Asus Rog Ally Set Up Guide: From Out Of The Box To Playing Your First Game

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foreign hey what's going on everybody it's ETA Prime back here again today I'm going to show you how to set up your Rog Ally now with this we're going to do a few tweaks and we're just basically going to go from an unboxing to playing a game here lots of little things that I want to go over some things that I personally do and really what prompted this video was I had to buy another one for my wife she was stealing uh the one that I have the review unit that I received from Asus so I figured I'd go ahead and get her one she was initially using the steam deck but you know this is much lighter and she just does enjoy the look of it a lot better so I figured I'd go ahead and pick one up and while we're at it we'll do a setup guide also it'll kind of give me an idea of what was different from the initial review unit I received a couple months ago to the retail unit so far it does look exactly the same there's no extra markings or anything like that on this one versus the review unit that I received pretty sure those were just kind of early retail units that a lot of the reviewers did get and one thing that still gets me when taking this out of the box is just the weight of it it's super light and it's a really good looking handheld so like I mentioned we're going to do a quick setup guide from basically unboxing to running your first game and obviously you're gonna get the Ally and the only other thing we really get here is a 65 watt pdfast charger let's go ahead and turn this thing on and set it up now you will need to plug it in one time in order for it to power on I just let it charge up and since we're running Windows we do need to do the initial Windows setup I'm not going to bore you too much with this because it is very self-explanatory and if you've ever set up a laptop or a PC in the past you're not going to have an issue doing this obviously it will need to connect to Wi-Fi or you can plug this into ethernet if you've got an adapter once we have that done updates updates updates and that's going to be really important for the Ally these updates for Windows and especially the updates from Asus themself really help out with performance so just let everything finish up I've signed in with my Microsoft account I've declined a few of these offers for like office and everything like that I'm not going to be using it on this device but it's really up to you just kind of Follow that walk through and once it's finished it'll bring us directly to the desktop now we can actually start using the device but there are a few little tweaks that I like to do here and I kind of want to explain a few things so I'm going to plug this into my game capture just so we can get a better look at it and we'll just go over everything that I personally do to set these up so on every Windows installation that I do be it on a handheld or PC there are a few little tweaks that I like to do or just kind of disabling some apps and some settings first one is going to be UAC it's totally up to you if you want to do this or not but from the search bar we're going to type in UAC and this is the user account control settings so from here we can actually disable this completely or you can turn it down a bit this is going to alleviate any of those pesky pop-ups when you try to run an app or anything like that it's up to you but I personally always disable it once we disable it we're going to get that pop up one last time just more of an annoyance to me I like to completely turn it off next thing we're going to do is head to our settings from the search bar we're going to type in power power mode I go to best performance you can leave it a balanced if you want to and once we start messing around with the Rog Ally power profiles this isn't going to matter too much but I always just set it to best performance to get the best performance while we're in the settings let's go ahead and remove some Microsoft apps and you can go through and deep bloat this whole thing with an application if you want to I kind of just disable the stuff that I'm not using so from installed apps one of the main ones I disabled is OneDrive I do not use it on my PC but you can go to the website and use it directly from there I'm going to uninstall teams or Microsoft teams is another one I always disable we're going to remove that and the final thing which I'm not sure how this is still used but Cortana we can't completely uninstall it but we can go to Advanced options disable the microphone and we're never going to allow this background app permission that's about as much as we can do with Cortana from the stock Microsoft Windows settings but those are the three that I always disable and now that we have that taken care of we definitely need to update so there's a few places we need to update from first main one being from Windows itself so Windows update obviously we'll check for updates let this finish up I probably got a lot here given that this is a brand new device yep it's going to find as much as it can here from the Microsoft servers so we'll let this finish could take a little while depending on your internet connection but then we can also run an update from my Asus or even Armory crate SE which is something we're going to get into in just a second once we've got everything downloaded we're just going to restart now to install it okay so now that we have the initial Windows set up done we can now get into the good stuff with the Ally on the Ally we have an Armory crate button we're going to go ahead and press this obviously it's going to open up Armory crate SC for the first time for us we'll just go through the steps here agreed to their policy if you want to it also gives us a nice little walk through I would recommend kind of reading through this or just letting it do its thing we're going to go all the way through we can totally remap the buttons on the Ally rear buttons also and here it is and when you boot this up for the first time you're going to get the moving out demo I believe it's a demo might be the full thing but uh as you can see this is our game Library once we start installing games from other platforms or manually installing games we can actually have this scan automatically and our games are going to show up it'll download our artwork and some metadata for us using the right shoulder button it's going to bring us over to settings there's a lot of great stuff in here but for this video we're not going to cover everything one main thing we will be covering is operating mode in just a second but we're going to hit that shoulder button one more time to content we've got a media Gallery system game platforms and this is where we're going to download our new game platforms from you can use a web browser if you want to as you see we've got the Xbox game pass installed steam is already installed also you can go with epic games Gog Ubisoft or EA just makes it easy to go ahead and download those but what we're really focusing on here