Rome Travel Guide - Best Things To Do in Rome

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rome is like no place on earth and it's kind of mind-boggling when you think about it this 3000 year old city was once the capital of the world's greatest empire and now it's home to a world wonder michelangelo masterpieces breathtaking ancient buildings and the most delicious cuisine on earth oh and don't forget the pope lives down the street in the smallest country in the world so you better be on your best behavior sadly lots of people say rome is overrated and overcrowded but they just didn't do it right and that's why we're going to give you the ultimate tips and hole in the wall tutorials to make your stay unforgettable bonjourno welcome to italy hey guys we're ian and anna from the other side vlog here at our second world wonder the colosseum i am so excited to explore rome in this video and share with you guys the best things to do here we have about seven days so i know we're gonna have enough time to do as much as we can let's just get right into the video there's no better way to start our time in rome than with a food tour we met our guide elizabeth in the famous piazza called campo de fiori during the day this square is a market full of fresh fruit vegetables and flowers and right after sunset it becomes one of the best meeting points in rome i always told ian that whenever i go to italy all i want to do is eat so i'm really excited to be here and try different foods andyamo follow me towards the board here we are enjoying salami as usually we do it in italy for the food on its own you have salami seasoned with traffold you are even trying some picorino usually on pasta in italy we put parmigiano from the city of parma in the north but in rome center of italy we rather use picorino made with some milk or sheep elizabeth was calling this place the salami paradise it's been around since 1890 here in rome with this salami prosciutto board we got going on we have chilled red wine and the reason it's chilled instead of room temperature is because it won't overpower the taste in your mouth [Music] and they have 2 000 of these fountains all over rome it's drinkable water i'm gonna try to drink it like the locals too there you go there you go next stop is a place called rocioli and it's a bakery that also makes pizza comes in a square they cut it up and then they sell it by the weight of the slice here you are going to try some pizza roman style really teeny and crunchy the cheese is really good really good they didn't put cheese on pizza until one day the queen margarita went down to the town of napoli and a chef there said i'm gonna pay the italian flag on pizza so he used red white and green green was basil then he put cheese on it for the white part of the flag and then of course the tomato sauce and that's how you have margarita pizza with your pizza in jerome in italy you usually drink beer with it pasta is usually wine and this is in the u.s you usually see peyronie's i'm excited to try new italian beer very hard to find the bronzer but very very popular among the italians next we're trying souffle which has rice tomato and mozzarella i'm gonna crack it open for you guys so you can see what's inside string of cheese and it's got working on behind the camera i'm eating yeah anna while she films eating this stuff is delicious hey that's my view so here we are in the jewish district and you can see the so-called stumbling stones they are put in front of buildings from where people were deported during world war ii and as you can see on here it says 1943 and the camp that they all went to was auschwitz as you guys know that's a famous nazi camp this place has created a beautiful sunflower effect on the artichoke and the way they do it is deep frying it twice they'll put it in take it out for five minutes let it cool off and then put it in again peeling it off of here is amazing as you can see it's kind of like a french fry or something they are crunchy tasteful even kids who usually don't eat vegetables likes the deep fried artichokes weird enough this tastes exactly like an elephant ear that you would get at a carnival back home in the u.s and after you take a sip of water it turns to this sweeter taste kind of a sugary taste but there is no sugar in this and that's because artichoke contains a lot of iron by far the best way to start out your trip to rome elizabeth you need to get her she is excitable she loves what she does and she knows so much right now we are heading towards my favorite part which is gelato [Applause] perfect way to end the tour tomorrow is a whole new day so cheers to you guys nice to touches on each other early the next morning it was time to visit trevi fountain the most famous fountain in the world the water flowing through trevi to this day is from one of the oldest roman aqueducts that was created more than 2 000 years ago and legend has it you can make three different wishes by tossing a coin with your right hand over your left shoulder first is a safe return to rome second you will find love and third you will have a wedding so another cool thing about this fountain is that thousands of dollars get tossed in every single day and then they collect it at the end of the day and give it to charities not only is this place so cool to visit but you're doing a good deed by throwing a coin in i'm enrolling with my best friend i'm good we made one okay [Applause] we know it as the new world wonder and father of all modern stadiums but i don't think people understand what they're taking pictures of when they arrive at the coliseum yes it was an engineering marvel built in only eight years but i want you to imagine something real quick you're at a football game and instead of a soccer ball flying through the air it's a severed head the coliseum was absolutely gruesome where 60 000 people cheered on for death and after about 400 years of horrific violence more than 400 000 gladiators and 1 million animals were killed here today we're doing our coliseum tour and