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with five new tips on uh how to optimize your ally first one is ADD how to add hibernate basically restores your previous session in Windows and it's fast as well and it doesn't use the battery it's like sleep but with sleep mode it uses the battery but it's not enabled by default Windows so to do it press the start key then go a control panel and then we'll go to power options and then you click this one here choose what the power buttons do this will take you into this screen you need to press this Shield here which will allow you to get down to the shutdown settings and what you want to do is enable hybernate here then save changes and then what you'll see is in this area hiate button and I use this next one is for all you people that have SD cards on mine I do have an SD card the problem with it with Windows though is it doesn't re Windows doesn't recognize it as being an SD card it thinks it's another hard drive which means that it's going to want to defrag it not good at all you don't want to be defragging your SD card go to this PC and then if you got your SD card there right click on it properties then go to tools and then optimize this will bring into you into the defrag menu change settings on the scheduled optimization you can run a schedule um and it's probably best leave the frequency like that but what you want to do is go to the drives and choose and unselect your SD card because then it won't automatically try and optimize it so that's tip number two core isolation and VM disable um basically by default it's like an extra security measure and core isolation puts some parts of the windows um processes into a virtual area um this will increase or decrease performance so what you want to do is get that disabled so if you go here and then type core isolation or just core it'll come up here so turn that to off it'll probably say save and then um you'll need to restart for that to take effect in addition to that it's good to uh disable the virtualization as well if you just type Windows you'll see turn Windows features on and off so click that this will bring you up to this menu and what you want to do is remove virtual machine platform so untick that click okay then do a restart you will have to put your Biometrics back in though so your fingerprint if you've got that enabled but it's definitely um better and it will increase your performance over the whole system so definitely recommend that one number four is G helper which is this software here so what this does um by default like the the alloy um basic the alloy version does this as well silent balance and turbo it's not as fine-tuned um for example what the Ally one doesn't do is manage the windows power settings in unison with what you've actually got it on so if we go to this area here fans and power then you've got your settings here so turbo is Turbo so we'll have a look at The Silent One first so I basically got it going to windows power Mode's best power efficiency and then I've always disabled the CPU boost which is another good thing that GH helper does that you don't get as standard you have to mess around with the registry to get that option up with all the testing that I've done it's best to keep it disabled because it just keeps the heat down it keeps things consistent and for gaming you're going to get better battery life with that disabled because there' be more uh Power then for the actual GPU and that's where the limit is with this machine it's not CPU it's actually the GPU it's the bottleneck so you have to disable on each one and then just set your settings and for mine I've got 9 Watts on silent and then balanced is 177 Watts again with Windows balanced power profile and then with the turbo I'm using 25 and then power Mode's best performance disabled CPU boost on all of them so for example what I'll do I'll show you so if you go down here and then you look at the power mode you can see here it's on best power efficiency so if I move this over it goes to balanced and then I go to Turbo best performance with the alloy version if you put it on silent it'll always stay to I think silent it stays on balanced and then it does best performance on the other two which you don't want at all really it's um just really really inefficient um in addition if you go to the extra button here there's a boot sound isn't there when you start it up you can disable that without needing to go to the bios so that's nice so taking that off and it also stops all the AC of services running and I think there's like 11 um the reason that you can see one here on mine is the fact that I like to have this functionality still because it's good one in game so to keep that on you need one of the services running to get onto the services I mean should you want to do updates and things through Asus which you don't actually need to do anymore because the other bonus with this is if you click updates here you can see it tells you where all the updates so the green are the good ones the ones that doesn't know about a gray but that's like the networking things and whatnot but it does say there is a 334 bios update but I'm on 333 at the moment if you didn't want it you can just click on it and it'll just download it for you anyway so you don't even need the Asis stuff anymore and again it's using all these services on the background that you don't want so to get to the services if you press start and then Services you can see here that there's a shedload of Asus ones and what this uh what the button does here it just stops them all but to restart them is pretty easy because um if you want to keep the the overlay going like this you need to have you need to have the Armory crate service running so that would be disable so you just right click on it go to properties then you change the startup type to automatic and then you press start and then okay and then it will run when window starts and it runs as you do it as well and then you also need Asus optimization as well because it used to be just one service but now it requires those two so if you just start running them then um yeah you can still use the overlay if that's what you want to do it's definitely great though guys I've been using this for a while and it's definitely much much better than and the default one that as provides so yeah you can do the battery charge limit as well and loads of other things um by the way this GPU mode you don't need to worry about it because the Asus has got an integrated GPU anyway so you don't need to worry about that tip five which is something called nose un blo and one of the um viewers called mik 1557 he recommended to use use this nosy un bloat I thought I'd give it a try on to the next bit is nosy bloat and uh by the way I'll tell you how to install nosy blow and GH helper should you want him in the next piece so this is a bit of software sorry blo nosy it's called that uh goes through a load of stuff within windows that you don't really need and it's kind of glassed bloatware because it's all stuff that wind that Microsoft put on you don't really need it I left it all on default except for the one at the bottom which is bloatware and it does say look Asus so that will get rid of um the the apps and things like Armory crate if you leave that on so I disabled that and then what you do next you go to analyze I mean when you do this on yours there's going to be a a Shad load of things on this list I've already done mine and you can see it's nice and clean but then when when you do that you got to fix and it cleans it all up for you it runs some command prompts and gets rid of all the rubbish I definitely recommend running it again when you've restarted as well CU When I did that with mine I did find a couple more things so definitely worth doing that and then down here you've got something called Blow pilot as well and this I mean mine's all cleaned up now but you might see a load of stuff here but you need to be kind of careful what you're removing I mean all this stuff I've left because I kind of feel that it needs it um so but there will be a load of things like you might see like notepad or something like that that you don't necessarily want you can just click that move it over and it adds up into this and then you just click empty bin and remove apps and it's yeah nice little bit of software that is going on to installing GH Helper and bloat nosy so if you go to your web browser we'll put the links up in the description if we can um but I've already got them here all that bit right so GH helper is here so if you type that in you'll get to this page and you'll get the latest version so you go to download app that will store it as a zip file into your downloads folder and then you can when that's downloaded you can right click extract all that will when you go through with that it'll basically come to this page here and then you got your GH helper.exe what you can do is it's probably a good idea to move this into another folder uh another part otherwise it'll always be living in your download folder I've left mine because it's not really a problem and it's the same principle with um bloat nose as well so that is here and you get to this page tells you all about it and then you yeah click the zip again that will download into your folder you just need to unzip it and then you'll end up with this and then you just double click on it and Away you go and that's it guys well hope this was of use to you I know that making some more videos so um all the best and I'll probably see you on the next one
Channel: Jens World
Views: 7,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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