Romans 2:1-16 - Serious Trouble For The Self Righteous

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[Music] I hope you brought your Bible with you today if you didn't the verses will be up on the screen now I don't say this often but if you're a person you've you're you're interested in the Bible you'd like to have a Bible of your own come see us we'll give you one for free we don't hand them out like handy but for those who want a Bible we do want you to have one and so we'll give you one for free and it's a nice Bible very nice Bible so just see us see any of the people around the ushers or whatever and we can get that into your hands please open your Bible over to Romans chapter 2 Romans chapter 2 the title of the message today is serious trouble for the self righteous serious trouble for the self righteous in Chapter 1 we saw how unrighteous mankind can be and that he is without excuse as we turn the corner here and come into chapter 2 we see how self-righteous mankind can be and that he too is without excuse according to God we all stand folks we all stand guilty before God and I am amazed at the level today of those who are preaching and teaching how in fact even those the preachers and the teachers today so many of them because they've embraced this false theology of lordship salvation or discipleship salvation they are spewing out incredible levels of self righteousness in the demands that they make of people if they want to be saved I was sent a video this last actually is a week and a half ago of a large ministry in California and one of the people on the staff of the college there in this ministry he was talking about repentance and he of course gave a false definition of repentance which is the most popular ones today that it means to to turn from sin to turn away from sin to start going in the other direction and he said you know if you want to be saved you have to turn away from all your sin and and start going in the other direction this is what this man who's been in the ministry for many years said and I just wanted to jump right through my computer which I don't advise that by the way especially the old ones remember the big monitors that could be painful but I wanted to jump through and grab him by the his lapel and say hey hey wait a minute have you turned from all your sin have you turned from all your sin well no no have you turned from all your sin are you living a sinless life because that would be the only evidence that you've turned from all your sin right but you know folks it's like they're untouchable like you can't you can't get to these people to ask them these questions and then and then what they do just like you know the the left today and in politics they can't give you a sane argument what they do is simply start calling you names that's as deep as their understanding goes is name-calling alright now listen folks name-calling doesn't solve anything what solves things is if we will be honest with the Word of God and personalize it and we'll get a better understanding of what God is trying to say and so as we have seen in Chapter 1 a lot of unrighteousness there and then we move on to those who are self-righteous in chapter 2 verse 1 it says therefore thou art inexcusable inexcusable no excuse ok how would you take it if I walked up to you and just looked at you in the face I said you know what there's no excuse for you well you probably be offended I'm not saying it God is okay look at it therefore thou art inexcusable o man whosoever thou art that judges you judge other people for wherein thou judgest another thou condemn us they self for thou that judgest doest the same things okay thou that judgest doest the same things we see several things today in our message the first is this mankind is without excuse verse one it's very clear mankind is without excuse if you are a human being you are without excuse you stand guilty before God you are a sinner and therefore without Jesus Christ you are bound for an eternity separated from God in Hell that's the message of the Bible okay secondly mankind is self righteous and therefore condemned because it is a sin do you see that in verse one for wearing though judgest another thou condemned açaí self for thou that judgest doest the same things now this is where people you know they kind of get rubbed wrong and they'll say well I don't do that I've never murdered anybody I've never done this I've never done that yeah but wait Jesus even in in the Gospels he went further then he said no wait a minute and I'm not I'm not talking about you being righteous in the sense that you just don't outwardly do things I'm talking about you don't sin it's one thing to let's say for an example commit commit adultery outwardly but you know what if somebody lusts in their heart towards another person in that sensual way they've committed that sin in their heart by the way that's why the self righteous of Jesus day wanted him dead is because he was poking them in their self-righteousness see most of us and by the way number two man kind of self righteous and therefore condemned for it as a sin most of us are umpires at heart we like to call balls and strikes on somebody else see we when we judge others it shows we know the difference between right and wrong think about it in fact we do the very same things we point out in other people that are wrong we do the same thing this is a very uncomfortable truth but it is a truth nonetheless even though you may consider yourself to be a moral person you still fall short because just like me you still sin we all sin you might say well once you're saved you know you don't sin as much you know that's a dumb statement I'm sorry it's dumb you shouldn't send as much we shouldn't send as much but it's