Kerry Finds Carter and Lucy After The Stabbing | ER

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EMT: Hey, Dr. Weaver, you better hurry up! - You're gonna miss the party! Ha ha! - What? [MUSIC PLAYING FROM INSIDE] - Hey, Dr. Weaver. - Cleo. You're off? Dr. Kovac gave me 15 to grab my dry-cleaning before it closes. - We're slow, I take it? - We are now. What's that music? - Kerry! Happy Valentine's Day! - Isn't it a little loud? Sorry! Hey! What're you doing? Oh. Hi, chief. You on? All night. I see someone went overboard with the hearts. - What's wrong with them? - Nothing. - You want some pizza? - No thanks. Isn't Mark still on? Oh, he left at 8. Double date. I'm on 'til 9. Mighty fine. KOVAC: It slowed down. No-one's waiting to be seen and I took over the board. Okay. Everyone, another five minutes, and then back to work, all right? - Oh no, girl, Alex and I broke up. - What happened? I thought he was "the man." - Yeah, so did my neighbor. - Ouch! Luka, do you have anybody you need to hand off? [MUSIC STOPS] Only if you want. Ankle films are back on Cupid. A singing telegram slipped on some ice. I need a doc in radiology to inject an IV contrast. - Patient name Rodriguez. - I think that's Carter's. Okay, find Carter! - PABLO: I need a bath, can I have a bath? - HALEH: We need to look at your foot first. - Pablo, you're alive, huh? - PABLO: Oh, yeah, I'm alive! - WEAVER: We haven't seen you in over a year. - PABLO: They put me on a bus! - WEAVER: Bus? What kind of a bus? - PABLO: A green one! - WEAVER: A green bus! Where did it take you? - PABLO: Oh, I need a bath. HALEH: I think Pablo got deported. - PABLO: It was very hot! - WEAVER: How did he get back again? HALEH: That part's a little fuzzy. - It took a long time. - I bet. Welcome back, Pablo. Welcome back! Hey, Kerry! Happy Valentine's Day. - Or night, I guess. - Yeah, you too. - You know where Sobriki is? - Who? - Paul Sobriki, I got called down for a consult. - Yeah, I just got on, check the board. Thanks. - So, you must be Mr. Morris. - How'd you guess? - Is that my X-ray? - Yep. Let's take a look. - Is the bone broken? - Hold on. [LIGHT BUZZING] Damn. I gotta find another board. I'll be right back. - Ah, Dr. Weaver, can you talk to toxicology for me? - What's the problem? "Bare butt booty oil"? Kid drank it but he's not symptomatic, so they won't test it. Sent it back. - No ingredient list. - Well, yeah. Bare butt booty oil. - WEAVER: Okay, I'll talk to them. - CHEN: Thanks. [WEAVER SCREAMS] GREENE AND CORDAY: ♪ And you got us feeling alright ♪ - Is it just me or are they dreadful? - No, it's not just you. GREENE: ♪ John at the bar is a... ♪ CORDAY (JOINS IN): ♪ ...friend of mine ♪ ♪ He gives us our drinks for free ♪ ♪ And he's quick with a joke and to light up a smoke ♪ [PAGER BEEPING] ♪ But there's some place that he'd rather be ♪ [PAGER BEEPING] ♪ He says, "Bill, this place is killing me" ♪ ♪ As the smile escapes from his... ♪ - LILY: Surgery's on its way! - MALIK: Pulse is weak! WEAVER: Spin a crit right away! - No, I can't stay on the line! - WEAVER: Call a code 20. Haleh! MALIK: He could still be running around here! Just get him here! Every cop in the city knows where we are! CHEN: John! John, can you hear me! - KOVAC: Airway looks clear. - CHEN: John, open your eyes! KOVAC: No response to command. Glasgow Coma Scale 7. - How long do you think they were lying there? - Long enough to lose a couple of liters. - I can't believe nobody saw anything! - Let's talk about it later. One, two, three! Push etomidate and succs now! Stab wounds to the left neck and chest. Oh man, two more to the belly, right and left upper quadrant. No. 8 ET tube, what's her repeat? Hold on. Pulse ox is low, 82. That's why I'm tubing her! Get me a blood pressure! - Chest tube tray. - No. Start a central line. HALEH: BP is 90 over 50. WEAVER: Get four units of O-neg, hang two on the rapid infuser. Give me some cricoid pressure! You okay, chief? I got it. Okay, start the central line now! Betadine and a sterile drape. People are having parties while these two were in there bleeding to death! KOVAC: Two stab wounds to the left flank, first one is at L2, four centimeters off the midline. Second one is L5 in the midscapular line. ABBY: He hit the spinal cord? Depends on the angle. BP is 70 over 50. Pulse 120. Squeeze in two liters and set me up for a subclavian. Good breath sounds bilaterally. - Pulse ox 93. - LYDIA: Should we intubate? No. Ten liters by mask for now. Send a trauma panel, type and cross for four and get X-ray in here for a chest. And one shot IVP. I was just talking to him! Right here. The patient's gone. - Oh, boy. - What's his name? - DERAAD: Paul. Paul Sobriki. - Who are you? Carl Deraad. Chief of Psychiatry. I was called to consult. - What's he look like? - I don't know, I hadn't seen him yet.
Channel: ER - Emergency Room
Views: 1,429,102
Rating: 4.9011836 out of 5
Id: VfbzuAyf-zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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