Romano Operates On His Dog | ER

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[Music] got your page what have we got insulin alma gretel was having seizures gretel the patient i thought it was neurological but the workup was negative except for low blood glucose which suggested an insulin producing adenoma hmm ct the abdomen show the nodule in the pancreas i hope the god it's not malignant well that's very caring of you robert well i am capable of that lizzie on occasion this being one of them let's go i want to see her before they put her on yeah i haven't even you can finish up later come on let's go she's ready for you dr romano good girl robert this is a dog correction lizzy this is my dog i guess i have my breeds mixed up i always thought they were wiry little runts more like that australian silky thing no alex the bouvier is robust squarely built well muscled a hearty dog then you could say dr romano except for the pancreas lizzie alex how's gretel's bp i don't know we don't have a dog cuff then start an arterial line and hook her to a monitor an arterial line just pretend you're in dog lab that's what i'm doing lizzy i'm sorry robert i just don't think it's proper to be operating on your dog i'm chief of staff is that proper enough for you zach what would you have me do leave her to some poodle surgeon [Music] crowd clamp off that bleeder i did a hernia on a gorilla once that's cool you should mention that gretel's brother had a hernia let me guess hansel oh ho i'm sure you all find it quite amusing that i would care so much about a dog there's so much about you that we don't know robert what's going on she's tachycardic i think she's having a seizure she's lost her iv making her hypoglycemic i can't get the lion in give me an amp of 50 glucose now get out of the way ep tubes come out she's hypoxic tuber again damn it she's in v fib shelly get me the pedals stand back robert hold on i said stand watch back for the rebound phenomenon with the glucose don't you worry we'll monitor her closely does gretel have insurance i think we've had enough jokes for one day elizabeth isn't joking i understand certain vets offer my god oh elizabeth there you are i visited nearly every department looking for good heavens mother this is dr robert romano um robert this is my mother isabelle corday she's visiting from london whoa lizzy uh lizzy never mentioned a thing it's a pleasure likewise well this i take it is not the laser angioplasty no no this is uh gretel who has been suffering from an insulinoma but uh thanks to a brilliant assist by your daughter she's going to be just fine yes well i know how hard elizabeth's trained mother perhaps how are you enjoying your trip to chicago i'm here for a series of lectures adaptive optics wave particle duality i don't know why you'd want to tax your mind with all that gobbledygook we have a wonderful city great shopping i'm giving the lectures well i should probably get gretel settled in recovery it's very nice meeting you please don't ask about the dog wouldn't dream of it was it an old english bouvier uh i'm being paid to the er oh i don't think i've seen that yet good good she seems to be doing well yeah it's already chasing rabbits in your sleep yeah yeah so tell me surely does everyone think i'm completely nuts well of course not dr romano only those of us who were in the surgery well you know i live alone when i come home it's just gretel right right or perhaps if you showed the same compassion for people that you show for never mind she's npo dr romano no food till she's past gas give me a break she's a dog has she passed gas dr romano the biscuit thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ER - Emergency Room
Views: 44,388
Rating: 4.9426231 out of 5
Id: 4EbUxGkYEQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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