Roderika EXPLAINED | Elden Ring Lore

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hello everybody Welcome to a new law play video and today I'm going to talk about Puerto Rico our friendly Spirit tuner friend and some interesting things about her character and questline so we first encounter Rodrigo in a rundown Shack on route to storm belt Castle she's a little out of sight seeking reprieve from the Raging winds at first I thought she might be injured but instead she's just sitting but Frozen in fear rodrika is suffering from shock from what she has witnessed up ahead they crossed the sea for me they fought for me I need to have their arms taken their legs taken even their heads taken taken and stuck to the spider she speaks of grafting and the horrors that await into dumbbell Castle as she may have been one of the first NPCs you might have encountered on your first playthrough she serves as an effective method of World building your mind trying to comprehend what possibly she could have seen she talks of Limbs and spiders the spider she refers to here is most likely a grafted sound which is not only the first boss fight you ever do but an enemy you can also find inside of Stormville castle looking at the model it Bears the most resemblance to a spider because of the multiple legs just like spiders have but not just multiple legs arms as well hands fingers feathers what looks like wings this is a biological Marvel a living breathing fighting amalgamation something that shouldn't exist and yet does and it is horrifying this is what rodurika must have witnessed which explains why she's so understandably frightened and on top of that the creature is made up of people that she knew watching them get dismembered and turned into a pinnacle of body horror did you know if you're grafted by the spider you become a chrysalid quite a lot when you think about it first it might seem as if roderica isn't making too much sense here she is shaken up trying to make light of the situation using humor as a coping mechanism there is some truth in what she is saying those who are grafted become Chrysalis a chrysalid or Chrysalis is a term used for butterfly pupae when a caterpillar forms a hard protective layer around itself so it can metamorphose into its adult form a butterfly what does this have to do with rotary and grafting well it's actually quite a Bittersweet analogy in Stormville Castle next to the room with the grafted Scion there is a pile of body bags these are the victims of crafting pots harvested and now with no further use they are disposed of thrown to the dogs to pick apart their corpses and what do they look like they look like pupae roderica witnessed this and as a way to protect her mental state or perhaps through sheer naivety she truly believes that they were turned into Chrysalis after seeing this she fled all the way to the stormhill shack can you pass on a message for me if you see the little chrysalids in stormvale Castle tell them I love them and that despite my craving heart I'm sure I'll be joining their Club soon enough Puerto Rico is too traumatized to return back to the castle so she asks us to deliver a message on her behalf by joining their Club she's likely referring to the fact that she will soon be captured and used for crafting as well it's ambiguous whether she truly understands the implications of becoming a chrysalid she was definitely no longer has any desire to fight and survive if you go through the motions of delivering Rodriguez message approaching the Chrysalis you'll find an item turn left by the chrysalid sacrificed for grafting a brooch wrapped in red velvet traces of blood are visible this Memento might not have any significance to us but it does to Rodrigo for my men oh miss me I can't in its design aren't connected to anything else I could find in the game so it's simple isn't something we're supposed to recognize but it does trigger a turning point in roderica's Journey this Memento is a sign that others believed in her they all believed in me they all thought I'd make something of myself me who can't do anything what is interesting is that she refers to the Chrysalis as her men like she's the one in the position of power and her men being the individuals who work under her this is because roderica is royalty we know this because of one characteristic as a popular design a rare to keep a hooded cloak of vivid Crimson worn by expatriated royalty expatriate has two meanings first being a person who is currently living outside of their native country so rodurika is a royal originating from somewhere else which we're currently residing in the lands between and then it can also mean to be banished from their native country meaning roderica was exiled from her place of origin the item's description goes on to say such Globes were gifted to those who departed on Journeys without specific orders to far away lands from which they would never return in other words the gift of a cloak made it easier for undesirable to be on their way now this last line seems a little bit clunky in my opinion it'd be implying that the royalty are not wanted in their homelands this would then prove that the second definition of expatriate meaning to be exiled would make more sense here I look back at the Japanese original line and translated it into English and it appeared to read more like never to return in other words good riddance I'm once again asking any fluent Japanese speakers if they can help provide a better idea of what exactly this line is trying to convey please go ahead and leave a comment as to your interpretation I'm gonna assume for the most part that Rodrigo wouldn't be missed in her place of origin but regardless