a matter of the will if you sin at all that's too much and we do okay oftentimes the faults and sins we see in others are the very sins we are most familiar with why because they're the very ones that we see in our own lives if we are honest about it that's the truth of it my wife and I we are reading through we try to read the Bible every morning together and we'll and and I recommend it this way by the way couples it's a good way to do it if you can do it read the Bible together just just get an easy plan not one where you're you know having to spend hours reading it now it just may be a chapter to a day and then what I recommend you listen is you know hopefully using that King James Bible you'll listen to Alexander Scourby you can listen him for free on the internet I'll give you the website and so we read and we listen and we're going through job right now his friends were very self righteous and you know I just get so disgusted as we read through that and I think of this man job tormented and afflicted the way he was hurting as bad as he was and these guys were like attack dogs on him going after him and telling him what his problem was and telling him about the sin in his life certainly you're hiding sin come on fess up with us you're wicked you're awful you're all these kind of things and this man had so much he was dealing with in his life the losses the physical issues and all that you know we need to do we need to just be there to encourage people and you know folks just shut up honestly that's what we need to do we need to shut up and quit telling people why this is happening and that's happening now if they share it with us that's one thing if we know something then even that you'd be careful what you say there's a way to talk to somebody to help them but the idea is to help them they weren't helping in one bit there were only pouring salt in the wound so to speak but we do it don't we we judge someone's motives things such as he shouldn't be so quick to judge so-and-so's motive okay we'll judge people and we'll say that person shouldn't be so quick to judge so-and-so's motive what's wrong with this he shouldn't be so quick to do that I I bet he judges that other person because do you see the irony in that I'm doing the same thing I'm telling this person is sinning because of this and I'm doing the same thing by that what about pride well she thinks she's something I'm glad I'm not like her what about discontentment that person is always complaining about something they need to learn to be content I'm glad I just got a raise but it should have been more see we criticize others and we're doing the same thing now what's the bigger context here it doesn't it doesn't mean that there's never a time we should have every proper judgment okay but always in humility but the context here is this God is trying to get men understand hey listen you are you are you are as unrighteous as you can be according to chapter one we see all the things that the the degradation of society in Chapter one and then in Chapter two the religious art just as unrighteousness can be because of our self-righteousness I was visiting with one of our seniors I was visiting with Wally Carlson yesterday and we were talking and he was talking about sharing some different things there were burdens for him about different situations things he cares about deeply and and and then we were talking about society as a whole he says you know I says I really think I really think when they when they when they kicked the Bible when they got the Bible out of the schools and wouldn't allow prayer and all that says I really think there was a change now here's somebody who observed a lot of this okay some of us were just living on planets in our minds at that point sixties you know the only thing that mattered to me in the early sixties was the Yankees I mean that was that I was a Yankee fan then I was a Yankee fan then so anyway but we were talking about it and you know what I never put two and two together but I said you know what Wally we just covered that in Romans and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge that's an exact fulfillment of what happened when the Bible was kicked out of our school system they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge and then what happens to society society falls apart and that's what we're seeing today we're inexcusable folks you know why because we judge other people we're doing the same thing and we're judging them what does that tell us that tells us we know right from wrong and therefore we're accountable verse two but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things which leads us to our next point mankind will be judged by God's perfect standard which is the Word of God mankind will be judged people say well who are you to judge you know what I'm not the judge God is the judge but he has spoken and his word is settled forever in heaven and this is the way it's going to be whether we like that or whether we don't like that that's the way it is going to be from God's perspective perspective sin is not just an issue of outward actions but it's also of the heart and the mind God is the one who determines what is true and what is right we all fall short of his standard because we all still sin and by the way even after you're saved you still sin it's not good no sin is good but we still do it sin weather wrong thoughts into mine or acts in public come short of the glory of God and sent us to miss the mark so what the word means to miss the mark of God's perfection verse 3 and think us thou this o man that judgest them which do such things and do us the same do you see that do you think you who judge other people for doing wrong things and you do the same look at this