Explaining ALL 64 Spirit Ash Summons | Elden Ring Lore

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welcome everyone today we're going to be talking about all 64 Spirit ashes or Spirit summons in Elden ring this is your first time watching my channel disclaimer I am not at all specialized in giving advice on combat or what is meta so if you click on this video to find out what is the objectively best summon I am not at all liable for the consequences so that's why I asked you guys to help me with this video I put out a poll and asked what is your favorite Spirit summer and I got back over 4 500 responses so to give this video some structure we will be talking about each summon in order from least voted to the most voted before we start I just wanted to thank today's sponsor for this video Opera GX it's a browser that offers tons of customization thanks to its own mods feature and if you know me you know that I love mods for the album checks mods overhauls the entire appearance interactions and sounds of your browser and I know what you're thinking yes there is an Elden ring mode not only can you get these beautiful moving backgrounds different color shaders and background music but it can also change your browser and keyboard noises so it feels like you're playing Eldon ring all of the time you can toggle all of these changes on and off to have the selection that you like the best and it's super easy to uninstall which just a click you can try out as many as you want and you might be thinking well I have everything the way that I like it on my current browser but don't worry Opera GX has an import feature that will import all of your settings history bookmarks cookies across in a matter of button clicks and Google Chrome extensions are also compatible here you can also keep up to date with the most recent game releases in a compact calendar on the GX Corner tab so you can look ahead and see for example that dark extension 2 is coming out soon and so you can navigate straight to its steam page it's also a great way of showcasing games as you can look through screenshots and gameplay easily you can also sort my platform as well but pretty X will actively look for the best offers and cover hidden gems and showcase free-to-play games as well download Opera GX for free today using my link in the description thank you so so much for pretty X and now let's start the list I will say that every single Spirit Ash got at least one vote apart from one not a single person voted for the Clayman so let's take a moment to pay our respects to the two bubble boys honestly not the worst summon they do make these big bubbles and then a cute bubble beam-esque move as well but for what they do they are expensive and slow moving so now let's move on to what you actually voted for first I pulled tide with one vote we have the fire monk twin sage and burnstone sorcerer ashes the two Sorcerers are relatively the same the twin Sage variant uses Glenstone torrent and Crystal burst which does good damage to the bosses whereas the gunstone sorcerer uses constant Styles and is slightly cheaper than its variant they're okay but there are better ranged all magic Ash summons and the fire monk Ash uses a variety of fire moves and melee attacks climax have really awesome law they are the guardians of flame of Ruin forbidden by the Earth tree this flame can be found in a dormant state in the Mountaintop of giants with the last remaining fire giant bound to guard it forever the fire Giants worship an outer God called the fell God 's power manifested in the form of a cursed flame and this fire is special because it possesses a great threat to the golden order it's the only thing capable of destroying the Earth tree to America seeing this Potential Threat ordered for the fire Giants to be wiped out however she left one alive the last remaining fire Giant upon realizing the Flames of their Forge would never die Queen America marked him with a curse o trifling giant maze thou tend thy flame for eternity all this giant is able to do now is Pace the snowy mountain tops littered with the bodies of his giant Brethren and stop anyone who would try and burn the Earth tree fire monks are also Guardians who are appointed to watch over the flame fire beguiles those who gaze into it and so the Guardians of the flame are also its worshipers next up with two votes we have the page and the Kindred of rocks the page uses an s stock for thrusting attacks and a crossbow that fires perfumer arrows for some nice fire damage no offense to pest enthusiasts but I can't stand these guys something about the way they move really unsettles me but they are very agile darting in and out of combat and they do make these funny looking noises and someone knows the incantation pest threads which is an absolutely devastating move it's coming from four votes we have the noble sorcerer ashes also no offense to this elderly fellow but this is not the best summer pick if you're looking for a ranged magic support he only knows Moonstone Pebble that being said he is one of the cheapest FP costs only 11 FP to summon him I personally like this someone simply because people don't know that this Noble is trying his best at being a sorcerer he was not able to get into rare Lucario and thus is canonically bad and it's true this no woman who wants us to be given a place at raila Korea to London Stone sorceries talents were insufficient to be worthy of donning the stone Crown however and he is only capable of using the most rudimentary sorcery which explains why he is the way he is because he's just a cute old man helping me through my adventure also with four votes we have the Miranda Sprout ashes a group of poison plants that scatter their toxic pollen they're described as creeping but honestly they rush around more than I was expecting it's a weak summon but I personally am interested in the Miranda flowers why are they named like that there's not much more around them yet they are everywhere I'm actually interested in doing a relaxing flora and fauna themed Elder ring video so if you like the sound of that let me know and closing out four votes we have the Halligan tree Soldier ashes spirits of common soldiers who carry the sacred light and weakened they explode to deliver a last-bitch attack so when they get to under half Health they will self-destruct feeling a lot of burst damage May the flash of our death Sky Nicholas return five votes we have something that I'm gonna name the soldier to starting with the Redan Soldier ashes this ash consists of Two Soldiers one armed with the Lord's horns Great Sword and the other with the Lord sworn straight sword in one hand and a standard torch in the other these ashes have red eyes also depicted in their icon if you didn't know any ashes that are pictured with these red eyes are programmed differently to the ones without they're much more aggressive they won't follow directly alongside you they will go in immediately as they are summoned instead of waiting for you to engage such is their father that they will immediately attack after being summoned if you're a radon Enthusiast you will enjoy their story as well we dance soldiers were all reputed to be masterful Warriors and it was properly said that red Mains knew no weakness and the description is no word of a lie they're a very good summon excellent damage and perfect if you're looking for an aggressive malays Fort the location you find them along with the implications of their summons and their ability to utilize fire it's like they're trying to fight the rot and they maintain a spirits to do so we'll find this ashes all the way at the back of radon's Boss Arena in the war dead catacombs and it's a really unique one at that inside you'll find spectral enemies where Dawn soldiers red Main and clean Rock nights they are all fighting endlessly in death against each other some rooms are also filled with pools of rot including the one where you find the ashes implying that this is where they met their end all in all foreign soldiers are an underrated pick on today's list but a popular choice against Melania as her rot typing makes her weak to their fire attacks and just thematic if you want Justice for them next we have the ray Lucario Soldier ashes two foot soldiers and one night Captain the soldiers of Ray Lucario were also known as the Cuckoos they were given free reign by the academy to wage war as they pleased and they were Infamous of their rapacious ways rapacious meaning predatory voracious excessively grasping they are Lawless Bandits but highly skilled Fighters and the Koreans hired them to protect the academy but in exchange they taught them some basic spells and let them run amok tour to the Knights of the cuckoo by the academy as payment for their contract and one day the academy had enough of the Korean terrains and started