of whether this was by choice or by force rorica has some sort of noble blood which is also supported by the gestures that she eventually provides us with she gives us these sit sideways and curtsy gesture both of which are actions associated with one who's gone through the decorum and manners training now knowing of Rodrigo's origin this sheds some light on her first words to us everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me the Chrysalis roderica's men were fiercely loyal to her until the very end they left her a message to show their undying belief in her and with this rodurika snaps out of her days and makes the decision to focus on bettering herself I think I'll head to the round table hold perhaps I'll find my purpose there this line at first may not sound strange but how does Frederica know what the round table hold this let alone where it is located the Roundtable hold is located outside of this world it can only be reached through sights of Grace when we the tarnished were caught back to the lands between we were lucky enough to be blessed by being able to see Grace but that didn't automatically make us know how to get to the round table hold the only reason that we became aware of its location is because we were informed by and guided there by Malena so that must be how rodrika was made aware right well not quite she is actually impeded by one thing rodrika never once saw the guidance of Grace so how does rodriga access a site of Grace to then get to the round table hold if she cannot see grace in the first place well technically do you need to be able to see grace in order to use a sight of Grace think of Grace like a navigation system like your GPS it gives you directions in order to lead you to your desired location or specifically following your destiny and is getting to the round table hold can only be accomplished by using a sight of Grace if you happen to know exactly where a site of Grace is located potentially you might be able to use it without actually needing to see it and there happens to be a sight of Grace right next to the shack where rodurika is residing so perhaps there is a small chance that she might have seen us or another tarnished use it to get to the round table hold so she memorized its location so that she in turn can use it it seems almost too easy the Roundtable hold isn't as protected as you might think they really should at least have a password luckily I know someone who can help has to say that this video is sponsored by nordvpn nordvpn is a trusted virtual private network with Advanced privacy features their service allows you to connect to and browse the internet safely for example nordvpn can help protect you against malware dangerous files that contain viruses Trojans worms and even key lockers you might think you are downloading legitimate software but actually your device has now been infected without you even realizing but with no VPN in addition to the secure VPN service they also have a threat protection tool it will scan the files for you to make sure that you're not downloading any malware from known malicious websites also nordvpn's dark web monitor will alert you if any of your credentials start appearing on any underground hacker websites if you only use one password across all 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Weighing on her heavily although she has arrived at the round table hold she is unsure of what exactly she can do here speaking to hug the blacksmith he offers an interesting observation about the newly arrived roderica a girly boy here she's crestfallen and can scarcely swing a blade but she has a gift for Spirit tuning I saw another one like her long ago their eyes share the same hue senses that rodrika possesses a special ability Spirit tuning not many the simple Act of imbuing strength it is an art that lies somewhere between tuning an instrument and conducting a conversation leaving both parties enriched Rodrigo has a connection to the spirits if you recall back to when we gave her the Chrysalis Memento it wasn't just a physical object that was significant there appear to be spectral wisps surrounding it visible Spirits try to convey something but their voices cannot be heard but Puerto Rico may have been able to understand them which is why she is so moved after receiving the Memento she heard the voices or feeling of the spirits it also explains why roderica gives us the spirit someone when you first meet her spirit jellyfish ashes the spirits look rather fondly upon you it'll be glad of your company I think the let alone Puerto Rico has a natural talent for communing with the spirits and she knows this in her heart which is why she takes the next steps towards her true potential by gathering the courage to ask huge to train her so that she can then harness this power if I do have this Talent and goodness knows it would be my first suppose I should try to hone it shouldn't I I'll ask Master huge to teach me you protests at first but you insist and the next time you return to the round table Rodrigo will have moved from her original position and has now set up shop across from you is a little rough around the edges but as rotorica puts it he has a good heart and the reason why he relented was because roderica reminded him of someone debted to a spirit tuner I met long ago it was all I could do to honor her when huge saw roderica for the first time he caught a glimpse in her eyes a reflection of an old friend and covered with the fact that Rodrigo possessed the same skills as her he thought it would be fitting to pay his respects in this way from the way he speaks about this late Spirit tuner he was obviously very close to her until she passed away