Robert Morris – Sabbath, the Only Command Christians are Ok with Violating.

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all right I'm going to do something that I've never done before this is I think this is my 18th book to release and but I'm gonna actually read you the first two paragraphs of chapter two and a lot of research winning this book I have someone that helps me in writing named David Holland who's a member of our church helped me write many of the books that I've written and he does a lot of research as well and so there's a lot of things in the book that you don't gonna get out of just one message but I just want to read you this because this is a worldwide epidemic so here's how chapter 2 starts the report submitted to the Government of Japan simply called him mr. a to protect his identity let's call him mr. Asarco he had worked for several years at a major Japanese snack food processing company often putting in as many as 110 hours each week just to put that into perspective that's more than two and a half 40-hour work weeks jammed into one to log 110 hours in a week requires working nearly 16 hours per day for seven days he did that week after week year after year they found mr. Asarco dead at his workstation the victim of a heart attack he was 34 in Japan they call it Hiroshi thought I'd put the word up one of our elders those grew up his parents were missionaries of Japan I think that's whay told me say Hiroshi the Chinese had their own word for it I don't know how to say that one what you speak some of you speak Chinese you speak Chinese how do you say it what she said your last ROI okay okay that's its best thing new and in South Korea Korea they call it the wastrel wrote this up all right but listen to this all three terms were coined fairly recently to describe something so new that their languages didn't even have a word for it these words describe the act of literally working yourself to death all three Asian cultures discovered they needed a word to describe an increasingly common on phenomenon they're mainly people dropping dead on their jobs as a result of working insane hours under intense pressure with little to no rest I want to say those three phrases again working insane hours under intense pressure with little to no rest sounds like life doesn't it so does God have a plan to keep us refreshed he does it's called a Sabbath one day a week and I want you to know that the first time that the word Sabbath was ever in the Bible was not the Ten Commandments it's in one time before the Ten Commandments the Ten Commandments are in Exodus 20 we're gonna back up to X 2 16 verse 23 then he said to them this is what the Lord has said tomorrow is a Sabbath rest I really want you to see the word rest a holy that means it's set a set apart day to the Lord baked what you will bake today this is what he gave a manna from heaven remember and boil what you will boil and lay up for yourselves all that remains to be kept until morning so they laid it up till morning as Moses commanded and it did not steep or were there any worms in it before when they tried to keep it for two days it would seek and there were worms in it but on Friday it lasted for two days that's the only day it did then Moses said eat that today for today as they Sabbath to the Lord today you will not find it in the field I would just want you to notice this phrase because that represented provision from the Lord here's what he said on the Sabbath I'm not going to provide for you on that day I provided for your net built and the day before in other words listen to me if you work that day God's not going to help you you're supposed to rest he already provided for you only worked six days a week six days you shall gather it but on seventh day the Sabbath there will be none no extra provision from the Lord he's already provided it now it happened that some of the people went out of the seventh day together but they found none God didn't provide that day he'd already provided and the Lord said to Moses how long do you refuse to keep my Commandments and my loss he hasn't even given the Ten Commandments yet see for the Lord has given you the South in other words just a gift from God therefore he gives you on the sixth day bread for two days let every man every person every mankind ever per you man remain in his place let no man go out of his place on the seventh day so the people rested on the seventh day so simple question why did God do this obviously he didn't want us to have any fun on this earth no just the opposite he wanted us to enjoy our life on this earth so I have four points this week rather than three I for here's number one it's a commandment this made God's top 10 list Exodus 20 verse 8 and I just want you to notice before I read this listen to me this is going to shock you the fourth commandment honor the Sabbath doesn't say anything about going to church it's nowhere in the verse now I believe we should go to church I believe God does several things I actually thought last night about a message I my preacher a few weeks why go to church because some unmeaning people are more people are staying home now because you can get church on the Internet and I'm glad if you have to stay home and you watch on the Internet I'm glad don't get mad and turn it off but if you don't have to stay home and you're just doing it so you stay in your pajamas there are reasons to come to church and I'm thinking about going through that but the fourth commandment doesn't say anything about church attendance it's on that rest Exodus 20 verse 8 by the way this is the longest commandment God spent more time on this one than any other commandment because he knew he would argue with them remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy or set apart holy it's not a big words a small word just means set apart six days you shall labor and do all your emails but thus