Bob Reveals She Is Actually A Doctor | ER

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[MONITORS BEEPING RAPDILY] LYDIA: BP is falling fast, I get 60 palp. MALIK: Crit's down, he's losing blood. LEWIS: Run them in fast! Did Dr. Stein ever tell you that you have an aortic aneurysm? LYDIA: I don't feel a femoral pulse. WENDY: He had one before. Doctor, please, do something! Okay, let's get him in to the OR now! - MALIK: Nobody's available. - No surgeons? MALIK: There's twenty-two surgeries going on up there! Okay, we'll do it here. I'll get Benton. Prep a thoracotomy tray now! I need a surgeon in three, stat. I got a triple-A that's about to blow. Order a laparotomy, set up an OR. Call anaesthesia, get Dr. Ash down here. You ever cross clamp an aorta? No. I don't feel a thing! Call a code! Get some epi. Open the IVs wide. MALIK: Here's an amp of epi. Morris! Doctor, please, do something! WENDY: Where's Dr. Lewis? MALIK: She's in there with Benton. LYDIA: There's a pulse with CPR. Bob! Bob? What are you doing? [MONITORS BEEPING RAPIDLY] Bob! MALIK: Oh, man. [MONITOR BEEPING NORMALLY] WENDY: Carotid pulse, faint, but I feel it. LYDIA: Set up that dopamine and run it at ten mics per kilo. What happened? It was Bob. Bob? Bob. Bob? CARTER: Night. [SOBBING] Bob? Bob? Now I will never be a doctor here. [CARTER CHUCKLING] [CLEARS THROAT] Were you planning on being one? In my country, I was a surgeon. Vas-- Vas-- Vascular? Yes. You're a vascular surgeon? Yes. I have to board. Board... Oh, you have to take the Board exam. Yes. If I not operate, man die. But now, when they find out... I will never Board. Wait a minute. You operated on somebody? When they find out what I did... Oh, Bob. Did the patient die? Oh. Well, then they'll be grateful. Really? I'll help you with your English for the board exam. You would do it for me, that? Uh-huh, yeah. [CARTER LAUGHS]
Channel: ER - Emergency Room
Views: 552,662
Rating: 4.9206185 out of 5
Id: 7BDAht29sUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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