next phrase that thou shalt escape the judgment of God now you know if a person had a half a brain they would maybe start you know going like this a little bit at this point with a respect for who God is with a respect for what's in the future there's an accountability now see that's a question do you think that thou shalt escape the judgment of God the answer to that is we will not why as we're going to see a little later here God is no respecter of persons he judges by truth which is his word you may be more moral than someone else but you are still guilty before God because we still sin see here's the thing God is saying you need to be concerned about yourself you need to be concerned about where you are in relation to Jesus Christ and with God we tend to compare ourselves with others who more obviously fail in certain areas than we do but we are all guilty have you ever noticed that by the way we always compare ourselves to somebody who is committing more heinous sins than we do you know we'll never say something like well you know what yeah boy I'll tell you what that Jesus Christ look what he did yeah look what he did he lived a perfect life we never do that we'll always say boy I'll tell you what that's so-and-so Man Alive I can't believe what they did it's always worse than what we just did well you know what the fact that we recognized that wrong and the truth of it is in fact we do do that or we'll do that someday to some extent that some level shows that we are accountable to God we are all guilty verse 4 or despise us now the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance the goodness of God what is that referring to I can't help but think of lamentations 322 where it says it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because it's Compassion's fail not they're new every morning great is thy faithfulness folks it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed do we understand that and I say well I'm not so bad we don't see sin like God does he is perfectly holy every sin is an insult to his nature okay every sin no matter how small in our minds quote-unquote small any sin any one sin is enough for us to spend eternity in hell and God would be just in having us or allowing us to go there he's just in that well I don't agree with that well that's because you're self-righteous you don't think you're so bad God says we are I am you are hate to ruin your day today by the way I know this is not exactly how to win friends and influence people or whatever okay this is certainly doesn't come across as a Joel Osteen book today here it is man is blind to the fact that God is being patient with him and giving him time to trust Christ that's what verse four is about do you despise the riches of His goodness and forbearance forbearance he forbears he puts up with and long-suffering okay I think we need to say that word that way don't you we just say long-suffering wait a minute we don't do it justice we need to say long-suffering because that's what it is for God it is long-suffering he puts up with us a long time what should it do well it is God's goodness and grace that offers us his rich and perfect salvation but what is the issue here man wants to establish his own righteousness instead he thinks he can be good enough he can be righteous enough he can be pious enough he can be religious enough to where God is going to look at man and say who you're impressive come on in doesn't work that way God is looking for perfection anything less than that cannot get into heaven on its own cannot okay disqualified disqualified so man is trying to establish his own righteousness which is impossible because we are all guilty and condemned already now that last phrase there in verse four it says not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance this issue of repentance this is a hotbed issue today alright as I've already mentioned at the beginning the word repentance here is a Greek word methanol AO okay it means it means to have a change of mind to think differently that's all the word means okay that's all the word means the word does not mean to turn from sin turning from sin could and at times should be the result of the change of mine but repentance itself is a change of mind Mehta no AO Mehta another no AO the mind to have another mind that's what the word means you'll look it up in many many Bible dictionaries we'll say the first thing they'll say the first entry it means to change your mind to think differently or dill say to change your mind and then they'll give a commentary and they'll make the application of that change of mine part of the definition for the word the two are not the same the two are not the same okay well youyou don't believe we've had people say this about our church you guys don't believe in repentance we believe in repentance we believe it what it says it doesn't mean to turn from sin okay that's what has morphed that is what has devolved in the definition of the word overtime the word itself means to have another mind that is literally what it means or to change your mind alright by the way it is worth noting that in the three books of the Bible that deal most with salvation the Gospel of John the book of Romans and the book of Galatians here in Romans chapter 2 is the only time when this word Metanoia o is used in any of those three books the emphasis and those three books is faith in Jesus Christ all three the emphasis is faith in Jesus Christ not repentance now you might say well don't you think repentance is necessary listen carefully hear what I'm saying it is necessary to the extent that you need to understand you need to have a change of mind of whatever you were trusting and to get you to heaven whatever you thought was your ticket in