👉 go to video settings ⚙️ to change your audio / subtitle language. All right, guys. See what they got on them, hit it. Check them for grenades. Potter. Yes, Lieutenant. Did you order this attack? Well, I guess I did, sir. What was the provocation? Provocation? Well, I took a look down the hill,
and I saw about half a dozen Krauts. Now, the sight of Krauts always seems
like a provocation to me, Lieutenant. Cover up those bodies with snow
and join me in that clump of pines. You got the word, girls. Cover the bodies. What's the scanny, Lieutenant? I don't have to remind you again,
Sergeant, that this is strictly a recon patrol. We're to avoid all enemy contact. They saw us first, sir. Up there on the hill? You were out scouting,
you wouldn't have noticed. -Roost, get regiment.
-Yes, sir. All right, hear this. You did a good job back there,
but that's not what we came for. As long as this weather stays socked in, the ski troops are the division's
only eyes behind the German lines. Baker Queen five to Baker Queen, over. Hello, Baker Queen five,
this is Baker Queen, over. Stand by, Baker Queen. Baker Queen, this is CO Baker Queen five. I'm on your map 75D14
at coordinates K32 in six minutes, over. Make your report Baker Queen five, over. Engaged and destroyed enemy patrol. Shoulder patches indicate
7th Waffen-SS, any orders, over? Condition static. You are to proceed as ordered,
over and out. Permission to eat, sir? No, we'll go on for a couple of miles,
then we'll make camp. All right, let's move out. Okay, we shack up here. Chow down, sir. Boy, the feet, it gets the feet. When I get home
I'm going to buy a hammock. Boy, I wish we could heat this stuff up. The only thing to do
with C-rations is throw them up. Lieutenant sir? Yes, Grammelsbacher. Do you think Krauts are getting ready
to throw something big at us? Well, I don't know. If they're going to,
they better try it fast. The other side of that range
is the Rhineland, 75 percent of all German war industry
is centered there. Well, heck, if we take that,
we sure win the war. If you say so, Grammelsbacher. Herman ought to know,
he's been to military school. Now, what's the matter with that,
and it ain't school, it's academy. Yes, I used to get you grads in basic. Big guns who'd been playacting captains
and majors in school. A couple of days of my treatment
shaped them up fast. Well, that's not right, Sergeant. All the teachers
at our academy were army officers. I learned a lot more there
than in eight weeks of basic training. Well, aren't you a smart, young cracker? I wish I'd had you in my outfit. What would you have done
with him, Sergeant? I make him or break him
because the army needs men. It takes time. You can't make an army man
in eight weeks, or 90 days. That's a shrewd observation, Sergeant. You better get some shut eye,
we're going to reach 805 in the morning. Right, Lieutenant. What did you go to military school for? I was made to. Who made you? My family. This may sound funny,
but I don't really believe in war. I don't believe in Santa Claus,
but my kid does. I don't think those Germans care
whether you believe in war or not. How many kids do you have? Just one. How old is he? Three and a half. When I left home, he had the chickenpox. He's okay now. You want to see his picture? He don't look nothing like you at all. He's good looking. Oh, come on. Ciccola, do you know how many times
you showed me this picture? -I never showed it to you before.
-About four or five times. You never showed me a picture of a wife,
but you showed me a picture of your boy. I never get lonely except at night. I wish my wife was here with me right now. I'd just like to be anywhere but here. I don't even mean home necessarily. -Mississippi?
-Biloxi. You got a girl? -Back home?
-Anywhere? I got a girl in Biloxi. Well, are you going to marry her? I don't know. We'll see how things
are when I get back home. Is she one of those southern girls? Yes, big girl. Big how? Big. Ciccola, are you still smoking that thing? -How long have you been smoking that?
