The ROG Ally Just Got A Lot Better! New Major Update, 6 Months Later

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hey what's going on everybody it's ETA Prime back here again today we're going to be taking a look at one of the biggest updates for the Rog allly yet and obviously we've got gyro support Now official gyro support but that's not the only thing that they've added with this new November update kind of wanted to make this video to walk you through the new changes show a few things off and after all the Ally is 6 months old now and I think Asus is actually done a pretty good job supporting this device since launch so with that out of the way let's go ahead and jump right into it so I've had a chance to mess around with these new updates for about 2 weeks I was granted beta access but now it's officially available to the public and in order to update basically you're going to open up Armory crate SE go to content update check for updates and you should see a few pop up got a firmware update an Armory crate SE update it might take a little while the device will need to reboot with that firmware update but uh it's definitely worth it in the end now we've got a lot of new stuff here uh really good kind of quality of life features some performance features and of course we've got official gyro support but the first thing I wanted to show off were some new performance tweaks that Asus has added and in order to do this you're going to head into Armory crate SE settings operating mode and I'm actually going to plug into my game capture so we can get a better look at everything from operating mode we've always had the ability to kind of change our power profiles from here window silent performance turbo manual none of this has really changed but if we move down a bit to our GPU settings you'll notice that they've added a few new options for the longest time we've been able to allocate memory to the igpu directly from here this actually happened a couple bios updates into the lifespan of the Ally but down here we've got some new options our AMD Advanced Graphics options rsr super resolution antilag boost chill and sharpening and you might be saying you know we've had access to that and it's totally true but we've now got an optimize all button and with with this new update we've got a new AMD driver which gives us access to hyper RX basically what this does is it uses radon super resolution sharpening antilag boost and chill all in conjunction and AMD is calling it hyper RX now the driver was actually released a while ago but it wasn't officially available for the Ally until this update now I'll tell you there are some games this really helps out with when we're using super resolution anti sharpening up that image but there's also some games where I've seen it hurt a little bit personally not a huge fan of using this with cyberpunk 277 but I will give you a demo of it running with a different game and you can enable it with most any game but uh AMD does have some optimized games here they've got a list Call of Duty war zone 2 Destiny 2 cyberpunk 2077 is on the list and when it comes to Performance personally I haven't noticed great performance there but latency is going to be much lower so as you can see they got a little chart here now uh a lot of games here that are kind of hyper RX tune and more are on the way but uh one game that it really helps out with is Horizon zero Dawn and for this I wanted to show you the results from the buil 10 Benchmark we're at 1080p original settings and I've got a hard lock on a 25 wat TDP with both of these tests with Hyper RX off we got an average of 62 FPS with it on we got an average of 70 and VIs ual quality in my opinion really isn't degradated that much on the smaller 7-in display now taking this over to a much larger screen Radeon resolution scale is definitely noticeable but on the built-in screen I think it's perfectly fine for a lot of these games and an 8fps gain might not sound like a lot to some and an 8 FPS gain might not sound like a lot to some people but we're already working with such low specs on these integrated Graphics every little bit helps so having access to hyper RX on the Rog Ally is really nice but we've got another new feature here that they've added with this update and that's the ability to disable or enable our CPU Boost from the same menu we can go to Eco assist and right here at the bottom we can disable or enable CPU boost and we can also add this to our Command Center so right down here at the bottom I can turn it on or off at any time even while I'm playing the game now with the ryzen Z1 extreme we've got a base clock of 3.3 G Herz and a boost up to 5.1 obviously going up to 5.1 will draw more power and a lot of games that we play on here just don't need that much CPU clock so we could disable it saving battery life and in some cases it can definitely increase performance the extra wattage that was going to go to those higher clocks can now go to the GPU and I'd love to show you how this works especially for saving battery with games that don't require so much power with this new update we've got another new feature here our realtime monitor has been updated with three different presets so the first one we have here is minimal and if you take a look right over here little bit of information we've got a row which gives us a lot more information we can actually put this up top not going to get in the way when we're gaming and of course we've got the square which we've had for a while now this comes in really handy for monitoring your CPU clocks GPU clocks battery wattage I personally like to use afterburner got a little more information but now I want to show you how much wattage we can actually save by disabling CPU boost in certain games okay so here we have cuphead doesn't take a lot to run this game and if you take a look up at the top left