you need to have a change of mine and understand that won't save you you're in trouble you need a Savior and then you put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior that's how repentance and faith go together and by the way anything different than that you're going to be adding works into the gospel that you can reform your life because they'll say you know they'll say well it means you need to you need to turn from your sin and you say well you're saying you have to turn from your sin that's that's works well you know you don't have to turn from your sin you have to be willing to turn from your sin okay what you're telling me then is this I have to be willing to turn from my sin in other words I have to have the mindset that from my sin for God to save me that's what you're saying be honest at least be honest see what is this all stem from by the way I changed that because of the static today what does this all stem stem from listen carefully people don't like this it's okay I'm 66 and a half almost I don't care what you think friend what does this arguing about well you have to turn from your sin you have to reform your life you have to be willing all these things you know what it stems from I'm glad you're sitting down self-righteousness and I'm telling you today that according to God for those who are self-righteous you are in serious trouble if you look anywhere for your salvation then the cross of Jesus Christ and what he did there for you you're not going to heaven when you die if you think you have to have faith in Christ and also have to do something with your life to go to heaven you are mixing grace and works and that is a false gospel that is a false gospel you might say well you're kind of excited about this it gets me excited friend because I don't want people to confuse by the way if you want a good little booklet on this issue of repentance I will give you one for free today in our Resource Center see me afterwards I'll give you one for free they're usually two dollars I'll give you one for free we have one for you it's helped a lot of people know the goodness of God should lead us to a change of mind see when we realize what Jesus did for us on the cross that should lead us to have a a change in our thinking to where we say oh wait a minute God has done this for me God loves me God sent his son to be the payment for my sin this is great I'll trust in him okay you know the night I heard the gospel no one preached repentance the night I got saved what they did preach was that I couldn't earn my way to heaven by my good works which is what I'd been taught up to that point in my life that I couldn't earn my way to heaven through my good works and that Jesus did all the work necessary when he died in the cross paid for my sins rose from the grave and if I would simply trust in him I would have eternal life and I trusted in him and God saved me no promises not oh I promise I'm going to do this I'm going to do that I promise I'm going to stop this start that no promises why because I couldn't save myself so why should I make promises to do something I can't do how much better to say it's all on Jesus and see once you get saved then God gives us a new nature God gives us the Holy Spirit and now we have the power and the ability yes for our lives to change but I didn't have to promise anything before I got saved by the way we're talking about the dedicated Christian life tonight so please don't leave saying well they don't believe in living for the Lord that's all we're talking about tonight is that very topic we need to understand this folks ok verse 5 it says but after thy hardness and in in penitent heart treasures up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God now I believe this is this is a interpretation well that is what this is where it says impended in here this is an interpretation rather than a translation in our text why do I say that well because the word impenitent here is literally non repentant it's non meta no AO is what it is in other words it means without a change of mind so it would be better if it was but after thy hardness and without the change of mind you treasure up unto thyself wrath in other words if you don't change your mind and put your faith in Christ as your way to heaven what are you doing you're you're building up God's eviden it's against you sin God keeps records by the way and now it's not going to be a good situation but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasure self up to thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to every man according to his deeds now let me just say this the Catholic Church love this verse they take it out of context all the time and they'll say and no quote it and they'll say see that see that you're gonna render Eve who will render to every man according to his deeds verse 7 to them who by patient continuance and well doing seek for glory and honor and immortality eternal life and they'll say see that see that if you work hard enough and you're faithful enough you'll go to heaven when you die well can I tell you this if that's if that verse did not have a context to it I'd say we have a problem but students what are the first three rules of Bible interpretation context context context keep it in context what is Paul getting at here now there's some different interpretations I personally believe after studying this many many times I think verses 6 & 7 is talking about here especially verse 7 this is a hypothetical situation as an isolated verse out of context it would seem to say that we could be saved by works yet we know that is impossible according to the rest of the Bible which by the way we won't cover the rest of the Bible today but we're going to look at many verses here in