-Two weeks. Well, you must really like those. I've been smoking them since I was a kid. Maybe that's what stunted your growth. You smoke, Lieutenant? Sometimes. Didn't stunt your growth, did it? You are a smart cracker. I didn't mean to offend you, Lieutenant,
I was just trying to be friendly. Grammelsbacher? That's a German name, isn't it? Yes, sir. You don't seem to have inherited
any of their respect for authority. No, I respect authority, sir. Just that I think they're human beings
and I'm a human being. Now if we were in some base,
we wouldn't be talking like this. Where are you from, Lieutenant? Seattle, Washington. Land of the rain. Does it rain a lot there? I guess they get about 40 inches
of rain a year. They have great skiing
in the winter though. We don't have anything on us here. Hey, what's with Potter, Lieutenant? Potter is all right. He's a good soldier. He's regular army. I guess he feels we're just a bunch
of civilians in uniform. I don't think he likes me. I don't think it's anything personal. He just resents what you represent. I resent what you represent too,
Grammelsbacher. Come on, cut it out. All right, that's enough. Tomorrow we're going to split up
into two groups. We can cover more area that way. Roost will go with Potter,
you two will stick with me. We'll join up with them
just below 805 at approximately 0900. There's one other thing. This is a reconnaissance patrol. The less German reconnaissance
knows about us, the easier our job is going to be. That means no contact with the enemy
unless absolutely necessary. Is that clear? We got an early start in the morning,
so you better sleep. Ciccola, you take the first watch. -You're ready?
-Yes. Everybody down! -Anybody see where it came from?
-Down that gully. Ciccola, you circle around to the left,
try to get in behind them. I'll go round to the right. Grammelsbacher,
you cover us from behind that log. This route isn't marked on the map. -Hey, what the heck is that noise?
-What noise? Everybody off the road! Get regiment fast! Looks like a big push, Lieutenant. It's the first indication
of a Panzer division within 50 miles of here. Baker Queen,
this is Baker Queen five, over. Do better, Roost,
they couldn't hear you if set off cannon. -They're just sitting ducks, Lieutenant.
-So are we, Sergeant. I'd rather be killing Krauts
than sitting on my duck. Baker Queen Five to Baker Queen. Baker Queen to Baker Queen five,
what do you want? Make it quick, over. What's going on back there, over? Don't you have ears, buddy? This is CO Baker Queen five. I have a Panzer division
on an unmarked road. Your map 75D14 at coordinates K34
and eight minutes, over. Sorry, sir
the whole front is blown apart. I think regimental command
was caught in the first assault, over. Can you give me any idea
the extent of the offensive? It looks like several divisions. They're pushing a bulge
in the Ardennes sector. The whole front is wide open. They say Von Rundstedt is directing it,
over, and I've got to get out. Okay. If you find anyone of authority,
tell them I'm proceeding independently. Over and out. Show has gotten quiet all of a sudden. It's always like that
before something happens. We can expect another convoy
in a few minutes. Follow me,
we're going to have a conference. Conference. Lieutenant, you said
we're going to have a conference. That's what I said, Sergeant Potter. The last ten minutes the situation
has changed in every respect. Not only for this patrol,
but probably for the entire Western Front. Now, there are two things we can do. We can turn back
and try to rejoin the outfit, or we can keep going, marking the roads
and scouting the enemy advance. The final decision is up to me,
but I'd like to hear any ideas you have. Lieutenant, sir? Yes, Grammelsbacher. In my opinion, this patrol finds itself
in a position of rare opportunity. We are in the rear
of a disorganized front. We probably constitute
the only reconnaissance unit available to the allied forces. I think
we should keep right on going, sir, and report everything we see. What do you have to say, Sergeant Potter? Well, Lieutenant, I think we ought to go back
where the fighting is. Where any man with guts
would want to be, sir. I can sympathize
with your opinion, Sergeant Potter, but Private Grammelsbacher is right. We do have a rare opportunity
to report directly to headquarters what the Germans are up to. We're going to take that opportunity. We'll follow that road,
marking it and scouting the enemy advance. We'll use weather as a time limit. When it clears up and our planes
are able to come over and scout then we'll start back. All right, let's move out. Nice work, Napoleon. Well, that's all right,
just a simple command problem. We can always get you
a division, Grammelsbacher. Let's knock off the skylarking
and move out. When this war is over I'm going to Miami. Friday nights, I remember
one winner back in Salt Lake. You guys ain't seen nothing
until you spend your winter stockyard. Potter. They will be here in about a minute. There's no place to hide,
what are you going to do now, Lieutenant? What do they teach you
about this in OCS, Lieutenant? There's a German patrol
heading straight for us. Roost, get up on that ledge,
when the patrol gets near open fire. -Get moving.