I just wanted to bring up to modern times but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall turn off your phone you shall do no work this is a commandment the this is one of God's talked to you this has the same way as don't commit adultery don't lie don't steal don't covet don't murder it's in the same list honor God first had don't have any idols don't take God's name in vain and honor your mother and father same list in it you shall do no work nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female or a female servant nor your cattle he doesn't want your cows working nor your stranger is within you gates for in six days the Lord made the heavens in the earth to see and all that is in them and rested the seventh day therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and he'll have a load it which means said it art comes from saying reward is as holy set it apart okay think about this we could have had a 10-day work week we could had a four-day work week God invented the seven-day workweek and he invented one of those days to rest God did this and then he puts it in his top tiered nest and here's what's amazingly Christians really believe that they can violate this commandment but no other commandment and we don't keep the commandments to be saved but we do keep the commandments to be blessed and because you're there are blessings when you keep them and there are consequences when you don't would you agree with that if you come in at all for their consequences if you lie their consequences if you kill someone there are consequences so why is this the only one you don't think there are consequences there are this is the same list just to make this point now I'm just just to make this point for me Monday is my Sabbath all right and so I don't come in the office on Monday and one week one Tuesday when I was in the office I was standing around with four or five pastors and we were talking and what I'm said pastor Robert I know money's your Sabbath but would you do this on a Monday and I said won't you ask me to commit adultery while you're at it and let's knock off a 7-eleven and kill some people in the way you you asked me to violate one of the Ten Commandments pick out any of the other Ten Commandments and see if you would have asked me and when you think about that go through the list in your mind I just named them all just a moment ago ghost you out there look through the other night and see if you would violate one of those you would never take God's name in vain you would never lie purposely or steal or kill someone or commit adultery you wouldn't you wouldn't do that you know not to do those things so why is this the only commandment that you think we can violate and there are no consequences there are consequences here's no it's a witness Exodus 31 verse 14 you shall keep the Sabbath therefore for it is holy to you everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death for whoever does any work on it can just offer minute adultery murder not keeping the Sabbath and by the way rebellion to parents carried the death sentence I mean if you want to next time your child does that you say you know if we were in the Old Testament you'd be dead one disobedience by the way it was continual rebellion but God put this one right up there he put a deaths in its own on this one think about that and I just tell you tell you why because some of you are killing yourself slowly you're working yourself to death so you're he what he's trying to tell you is if you violate this you're gonna die that's what he's trying to tell you for whoever does any work on it that person shall be cut off from among his people work shall be done for six days in this clear over and over and over again I you know y'all are so quiet I think there's a lot of conviction in the building right now but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest by the way what does the word Sabbath mean it doesn't mean worship it means cease cease from labor that's what the word means cease from labor seats desist it is a Sabbath of rest holy to the Lord whoever does any work on the Sabbath day he shall surely be put to death says it twice in this one passage therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath and remember we've been grafted-in is what Roman says to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant can anyone tell me what the word perpetual means on and on that's a good definition on and on it is a sign I've been said it's a witness between me and the children of Israel how long forever for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed this was actually the major witnessing sign for thousands of years because someone would call Satan to a Jewish person hey let's finish this deal on Saturday and the Jewish person just bringing up given modern times would email back and say we're closed on Saturday which was the seventh day of the week and they would say email back what do you mean you closed on Saturday nobody closed on Saturday they said we closed on Saturday because it's the Sabbath they D mail back what's the Sabbath they say well it's the seventh day of the week and the Lord made the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day they D mail back which Lord and they'd say the Lord God the Lord God of Israel the God of the universe the only God this this was their witnessing something right here this was in that they could make more money and be more profitable working only six days a week than seven because God would provide if they would obey what he said and then I just want you to notice it says on the seventh day the Lord rested and was refreshed now I don't know if things jump out at you like they jump out at me on some things like this but as a theologian I think how do you explain that the God who never tires was refreshed well again you go to the original language this is what that word means in the