a rebellion and the Cuckoos were more than happy to take part in overthrowing the Royals the cuckoo itself is an emblem the birds shrewd gays as an expression of their refusal to be mere Servants of the academy so this was inevitable the Cuckoos felt constrained so it didn't take much for them to want to rebel and the actual bird a cuckoo has similar Behavior cookies are incredibly bloodthirsty selfish rampaging Birds they infamously lay eggs in the nests of others and will even kick out hosts eggs causing them to smash just so they have room for their own everything about the Cuckoos implies them to be ruthless bastards who waged War for Loot and the hell of it all of us tarnished and likewise burst into pillage every chest and could ever we happen upon were basically Kindred Spirits more importantly the gentleman with the great sword will throw cuckoo Flintstones as two subordinates will throw albanuric pots cheeky in combat their AI can be a little strange at times the captain will often stay back and let his two soldiers do most of the work but he will occasionally throw makeshift sorceries the cuckoo glintstones it's just a lump of magical rock that is meant to somehow mimic casting Glenstone Pebble for example I mean I can see why the Cuckoos wanted to Rebel if the carins were patronizing them like this and the last one which is are the ones from landlord equipped with a spear in great Shield you get an idea of them forming the first line of defense while protecting landlord during the shattering they were the ramparts that fortified the Royal capital essentially two meat Shields the salmon is pretty tanky due to their Shields but honestly they're just not as good as other defensive or Shield type summons that we'll talk about later on this list and the last Ash with five votes is the putrid corpse from what I've seen The only positive about these ashes is that they have a very large Health pool so they're only good for being meat Shields apart from that they just hold their head and moan though their movements are dull and Confused their low moans make them effective at drawing the attention of enemies they're actually quite a lot of variants of the putrid corpse enemy type but that the spirit Ash is just the standard version which is a shame I personally think the blistered subtype could have made their combat style were interesting and more fitting to their putrid name the blistered ones explode into clouds blood flies they also spawn miles away from you which is very aggravating if you're in an open area a couple of these ashes have this style of appearing so they're not very reliable if you're trying to plan and place them strategically six votes we have little goofy Nasty Boys closest thing to goblins you can summon in the game you get three members of the Volcan militia who we would long have these serrated hatchets these brutal weapons are particularly effective at causing blood loss to opponents with their jumping attacks and bleep rocks these little guys are pretty Savage in fact their saw is said to have been used to cut up bodies to feed the militia but there are no first-hand witnesses to confirm the dire rumor however in contrast to their unsettling tale their backstories are honestly quite sad in the lands between the small were scorned and so they formed their vulgar militia as a means to make a living albeit in ignominy ignominy is a graphic way of saying that one is in a state of deep personal humiliation and disgrace so these little fellows created the Volga militia as a way to band together and survive and the savagery seems to come from the hatred of being discriminated against for just being small the headpieces were even created with an upward extension to create an appearance of larger size however slightly don't let anyone put you down for something as arbitrary as your height and for that sometimes you just need to Goblin at your enemies also with six votes is The Nomad ashes he isn't armed with any conventional weapon just the eyes of a Madman this is probably one of the best AOE summons that I tested the only summoned to have the madness subtype as well he is able to emit the terrible flame of frenzy from his eyes but has low HP in his frail unable to take much in the way of punishment it is pretty squishy but flame of frenzy incantation does excellent damage in close proximity to anything around him however there are only a handful of enemies and bosses who can actually be affected by Madness the frenzy incantations explicitly say they're only effective against tarnished so you can damage them but they won't necessarily get a Madness proc this Nomad was a member of a tribe that was entombed in the earth so as to bury the mattering disease that followed them as the lord of the frenzied flame I feel that it is only right that the merchants get their Vengeance against those who wronged them and the nomads referred to in the ash title are connected to the nomadic Merchants the vendors who find around the lands between the summon has a stick with a hand on the end he Taps around with it which may imply that he has completely lost his sight only able to use his eyes to release the flame of frenzy May chaos take the world seven people voted for the land squirt ashes if we're going to analyze these seriously the best thing about them is their poison cloud and you can actually counter pick them against any enemy that happens to use a poison move because when the poison builds up on the summon it will actually cause them to overload spouting large poison clouds everywhere but this is such a specific situation three squirts move agonizingly slowly and they have predetermined spawn points so you may have to look around to find them which isn't really ideal if you are in need of backup quickly to end on a positive they are insanely tanky so using them as a line of defense is possible mix with some boats we have the winged Miss begotten ashes spirit with the aspect of wings which takes flight to loose arrows from its bow though aren't for the bow the summon still has to get in pretty close range to do any damage and that's because it's a short bow it's designed to inflict additional damage by sacrificing range they fire anywhere between one and three arrows in a barrage they also have a knife but I barely ever saw it get used in favor of dodging instead they did have a flying tackle which was pretty cool the whole design is pretty humble most likely on account of them being hated and enslaved they wouldn't necessarily have access to a whole Armory but then being one of the rare flying type summons is definitely unique are the spirits of marionette Soldiers with avian features that were created to serve a sorcerer at the avionet soldier ashes and I honestly can't give them a better review than this comment right here I use them for the first time in my first playthrough and fell in love with little guys their flying movement makes them surprisingly hard to hit so they are survivable despite not having too much HP they have a ranged fibromometer that always cause aggro when I need them to the whirling dervish spinny Manny attack thing they do almost always causes a bleed prop on its own and staggers bosses frequently the fitbits two of them help split fights against multiple enemies very well and finally I think they're very cute and I can agree more something about the little body's long Spears and Reckless flaming makes them quite charming and unpredictable and it's certainly interesting that these are the bird version of the marionette soldiers at eight votes we have the godric soldier ashes a really good pick for early game as they're pretty tanky and work well together one has devastating charged Hammer attacks in the Vanguard and across Bowman brings up the rear but you can also switch to a sword and shield in many range they are All That Remains of the army that fled the Royal capital of the earth tree under godric I bet we have the skeletal Bandit sashes he get back up serves as a good distraction and he also has the power to resurrect himself while he is doing the resurrecting you will have to make sure that he doesn't get hit at all during the process otherwise he is gone for good that is why I would recommend the skeletal militiamen who are similar to him but there are two of them we'll talk more about them later nine votes we certainly have nephilis puppet now to obtain nephily in spirit summon form you will have to disregard any remaining moral compass that you may have had to do so you need to trick her into drinking a potion this potion will turn her into a lifeless puppet and then you can buy her as a summon from saliva's shop and if you thought that would be the end of it her puppet's description will not let you forget the heinous act that you had to commit a pitiful Warrior who was betrayed by her Pure Heart a diamond