just a moment okay we know it's impossible you can't be saved by works because you have to be perfect and we're already sinners so therefore we're disqualified which leads us to our fourth fourth point mankind is sinful and not perfect and therefore needs a Savior outside of himself now here is the point in light of verse 7 if you were perfectly sin you wouldn't need a savior and so if you could buy patient continuance in well doing okay live a perfect life from the day you were born to the day you die what would that mean you know what it would mean it would mean you weren't a sinner if you're not a sinner you don't need a Savior you don't need Jesus as your Savior if you're not a sinner but guess what chapter 3 tells us we're all sinners and the wages of sin is death therefore we need a Savior so this is hypothetical it's hypothetical hold your place here and let's look at some scriptures on this issue this is an important issue look with me to Galatians chapter 2 we'll be back to Roman's 2 in just a moment Galatians chapter 2 see there is no higher standard of rules if you want to call them that or good works if you want to call them that there's no higher stamp the commandments that's very clear in Scripture Paul says if there could have been a law given as we're gonna see it would have come righteousness would have come by the law but everybody's disqualified if you could keep the law perfectly it would show you weren't a sinner you're in the center you don't need a Savior okay but we can't and that's why we have Christ Galatians 2:20 1 I do not frustrate or nullify or make null and void or lay aside the grace of God for if righteousness comes by the law of and Christ is dead in vain he died in vain if you could earn your way to heaven by keeping the law of God then Christ died in vain there would have been no reason for Jesus to die for it by our works but we can't look at chapter 3 of Galatians verse 10 it says for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse I think you have to keep the Ten Commandments to go to heaven God says you're under curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continuous not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that look at verse 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by what faith not works faith and the law is not a faith but the man that doeth them shall live by them you put yourself under this bondage you say okay I have to keep the commandments to be saved alright then you're gonna have to keep them perfectly from the day you're born to the day you die can't do it friend well I'm doing pretty good okay still not convinced go with me to James chapter two let's go over there James chapter two this is the heart and soul of salvation honestly it is that's why we're spending the time on it that we are see anybody who thinks you can keep it anybody who thinks you can be faithful enough persevere enough be good enough your confidence is in yourself you're looking to yourself for self righteousness and God condemned self-righteousness James 2:10 but whosoever for whosoever shall keep the whole law the whole law and yet offend in one point he's guilty of all guilty of all why because God requires perfection to get to heaven and none of us are okay if you were mountain climbing and you were using instead of a rope you were using a chain and let's say that chain had 613 links in it alright and so one guys at the top he's got the chain he's got it he's got it secured to the top of the mountain and you're there in here okay coming up 2,000 foot drop number one you're a nut why in the world would you do something like that well for the thrill of it anyway so there you go six links twelve links 24 you know you're getting confident you're going up you're getting up going up going up what you failed to do though is you failed to examine all the links and so you get up to maybe link number 203 and all of a sudden your chain breaks how many links have to break for you to fall to thousand feet one one one failure okay friend if you're gonna keep the law to be saved you have to be 100% faithful can't do it that's why Jesus came if righteousness comes by the law then Christ has died in vain turn with me to Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 we have them over here as well look at what it says for by grace are you saved grace is unmerited kindness undeserved kindness or unmerited favor for by grace are you saved through faith there you go for by grace you saved through faith not faith and works no faith alone in Christ what he did for you on the cross for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves not self it is the gift of God verse 9 not of works lest any man should boast do we see it it's clear it's clear we can't save ourselves somebody outside of ourselves has to be our Savior that person is Jesus we thank God that unspeakable wonderful gift that he provides for us let's go back to Romans to Romans 2 and verse 8 getting back to our argument okay verse eight but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath which by the way is every one tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doeth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile to day please raise your hand how many of you have ever done something evil raise your hand okay if you did not raise your hand you have just done something evil you've lied and the thing that kept you from raising your hand is your pride and pride is a sin it's okay Jesus died for that and he paid for all of our sin and he offers you eternal life as a gift okay verse 10 but glory honor and peace to every man that work is good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for there is no respect of persons okay again we see this but no one does