we're starting at the public forum we have an awesome guide today her name is catalina we are going to visit the roman forum the palatine hill and the colosseum we will have the chance to understand much more about how romans used to live about their mentality what they love to do [Music] olive trees were very very important in the ancient rome because from olive trees you have the olive oil there was no electricity at all of course so the waiting light was oil lamps also in order to cook for the beauty care to moisturize their skin and their hair even athletes used to use the olive oil in order to worm their muscles they would massage their muscles with olive oil and sand crazy to think from here that everything started with a small village of shepherds and it became bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and it became this yeah the roman empire so how did rome begin in the first place legend has it that twin brothers were left to drown in the tyra river by a king of nearby alba longa rescued by a she-wolf the twins later defeated that king and found their own city on the riverbanks in 753 bc soon thereafter romulus killed his own brother and became the first king of rome [Music] what's really cool about the tour that we're on is we're able to go on the underground level right above us was where the stage was where the gladiators fight that's the first floor and actually tourists were not allowed to come down here until 2021 so we're some of the very first people getting to explore this underground area slaves had to work underneath the arena right where we're standing it was pitch dark it was dirty gross smelly and they had to hear all the deaths going on right above them and of course clean up the deaths right after the event slaves would spin this elevator all the way up to the coliseum floor and that's where the crowd would get to see what would arrive so it was always a surprise the construction of the colosseum started in 72 with the emperor of this station but he died he never finished the works here and was his son titus the one who finished the works my father built the biggest outfit theater in the world it's my time to do something impressive he thought i will organize the most amazing opening for this amphitheater so i will do 100 days of games we'll bring them dead and they will love him for it they would have water battles where this whole coliseum would fill up with water they'd bring boats in and gladiators would hop on the boats and fight each other and right behind me as you can see these are the drain pipes the aqueducts this one specifically would drain the water out this is our second world wonder our first one was in petra jordan so if you missed that video click right up here let me tell you i thought world wonders might be overrated but once you go there you see why they are a world wonder of course they're packed with people but don't let that ruin your time especially with a great tour guide i'm sure you've all heard of gladiators so my big question is like what is a gladiator i never really asked that question before there were actually gladiator schools and the owners of those schools would go purchase slaves and those slaves were trained up to three years to fight in the amazing coliseum [Music] you have to imagine that that is completely covered it was all flat here over on my left you can see some marble slabs archaeologists dug those up and just placed them to give you an idea what the seats look like there are marble everywhere we're here in april i mean it's not even like 70 degrees fahrenheit the sun's beaming down so you can only imagine how hot it gets in the summer and for that reason they had sails surrounding the entire coliseum they actually had sailors working the sails at the very top moving them in the direction of the sun catalonia what is your favorite part of rome probably is the pantheon because it represents the perfection and it's the best preserved temple in the world so i asked oh do they ever get their freedom back yes they kind of do in a way if they become good enough because the people will love them so much you know they become a star like lebron james win the crowd and you'll win your freedom they don't want to see them die so even uh the owners will give them an incentive sometimes give them money and because this was a thing for the people the crowd would shout mitai to put their swords back in and not to kill the other opponent the other term is yugola and that means like flippers sadly we're ending our tour with catalina you were amazing thank you so much she's very passionate we booked her through get your guide and we're gonna obviously link that in the description below but make sure to ask for her because she'll show you the best time so much fun thank you right now we're in the neighborhood called trastevere very famous among tourists everyone comes here for lunch and dinner tons of cobblestone narrow streets and colorful buildings it's right along the tiber river which makes it awesome but the reason we came here tonight is because we're meeting our chef to go to our cooking class we are starting with some soup lee and wine salute she says this is a recipe not the recipe for pasta first you start with one serving of flour and make a circle in the middle then crack one egg into the center and add a splash of olive oil start beating the egg and slowly add flour until it creates a custardy texture and finally put the rest of the flour on top and stir until it looks like scrambled eggs so i've actually made bread before and it always sucks we're going to be making bread in france but she said because pasta is different than bread it doesn't have yeast so it's not as fussy basically meaning you can knead it as long as you want to actually the more you need it the better she just taught me how to eat pasta for the first time so you're going to fold and press then you'll turn it and fold and press and you'll just repeat those steps for as long as you need to so you know you're done kneading when it is firm smooth and