Roger Moore on Having A Father In The Police Force | The Dick Cavett Show

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uh i've decided uh not to try to top all of the people uh who introduced my next guest from time to time in his various appearances of this kind by talking about his great charm and good looks he's probably sick of that and uh anyway a pretty face is just another pretty face in this business so will you welcome please the very plain looking and ordinary former star of the saint and one of the co-stars of uh a lot of women's favorite series i'm told uh maybe more women than men i wonder the persuaders of course i mean roger moore [Music] [Applause] living plane well i thought you must be sick to death of being introduced as a handsome rogue and continue i like i like it already a good looking dog a lady killer you don't hear that phrase much anymore but a dog i hear quite often actually oh dog do you various forms of that well how are you i'm very well thank you yeah we have that that was the website yeah saying are you depressed i didn't is your show going off or canceled or or something like that uh well we run through the summer yeah and then we go off and i'm delighted it's a very nice attitude never know because i explained that no because i joined last year the board of families and uh the board of faberge the board of fabrication and uh before an accident like say faberge as they say in australia yeah it is a little nicer there and uh we also have a film company within faculty brew productions beer brute brute productions you're lovely you repeat everything i didn't realize i was bringing a cash register somewhere as i do that and actually we made an announce and i'm managing director of the european side of reproductions which um we are sort of in the picture business in a rather big way we announced yesterday our plans for this year which in may we're producing a film starring elizabeth taylor called night watch from the world i'm glad they're making a movie with elizabeth taylor did you see the i've always thought she'd be good in the movie oh she needs some money i met her once if it's the one we were both thinking about i said you ought to be in the movies i made my first picture with him yeah she became a success what happened to me you were in national velvet no that was her first lassie come home you know come on no no my first picture was the last time i saw paris with elizabeth and ben johnson were you in that mm-hmm who did you play now i forget elizabeth taylor no and then she took your name and went on no i was i was a tennis bum the tennis band yeah my first day shooting uh was with van johnson you know and i arrived green from england a nice man yeah but my really my first day in the studio and i had to hit van johnson he was her husband in the film yeah and there's a face from england down there it is is there a body with it it was a beautiful body wasn't it and uh i had to throw a glass of scotch in van's face and you a newcomer had to hit the star with the glasses he drank it caught it in mid-air but anyway we're doing that film and then we're doing a film with glenda jackson and george siegel called a touch of class which mel frank's directing then we're doing another film which my friend will direct called getting rid of mr striker which was myself and lee remick that sounds good and awesome you sell any shoelaces or anything oh we just sell a lot of fragrance but does this mean that you're leaving acting i mean you don't have to demean yourself anymore no i'm going to act in one of them we also have three other pictures we didn't announce yesterday because i haven't told george barry that i'm going to spend all that money for him we'll make three other pictures with me as well he'll be a tycoon if if half these things are successful if i live long enough is the strain of that more than a strain of acting and punching people and being punched and well i never really work very hard anyway do i you know yeah i sort of get up and go to the studio and i say the words if i can remember them and go home and count my money really don't you you mean everybody no i'm in it for the pleasure that i bring to shut in people oh that was nice i thought that's what you were no i know i know i really do to just keep the country you know i sort of count the money i say one for me and 20 for you and me and 20 years you have a government to support no why it's an old bob hopeline uh or wife well they can be as expensive as a government yeah you're not kidding yeah do you have just one one wife at the moment never more than one at a time okay someone's great couple along the way talking with roger moore who did i ask you once if we're about the same age i mean you don't need to answer uh and we we established after you asked me to leave the show that you were five years older than i am are you putting me on or what no no remember because you were alive during the uh you were alive you i mean you remember world war ii and you were bombed i remember most of the time well but you really need to recover from it um you're a lot younger than i am am i really where does it show on you or me no i think we must be about that same age because i remember world war ii quite clearly corner start yeah how old are you i i'm over 30 and less than 40. all right i'm less than 70 and over 30. oh well you are older than i am no i'm 35 i figure i make you about 38. 44. 