THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU TRAVEL TO ROME - TOP 10 Local Tips! I Rome Travel Guide I Rome, Italy

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fabulous people welcome to the channel for all the babes who create their own life trends my name is anastasia and today i'm going to share with you top things to know before you travel to rome as most of you know i moved from the us to rome many years ago and these rome travel tips are essential local tips that will truly help you to have the most amazing vacation in rome it took me years to gather the best travel tips and put them all together in this rome travel guide everything from what to do in rome where to eat in rome to how to find bathrooms in rome how to avoid scams in rome and so much more and no matter if you will be traveling to rome italy for the first time or for the 20th time i know that you will feel like a local after watching this video alright now before we begin you know the drill please remember to smash that like button and if you're new to my channel and my vibe and the vibe of this channel resonates with you please consider subscribing all right fabulous people let's get started tip number one don't get scammed while you're in rome and i know a lot of you worry about it and no wonder you have flower men who are coming at you from every corner trying to sell you flowers you have men with bottles coming at you trying to give you the bottles you have men who are trying to put bracelets on you on i don't want to say every corner but quite a few corners and of course that can feel really overwhelming and the best thing that you can do and what every single local does in this situation is to just completely ignore those people do not give them any attention don't make eye contact with them don't smile at them don't say thank you do not engage with them period because as soon as you engage with them and i know we are from the u.s very guilty of that because we want to say something like oh thank you oh no thank you we feel like we've been rude by ignoring someone but trust me they know that so as soon as you engage with them that is it game over guys they will not leave you alone they will follow you they will continue to talk to you they are professionals at that they are professional scammers so the best thing to do is to not give them any attention and if you want to know more about scammers in rome then definitely watch my video on how to save money and avoid scams in italy now fabulous people if i scared you a little bit with my first travel tip i promise i will come back to it later in the video to clarify some of the points i made for example why you shouldn't buy a bottle of water from a stranger in the street but i will come back to it and for now let's move on to my travel tip number two and that is visiting rome during the weekend and i know that might sound like a strange tip but let me explain myself if you plan a trip to italy and rome is a part of that trip make sure to visit rome on the weekend or at least include weekend as part of those days you will be traveling to rome and the reason for it is because only during the weekend you can visit some of the most amazing hidden gems of rome like palazzo colonna or my favorite thomas aria and unfortunately during the week these roman sites are closed so you will not be able to visit them so if you want to take advantage of visiting all the best sites then definitely visit rome during the weekend and if you want to know more about palazzo colonna or domos oria then definitely check out my video on what to do in rome that nobody knows now let's talk about where to stay in rome i know a lot of you always ask me this question so i'm going to take some time and actually break it down for you by area if you're looking for one of the safest areas in rome also very central and at the same time pretty quiet at night time then i definitely recommend spanish steps it's not a secret that it is one of my absolute favorite areas in rome but one downside to spanish steps is that it is quite expensive [Music] now if you don't mind a little bit of noise or a lot of noise during the weekend then trastevere piazza navona campo de fiori are all excellent choices they're still very central but the only negative thing about those places is that they do not have a metro station so you will either have to walk pretty much everywhere which is actually not that bad everything after all the pizza pasta gelato or you will have to rely on taxes or public transportation and when i say public transportation i mean buses and of course you might ask me so anastasia what's the big deal about taking a bus in rome well let me tell you the only consistent thing about roman buses it's their inconsistency so if you schedule the visit to vatican museums or coliseum and you're relying on a roman bus to get you there on time there is a big chance that that roman bus is going to be very late or it might not arrive at all now a lot of you asked me about monty area and for those of you who do not know monty is the one that is close to coliseum i personally like monte area there are a lot of restaurants cafes cute little vintage stores a lot of people say that it's a great alternative to trustevery monty does get busy during the evening maybe not as much as trust every but it's still pretty loud in monty at night i guess depends where you stay in monty but one downside to monty is that it is quite far from all other areas like pantheon piazza navona campo de fury trust every spanish steps so you will have to walk quite a lot from monty to other places now if you do not mind walking then yes monty is a great area for you to stay in rome now if you are traveling as a family to rome then you should definitely consider prati prati is a more of a residential area of rome and it just offers a lot of space for kids to play a lot of different playgrounds at the same time you have bigger spaces if you're planning on renting airbnb and it is close to the vatican now guys if you're going to ask me if you should rent a car in rome i will tell you with all the certainty absolutely not unless you plan on doing day trips from rome and even then i would recommend to just hop on a train at the termini station and then travel all over italy now if you're wondering how does the train system in italy i can assure you that it is absolutely fantastic so definitely take advantage of it and if you want to know more about how to travel in italy by train then definitely check out my video i'm going to have it pop somewhere here or here or i will leave it with all the other videos in the description down below now my next rom travel tip is on things to do in rome a lot of you always reach out and ask anesthesia what you do in rome what to see in rome and of course if you're traveling to rome for the first time there are some roman attractions there are absolute must see like vatican museums coliseum pantheon spanish steps trevi fountain but at the same time i strongly recommend not to skip palazzo colonna borghese gallery and domos orea trust me you will not regret it all right guys really quick the issue of buying bottled water from