these things the way they should which leads us to our fifth point God is no respecter of person simply put God is not impressed with us or our heritage by the way oh we don't live in the South anymore but I remember when we live for a few years in a Bible Belt you talk to people if you were to die today you know you're going to heaven yep I know how do you know that I know this gonna offend some people there are no Baptists in heaven only children of God okay it does not matter what your label is friend it matters what you have you done with the payment Jesus made for your sins is your faith in what Christ has done for you or is your faith in what your label is okay hey the truth of it is whether you're a Baptist and I think they're probably more Baptist save them hope if you're going to go by denominations but whether you're a Baptist whether you're Lutheran whether you're Methodist Pentecostal presbyterian prezbo coastal Assemblies okay or cults Catholics or anything regardless the only way you're getting to heaven is through what Jesus did and when you trust them as Savior you have the wonderful privilege to be a child of God and that's a that's a label to be blessed by I almost said to be proud of I guess that's okay it's not of works lest any man should boast we don't boast in ourselves so we can boast in our Savior right matter of fact the Bible says that I hope you see this so doesn't matter what your religion is doesn't matter what your family tree is I can remember years ago witnessing to a lady very nice lady and and she said yeah I'm going to heaven when I die and I said well how do you know that she says well my dad was a preacher you don't go to heaven by that because your dad was a preacher there are no grandchildren in the family of God okay that's like saying if you're born in a garage makes you a car okay education God's not impressed your income God's not gonna let you in because you make a lot of money your notoriety in the world well I'm a big shot really there are no big shots with God Jesus is all that matters it's when we come to the point when we realize we are helplessly hopelessly lost and we put our faith in Jesus Christ in the payment he made for all of our sins that is when we are born again that is when we become saved we notice that verse 10 but glory and honor and peace to everyone at work is good yeah but the Bible says here in Romans there's none that doeth good no not one if you could earn it if you could be perfect but nobody can be perfect so that's not even something consider Romans 3:10 says as it is written there is none righteous no not one Romans 2 12 but as many as have sinned without the law now who's that talking about the Gentiles at this point the Gentiles that Paul's talking about we're not familiar with the Mosaic law the Jewish law okay we we in our country in America we have a judeo-christian heritage right and we think in terms of the commandments and sova there there are many places all over our country such as in the Supreme Court alright and in other government buildings I believe that's accurate Supreme Court I know some of the government buildings have the Ten Commandments in them anyways here's the point that's our heritage but when you're talking about these people who did not know the Bible okay for as many as of sin without the law those are the Gentiles shall also perish without the law and as many have have sinned in the law that's the Jews shall be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are just but the doers of the law shall be justified and say well right there it says if you do the law you'll be justified yeah but look at just the page over to Roman's 3:19 it says now we know that what things soever the law saith it saith to them that are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in a sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin the law shows us we fail and are in need of a savior that's the truth of it that's the truth of it okay verse 14 to 14 for when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature things contained in the law these having not the law are a lawn to themselves which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or also or else XQ using one another in other words God has programmed into man this thing called a conscience God gives man a a sense of right and wrong okay to do what is right there's conscience that is there even for those who don't know the law you might say well what about all these countries where they do these heinous things and they're they're into cannibalism and all these kind of things and they they eat their families and and all that you know it's like the it's like the missionary he was there he's having dinner with a bunch of cannibals and he was there and he said and he said who made the who where did you get this this stew and and they said well it's you know who made this well mom made it well this is great and they said yeah but we're gonna miss her folks somewhere along the line in that people group they knew it was wrong but over time they became desensitized to the truth but they knew it was wrong because the law of God was written in their hearts so even if you don't know the ten commandments you still stand guilty before God you still stand condemned before even if you know the law you know that you fail with that so those who don't even know the large still accountable and stand guilty the Lord has instilled moral law and man's conscience now yes he can excuse it he can run over it he can become callous to it but that doesn't mean it wasn't there just like anybody who's an atheist that's a learned position it's a learned position every child knows God exists they have to be taught God doesn't exist and by the way the public school