when you press your thumb into it it rises usually you rest the dough for two to three hours but ours is only going to go 30 minutes for the sake of the class now we're making the sauce behind us and we're actually using guanchale which we saw in our food tour with elizabeth at that salami place and also that cheese that she was talking about as the sauce is cooking it was time to complete our pasta first you have to flatten your ball you made earlier and add some flour then it's time for the pasta making machine always wanted to do this i've seen it time and time again on masterchef and it looks so satisfying it's happening after you put it through the machine a couple times it's time to use the rolling pin on the guitar finally you form the pasta into little bird [Music] probably our nuts glass of wine we are killing it they say the wine makes you do better we're gonna keep it rolling and now we're gonna cook the pasta over here my mother always taught me if you throw pasta at the cabinet and it sticks it's done but apparently here in rome that means it's overcooked [Music] and here is the final result with some pepper going on we didn't even really show the reaction of the pasta because we were being too much fun with our friends it was by far the best that i've had in italy so far now we're having sorbet for us it's uh so important to see people back in the city even though it was very nice for a little bit oh yeah it was very nice to have the city all to ourselves you guys need to book this tour because not only is the food amazing they teach you how to cook the best pasta but they also give great recommendations so do this at the beginning of your trip there's gonna be a link down in the description below so if you guys haven't noticed i talk a lot with my hands and i was talking and i whipped the red wine all over myself on my white shoes my white jacket right now i have a big problem i need to fix okay partially our fault because we are not boostered we are vaccinated turns out the eu actually has a new rule that you have to have your vaccines in 270 days of visiting now we're at the vatican and the same rules are now applying you need either a cova test a booster or proof that you recovered from coven in the past six months so the three options to get into the vatican and sadly we cannot go today hopefully we can get a test and come back another day but i am very upset [Music] to wake up a little bit anna and i are having a little gelato it's a daily ritual here for everyone that visits rome the bike is a must-have for at least one or two days absolutely amazing driving through the city so beautiful and it's only about 50 to 60 dollars he wants to see this pyramid thing oh yeah there's a pyramid in rome so we're gonna go to that neck as if we didn't just get enough pyramids in egypt [Applause] anna was it worth the 15-minute drive i would say the drive here is more impressive than the actual pyramid i know anna was dogging me a little bit but this pyramid is very important because it's one of the most well preserved ancient ruins here in rome it also shows the ancient egyptian influence on the roman empire we just got back from egypt and we saw so many amazing things including the great pyramid of giza it's a good-looking pyramid it's almost perfect but it's a little tiny compared to those ones in egypt it is kind of cool especially since it's the only pyramid in europe but let's go back on the scooter the spanish steps were made famous by the movie roman holiday with audrey hepburn who i love and around the area is very bougie we've got gucci dior just all the designers that you know you won't find on me it's time for espresso my friend and all the flowers are so pretty and this is kind of like a shopping center and there's a cool fountain also they say the best time to visit is between april and may because the flowers are bloomed and they're really pretty i'm glad we got to come during a good time like anna brought up before all the tours you're seeing this video are from get your guide get your guide is the sponsor of this video and they're also a platform that offers 60 000 curated unique experiences around the world and over 3 500 locations they have an app where you keep all of your bookings in one place you don't have to print anything out you show up and it has the meeting point inside the app also you're able to cancel 24 hours right before your tour and there will be no fees you get your money back which is very important i know it's called get your guide but it's not only tour guides and tours you could also rent out vespas and motorbikes like this you could buy entrance fee tickets all the links will be down in the description below shout out to get your guide for making rome as epic as it was [Applause] now we're gonna visit the pantheon which we've been meaning to visit this whole time no matter what you're going to hit the crowd if you don't go really early obviously it's the only building that was once a pagan temple turned into a church and the dome at the top is the largest unsupported dome in the world right at the top here is where there's a hole and i always wonder what do they do when it rains does a massive amount of rain just drop on the floor and it's closed on those days what should you expect here in rome let me tell you it's a crazy wild city a bunch of tourists of course it's one of the most visited places in the world there is gonna be some garbage there's gonna be some graffiti there's bird scooters everywhere we even found one on the bottom of a lake the other day [Music] we also learned yesterday at our cooking class that it's traditional to eat milky on thursday because thursday was the day that they used to bring potatoes to the market also it's the day before friday and on fridays they wouldn't eat meat uh due to the catholic church this is absolutely amazing the great thing about this restaurant is that the menu is all in italian even if you speak english or whatever language they're gonna be able to help you because they're so dang nice i'm