is the update Center since we've got a brand new device check for updates and I believe this already went through and checked for me but we should have some updates especially for Armory crate SC and a lot of the updates from the device and component section do help out with performance so we've got an update for Armory crate and some device component updates we're just going to update all first from our components and of course we want to update Armory crate SC so we'll just update now it's going to do its thing and I know updates can be a bit time consuming but they really do help out with the device like this we're going to relaunch it now that Armory crates updated there's a few things that I want to focus on here for this video the first one is going to be our Command Center as you know we've got the Armory crate button on the front of the Ally but we also have another button which is going to bring up our Command Center this comes in very very handy we can change our volume brightness and we've got a lot of settings that we can mess with performance we'll get into this in a second very important for uh you know getting the best performance out of the Ally control mode set to Auto but if you want to kind of just set this to only Gamepad mode you can do it from here or only desktop I usually stick with auto I've Got Game profiles FPS limiter real-time monitor keyboard show desktop so on and so on we're going to press the command center button again to shut it down from settings you can see over here we've got edit Command Center so not all of our settings are showing right now we can add more so if we go through the list resolution game visual it's going to change the screen's color profile and another one that I usually like to add here is Led brightness I do like the RGB but sometimes it can get a bit bright at night you can set it up basically how you want but from here I'm also going to go to screenshot and AMD RIS K so I've got mine full and if we go back to the command center you can see they're now added you can customize this to your liking but really the way it's set up out of the box most important stuff's already there like real-time monitor this is great because it brings up a real-time monitor on screen for us this will give us our CPU usage GPU our Apu wattage FPS Temp and battery so I'm plugged into power right now given that I'm using an HDMI adapter but this will also give us the full wattage that's being pulled from the battery so we can get an idea of what kind of battery life we'll get out of this great for having up when you're playing a game but I'd say the most important thing here are our operating modes right now we're at 15 watts if we press a it'll go up to Turbo we've also got a silent so this is 10 watts 15 watts with a boost up to 20 for performance in turbo mode is going to bring us to 25 watt we've also got a little bit of boost there also turbo mode is going to kill your battery the quickest but from the stock profiles you'll get the best performance from Turbo but there's one more thing we can do here with these operating modes and that's create a custom profile from Armory crate operating mode we've got the windows profile we've got the silent profile performance turbo and manual manual is usually what I like to use but it does give you kind of a warning here we can set up different profiles so for instance I'm going to create a new one and what I'm going to do is just call it 18 Watts now from here I'm just going to go to 18 Watts across the board we've got the SPL the sppt and the fppt so these are kind of going to be our boost this is just kind of our Baseline here but to get good performance and great battery life 18 watts is kind of a sweet spot for me so I'm setting up an 18 watt profile here we can also control both of our fans so you can go manual if you want to but if we choose number three gives us a nice little curve will get louder but it keeps it nice and cool we're going to apply choose yes and now we've got an 18 watt profile and we can go on up if we want to you can go to 25 with a nice boost all the way up to 35 if you want but you can definitely experiment with this indie games won't require a lot you can go down to like 7 Watts with a lot of the 2D Indie stop but a lot of the newer AAA games will require more wattage I'm still right there at 18 Watts and now it's time to install some games so from the game Library we've already got steam installed we can go ahead and launch it and obviously you will need to sign into your Steam account and the way they've got steam set up here it goes directly in the Big Picture Mode which definitely looks like the steam deck now with all of the updates that valve has put out for steam again nice little walk through if you haven't used this before you can start downloading your games I'm just going to go with something simple here something quick we'll go with uh Shredder's revenge we'll install once we've installed our games in Steam we can play them directly from here but what I'm going to do is just shut down Big Picture Mode so from the bottom left hand corner power exit Big Picture Mode I'm going to go back into Armory crate our game Library comes in really handy this will start up automatically and as you can see it already found that game so it's going to scan the default directories from a lot of the major game platforms you can always swipe down from the top also to refresh this page but we can launch it from here and once we try to start this game up it's going to ask us to select a controller template we want to go with Gamepad mode with this game and that's it you're now up and running with the Rog Ally we're playing our first game here installed on this new device and it's quite easy I just kind of wanted to go over a few little things now there's a lot more to this device and if you want an in-depth kind of tweaking guide let me know in the comments below and I can definitely come up with something because there's a lot of things that I've done to mine to get a little better battery life a little better performance but this was just kind of an initial quick setup guide if you picked one up and you just got it you can go ahead and follow this or just kind of do your own thing it's really up to you but that's gonna wrap it up for this one if you want to check out some more Ally videos I've got a bunch and I'll link them in the description it'd be really cool if you could hit that subscribe button and think about turning notifications on so you know when I post the next one but that's it for this one like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 136,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, eta prime, rog ally setup, rog ally settings, rog ally setup guide, rog ally setup tips, rog ally setting up, rog ally setup without keyboard, rog ally setup no keyboard, asus rog ally review, rog ally, rog ally vs steam deck, rog ally gameplay, rog ally unboxing, rog ally emulation
Id: EBg0fAwOpPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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