in the rough deserving of Special Care lest its potential be squandered to summon Napoli is excellent she wields storm Hawk axes which have a really awesome skill called thunderstorm which does lightning damage her attacks are really powerful and she has a lot of poise I've rarely seen her getting up and down that product but the reason why she is not voted highly on this list despite her being very powerful is because it's a shame that we have to acquire her in the way that we do I love Nepali it's a shame that this is the only way she can help me find every boss next is a squad of three archers firing cold ghost frame arrows these help build up frostbite apart from that the firing speed is pretty slow and how squishy and getting knocked over very easily but if you like or summons to be more passive and give you support from behind then these are perfect if you like more challenge I like living the literary Trope of skirmishing with sword and bore in front arches behind at 10 votes we have the Magikarp of spirit summons the wandering Noble the wandering Nobles bless them have little HP and attack very slowly and reluctantly they also do this little Earth whenever they see an enemies so a Purgatory reference a great distraction to get enemies to change targets and take the pressure off you but they shouldn't be counted on to help you take out enemies the description is even more unrelenting these aren't dead beings are the pitiful product of unending life surely they are in search of something once or whatever it was has been long forgotten interestingly there is a group of wandering Nobles at the dragon burnt ruins who could be heard chanting they are praying to the dragon a Gil who patrols the lake why the dead gazed the Skies over the lakes of lim grave praying that the dragon's flame would burn to Ash unable to remember that purpose all the Nobles can do is beg for something to end their existence and as you get closer this will trigger a gill to fly over and make their wish come true which might offer an explanation as to why when you summon the wandering novels in range of a dragon they will actually refuse to help you fight it simply cowering in fear this is applicable for all dragons not just to kill perhaps this is them choosing to succumb pitifully putting together a band in one of the good brass section 10 out of 10 hire these musicians these are the Oracle invoice some of the most abstract looking individuals in the men's between but also some of the most beloved it is said that when Oracle employees appear playing their pipes they do so to Herald the arrival of a new God or a new age theming is so good when you summon them it's like they're performing a Fanfare in recognition of you which they take is by blowing bubbles through their Envoy horns they also can twirl around and perform a minute kind of like a spinning top aside from their funny appearance their existence is rather mysterious and a little Sinister no one knows what the cloth hides but some claim to have heard a faint whimpering from inside must have been their imagination the round top and bottom end is quite strange to look at what lies under it raises many questions what we can see is pale bluish-toned skin long arms no functional legs and they bleed silver those factors it's theorized that envoys could be alpinorax specifically first generation ones the long gangly arms that envoys have matched the proportions of the male first generation album lyrics like pidier and Albus and you find the envoys not only in landlord but also in mykennis halleck tree which is a safe haven for albanurics so maybe the envoys are a subtype of albinurg but there are definitely more than their marshmallowy Bubble Boy appearance by lies 12 votes we have the kind and sell sword ashes also is a melee sermon carrying a massive blade made for dismounting other Riders he also performs a damage increase war cry to enhance his already considerable strength and that show can disrupt the balance of smaller enemies around him his weapon the dismounter doesn't actually Dismount enemies but it does deal a lot of damage and as they sell swords were horse riding folk they designed something that would be effective to give them the advantage against any other mounted photos I love Kaiden soldiers they are really interesting mix of Northern German Scandinavian and Mongol design influences I love my kind and boy a lot I did a bit of research into the influences of what the Kaiden armor is based off of the headpiece looks like this style of helmet from the Viking age and the body armor seems to be a hybrid of European and Asian influences the fabric parts are reminiscent of a gambeson a padded defensive jacket and the armored scales make up a design that seems to Bear resemblance to the lamella armor commonly used in ancient and medieval China career in Mongolia the fur however is purely for character design to illustrate that they hail from the mountaintops of the wintry North in real life I'm not so sure fur served any benefit pelts would be heavy and not offer the same protection is male or plate but this is a video game after all and the armor just looks great also at 12 votes we have battle mage sugars ashes I love this big guy Hughes uses two significant moves the gavel and the cannon of Heimer you may not have heard of these constant sorceries and that's because they are only used by the battle Majors who follow the Heimer conspectors box moves are spectacular the gavel is a giant Magical Hammer that slams down pummeling anything in its way deep into the floor and the cannon is equally as devastating a magical projectile that detonates over a wide area dealing excellent AOE damage but both of the descriptions for these spells tell us that this sorcery employs might as a means to quell conflict so instead of being used to instigate heima Scholars seek to coil conflict with cannon fire and the gavel this is because Heimer was an adjudicator of the academy so they would be the one to judge and settle disputes between teachers students and officials I don't think the sorceries were necessarily used offensively every time I think they were originally created as a symbol the gavel is a ceremonial tool used by a judge to call for order in the courtroom and it is also used to indicate the final ruling symbol of a cannon was less Apparent at first but after some research I found something called the gun salute or cannon salute this began as a maritime tradition where warships would fire cannonballs harmlessly out into the sea this was to signify that the ammunition was spent and they bore no hostile intent so could the Hymer cannon fire signify that they were coming in peace as an unbiased mediator to resolve any problems and it's possible you may be thinking well I haven't heard of the highway inspectors until now and that may be because there's barely any sight or reference to them in the academy Heimer isn't depicted in any of the portraits the only reason we know of the conspicuous is because the Battle Mages wear the Hymer Glenstone Crown Stone heads that symbolize their respective teachers hymers is quite unusual because the face is covered with a blindfold this is how Justice as a concept is widely depicted a thicker without passion or Prejudice to ensure a fair trial the reason why the Heimer Mages are also not seen in the academy is because whenever war broke out and the academy sealed its Gates only Hymer Scholars dead venture outside those who followed Heimer weren't like others at the Academy they put Theory into practice seclusion is no way to Foster Discovery it is only a convenient form of Escape so that is why they are called Battle Mages they aren't interested in just studying they want to act to fight this is also shown by the arm and leg wraps tattered from being worn on the battlefield comparing them to the equivalent armor pieces for the sorcerers who stayed at the Academy you can see how tattered and soiled they've become so originally behind my conspectus was created to quell but Hughes developed a longing for it bloodthirsty sorcerer attacking anything indiscriminately also at 13 votes we have perfume at Trisha Trisha the perfumer is a peaceful healer who dedicated her efforts to treating Miss begotten Omen and all those seen as impure this was a morally good cause but sadly frowned upon in the man's between under the golden order Omens and Miss begotten are beings who are considered lesser Patricia took pity on them and used her Apothecary skills to help them where her efforts failed she was their companion as they died watching over them to ensure that they could pass peacefully free of pain as a summon she acts as a support type applying uplifting aromatic which boosts your attack and also coaching you in a shield bubble which will completely engage one enemy attack the buff she gives you is