a big believer in when you travel you should always make an effort to learn the language i did take a little bit of italian in college but of course i kind of forgot i'm going to tell you guys a few words c is yes means you're welcome [Music] my favorite area to kind of have food and hang out has been monsie which is where our airbnb is it's a little bit more low-key a lot less touristy and very very cute by far my favorite part about walking around is all these colorful buildings you got pink yellow orange and then the shutters are all different colors we finally got a kova test and today we're starting our tour with michaela here she's a roman she's been doing this for the past 20 15 20 years so she's going to be an expert here today we're gonna see the galleries of the vatican museums that lead to the sistine chapel and then from there we are going to use the shoka to that lead to saint peter's pacifica for those that don't know the vatican museums have one of the world's greatest art collections and even if you're not that excited about history religion or art this place will leave you speechless so my big question was did things get more conservative over time because at the beginning we would see a lot of nude statues and then the section we just got in there are leaves over the private parts and it turns out there was a pope paul iv who did not like seeing all the news he was just more conservative so he cut off all the genitals and then later they did something smarter and put the leaves over right behind me you see some tapestries and even before we got into this room michaela said to me that this room will be warmer and now it makes sense because these tapestries were used to keep warm they absorb humidity they would hang them on the walls and they're also great for acoustics but even crazier than all of that this tapestry right behind me took longer to make than michelangelo painting the ceiling of the sistine chapel so it was about four to five years and as you can see how intricate it was i was like how did they do that it was actually children child labor because they have smaller hands and better eyes in the sistine chapel it is not allowed to take pictures and videos because this is the chapel is the private chapel of his holiness so we were all guests of holding us when an assistant shovel [Music] today it is rainy and a little bit cold but you can do a tour like this no matter what here at the vatican because a lot of time you're gonna be inside other than standing in line we're about to head into saint peter's square and stand in line so make sure to bring an umbrella don't be idiots like us there's a very dark time to be here because the pope has been talking to russia to stop the war in ukraine and actually yesterday or two days ago the belarusian president was here talking with the pope i mean it's so close to their doorstep that it could happen to one of these countries over here so it makes everyone nervous no one wants what's going on over in ukraine i feel so bad for ukraine i just hope it gets better soon the other day it was sunny and the day we were supposed to come so of course this happens and they don't even check to see if you have a covetous they don't even check to see if you have a kobe test we just bought a 10 euro umbrella right outside the vatican walls that's the umbrella now here at the vatican they have their own money they have their own police force and they have their own army which are the swiss guards and there's about a thousand people that live here so they can't have like their own economy so that's why the italian government is able to support them saint peter's basilica is the church built on saint peter's tomb and saint peter is believed to be the one that built the first the first dance community right after jesus christ resurrection jesus christ nicknamed it simon peter meaning the rock and the satan this is the rock on which my church is going to be built my community is going to be built now we're gonna climb to the top of the dome ian said this is his favorite thing to do in rome because of the view that you see up there it's eight euros per person if you want to do the 500 steps but we paid 10 euros each to skip to like 300 steps because we're lazy if you are bored of the art or the architecture this for me is definitely worth it to come to the vatican and do this such an epic viewpoint and also a little adventure getting up here 10 out of 10. hands down a must do one of the best things you could do in rome i guess i shouldn't say in rome because it's technically the vatican thank you so much for an amazing tour today that's a wrap we're gonna say goodbye now we're about to hop on and change the almost before we do our favorite place to eat valentino right by where we're staying and just picked up the last little appetivo before we leave that restaurant was so good that we actually ended up missing our train down the amalfi coast better make sure to go there definitely want reservations for night time because it's packed with locals but we went during the day and there was no lines it is so dang good if i can go back there right now i'd miss another train for it if you liked that video give it a thumbs up comment down below what you thought we love hearing from you guys we will see you in the amalfi coast in our next one nah should i do it woodwood [Music] you
Channel: Ian and Ana
Views: 502,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rome, rome, italy, rome italy, italy rome, rome travel, rome travel guide, rome travel vlog, rome travel tips, rome 2022, vatican city, vatican, colosseum, colosseum rome, colosseum italy, trevi, trevi fountain, best food in rome, best of rome, things to do in rome, best things to do in rome, rome italy vlog, rome italy travel guide, best tours in rome, food tour rome, pasta making rome, best restaurants in rome, pantheon rome, roman forum, palatine hill, what to do in rome
Id: 5J1jJnqx3vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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