so to prolong her memory he shows rodriga all he could recall from his time with this Spirit tuner and from there roderica can continue the practice of communing and strengthening our summon of all spirits I have you to thank don't I for persuading Master huge I can happily announce that he has taught me the noble toil of spirit tuning something that I didn't mention yet but that you might be wondering why is roderica no longer wearing her signature Red Cloak while this change happens when you reload after asking you to teach Spirit tuning to Rodrigo she moves location and the cloak is nowhere to be seen and it's my belief that this is because it's such an eye-catching part of her character design the fact that we no longer see it is meant to make us question its absence the cloak represents rodurika's connection to royalty her place of origin and most importantly her past she constantly mentioned how she was too frightened to act how she wasn't brave enough or how she wasn't good at anything if you come to an impasse with thoughts like these it is up to you and you alone how you're going to proceed you can either let it control you rule your psyche or you can rise above it which is easier said than done but if you develop this willpower you become the master of your own fate with our help and the guidance of Master huge roderica realizes her potential and seizes this opportunity rodrigue the spirit tune Apprentice pleased to make your acquaintance with that she can leave behind her burdens for she now has carved a path for herself instead of remaining in the stagnating fear and guilt to support this interpretation rodriga actually left her cloak somewhere that we can find it specifically back in Stormville Castle we can find the Crimson Hood atop the pile of chrysalids this item is not available any sooner these order of events solidify that this definitely must have occurred after roderica's decision to pursue Spirit tuning further so she must have returned to the castle to where she previously fled after seeing the grafting and come face to face with the Chrysalis again although it wasn't directly her fault that her men perished she needs to get closure for their deaths to receive reality as it is these are not chrysalis they are bodies in bags the bodies of those she once knew and those who died for her and Munchies come to terms with the truth she leaves her cloak on the final resting place as both a farewell to them and to her her past self but this doesn't mean she has forgotten all about her men when Rodrigo starts practicing Spirit tuning she mentions something quite heartwarming and if there's any chance to ease the suffering of my dear men who were grafted well I certainly must try it it's very enjoyable to watch your Eureka develop into a self-assured selfless individual finding her calling and dedicating her life to calming the spirits of the deceased now I can't make a video on roderica without mentioning berserk and I know it's constantly memed about that not everything is a reference to berserk but there is a large amount of evidence that supports that Rodriguez character draws inspiration from fairness for those who haven't read berserk as a spoiler-free summary farnes and Rodrigo have incredibly similar backgrounds character arts and even physical appearances and to support this connection the name of Rodriguez voice actress Helen monks appeared next to a character called Lost Royal farnese in the early version of The Game's credits the character name then changes later to credit her as Rodrigo but to go into what their exact similarities are involves discussing potential spoilers for berserk so if you want to avoid these please feel free to skip ahead to the next chapter in this video and without warning out of the way let's talk about Vanessa like Puerto Rico farnezza is also born of royalty we don't know much about Rodriguez childhood but farnessa was a tyrant as spoiled and chaotic child a bad behavior culminated into her being sent away to a confident this draws a parallel to Rodrigo being possibly banished from her native country for some reason perhaps Puerto Rico did something to Warrant this and when Vanessa encounters guts he helps her realize that she is just escaping her personal issues she sees a glimmer of hope in joining guts's Entourage she asked to join him and to show that she is serious in dedicating herself to this cause she cuts off part of her hair this demonstrates her letting go of her Pride this is in a similar way to when roderica leaves behind her Red Cloak letting go of her past but also as a symbol that she is no longer shrouding herself hiding away from her fears both women vowed to find their purpose but this is easier said than done Vanessa struggles with keeping up with guts she fails then is tasked with guarding kaska she then fails again proceeds to lose her this is farnessa's realization that she is powerless weak and cannot help anyone at her current state a similar moment occurs when Rodrigo is that she cannot progress until she faces her fears when the opportunity arises roderica asks you to teach her how to Spirit tune and in a similar fashion franese to teach her magic they both get an intense feeling of fulfillment Vanessa no longer feels small and insignificant but powerful and like what she does matters Eureka thrives under huge teaching honing her craft Master huge said it himself actually that I'm no mere Apprentice any longer once again I'm pleased to make your acquaintance rodrika the certified Spirit tuner so how does Rodrigo's questline end this involves speaking about endgame spoilers as well so if you're not ready to hear those finish the game and come back here okay so now