great and she does fight damage she throws explosive powder called Spa paramatic in an arc that does fire damage as well 17 votes we have the christelian ashes spirits that wield ground crystalline blades was big and small sturdy bodies hewn from Crystal long ago it's hard enough to blunt its opponent's blades but blow some bludgeoning weapons can shatter easily Australian buys some of the highest Poise values of all of the spirit ashes the crescillian is a good summon for casters as they draw aggro and have insane defensive abilities I play as a mage and this seemed the most appropriate and effective summon as it doesn't stagger super often the weakness the blunt weapons adds a nice debuff which I think is fair for its mid damage if your enemy uses blunt type weapons it will do virtually no damage to the summon it's like trying to break a diamond with a twig but if the enemy uses bludgeoning attacks then it will crumble and another one of the few flying summons we have the Warhawk ashes a lot of you who voted for this bird agreed that having a bird companion was just really nice and I agree it reminded me of playing Hunter and world Warcraft personally it's like having a bird of prey as a companion and that is always just so cool sadly these birds were manufactured as War devices Talons of which have been sliced off so that Razer fine swords could be grafted at their place under godric's rule of Stormville Castle he couldn't see the natural beauty that Storm Hawks possessed so he disfigured them for his grotesque hobby the hawk perished as it solemnly gazed at its former home the storm there's a warhawks cradle I feel bad for the deeds done to it before it came into my possession crafting is the horribleness that shouldn't be of this world he was not only my summer to help me in a pinch but a wounded soul that became my friend armed with shields hammers great and straight swords we have five headless soldiers who confound foes by disappearing and reappearing at will the reason why the mausoleum soldiers are missing their heads is because they followed their masters into death by severing their own heads from their bodies you find these headless men guarding the walking mausoleums the armor depicts the mausoleum Bell which rings in constant mourning for the soulless demigods now what demigod is inside the walking Mausoleum or mausoleums as there are multiple ones a ghost from the Beyond tells us the mausoleum prowls cradling the soulless demigod America Queen Eternal he is your unwanted child we know that Godwin had his soul destroyed on the night of his assassination Now All That Remains is a husk of his body but was he really unwanted by America questions for another time I think what is for sure is that having a group of soldiers as loyal as the ones of the mausoleum is nothing short of War inspiring to charge the enemy into The Fray together with a band of sworn Brothers as if such countless battles throughout our journey was our Redemption of baptism through flames it's truly an honor here we have another fuma this one is nothing like that of Trisha this is karma a depraved perfumer depraved perfumers practice their art for themselves alone a far cry from nutritious selfless Aid and this is shown in his moveset instead of buffing you like Trisha does he drinks his potions for his own game he also uses the same spark aromatic but also the poison spray mist it actually has a meleeater where Trisha doesn't like fairies are super cool exploding dust healing bubble Shield Etc but I mainly like calm for the tidbit about secret physic or free verification and the Mystery that brings Karma was a notably familiar whose strength rivaled that of Heroes and it is said that he was in search of a secret physic of reverification whether he was seeking this potion to revive his allies or perhaps to resurrect thralls for himself we will never know but prey perfumers always act with their own interests as a priority 18 votes we have the black flame monk Amon ashes the black Fame monks were originally fire monks which we discussed at the beginning of this list but the blank fling ones are traitors abandoning their post as Guardians they were tempted by an arguably more powerful file the black flame which could once slay gods to these monks affected to join the godskin apostles and their worship of the glomite Queen the apostles were all embraced by the blue mind queen and the black flame was their armor within the ash we have possession of is a monk called Amon and he became the first fire monk to turn traitor or perhaps it is better said that he fled from the Giant's flame not of cowardits what exactly Amman was afraid of is unclear but the practice of the fire monks is quite masochistic a lot of her incantations will leave you burnt and damaged after using them which is as intended as a reminder that they must fear the flame this so flagellating Behavior may have driven a mile away and as a summon among you to Isis black flame to gradually sap the HP of enemies without needing to hurt himself in the process at 18 votes we have the Azula beastman ashes beast from feminazula are chosen to guard the ancient dragon as a dissects basement from doomed Farm Azula the slowly crumbling ruins in the skies these ruins are said to be the remains of a giant Mausoleum and Shining an ancient dragon guarded by chosen beastmen wheeled weapons clad and lightning interestingly you can find one Beast Man not in faramazula and that one is one of the very first bosses in the Grove side cave in Lemon Grove I hope it's great to get here well that's because the architecture of fire mizuna is breaking apart while it's also called crumbling farmersuna and doomed Pharmacy we find evidence of this all over the lands between fragments from the stone structure Stone fragment found near places where the ruins have fallen from the sky these shards of stone are leave to have once been part of a temple sky next we have the handsome and Silent Hunter Dolores another puppet Dolores is a very unique summer she's not a damaged dinner by far but she is a very interesting technique specialist she fires sentrina's arrows from her shortbow santrina's arrows call Sleep build up incredibly quickly much faster than regular sleep bone arrows having an enemy fall asleep multiple times allows you to capitalize on critical attacks centrino's arrows are also very limited in the lands between so having a summon that has access to an endless supply is really nice her name also has a bitter irony as a as a puppet body can be found in salafis's secret basement slumped and still as if she was sleeping as have you ever wondered why the pumpkin heads go a nice call back to one of my first videos talking about the Mad pumpkin heads these are former Gladiators who were driven to Insanity by something so as a makeshift cure the heads were encased in these incredibly heavy pumpkin shaped helmets now although the helmet's description states that it was to keep the Curry's drawers from panicking and alleviate feelings of pressure and claustrophobia I can't help but disagree I don't think the helmet helps at all their Idol animations often show them banging at their helmets and stopping to look upwards at the sky they can no longer see being shut in darkness would make anyone gradually more paranoid and lash out more easily specifically he Rampages as if driven mad when agitated by Bloodshed or the humming of insects perhaps experiencing endless war and encountering some type of bug monster dramatized this poor Soldier so any reminder lapses him to a manic State interestingly this reflects in his summon if any Bloodshed happens he will be driven into a frenzy slamming his head repeatedly against the ground doing massive damage to anything in that area also if you happen to be standing nearby you will get knocked over as well it doesn't do any damage but it serves as a warning that the pumpkin heads are volatile the [ __ ] has caused me many more problems love him to death I personally love these guys and feel for them a lot fanged in ashes at 22 votes you can actually choose these ashes as your starting Keepsake and they're pretty decent in the early game these Spirits are well suited to causing a disturbance moving nimbly like pests and hurling magic pots they are pretty Speedy backing up quickly to throw their ranged attack for magic damage chose as a starting gift these two little guys helped me with the majority of early battles and even the olden Beast the chance to throw magic pots can do massive damage and stagger to some enemies adding their jittery movements and frantic attack patterns and these two make for some lovable credits not only will you love these two little gremlins but the two imps seem fond of each other's company as well one word rats these rats cost nothing they are zero FP to cast and because of that they