system is really trying hard to do that and those who know the law the Jews will be judged by the righteous standard of the law in that day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel so what's the point today I know we've covered a lot of ground what's the point here it is there is serious trouble ahead for the self-righteous serious trouble and all of us are to some extent self-righteous either in words or thoughts but the beauty of the message of the Bible is this God has provided a solution to our condemnation because of our failure he has provided a solution through the payment Jesus made for our sins and all he's asking us to do is trust in Jesus Christ that when he died on the cross he paid for our sins if this is you and me and this is our sin okay here we are we are sinners there's not one thing you can do to get rid of the sin as far as reforming your life a payment must be made before you die because if you die with your sin you're lost forever heavens perfect you can't get in even one sin you have to be sinless we are not this is it now listen so to promise or to say I've got to make a promise that I'm gonna quit sinning or I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that death is the payment promises don't pay for anything death is the payment that must be made you either die yourself and spend eternity separated from God or you accept the payment Jesus made when he died in your place this hand representing him when Jesus went to the cross he took our sin upon himself by the way he came into the world because we could not save ourselves but he loved us and doesn't want us to end up in hell so Jesus came and when he went to the cross the sinless one the only one who ever was who never sinned therefore the only one qualified when he went to the cross he took all our sin upon himself he did all the work he did it all leaving us nothing to do he paid for it he sent himself it's finished paid in full rose from the grave victoriously and he says all I'm asking you to do is trust in me and I will give you eternal life trust in me and I will give you eternal life friend if you've never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior I heard you to trust in him today does God want us to live good lives certainly he does he doesn't want us to be criminals or bums or whatever you want to call it perverted people no but he is the answer to sin and when you trust Christ the Savior he gives you eternal life and I'll never take it away once you've got it you've got it forever would you please trust Christ as your Savior today let's all bow in prayer shall we with every head bowed and every eye closed please no one looking around if you've never trusted Christ as Savior would you do it right now dear friend it's not something I'm offering it's something God is offering to you and he wants to give it to you as a gift it's the only way you can get it because you can't earn it because you got to be perfect and none of us are oh the glory of the grace of God would you please put your faith in Christ today as your Savior maybe that's the first time you've understood this today but right where you where you sit friend God knows your thoughts would you please trust in Christ right now right where you sit you can talk to the Lord there's no formula prayer or anything but you can talk to me knows your thoughts say maybe Lord Lord I know I'm a sinner and I see that clearly today I know I'm a sinner and I understand there's nothing I could do to save myself because they ought to be perfect and I know I'm not but right now I'm trusting Christ as my savior and by the way friend if you come to the point where you understand you're a sinner and you can't save yourself guess what you've repented you've had a change of mine for what you were trusting and before and now you put your faith in Christ Lord the best I know how I'm trusting Christ as my savior right now and if you'll trust in him they'll give you eternal life with heads bowed nice closed there's anybody here today who's trusting Christ the Savior could I pray for you today I want to Baris you I'm not going to stand have you and ever come forward or anything but I'd like to pray free if you'd like prayer if you've never understood it until today and today you trusted Christ could I pray for you just slip up your hand put it down is there anyone would you pray for me today I trusted Christ as my savior I understand I can't save myself I put my faith in him alone as my Savior is there anyone you don't have to raise your hand but I'd like to pray for you father help us with this help us come to grips with our own self-righteousness and help us understand Lord we are absolutely helpless to save ourselves no good intentions or promises will save us it's only the payment Jesus made on the cross that's acceptable and when we trust in him you give us as a gift eternal life and we're safe forever because it's not of works lest any man should boast it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us so we thank you for that thank you for this time thank you for the wonderful meal we're gonna have this afternoon lord please nourish our bodies by it and bless the fellowship in Jesus name Amen well friends that concludes this edition of voice of assurance thanks so much for listening and would you share this ministry with a friend to contact us or learn more about our ministry please visit [Music]
Channel: Northland Bible Baptist Church
Views: 848
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Salvation, Truth, Jesus Christ, Grace, Gospel, Bible, Sermon, God, Lord, Savior, Saviour, Church, Voice of Assurance, Romans
Id: adXY2i__xqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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