Hebrew it means he breathed in God breathed in took breath would be a literal translation he took breath he inhaled okay what had God been doing for six days created how does God create he speaks how do you speak you exhale matter of fact on the sixth day he created Adam and breathed into him the breath of life so for six days he'd been breathing out on the seventh day God breathed in and was refreshed yet you ever said this if I could just catch my breath well you can if you keep the Sabbath every week and you can do nothing one of the major questions I get asked when I talk about Sabbath is will pastor what do you do on your day off my answer is that's the wrong question the question is not what do you do the question is what do you not do on the Sabbath and the Bible is very explicit I you do not do work that's what you do not do anything related to your vocation or even your calling now I would still witness on the Sabbath because that's what Christians do but anything even related to your vocation or calling you take a rest one day a week your rest do nothing do it Bill hobby do something that refreshes you you have to figure it out and because we're in the New Testament now it might not be Saturday for everyone some people EFT work on Saturdays so you can choose another day and sometimes we do have things on Mondays which is when I normally do it I said I choose this you know just a few weeks ago we had our pastors conference I'm working on a Monday but I took Wednesday as my Sabbath I'm not going to go seven days without a rest day because it's God's Word here's number three it's serious it's serious numbers 15 verse 32 now while the children MS were in the wilderness they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day I want everyone notice what he was doing gathering sticks and those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron to all the congregation they put him under guard of course he was a stick gatherer you got a guard that guy because it had not been explained what should be done to him it had been explained pretty clearly then the Lord said to Moses just want to remind you who said this the Lord the man must surely be put to death all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp so as the LORD commanded Moses all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stone him with stones and he died remember 1st Corinthians 10 says everything that happened in the Old Testament happened as an example for us and is written as instruction so no you don't get stoned to death if you work seven days a week but you're going to kill yourself you are going to die sooner than you should years ago I was trying to go to lunch with this pastor it was so long ago we had date timers so you wanted to remember day time versus okay so anyway we had heard a timers out and I and we were saying well what about you know Monday no what about what I've got something without Tuesday no I've got something when that wins no I'm out of town you know oh I said well what about Thursday what do you have scheduled Thursday he said nothing I said great let's have lunch Thursday he said no a kick candy Thursday I said well why can't why can't you he said well because I've got nothing scheduled and I didn't get it I said uh-huh let's do lunch Thursday he said no Robert you're not following me Thursday I'm scheduled to do nothing Thursday I'm going to do nothing I'm scheduled to do nothing on Thursday nothing is on my schedule for Thursday and then he said when we get together for lunch I wanna tell you about it so we got together another day he told me he said when I was 50 years old I was lying in a hospital bed and they told me I was dying my organs were shutting them and they didn't know why and one night I said to the Lord Lord why are you doing this to me I've served you my whole life and the Lord said Oh son I'm not doing this to you you did this to you because you haven't rested one day a week you've already worked a lifetime you're dying and this pastor said well Lord if I repent truly repent would you be gracious and heal me I love the Lord Santry sit of course of course I would he said he felt Street come in his body he got up he unplugged himself got dressed and walked out of the hospital he was 65 when I was meeting with him for lunch never been back to the hospital since and he died a ripe old age and I'm not gonna say what that age is because I say it you might be that age and you might think I'm not right alright here's number four last 14 it's a blessing it's a blessing the Sabbath taking a day off is a blessing mark 2 verse 23 it happened that he went through the grain fields on the Sabbath and as they went his disciples begin to pluck the heads of grain and the Pharisees said to him look why do they do what it's not lawful on the Sabbath now remember it's it's working that's not lawful it wasn't eating so remember Jesus never violated the law but he said to them have you never read what David did when he was in need and hungry he and those with you how he went into the house of God in the days of a by oath or the high priest and he ate the show bread which is not lawful to eat except for the priests and also he gave some to those who were with him and he said to them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath therefore the Son of Man is also worth Sabbath here's what he's saying I didn't make you to serve the Sabbath I made the Sabbath to serve you it's a blessing not a burden it's like tithing let me say that it's like tithing people who tithe know that 90% with God's blessing will go farther than a hundred percent without and people and people who rest one day a week know they can get more done in six days with God's blessing that in seven days without it's that simple it's trusting God so you've got to come that place where you trust him a few years ago was one of the the busiest times of my life and