are objectively the best and the more you upgrade this ash the more rats you get maxing out at 5 massive reps the rats don't actually incur any Rune cost when you want to upgrade them you just need the materials and they're free Robin York my beloved whoever wrote the description for these ashes put so much character and sum them up perfectly wrapping Duo of cartwheeling spirits dumpy heads that resemble those frogs and this is pretty much how they fight cartwheeling and rolling around the enemies occasionally stopping too many or use the freezing breath in addition we know that these particular albionorics are young ones because of their choice of weapons unique weapon wielded by Young alpenerics and interestingly enough this ash description is the only in-game reference that explicitly mentions that there are two generations of albanurics these froggy face guys are the second generation so what is a first generation album Eric well we'll touch an example of one of those later in this list but the word generation is a little bit misleading rather they are more like versions V Point 1.0 and V Point 2.0 because Urban your XR life forms made by human hands and when the first batch failed a second batch was created to improve upon the imperfections so what we're looking at here is supposedly closer to their makers ideal of perfection I hated fighting this enemy so it is really enjoyable to have them on my side next is another example of an enemy that you hated fighting but having them on your side is Sweet Revenge the marionette soldiers crafted to serve the Sorcerers of Ray Lucario these dolls are equipped with bows and fire arrows pretty endlessly in the direction of an enemy I noticed that they sometimes don't necessarily need to have line of sight and will fire arrows into the wall that is in front of an enemy but their attacks are fast and unrelenting which is perfect for our long-range support center the Marinette archers turn all foes into pin cushions bristling with arrows they're decently tough for ranged units they do decent damage and grab opponent's focus and watching them flock around spraying areas is hilarious they can also sort of overload spinning like crazy probably due to the fact that they are on the verge of falling apart they are ill-disciplined and attack with that warning a maiden without a tarnished a tarnished without a maiden and yet no guide to bring them together we have therolina a lonely Maiden that you run into at the Redan Festival she doesn't speak which is most likely due to her being a puppet Spirit ashes are classed as the puppet type you can tell by the color difference on the summon icons puppets are blue you're able to purchase these ashes from some of Us's shop and she is a backline support someone she uses healing incantations and holy water pots but she is not a fighter by nature and is ill-suited to battle having the heel Buffs were awesome trying to keep her alive was so much fun felt like a maiden and you were a team understand the other heels and tries to pull aggro to make use of her heel effectively you'll need to stand next to her in range of the greater heel radius in addition those holy water pots inflict holy damage which is really effective against undeads death Birds and revenants with some bosses attempt to crush my spirit jar White is my guiding jaw light in the darkness Joey is another puppet style summon wearing nothing but a jar very sexy his attack style is throwing various pots like lightning fire poison and so on why does he wear a jar on his head well Jared wish to become the innards of a living jar the living jars contain drinks inherited from those who came before thus our Warriors passed from jar to jar carrying dreams of greatness and as the great Alexander puts it it is my ordeal you could say to test myself to better myself to fail Evergreen of those and then one day we'll be a single great champion greatest of them all so jaw White inspired by this known to become part of those innards that would contribute to the whole champion-like being but he was turned away the warrior jar once told the name this man this you are not ready to join the worries inside no you must apply yourself better yourself and one day I will return for you but sadly we find Joe white as a lifeless puppet which means his dream was robbed from him salivus drugged and kidnapped him before he was able to reach his true potential his body will never be able to be consumed and stored inside the great warrior jar but as a salmon we can give him that last Taste of battle and served Warrior freedom next is a summon that you can pick up pretty early on through the chest that teleports you to the cellular Crystal tunnel you can pick up the rotten stray as someone who will help apply Scarlet rot though it is only a small creature it is as violent as it is Nimble and its fangs Fester with poisonous rot 35 FP costs it's not bad at all for an agile quick attacking and rock summon the trade-off is that the doggo is a little squishy I had a dog named Bosco I called him Bok for short he had a really bad skin condition his whole life probably why he was left astray in the town I rescued him from but got me through a bad divorce and several bad spells of depression he passed shortly before Elden Ring released he used to chill by me on the couch when I played bloodborne and Dark Souls I made the summon because it reminded me of him and it felt like I'm getting to hang more or something I'd always share the summer kneeling getting blocked thank you I forgot this reply a lot of people really love this summon and it's really heartwarming to hear away 42 votes we have read May Knight ogre the summon is honestly a lot lower than I expected over is actually a legendary Rarity Ash and is quite an underrated Choice here you get this ash from the very back of redan's area in the catacombs same place that you got the ashes for were done soldiers hookah is versatile he's a great bow and a powerful melee attack he's tough and he has a lot of Personality ogre is a red-eyed salmon so mostly does his own thing he charges up powerful gravity magic arrows like the ones you see Redan do at the beginning of his boss fight and this is because Olga studied techniques to manipulate gravity alongside radar so they most likely learn this aha at the same time together using the war cry skill or any of the other skills that have the word raw or shriek in them will activate oga's special ability A Reign of gravity arrows this attack can only be activated once for summon next is a group of five deadly humans a chaotic and effective crowd control team if you happen to summon these at night they will be far more aggressive and deal more damage which ties into their law really well when night falls their blood boils and they become feral demi-humans despite being part human like their name are not considered intelligent beings the demi-human queen staff was gifted to the demi-humans to Foster peace can be wielded even by those of low intelligence so the academy gave a peace offering to the demi-humans which we can see they honored as you can find sorcerer Usher hanging out with the demi-humans in the hermit Village sad to think that the staff may have been given to patronize the demi-humans as the staff was snared at by fools in the academy presumably because this staff only needs 10 intelligence to use however the reason why they are fools is because the demi-human queen staff is actually really strong for strength int hybrid users it's great for utility spells if you want to do a hybrid build without dumping points into int so who's laughing now sadly the demi-humans that we're able to summon don't use magic but they are intelligent and finally enough the description changes ever so slightly when you upgrade the ashes at plus zero it reads they seem somewhat intelligent but at a plus one and higher it changes to they seem intelligent removing the somewhat so I like to think that in our care we're helping them realize their potential the cute courageous and life-affirming screams of the Demis as they charge alongside you into battle enough to make you face any enemy Gravely man serpent ashes the man's Urban ashes are honestly one of the cutest looking models big Smiley snake face specifically this man's serpent is described as being deformed but honestly he doesn't appear to be any different than the other man serpents you found around man Gilmore however perhaps all man's serpents are considered deformed we do know is that the Elder serpent that dwelled on Mount Gilmore demigod and the birth of the man serpents followed who is the mother of the man's serpents well during Rye's questline at volcano Manor you receive an item that may give us the answer a woman named Ada Carr indulged in every form of adultery and wicked pleasure imaginable giving birth to a myriad of