these guys right here is that unfortunately a lot of times they use reused bottles i know it's gross and then they just refill it with the water the regular water that you can get anywhere all over rome for free and then they sell it to you so proceed at your own risk let's talk about the best time to visit rome and i would say it is december february april may june september and october it is honestly guys hard to tell because the weather is a perfection in rome year round except i would strongly avoid november especially the second half of november and august especially the middle of august now if you're a budget cautious traveler january and february are some of the best months to visit rome and italy in general my next travel tip has to do with food in rome of course italian food is one of the main reasons why people travel to italy and in rome we have tons of amazing places but unfortunately at the same time we do have a lot of tourist traps now in this video i will not go into details of how to avoid or how to spot restaurant scams in italy or rome in particular but if you are interested in this topic and you want to learn more then definitely check out my video on how to avoid a restaurant scam in italy and there you will get all the details now one thing that i also want to point out about restaurants in rome especially popular restaurants in rome is that for those places most likely you will not be able to make a reservation and you will have to wait in long lines now one of the best solutions for enjoying some of the most authentic roman food avoiding all the lines and scams and this is something that i actually love to do when i travel to other countries and cities is by booking a food tour and i can tell you guys that in my personal experience it is some of the best ways to enjoy local food scene and for those of you who do not know my team and i actually offer two food tours here in rome and during those food tours you can experience everything from tasting some cheeses and meats from one of the oldest cheese stores in rome to enjoy some of the most authentic roman street food to enjoy some of the best wine tasting and tiramisu and oh guys and the list goes on and on and if you want more details on it then definitely check out the links to my food tours i'm going to leave them in the description down below but let's continue as i'm starting to drill already just thinking about it and if you're wondering what is the best street food in rome then definitely check out my video on what to eat in rome all right guys now let's continue what to wear in rome or what to pack for italy in general guys as a personal stylist personal shopper in rome i've done so many videos on style tips and fashion tips in italy and of course i have so many videos when it comes to what to wear in italy what to wear in rome what to pack what better to leave at home i go into tiniest details as far as the colors to wear the shoes to avoid like flip-flops and hills and the big cities you guys know the drill or leaving your straw hats for beach towns only there are so many different rules and specifics when it comes to italian fashion so definitely check out those videos i have videos for every single season guys what to wear in winter in italy what to wear in spring in italy etc etc so make sure to check them out they will give you an excellent idea what to pack for italy and what to leave at home i'm laughing guys because right now i need to talk to you about restrooms and i know you might ask anastasia what is the big deal about restrooms but guys in rome bathrooms are very hard to find it is not like in the us where you can just go to i mean pretty much anywhere let's say a grocery store and use the restroom there it is not a big deal we don't even think about it in rome it is very hard to find a bathroom so in order to avoid a situation where you are in the middle of the street and you really really need to use the restroom and you have no idea where to go i have a few tips for you in mind alright number one is make sure that you use a bathroom before you leave any place be it a restaurant your airbnb or your hotel a gallery museum make sure that you use a restroom before you leave tip number two if you're in the middle of the street and you feel like you really really need to go then find nearby cafe and go in there please do not just go and ask if you can use their restroom definitely get an espresso or cappuccino something small and then of course they will allow you to use their bathroom and my third tip is actually kind of common sense but a lot of people don't do it and that is using a restroom at pretty much any hotel guys you don't have to be staying at that hotel for you to use the restroom just make sure that you look and feel confident walk in like you're staying at that hotel and use the restroom there and if you're in rome around let's say any of the malls renascente or coin they do have restrooms and you don't have to buy anything there maybe ladies you can use that and as an excuse and say that you need to buy something at renascente in order for you to use the restroom there but if you just go to renascente or to coin and use the restroom there it will not be a problem and my final tip and that is something that is very very close to my heart guys when you travel to rome or any city in italy make sure that you are taking care of that place i'm sure you've heard about it or maybe you've seen a video how an american tourist just recently threw a scooter down the spanish steps causing over 26 000 in damage to that historic site guys it is heartbreaking so when you visit rome please make sure that you don't throw bottles all over the place please make sure that you don't sit on the historic sites like trevi fountain or spanish steps it is actually prohibited to do so and more so please do not swim in the fountains i can't believe i'm even saying this so next time you plan on travel to italy no matter which cities you decide to visit with rome florence venice milan naples please make sure you're taking care of those places all right guys thank you so much for watching my since to know before you travel to rome i truly hope that you found this video useful beneficial and maybe somewhat entertaining now before you go if you haven't done so already please remember to smack that like button and of course i truly hope that all of you by now subscribe to my channel and i truly truly hope to see you all in the next video ciao ciao fabulous
Channel: Stay Fabulous
Views: 107,885
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Keywords: things to know before you travel to rome, rome travel guide, rome, rome italy, roma, rome guide, things to know before you go to rome, rome italy vlog, things to know rome, travel rome, rome italy guide, rome attractions, rome travel tips, rome city guide, visiting rome, visiting rome italy, things to do in rome, what to do in rome, what to see in rome, food in rome, roman food, traveling to rome, traveling to italy, what to wear in rome, italian food, travel to italy, tips
Id: Cd8DMfdwWys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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