let me say this I just want to cover one thing what about emergencies people ask me install time what about emergencies okay Jesus covered that is very clear he said listen if your ox falls in a ditch on the Sabbath pull it out okay but I'd like to add to that if your ox falls in the ditch every week you're a bad manager you're gonna have to put some systems and some policies in place to keep the Hawks out of the ditch okay so he does cover that but a few years ago God really dealt with me about this and Debbie and I went overseas and we were ministering in very poor countries Angola Mozambique some countries like that we came back exhausted we jumped right back into our schedule our oldest son was getting married that you just in a month or two from when we got back Debbie was helping with that we were doing I got a conference I had to do that's traveling and speaking and I was just going going going and I hate to tell you this story but I call it the great underwear crisis of 2005 so one morning I go in to my I take a shower go in the closet open my underwear drawer and there's only one pair left and I stood there thinking what am I gonna do tomorrow and I was so tired I couldn't think I could wash I could go to Walmart by 12 pair for 97 cents I couldn't think that I just thought I'm not gonna have money where tomorrow and I remember starting to get emotional about it and stressed out because I thought myself pastors should wear underwear I'm not gonna have underwear tomorrow put my underwear I'll open my sock drawer no socks and I sat down in my closet with just my underwear own and cried I went to lunch with pastor Tom Lane that day and I leaned across the table to and I said pastor Tom I'm losing my mind he said what I said I cried over socks and my underwear almost made me lose it too they said you're not losing your mind you're exhausted you're exhausted and that was when I took my first sabbatical or I should say when the elders gave me a first cycle so every five years I do a sabbatical now every summer people will sometimes call my vacation sabbatical that's not really sabbatical I do a vacation then doing that do a study break half the top this vacation half time is studying so but every five years of do a sabbatical let me tell you what I doing my sabbatical nothing no work no riding books no traveling and speaking no preparing messages no studying nothing that I would do for my jaw you can't believe how much your mind needs to rest not just your body and when you let your mind rest how creative you could be again many of you know what I'm talking about there was a time when you were so creative used to come up with great ideas but you're too tired now you're just trying to stay on top of it all so you've got to take a break so the elders gave us eight weeks off and so the last week we took an Alaskan cruise we went it was our 25th wedding anniversary my parents 50th wedding anniversary and so we went with my parents did the Alaskan cruise and one day we're sitting on the deck and I look out at Alaska and it's just I don't know you ever seen it it's just this huge territory we were we weren't very far from the shore because we were going up in the fjords and watching the you know glaciers calf and things like that and it was just so I'm looking out this huge expanse and by the way unless it's big it's almost as big as Texas it's a joke I know it's almost twice as big but anyway it's beautiful it's beautiful and I just remember thinking god you're just so big you know you're just so great and I was just reading this book on Alaskan fishing boats just relaxing and I just felt like that I remember thinking I mean again I feel like I did before I started the church we were five years into the church the church was growing and things were happening in you know with books and things and I was exhausted but I remember thinking I'm bad I'm bad I feel like me again and the Lord said to me what day of your sabbatical is it now because I'm a numbers guy I knew immediately you know and I they gave me eight weeks 8 times 7 is 56 so I knew it was the 53rd day and so I said it's the 53rd day and the Lord said to me uh-huh you owed 52 days you owed one year of Sabbath's you owed a year one ever forever Sabbath you have one year you're at 52 days that's why you feel normal today and I remember saying the Lord you mean I owed you 52 days and the Lord said oh no son you didn't know me 52 days you owed you 52 days I gave this to you as a gift why would we not receive this gift and why would we argue about it and I just want to say this it's very important the only reason that you would work seven days a week listen carefully I'm gonna say it strongly it's because you don't trust God we don't trust God I'll just include me I've done it too we feel like then if we don't do it it won't get done and I'm telling you you can trust God and you can take a day off and it's wonderful when you start taking the day off every week I want you to bow your heads in for us I want you to take a minute and just say Holy Spirit what are you saying to me like we do at the end of every message Holy Spirit what he's saying to me through this message you have to be principled about taking the day off you have to schedule it we schedule word we schedule appointments why we not schedule this if you don't schedule it it won't happen I actually have all of my days off for 20/20 scheduled already because I'm scheduling speaking events a year in advance sometimes 18 months in advance so I have to schedule time off as well so what's the Holy Spirit saying to you we want to pray with you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 91,571
Rating: 4.8680825 out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, Whatever it is, New Series, Take the day off
Id: AZi1Ikf6dXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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