-Good luck, Roost. The rest of us are going to the right. As soon as Roost draws their fire,
we'll attack from the rear. If we time this right,
they won't have a chance. What chance will Roost have? Let's move out. Come on, guys. Search the bodies for food. Something amusing happened, Sergeant? No, sir, nothing at all. We're out of rations, Lieutenant. Looks to me we're going to have to go back
no matter what the deal is. Not at all. Remember that log cabin
about three miles northeast of here? Yes, I remember it. I noticed some shacks behind it,
looked like chicken coops. We'll go back there tonight
and see what we get. Fried chicken. Well, shut my mouth. At ease, Grammelsbacher. Fall in and clean the pieces. Seems we're going to stage a little attack
on Heidi and her grandfather. Don't move, lady,
just don't move. It's okay, Sarge. You speak English, Fraulein? Grammelsbacher, search for weapons,
Ciccola, the window. You're Americans here in Germany? I'm afraid so, sweetheart. This can't be. She's right,
the Fuhrer promised, you know. [German spoken audio] What's that, Grammelsbacher? I said how are you, sweetheart? The rabbit stew and the veal cutlet
are to watch on the Rhine. You said what? It's only the German that I know. You do speak English, Fraulein. -Are there any German troops around here?
-Yes, many soldiers. You better leave. Stop! Easy, Sergeant. Out in the forest,
there are hundreds of German troops. You better leave
or you will all be destroyed. -She's lying, Lieutenant.
-I know. Ciccola and Grammelsbacher, take another look around outside,
then get the chickens. Leave a couple for her. Hail to the conquering hero. Come on, you will cut your head off. What the crud are those guys
doing to the chickens, Lieutenant? Whatever it is, it's against the law. Go ahead, have some. It'll do you good. You feel better? [German spoken audio] How about fixing us a pot of coffee? Coffee? I'll fix you a coffee,
if you like burnt barley seeds. Just so long as it's hot. What do you think our women would act like if a stick and Kraut patrol
came waltzing in on them, Lieutenant? About the same I imagine. We all think it's impossible to lose. What did she do, Lieutenant? She put poison in the coffee. That lousy, no good… Start packing up the chow. Yes, sir. Is this your husband? Yes, he's fighting in Russia. Russian front, it's pretty rough. Looks like he'll be coming
home pretty soon. Not soon. The Russian front
is being shortened and adjusted. Carl will be home
after the German victory in Moscow. Do you really believe that? Hitler has never lied
to the German people. The new secret weapons are almost ready. Then you will see the trap
into which you have walked. At this moment Von Rundstedt
is crushing your Eisenhower. Soon the victory will be ours. Then we will have peace. It was nip and tuck for a while, but we got them,
now what do we do with them? You killed all my chickens? Shucks, Fraulein,
we left a couple for you. A boy and a girl. Don't call me Fraulein. I'm Frau Heinsdorf. Take everything from my house. Soon I shall have it all back
from your house too. Now pick and clean them. I never thought the spoils of war
would taste so good. What did I tell you? I never thought
I'd be embarrassed for taking it. What do you care,
she's a stinking Kraut, isn't she? That's not the way to talk about her. What the crud did I say? She is a stinking Kraut, ain't she? She can't help it,
she was born that way. Do you think all Germans
are freaks, Sergeant? Well, Lieutenant, you got to be a freak to start
a stinking war with the whole world. You got to be off your stick. American, why do you say
we started the war? Who else, sweetheart, the Eskimos? The Poles started the war since the French
and the English declared war on us. Why do you bomb our cities and kill
our children and say we started the war? Why? Fraulein, you're ape as sugar. As ape as that stinking creep
you got up there on the wall! All right, pack up your gear
and move out. Yes, sir. Well, boys, merry Christmas. Thank you, Lieutenant. Likewise and more of the same. We hope. Christmas 1944,
the land of the Christmas tree. It's a little bit unreal. Yes, sir, it is. I'm looking forward to the next Christmas,
