on a piece of paper or take a picture of them with your phone and take them downstairs to prepare for your plywood cut step number eight install your plywood again if you have the clips on hand go ahead and use them also notice how i had my plywood cut and made to fit it's because i took my measurements downstairs and cut the plywood on the floor a very common rookie mistake that people make is that they think they are stronger than gravity so they bring the plywood on the roof and then notice it's very difficult sometimes they slip sometimes they fall sometimes the plywood falls it's just best to make the cut downstairs in the comfort of the ground i've seen plenty of accidents because of this mistake so believe me it's easier to cut on a flat floor than on a sloped roof once your plywood is in place and you're comfortable with it go ahead and mark the center of your stud lines using your chalk line this way your framing nails don't miss the studs i recommend you install at least one framing nail per every six to eight inches and also remember to install framing nails where the old plywood meets the new plywood because remember when you pull the framing nails you loosened the plywoods next to the new plywood so don't forget to re-nail those plywoods too the type of nail that i'm using in my framing gun it's a two and a half inch ring shank framing now i recommend you stick something similar close to that size don't go too much bigger or too much smaller if you have the option of buying ring shank nails buy those because those are actually better than any other now you could find step number nine mark your 14 inch circular cutout you're more than welcome to pause this video here and also take a screenshot of this image but what i'm doing is i am marking the center of my circle with a roofing note then with my tape i am marking seven inches away from the center and marking that point once i get both marks i use my chalk line as my string and tie my pencil to the end of the string and go around to make the full circle this way i have a perfect 14 inch circle the cutout size may be different for you depending on the size of vent that you use but this strategy can still work for you just as long as you adjust your measurement i'm sorry that you can't see my mark i should have used a dark marker instead of a pencil when making a circular cutout i my skill saw just to give myself an opening to let my sawzall get in the plywood to make my circular cut when using a sawzall it's very important that you don't go saw crazy and forget about your studs then accidentally cut through your studs these sawzalls can easily cut through studs with no problem and trust me that's a problem that you don't want to have if you don't have a sawzall you can still use your skill saw and cut out an octagon shape step number 10 prepare your worker by installing your felt underlayment felt underlayment has to be installed underneath your existing felt on the top horizontal side but past your existing felt a minimum of six inches on all other three sides for the bottom horizontal side as long as you're over the existing felony over the existing shingles you should be fine your felt has to be fastened down using either plastic caps metal caps or the same roofing nails that you pulled out in step number one if you think that you are not going to be able to install the shingles on that same day then don't use nails use plastic or metal caps installing felt is pretty simple just remember to tuck it under the top felt and over on all other three sides if you're wondering which side to place that vent on if it doesn't come with an arrow that tells you up or down look for that metal joint connection that is the side that you want to install on the bottom side you never want to install that joint with it facing the top side because water can get in through that joint as long as it's pointing down you should be fine and don't have to worry about water coming in through that fin place your vent centered over your cutout hole then install two inch and a quarter roofing nails on the top side of the flashing step number eleven using your inch and a quarter roofing nails begin installing your shingles in this step i will be teaching you a ton of pro tips also please comment below if you enjoyed this video or if i could have done anything else different to make this video easier for you here i want you to use the existing shingle pattern and line up your new shingles to its bottom corners for the far right side bottom corner of the shingle line that corner up to the end of the bottom shingles tab line then work your way up pro tip i recommend you install every shingle per row meaning moving from left to right doing this will help you keep a straight shingle line when you go straight up per vertical side you risk losing your shingle line once your shingles reach the vent don't stop installing the shingles under the vent until you have at least one full nail line underneath the flashing just like what i'm doing what do you see me doing here is i'm using a shingle as my starter shingle and installing that shingle vertically i am sandwiching this shingle between the felt and the vent but over my lash shingles nail line doing this serves as a second water barrier protection not only are we going to depend on our seal we are also going to have a starter shingle as protection it's going to make more sense in a bit make sure you remember to repeat the same steps for both sides of the vent [Music] the last shingle that was tucked underneath the vent may be covering part of your circular cut out make sure you lift the vent and cut off the access shingle this way you don't block any airflow on a mission [Music] to keep a clean work area always pre-cut the shingles and make sure they will fit before installing the seal i prefer to install seal as i need it one shingle at a time this way i keep a clean work area your seal should be placed on the far outside edge of the vents flashing you always want to make sure you apply seal over your nails that were used to hold the vent down two to three nails per side should be enough what i am pointing out here is a very important pro tip that you will get nowhere else but only on this channel most roof leaks leak around vents because their tab seams are installed sometimes too close to the edge of the vents flashing like what you see here when you do this you are solely depending on the exposed seal to work but once the seal wears off water can freely come in what i recommend you do here is do what i did and install a second starter shingle to protect your seal this small piece of shingle should be sandwiched between the seal and the top shingle this way you don't have exposed seal and notice my tab line here is too close again so i'm installing that second starter shingle protecting my seal [Music] when you make your cuts around the vent make sure that you leave about a one inch gap between the shingles and the vent the water that you get in there you want to make sure it flows down freely you don't want anything stopping it that's why it's important to leave that small gap between the shingles and the vents on a mission [Music] do so when i was cutting my plywood i accidentally cut that shingle tab since i'm there i am replacing it if you are still here watching the video i would like to thank you so much for sticking around always know that if there are any questions that you have on any roof repair feel free to comment below or give us a call for our professional guidance if there is a how-to video that you would like me to make also comment below let me know and i will make that happen for you thank you very much for your support i really appreciate you always remember to re-nail every goal that you pulled every now from including the sides left and right and the top side where the new and the old shingles connect step number 12 install two inch and a half or inch and a quarter rubber metal gasket screws at the bottom side of the vents flashing preferably 3 inches away from the vertical bottom edge step number 13 and final apply a roof seal on all areas where the old and the new shingles meet make sure to apply seal on all the old and nail holes to cover any potential water entries this seal is not only going to cover the old nail holes but it's also going to connect the new shingles to the old shingles because remember in step one we broke the seal to pull off the nails so make sure that you get the top the left the right and the bottom sides this seal is very important because what it's going to do it's going to stop the shingles from blowing off in the next windstorm so remember to always apply where the new and the old shingles connect and over the existing nail holes alright guys well thank you guys very much for watching i hope you got something out of this video and it helped you we showed you guys how to install plywood vents shingles everything is promised so please remember to hit that like and subscribe button and we will see you guys on our next roofing how-to video thank you
Channel: Aurum Roofing
Views: 29,403
Rating: 4.9557071 out of 5
Keywords: Roof Leak fix, plywood roof patch, plywood sheathing roof replacement, diy roof repair, roof fix, roof patch, how to repair roof patch, fix leaking attic vent, vent leak, roof damages from a roof leak, aurum roofing, roofing company, roof repair cost, plywood roof repair, asphalt shingle repair, shingle repair, roof repair, fix attic roof vent, easy roof repair, roofing, roof leak how to repair, rotten plywood damage, roof vent install, roofer, roof, roof work
Id: 5fWvPmVISLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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