44. but i'm honest yeah oh oh i see no i really am i'll show you my identification my identity my identity um you you when you went to school in in england yeah you know and you have the english education always when you read about british schools there's always some sadistic character in there somewhere who either beats the other students or does other unmentionable things or well you know yeah well i was never at a school where there were saddests there's a reason i won't send my children to boarding school seriously absolutely i've never let them go away from home by went to one school and the latin master said in english not in latin they said you're a very good looking boy and i think you need some extra tuition and would you stay in after class i wrote home and i said dear mom please send me my bicycle or my fare because i'm coming home the latin master was after you i don't mean he was dark no he was he talked loudly yeah well what can you do about that as a kid i mean how did you get out of that well you can either stay at the school and get good marks or you get out of the school marks i didn't pass in latin that's frightening were you scared at the time uh no not really is there something peculiarly english about that we always hear that the english schools have a way of oh why corrupting young men no i know i don't think it's confined to england it goes on everywhere you know but there's that you know you know that in this is a funny story in england that uh homosexuality was just made legal they passed away amongst consenting adults as a result of the wolfenden report or something like that which lord longford was on the committee and there was a man who immigrated to australia they said why have you come and he said well he said they made it legal in england and i'm leaving before they make it compulsory it's very funny oh there's two of them out there two englishmen no two australians oh australia uh uh what's gonna ask you about oh you i also know that you were a policeman's son yes was this rough no it was great i mean the other kids were kind of no if anybody picked on me i'd rush home and i'd get my father's helmet out of the wardrobe and i would stick it on my head and just put my head over the windowsill and frighten the life out of the other kids you know they thought dad was home they thought he had come after them yeah but i might actually my father although he was in the police i think i saw him in uniform once he was what is called a plan drawer i don't know what that is well if there's an accident somebody draws up where the accident was or the scene of the crime they dropped the room in the dimensions so he worked at home and my father's a great athlete and a swimmer he would take me out in the summer he'd take me swimming all day and he would do his planned drawing at night so i never saw my father work as a kid and so i'd be asked what i was going to do i said well i'm going to be a policeman like my father i'm not going to work and did he see to it that you were very law-abiding what if you had been caught stealing something and it would have been a scandal um it wouldn't be the scandal but he would have knocked my head off no i think he brought me up with a great respect for the law yeah that's not the reason i play all these people who break the law that's why i was wondering i wonder if you um in some freudian would say that you are actually getting back at your father even though you pretend to like him you don't because you've assumed the role in later life of vladimir actually at one point in my life i wanted to join the police i have i have a tremendous respect for law and order you know i don't want these people to call them the fuzz or anything yeah i think we need them well listen don't you have a whole different attitude toward police in england than you do here for some reason they they're they're very different characters yeah they're already pleasing you are not armed yeah that always you that seems to make a whole lot of difference and also also a friend of mine kenny moore was doing an interview i i think for an american network with the chief of police in london with the commissioner of police and they were discussing riot control and the reason uh that the english don't need arms is that they have what they call face-to-face control of a rioter writing you know mobs they will never let a gap be come between the police line and the people because if there's a gap people can shoot or throw things if they're face to face only the front line can kick you know which is rather nasty yes but anybody throwing things from the back going to hit their friends in the front so there's always a control as soon as there's a mob you rush right up to me and close the destination head-on yeah and this works can you do the various violent things that you do i mean would you be a would you have the edge over um the average person now if you were approached by a mugger or something because of all of the things you had to learn oh definitely i can run faster than he can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 83,829
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Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Dick Cavett Interview, Roger Moore Interview, Dick Cavett Show Roger Moore, Roger Moore on Having A Father In The Police Force, Roger Moore on Brut Productions, Roger Moore James Bond 007, Roger Moore English Boarding School, Roger Moore Movies, Roger Moore British Actor, Roger Moore's Father Policeman, Dick Cavett Show 1977, Roger Moore full interview, Dick Cavett Show YouTube Channel Official, Roger Moore on English Schools, Roger Moore School Story
Id: 6ByreZlOMZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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