in the land of the beer and the hot dogs. Hey, this is the land of beer
and hot dogs, Sarge. What do you mean? Sure, beer is a national drink. The hot dogs for frankfurters
from Frankfurt. Hamburgers are from Hamburg. Sauerkraut is from Kreuzberg. Well, how about Coca-Cola? From Coca-Cola's Berg? What did you see Grammelsbacher? Grammelsbacher. I'm going to call you Herman. Thank you, sir. I didn't see a cotton-picking thing. Hey, maybe we can spend
New Year's Eve with the outfit. Really, Sergeant? How did you figure that? Well, we've done our job
and we've done it good. We've been over every inch of 75D14. We marked down every cruddy road
and bridge and tunnel and railroad. We're done and I drink this. You're right Sergeant Potter,
you're absolutely right. We have finished with 75D14. Now take a look at 75D16. Six? Germans are still coming through, and it looks like
they're coming through this sector. I want to find out where. -Lieutenant, I don't see what…
-Sergeant! I guess I didn't make myself clear. We are going on, and we're going to avoid
all enemy contact. Are there any questions, Sergeant? No, sir. Merry Christmas. [German spoken audio] [German spoken audio] Will you look at that
mama-jamming bridge, Sarge. It took a lot of sweat
to build a bridge like that. Which way to Mississippi? Straight up, boy. Sure looks like a perfect target to me. No, it's a lousy target. Why, she's a sitting duck
for a dive bomber. Sergeant Potter's right. It's an almost impossible target
from the air, but not impossible from the ground. We're going to blow it up. That's the way the Germans are moving up. We're going to do
what the planes can't do. How, Lieutenant? Let's take cover and figure out how. [German spoken audio] If we take this nest, we can get enough mortar shells
to blow up anything in sight. They'll be after us in a hurry,
we can't afford to leave tracks. We'll climb the face of the cliff
and come down on them from the top, skipping the trail altogether. Yes, but suppose the Krauts
in the nest happen to look up while we're climbing down the ropes. If that happens, Sergeant, you may have the honor
of dropping the first grenade. How are we going to convert
mortar shells into charges for the bridge? Well, I can handle that,
I had demolition training. Give the kid an A-plus. Okay, let's get the skis hidden. [German spoken audio] [German spoken audio] [German spoken audio] Sergeant! I think I dropped something, boys. -You fathead.
-Never mind the talk. Let's get this stuff packed up
and go before the relief shows up. What's this? A Teller mine, we can plant that
under some road, Lieutenant. Sarge, we can use that
to set off the charges. Set that on the railroad track,
a train hits it, that's all she wrote. Good, ensure it's disarmed,
pack it up and let's get out of here. Okay, take five. I hope you guys
are good mountain climbers. It sure looks like Everest to me. I'll tell you, Sarge,
I plumb forgot my oxygen tank. One thing for sure. If we can't reach the top,
we can always reach the bottom. There's a shelf
to the right of the bridge. That's our main objective. We get there, we arm the mine
and the mortar shells. Check the stress points. Okay, let's go. As General Robert E Lee once said,
"Off we go, into the wild blue yonder." We'll move up into the left. Whatever you say, Lieutenant. -Krauts!
-What do we do now? We keep moving. We could lay for them easy. Nothing doing,
the bridge is the most important thing, If we can keep our lead, we can blow it. We'll worry about them later,
come on. [German spoken audio] You need to look at this. We can't go back now, Lieutenant. They'd knock us out for sure. Let's start cutting steps. Ciccola! Go back down there and give us cover. Let's get out of here. Back. What was that? That was a grenade. Just blew out
about five feet of ledge behind us. I don't think we'll have to worry
the Germans anymore, Lieutenant. Even if I do say so myself. You stupid bonehead,
do you realize what you've done? You've cut off our retreat
on this iceberg. How are we supposed
to get back down the mountain? -I'm sorry, sir, I didn't figure.