grotesque children so it's possible that day the car a human mated with the Elder snake which resulted in half human half snake creatures whether they're considered deformed or not they certainly are adored by everyone who voted for them I just love him his chaotic swinging about his lanky body just pure magic to be honest using a magma whip Candlestick this rather does nice damage in a large area and makes a great companion can't help but laugh every time I summon them it's just so funny things little dude go how on a boss known as the first Omen killer we have Rolo next he's just a straight up menacing bloke him producing a physic to rid himself of emotion sounds brutal his backstory is sick Rolo used to be a perfumer which gave him the skills to create a potion that would numb his feelings thus enabling him to enact his nightmarish labor hunting The Omen Omens are unfairly hated and hunted simply for being born cursed the most noticeable feature of an open is their Twisted horns and Omen Killers take pleasure in cutting off these horns and decorating their weapons with them like a sick prize and these horns hurt Rolo's Cleaver can cause blood loss because of them most practical melee Spirit Ash that can ground enemies with his jump attack which he can spam repeatedly his attacks also do massive Poise damage and cause bleed he also has fire attacks and a large Health pools not only does fire attacks because of his background as a perfumer he has knowledge of making incendiary concoctions others were inspired by Rolo's deeds and became woman Killers as well they mimicked his style of dress which is why the omen killer said is very similar to the perfume set so what happened to Rolo his ashes are dropped from the fell twins boss who are two Omens this implies that Rolo met his fate at the hands of those he Hunted coming next we have another legendary Spirit Ash called Kristoff an ancient Dragonite he's up there with one of the best tanking style summons equipped with a great Shield partisan and Thunderbolts Kristoff has really good reach and a solid defense the presence of Kristoff comes across as imposing more so than the banished knights in my opinion and conveys a quality of battle prowess additionally I adore the Ancient Dragon Knights as a whole everything from their lore down to the design of their armor they are among the most fascinating of foes present in the man's between christophe's demeanor originates from the fact that he earned the hero's honor of a tree burial for the feet of capturing godofroy the grafted not to be confused with godric we don't know much about God of Freud in fact this is the only description that even mentions him by name as a result this is one of the most negatively viewed bosses because it is an exact copy of godrex model so it's widely viewed as the lazy design for padding purposes but to do a bit of theory crafting here we can assume God of fry was the one responsible for the first Siege of leando hence why it was such a commendable act for Kristoff to capture him he's my Champion plus he's a stand-up Elite from the ranks of the land or militia his deeds are worth celebrating and this archery burial was very much deserved more about the tree burial latest video now we've all been subjected to the heat-seeking one-shotting arrows from The ancestral fires in the Seaford River but now you have the opportunity to have one of your own with the ancestral follower ashes the exceptional range of his abilities are great when he eliminates an enemy he heals a bit his many attacks hit through a number of attacks he's my personal favorite simply someone him at range so he's at a safe distance and watch him decimate enemies from afar I felt comforted when I am 1v1ning a boss and I see an occasional bright blue arrow snipe my opponent in the head it's also nice to have a friend during a fight that won't attract the bosses I go off of me of course on predictable attacks in melee the ancestral followers are first in distinctive spiritual Arts so it's so running that we now have a spirit of one of these spiritual followers to command for ourselves next we have Bloodhound night flow Bloodhounds are known for their Fierce loyalty and vowing service to one master for their lifetime flow would only ever serve a true king and so the rabbit stray never found a master but in a way we became that Master as we have the ability to summon him on command however he does still march to the beat of his own drum as he is a red-eyed summon so once he's up he will do as he wishes and not follow you directly he's astray after all he complements a hyper aggressive playstyle dealing bleed damage with the bloodhound's Fang sword cover with the fact that his stance is reminiscent of Artorias what's not to like foreign was actually an ash that wasn't commonly available on release it was added specifically in perch 1.03 Inkwell is one of the two significant and named banish Knights the other being Oleg one of the two knights stabbed the wings of the storm banish Knights were once went to the fringes where they were forced to start anew with only despair for company so they were literally banished from civilization to guard the outskirts and borders and Engvall in particular watched over a masterless castle for many years and gained Renown as the hero of the fringes it is my belief that this masterless Castle is Castle Soul a run-down Place filled with the spirits of banished Knights but it was inkwell's choice to stay here he was actually given a much more attractive offer to despite his banishment he rejected the invitation of the grace given Lord a character with this exact title is more good the grace given so Engvall was possibly invited back to leandle or Stormville to serve a lord very closely but he declined because engvong didn't seek Glory you find engel's ashes in the merkwater catacombs a standard resting place for the deceased we'll return to this later when we talk about Oleg but you should know that Engvall was very humble even in death so in terms of care and grow wields a large halberd twirling stabbing and even harnessing the storm to do a jump attack to ground any enemies he's also considered to be a little bit more tanky than his brother and olig o is my bro I love the banished hell but embellish Knights drip and use it myself when I summon him it's like calling her older brother to sculpt fight I'm basically a mini him is the skeletal militia man two Skelly boys with Pokey Spears I like them because as long as you can keep Echo off their corpses after they die they will infinitely respawn as the skeletal militiamen are classified as those who live in death they will continue to rise again and again until properly finished off they're able to revive themselves never truly dying but want to know about the revive is that it's not instant the way skeletons revive after getting down is super useful if they manage to get back up and protecting their Spirits while resurrecting actually takes thinking never so it's still rewarding a night maiden and a nox or stress by your side they're the only puppets in the game that became puppets of their own volition and their sisters very interesting look into Knox culture one uses the Knox flying sword for massive reach and the other dual wield staggers and could cast night maidens Mist to leave a moving cloud of damage they take turns dashing in and out of combat moving like water they were so aesthetically pleasing when you meet them it was such a delight to watch them fight by your side in an unexpected turn you actually find these ashes in a chest in nocoron and they are indeed classed as puppet ashes for this the only puppets we were aware of were those crafted by sullivas but these sisters became puppets of their own volition and have no connection to some of us however they are described as being an old puppet so perhaps this practice goes back a lot further than we once anticipated serious I love the notchron story but in the law these two wingly became Spirit summons and I don't feel sad about summoning them and disturbing their rest it's like they've taken their Duty beyond death and I can help them serve three of the fiercest soldiers to Grace the lands between they do nothing and explode these three jaw Warriors or Soldiers of Fortune are very very adorable but they really aren't used for their combat they waddle around attack slowly and if they ever get anywhere near fire they will come by causing damage to you and your enemies my soldiers gave their lives for me willingness and I couldn't ask more of them they will also explode if their HP reaches zero these little jars make up for their lack of combat experience in their bravery nothing more Valiant than soldiers sacrificing themselves to defend their comrades tell them how brightly a fire another rare flying type ashes is Storm Hawk Dean a