it's just the Eldon Lords that remain let's continue as the events of the wider game progresses we eventually Set Fire to the Earth tree and as a result the Roundtable hold is also affected by this fire there are a couple of theories as to what the connection between these two locations are and how they interact the one I personally like is that the round table hold as we know it is actually a projection of another location we know that as a hub it exists outside the bounds of reality so what is the real location well in landlord there is a place called the Fortified Manor and upon exploring it further you'll notice that the layout and decorations are identical to that of the Round Table hold where is this manner located underneath the Earth tree and where is the fire most abundant in the round table hold the ceiling as if the Embers from the tree above are raining down landing on the roof and setting it Ablaze so this offers a possible explanation as to why the round table hole is on fire how exactly does everyone react to this rurika is only here because she's formed an attachment to huge I need your help persuading Master huge to leave his roots are so knotted in this place he won't last much longer if he stays here and he will not leave until his purpose has been fulfilled Master huge's mission is to craft a weapon that can kill a God and we are the ones who will wield that weapon it is what I wish to Smith a weapon for you to slay a god I'd like to dedicate a video just for huge as his story is truly heartbreaking and at the next game's Milestone huge no longer remembers Who We Are tell me what happened why is the round table burning Kim ruins why does that girl wait for me Puerto Rico cries for him he was like a father to her he took care of her took her under his wing and now it comes for her to take care of him I think we could talk him into leaving the round table hold now but maybe it's better that we don't is only proper that we respect his choice to stay Puerto Rico does not want to take advantage of Hughes State once again displaying incredible consideration for other people and in a valiant selfless last decision she decides to stay I'll remain with huge he made me who I am today I'd like to return the kindness in whatever small way I can we do not see anything further regarding these two characters so it is implied that Hughes stayed at the round table hold whilst it burnt down to the ground with roderica remaining at his side or perhaps we became Eldon Lord in time to create a new world that would override this to stop them perishing in such a tragic manner regardless roderica's final conversation with us demonstrates how far she has come she does not falter in the face of death so far away from the trembling fearful young woman we saw cowering in the shack at the beginning please become Elder Lord huge was always saying that you were a lord to him so slay her with the weapons he's missed slay the god Marika who cursed us all these last words first give me goosebumps words filled with conviction and intent although it is a sad goodbye knowing that we can fulfill Her Last Wish provides me with some comfort it's difficult to talk about roderica without mentioning Cube huge has a lot to him but I like to dedicate my own video to as I said so let me know if you'd be interested in that thank you everyone so much for watching this video I absolutely love doing lore plays and I'm really pleased that you like it as well so let's see more pictures feel free to follow my socials that are linked below to the behind the scenes of me deciding my video topics and getting my cosplays and crafting that's what I'm going to be uploading on my patreon and YouTube memberships as well so thank you everyone so much thank you to my members and my patrons races 5 Joe bite Kyle Caldwell hellborn hero retire blonde Excel Turtle blood Fallen 223 Jeremy mokaro kichu Joe africano nubis chase justnick Kevin h taking on Dao Tavis Jonathan verus Ernest Rosie Milo Raglan daunted 232 Dark Souls weave crystalify Lord erasius ecosan Beach you're Kim Westman wacky liver 22 trip Kennedy STK true masquer lower 420h said karcherodon's Astra country123 2008-90 vinicius aragio Lego frozen over Matthew Jacob McComas Vivian's Muse kayamata Bridget Pettigrew goth Reaper Tim Caleb salowski Spartan PK 99 Bilbo isakaid occult hair Lord Mudd Joey Vision Omni rainbow Motocross Cooper foam Josh Moyle Lord glacier Rena Payne Andrew Haynes akura Justice for Rodan jdub sq001 can I win please jungle pop Fallen mind Mr alexandrom Vincent e m Thorne cheskimo Knox Camellias Julie David Madison Chris Ritson Mark lawlover Marco rash Roxy zeppeli Levante truss Cheryl Loth 96 Mr H shamrock219 Dan dingley Jack Tesla and one of Sosa Brandon Lopez and chenabelle bugboi001 ushida may join Alan Levy PhD Cola Iraqi Joshua wait Drax lighthead Kevin culkins kalmar Mark Sharon wrath sponge for Xin Sleeper Agent Alex Raz Emma Jack Simpson gaping donut Jacob Sue Fancy Pants Pikachu and E.T thank you everyone so so much
Channel: Miss Chalice
Views: 123,406
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Keywords: elden ring, elden ring lore, lore mommy, asmr, story asmr, unintentional asmr, loreplay, miss chalice, miss chalice cosplay, chalice, roderika story, roderika ending, roderika what if, roderika what happens, elden ring roderika, roderika quest, where is roderika, roderika cut content, elden ring cut content, elden ring data mine, how save roderika, can you save roderika, how to save hewg, elden ring cosplay, roderika cosplay, roderika explained, hewg lore, hewg blacksmith
Id: JSE_GPic-60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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