-You didn't figure? You better start figuring, Mr. I've heard nothing but your big mouth
talking about the regular army and how smart all sergeants
are supposed to be. I hope you get smart
by the time we're ready to go. All right, there's a sheltered area
at the end of this ledge. We'll make that our base camp
for the attack on the bridge. Let's go. We'll make camp for tonight. [German spoken audio] I want two men
guarding that rock at all times. Ciccola and Grammelsbacher first. [German spoken audio] Ciccola, do you ever stop to think
that there might be a bullet somewhere with your name printed on it? Are you crazy or something? I've got a mental picture
of some fat old German woman, in some factory somewhere
stuffing bullets into a clip. One of them has my name on it
in that black heavy German type. I can imagine that clip
being sent up to the front. Sometimes I pretend
that the box of ammo that the clip is in, falls off a truck
or get swiped by some kids, or maybe get sent up to Russia by mistake. Other times I can see
that old bullet coming right for my head. I duck, it sticks right into a tree
and I walk over and take the bullet, put it in my pocket, and then I know
I'm okay for the rest of the war. Supposing they make two bullets
with your name on it? There's a hundred million soldiers
fighting these Krauts, and they couldn't make two bullets
for every one of them. No, but they could accidentally
print your name twice. [German spoken audio] Look, supposing the machine got stuck and it began to print
your name on every bullet. Miles and miles of bullets printed,
Herman Grammelsbacher. Now come on, Yankee. Somebody just got a million dollar wound. That was no real hand. It was a real hand holding it. At least now we know
we can go back over the gap. Keep this ledge covered. I want to get a closer look at the bridge. One man can hold this ledge indefinitely
as long as he watches out for grenades. The bridge is about 100 feet above us. Three of us will go on ahead tonight
and arm the charges. As soon there's light,
we'll plant them on the bridge. Herman, you stay here and hold position
while the rest of us go on ahead. Let's move. This appears to be the best spot
for planting the charges. Here, here and here. I wish we could do it now, Lieutenant. So do I, but it's too dark. When the light appears
we'll plant the mortar shells. That's the easy part. The tough job
is planting the mine on the tracks and getting back here
before a train comes along. Okay, Lieutenant, but who plants the mine? Well, I won't order anybody to do that. Odd man gets lucky. Well, I guess I lucked out. [German spoken audio] Better luck next time, pretty. Time to move out. Wow, when will I ever be warm again? Sure hope this stuff works. Grammelsbacher swings a lot of bull,
you know. Train hits the mine it hits batteries too,
I don't see how it can miss. What happens if the mine don't work? You sound like you hope it won't. No, Lieutenant,
but I'd much rather be killing Krauts than messing around
with this cruddy homemade bomb. Don't worry, Sergeant, you're going to have plenty
of fighting before we're done. If nothing happens
and they spot us from the train, you won't have to go looking for a fight. All right, Lieutenant. I'm not worried. You'll find a place for us to hide. Pick up your stuff and move out. The three main supports. I'll take the one in the center. Potter, take the one on the left. Ciccola, the one on the right. -Got it?
-Okay, Lieutenant. Let's go. Help me! Thanks, Lieutenant. Forget it. Sergeant, I'm worried about something. What's that, sir? We shouldn't all be out here
without a guard back at the cliff. We'll be okay, sir. Grammelsbacher can take care
of anything that comes up. We have to set these charges. I guess maybe you're right. Here's your end of the wire. Make it secure
and then drop the other end down. I'll run it over to the center support. Yes, sir. Let me get out of your way, sir. Okay, Ciccola, get set to place the mine, but wait for my signal
to be sure you're in the clear. Yes, sir. -From that tree over there?
-That's the one. Now, you need anything else? Yes, sir. Have you got a parachute? I'll see you later. Take it easy, Ciccola. [German spoken audio] Grammelsbacher! Support here, I'm going up on that tree. [German spoken audio] -Is Ciccola coming?
-No. They're up there behind that cliff
afraid to show their faces. Let's make a break for the ledge, come on. [German spoken audio] What happened to Ciccola? He didn't make it. Let's go. Hey, Lieutenant. [German spoken audio] [German spoken audio] Potter, cover us. Grammelsbacher, get the skis. Potter, get the skis, I'll cover here. [German spoken audio] All right, let's get out of here. Are you all right, Herman? Yes, sir. I guess those Krauts finally got me. -Can you make it?
-I think so. Here, grab hold of the ski pole. Can you get up? Not any more, sir. You guys go on,
I'll cover you as long as I can. Okay, Herman. Good luck. Thank you, Lieutenant. Take it easy, boy. Thank you, Sarge. Potter. Cover for me. Well, Sergeant,
did you get enough fighting? I guess so, Lieutenant. Okay. Let's get out of here.