super mobile aggressive bird and they can buff you he increases your damage by 20 with his cry Dean gives a great buff hard to hit and is surprisingly tanky for a bird it feels more like a partner than something you call on to win the fight for you a lot of you guys enjoy the idea of having a bird campaign you help you out from the skies just something about having a pet falcon helping you fight off a host of enemies aesthetic Perfection to me when he once lived he was a face Hawk that Faithfully rendered a lifelong service to the Old King of stormfails the fact that we can have him fighting by our side is a nice morale boost creeper that girdles the tree trunk the law runeth forward and back the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack I'm not gonna lie I'm a simple woman see good boys these three wolves are the very first summon you're meant to receive as you get them alongside the method of summoning in general the spirit calling Bell and from your responses I'm not the only person who got so attached to these tacos that they didn't want to use any other summon at least in my first playthrough basically the first summon you have and it is still fairly viable mid late game when upgraded they're great for tanking and growing a fairly decent damage output and health totally not just because I refuse to use anything else for my first breakthrough emotional attachment I guess something about hearing their barks and happy pantings just makes me feel less afraid when exploring the Lone Wolf ashes are by far not the strongest ashes but also my favorite animal and it's a dream of sorts to have three of them as pets not to mention they are super helpful combat wise in the early game they can break Poise pretty easily by surrounding and tag teaming an enemy at first I wondered why they were called lone wolves on account of there being three of them but then I reread the description and it tells us that they were actually chased from their pack so their previous group rejected them which makes me just want to love them all the more now they later encountered a name astonished who welcomed them as hunting opinions there's some debate whether that name was tarnished is us or the mysterious tarnished who was Torrance previous owner as Riley tells us that the spirit calling Bell and Lone Wolf ashes were given to her by an unknown individual here are the great Shield Soldiers the counterpart to the Archer ashes these boys are also part of the Fallen Hawks a band of soldiers that once explored the Eternal City they are a bender Bros with an awesome band name the Fallen Hawks who came here to explore the city but died somehow but calling them on the battlefield with them banging on their shields in unison no matter how huge the boss is gives me so much Spirit feels like I am the sixth guy in their squad super useful great Shield stagger yeah that's the bonus for being in the squatter Brothers they're a very popular pick for those who utilize casting or attacks with long windups the boys helped draw aggro and put a line of defense between you and your enemy great Shield ashes are my favorite saviors when it comes to taking aggro and taking physical damage this allows me to power up before doing a happy wedding attack the one at the back could also lob ghost flame from the rear guard ghost frame causes Frost buildup but it also has a sad origin the band of soldiers were exploring the underground rivers of knockrum but something happened and they got lost or they couldn't make their way back either way they run low on supplies band's last Embers were used up in their long search they began to burn the bones of their fellows acquiring the cold ghost flame sealing their fate as dwellers of the underground for all eternity love him or hate him you'll certainly never forget him the loathsome dung eater as a summoned the dog eater is an aggressive tanky boy wielding a great sword that inflicts bleed and its weapon skill can debuff enemies just like neverley the Donita can also be turned into a puppet using sonovus's potion and as a puppet he's able to do our bidding I like the idea that by using dung eater as a puppet we are in some way punishing him for the Unspeakable things that he's done cursing him to Forever fight and die as a puppet at all only to be recalled back not long after dying in combat to fight once again unable to truly die he gets to experience a fraction of the torment he has caused and wished to cause in his ending this terrible fate is not of course not unreasoned it is all for the sake of the memory of my poor employee a lot of the responses agreed that this was a fitting punishment for the crimes that we witnessed the Dungy to commit a man who murdered thousands and defiled their corpses with the seed bed curves I think the tangita is a character some players were a bit wary to engage with help out in his questline and I think having an interesting way to end his quest without simply killing him was a really cool Choice from the devs there is a point in the donita's quest where he is vulnerable tied up and this is when you have the option to make him drink service's magic potion the dog eater despair to how he met his end how hideous and Sinister this puppet is and yet it's utter despair invites one to care for it that last line always makes me smile that despite everything he's done we can't help but obsess over his helpless little puppet self next is clean rotnite Finley Finley is arranged and melee summon wielding a clean rot sword and Halo Scythe she utilizes rot bleed and can buff herself and us to increase defense despite her varied kit and incredible appearance the reason why you guys voted her so highly on this list is because of the law her story is something I don't think I could ever forget it's insane how from soft can get me so emotional in two sentences Finley was one of the few survivors of the battle of Ionia who in an unimaginable Act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod Melania all the way back to the halleck tree she managed the feet alone fending off all manners of foes along the way Melania used her Scarlet Ionia move during the battle between her and radon and after using it she was either incapacitated or just simply exhausted and in an incredible feat of strength and loyalty Finley made the journey from caled all the way to the hallig tree certainly not an easy task to attempt alone based on its incredible distance away and especially while under attack from enemies but also if that wasn't enough Finney was also being inadvertently damaged by Malay clean what night armor tells us that simply being near millennia would lead to the inevitable if gradual putrefaction of their flesh so carrying the goddess of rot on her back this is likely how Finley perished perish but not first before delivering to live a safe place Finley is my favorite because she went through hell and back to get her unconscious Commander back home and honestly that level of devotion is nothing short of awe-inspiring [Music] loyal headless woman lutel is the leader of the mausoleum soldiers those headless soldiers marching alongside the walking mausoleums I mentioned earlier the town also sacrificed her life so that in death she could continue to protect a soulless demigod until their Revival earning her the hero's honor of Earth tree burial the term archery burial is mentioned a lot and it is considered an honor a proper death means returning to the Earth tree have patience until the time comes and The Roots call to you presumably after you die if you are considered loyal and remarkable enough to the golden order then your body is laid to rest in a particular way and in a particular place from what you can see in certain catacombs corpses are buried near the roots of minor Earth trees so lutel is buried in the tombswood catacombs which is near the minor Earth tree in the Weeping peninsula so who's the demigod that lutel would sacrifice her own life for well lutel's Lance causes death blight build up and death plight is associated with the prince of death AKA Godwin litel performs best as both a tank and damage dealer she's excellent against pairs of bosses or groups of adversaries since she will occasionally teleport which prevents her from getting overwhelmed like other Spirits tend to do Patel has a great backstory and the teleport and shield combo means she is super survivable losing ago keeps you on your toes that's right the moment that she teleports it can actually cause a boss to disengage from the summon and start charging towards you instead and now we reach the second night and the other half of the wings of the storm banish night Olek and as I said before Oleg had the same background their path diverted Oleg attracted the notice of the grace given Lord and later having slain a hundred traitors as the Lord turned Oleg