hand corner I've got After Burner running for the core clocks you'll notice this go over 4 GHz every once in a while 3.6 to 4 kind of does boost up pretty high right now and we don't need that much CPU to run this game total battery draw with this the way I have it set up right now goes up up to around 21 Watts I'm going to open up my command center and we're going to disable CPU boost so it's on right now we can disable it from here or you can open up Armory CR SE if we give it a little while for everything to get situated you'll see that those clocks will never go over 3.3 GHz and after running this for a little while our total battery draw is now around 14 watts so it went from 18 to 21 down to 14 we can definitely save some battery life turning boost off now some games don't perform as well with Boost off but a lot of them I mean we really don't need it it does go up to 3.3 with Boost off and it's still a pretty high clock when you consider other handhelds on the market we've got eight cores and 16 threads here I would suggest experimenting with Hyper RX and core boost you might see some better performance in some of your favorite games but one of the biggest updates here is uh Native gyro support so we can turn this on or off per game and uh from our game launcher in Armory crate SE just hover over a game press X it's going to bring us into our kind of setup menu here as you can see we can remap all the keys like we always could but we now have a new gyro section it's disabled by default but we can set this up pretty easily now turning it on gives us three options we can use it as a mouse we can use it as a left analog stick or a right analog stick and for like first-person shooters your right analog stick is probably going to be the way to go or M if you're not using a controller for cyberpunk 2077 I've got my gyro sensitivity set to 120 you may need to experiment with this and we've also got a hot key that'll enable that gyro we can set this up to either hold the key and Gyro is going to be functioning until we let go of that or we can set it up to press it once Gyro's on press it again Gyro's off for a first-person shooter I'm going to use my iron sight button which will be my left trigger so as soon as I hold that my gyro will be enabled soon as I let it go don't need that gyro anymore because I'm not aiming for anything but again you can basically set this up how you'd like it's really going to come down to personal preference and I will let you know I'm not a huge fan of Gyros um I don't think that this is going to change my mind if I'm using a mouse and a keyboard I'd rather use my mouse and keyboard if I'm using a controller I'd just rather use my analog sticks a lot of people have been asking for Native support and of course we've been able to use a thirdparty application to get gyro working on the Rog Ally but having this all built in to Armory Rec crate SE is really awesome now I might be all over the place here again I'm not really used to using a gyro but it works so I've got my iron sight button held right now I can just move the Ally around use it for aiming as soon as I let it go don't have to worry about it anymore and it's pretty accurate now gyro is not going to work out for all games but uh you know for a racing game there's another way we could actually set this up when it comes to something like Fords of horizon 5 the way I have this set up is uh always on so my gyro is always going to be on and it's going to be functioning as my left analog stick that's going to be my steering button I've changed the sensitivity to 200 for this game again always on and instead of having this set up for yaw and roll vertical and horizontal we're going to set this up just like a steering wheel so we're only going to use roll so I'll tell you I've actually been having a pretty fun time using this with racing games uh I've been playing Forza for a very long time since the very first one came out I'm always trying to grab for that left analog stick and luckily if I need to I can actually just move my thumb right up there and kind of Take Over Control but overall I think the implementation of this gyro has been done very well works out great for a lot of games and if you're into this this is a nice little treat with this November update there are a few more changes and uh you can find everything over on the change lck I'll leave a link in the description joystick response curve can now be adjusted they've added a feedback Hub to The Help Center added the option to toggle CPU boost we took a look at that added keyboard shortcut customization for opening Armory cray SE so if you are using this in uh let's say desktop mode you can now set up a special key command on your keyboard to get right in there we also took a look at the AMD Advanced Graphics options and uh of course we've got that gyro support so I do think that this is one of the best updates so far for the Rog Ally and 6 months in I think Asus has done a great job with this handheld it's definitely one of my favorites that runs Windows right now obviously if we're talking about a Linux powered handheld system I definitely go with the steam deck but you know if you don't want to mess with that this is the one that I personally would recommend but that's going to wrap it up for this video if you're interested in learning a little more about the Rog Ally or maybe picking one up I'll leave some links in the description and like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 186,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, eta prime, rog ally review, rog ally vs steam deck, rog ally vs legion go, rog ally unboxing, rog ally updated review, rog ally update, rog ally update bios, rog ally update graphics driver, rog ally update drivers
Id: _WUw7W-Cd8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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