earned the hero's honor of Earth tree burial so he accepted Morgan's offer and fought for his cause until the day he died and because he was considered such a hero he was given a tree burial in the French folk Hero's grave and like I said earlier so let's compare the two catacombs ingvos catacombs is an average one like I said how the olex's Grand and decadent it's clear that Olek left a lost the impression on his Lord whereas envel was satisfied with his humble Memorial both however were incredible and honorable Warriors and erodec left a lasting impression on you guys as well due to how highly he wrecked as if as tons of poison Health has great range and movement speed and his attacks can stack at enemies that are difficult to stagger Oleg dual wields great swords which is just staggeringly impressive he utilizes the wind-like angle to launch himself forward to strike the spirit jellyfish is a beautiful and practical summon she not only has good powerful attacks but she can also poison enemies she diverts attention very effectively away from you which helps a lot of players out in the early game the spirit tuning lady said to show it to the world and it became my friend and I brought it to its sister and cried Rodrigo is the one who bestows this lovely Spirit Ash to you and the jelly has a mini Quest attached to it prone to tears the jellyfish girl searches for her distant home seems her name is Aurelia Aurelia or Aurelia or Rita it's okay classification of moon jellyfish which ties in nicely with where the distant home she is seeking if you take the jellyfish to the Stargazer ruins in the Mountaintop of the Giants and summon her there will be blessed with a sweet reunion [Music] no time to waste [Music] these two sisters unfortunately died before being able to see the stars according to a nearby grave births reuniting them in death you can grant them that wish she was with me through the whole game on my first playthrough and her little side quest of reuniting her with her sibling is subtle but when I discovered it I really think it deepened my personal connection with this Spirit Ash summon I really do love when mechanics like this build some kind of connection to the player big or small despite seeing the two jellyfish disappear into the distance you will still be able to use Aurelia as a summon the tenna is one of the few Spirit ashes in album ring who actually begins as an NPC that you can interact with and she also seems to be the only one who chooses to turn into a spirit given that she cannot move once summoned she requires a slightly more strategic deployment than other ashes but when placed properly a turret-like DPS can be a tremendous help the tenor is a first generation albinaric and because of that she is not able to use her legs this was one of the imperfections of the first generation so when you summon her she is completely immobile the only exception to this is if a direwolf enemy is close by in which case she will tame and ride one giving her tremendous agility and unlocking the ability to use the direwolf's ice breath as well I like that Latina has a quest of her own she feels much more like a companion and a friend the end of her questline than just a spirit so here is what you've all been waiting for mimic to this ash is arguably the most unique summon purely because it's a blank slate mimic tear will copy your exact appearance armor and weapons your character currently has equipped it also has access to any Talisman spells and cantations in Your Arsenal as long as you have the step requirements to use them your mimic can and will use them as well the most flexible and Powerful summon by far so much they had to Nerf it which says something even now it's still that good for someone and yes mimic tier was actually nerfed in perch 1.03 its damage was reduced and AI Behavior changed it Remains the only summon to this day to be specifically targeted and called out in patch notes what a menace so why do people love the summon so much because I love myself I'm a narcissist because it's me and I'm the most awesome being able to summon a perfect copy of yourself is a lot of fun but mimicked does allow for you to cover any shortcomings as long as you have the applicable stats you can equip any Loadout that you want summon the mimic and then change into the armor and weapon that you personally want to use and it's also more accessible than some of the other summons because it uses HP to summon so for those who don't want to level their mindset just to be able to Spirit someone whereas Vigor as a stepper is always going to be someone upgraded not to mention the way that you actually acquire this ash is by fighting a mimic tear the shock and confusion as you walk into the arena for the first time and see that silver blob morph into reflection of yourself now a lot of you mentioned the cut content surrounding the mimic tear and when I read what they cut from the game my mouth dropped open it's so interesting I would love to do a video on it and very narrowly claiming the most voted Spirit was a big knife she's a tall goth mummy tall woman nice tall strong woman protect me Tish of the black knife assassins the Assassins who on the night at the plot imbued her black knife with the Rune of death and slew Godwin the golden and she lives up to this reputation she is an incredibly deadly sermon whose moveset complements her law completely not only does she Dodge gracefully and effectively like an assassin but she also uses the power of destined death in her attacks her black knife has the blade of death skill which lets her fire projectiles that lower the maximum HP of any enemy caught in the blast this is an invaluable skill as it automatically will scale depending on what level of enemy you engage with a tall and beautiful woman with dancer Vibes what's not to love I really love both her utility and her design the black knife assassins are So Graceful yet lethal it's almost mesmerizing to watch with one of the most expensive FP costs of all of the summons Tish definitely is worth her cost and that is all 64 Spirit someone's covered some in more detail than others it might be because I've technically covered that in a lore video which I will be commenting below if you do want to know more I will link to the corresponding video but if you want me to go into more detail about anything please just leave a comment uh we have a really great Community who encourage discussion there is no question that is too stupid or you think has been answered before I really do encourage everyone to contribute thank you so much for watching this video I am going to go sleep for 100 years now thank you everyone so much for watching and thank you to my channel members and patrons races five Jewel bites Kyle Coldwell help on hero retire blog Exile Turtle blood Fallen 223 Jeremy monkaru kichu Joe africano lubist chase justnick Kevin H teganon towel tabris Jonathan spheris tarnished Uzi Milo Raglan Frankie Felix daunted232 Dark Souls weeb Chrysler phy Lord horatius Echo sanvich Joachim Westman Bucky level 22 STK true Messier lower 420hz Cotera Don's Astra country123 Delaney to 90 vinicius arago Lego Frozen over Matthew Jacob mccormus oblivion's Muse Brigid Pettigrew goth Reaper Tim Bilbo issakide occulta Lord mud Lone Wolf Joey Vision Omni rainbow Motocross Cooper foam Lord Glacier geralis gold mask ironwatcher reign of pain Andrew Haynes akura Justice for Adan Jade up sk-001 can I win please chungo Bob Fallen mind Mr Alexander Vincent Ian Thorne Jessica Mo Knox Camellia Julie David Madison Chris Ritson mug law lover Marco Rush Roxy Zeppelin Levante trust Charlotte 96 Mr H shamrock219 Dan dingley Jack Tesla Cola hiraki Joshua wait Drew late head Kevin Calkins Kalma Mark Sharon rat sponge forexian Sleeper Agent Alex Raz Emma Jack Simpson gaping Donuts Jacob THU Fancy Pants Pikachu E.T J Anthony Manzano twig Caleb sartelowski art 888 MC platypus Med B J Mohit mohanty Brandon Finley psyched seal Abyss Walker 26 Jordan Bob Lee Nick Nugent Mark koswich red Martin Terry bossy Luxy and S Majors thank you everyone so much [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Miss Chalice
Views: 223,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring summons, elden ring spirit summons, spirit ash, spirit ash summons, where find spirit summons, how to spirit summon elden ring, elden ring lore, miss chalice, chalice, asmr, unintentional asmr, elden ring asmr, asmr storytelling, elden ring tiche, black knife tiche, night maiden, elden ring puppet, spirit summon explained, lone wolves, oracle envoy, ranking all, tier list elden ring, ranking all summons elden ring, albinauric, mimic tear, engvall, oleg
Id: vtllbBMlF7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 36sec (4776 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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